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Messages - James Booth


Jimmy pushed himself up from the deck, he was thinking at that point that he'd made a mistake returning to the Fleet. The dangers of space travel had seemingly eluded his thought process. Looking around he noticed of the consoles had gone black. It was one of two things, either a power failure or a command lock out, It was most likely the latter.

Looking around, he saw Lieutenant Ransom at the warp core diagnostic station. Moving across to his longtime friend, he asked. "What can I do Chief?"


[Deck 13 - Crew Quarters]

Jimmy straightened up his uniform in front of a mirror, in his shared quarters. His roommate had already headed off for his duty shift. Taking a look around, Booth took a deep breath. It was strange to be back in a Starfleet uniform, something he never thought he'd wear again. But it was obvious Starfleet needed numbers and someone had pulled a few strings to have Jimmy reinstated.

"Come on Booth you can do this!" He said to himself as he departed for the nearest turbolift.

[Deck 15 - Engineering]

The doors hushed to one side, allowing Booth to enter the life force of the Disco. It was apparent that the ship had recently undergone extensive repairs and some reconstruction. Walking around some dumbfounded looking Officer in a red shirt, Jimmy observed the blonde haired Commander and tracked where he was facing. He seemed to have his gaze fixed on Lieutenant Ransom, perhaps they knew each other!

Jimmy came alongside Ransom and gestured toward the Officer. "Hey Chief, I think you have an admirer!"


August 5th 2013

News Archive 2013 / Re: Command Position Promotion
September 04, 2013, 06:49:03 PM

Well Done Sheelaf!


Character Details

Character Name: James Á¢â,¬ËœJimmy' Booth
Character Age: 45
Character DOB: March 23rd 2345
Character Image:
Character Species: Human (Born at the Lunar Colony)
Character Family: Mother, Angela Merton (Alive, resides at Lunar Colony)
Father, Tom Booth (Deceased)
Step Father, Donald Merton (Alive, resides at the Lunar Colony)
Children, Son Á¢â,¬"œ Damon Booth (born 2363)
Marital Status Á¢â,¬"œ Divorced.

Character Bio:

Early Life

James or Jimmy as he is affectionately known, was born to Tom and Angela Booth in 2345.
Tom was a civilian construction Engineer, who Jimmy never knew. Tom was killed in an accident, when I project he was working on collapsed on him in 2346.
Angela is a civilian Scientist, who works on terra forming. During one of her many projects, she met Donald Merton, who became her second Husband in 2349.
Jimmy's relationship with his Mother was strained, this was due to his inability to get along with his Step Father, who had no interest in raising someone else's child. A fact Angela was seemingly blind to, hence the problems between Mother and Son.
Jimmy didn't excel in his school life, barely passing his exams. However he was very athletic and loved to run and swim, winning trophies at both.
Late teen Life
Upon leaving school in 2362 at the age of 17, he met Alicia Metcalfe. She too had had a bad upbringing and found Jimmy to be a kindred spirit. The two quickly became lovers and produced a Son in 2363, called Damon. It was with the birth of his Son, he decided he needed structure his life, in order to provide his own Son, what he never had!

Starfleet Life

In April 2363, Jimmy marched into the Starfleet Recruiting Office and signed up to the enlisted service. He completed training coming 4th in his class and was assigned to the Security division of Starfleet.
His first assignment was Security at Starfleet HQ, the job was mundane, but it meant he could stay on Earth and raise his Son with Alicia.
Jimmy married Alicia in 2364, just before Damon's first birthday.
In 2366 Jimmy held the rank of Petty Officer  2nd Class and was assigned to space duty, on DS3. His intent was to take his Wife and Son with him, however Alicia refused to leave Earth, fearing space was unsafe and opted to bring up their Son on Earth.
Despite regular contact and visiting home as much as he could, Alicia and Jimmy's marriage collapsed and eventually resulted in a divorce in 2369. Jimmy would continue to write to his Son, as often as he could. In the latter part of 2369, with the rank of Chief Petty Officer, Jimmy was selected for advanced tactical training which he passed with flying colours.
By 2375, Jimmy held the rank of Chief Petty Officer and was assigned to Starfleet Covert Operations. There he worked in a specialist team, under the command of Lt Cmdr John Anderson. In that same year whilst on an operation to destroy a Dominion observation post, the team was compromised and John Anderson disappeared.
Booth was captured and interrogated by Dominion Forces for several weeks, before the war came to an end and he was released. However, the damage was done.
In the following months , Jimmy's career began to take a downhill slide. Being late for duty, insubordinate and a general disruptive attitude. In 2376, CPO Booth was dishonourably discharged from the service, for assault on his Commanding Officer.

Post Starfleet

Jimmy spent the first few years in various occupations, including Bodyguard work. He tried to reconcile with Alicia and his Son, but Alicia had moved on with another man. Once again Jimmy was alone and generally drifted from place to place.

Your Details

Previous Role-Playing Experience: Shadow Fleet Á¢â,¬"œ Mike and Jennifer Anderson.
Department Preference: Civilian Security.
Secondary Department Preference: Civilian Owner.

Sample post:

Additional information: Got permission by Adm Thompson to make this character!

How did you find Shadow Fleet? Already a member of this awesome Fleet!

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