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Messages - myne


The CSO was relieved to see Melly so focused.  "I'll have to speak to Dr. Buehler about our arrangement if you carry on doing so well!" she said, eyes barely flickering from her own console.  She was still coiled inside ready to brace either of the girls if necessary rather than any thought of keeping herself safe.  To Ruth, being department head called not just for leadership of a department but the well being of them as well.  If that meant putting herself in danger because of them... so be it.

[ Ensign Myne - Bridge - USS Challenger ]

Ensign Myne's face brightened as she heard the praise from her department head. She was going to do good and make her proud. But first she needed to continue the fight with the chair from before!


"At this rate, Captain, we're going to need new ones!" she quipped at the comment about knickers but motioned with her head to the Science Ensigns to hold on best they could.  She reached down and locked the swivel on Melly's chair so it was more secure.  The base was of course fixed to the deck plating via magnetic seals but the top was like a normal office chair allowing the occupant to turn to talk to people.

"That might be more secure, Melly..." she said in a hushed voice.  "I know you need to keep checking the transwarp telemetry so that's important.  I have my scans and recordings automated, so I can do other things with my hands so long as I can see my screens.  You, however, are doing a vital job, we all are, but you're our early warning system... that's crucial, so you carry on.  You're doing great!"

Ruth 'rolled with the punches' on semi-automatic with the grace of anyone trained in flight, some compartment in her brain responding on automatic to what Ian was ordering the helm to do, and good as she was, the helm was reacting with pinpoint accuracy.  If Challenger was getting a battering it wasn't for poor piloting skills!

[ Ensign Myne - Bridge - USS Challenger ]

"Yes Ma'am. I wish I could do more. Twenty seconds wasn't long enough.. but I got it up from five seconds. I wish I could find a way to refine it more. Hopefully we won't need it after this is resolved!", Myne said as she kept hard at work, so happy the chair wasn't moving anymore.


"It's ok Mel... you're doing great." Ruth wished she could strip off and fold her tunic top between the belt and Melly's stomach or go replicate a pillow or something, but they were in the middle of a battle.  "I've got you covered."

[ Ensign Myne - Bridge - USS Challenger ]

"Sorry about that Ma'am!", Myne said as she probably will have a mark on her tummy in the morning. But she would not cry nor make a fuss. She was an officer and would do her job.


[USS Challenger-A - Deck 4/ Corridor]

Aarwendil wasn't the only one that decided to help the others. Whoever didn't get hurt after falling on the floor promptly went to offer aid to those that weren't so lucky. He couldn't avoid stopping for a brief moment to watch how different species were helping each other. It was the union in a moment of adversity. The young Betazoid was watching several of the values of the Federation being applied in a simple corridor.

His contemplative musings were interrupted by a whimpered request for help. Aarwendil turned and saw a woman from Engineering with blood running from her head in a large amount. Even if he wasn't a telepath, the young Betazoid could tell that she was feeling a lot of pain by only seeing the situation of her wound.

"œHere, let me help you." Aarwendil said, while he approached the woman. The first thing that he noticed was that she was an Ensign like him. The young officer wondered how long she was working at the Challenger and, if like him, it was her first time in a combat like this one. However, it was a talk for another time.

He would help the woman get to her feet, then would put her arm around his neck. Aarwendil would allow her to lean on him, while they walked toward the nearest turbolift and from here to the Sickbay. The other officers that were helping their coworkers had similar ideas, with some even needing help to carry others due to them being totally unconscious.


[Challenger - Sickbay]

Evan did not need to be on the bridge to know that they were being fired at. The ship rocked and recoiled, her normally graceful movement stuttering like a man walloped against his chest. He should have known it was coming, but the first jolt still caught Evan off guard and he had to grip the edge of his work station just to keep from falling out of his chair.

Once the ship settled long enough to stand, he rose, shaking the stiffness from his hands. Thankfully, everything in sickbay was secured in place as it wouldn't do to have important medicine or tools flying across the room and breaking. The same couldn't be said for the people. Evan heard a few groans, knowing it was only a matter of time before other members of the crew started to trickle in.


[USS Challenger-A - Sickbay]

When they finally reached the Sickbay, Aarwendil helped the other Ensign enter the room. "œDoctor, she hit her head." he said to the man that was there. "œThere are others like her coming. I think that some are even in worse conditions."

[ Ensign Seyefa - Sickbay - USS Challenger-A ]

The Ensign was dizzy and hardly able to stay on her feet as she was brought in. The red in her blonde hair now dripped to her gold engineering uniform as she braced on the Betazoid officer. "Sir.. where.. are we?", Ensign Seyefa asked groggily. "I don't.. know where I am." Her thoughts if scanned were all over the place and disjointed, showing the mental signs of a concussion.

Then she threw up.

This knocked her back to some control, to some clarity long enough to say, "I'm sorry." Then her legs went out only being held upright by the kind Ensign Aarwendil.

Advertising Board Archive / Re: SciWorld 2023
June 27, 2023, 09:05:57 AM

I attended and did some interactions and advertisement for us. Then caught Heatstroke right as Not Mommys panel was closing on wrapping up. It was a good one.


[USS Challenger-A - Deck 4/ Corridor close to the Main Viewer]

Aarwendil had been busy organizing his files when the red alert sounded through all the parts of the Challenger. Soon, several members of the crew moved through the corridors to prepare for the combat that was going to begin. The young Betazoid blinked, trying to process what was happening. He had learned at the Academy what this type of alert meant and what he should do in these circumstances. However, being in the situation was completely different from the theory.

Nonetheless, the Ensign didn't stay frozen in his place for more than a few seconds. He shouldn't stay here like an idiot while the ship was going to engage in combat. The young Betazoid wasn't a cadet anymore, he should find a way of being useful in face of the situation that was going to unfold in front of them. Perhaps he could help at the bridge.

Besides that, if he stayed here without doing anything, Aarwendil could end panicking and given his telepathic abilities, the Ensign could end up making the entire crew around him enter in panic too.

While he rushed there, the entire Challenger was shaken and Aarwendil was thrown to the floor. Turning around, the young Betazoid saw that he wasn't the only one, with the other members of the crew that, like him, weren't able to reach their stations at the right time were now also lying on the floor. Some weren't lucky like him and their fall ended causing some injuries.

The Ensign decided that before going to the bridge, he could verify if some of his coworkers needed help. It was a long path to the Sickbay.

[ Ensign Seyefa - Deck 4/ Corridor - USS Challenger-A ]

The Ekosian Ensign, human technically was unprepared as the starship decided it was a starfighter. At one moment she was running to her tasks heading to Engineer, but then she was staring up at the corridor lights as everything blurred. She had hit her head hard on the floor but nothing 'else' got hurt. Too bad she was Engineering not Security. She needed that brain.

Laying there a moment she couldn't focus her vision and let out a pained 'help' unsure if it was loud enough to be heard. Although in her head everything was so so loud and ringng. Her blonde hair was strewn behind her as a bit of red could be seen in the hair.

"Help!", she whimpered out again as she hurt to move, but her toes and fingers worked, so progress!


TOS: The Original Series
- S01 E08: Miri
- S01 E16: The Galileo Seven

TAS: The Animated Series
- S02 E06: The Counter-Clock Incident

TNG: The Next Generation
- S01 E17: When the Bough Breaks
- S01 E22: Imaginary Friend
- S03 E13: Deja Q

DS9: Deep Space Nine
- S01 E10: Move Along Home
- S01 E03: The House of Quark

VOY: Voyager
- S02 E16: Meld
- S02 E22: Innocence
- S02 E26-S03 E01: Basics, Part 1-2

ENT: Enterprise
- None

DIS: Discovery
- None

ShT: Short Trek
- S02 E01: Q&A

PIC: Picard
- None

LD: Lower Decks
- S01 E05: Cupid's Errant Arrow
- S01 E07: Much Ado About Boimler

PRO: Prodigy
- None

SNW: Strange New Worlds
- S01 E06: Lift Us Where Suffering Cannot Reach

MOV: Movie
- Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan

BOK: Novels
- TOS: The Cry of the Onlies
- TNG: The Children of Hamlin
- TNG: The Eyes of the Beholders

COM: Comic Books
- Star Trek - Untold Voyages #3: Past Imperfect (Onlies)
- Star Trek (UK) Annual Story #3: Captives in Space

VG: Video Game
- Star Trek: Invasion (PS1)
- Star Trek: Klingon Academy (PC)

Star Trek Archive / What is Your Favourite in Trek
June 26, 2023, 12:01:52 PM

The first post shall be the template. Make use of it only if you wish. The goal is to show people your likes so they might look into more Trek then they did before.. I put spaces for three, they do not need be your favourites in order. The reason for three is so you don't have too much listed so you can think about what you really like. If something doesn't apply to you? Then don't bother with it. Have fun!

TOS: The Original Series

TAS: The Animated Series

TNG: The Next Generation

DS9: Deep Space Nine

VOY: Voyager

ENT: Enterprise

DIS: Discovery

ShT: Short Trek

PIC: Picard

LD: Lower Decks

PRO: Prodigy

SNW: Strange New Worlds

MOV: Movie

BOK: Novels

COM: Comic Books

VG: Video Game


"Helm. Evasive Pattern Beta One ta port. Ops, route available power ta structural integrity. T'Kel, continuous proximity photon fire. Keep their targetin' sensors scrambled. Hang onto your knickers everyone, it's about ta get interestin'!"

Pattern Beta was typically reserved for smaller ships, consisting of two rolls on a course away from the enemy ship, then hard turn. Rolling a ship of more than three million metric tons put enormous strain on the the hull and even more on the inertia dampeners.

[ Ensign Myne - Bridge - USS Challenger ]

Ensign Myne had strapped in, however as she was sitting on her knees in the chair the strap could only do so much. She reached and grabbed the panel sides to no avail but instead gripped the sides of the chair glad that the magnetic seals kept the chair in place. But she did get tossed hard in the chair with the ever so slightly whimper as the belt dug in. But better then the alternative.


[Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottir - Bridge, Sciences 1 - USS Challenger-A]

Ruth nodded approvingly but briefly at Melly, giviing her a knowing look, but raising her eyebrows and chin a little at the 'slave name'.  It was something they were working on, but least the Ensign had reported correctly and had got on with her duties efficiently.  A slow smile went over her face and she turned to Ian and winked with a 'we have improvement!' kinda look.  It was something to smile about at least, despite the situation.  The diaper crackle she'd heard was a concession but, unless you knew, you wouldn't.

"Do we need your theme tune yet Captain?!" she asked with a wry smile.

She heard the slight whimper and spun back to check on Melly and under the console she patted the Ensign's leg near the knee and gave it a little squeeze of encouragement.  We'd all been there, when you weren't scared in a battle it was more frightening.  The trick was to channel the fear into focus and determination.

Myne, felt the 'older' Ladies hand and looked up with a look that betrayed her percieved age rather then her true one. She was a scared girl but would try her best as she had been trained but that form of encouragement helped her greatly. As long as it was a female doing it, a male... it might trigger some trauma.

The CSO fastened her lap strap, motioning to her Ensigns to do the same, quickly.  Being trained as a Fleet pilot as per her first posting, she was more than familiar with Evasive Pattern Omega 1.  She called it the 'Stuka Dive'... only thing missing was the screaming sound the Ju87s made, but she could imagine it in her brain. "Girls, quickly.  Had one too many concussions because I didn't fasten this!" she said wryly.  "Better safe than sorry."

Myne did not wish to go tumbling from her chair, rolling across the deck or worse her tiny form flinging out and landing in the Captains lap. A number of cute jokes went threw her head she would say like telling him what she would want for Christmas or the like but this was a coping method to help with the fear she was going threw. She did up the strap but had to be sitting on her heels in the chair to reach up so the strap could only do so much.

Ruth didn't yet know the helmswoman but had to fight a grin coming to her face when the Trill Ensign cricked her neck.  'Oh, this one has fight in her!' she smiled inwardly.  She whispered to the girls either side of her "Hold on, this might get rough!"

Myne held tight as she could, her small hands gripping hard. Not her first conflict but this was her first since her shattering inside.

[Captain Galloway - Bridge - USS Challenger-A]

"Bloody good Work Ensign Pwllgwyngyll. Helm hard over, make your course 95 mark 115. Evasive Pattern Alpha Three. T'Kel, shift ta coverin' fire, photons set for proximity detonation. Let's put a wall of interference between us and those cruisers! Fernando, hail the Discovery and Valiant. Warn them of Sherem and that we are breakin' off as planned."

Myne's face was so happy. It was like back on Orion when she would win a dance competition. To be given a good girl just lit her up so much. But there was work to do. "Thank You Captain." She said meekly and went back to her focus.

"Seconded there Melly,.." she said the smile radiating from her face.  She dropped her voice conspiratorially.  "1 Jumja stick earned!"

Myne's face brightened, she was so happy. Not just for the treat but because she had done well. That was worth a thousand treats to her!

Ruth held on with one hand and put her hand on the back of Melly's chair as a precaution.
"Remind me to replicate you a booster seat and a folding box for Bridge duty when this is over, you can't bear down on your feet to brace, but a box with some traction on the bottom of it might help.  I'll get Engineering onto it.  No time now though."

It might be the fact she was in nappies on the bridge. But the thought of the booster seat made her giggle. She only wore them because she was worried. She wanted to be strong but still had doubts. The last thing she wanted to hear was the Captain screaming in his very Scottish voice, 'Don't be a piddlin on me bridge!'.

She smiled to her Department Head and nodded, "A good idea Ma'am. I think those might help a lot."


Lina whilst still making sure to keep her focus on the scans gives her officer a nod tail flicking in anticipation as she kept herself as ready as possible for it. This was going to be a bit rough she could tell. Usually was mid an attack of course, but that's what training was for. Getting it drilled into your head that no matter what always prepare for the worst and keep things as they should be if you can. "all readings look clear ma'am." she says calmly as she can

Myne turned and gave a thumbs up to her half caitian coworker. She was happy to have the support and nodded listening to her as she kept the scanners going as well getting any data she could on trnswarp signatures.
Holodeck / Re: Out of Proportion - Buehler/Myne
June 24, 2023, 08:10:09 PM

Kina smiled at Lieutenant Ruth and nodded. "Of course ma'am. Unfortunatly, all I was able to get was replicated, but I do find that the computer does create passable Bajoran cuisine." She looked over the Melly and offered a soft smile, walking over and setting the tray down near the table. "My father used to bring me this when I was upset. It always seemed to make me feel better." She sat down in the chair and nodded to the board that Melly pointed at.

"This is a game from Cardassia. Its called Kotra. I believe that since we have some time here in sickbay, a little distraction would be in order. If you would like, I could teach you how to play. I haven't really played since I left home for the academy, so I figured it would be good for you to help exercise your mind. This game is about bold strategies."

[ Ensign Myne | Sickbay | USS Challenger ]

As Myne listened she smiled, the treat smelled wonderful and the little girl in her was always up to learning a new game. She adored games and if it was something she could learn and teach others it was even better. Taking a small piece of the treat she sniffed.


"Jumja sticks?" Ruth asked with a smile, "It's a confection made with the sap of the jumja tree, a Bajoran treat."

She took a bit and smiled.


"I concur, with my human palette at least..." Ruth said, chewing carefully, "... it's not quite as good as fresh but definitely a passable replication!" she smiled at the medical Ensign.  "And it's a perfect treat.  Though I'll make you Ensigns a promise... if you,.." she said speaking to Kina, teasingly, since she already liked the young woman on what she'd seen, "..look after my Ensign here and you, Melly,.." she turned her smile on the patient, "...are good and get better, and promise to strive to improve in all ways, then I'll buy you both a fresh one if we're ever on a base that sells them.  Deal?!"

Ruth too eyed the board.  "Kotra, hmmm.  After I've had a word with Mr. Buehler, if he's free now, perhaps you'd let me observe.  I'm not familiar with it."

Myne's face brightened and she gently hugged Ruth and gently hugged Kina and would try to hug Lahr if close enough by. Her mood was already significantly improved as she began to nods. "I will work hard as I can. I will likely fail a bit.. but I will keep going and not give up!"
Holodeck / Re: Out of Proportion - Buehler/Myne
June 23, 2023, 07:29:49 PM

"Now, I've read the file, all of the file, but don't panic.  Everyone has a past, I'm sure yours can in time be if not forgotten, used as a powerful tool in forging a better future for yourself.  Now, Melly, may I call you Melly?  I'm not really one for ranks except on the Bridge or on the rare occasions that I have to give someone a dressing down.  You may call me Ruth.  I can't and won't take you from here right now, I rarely go against medical advice, these days at least!"

She winked "As I said, I had a past, I'm not perfect, remind me to tell you sometime about what the twins did to me when I was a freshly minted Ensign going to my first posting!" she shook her head but was shaking with mirth.

"Anyhow, I'll check with the Captain, the CMO, Dr Buehler or anyone else who is going to want to know about this but, while it might be mundane work there is a lot of data stuff that needs well... it's test results, they need logged in the right places and a report of the findings typed up.  Reckon you're up for that?  Like I say I'll have to get it cleared with certain people but if you're anything like me, you're going to be..."

Her mind quickly amended the words 'fit to be caged' to what she did say eventually, thinking on her feet as a responsible DH, the girl had been enslaved, she may have been caged, she didn't want to put back any progress being made to Melly being free in her mind as well as her body.

"...ah bored to tears in here with nothing to do.  Or you can see it as 3 days off and I can bring you puzzles and games to play, get some of the other Science staff to come in and play cards, chat or whatever... or some mixture of the two?!  After all even on full duties you'd only be working an 8 hour shift!"

[Sickbay | USS Challenger]

Fit to be caged would definitely not be something Myne would have enjoyed hearing so. But since the CSO didn't say it out loud Myne never would know. The girl instead listening to the eager and happy CSO and department head. She could see the Motherly nature of the woman and it made her so so happy. So she obeyed and hopped and wiggled and wiggled and hopped till she got up on the table again. "The Plush has no name Ms Ruth. People in my former position weren't allowed to name things as it could be viewed as we were more then they taught us we were. So I don't know, can you suggest a name?"


Kina rubbed her finger against her lip as she looked at the screen. She had been trying to figure out what she could do for ensign Myne. She had heard about what happened and wanted to try and do something for her to help take her mind off of everything. A small treat would be a nice start. She thought back to when she was a child and what she liked. It was possible that maybe she would like the same.

She tapped the screen and made her selection. "œBajoran Jumjum sick, sliced 1 centimeter cubes in a small bowl please." She watched as the replicator created her order. Once it was ready, she placed the bowl on the tray before her next to the kotra board she brought from home. Once everything was ready, she picked up the tray and made her way to sickbay.

Kina walked into sickbay and offered a soft smile to Lieutenant Buehler. "œHello Lieutenant. I brought something for Melly. I'm hoping it will help her with her recovery."


"Jumja stick... oh Melly! You're in for a treat!  The Falleg-Tekin kids would be good for a month for a jumja stick!!  May I?" she indicated that she wanted to pinch just one bit of the confection.  "I don't have it often and I didn't get a chance to get a fresh one at DS9!"

Myne remembered the woman from before and nodded her head, "Oh thank You Ma'am, You are too too kind. Oh and yes Ms Ruth please do!" She was not familiar with Jumba sticks but she was happy to learn. "What is that Ma'am?" She smiled pointing to the board before taking a cube as her face lit up in joy and happyness. "So yummy!"

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ensign Myne was unsure of what would happen but she kept a grip on the chair allowing her to reach the panels. She was ready and watching the read outs to alert when a transwarp conduit opened. With a deep breath her eyes focused as she tried to not think about if Kyan might be hurt.

Then it happened.

Turning to the Captain, "Captain Galloway! Sensors just detected a transwarp conduit opening! It'll open in twenty seconds!"

She braced and wished she could have wrote the program to give longer, but she went from a five second window to a twenty. So that was progress. Now to be a strong girl and make everyone proud.


[Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottir, CSO - Sickbay, Deck 7 - USS Challenger-A]

[3 days prior]

Ruth smiled, glad that Ian knew her well enough to trust her judgement and knowing she wouldn't go against the advice of the medical personnel.

She would set the Ensign to doing a jigsaw she wanted completed to put on the wall in her quarters... useful but not 'work' so keeping the right side of the docs!

She sent back a simple acknowledgement and continued engaging with those in Sickbay a while.

[Ensign Myne - Sickbay, Deck 7 - USS Challenger-A]

Ensign Myne was hard at work and humming as she diligantly did the puzzle. Her face was focused as she examined each piece and carefully made sure nothing was out of place. Even something this mundane she would work hard to complete. She had to make a good impression on her boss and all! She would have it done, and the PADD project in suitable time.


=/\=En route, Captain be there in 3, possibly less. Sigurdsdottir out =/\= she tapped to kill that message and then sent another.

=/\=Ensigns Knight and Pwllgwyngyll to to bridge, meet me there, I will assign others to take over any pressing tasks as necessary. =/\=

Melly was now out of her 72hr hold and had had a long chat with Ruth about decorum on the Bridge and such.  This would be a test as much for her as for Melly, as her reputation as CSO was also on the line. A million thoughts were going through her head as she entered the turbolift and ordered it to the bridge.


The doors swished open at the Bridge and she took a deep breath and slowly exhaled.

"So, we're now playing 'Don't kill the away team but make it look good!' are we?!" she asked with a grin at Ian.  "I've got my two new Ensigns Knight and Pwllgwnngyll coming up so they get some battle and bridge experience, but if we need them elsewhere we can relocate them."

It was a subtle way for Ruth to let him know she was well aware that with Melly it might be a fight or flight, probably more the latter, but sometimes baby birds needed pushed out of the nest in order to fly.  She was putting her confidence in Melly, believing if she'd got through the Academy, she could get through a battle.

"What's our status? I'm mostly here to observe the Ensigns I'm going to see what they can do but I'm here to step in at a moment's notice should that be required."

She knew leaving it to Ensigns wasn't often the best policy but they had to get the experience in.  Sure she could monitor from her office or the Astrometrics lab, but for the first time, she had made an inward promise to Melly that she'd be there to metaphorically hold her hand so she didn't panic.  Some other time when there wasn't a battle she'd send the girl up on her own, maybe when Kyan was on duty there so she had a familiar face... by stages.

But now... they had to get through this, together.

[Ensign Myne - Science Lab - USS Challenger-A]

Ensign Myne had the briefing from her new boss. The lady was most kind and encouraging as well as firm. She went over all the things that a Only might do that could upset someone like Captain Galloway. So she knew not to hop or skip or giggle.

She slowly entered the bridge sending a happy nod to her boss CSO Ruth before assuming the open science station 3. Before turning the chair she leaned down to find the movement lock so it would not spin as Big Brother taught her. Turning the chair she then locked it in place to crawl up onto the chair and begin preparations.

"Ensign Myne reporting for duty", she said aloud, still using her 'slave name'. Her hair was back in pigtails but they were not as bouncey as before. But otherwise she looked the same as before save a crinkle from something she wore to prevent issues do to panic. A small concession so to speak that would not interfeeer.

"Transwarp warning system scanning and activated. Will alert when the warning goes off. Also prepping the program for the gravity well image from the deflector incase. It will not interfeer with existing deflector activity.", she said firmly.

Then she whimpered hearing the joke about not killing Kyan but she focused back on her work. She was here to prove herself and she would.

Mission Submission Board / But is it fair?
June 21, 2023, 06:05:34 PM

Mission Title: But is it fair?
Synopsis: A ship must transport a crimminal to trial and execution for a species the Federation wishes to ally to but are more interesting in show trials then real ones.

Starting Point: The ship gets called to a Starbase to pick up a Ambassador from the species and a prisoner.
End Goal: Prove the Prisoner innocent despite the Ambassador wishes
Story points that must be passed?:
- Arrive at the Starbase.
- Take the two on.
- Senior staff is briefed by Ambassador
- Meet the Prisoner
- Get a feel something isn't right
- Raiders attack during the trip
- Maybe the prisoner gets free and hides?
- Help prove the prisoner is innocent

Departments: (To make sure everyone has something to do.)
- Flight: Hostile spaceflight with enviromental hazzards and potential raiders who are after the Ambassador
- Engineering: Rerouting systems to handle the strain of the hazzards
- Operations: Scanning the ship to find the prisoner if they escape
- Security and tactical: Fighting Raiders and protecting the prisoner
- Medical: Prisoner gets sick potentially
- Science: Forensics

Holodeck / Re: Out of Proportion - Buehler/Myne
June 21, 2023, 01:30:54 PM

The sudden voice at his ear swearing, startled the unsuspecting Andorian, and he literally jumped out of his seat turning in alarm.  The rest of phrase that was spoken fell on deaf ears as the Andorian was stunned at the sight and sound and alluring scent of his long missed love.

"Ruth?" his voice was soft and uncertain as his antennae tested the air for confirmation that she was actually there and not a figment of his imagination or his PTSD.

"Don't worry Ensign Pwllgwyngyll, honestly that name is nearly as bad as mine...". Transferring the mug of Ratkajino to her left hand, she held out her right hand to introduce herself "Lt. Sigurdsdottir, Ruth... the Chief Science Officer on this here beauty of a ship, Chief Ch'Verret's partner and your boss!"  she quickly remembered what she had read in the file and thought the chi... no young woman... '"Ensign.." she was safe with that !!' she thought to herself.

She added "Oh it's ok, I'm just surprised to find Lahr here willingly and not covered in blood.  Sickbay isn't somewhere he visits normally unless he's half dead... these days at least!" she added, getting a little jab in at Lahr about his relationship with Chloe.  So far as she knew however, he'd been faithful to her ever since they'd got together after Will's death.

Having confirmed that it was indeed here.  He smiled as Ruth, chatty as always, introduce herself to M.  But then spoke up when she had to bring up his accident-prone past.  He moved to interrupt before she could say more.  The doc was there and that could prove problematic.

"Hey Babe.. don't I get at least a hug or kiss hello before you go mocking me?" He opened his arms out to her and went in for a kiss.

[Ensign Myne | Sickbay | USS Challenger]

Myne saw the woman approaching but understood the motion of the finger as it was something that was often done as foolies back on planet Miri. So she did not respond.

Once however once everything was settled the Ensign slowly tried to rise as she placed the stuffed animal down. She would wiggle and slide down from the bed with a crinkle sound before standing straight and putting her hand up to salute her superior. The girl while better was visibly not great but she had the steps to begin improving and becoming 'better'. Her hair however normally up in two pigtails was frazzled and disheveled and as she wiggles to get a better posture she would just make more crinkle noises.

"Not... how I hope to meet my department head... it is a pleasure to meet you Ma'am!", Myne said as she stood beside the medical bed. Between her tiny size of 3'4" and the heigh of the bed it was hard to see more then the red hair on the other side of the bed.

"When the time passes I will be right back to work I promise!", she whimpered.

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

Star Trek and all related marks, logos and characters are solely owned by CBS Studios Inc. This fan production is not endorsed by, sponsored by, nor affiliated with CBS, Paramount Pictures, or any other Star Trek franchise, and is a non-commercial fan-made production intended for recreational use. No commercial exhibition or distribution is permitted. No alleged independent rights will be asserted against CBS or Paramount Pictures.