
Current RP year is 2402

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Messages - Xasik


Thank you for the warm welcome! I'm excited to be here, although a little nervous too. I'm gonna do my best though!

-Mr Freeman


Thank you very much for accepting me! Looking forward to getting to know everyone.


Character Details

Character Name: Xasik Freeman

Character Age:    51

Character DOB:   2348  17th day of the first month

Character Image:

Character Species:  Reman

Gender:    male

Character Family:Parents unknown
Siblings unknown
Son- Emerald (unhatched Tholian egg)

Character Bio:   Born on the hellish planet of Remus as a slave, Xasik was placed in the mines as soon as he could walk, his earliest memories are those of cruelty and bitterness. He was pulled from the depths around age 10 to undergo extensive training to shape him into a perfect, compliant guard for his Romulan masters. He spent years working for and guarding his upper class masters in silence, observing and learning all he could in secret for the day he might find his freedom. With the panic caused by Shinzon's uprising, Xasik and all other domestic Remans were detained and interrogated for information. During this time he saw several of his companions tortured and killed and feared the same fate for himself but realized that he could use his acquired knowledge to keep himself from the worst of the treatment. Seeing an opportunity for escape he seized it and took as many of the others with him as possible. Commandeering an abandoned warbird the party of Remans were able to escape the planet and evade any pursuers.

No longer a slave, Xasik adopted the name Freeman and separated from the group to better hide himself from Romulan wrath. He spent his years bouncing from ship to ship, earning his keep by doing odd jobs to get by until the Hobus Supernova heavily crippled the Romulan empire. A new boldness came over him as the threat haunting him suddenly seemed no longer relevant. His confidence grew and he felt more and more comfortable in pursuing his interest in geology stemming  from his childhood for a living.

His innate skill for finding rare and valuable rocks and minerals has proved useful over the years and has allowed him to get by selling to collectors and other interested buyers, but it also landed him in trouble as he stumbled upon the illegal market for Horta eggs and then made it his mission to liberate as many as possible and take down the Horta trafficking syndicate, managing to expose part of the operation and bring it to Federation attention. Now residing in Federation space Xasik actively worked to ensure every liberated Horta egg was sent to a known Horta colony within Federation space where he knew they would be safe. Eventually realizing that one of the egg's status field maintained vastly different life support conditions, he came to the assumption that this one in fact might not be a Horta. Further looking into it, his new theory was that he had found himself an unhatched Tholian egg, yet every attempt to contact the Tholian Assembly and have someone reclaim the supposed child though remained unanswered. With no response to his attempts at contacting the Tholian Assembly, by Federation law he legally adopted the unhatched child.

Finding that he felt comfortable with the way the Federation operated and their stance on humanitarian matters, Xasik traveled as a specialist from Federation ship to Federation ship
until he found himself headed to Katra Station.

Your Details

Previous Role-Playing Experience:  casual roleplay with friends in messenger and via twitter
Department Preference:   science (geology / palaeontology )
Secondary Department Preference:  security
Commissioned, Enlisted or Civilian:  Civilian

Sample post:  With a frustrated groan Xasik peeled himself from his bunk and sat with his head in his hands. His sleep cycle had been utterly unsuccessful  but it was hardly surprising considering his journey aboard this ship was coming to an end. Soon he would disembark at an unfamiliar station in the Gamma Quadrant and truth be told he was a little nervous. The feeling did not sit well with him. He was a seasoned warrior and did not like to convey his true emotions to those around him. It left him feeling vulnerable and that left a bitter taste in his mouth. He hated feeling this way and the lack of sleep certainly wasn't helping, but he was always like this before departure. Greeting the unknown was always a little nerve wracking and he would be a fool to let his guard down even among Federation officers.
Defeated and knowing that sleep would not find him he instead decided to get up and ready himself. It was better to be prepared than to be caught unaware. With more effort than he would have liked to admit, he pulled on his last pair of clean pants and looked around his quarters for the rest of his outfit. Instead of a Starfleet uniform he wore regular civilian clothing. The thought of wearing a uniform again sent shudders to his core. Never again would he allow himself to be a part of someone else's army.
Finally getting up from the uncomfortable bunk the Reman made his way over to the small desk his room afforded and began to pack his equipment. The gentle hum of the stasis field of the container holding his Tholian egg soothed his ragged nerves. He smiled softly and stopped packing to observe the enchanting green egg. By his calculations the egg was due to hatch very soon but the stasis field slowed the process down for now. With his life so chaotic he had been unable to settle and allow the little one to hatch but he hoped that with this final leg of his journey complete he would finally be able to meet his child. "œNot long now my little pebble," he reassured the egg as if it could hear him. "œJust one more small step and we'll be there and you can finally hatch." The egg of course did not answer but he knew it wouldn't, not even a tiny squeak. It simply wasn't safe to allow the egg to hatch while traveling. He had passed it off as a simple emerald for the entirety of his trip and to have it start squeaking now would only invite questions. It was a tricky situation but one he had to endure if he wanted to keep the unhatched child safe.

The chirp of an incoming call from flight control pulled him away from the egg. With an annoyed grunt he answered the call. "œXasik here."
Your shuttle is ready for departure. Please report to ensign Smith in the shuttle bay in ten minutes."
"œUnderstood." He ended the call abruptly and finished packing his belongings. The egg was the final thing to pack and he did so with the utmost care. With a final look around the room for anything he may have missed, Xasik pulled on a pair of shades to shield his eyes from the bright lights of the ship that his Reman eyes could not adjust to. He picked up his bags and made his way towards the shuttle bay.

Additional information:  I wish to be placed on Katra as a civilian scientist

How did you find Shadow Fleet?  Charlie aka Sirol recommended this to me


Requesting permission to apply as Xasik Freeman

🡱 🡳

RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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