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Messages - James Booth

Quote from: Cayden McConnell on October 25, 2013, 08:14:03 AM

My favorite star trek character?

Cayden McConnell

*Looks around*

"Who's that then?"

News Archive 2013 / Re: Gene Roddenberry
October 25, 2013, 04:32:47 AM

In honor of Mr Roddenberry, I went to watch a couple of episodes of TNG last night. A couple of my favorites :)

News Archive 2013 / Re: Gene Roddenberry
October 24, 2013, 07:55:49 PM

As long as the fans of Star Trek are around, Gene Roddenberry and those no longer with us will live on :)

News Archive 2013 / Re: Gene Roddenberry
October 24, 2013, 02:08:48 PM

I actually think we should also remember the others who helped make Mr R's dream come to the screens, specifically the ones who are no longer with us.

DeForrest Kelley - Funny thing is I didn't like him (Dr McCoy) as a Kid, I thought he was an evil man who picked on the Alien guy. But obviously it was in reality the magic between Spock and McCoy, which I realized later. Dr McCoy is a one of the top of my favorites :)

And James Doohan, I always liked Scotty, I mean what was there not to like about the original red shirt and the only red shirt to die and come back, he was awesome.

News Archive 2013 / Re: Gene Roddenberry
October 24, 2013, 01:52:37 PM
Quote from: John Brown on October 24, 2013, 12:36:14 PM

I would like to say as we Celebrate the Life of Gene Roddenberry we must always remember the ideals he taught us and never for get this my Friends and Family what we do here in Shadow Fleet is what Gene wanted it was the torch he lit the way and for some information his Late Wife was a Fan of us here in Shadow Fleet and was aware of what we do here and was proud of us!

That is truly Awesome, we were known by Majel Barrett. May she Rest In Peace also
Miscellaneous Topics Archive / Re: Your Character Pics
October 24, 2013, 06:02:16 AM

I see how you could think that m8, but this is the guy who starred in the American Horror Story series.

Miscellaneous Topics Archive / Re: Your Character Pics
October 23, 2013, 07:11:55 PM
Quote from: Gabriel Arthur on October 22, 2013, 07:48:33 PM

So do you all normally create a character around a photo you like, or create the character and pick a photo that "speaks" to you?

This one was initially meant to be a Civilian on the space station, that was open briefly. I wanted someone with a rugged handsome look and sort of wanted a Han Solo style character. Dylan McDermott fitted the bill on this occasion
Quote from: Ser Conley on October 23, 2013, 08:31:56 AM

thanks for the heads up :D

You bet Mate, keep up the good work :)

Well Done all, onwards and upwards :)


Mr Gabriel needs a 3rd dot on his insignia. Congrats btw Gabriel

News Archive 2013 / Re: ShadowFleet:Cold Strike
October 19, 2013, 07:54:21 PM

Looking forward to serving on the Gibson for that!

News Archive 2013 / Re: U.S.S Gibson Relaunch
October 18, 2013, 10:46:21 AM

It's going to be a pleasure to serve with her!

Season Nine Mission / Re: S9 - Mission 3: Mind Games
October 10, 2013, 01:29:49 PM

[Bridge - Tactical]

Jimmy stood patiently at his station, keeping himself occupied. As he ran a check on the targeting array, an alert pulled his attention to one side. A metallic mass had been detected. Performing a detailed scan, he was quick to determine it was approaching the ship. There was nothing to suggest it was hostile and wasn't moving very fast, so the likelihood of it being a missile was remote.

"Sir, we've got an object approaching, not very big and moving slow!" Keeping his eye on the sensors, he added. "I can't tell if it's a weapon or not Sir, there's nothing suggest there's anything like an explosive payload attached!"


Booth made his way down the connecting corridor, to the Captains mess. He clenched and unclenched his fists, at the thought of spending time with Officers. During his first career with Starfleet, he'd always tried to duck out of such occasions. But since he'd been given a new start and the chance to get his life back on track, he decided that he'd attend just this once.

The door hissed open, allowing him to enter the Captains dining room. A room that was an honor to eat in for most, but not for Booth. Forcing a smile onto his gruff looking face, he nodded to everyone at the table, but verbally acknowledged the C.O with a nod "Captain!"

Taking a seat at the table, he sat beside a blonde haired Crewman. He didn't recall his name but he knew he'd replaced him in Engineering. For a moment Jimmy was locked onto the First Officer. The disagreeable feeling of hatred surged through him, it wasn't meant for the First Officer personally. But Booth felt the same every time he came across a Cardassian...

Season Nine Mission / Re: S9 - Mission 3: Mind Games
October 05, 2013, 07:13:06 PM


Jimmy stood in the turbolift on route to the bridge, yet again he'd been messed around by Starfleet. First he's brought back as an Engineer, next thing he knew he'd been shunted across to Sec/Tac. Taking a deep breath as the doors hissed open, Jimmy stepped through onto the bridge.

Moving across to the tactical station, Booth got a brief handover from the duty Crewman who'd been on the previous shift. Running a routine check, he determined that all systems were ready for usage at maximum efficiency. He hadn't got to know Commander Kirok at that point, but from what he could tell, the CO ran an efficient ship.

Dropping a nod to his long time friend Ransom, Booth moved his attention to the forward sensor array display. "Morning Basher!"

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