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Messages - Jael Sherem

Quote from: Kina Nural on April 27, 2023, 01:16:24 AM

[Bridge / USS Challenger]
Kina forced herself to smile. Sherem was one of those stuck in the old ways, the old Cardassia. But her home changed from the war, it was different, better. He wanted to return Cardassia back to a Dominion stronghold, and she would first break her oath and kill every single Jem'hadar with him than let Cardassia go back to the way it was.

She looked at him and kept her calm. "œThat's rather humorous, because from what I am seeing, my father is the only one not talking in insanities. However given the company you're currently keeping, one would have to assume you are." She gripped the PADD tight, anger was flowing through her. She was ready to snap, and when he spoke down to a hero, it happened.

Kina's eyes and voice became hard as she glared at Sherem. "œElim Garak is more of a Cardassian than you will ever be. And my father stood up against the Dominion when our people attacked Rodman III. My father proved his loyalty to our people. As well as every Cardassian who died freeing us. And you stand there with the same"¦..things that killed our people. You are no Cardassian."

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on April 27, 2023, 09:23:14 PM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

The Bajoran stood there, defiantly, not speaking and not reacting.  The same defiant stance that many of his people held in the latter days of the Occupation; when the tides had turned.  He took the hits in stride, not even reacting to his own people speaking.  He was just letting the Cardassian coil the rope he was using to hang himself.

"Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it, Sheram.  Dukat failed to learn that lesson and it cost him his life. You are presently on that same path." he stated, standing at rest as he spoke quietly and carefully.

"As you have stated you are unaffiliated with Cardassia, I no longer have to treat you as a representative of Cardassia.  Which means you are forfeited any and all rights afforded to rogue military elements.  Both the Federation and the new Cardassia have strict laws in regard to pirates.  So I will afford you the opportunity once to leave this system and turn yourself in to Cardassia.  Otherwise, we will be forced to act in defense.  And trust me when I say that Discovery is no mere rebel ship." he said, allowing just that one hint of acid in his voice.

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Bridge | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Jael perked up at the impassioned declaration in support of Garak...but still, Jael always regarded Garak's involvement in Damar's resistance as the most heroic support the man ever made. The only reason her mother never returned to Cardassia to assist Damar was that she had enjoyed settling on Earth, though she did admit, she found Damar's anti-Dominion speeches rousing, and would always still smirk at the irony. Old Man Sherem, on the other hand, only curled his lips and hardened his eyes.

"Traitors. All of them, and Damar was the worst of them all. I curse the day Dukat made him, who was but a lowly freighter man, his right hand," he growled. Turning back to Tekin, he retorted, "The only difference between me and Dukat was that Dukat was an impassioned fool who especially let the Bajoran religion get the best of him. That is why I am still here."

At Tekin's offer to surrender, Sherem only looked around at his Ops, his expression and body language like as if, in his view, Tekin had asked a predictably stupid offer - on the other hand, the old man, like many Occupation-era Cardassians, always viewed Bajorans as inferior, fit only for enslavement. Then he laughed mockingly, and everybody except the Jem'Hadar laughed with him.

"Leave and turn myself into Cardassia?" he chortled, both mirthlessly and mockingly. "I've seen how the Prometheus class works, but even three separate hulls are not enough against me? And you to defend yourself? You'll try to make me turn tail, let alone face me? You and what navy?"

Suddenly, Tactical let out a beeping. Jael looked down at the sensors and gasped in surprise. "Captain, a trio of Inquiry-class starships have just dropped out of warp off the port bow...and another ship has just dropped out of slipstream..."

According to the sensors, the arriving ship was a huge Odyssey-class starship, the USS Davis, which easily extended barely as long as both Challenger and Beta Hull of Discovery combined. What was more...

"Two more ships have dropped out of warp just a lightyear behind the Inquiry-starships," added Jael. "Signatures identify them as the Shamshir and the Lich Lord. They'll be catching up, soon."

Jael looked up at the viewscreen and began returning his trademark sneer back at him. Three ships was one thing, but two squadrons of medium-to-large starships could even the odds a little.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on April 26, 2023, 06:47:49 AM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

Tekin kept his own equally hard look.  A mobile Cardassian station firing on the Federation was a non-starter for him.  He couldn't help but think about his own children, seeing this man basically taunting his daughter right in front of her commanding officer.  Oh how much he wanted to give an outburst at the man... but he was a Starfleet captain.  He had to be diplomatic.  Only a twitch in his eye gave any indication that he reacted to the taunt.

"How about we show each other some professional courtesy, Gul Sherem. You have already broken a couple of treaties merely with your actions. And you are risking open war with the Federation..." he stated, looking behind the old Cardassian to see Jem'Hadar.

"But I'm guessing that is what your intention is, isn't it?  Bait the Federation into attacking Cardassia?  But why?"

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Bridge | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Jael watched as some occasional officers quipped and her old man would turn briefly, like an apparent Cardassian officer on the Challenger, somebody named Nural who sounded like her father was an intelligence worker - Prophets forbid he used to work for her father.
"Ah. Nural. The suck-up who always hid in his hole. Can never decide which side he can stay far as I know..."

For the first time since he started insulting, Jael could see some uncertainty...okay, so perhaps he didn't know this Nural very well...

Turning back to Tekin, Old Man Sherem's scowl further deepened. "To answer your comments, Bajoran," he replied scathingly - Nira wondered how much grief the Bajoran Resistance gave him during the Occupation - "I left my professional courtesy piece by piece back on Terok Nor, and your fellow ragtag renegades, no matter where or your relations were, took it a piece at a time, along with the dignity of many, from S.G. Dukat to Kotan Pa'Dar. The humiliation at Minos Korva was the last straw."

Jael knew what he was talking about: Cardassia, for the most part, never accepted that the Bajoran Resistance had forced them out of Bajor; in Cardassian eyes, it was their failure to annex Minos Korva that prompted their withdrawal from Bajor. Jael could certainly recall hearing from her father before Mother defected was that Dukat had yearned for the power to reclaim Bajor, and he thought he achieved that with joining Cardassia with the Dominion. Jael can certainly recall her father equally yearning to return to Bajor to give many Bajorans that had given him grief what-for.

"And open war with the Federation?" Old Man Sherem let out a mirthless bark of a laugh. "The war with the Federation never ended. At least to me, to my colleagues, and to my friends in the Dominion still here in the Alpha Quadrant."

Jael furrowed her brow. So he was admitting thus? She had heard from the pirate underlings from her father that he still sheltered Dominion officers and technology, but was this true? Was he confirming?

"What, did you think all the Dominion forces withdrew back to the Gamma Quadrant?" he said with a chuckle; Jael was sure he was trying to imprint in his mind as many surprised reactions as he could. "Many remained. Many are still here. I speak not for my government; my Cardassia is gone. Why bait the Federation into attacking Cardassia just because I personally attack them? You don't know piracy when you see it."

"Is piracy also an excuse for savage behavior like what you display?" Jael knew that voice; was that Nira calling out at him? "A gul would have to know proper decorum, as any good officer would."

"Girl, I'm no more an exile than that fool Elim Garak," growled the old man. "The difference between him and me is our respective levels of aggression."

Jael felt so absolutely helpless; in fact, she never felt this helpless around her father since she was very, very little. And she hoped Rayek and Doctor Broadshire, who she heard was in training to be Second Officer, won't do anything rash with their respective hulls.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on April 23, 2023, 11:20:43 PM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge (Alpha Hull)]

The journey was quick, he planned it that way.  Leaving Beta under Rayek was unfortunate, but necessary.  He was at least confident that his ship could handle a couple of raiders.  What he didn't expect was a mobile station to be firing on the convoy.

=/\= "Computer, release the automation on Gamma Hull, and transfer command to the Second Officer." =/\=

With the acknowledgment from the computer, Dem was now in complete control.  He just needed to follow his lead.

"Red Alert!  Shields up and prepare weapons.  Ops, open a channel to the station.  Be ready for evasive manuvers if we are fired upon" he ordered, stepping forward as he watched the impossible battle unfold.

"Nor station, this is Captain Tekin Nevir of the Federation starship Discovery.  This convoy is under the protection of Starfleet.  Call off your attack, or we will take action." he stated, waiting to see what the station would do.  Ian had already called him, but he was still hoping against hope that this could be handled diplomatically.

Yeah, like that ever really worked...

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on April 24, 2023, 03:18:33 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck 6 - Battle Bridge (Beta Hull)]

Rayek stared at the screen in disbelief for a moment, listening to Captain Tekin demand the station call off it's attack, before recognizing the reality that this was not a battle that would go in their favor.  Yet Starfleet protocol demanded that they protect those in need - like those trader ships.

Not being privy to the Captain Galloway's private conversation, Rayek was making his own plans.

"Red Alert!" Rayek called out. The klaxon sounded.  "Shields up!  Tactical, prepare torpedo and phaser pulse countermeasures."

He opened a comm to the Challenger's bridge, and Lek.

=/\= "Captain, assuming the station doesn't stand down, those traders don't stand a chance to escape without some cover.  Connected -  we are the largest obstacle.  I'm going to have Helm move us between the Nor-class station and those ships.  Lek, we'll need as much power to the shields as possible, transfer power being used for the integrity field to the shields the moment we are in position.  Commander Said, I suggest you have your tactical personnel launch countermeasures between us and the station once we are in place." =/\=

Calling over to the engineering station on the bridge. "Mr. Gohun, be sure to keep those shields powered."

"Tactical, do your best to clear out any incoming torpedoes."   Point of Impact shielding worked best when there was only a single impact site... multiple hits at the same time would deplete their shields quickly - even with the added core powering the shields.

He looked to the Ops Chief, "Contact both Alpha and Gamma hull to inform them of our plan."

"Helm, move us between on my mark."

He gave a moment for each of the departments to get themselves ready.

He glanced over towards science.  His time spent with Hrafn on Katra Station had taught him, even in battle science had it's place.  "Mr. Savel, if you have any brilliant ideas on how we can lessen the impact of their energy weapons, now is the time... I'm open to suggestions."

The fact that the station stopped firing at Tekin's request seemed suspicious to the Romulan.

"Helm, move us in... slowly.  We don't want to spook them into engaging again.  Lt Banan, I want to listen on whatever is being said out there.  Code-break the comms if you have to!"

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Bridge | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

In point of fact, it didn't take long at all for hailing frequencies to be opened. In fact, the call was received at an instant; the viewscreen flickered on to show a gruff old man for a Cardassian.

Nehor Sherem certainly showed his age; aside from the wrinkles, he would've been a typical middle-aged Cardassian. He wore no armor, though he certainly didn't look to need it. Stealth and subterfuge was her forte, as Jael remembered; armor was only an attention-grabber. His eyes were cold and piercing, and his expression so neutral he'd probably be twelve percent Vulcan if it wasn't for the scowl forming in his mouth.

On his ear was a device that bore quite a resemblance to a Terran hearing aid, but Nehor Sherem was never deaf; quite the contrary, his hearing was acute for a Cardassian. He had the device ever since he was a boy and took pleasure in pretending to be deaf so as to listen in on secrets, but that was before even the Obsidian Order caught on to him, but nowadays, one of the greatest fears about Nehor Sherem was that one never knew if he was listening. In actuality, when he was a great deal younger, he lost a part of his ear in a street fight. The "hearing aid" that he had implanted on his lobe acted as a sort of miniature computer, a connection he has to the Cardassian network. Later, in the Dominion War, he never left home without a visor of the style of what Dominion officers would wear on their ships, almost like a mechanical monocle extended from his shoulder and collar bone. If he had his armor, with that visor, all that would've been needed would've been a few Borg implants on his face and he'd look the part of the very cybernetic collective he had studied. It used to scare Jael so much when she was little, she practically ran into her mother's arms and was sure she never left her embrace when Rahab Sherem took her in her arms and made for Federation space in her-then Hideki-class ship.

Fortunately, thank the Prophets, Nehor Sherem had dispensed with the visor and scowled at Captain Tekin from his own Ops, where in the background, other Cardassian officers, also former and fellow members of the Cardassian Intelligence Bureau, plus plenty of Jem'Hadar guards around the bridge, scowled at the viewscreen on his end.

A moment later, the old man turned his scowl upward into a mocking grin. It made Jael flinch; she had come to associate that smile with impending misery, at the very least. Nehor Sherem smiling was just as unnerving as a Vulcan losing emotional control.

"Well, I know about empty-nesters, but certainly a big baby certainly doesn't want to let any of the family go," he said; he spoke with a slight drawl, indicative of his native Mekar, having been born a virtual country boy in the Mekar Wilderness.

"Does mommy dearest need to keep giving baby a hug?" Nehor squealed a little, and chuckled. In the background, his henchmen, at least the Cardassians, laughed along with him; the Jem'Hadar, naturally, didn't.

"You're one to talk, old man!" snapped Jael. "This was pretty much the last time I saw you! Prophets damn you for insulting the ships with that comparison!"

Nehor stopped laughing long enough to get a good look at Jael.

"Well, I'll be damned," he said. "My little has been a long time, look how much you've grown. You've become exactly like your mother...along with her religious affiliation," he added sourly, like the memory of his wife's conversion was still fresh in his mind. "However, father dearest is not speaking to you now..."

He looked over at Captain Tekin and scowled long and hard at him. Jael thought she knew that look; one of the only times she and he were together was when she walked in on him torturing a former Bajoran resistance member he still had prisoner, and when he saw her come in, he practically threw her from the room, but not before she had seen enough to get nightmares, to be outright disturbed by what she had seen.

"But first, I think I need to speak this out to your little baby still hugging you," Nehor said, still mocking but full of wanton spite. He nodded, and a hail was sent over to the Challenger. Once he had gotten online with the Challenger, he spoke.

"Captains. Allow me to introduce myself," Nehor drawled. "I am Gul Sherem, director of the Cardassian Intelligence Bureau. At least, until my office was liquidated by some upstarts under the thumb of that traitor Damar. And this...this is my masterpiece, Melek Nor. The only mobile station you will ever find. I'm sure your sensors will have noticed Borg signatures here. No, I am no Borg King, I just love the implementation of Borg technology."

Quote from: J.B Dersch on April 20, 2023, 11:56:10 AM

Dersch watched and looked out the view screen as they Completed the jump, Before they had jumped he had been really tensed in the Body but now that they were out he slowly untensed the body, All while watching Sherem work the Console

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on April 20, 2023, 06:34:52 PM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

"Very well Captain.  Stand by." the Captain stated, as all systems were ready to go.

"Alright, activate the quantum slipstream.  Let's ride." he stated, giving his order for the ships to go to slipstream.  Almost immedaitely he noticed how difficult this thing was.  The ride to Ferenginar was steady, peaceful... this one was not.  It was back to their testing phase.  He had to grip his chair.  But to his amazement, the journey was thankfully fast and both ships exited the stream.

"I want a complete systems check while the fleet recharges.  The Admiral is probably wai-" he didn't get to finish the sentence as Ops noted a distress signal.. followed by the Admiral hailing them.  Of course he wanted the two of them to investigate.  He was sure he was on the Admiral's shit hit list right now.  But the Admiral's order opened a giant glaring issue with Lek's plan, one that Nevir realized about the same time as Galloway did.

=/\= "That's probably why the prick ordered our two ships to respond.  Prophets..." =/\= he responded, shaking his head. He turned to his science officer.

"Bring up the current ship layout on screen." he ordered, as the image of Galloway was replaced with a schematic of Discovery, highlighting the points of contact between her and the Challenger.

"We lucked out... if the lower arms were one deck lower, Gamma would be out of commission.  Inform the Challenger that we will separate and go on ahead.  We'll keep Lek on the upper engineering deck and see if he can figure out how to quickly disconnect the Beta hull and reattach it.. or if we should return to the Admiral's plan.  I will take Gamma remotely with us, and then Mr. Broadshire, you will be assuming command of Gamma.  Rayek, you will take Beta once it arrives."

=/\= "Bridge to Engineering.  Lek, we've discovered a flaw in your plan, and we've been ordered to respond to a distress signal.  I'm separating Alpha and Gamma hulls to go on ahead with the Intrepid.  Beta and the Challenger will have to act as one until we can disconnect the ships. I want you to stay on Beta and work on a solution.  Bridge out.=/\=

"Well, Mr th'Lhoell, Mr Broadshire.  You get to see a close up of the Prometheus class's claim to fame." he stated, standing up.

"Computer, activate multi-vector assault mode.  Begin separation sequence.  Automate Gamma hull.  Voiceprint authorization Captain Tekin Nevir."

The computer chimed its acknowledgment and the lights on the ship dimmed to a blue hue.

Multi-vector Mode has been enabled.  Initiating decoupling sequence. Auto separation in ten seconds. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. One.

Separation sequence in progress.

The ship shook as it separated, with both the top and bottom sections moving away from the center.  The Ops station showed the sequence as complete and was able to confirm that Gamma Hull was remotely taking orders from the Main Bridge. The Captain turned back and took his seat.

"Helm, set a course for the source of the distress system.  Maximum warp." he stated, as both Alpha and Gamma hulls turned in unison and activated their own different warp engines.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on April 22, 2023, 11:39:11 PM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck 6 -  Gamma Hull - Battle Bridge]

Rayek, who had left the command seat to observe the process from a step or two behind the Ops officer during the few minute wait, glanced over towards the engineering station to see if Gohun concurred.

He moved back to the Command chair and sat fully back into the seat.

"Helm, set course for the coordinates of the distress call"

He then and tapped open a comm line.

=/\= "All Gamma Hull and Challenger crew: Prepare for maximum warp.  Hold on, this might get bumpy." =/\=

He looked back towards flight officer.  "Now, Mr. Bok-char."

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Bridge | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Jael looked over at Dersch and said, "Mister Dersch, you better get to Gamma Hull, they'll need you at Tactical."

Staying at Alpha Hull, recalling that one of the new security hands, Raquel Ruiz, is assigned to Beta Hull, she watched as Alpha Hull detached from the main ship and it and Gamma Hull took off. All the while, Jael was muttering a prayer under her breath: "PleaseProphetsletitbejustpirates, PleaseProphetsletitbejustpirates..."

Quote from: Nira Said on April 23, 2023, 12:24:04 AM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira was certainly caught off-guard by the news that detaching from the cables wasn't as easy as it sounded. Of course, she understood about Alpha and Gamma hulls proceeding while Beta was left behind.

But then, Lek's news of there being two warp cores on the Challenger made Nira perk up in surprise. That was something that she was unaware of...on the other hand, again, Challenger was so big she didn't get to know all of it.

"Good to hear, Tharn," added Nira, "and if there are any engineers out there to get the cables cut as fast as possible, you'd best get them back there."

Nira heard a grunt of assent from the Tellarite in acknowledgement. She sat at her chair for a moment, marveling at Lek's genius. It was also shocking at how contrary Tharn was to Lek. Tharn may know her stuff, but she made "Bones" McCoy look like B'Lanna Torres. Lek, on the other hand, he was a true miracle worker, a genius worthy of Vulcan.

They were soon at warp and, after an exceptionally rocky ride, managed to arrive at the coordinates a moment after Discovery's Alpha and Gamma Hulls and the Intrepid.

"We've arrived at the coordinates," said T'Kel. "Most of the trading fleet, escorts included, has been destroyed by..." there was such a long pause that Nira looked at T'Kel, whose eyes seemed to be flying as if trying to determine of the sensors were working correctly before she finally responded, "this is highly improbable."

"What is?" asked Nira.

"You better see for yourselves," said T'Kel, pulling up the viewscreen.

What everybody in the small task force saw made anybody who was seeing what they see on the viewscreens made everybody watching drop their fact, Nira was sure jaws were dropping on the bridges of the other ships. As T'Kel indicated, most of the Tarkalia Triangle fleet had been destroyed. Only three of the trading ships were left and trying to scatter, only to keep on getting grazed by torpedo volleys. The remainder of the escorts, all Inquiry-class starships (no doubt from the so-called cookie-cutter fleet), were all taking a beating. One was venting plasma in a way that the plasma was bursting and another had it's saucer on fire. The weaponry attacking them were all Cardassian weaponry, but it was the attackers that took them by surprise.

When Nira heard the distress call about being under attack, she had at first assumed that the Tarkalia Triangle trading fleet had come under attack, the first kind of raiders that came to mind were Tzenkethi raiders, although they would've had to have been exceptionally bold to attack such a heavily protected trading and cargo fleet like the Tarkalia Triangle trading fleet.

When she then heard "Cardassian Pirates," her mind adjusted, figuring at best, they'd be mostly beat-up Galors like the kind she discovered Jael Sherem infiltrating on her Officer Exchange. Of course, maybe more than just a few Galors...maybe a swarm of Hidekis to go with them, maybe some Keldons, or, at most, a Hutet or two, the most powerful Cardassian ships at that time.

She was not expecting, however, to see a huge spindly platform that everybody had come to associate with the most important outpost in the Federation within proximity to the Cardassian neck of the woods.

"What in Allah's name...what am I saying, how in Allah's name did a Nor-class station get out here?"

At the sight of what was attacking the trading fleet, Jael jumped to her feet like she sat on a cactus. Her fists balled and her eyes widened with shock.

"I knew it!" she hissed. "It's him!"

She couldn't believe what she was seeing - well, nobody on the bridges of Alpha and Gamma and anybody who gets there to reinforce the trading fleet would, and she could see the stunned reactions - but there it was. It was it after all. Melek Nor.

Of course, it made sense. She heard plenty about how the Tarkalia Triangle fleet was beefed up over the past decade or so for protection against Tzenkethi raiders and other pirates, but it was certainly obvious that her father was massacring the lot of them.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on April 18, 2023, 04:38:17 PM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

The Captain was still wincing a bit at the tongue-lashing both himself and Ian received from the Admiral.  He had to hold his tongue to keep from saying something that would reflect poorly on his ship, and luckily the Admiral accepted their plan.  Or wanted to see if it would fail.  Probably the latter.

Nevir entered the bridge after that call and the countdown was on its last legs.  Rayek had already made sure everything was good, and from Lek's report, they were ready.  He silently moved to the big chair and took his seat.

=/\= "All hands, this is the Captain.  We are about to attempt something highly dangerous.  I need full alerts from all teams as we attempt a multi-ship slipspace jump.  I will not lie, the odds are not in our favor, but I have faith in both my crew, as well as the crew of the Challenger, lead by a former first officer of this ship.  Whatever the path forward holds for us, know that I am honored to serve with each and every one of you.  Prepare for quantum slipspace." =/\=

Once the call was completed, it was time to be the stalwart captain the ship needed.  "Ops, give me a direct channel to the Challenger.  Engineering, bring the quantum slipstream online.  Helm, set a course for AR-558.  Science, activate the sensor merge for the two vessels, and tactical, bring the ablative armor online."

As the bridge crew reacted to his orders, he waited for the viewscreen to show the bridge of the Excelsior class ship, with many old faces staring back at him.

"Captain Galloway, Discovery is standing by for transwarp.  Just waiting on you."

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on April 19, 2023, 02:57:43 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Bridge] (At 1 hr deadline)

Getting confirmation from Lek that Engineering was ready to go, Rayek felt a bit of tension drain from his shoulders.  He had been concerned that the initial delay might have set them behind schedule; but the crews of both Challenger and Discovery proved themselves up to the challenge.  If they survived this, Rayek would put in a request for yet another commendation for the Ferengi engineer, and the engineering department as a whole.

Rayek sat at the very edge of his seat as he listened to the Captain issue orders to the various bridge personnel to get them ready to slipstream.  He heard Torra acknowledge the order to open a direct channel to the Challenger; which she did.

Then, heard junior Lieutenant Broadshire call out that 'All stations report ready'.  Rayek looked to Challenger now showing on the viewscreen.  The Bridge waited for their acknowledgement and their readiness status.

Quote from: Nira Said on April 20, 2023, 09:34:37 AM

[Admiral Hamish Gillespie | Bridge | Deck One | USS Legacy NCC-75001-B] countdown was completed, and Gillespie ordered a hail to the rest of the fleet.

"All ships, prepare for slipstream on my mark...Mark!"

The Legacy had its slipstream portal opened and proceeded inside with the Intrepid and the Eagle in its wake. The Scott proceeded in with the Carlson following.

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

A moment later, the order came from Gillespie to drop out of slipstream and the compliance came when the merged ships dropped into regular space. And there they were.

AR-558. The site of a major, make that siege. In light of the end of the war, the planet, barren as it was, looked relatively peaceful.

A moment later, Gillespie called in the fleet.

"Well done, everybody," he said. "We made it. We'll be holding here for a couple of hours while we give the slipstreams a chance to rest. Meantime, we'll be waiting for more ships to join us to Deep Space Nine. But for now, take a breather."

Once the call ended, Nira breathed as well. "Well, let's see how all departments are doing with our trip through slipstream..."

Just then, Ops called out something: A distress signal. Put on speakers, it sounded garbled, but the callers were in a panic.

" fleet...kalia Triang...under attack...can't pirates...I repeat..."

The distress call, certainly picked up by the rest of the fleet, was sent to Admiral Gillespie, who called the ships...though particularly the Discovery and the Challenger.

"Cardassian pirates," he said with a scowl. "It's been a while since the Tarkalia Triangle had been raided. And it was mostly by Tzenkethi. They've mostly been discouraged away since that trading fleet had security beefed up. On the other's disturbingly similar to what transpired...that little job I had Miss Sherem infiltrate...but the Klingons were way on the other side, in an entirely different neighboring quadrant, and it's taken them how the hell long to get all the way to unclaimed space in proximity to Tzenkethi territory...?"

He pursed his lips in a worrying expression...

"Tekin, Galloway," the admiral ordered, "yeh two head over to their position and help them. Help any other starships escorting that fleet to drive away the pirates. Take the Intrepid with yeh to back yeh up."

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Bridge | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Jael could understand the refusal about the call. Maybe, just maybe, when they got to Deep Space Nine for potential shore leave, Jael will call her mother.

She had to admit, she was feeling nervous. From what's understood, they were spreading ablative armor from cables to Challenger and then towing the thing. This is going to get interesting.

Throughout the whole journey through slipstream, Jael was nervous. But not for her ship. Through the whole of sixteen minutes, she muttered a rapid prayer to the Prophets for the safety of the Challenger crew. And being a prayer to the Prophets, it was something she was sure Captain Tekin is going to somewhat understand.

After exiting slipstream, Jael breathed a sigh of relief, taking a look at the sensors and seeing Challenger was all right. But then came the distress call.

Jael just stood there rigidly. And when Admiral Gillespie called, she nodded at him from Tactical when he mentioned the infiltration job when she infiltrated a pirate ship working under her father, only to be ambushed by a Klingon ship where Nira was serving as part of the Officer Exchange Program. But it was all the way over in Klingon space...

An inkling was forming in Jael's mind... "It couldn't potentially be him," she said under her breath. "They would've taken Prophets know how many months to get all the way here...maybe even a year or two...unless...well, we'll know when we get there."

She looked down at the long range sensors and pursed her lips.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on April 12, 2023, 03:35:06 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Bridge] (earlier during slipstream)

Rayek smiled - not at all surprised to hear the praise regarding the Ferengi engineer.  Lek was just that good. It was a shame that the Ferengi didn't have more experience with singularity drives, Rayek figured then that Lek might have enjoyed the officer exchange program a bit more.

Recalling that Sherem wanted to speak to them, the Romulan called the Sec/Tac officer over.  "You had information you wanted to share with the Captain and I?"

Rayek didn't suggest leaving the Bridge for this information.  She'd already spoken of her father openly while aboard the Valdore, amid Romulan officers... he figured she should have no qualms about speaking the same here aboard her own ship.

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Bridge | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

"I do," said Jael. She took a moment from teaching Mister Dersch and approached Rayek and the Captain.

"I'm sure you may have pulled files about my father from Starfleet," she said, "but I wanted to tell you about him in my own words. I feel to do so in light of Crell Moset's reemergence, because there's a good chance in the near future that we're bound to run into him, so I wanted to mention what to expect."

"You'll likely know that Gul Nehor Sherem, from files," she said, "that he was a former member of the Obsidian Order, and was an attache from the Order assigned to Terok Nor during the Occupation of Bajor, which would later bring about a friendship with the then-station prefect, Gul Dukat. The air of mystery about him made him feared among Bajorans, and he has as much a brutal reputation as Crell Moset. He was especially famous for branding his victims. After the Occupation, he was left behind during Enabran Tain's bungled attempt at exterminating the Founders and was thus spared from the destruction of the Obsidian Order, and when Gul Dukat took over Cardassia and joined them with the Dominion, he became the first head of the Cardassian Intelligence Bureau.

"But a thing about him, sirs," Jael told Rayek and Tekin, "is that Gul Sherem is Cardassia's foremost expert on the Borg. Even though the Borg never threatened Cardassian space, fear of the Borg was just about as potent as fear of the Dominion. Especially since the end of the Occupation, he had been occupied - no pun intended - with study about the Borg. Since the Dominion strengthened Cardassian might under Dukat's rule. From what my mother, who defected to the Federation when Cardassian joined the Dominion, learned since returning from exile, and from what I learned from her in turn, Nehor Sherem had been missing for half the Dominion War...yet his base of Melek Nor, which used to be on the other side of Cardassian territory, has vanished. And with good reason.

"Those of his officers that had been left behind after Melek Nor's disappearance have indicated that Gul Sherem had found an abandoned Borg unimatrix in unclaimed space between Cardassian and Tholian territory," continued Jael. "The reason for its abandonment was because of its proximity to a star that went nova - regular nova, not supernova - that had discharged some sort of massive electromangetic pulse that permanently fizzled every piece of technology. Father had some underlings uncover it, and later, with help from the Dominion, restored the technology for operation, including rigging ships and even Melek Nor - yes, a Nor-class station - with transwarp coils. From what's understood, at one point a live Borg cube showed up, but it was subsequently taken down by the Dominion...and with the realization that the Borg don't know about the Dominion.

"Mother had been finding indications of salvage work on Borg debris that's pretty much Father's trademark when it comes to salvaging," said Jael, knowing with the speed of slipstream, they'll be at their destination at any moment, so she's trying to speed things up. "They found the abandoned unimatrix, but with so much indications of strip mining in a short amount of time, the only thing of interest aside from hull debris and structural skeletons was the white dwarf that caused the electromagnetic nova in the first place. Oh, there was a trail, all right. Once in a while, Borg debris would be discovered, and they would be recent kills, too, at that time. But Nehor Sherem had been evading capture since the end of the Dominion War, thanks to his station and fleet being rigged with transwarp coils. Of course, he had a Cardassian/Dominion joint fleet at his command, but the numbers have been diminished over the years; his Dominion forces are still out there, while his own Cardassian underlings have been playing pirate like he has been. I should know, I was called over to infiltrate one of his pirate ships when I ran into your former Security Chief on an officer exchange."

Seeing as they were closing on their destination, Jael said hastily, "I may have to explain more later,, this is what I know more about my father," she added, handing Rayek and Tekin two identical data rods. "This is what I've compiled about him, my own notes and information about him. They'll be on these data rods, one for each of you. Chances are you won't find some similar information in the Starfleet database.

"But suffice to say," Jael said as she turned to return to her station, "if on the chance of discovering a Nor-class station that's nowhere near Cardassian space, you'll know it's him."

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on April 13, 2023, 10:16:44 PM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Captain's Ready Room]

"I guess we need to stay vigilant.  The path will be shown to us in time... to coin a Bajoran phrase.  Obviously, Discovery is going to be the saddle for this mission, with luck you'll be assigned to us.  Discovery out." he said, closing the channel.

Things just didn't feel right, but he still had a mission.  The Captain stood up and walked out of the Ready Room to see his XO already arranging with the department heads of... his and the Challenger.  Good, they were assigned together. Not wanting to impose, Nevir stood back, listening.

At Ferenginar, Jael was astonished. Playing piggyback to get some regular warp starships to their destination as fast as possible? And they were heading to Deep Space Nine?

Jael reflected as she was hearing the discussions of Challenger's departmental heads. What mattered more, though, was that Cardassia needed help from the Federation, and it had to do with pro-Dominion sympathizers...and it was sounding more and more possible that her father could be involved.

Slipping over to Rayek, Jael whispered in his ear, "Commander, with your permission, I need to get in touch with my mother. She may know more details of what is happening, being an envoy between the Detapa Council and the Federation."

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on April 11, 2023, 04:43:09 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Bridge] (minutes earlier)

Rayek was quite familiar with the Ferengi engineer's dedication to his work; and understood why he double checked the work done by the engineers at the starbase.  The starbase personnel's lives were not on the line if a part failed, theirs would be.
"That is excellent to hear!  I anticipate that will be the case once the Captain arrives on the Bridge.  How much longer do you anticipate your department will be at the double checks?  Do you need assistance from those that might be cross-trained? "

When junior Lieutenant Sherem approached and spoke quietly to him, Rayek slowly nodded, his response was equally quiet.    "If you refer to your father, the Captain and I are aware, and we likely have just much intel on him as yourself, but I will bring up your request to speak with the Captain."

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Ready Room]

Rayek also thought the request was rather odd.  Three ships with Quantum slipstream being sent to Ferenginar.   To a location where there were three ships without Slipstream already present.  In fact, odd was a mild description.

"Yes, Captain." Rayek answered, acknowledging Tekin's use of slang, then brought up one additional item. "I should mention, Junior Lieutenant Sherem has requested to speak to you and I about her father.  Nothing urgent apparently but she feels she has intel that we should know about the man."

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Bridge]

The Romulan who had followed the Captain out onto the Bridge took his seat to the Captain's right.  Rayek was reminded of the ancient military phrase of 'right-hand-man' to describe the position of the Commander.  It also seemed to have an ancient biblical reference as well, at least according to what he'd read.  The right hand supposedly being superior.  Having trained himself to be ambidextrous, Rayek found that assumption humorous.

When Tekin offered a bit of trivia in regards to Command obligations, Rayek quirked an eyebrow.  While it may not be requirement, the Romulan thought the crew responded better to being kept informed as opposed to being kept in the dark as to the mission details.  Having risen up through the enlisted ranks, Rayek knew the troubles and trials associated with not being privy to mission details.

"No, I was not aware.  It would seem I need to review procedural standards in my spare time." he answered honestly.  Having been assigned to the Romulan Free State for the past year, Rayek was certain there would be other procedural changes that had been made while he'd been away.  He would need locate these and learn them quickly.

Despite the Captain's mention of procedural change, the Bajoran did end up making the ship-wide call.  Rayek nodded approvingly.

Rayek then glanced about the bridge watching the various console displays as each system reported out station secured and ready.   This being the first time he worked alongside the Captain, Rayek was unfamiliar with his Tekin's style of commanding.   Some Commanders, like Admiral Rellek and Riov tr'Siedhri were very hands-off and pretty much every order had to be issued by him once a decision had been made.   Whereas Captain Solluk had been very involved with all aspects of Katra Station, but had made sure that he allowed Rayek, as First Officer, a voice in the decision making, and the pair eventually learned to work in tandem with amazing results.  The same had been true when his wife was Captain of the Amalthea.   They had made an amazing Command Team - at least until Rayek broke orders...  He couldn't afford to do that here, this time had to abide by the rules.

As Tekin issued orders to Ops and Helm directly, Rayek nodded slightly to himself. So, the Bajoran Captain was the 'hands-on' type of leader, knowing this Rayek would adjust his own methods so that he could support the Captain.

He listened to Torra call to Starbase 153 with the notification and receive confirmation back.  The same with Helm with the moorings.

This being Rayek's first slipstream, he was uncertain what to expect - and having had previous head trauma that had aggravated his telepathic abilities, he wasn't about to take unnecessary chances.  He activated his seat's restraints in preparation.

Then came the moment.  Power was routed through the ship's main deflector to create a quantum field around the ship allowing it to break through the quantum barrier to travel at extreme velocity.   It wasn't instantaneous by any stretch of the imagination; but a distance of 100 years (which was approximately what the distance was between Starbase 153 and Ferenginar) would take only about 20 minutes in comparison to 12 days at Discovery's alternate option of warp 9.9 cruising speed,  or 5 hours if Discovery traveled at emergency speed of warp 9.999.

Rayek had anticipated some jolt or bump to announce the 'breaking' through the quantum barrier, but the transition was so smooth that it was hardly noticeable.  He felt a little embarrassed by his seat restraint preparation - which he quickly slipped out of at the first available opportunity.

"Is slipstream always this smooth?" Rayek wondered aloud.  Because this was his first time, Rayek gave into his curiosity a bit and got up from his seat to walk over towards the engineering station, where he watched the engineers work.

Twenty minutes later, Lieutenant Addams called out their coming out of quantum slipstream.  "We have arrived at Ferenginar."  Having experienced it for the first time, Rayek was impressed. The quantum slipstream drive was revolutionary

Those at their stations would see a small fleet of Federation ships in orbit of the Ferengi homeworld.  There was the Carlson, the Intrepid, the Lirpa, the Spector and, Rayek's first Starfleet assigned ship, the Challenger - all having standard warp drives, and only used warp 9 in dire emergencies.  How long it had taken these ships to arrive at Ferenginar? the Romulan wondered.  Potentially weeks. Especially the Lirpa which Rayek, last knew to be assigned to Katra Station, located 20 light-years from the worm hole on the Gamma Quadrant side. What had possibly brought the Interceptor Class vessel 120 ly from its home base?

Also amid the fleet were other slipstream capable vessels such as the USS Scott, and the USS Legacy, commanded by none other than Admiral Gillespie.  Rayek had read many impressive things about the man.

"Lieutenant Addams, hail the Legacy and inform Admiral Gillespie, that Discovery has arrived and that we stand ready for additional orders."

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on April 11, 2023, 07:22:09 PM

The blue hue of space faded like exiting a tunnel, showing not only regular space and stars, but the nearly always cloudy planet orbiting its sun, dancing with lightning around the planet. For a planetary scientist like himself, Ferenginar was a very fun planet to look at.

There were also Federation ships in the system, looking lost among the Ferengi vessels around the planet. They still did not have clear instructions, but at least there was an Admiral here.  Nevir frowned.

"What exactly are we doing here?"

Quote from: J.B Dersch on April 11, 2023, 08:58:22 AM

The Newly Assigned Ensign watched the Bridge with admiration and looked at the other ships around the planet then went back to looking at tactical. He walked up to Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem and said
"Reported As asked"

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Bridge | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

"Of course, Commander," said Jael. "Even if you do have the intel, I feel you'll need intel on Nehor Sherem from my own mouth."

With Rayek in the Captain's Ready Room, Jael was prepared for the arrival of Mister Dersch. He arrived momentarily, and Jael was certainly surprised at how gruff he was for a young man. He could very well long just as old as her adopted Bajoran brother Gid.

"Welcome to the bridge, Ensign," she said. "Glad to meet you. I'd like to introduce you especially to the Tactical controls."

And recalling the lessons she had about starship weaponry and arsenal, she showed Dersch the right buttons for weapons and for sensors, another crucial aspect of Tactical.

After a while, both Command officers re-emerged and Tekin ordered slipstream activated. Jael was especially anticipatory; she heard plenty about Discovery's slipstream drive, but never saw it in action. In a nutshell, it was a little bumpy. At least the slipstream rift, for want of a better word, in view of the viewscreen was blue; Jael especially recalled how her father had salvaged Borg transwarp coils and wondered if his ships were bumpier than slipstream...the thought of Nehor Sherem on a practical roller coaster of a ride through transwarp amused Jael, especially if it was enough of a roller coaster to make him disgorge sixty years worth of yamok sauce.

When they emerged from slipstream and Rayek commented on the "smoothness," Jael chuckled lightly and said, "Well, all things considered, it's quite the ride. It's no Lekarian City roller coaster, of course."

Seeing how many Starfleet ships there are at Ferenginar, including her first ever ship she served on, that certainly gave Jael some befuddlement...then another ship looking like the old Constitution on steroids arrived. And then a transmission exclusively for Discovery's Command Officers.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on April 08, 2023, 02:15:48 PM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Bridge]

It was only as Rayek checked the roster to see who would be arriving that he noted that Jael, listed on shift for Alpha was already present.  The Cardassian seemed very much a go-getter, which the Romulan appreciated.  "Good day, Miss Sherem. It is good to see another who arrives early for their shift.  What is the status of the tactical systems?"

It was a rather unnecessary question since the ship hadn't seen any action in several months while in drydock.  But as he would need to report on all systems to the Captain when the Bajoran arrived, he might as well have the most up-to-date information.

"I was looking over the security roster and noticed that the new ensign... Mr. Dersch... is assigned to the Weapons Locker.  I want you to oversee his training on the Bridge.  Today might be a good day for that.  You can assign Tragnar to take over in the Armory."

When Chief Petty Officer Graham arrived a minute later, Rayek acknowledged his arrival with a nod.  "Good morning, Mr. Graham.  Please report your station's status as soon as possible."

The First Officer then looked over to the engineering section where the Vulcan Petty Officer Surak from Gamma Shift was still working.  Rayek knew Lek tended to remain with his precious engines, and because of the nanite incident on the Valdore it had been thought best to keep a closer watch on the El-Aurian, so it was Ensign Gohun who has assigned to the Bridge during Alpha shift.  It had only been a minute since Dem's call so Rayek could be patient.

Ms. Addams arrived then offering him a slight dip of her head in greeting before taking up the Operations station.   It took her only a few moments to look over her displays to offer up her report.  "All systems nominal, Commander."

Lastly, he looked over the Science station where the Vulcan science officer, Savel, should be arriving shortly to do his mandatory Bridge time.   Rayek was getting better at not displaying is bias against most Vulcans, but his time spent conjoined with one hadn't helped his opinion of them in the least.

Rayek glanced at his chronometer, several minutes had passed since his call to the Captain, with no acknowledgement or arrival.  However, just as the Executive Officer was contemplating calling on the computer to locate the Captain, he received a summons from the man.

That Tekin had been in his Ready Room this entire time shouldn't have been surprising to the Romulan - many Captains worked long hours before and after their standard Alpha shift, but for some reason Rayek hadn't expected that of the Bajoran.

Rayek stood up from his seat and looked a moment between Torra and Dem.  By rank, Torra was senior, but she wasn't the one he was training to be Second officer.   "Mr. Broadshire, you have conn.   Keep track of personnel and message me when all crew have reported in to their stations or are back on board."

He then moved to the back of the Bridge and entered the Captain's Ready Room.

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Bridge | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Seeing Rayek calling her attention to Tactical, Jael got to work checking the systems. It took her a bit, but she was able to get to know the Discovery's own tactical systems since her departmental transfer.

"Phaser systems and torpedo launchers are looking operational, Commander," she said. "Photon and quantum torpedoes are stocked and ready if we ever get into action. Tactical overall functioning within normal parameters."

Hearing about the new security officer, Dersch, Jael nodded. "Understood. I'll call him up shortly, show him the bridge functions. If I may," she added, stepping over to Rayek so she could speak very quietly, seeing it was a good chance to let him know, "I'd like to talk to you or Captain Tekin or both when you're able to. With Moset's reemergence, I feel that I need to provide what I know of another Cardassian just as dangerous that I have the misfortune of being related to."

She was, of course, referring to her father, but knowing how Rayek and Tekin were busy, that was why she said "when you're able to."

Then she returned to Tactical just as Alex Graham came to the bridge. Recalling Mister Dersch, she tapped her comm badge.

=/\="Lieutenant Sherem to Mister Dersch. Please report to Tactical on the bridge." =/\=


[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Bridge | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

After spending a day in a coma after a fainting spell, Jael felt to suck it up. She was present at plenty of the interrogations with old man Crell Moset. She never took part in the interrogation - it was the Romulans' matter - but she learned plenty from her observations. Chiefly that Moset still had pro-Dominion sympathies. Which made sense, given his involvement in experimenting on Betazoids when the Dominion occupied Betazed and his attempts to make telekinetic Jem'Hadar.

For the first time in a long time, she began wondering about her father, an equally prominent pro-Dominion Cardassian, though probably one who's on the run. In any case, it was her last task as an exchange officer.

Ever since her return to Discovery, she had been compiling PADDs about what she and her mother knew about Nehor Sherem. Since waking from her coma, after her trauma and shock of being conjoined, she had begun compiling her resignation papers, the second time in her career. But then, after pondering replaced trauma as she calmed down, she began taking part as an observer in Moset's interrogations, and she took part as much as she could before going back to Discovery.

Her off-duty hours during the past month were spent in compiling what she knew about Nehor Sherem, and her reasoning was that, after Crell Moset's re-emergence, it was only a matter of time before her father re-emerged.

Now she was there at the bridge for her shift, with a plan in mind in her head that sometime today, during her shift, she needed to talk to Captain Tekin and Commander tr'Lhoell, the latter of whom had become Discovery's new official first officer, about her father and what she knew, to prepare them in the event, on the chance Discovery came across the evil Gul Sherem.

Oh, her resignation papers and contemplation of most likely working at Earth's Cardassian embassy in the back of her mind, but her little project kept her from dwelling miserably on the trauma of being conjoined and from resigning outright, from practically jumping ship while the Discovery was at Starbase 153.

Also, Commander tr'Lhoell's presence on the bridge seemed to sooth her more, maybe it was because Jael worked with him more, was more used to him than Captain Tekin. But she was certainly  surprised by the commander's announcement to head to Ferenginar, rousing her at her station and her wondering when to talk to either Rayek or Captain Tekin or both.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on March 31, 2023, 04:55:19 AM

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
NPC PO2 Helga Tragnar (blended with Jael)
NPC Arrain (Centurion) Danjar-Torra Addams (blended with Alex)
[Cardassian Enclave - Galantis system -  Bird of Prey - Bridge]

Once or twice during her glances over, Jaelga might get the sense that the Cardassian was 'playing possum' and from the corner of her eye might catch glimpses of possible movement but there was no opportunity to do anything about it.  She was tied to tactical until the forcefield went down.

The Bird of Prey  (which was named in the computer system as the Zerayd - after the black-feather avainoid native to Cardassia), sped away from Galantis under cloak.

A glance to the long-distance sensors showed that at least two Cardassian patrols vessels were being rerouted towards Galantis and/or them.   It would take the closest ship at least an hour to potentially intercept, and though the ship was under cloak, traveling at high warp often left traces.   The fact that the Valdore had tracked this very ship to Galantis in the first place was proof of that.

"Mr. Graham, I know its counter intuitive but I want you to plot a course to the meet up point, but using an indirect route using as many obstacles as possible to make it impossible to determine our true destination." Rayorik directed.

The Romulan-Vulcan then turned to Jaelga complimenting the Cardassian-Klingon pair on their fine targetting "Excellent job."  and then noticed for the first time the Cardassian scientist on the floor.    It made sense now why Jaelga had arrived so quickly on the Bridge.

"We should..." Rayek paused. Interrogate was not a word that was approved in the Federation. "...question him further.   He might be able to provide more information on the conjoinment process.  But for now get him out of my sight."  Rayek knew under normal circumstances he would be furious and vengeful... but the Vulcan that was now part of him was managing to smother all that emotion, denying him that validity of being.   "Take him to the Brig."

The conjoined Vulcanoid then moved to the station beside Torralex, Ops - the most versatile of all stations, and began checking the engines status and other systems.   They would be running hard for the next few hours and he wanted to be sure the ship was capable of it.

Rayorik was still seated at the Ops station, hours later as they approached the coordinates he'd received over encrypted coms.  Deciphering the message manually had taken time, since stolen BoP didn't have the proper Key for the code.  Fortunately, Rayek had the encryption key memorized - exactly for moments like this.  Even the Vulcan concurred with his resultant message and coordinates.

"Arriving at the coordinates now, sir." Torralex called out, coughing slightly and sounding pained.   Something about the unhurried way the words were spoken hinted to Rayek that it was Torra who was presently in control.  The pair seemed to switch almost every few minutes.   He wondered if that was why they seemed to be experiencing the pain and discomfort far more than he and Sorik.  During all this time, Sorik had remained quietly in the back of his mind allowing Rayek complete control of their body.

The Romulan-Vulcan tapped his comm badge.  =/\= "We are arriving at the outer edge of the rogue comet.  Finish up with Moset and get back to the Bridge." =/\=

Briggs/Belmont were still unconscious, just as they had been found hours earlier.  Torralex had briefly left the Bridge earlier on to see if there was anything they could do medically to help; but this condition was beyond the Grazerite's medical ability to 'fix'.  Put simply their immune system was at war with their entire body - and all that Torra could do was try to suppress the immune response long enough for the Field Team to meet up with the Valdore, who hopefully had a solution to their problem.

"Scan for any vessel in the area." Rayorik called out but he already knew the answer from 5 minutes prior.

"Two Cardassian patrol vessels are sweeping the system and could respond to our decloaking or an open comm within 30 minutes at top speed."  Nothing had changed in the last 5 minutes.  There was no sign that the Valdore was even out there.

"How are we for time?" Rayek asked, stalling because his paranoid nature couldn't trust that the Valdore would be there when they said they would be in the transmission.

So many things could have gone wrong and delayed the ship.  If the Valdore wasn't present when they dropped their cloak, then they would be announcing to the Cardassian vessels exactly where they were.
"We are precisely on time, sir."  Torralex answered gently.  (Torra again obviously).

The Grazerite looked over their shoulder towards the Romulan (Torra had worked with Rayek long enough to recognize his command style).  She also recognized his hesitation to put them at risk.  "Subcommander.  The Valdore is out there, just waiting for us to reveal ourselves.  Trust in them." she urged.

Rayek if he had full access to his emotions would have hated this part.   "Drop the cloak.  Keep your eyes on the Cardassian vessels."

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on April 01, 2023, 07:14:40 AM

The work on the 4 transporter rooms to adapt them to the Cardassian schematic was ongoing, they would likely need every second until meet-up time to get the work done.   Unfortunately there was no way to test it prior, except by computer simulation.   Thankfully, the theory seemed to work... but would it work in person?

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Cardassian Enclave - Galantis system -  Bird of Prey - Bridge]  [Hours later... at meet-up]

The moment the cloak dropped Rayek should have felt his tension level rise, but again the Vulcan's influence kept that at bay.  Never had he felt so empty before.  As a result, he purposefully avoided thoughts of his wife and son.  To be this controlled and void of emotion when thinking of them would be heinous.

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Sunauth t'Nennien (Ops)
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Bridge]

Rayek noticed the lack the relief that he should have felt at hearing Tekin's voice.

"Thank you, Riov but may I remind you transporters can't lock onto...."

His words were cut off as he heard the first signs of a transporter effect.  The next moment he was engulfed.

Awareness of physical time is not a thing in transport.  So Rayek had no clue how long he was held in that transport beam. He had no clue how hard Saqa7 and the rest of the science, medical, ops and engineering teams worked to detect and separate his unique pattern (based on his stored medical scans that were being used as a template) from that of Sorik in order to materialize him.  The fact that Romulan and Vulcan DNA was so similar made correctly separating his pattern all the more difficult.  Lastly, he was unaware the same process was being done to each and every conjoined member of his Field Team who were simultaneously beamed off the Zerayd along with him; even their Cardassian 'guest' was beamed out using a regular transporter.

[Transporter Room One]
...our signatures." He blinked at the sight of the transporter room and Saqa7's grinning face.

What he know was that he had never been so happy to see her face before.  Which said a lot considering for years he was in love with the woman - unaware for the longest time that her missing mate was another woman.  Saqa7 had been the spur that had lured him from his duty to his people when their use for him was deemed over.  She was the one that had plotted with Tess on ways to pull him from his depression at Saqa7's rejection and open his eyes to the love had been waiting for him to be aware.

He felt wetness on his cheek as the flood of emotions swelled within him.   Beside him on the transporter pad was Sorik, looking as unperturbed as ever.  Rayek laughed - a bit overwhelmed at the return of the full gamut of this emotions -  at the man's bland expression, before turning to Saqa7.

"Thank you so much! You've saved my life again." He strode from the pad to the adapted console where she stood smiling, and gave her a huge hug.  When he stepped back, he looked about the room, curiously not seeing his wife "Where's Tess?" he would have thought for sure Tess would have demanded to be involved and present for his rematerialization.  Something must be wrong -  the slight slip of Saqa7's smile confirmed it.

NPC PO2 Helga Tragnar
[Transporter Room Two]

Helga upon unexpectedly rematerializing, looked about the room in confusion.  Beside her on the transporter pad was the lieutenant, Jael.   By the transporter console was a Vulcan science officer she didn't recognize; and beside him a figure she had been uncertain she would have opportunity to ever see again as herself and not some blended Cardassian.   "Lek!  You figure out the schematics!?  Of course you did.   You are brilliant.  Why do I ever doubt?!" She left the transporter pad and embraced her Ferengi mate.

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Danjar-Torra Addams
[Transporter Room Three]

The Grazerite, at returning to her body proper, was grateful to all the personnel who'd worked so hard to ensure their return to their normal selves.  She smiled warmly towards  Alex who had appeared on transporter pad with her.  She dipped her head towards him.   "We couldn't have made it to without.  Thank you for getting us here in one piece... well two actually."

In Transporter Room Four Kyle and Lisa were separated, but for how long?

While Transporter Room Five had the distinction of being the unit to bring Crell Moset aboard.  The Cardassian had tried to escape but was caught immediately and was now awaiting his turn to meet with the Riov in regards to the conjoinment experiments.

[Jaelga Tragnarem | Bird of Prey | Galantis]

As Jaelga worked on the system, she had noticed the ship's name...the Zerayd. That certainly wasn't a Klingon name. She recognized it in an instant, it was a Cardassian word...but she had no time to ponder it.

Her glances at Moset from time to time showed him moving or standing still; she could tell he had moved because he had moved a few inches at a time. However, he wasn't close enough to the door for her to act...yet.

Finally, she brought the cloak down to a familiar ship and kept watch on the old man. She wasn't paying much attention, only that at mention of transporting, she scoffed, what with shields and all...

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Transporter Room Two >- Transporter Room Five | RFS Valdore]

...the next thing she was aware of, she - no, she two - was standing on a transporter pad, completely whole and unconjoined. She saw Helga reuniting with...ugh, she was a little disgusted at the sight of a Klingon and Ferengi together, and then she looked around on the pad. There was nobody else...

"The old man! Crell Moset!" she said, startled. "He's the ringleader! Where...?!?"

She bolted around in a panic. He was too valuable to lose.

"We picked up an old Cardassian man in Transporter Room Five," said the transporter chief. "Now if you'll just calm down..."

But Jael was already bolting out. She was just in time to see Moset trying to escape but to be restrained by the Romulan guards. The sight made her, in spite of her hyperventilating, savagely satisfied. They both met their gaze for the briefest moment before he was gone. Still staring in the direction he went, shaking with fear, still hyperventilating, Jael finally collapsed in a faint from the shock of all she had been through.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on March 23, 2023, 01:31:20 AM

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
NPC PO2 Helga Tragnar
and NPC Crell Moset
[Galantis - Outside the Facility]

Rayorik glanced up from his task of retrieving the downed guards weaponry, and looked over towards the Cardassian/Klingon hybrid that was Jaelga.  Normally, the Romulan might have frowned, upset to discovery that their hostage was for some reason unconscious, but the Vulcan's influence was muting his normal reactions so instead he merely acknowledged her statement with a mild request.  "Be careful with him - don't break him. We need him alive."

Her question about commandeering the Bird of Prey took a bit more thought to answer.   "Temporarily.   We need access to their transporters to get to our own shuttle.   Can't leave it here.  The modifications to the Valdore's shuttle might pass a cursory inspection but if we weren't to return then that ship could implicate the Romulan Free State."

However, Jaelga' seemed like she was listening to something else and this was confirmed when she seemed to speak to Torra.  He nodded, glad that at least some of the other team had managed to evade capture.  Her statement to Torra that 'they were conjoined TOO' logically implied that Torra had informed Jaelga that she was conjoined... likely with one of the other team members.  If it were based on proximity, it would most likely be with the Chief Petty Officer - Erei'erein Graham.

The Romulan/Vulcan blend was about to point out to Jaelga to ask after the Subcommander and Doctor Belmont, but she did so on her own.  The look Jaelga gave him suggested that Torra hadn't heard from them either.  "We can do a scan for their human bio-signs once we get aboard the ship."

As if in answer to his statment, the loading ramp descended.    Rayorik led the way in, warily, cautioning Jaelga,  with a hand signal to hang back.  She had their 'proof and prize' slung over her shoulder.

The entrance to the cargo area seemed clear and though ready for a trap, Rayek waved Jaelga in before leading way towards where the transporters would be located.  It was time to regroup and get back to their ship.

Quote from: Alexander Graham on March 28, 2023, 11:51:17 PM

[Galantis-Outside the facility-birds of prey-transporter room-bridge]

Alex was surprised at how he was improving at navigating the conjoinment. He hoped that they could work together to be able to pilot the ship. "œTorra we got this we should be able to pilot the ship together." He took them up and headed towards the port. He hoped that they could get past the force field.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on March 29, 2023, 01:27:39 PM

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
NPC PO2 Helga Tragnar (blended with Jael)
NPC Arrain (Centurion) Danjar-Torra Addams (blended with Alex)
[Galantis - Outside the Facility - Bird of Prey - Bridge]

"Jaelga, continue firing on that spot.  The forcefield will give." The conjoined Vulcanoid spoke with assurance.  It had to! Or they were all dead!

Rayorik checked the stores on the Bird of Prey's torpedoes.  While Torralex piloted the ship,  and Jaelga kept up the barrage against the outer forcefield,  the conjoined Romulan/Vulcan prepared a directed low yield plasma torpedo.

"Increasing power to our shields" he called out.  "Loading plasma torpedo."

Once Rayorik confirmed that the torpedo was locked and ready he gave the order to Jaelga.  "Fire!"

The resultant explosion rocked the ship but it also created a hole in the forcefield.

"Get us out of here Mr. Graham/Ms. Addams and engage the Cloak"

[Jaelga Tragnarem | Bird of Prey | Galantis]

Jaelga brought Moset with her and at set him down as gently as possible in a good place where she can keep an eye on him, she removed her outer uniform, rolled it into a rope, and bound his wrists with it. It was, of course, the best kind of binding she could come up with.

Then she manned her station as Torralex arrived...and Jael, at least the more Cardassian part of her, squirmed at the sight, mouthing "Oh, you poor people." Then she turned her attention to coming on Tactical. Surprisingly, she found her way through easily enough...maybe it was Helga in her, and her inner Klingon helping things out. Then, she targeted a spot recommended by Rayorik and opened fire...and kept firing, determined to keep on punching until the force field went down. All the while, she kept turning her eyes toward Moset to make sure the old man was still there.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on March 18, 2023, 05:53:05 AM

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Danjar-Torra Addams
[Galantis - Outside the Facility]

That Alex answered - using her voice- was a bit odd, but Torra was grateful for any help and so nodded her agreement.   "What do you have in mind?"

It was at this time that Torra heard what she thought was Helga's voice come over the comm calling for Commander Briggs.  It was such a relief to hear from the other team.

Torra activated her ear comm - she'd opted for the hidden device when recommended by the Subcommander.
=/\= "Addams here... sort of.   Subcommander Briggs and the doctor I think have been captured by Cardassians.  Alex and I lost sight of them when the guards tried to capture us...  and um...  I don't know how it happened but... Alex and I have been conjoined.  He's in my mind  - or I'm in his... I'm not really sure how this works.  We've made it on board the Bird of Prey and are trying to gain access to the logs but they are biometrically locked." =/\=

Torra was going under the assumption that the logs were still the priority - proof of Cardassian involvement in the  atrocities that happened on the VaQ=/\= "Do you need assistance?" =/\=

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
NPC PO2 Helga Tragnar
and NPC Crell Moset
[Galantis - Outside the Facility]

The Cardassian doctor could only answer the question put to him by the conjoined Klingon/Cardassian work of art with muffled noises.  He couldn't even nod or shake his head without the hold feeling tight against his throat.
Not that he wanted to answer the question after her threat, knowing his honest response would only get him killed all the sooner.  For now he would wait for his opportunity to escape these intruders, like he had waited to escape the facility.

Not long after, he watched the conjoined Vulcanoid sprint off to deal with the guards staring at the Bird of Prey entrance.   This could be his moment.

Hands bound and gagged, Moset let his body go limp as if he'd passed out and then waited for the woman to  release her choke hold on his unexpected deadweight body.  The moment she did, he would  strike.

~ ~ ~ ~

Rayorik's long stride made short work of the distance - 15 seconds max.  He had timed his run for a moment when he heard the guards' comm go off so that their attention was on the incoming call and not the running footfalls approaching.  His attempt only partially worked... he was just over 15 meters away when one of the two Cardassians lifted his head and turned around in alarm.

Both Rayek and the Vulcan conjoined with him knew that their survival all depended on that guard's reaction time.   Rayek knew he could run 15 meters in 2 seconds, but the average draw time of his own security personnel when tested was only 1.83 seconds - meaning that there was a good chance he was about to get shot.

However that didn't deter him and instead Rayek launched himself forward in a tackle just as the phase disruptor fired.  Missing him by a hairbreadth.

With the one guard on the ground with him, Rayorik grappled with the man until he was on top and then rammed the heel of his palm into the Cardassian's nose and knocking him senseless.   One down one to go.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on March 22, 2023, 06:31:11 AM

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
NPC PO2 Helga Tragnar
and NPC Crell Moset
[Galantis - Outside the Facility]

No sooner was the first guard down then Rayek rolled off him and turned towards the second guard.  The fact that Rayek practiced his hand-to-hand combat daily showed in how quick and smooth his movements were.  He'd long since found what he felt was the perfect blend of Llaekh-ae'rl and the various martial arts styles taught to Security personnel in Starfleet.   The end result being swift, adaptable and ... non-lethal.

The Cardassian took one look at the conjoined Vulcanoid and backed away a step, raising his weapon - but before he could fire, it was on him!

Rayek's leap towards the guard had staggered the Cardassian.  The Romulan's arm reached out and hooked around the guard's neck.   It took all of 10 seconds from this point, with the right pressure to the guard's carotid arteries, to suffocate the Cardassian into unconsciousness.

With both guards down,  Rayorik and Jaelga now had a clear path onto the Bird of Prey.

[Jaelga Tragnarem | Outside the Bird of Prey | Galantis]

Jaelga scowled as Moset went limp. She loosened her grip briefly, whirled him around and then hoisted him up and draped him on one of her shoulders. She once again seemed to demonstrate Klingon strength...or it may be that the old man was light enough to carry him as easily as she would've been carried by her brother Gid, which he often did, particularly at one point when she was drowning her sorrows in kanar.

She approached Rayorik just as he had finished mopping up the two guards.

"Sorry to take so long," Jaelga said. "What's gotten into him," she added, nodding at Moset, "is beyond me. I take it we have a ship to commandeer?"

She perked up when she heard Torra's call - but she was disturbed to hear both her voice and Alex Graham's voice from it, it was like if Torra's voice was a few octaves deeper - and she responded.

"Torra," she said, both in Helga's gruff voice and Jael's slightly oily voice, "I hear you. It''s both Helga and Jael. We're conjoined, too. So are Rayek and Sorik. We haven't heard from Briggs and Belmont..." ...and a disturbing thought crossed her/their mind/s... "...Prophets forbid if they got conjoined, too. However, the four of us - us two conjoined pairs - we've captured the mastermind behind this. You're not going to believe it, but it's Crell Moset himself. Yes, the actual Crell Moset. And we've also found their Bird of Prey."

She looked at Rayorik as she spoke and gave some concern in her expression...Briggs and Belmont...they comandeered the ship, but two more of their team was missing...

"Rayek? Or Sorik...? Or...Rayorik, what can you recommend?"

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on March 13, 2023, 10:50:18 PM

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
NPC PO2 Helga Tragnar
and NPC Crell Moset
[Galantis - Inside the Facility]

The guards in the cage all crowded away from the door.

Rayorik glanced over towards Jaelga and then to her hostage.  He set the knife down and looked at the wrist device a moment.  He then shook his head before reaching into the cage and grabbing a hand of the lead guard.  The Cardassian struggled but the conjoined Romulan/Vulcan dragged the man forward until the guard's hand was pulled outside of the cage and bent at the wrist against the bars.  Swiping the man's finger against wristband in his other hand, Rayorik tested that it would activate the device.  When it did, he nodded satisfied.

"Bring the doctor by all means... but unless I'm mistaken, he's trapped in here just as much as we are." He tossed the wrist band to Jaelga.   "He's lacking one of these. Check if his DNA or prints will activate it.".

While he let Jaelga do that, the conjoined Vulcanoid stuffed the picked up his knife once more ready to use it if Moset wasn't able to unlock the wrist device that was their only way back to the rest of the team on the otherside of the forcefield.

When she did, Jaelga would discover that Moset didn't have access to wrist band, nor if checked, would she find a wrist device on him at all.   Unethical though Moset might be, it would seem he too was a prisoner.
Rayorik took point, on his wrist he had the 'borrowed' wrist device.  In his hand, he had a 'borrowed' phase-disruptor.  In his other hand he had.. a 'borrowed' finger.

A quick search of the lab had provided them with some rough notes...  a bit rough handling of Moset had gained them the password to his electronic experimental log which they then copied all the files of.  Rayek hoped it was enough to help Dem and the other reverse this conjoinment nightmare.

Now to find the others and get back to the ship before their time ran out.

He swiped the dismembered finger against the wrist device and opened the forcefield.   "Call the others." He told Jaelga.  "Find out where they are."

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on March 17, 2023, 04:48:14 AM

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
NPC PO2 Helga Tragnar
and NPC Crell Moset
[Galantis - Outside the Facility]

The sprint across the compound from the facility building to area where the Bird of Prey sat, was a dangerous one. Two security guards remained and they held the ground between the facility and that ship.  For a moment, the Romulan considered sending in the Cardassian/Klingon ahead of him as a distraction (they were certain to be that) but knew he'd regret the decision if they got injured - not to mention Lek would never forgive him.

At present the two guards had their attention on the ship,  and seemed to be talking to a third person on comms.  Rayek couldn't quite make out the discussion at this distance, but he got the impression that they were waiting for someone on the ship to let them in.

He doubted there would be a better time to rush the two guards. They were clearly distracted and only one was occasionally looking out towards the open field.   If he and Jaelga waited any longer they would be spotted.  Best to go now.  So the conjoined Romulan/Vulcan ran headlong towards the pair of Cardassians, ready to dodge to the side if and when either one noticed his approach and aimed their weapon towards him.  He ran silent... he could only hope Jaelga was capable of doing the same.

[Jaelga Tragnarem | Inside the Facility | Galantis]

Jaelga found it satisfying to gag Moset before she led him out, still having an arm - a surprisingly beefy arm - around his neck. There was some likely restraint from the Cardassian side, knowing full well that Moset was too valuable to rip his head off.

Any device that can provide access proved to not be on the old man's person at all. She looked over and gave a glare of mixed befuddlement and outrage.

"Really? The most important person here and you have no means to come and go freely? I honestly hope my father didn't force you into this!"

She didn't even need the part-Klingon vibes to get this out angrily; the chances of her father's involvement has always proved a sore point; the last time she had felt this such raw emotion strongly was when she suffered at the hands of one of his former slaves, Galen Mal, when he was hired as a guard she was momentarily imprisoned at. She had just been about to tell Rayek/Sorik so when she saw he already had a device...on a dismembered finger.

"I guess you didn't need my help in that area..."

Once she ascertained the rest of the teams' location, they were on the move...the old man was still gagged and she had her arm wrapped, and before Jaelga knew it, they were at his organization's...acquired vessel.

"Well, there better be something to un-conjoin us fast old man," Jaelga hissed with a Klingon guttural growl. "If we're like this permanently, I'm going to rip your head off, stake it on a spear and send it back to Bajor to declare the good news. You do remember Bajor, do you?"

She was further surprised to find Rayek/Sorik making a beeline for the guards. She wanted to help, but she had a hostage to keep, although there was a good option to lift Moset by the legs and use him as a bodily club, but he shouldn't be harmed...Attack or keep holding the hostage...? The conundrum was so bad, it was giving her a headache.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on March 09, 2023, 05:27:59 AM

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
NPC PO2 Helga Tragnar
and NPC Crell Moset
[Galantis - Inside the Facility]

Rayek would have cheered Jaelga's toss but Sorik's calm detachment kept him from feeling anything at all.  He couldn't even feel annoyed at the lack of emotions.  Reaching out through the bars of their cage Rayek grabbed the mans' wrist to prevent him from moving away if he came to his senses.  Then he rolled the body awkwardly towards the cage one-handed so that he could reach the guard's other hand.  He was just about to swipe the wrist band with the man's finger to activate the controls on the wrist device but he suddenly felt resistance.  The man had woken and was trying to pull out of his grip.  Rayek's hold was like a vise, not giving an inch.

It was at that moment that Jaelga called out, drawing the guards attention.  This distraction was all that Rayek needed while the man turned to gape at seeing Crell held hostage, Rayek twisted the man's wrist sharply until he heard bones crack. The Cardassian guard's other hand moved to cradle the injury on instinct... bringing it exactly where Rayek needed it.   Rayek snatched at the cradling hand and guided it over the device and within moments the cage door was unlocked.

Elsewhere in the room, the other guards were hesitating at the threat to the lead scientist.
"Do as she says!" Moset rasped against her hold on his neck.   Reluctantly, the Cardassian guards dropped their weapons.

Rayek released his grip on the man and exited the cage, nodding to Jaelga for the good work as he moved around the room gathering the weapons, including their daggers and their wrist devices. "In the cage.  All of you!" he ordered the guards.  It would be a tight fit for three grown men but they managed it.   Then taking up a combat knife in one hand, in his other, Rayek held up a wrist band towards the caged guards.  "I need a volunteer."

[Jaelga Tragnarem | Inside the Facility | Galantis]

Jaelga growled and then let out a wheezy growl of a least in a way of being both a growl and a chuckle. "Hoisted on your own petard, as they say on Earth," she said to Moset.

She then looked up at Rayek and said, "Why bother with them? We have one out here," she added, gesturing at Moset, still in her arms. That would be the most perfect form of poetic justice...either he gets a taste of his own medicine or he reverts them all back.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on March 03, 2023, 02:52:10 AM

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
NPC Erein Sorik
NPC Erei'erein Helga Tragnar
and NPC Crell Moset
[Galantis - Inside the Facility]

The Vulcan/Romulan watched in impassive detachment as Helga and Jael were blended.  The conjoined Klingon/Cardassian raged at what had been done to them.   But where was his rage? he wondered to himself.   His thought was answered by another presence in his mind - the Vulcan who was melding his thoughts with the Romulan in order to communicate.  ~ "Your anger is there; however my control is enough to keep it locked away." ~

Where normally Rayek might feel revulsion at melding with a Vulcan, presently he was void of such emotions.  Though he did question himself, what to do about the situation they found themselves in?

~ "Escape seems the most logical option." ~

Seeing Jael/Helga...Jaelga(?) throw one of the guards across the room, an idea formed.  If she throw one at the cage, he/they might be able to grab the keys off the unconscious body.

But how to get that idea across to the Klingon/Cardassian?  He still couldn't talk or move without lurching about like malfunctioning animatronic.

~ "I believe I can relinquish control of our body to you, temporarily." ~ the Vulcan stated and then as if a switch was flipped Rayek suddenly had full control of his body.

He called out Jaelga.  "Throw our guide this way.   We need his wrist band."  Rayek had seen the guard unlock & lock the cage with the same wrist mechanism which opened/closed the forcefield entrance.

Helga, without any control over her new conjointed body, raged.   But even raging, her body wouldn't do what she wanted it to.  Where would have pummeled the guards face to a bloody pulp, instead she threw them and cussed in a Cardassian voice.  This only served to anger her more.

When the Vulcan/Romulan managed to speak instead of making only grunts and unintelligible noises, Helga understood the order - but lacked the ability to action it.

Meanwhile the Cardassian 'mad' scientist, Crell Moset, scrambled to get away from the conjoined Cardassian/Klingon.  "Shoot it!" he ordered the guards that were shakily getting back up to their feet after having one of there own tossed towards them.

One managed to raise his weapon to fire towards the vicious fighting machine, but she moved suddenly out of his line of fire at the last second and instead his phase-disruptor shot struck the console that Crell had used to conjoin them.  Sparks flew and the transporter console which had been in a sort of standby mode... suddenly lost all power.

"No! You imbecile!  What have you done?  You've destroyed the proto-type!"

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on March 07, 2023, 03:24:27 AM

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Galantis - Inside the Facility - caged]

Rayek/Sorik watched unable to do anything from their cage to help Jael/Helga fight the Cardassian guards.  Rayek wasn't even sure given the rage the Cardassian/Klingon was displaying whether his words had even registered.

Recalling how infuriated and aggressive the conjoined Klingons were on the freighter, Rayek wondered if after Jael finished with the Cardassians is he might be next.  He couldn't risk dying without passing on confirmation that it was the Cardassians and that Crell Moset was involved.

With jerky movements, since he was still getting used to controlling his conjoined body, he activated his earcomm.

=/\= "tr'Lhoell to Riov Tekin.  Mission update.  Cardassian involvement  in the conjoinment attacks confirmed.  Discovered a secret lab run by Dr. Crell Moset.   Away Team has been captured and experimented on.  Suspect we have about 6 hours til we face the same fate as previous experiment hosts. "  =/\=

[Jaelga Tragnarem | Inside the Facility | Galantis]

It took Jael a moment to register what Rayek was saying, the rage was clouding her judgement. However, once it clicked into place, she tried gaining control of herself. In spite of moving around, shots were going her way, and the shock that Moset's control console was destroyed certainly spurned the hybrid into action.

It took her a slight longer moment to engage the guard - the one that Rayek/Sorik...Rayorik?...had wanted specifically. Somehow, Jael's senses were peeking through the fog of Helga's rage, like trying to see with squinted narrow eyes. A few hits to stun him and Jaelga lifted the man up and threw him against Rayorik's cage in a howl, certainly trying to pass it off as a result of random tossing.

All the same Jael was certainly reflecting the horror of the Klingon monsters back in the freighter, but there was one thing that made a difference: Helga was part human; the rage was from her Klingon DNA. The human elements plus those of Jael's Cardassian ones enabled her to get sense from the rage. She ran like a wild animal and reached Moset, wrapping her arm around his neck loosely, ready to strangle him.

"Stop this! Stay back!" she demanded, partially gutturally in a growl. "Drop your weapons or I will kill him!"

🡱 🡳

RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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