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Messages - Ian Galloway


Hey! Welcome to Shadowfleet. Please copy the application below and fill it out in a reply to this post to get things started.

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Character Name: T'Salea Raven
Character Age:45
Character DOB:June 21st
Character Image:FC is actress Erica Durance
Character Species: Vulcan
Character Family:Orphaned at the age of 3 on home planet. American archaeologists rescued and adopted her.
Character Bio:
T'Salea lost her biological parents at a very young age, so she was raised "human." Isn't in touch with her Vulcan side, but would like to be, especially now that she is part of Starfleet.
Your Details

Previous Role-Playing Experience: I've been role playing for 25 years.
Department Preference: Science
Secondary Department Preference: Education
Commissioned, Enlisted or Civilian: Enlisted

Sample post: T'Salea entered her quarters and got settled in. Looking out the window, she got lost in amongst the vast amount of stars zooming past the ship. She wondered if her Vulcan thinking dna would just click in or would she have to learn how to do it?

Additional information:

How did you find Shadow Fleet? Facebook post

News Archive 2023 / Apology
November 22, 2023, 12:14:48 PM

I find myself in a problem of my own making. Yesterday, on Discord, a member and I got into an argument. Why, doesn't matter. As an admin, I should not have been drawn into an argument. I apologize to all who witnessed what happened and to the membership at large.

To prove that no one is above the rules, as a consequence of my actions, I will be losing my Admin privileges for a month. I have no one to blame but myself and hope we can all move forward as friends.

Thank you for your time. 


[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian watched the Cutty Sark depart and enter the swarm of traffic around Angdarr, as it did, he was immediately reminded of a fish swimming upstream as those who could were fleeing the planet. The plan was a simple one, find a derelict, get it operational enough to fly, and shove it into the maw of the Doomsday Machine. A decent enough plan in theory, he hoped the execution was a simple as the plan itself. He was however jolted out of his revelry by Lieutenant Commander Catalan at Ops.

"Sir, I have Anax Jindak hailing us."

"On screen. Hello Anax, I hope you are callin' with good news."

"The quality of the news is as yet undetermined, but I do indeed have news. I have made contact with an organization that operates out of Angdarr. Kinglines Corporation. They have a large space liner, the Cosmos Royale in orbit. They are of course reluctant to part with such a vessel when it is needed to evacuate their staff, but it is the only ship in the system I believe to be large enough to accomplish what you want to do."

"It is a start Anax. I will contact them immediately."

"The person you need to speak to is Burton King."

"Thank you Anax. Galloway out."

Before Catalan could establish a connection, Lieutenant Randall called out from the Science One station.

"Captain! Romulan ship decloaking!"

Ian's head snapped toward Randall.


"Off the port bow. Range 50,000 kilometers. Class...class... It's an older model Sir. A V-6, code name 'Gallant Wing'. Transponder listed as Deletham Mosarum, 'Winged Defender.'"

[Shuttle Cutty Sark - Orbit of Angdarr]

As Espada weaved his way through the outbound traffic which didn't seem to be following any established pattern, he soon broke past the chaos and could see the towering trees of Angdarr. Following the coordinates from their recent visit, he headed directly for the junkyard at the base of the extraordinary trees. He flared in for a landing with a bit more style than was standard and opened the hatch.

"Thank you for flying Espada Airlines."

Nira led the away team off the shuttle, tricorders in Neva's and Tora's hand as they scanned the vast array of junked ships. Doctor Grippen stayed in the middle of the pack and admired the trees as Zhuk, Cheizex, Nekab, and Nira had their phasers at the ready. This turned out to be a good thing because just as Neva and Tora called out lifesigns, a dozen figures of multiple species, but all armed and looking decidedly disreputable appeared.

"We'll be taking that shuttle Starfleet."


Hey welcome to the Fleet. Your Character application thread can be found here:

Hey welcome to the Fleet. Your Character application thread can be found here:

Looking forward to writing with you!


Hey! Welcome to Shadowfleet. Please copy the application below and fill it out in a reply to this post to get things started.

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[Bridge - USS Challenger]

The Challenger dropped out of warp and closed in on Angdarr. As she approached, Ops was tracking absolute chaos on the planet's news feeds. Sensors detected dozens of ships, some of highly dubious quality heading away from the planet. It was obvious that anyone who could escape was fleeing the approach of the Doomsday Machine. Before the ship could even make orbit, they were being hailed by Anax Glarathna Jindak.

"Thank the Canopy you are here Challenger! Can you help us? We are trying to coordinate an evacuation, but panic has swept through my people and even if I could cut through the chaos, we simply do not have the means to evacuate more than a tiny fraction of our population."

"Understood Anax, but because of what is occurrin' on Earth, I'm afraid, we're all that stands between you and that Machine. We have 28 hours before it arrives ta prepare a defense. There is a known method ta disable one of these things, but we're goin' ta need a starship we can cram into its maw ta stop it."

"Every ship available is being used for evacuations right now, there are none to spare!"

"It need not be a fully functional ship, we need ta overload it's impulse engine ta destroy the Machine's innards."

Jindax paused and thought before he replied.

"I know you are aware of that junkyard hidden in the Canopy, perhaps you can find a ship there?"

"Aye Anax, we're of the same mind on that. I'm goin' ta send down an away team ta the junkyard and see what we can get operational in the time we have left."

"Thank you Captain, we are desperate, any help we can provide, contact me directly and you will have it."

"Thank you Anax, I will keep you informed. Galloway out."

Ian closed the channel to the planet and turned to Nira.

"Put together an away team, keep it small at first. Once you've found a promisin' hulk, let me know and you'll get everyone capable of turnin' or holdin' a spanner as fast as I can beam them down."

Quote from: Jalen Kartos on November 17, 2023, 08:10:39 PM

[Sickbay - USS Challenger]

Jalen stood at attention as he was addressed by the CMO, she was a far younger, and objectively a very beautiful woman. But Jalen had seen and done it all, and such carnal things had little effect on him anymore"¦ that or if he was truly honest with himself, he had played himself out after the destruction of the El-Auria as a means of coping with the loss, and as he had given in to every carnal indulgence imaginable, it all just bored him now. Well aside from the intimacy he shared with his Husband, but that was far more then simple carnality. He raised a quizzical eyebrow at the mention of a "˜Doomsday Machine', he knew he had read something, somewhere, at sometime about that but couldn't place where. He then heard her request for him to decide where he could be the most useful.

"œCommander, I am a Pediatric Specialist, though I have experience with Trauma and Emergency Medicine,  even that is with a focus on Pediatrics. I have also spent most of the past 4 centuries focused on Pediatric Medicine in all it's myriad forms. Though as I am sure you are well aware from my personnel file, I am also a bit of an expert on Cybernetics and the Borg, but I am not sure that any of those specialties would be of any use in this kind of crisis. Unless we start getting a lot of Only or Pediatric casualties. As such I leave it up to you to place me where you think I would be most useful."

[Sickbay - USS Challenger]

Jess listened to the new doctor's accomplishments with wonder as he recounted centuries of experience. She could only dream of that sort of competency as even under the best of circumstances, human life span was at best 150 years now. Regardless, of relative experience and positions, she was the one that was going have to decide how to best utilize her new asset.

"I'm not sure exactly where to start with a resume like that Doctor, but, while Challenger does currently boast 112 children aboard, their medical needs are minimal. It is good you have trauma experience because that is likely to be where you will be needed as this ship is, a 'braw brawler' as her Captain will tell you and we tend to end up with casualties because of it. All we can do at the moment is be prepared for a mass casualty event and hope we don't get one."


[Briefing Room - Deck 1 - USS Challenger]

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on November 17, 2023, 06:00:56 PM

[Lt. Commander Kyan Mackenzie | Observation Lounge, USS Challenger]

"So... we need a ship tae fly inside it and blow up?"

Ian struggled with his perceptions of Kyan. He knew the Onlie was centuries old, but regardless of that, outwardly, he still looked like a ten-year-old and despite those centuries, he was still quite young developmentally. It was at times like this he deeply missed T'Kel, the Vulcan former head of security. Her steadfast and stoic disposition was as reliable as the sun rising in the east on Earth.

"Yes, that is the workin' theory as it's known ta have worked before. Our plan is ta get ta Angdarr ahead of that Beastie and see if'n there is a ship they will spare or perhaps we can salvage from that junkyard we discovered. Our options are limited, so we're ta make summat up as we go. Any useful information Evan?"

All eyes turned toward the Chief Science Officer.

"As a matter of fact Sir, yes. Scans determined this machine's power readings are very low. Roughly 20% of the output of the machine the Enterprise faced. As you know, the hull is impenetrable to scans, so why the power is so low is unknown, but it is worth noting."

"Well, that is useful, how, I dinna ken, but thank you Evan. Anyone have anything else?"

As there were no replies, Ian nodded and spoke again.

"Then this is the plan. At our current speed we will reach Angdarr in eight hours. The Machine will arrive 28 hours after that. We have until then ta prepare our defense. I want all of you ta get as good a night's sleep as you can. I'll need all of you at your best ta face this thing. Dismissed."

Quote from: Jalen Kartos on November 17, 2023, 04:17:47 PM

[Sickay | USS Challenger]
Few moments later he arrived in sickbay, and found it relatively calm. He went to the CMO and reported in.

"œCommander Fellows, Dr. Kartos reporting to station. Where do you need me? And do we have any assessment of what we are to expect?"

[Sickbay - USS Challenger]

The attractive redhead looked up at the unfamiliar voice and presented a brilliant smile as she spoke.

"Hello Doctor, welcome to Challenger sickbay. Currently, we have two patients in serious condition from our last battle, both suffering from extensive plasma burns.

"As for what to expect. The truth is unknown. It seems we've managed to encounter a massive weapon known as a Doomsday Machine. The name gives you an idea of what we could possibly face. We have all personnel at the ready and medical teams ready to respond as needed. Where do you believe you could provide the most good?"

Quote from: Nira Said on November 16, 2023, 03:16:59 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Conference Room | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

At the briefing, the department heads gathered. Nira took a seat at one of Captain Galloway's sides. She looked around at the rest of the senior officers.

"Okay, are we all here?" asked Nira.

Once Captain Galloway gave his opening words, Nira proceeded. "Okay, you all know what we've encountered. An impossibility from Kirk's day. We're looking for options of how to take it down. And we have to take it down from the inside, like how Kirk did it.

"We're looking into ideas," continued Nira, "and we have two so far. We can take it down the same way Kirk did, but we need more omph: A warp core. And we're on our way back to Andgarr...and at Andgarr is a junkyard of downed Romulan ships. Some had been downed...extremely recently. We're going to need to speak to Anax Jindak as well as to find a usable warp core that we can send down the Machine's throat.

"One of our new science officers had another idea to bring it down," she said, nodding at Lieutenant Randall, and then she explained what Jamil had in mind. She looked at Dashlish and asked, "Assuming we can replicate the fuel and whatnot, how long would it take?"

[Briefing Room - Deck 1 - USS Challenger]

The Tellerite engineer grimaced and thought for several moments before she replied in her usual gruff tone.

"Going by the fact one of these things eats planets. I doubt there is enough replicator mass in Starfleet to make enough bait to draw this thing off course. We certainly can't do it by ourselves. Good idea, just beyond our capacity to execute."


[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Quote from: Tora Zalos on November 17, 2023, 11:32:10 AM

[Ensign Tora Zalos | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

For a brief few seconds Tora found it odd that a redheaded boy who looked no older than ten (generously estimating) was giving her orders and in a way that certainly befitted his physical age - but then she reminded herself that there were several species with ridiculously long lifespans, and with that usually also came ridiculously slow aging. For example, she would've never guessed that that hot Vulcan girl she'd dated in year two was in fact sixty-five - not that that had ever gotten in the way of their relationship - had she not asked offhandedly that one day. She'd looked twenty-five at most. This child could've been anywhere from eighty to about eight hundred with the service experience to back it up and she would've never known. In short: put aside the face and body, and listen to the rank instead.

The Cardassian stood and waddled her way over to the human the Commander had identified as Jamil. He looked a bit scruffy and just a little bit surly with those smile lines and beard of his, like he'd snap into a sales pitch for off-brand Saurian brandy at any moment, in a sort of comical way - which she thought was cute, all things considered. "So... hello! I'm Tora. You must be Jamil. It's nice to meet you." She said, offering her hand for him to shake. "Replicate the energy a Doomsday Machine craves? I'd like to see what you've got in mind..."

Looking at the data from the scans taken so far, showed that the mass required to create a large enough 'bait' to distract the machine far exceeded the replicator mass the Challenger carried. However, in running the data, both Jamil and Tora noted something. The power levels logged by the original machine theUSS Enterprise encountered were much higher than this machine was currently producing. Much lower, only about 20% of what the original device produced.

Dear Shadow Fleet members

As part of our ongoing recruitment plan, we are delighted to announce the relaunch of the official Shadow Fleet Facebook page!

We will be posting regularly with an aim to increase our audience through a series of engaging posts and reels. Be sure to follow, like and comment on the upcoming content to help us grow!

And if you'd like your character showcased on Facebook for the world to see, just let us know!

But wait, there's more!

We are equally delighted to announce the refresh of our website:

These are just two of the actions on our grand recruitment strategy, that is driving Shadow Fleet forward into a prosperous and populated future!

Live long and prosper!


[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian allowed the discussion to continue. It was chaotic, but there were kernels of merit in some of the suggestions. He would have to have an actual staff meeting to formalize those kernels into something they could turn into a plan of action. He tapped his combadge.

=/\= "Department heads meetin' in the deck one briefin' room in five minutes." =/\=

"Captain, the Pride O'Rigel is hailing us again."

Commander Catalan reported.

"On screen."

The image resolved to Captain O'Flaherty looking decidedly more cocky as he spoke.

"Many thanks Starfleet. Your man Lahr got the job done much faster than I would have thought possible. Sure'n his talents are wasted on a ship like yours, but he refused me job offer he did. Be that as it may, we're goin' ta warp ourselves ta Angdarr. We need a few more repairs that we can get done there and seein' as how the people there are in a right fine panic they are. There's latinum ta be had for them as can pay for a ride away from the impendin' doom headin' their way. Merry met. Merry part. May we merry meet again Captain Galloway."

With that, the viewscreen returned to the starscape which included the relentless Doomsday Machine still on course for Angdarr, but also showed the Pride O'Rigel going to warp.

Ian watched the small ship go and wondered if they would ever 'merry meet' O'Flaherty again.

"Helm, take us to warp eight. We're goin' ta need ta talk to the Anax."

The Challenger flickered with pseudo-motion and went to warp. Leaving the Doomsday Machine to follow on its pre-programmed path of destruction.

Quote from: Aarwendil Cheizex on November 13, 2023, 07:06:51 PM

[USS-Challenger/ Bridge]

No one on the bridge seemed to know what to do to stop it. There were the stories about what Captain Kirk did to stop one many years, but would they be capable of mimicking his actions? "œIt must be a way of stopping it! Maybe we could make it collide with something else? Maybe use the tractor beam to throw an asteroid at it? Try to ask the Pride O'Rigel to help?" without any doubt he was saying stupid things.

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on November 15, 2023, 05:18:35 AM

"Hey!" Kyan spoke up. "It's a machine. It uses planets for fuel so it does. It's not a great space creature. So how did that wanker Kirk shut down the last one?"

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

As the chatter picked up, Ian began to wonder if he'd made a mistake opening the floor to commentary as he was started to feel like that harried father on a family trip again. He eyed the Machine on its relentless course to its next refueling stop and knew had to provide answers as he knew them.

"From what is known of the Doomsday Machine, it moves from solar system ta solar system, carvin' up planets ta convert ta fuel. If'n it detects an active power source within 50,000 kilometers, it will divert course ta eliminate that power source. It is unlikely the thing will respond ta an asteroid or anything we could move with our tractor beam. The original device was disabled when a crippled Constitution-Class was driven into it's maw and starship's impulse engine was overloaded inside the machine."

"We have one advantage over the Machine and that is speed, we can get ta Angdarr ahead of the thing, but the problem we face is findin' a starship ta cram down the thing's gullet that's got a powerful enough impulse engine ta kill the thing. As soon as the Pride O'Rigel is repaired, we can make a dash for Angdarr and try to come up with summat."

Quote from: Tora Zalos on November 15, 2023, 08:55:13 AM

[Bridge | USS Challenger]
Don't waste time. Run double time to your post if you need to. The lives of your colleagues might depend on it, her instructors had said. Tora could've sworn she'd run triple time instead; by the time she'd nearly crashed into the far wall of the turbolift and asked for the bridge she was nearly out of breath. "Ensign Tora Zalos, reporting for duty, I'm new here-" She blurted out as the turbolift doors opened and she took her first steps onto the bridge - and then she saw it on the viewscreen. The cone-shaped object far too large and far too familiar. "Oh, my goodness." The words came out under her breath as her hands shot to her mouth in a dizzying mix of terror and shock.

At this point the turbolift doors opened and a young Cardassian woman stepped onto the bridge. Ian knew she was one of several new people that had recently come aboard.

"Ensign Zalos, take your place a Science Three. Welcome ta Challenger."


[Transporter Room - Pride O'Rigel]

When the transporter cycle finished, Lahr found himself facing two human males wearing coveralls with rolled up sleeves.

"Joseph Gibbs, Chief Engineer and this guy is Fast Eddie, Machinist Mate. You're a sight for sore eyes. Now, hopefully you know which end of a spanner is which because we need to get this installed double quick, you up for that Starfleet?"


Wow, Challenger has just landed a passel of new folk. Please help me to give a warm welcome to

Ensign Jamil-Bral Avant - Science
Ensign Tora Zalos - Science
Lieutenant jg Taja Grippen - Medical
Ensign Jalen Kartos - Medical

This really awesome news to see the crew growing!

Welcome all! Excelsior!


[Bridge - USS Challenger]

O'Flaherty continued on, explaining that one of his engines was damaged and while they were outdistancing the Machine, if he didn't shut his engines down, the whole system would seize up. All of this confirmed what sensors had detected as the Challenger approached. However, one piece of the puzzle didn't fit and Ian's excellent three dimensional situational awareness from being a pilot gave him an idea. He signaled for Catalan to mute the channel to O'Flaherty.

"Evan, what is the course of the Machine?"

"130 mark 25."

"Anything on that course aside from our friend O'Flaherty?"

Randall bent over the sensors for a moment and gasped.

"Sir! The Doomsday Machine is on a direct course for the Angdarr system!"

Ian sighed as all the pieces dropped into place and he nodded to Catalan to reopen the channel.

"O'Flaherty. I can see where you might get the idea that boggit is chasin' you, but have you tried changin' course? That Machine has a specific engagement range, you stay out of that and it will find bigger fish ta fry."

O'Flaherty was clearly stunned and he shouted orders to change course at his helmsman. The Pride O'Rigel sheered off and accelerated. The Machine briefly pursued, but once the smaller ship passed beyond 50,000 kilometers, it resumed course for Angdarr.

The Pride O'Rigel maneuvered next to the Challenger and O'Flaherty spoke sheepishly.

"Sure'n I'm a pillock for not thinkin' o' that me own self. Thanks to ye Captain. If tis possible, I'd trouble you fer one more favor."

"And what might that be?"

"Our replicators are nae up ta makin' the parts we need ta fix our engines. Could you be so kind as ta replicate a series 12K Sienar impulse manifold and send over one of your brilliant engineers ta help us?"

"Would ye like fries with that?"

O'Flaherty burst out laughing as he replied.

"A Starfleet Captain with a sense of humor. Now I've seen it all. Will you be helpin' us Captain?"

"You ken full well I will. I'll have a team over shortly. Galloway out."

Ian turned to Randall and asked.

"How long before the Machine reaches Angdarr?"

"Thirty-six hours Sir."

Ian winced, evacuation was not an option and that put a severe limit on his courses of action. He tapped his combadge.

=/\= "Dashlish, I'm goin' ta need you ta replicate some parts and send a repair team ta the trader." =/\=

=/\= "Blockade Runner is more likely." =/\=

=/\= "Aye it is, but we're still obligated to help. Get that team over as quick as you can, we don't have much time." =/\=

=/\= "On it Captain. Tharn out." =/\=

Ian turned to the bridge crew and asked.

"Ideas people. I really need some ideas right now."

🡱 🡳

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