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Messages - Jiseth


With a manic giggle and somewhat hopping, Jiseth took the plate and sat at the coffee table in front of the couch. It felt like ages since she had had a meal so sweet, yet so familiar to what her mother would make. She wondered for a moment what special occasion would warrant the meal before her for Seika. Reward for chores? Holiday? Outside of birthdays, Jiseth's mother baked her a chocolate cake after making the girl guiltily learn how to ride a bicycle a year after her aunt, who was her father's sister and tried to coax her into gaining her confidence by helping her balance without training wheels, passed away.

As she took a large bite into the warm pancakes, her eyes drifted to Archangel's meal, if one could call it that, "I think the replicator messed up your cereal. It looks all soggy." Next she shoved in a ruby strawberry, her lips looking similar to that of a shark's after gorging on a sea lion, "I can share if you want. Promise I won't get your daughter's clothes dirty; it's a really pretty dress."

Old Topics / Re: Collaborative NPC Project
June 16, 2014, 11:12:04 PM

I currently control the entirety of the Churchill's flight department and added in another NPC to fill in for my main in various things where she can't be in two places at once. The abridged bios are like this:

Ensign Klara Meru is a diligent Bajoran flight officer who actually graduated two years ahead of Jiseth. Relationship was tense at first after the Ensign Regina George was killed during the sabotage by Jack Martland. For a brief moment, the Romulan reported to the Bajoran until she returned from her final officer exams as a rank higher. The two reconciled their situation quickly and regularly fly against each other in sporting holodeck dogfights. In the field, she is the lead pilot while Jiseth oversees flight operations, particularly for search and rescue missions. Her callsign is Yoshi, as with her name it sounds similar to Kobiyashi Maru.

Crewman Tobias Fornell is a huge, freaking huge, battletank of a man. Fancies himself as his Lieutenant's bodyguard as they became close friends while she was still a cadet and quickly became her right hand even though he is outranked by Meru and the EPH. This is due to him having the most experience aboard the ship and has served in Starfleet for nearly a decade. Within the department he ensures, with righteous zeal, that all regulations are maintained. His callsign is Bronco.

The new entry is the Emergency Pilot Hologram, or as Jiseth calls him, Otto the Autopilot. Initially her form of address was annoying, especially as it predominantly drew humiliating remarks from some of the crew, in particular a CPO James Booth. Eventually however, he grew fond of the name in a similar manner to how Jiseth did with her callsign Oddball. His program is a mesh of her holographic flight tutor from the Academy as well as an EMH Mark I. While the rank of Lieutenant (JG) he is on the same tier as Ensign Klara in the rank structure, though Jiseth looks to him as a father figure.

Boy do I feel sheepish. I am so sorry, I thought this was in a general discussion section, not the Disco.

"Well we could-" Jiseth's attention shot straight to her stomach as it growled loudly, even to her surprise. She had small meals on the trip and clunked out soon after she arrived. "We might have to figure out food. Chocolate cake sounds nice... or waffles with lots of butter and syrup! Wait... How are we going to reach the tray when it materializes? Do you want to get on my shoulders?" Playfully, Jiseth crouched a bit.

Quote from: Donna D'ana on June 16, 2014, 11:21:50 AM

"No problem" Donna replied she then got to work, after a couple of minutes she had found the chart she was looking for. Turning to Jiseth she said " Lieutenant I have the relevant star chart here if you would like to take a look".

"Can you bring it up on the main display, please? I need it large enough to see things to scale without going cross-eyed." Jiseth stepped a bit closer to Donna, curious to see how the control layout looked compared to those in the flight consoles. "Excited about the wedding?"

There was a slight horrified look about Jiseth. Pink was often a color she avoided, even though on occasion it would look good on her, but more in a magenta than fuchsia. Green was her preferred color to wear. It matched well with her eyes and dark brown hair, but the latter was now a light blonde. With a sigh she conceded that they could wear pink, but perhaps only on Wednesdays.

"If we're going to take over, then we need to look the part! Does the replicator do dresses in our size? Two princesses will need some." She said with a slight giggle.

Quote from: Donna D'ana on June 16, 2014, 07:45:38 AM

Donna looked up from the console when she heard Jiseth she remembered when she first met Jiseth on the holodeck which seemed like a lifetime ago, she also knew Christian spoke very highly of her and any friend of Christians was a friend of hers. Turning to face the Chief Flight Officer she replied " Certainly which charts would you like to look at?".

[Astrometrics/Stellar Cartography]

"Gamma Quadrant." The Lieutenant took a few paces forward and quickly realized her inquiry was not nearly specific enough. "Start with the area within a parsec of the Bajoran wormhole terminus." She stopped a short distance behind and to the side of Donna, giving her plenty of space to work. Jiseth had not received any orders to cease her work on the Daedalus project and needed to find an adequate proving ground after component and flight tests.


Slowly, Jiseth stood up and wrapped he arms around Archangel. It was a strangely surreal experience to feel she had a friend who similar traits and hardships. While she noticed that her opposite had had her ridges removed, she did not blame or judge the decision. There were surgical extremes done on her end as well which she was thankful her benefactor had respected enough to carry over in the switch to their child forms.

Giving her friend a peck on the cheek, Jiseth turned to face the mirror and look at them both, "We're going to need clothes that actually fit. A trip to sickbay would only tell us what we already know. Then again... they might be able to explain why I have the strangest urge to build a fortress out of pillows and conquer the ship."


The Neighbourhood - Afraid (StéLouse Remix)

What do you think, Allen San?  ;D

Quote from: Donna D'ana on June 15, 2014, 03:21:19 PM

[Deck 7 - Astrometrics/Stellar Cartography]

She entered the lab and went over to her station , logging on she then proceeded with getting everything ready for their next mission.

Jiseth stepped quietly in and stood a few paces from the door. Her head was tilted slightly to the side and forward, her eyes on the science crewman at work. There had been little contact between the two, even during their foray on the holodeck which nearly ended tragically. From what the Romulan woman knew, D'ana was helping with Grix and Syrika's wedding, but that was a discussion for another time.

"I'd like you to show me some of the star charts if you have the time."


For a moment, Jiseth simply stared up at the ceiling before returning the hug and burying her face into Archangel's shoulder. Her words were a bit muffled, "Hard not to think we're better than everyone else because we survived. Maybe it's just the green blood and pointy ears. And to think... Zero was worried about being too young, now look at us. How am I supposed to be a mother when I'm just a little bit older than my own child?"


There was no denying it at this point, to do so would only make matters worse. Though part of her realized that T'Koris might think her insane, there was no denying their predicament. "I... I've wanted for a long time for my life to be different. My... benefactor is giving me that chance. It's not like we get to relive those years though."

The dread was being kept at bay, like her tears now, but only barely. She was trapped in a child's body, already fearing she would have to grow into an adult once again. The awkwardness, the acne and the voice among other things. "I should have just been happy I'm even alive." For some inexplicable reason, Jiseth felt compelled to look down the now huge shirt. After a quick inspection, she leaned her head back against the wall with a quiet thud. "Maaan, I miss my breasts already."


"Fvah... na ariennye..." Jiseth muttered as she put her tiny hand to the reflection of her face. The message in her head was clearer now. In the side of the reflection she saw a shadow move and jumped with a slight squeal, only to see Archangel standing there in similar condition.

Backing against the wall, there was a slight trembling as she curled up with her knees to her forehead. The small bit of embarrassment was drowned by the sheer shame of it all. How ungrateful she must have seemed, but she stopped that train of thought quickly. Surely others would have broken while she remained resolute, albeit damaged, longing for a life that looked so tranquil compared to her own. A life that everyone else seemed to have, with some exceptions.

Like the Romulan girl she was now with.

Jiseth let out a quiet sob, "T-T'Kowris... I'm so, sowry. I didn't mean to."


Commander Archangel T'Koris, what a gal   ;D

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