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Messages - Sydney Reid


[USS Discovery-B | Deck 10 | Aft Lounge] (During Katra Upgrades - Pre-Restless Spirit)

Quote from: M'Nia on August 25, 2023, 11:41:19 AM

"What makes M'Nia tick? Hmm. Well, I was a teenager when I first started getting interested in engineering. I saw a book on it and decided to start reading it. It was just a basic book on Starship engineering but I was very interested. I wanted to learn more. So I found more books on engineering. One in particular discussed how warp drive worked. I really liked it. I began to study all about warp drive. The whole concept is fascinating. Warp drive has come such a long way since Zefram Cochran invented it.  I mean the idea of generating this field around a ship that enables it to go faster than light is something else.

"The improvements since then have been enormous. We can go so much faster than say in Captain Kirk's time. The matter/anti-matter process has been significantly improved. The balance can be delicate but the whole idea is incredible if you think about it. We tend to take it for granted but really it is quite a process.

"Then I read about alternative means of propulsion. I find Slipstream most interesting. It's different than Warp but still quite effective. It can be good especially in regions of space, like that one the Enterprise 'encountered' for lack of a better word. The one where it was regularly a traveled corridor but a brother and sister pair of scientists discovered the wear and tear was breaking down their area of space. Captain Picard didn't believe them until the brother sacrificed himself by blowing up a shuttle and that caused numerous holes to appear. It rendered the whole corridor useless. Kinda sad really but my point is Slipstream doesn't have that effect. It is a viable alternative to warp drive! You never know what the future holds. Someone may be out there right now inventing something that will make all this obsolete! You never know!"

Taking in half of the cheese-coated fry in one bite, Sydney watched the Caitian as she told a story about how she'd gotten so interested starship engineering. Much as her fascination with computers had started for her, it seemed all it took was an introduction early in M'Nia's life to spur her into diving into the subject. It didn't surprise her the way the Caitian woman lit up as she quickly moved onto warp drives, their history, and just how far they had come in the centuries since Cochran's initial flight. M'Nia was really leaving no doubt that she'd researched every bit of history on the type of travel that had become so common in the galaxy.

Taking her half-fry and dabbing its end in the cheese, Sydney couldn't help the small smile on her face as her fellow Ensign rambled on. She had a need to cover her mouth as the Caitian's vast knowledge of history made the human giggle. M'Nia's excitement was both adorable and infectious, and those emotions only seemed to build as the engineer continued. By the time she'd stopped to take a breath, Sydney was smiling brightly and shaking her head in disbelief at the woman.

But Sydney found herself wondering something that others may not have thought to question. Believing it was the type of question that would elicit another rambling answer from the engineer, Sydney picked up the half-eaten slice of pizza on her plate but paused to hold it in mid-air as she looked to M'Nia's eyes and asked, "So if propulsion design is so exciting to you, why did you decide to join Starfleet? I know there are lots of universities and companies out there working to develop newer and better warp and other types of experimental drives. Wouldn't you be happier working with one of them to help develop the next breakthrough in space travel?"

While she could see the question as being the type one might consider a challenge, Sydney was in the unique position to have previously experienced what she was inquiring about, only joining Starfleet after once it became clear the Fleet was the best place for her to further her dreams and achieve her goals.


Sydney is available for the Away Team as an Ops/Computer Specialist. She would have experience with the "Ancient" computer systems on the ship.

While she's currently on Comms Duty, that could be transferred back up to the Bridge(Lorut/Addams).

I could have her call in one of the Crypto NPCs to replace her in the Crypto Lab, if there is need to help facilitate RP for M'Nia/Lek and the Probe, as was previously planned. Honestly, that(Crypto) side of things could wait until Syd gets back since that's a Ship/Starfleet Comms Security issue.


[USS Discovery-B | Deck 13 | Cryptology Lab]

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on August 23, 2023, 11:20:54 PM

Cmdr. Rayek tr'Lhoell

=/\="Security Teams Alpha One and Two, collect boarding gear from the armory and stand-ready in Transporter Room One."=/\=

Rayek acknowledged the recommendation from Science with a nod, glanced to the Captain for his approval, before calling for "Full shields" and a precautionary "Yellow Alert"

NPC Lieutenant Danjar-Torra Addams

"Crew compliment size, standard armament payload, the ship's cruising and max speeds... that sort of thing.  If you can find a ship schematic that would be ideal." Torra answered, leaving Vila to do that research while she operated the tractor beam and got the probe settled into the Cargo Bay on Deck 10.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on August 24, 2023, 02:47:51 PM

The ship reached the nebula and sailed in, leaving the viewscreen to fade as it compensated for the change in environment before coming back.  Communications and long-range sensors went out as the ship had to switch to short-range, and started to follow the source of the sensor reading.

"Graham, one-quarter impulse.  Garrison, begin a search scanning pattern." he ordered, watching the darkened hue of the bridge turn to yellow as the alert was initiated by Rayek.

It took some time, about an hour or so, but a ping on the sensors finally gave them a direction, and Nevir ordered a course change.  He watched as the dust parted to show a darkened hull of a Federation starship.  It looked completely powered down, but he didn't need to see the name on the ship to know that it wasn't the Titan.

"That's... not a Constituion III class. Kinley, what is that?"

The situation was growing increasingly serious. At almost the same time that Commander Rayek was requesting Security to prepare boarding teams, the light strips near the top of the bulkheads suddenly began to illuminate a pulsing yellow at his command. Sydney's lab was suddenly cast in a slight, golden hue that broke through the bright, white light, drawing her attention momentarily away from the work she was doing. With the probe having been pulled in and probably already set up for M'Nia to start to examine, the temporary Comms Officer watched as the long-range subspace signals dropped away.

While she may not have been able to feel the ship moving or had a viewscreen to see what they were moving into, the steady and quick reduction of incoming Starfleet signals that normally populated the list that had come with the newest upgrades relayed to Sidney the danger and isolation that came with what the Discovery was wading into. They were now alone. There was no calling out for backup. There were no nearby Starfleet patrol ships to rescue them if something went wrong. This was exactly the kind of situation that the Ensign's Papa had told her would happen. While there wasn't a clear danger, yet, there was no doubting the vulnerable position the crew found itself in.

Going through the necessary steps to do everything she could to ensure the limitation of the long-range comms was isolated to only one bandwidth or another, Sydney focused on keeping her breathing even and steady as she could feel her heart starting to pick up pace in her chest. Momentarily glancing around, wishing that STEVE was there to bring him some semblance of calm, the woman whispered to herself, "It's okay, Syd. This is the kinda stuff that Starfleet does. This is all normal. They've all done this before. Everything will be fine." While she couldn't really be sure of that, she had a responsibility to do her best work when the pressure was on, just like every other member of Discovery's crew.

But as the Captain's concern became evident in his voice as the Bridge seemed to set their sights on whatever they had detected in the nebula, Sydney found herself asking out loud, "What? What is it? even though she still had herself muted, which was doing a great job of not letting anyone else see how anxious she was in this unfamiliar situation.


[USS Discovery-B | Deck 10 | Aft Lounge] (During Katra Upgrades - Pre-Restless Spirit)

Quote from: M'Nia on August 24, 2023, 11:46:31 AM

"Not yet! I think he's too busy chewing out the others. Still I do my best! If he doesn't like it, I'm sure he will tell me." She blushed at the compliment. Not that you could easily tell with the fur. "Thank you for that compliment Sydney. I appreciate it. It is hard work but engineering is my passion so it is very rewarding. I know it's only been a few weeks but I feel like this is where I should be! Plus I have met special people like you!"

Chuckling and shaking her head at the appreciation and compliment, Sydney was less interested in having the Caitian woman focusing on her than hearing all about what M'Nia found so fulfilling about her specialty. Picking up the end of one of her fries, she swirled it through to gooey, sticky cheese, as she asked, "You said before you were a Propulsion Specialist, right? What makes Warp Drives and New Propulsion Tech so interesting to you? What's it that makes you tick? Why'd you decide to become an Engineer?"

Sydney knew it could be a much more complex question, requiring a much more complex answer, than usual small talk, but if she wanted to get to better know her fellow officers, she needed to know what drove them, what motivated them, and what had brought them to be aboard the Discovery with her. If she could discover their strengths; their passions, then she'd know how best to engage them in the ways that most spoke to their souls.

Holodeck / Re: Face-to-Face with Ensign Sydney Reid
August 24, 2023, 10:29:28 AM

[USS Discovery - Deck Two - XO's office] (enroute to Katra)(Day Two after S15E2 - after lunch)

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on August 24, 2023, 03:59:05 AM

Cmdr. Rayek tr'Lhoell

It was odd to have an ensign initiate such an intense and prolonged eye contact.  Most junior officers who didn't know him, tended to look at his face overall by not necessarily make direct eye contact.   Those that knew him or rather knew of his telepathic abilities, avoid eye contact altogether - like as if meeting his eyes was tempting fate that he might read something incriminating from their minds because of that connection.

As amusing as that thought was now, three years ago it wasn't so laughable.   At the time, Rayek, returning to work after a serious head trauma, discovered his telepathic ability 'kicking in' - unbidden and without warning-  especially with those whom he made eye contact with.

Thankfully, the cause of that random bouts of telepathy were discovered and a solution found.  It had been just over years since his last 'at random' telepathic encounter.  Clearly, Ensign Reid hadn't yet heard the rumors regarding her XO, or if she had she likely dismissed them as made up.   Who had ever heard of a telepathic Romulan before?!

Still when Reid met eyes with him, Rayek maintained the contact and leaned forward a little more, acknowledging her sincerity when she spoke.   He nodded afterwards.  "I intend to, Ensign.  I would be a rather poor Executive Officer if I didn't do exactly that... not just for you but for each member of the crew; assisting them to achieve their best.   Rest assured, I will do the same for you."

Rayek leaned back once more into his chair.  "If there are no further comments or questions...?" He waited a moment.  "You are dismissed to return to your duties."

Sydney hadn't the slightest clue that the Romulan had developed any kind of telepathic abilities. Such things were generally unheard of, and, given her brother, the human would never have imagined such was possible. If Rayek was able to glean anything from the Ensign besides what her words and body language displayed, the woman was sure to attribute it to how perceptive Romulans tended to be. Merik had shown such qualities as well, but never given Sydney a reason to truly worry, especially when she had no reason to conceal anything in a moment such as this.

It was a short nod at the Commander's words in content acknowledgment. While she was pleased to hear that the XO agreed with her in regards to what she believed was the best path for her, she tried her best not to show it too openly. When the question was posed to her, Sydney was quick to respond, "No, Sir," seeming to silently agree she'd left nothing more to say.

At his dismissal of her, the new Ensign pushed herself up from the uncomfortable metal chair to come to a position of 'attention' just to the side of it. Thank you, Commander," she said in a very formal tone before taking a step back, turning in place, and making a hasty exit through the Romulan's office door. With how well it had gone, Sydney was just happy to be getting back to work. Lieutenant Banan would certainly be pleased with the report he would get back from his direct Commanding Officer, and be happy that Ensign Reid was returning to her duties of preparing the ship's computers for the anticipated upgrades.


[USS Discovery-B | Deck 13 | Cryptology Lab]

Quote from: Alexander Graham on August 23, 2023, 09:56:12 PM

"Yeah it looks pretty thick to me. I would say that it may look concerning but I don't want to making any assumptions just yet. What is your opinion on the matter Ensign Murphy?" Alex altered the course so that they could intercept. It may be a good idea if they proceed with some caution.

"That's what she said"¦" Covering her mouth out of shock at letting such a phrase leave her mouth, the moment only lasted as long as it took for Sydney to remember she'd muted herself to contact M'Nia. Rolling her eyes and letting out the heaviest breath of relief of her life, she didn't know what she would have done if the Captain or XO had heard her. Thankfully, she was sequestered in her lab and not stationed on the Bridge. She'd really have to work on her impulse control before she ever accepted such a posting.

I may be a little slower than I normally am next week(28Aug-1Sep). Have a few busy days/potential interruptions, but will hopefully not be impacted too much.


[USS Discovery-B | Deck 13 | Cryptology Lab]

Quote from: M'Nia on August 22, 2023, 03:20:03 PM

"Gotcha! I'll be careful!"

A slight exhale of relief escaped Sydney as she closed the comms connection to M'Nia. She had every reason to believe that the engineer could handle it. What she didn't know was that none other than the Chief Engineer himself had decided to accompany the Caitian, ensuring that the job would get done. Soon, the cryptologist would receive the data she sought. For now, her attention turned to the open comms line to the Bridge as the familiar Chief Science Officer's voice drew her attention.
Quote from: Kinley Garrison on August 23, 2023, 04:05:34 PM

"œI'd recommend we take lots of caution, with full shields up, There's a lot of dust, and debris in here. I'm not reading a lot of ionized gas, so it likely is safe enough to traverse through, assuming we don't crash into some asteroid or get lost."

Sydney's hands froze over the console she'd been constantly manipulating. While she had noticed the sudden changes in course and been listening in on the bridge, what Kinley was describing told the Ops Officer that, if nothing else, Comms was going to be problematic if the ship entered such an area of space. Beyond that, the Science Officer's almost nonchalant evaluation of the ship's chances didn't bring Sydney any sense of calm. Kinley certainly had tons more experience cruising on a ship in space than the new Ensign, so maybe should take cues from the senior officer. If the CSO wasn't too concerned, then Sydney needn't be.

For the moment all the Ops officer could do was continue to monitor for any signs of signals, as well as occasionally glance at the data stream of the new upgrades.


[USS Discovery-B | Deck 10 | Aft Lounge] (During Katra Upgrades - Pre-Restless Spirit)

Quote from: M'Nia on August 23, 2023, 02:21:35 PM

"OH don't apologize, Sidney! We all know duty comes first. I know they keep you busy! I'm grateful for whatever time I can have. Truth is, they keep me hopping too. Been really busy but learning a lot and getting a ton of experience. I think Lek likes my work! Or at least my work ethic. It does keep me busy" Her tray had several different meats on it. She sat down to eat with the lovely ensign. "There have been times I have lost track of what day it is."

The first thing Sydney noticed was the tray of meat that M'Nia set down. She tried not to look too surprised but probably didn't do as good of a job as she thought. It wasn't that she didn't know that Caitian's were primarily carnivorous, but it was still odd to actually see it in action. Despite all of their years in Starfleet, omnivores, such as humans, were still the primary complement of most crews.

As her eyes came up from the tray back to the woman handling it, Sydney chuckled, "Ha! Yeah! I know the feeling. I know that we're only supposed to work so many hours, but if it wasn't for the other Crypto Lab personnel showing up, I'd probably completely lose track of time. I've been working doubles to keep on top of it, but I'm sure I've probably had a couple of days where I went eighteen; twenty hours before I was just so exhausted my vision became blurry. My replicator rations are probably mostly coffee at this point." Of course the woman took a sip of the tall, extra-stong latte she'd gotten to accompany her meal.

Setting the cup back down, with not even half of the food in front of her eaten, Sydney's attention seemed to be more on the Caitian than on the first meal she'd had for the day. "From everything I've heard about Commander Lek, if you think he likes you or your work ethic, it means he's very impressed by you. Apparently, that Ferengi has no issues telling someone, in no uncertain turns, exactly how they are messing up when they are. If you haven't suffered his wrath, yet, you must be doing everything perfectly," Sydney said, offering an encouraging smile to M'Nia. "I'm not surprised," she added with a bit of a laugh.

Holodeck / Re: Aftermath
August 23, 2023, 12:11:14 PM

[Lt. Cmdr Ben Johnson | Deep Space 9 | Promenade > Vila's Quarters]

Quote from: Lorut Vila on August 22, 2023, 07:31:23 PM

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I just wanted you to leave me alone," she said. "I'm still mad." She admitted. "I do have a medkit, but for now," she said, reaching into the pockets of the dress she was wearing and coming up with a band-aid, "let me see." She placed the bandage over the wound. "That'll hold for a minute. Let's go."

Rolling his eyes at her apology, knowing it was entirely out of something happening she had not expected, Ben wasn't surprised by her insistence she was still angry with him, though. It was only natural for Vila to reinforce her defenses when she'd displayed even a moment of weakness.

Ben did chuckle when she produced a band-aid, of all things, from an unexpected pocket in her dress. Had it been nearly a decade ago, she would probably have taken a moment of joy to show off the fact it had pockets. But now, he couldn't help but joke, "Didn't realize you'd become an old lady in the last five years," without any doubt he deserved whatever glare he might receive for the mockery.

Quote from: Lorut Vila on August 22, 2023, 07:31:23 PM

"Here we are," she said, letting him in. Well. This was a weird monkey wrench. She felt like she had the FIRST time he'd come over to hers-a bit punch drunk, except, you know...she really was. She rummaged around in her bags for a moment before coming up with the kit. The Bajoran militia didn't mess around-she'd had EVERYTHING short of a surgical suite in there. "Do you need me to help you?" She asked. She got some water from the replicator for both of them. "Here. It'll help with the shock," she said. "You forgot I have excellent aim, didn't you?" She said.

He hadn't expected any different when they arrived at Vila's temporary quarters. Besides her bags, which she'd been using since her time in the Bajoran Military, there was nothing indicative of the woman, save for the unmade bed. She'd never seen the point in it, leaving said duties to him every day if only to have her sigh at him as they tossed the decorative pillows aside before freeing the sheets and slipping in together each night.

Ben knew he didn't really need her help but wasn't going to stop her from helping when she offered. To refuse at this point would only serve to create more distance between them when it seemed she was taking the initiative to close it. He couldn't be sure his ex-wife was completely aware of how she was acting or being, given her slightly intoxicated state, but he did appreciate seeing the version of her he could so easily remember during their good times.

Taking the offered glass of water, Ben took a sip before setting it aside. Grinning momentarily at her to her comment, the corner of his mouth pulled up as he answered, "Maybe? Think it's more I forgot your penchant for throwing things. My fault for not keeping up my dodging skills better." It was easier, and smarter, to put the blame on himself than double down on the clear guilt that had quickly softened the majority of her anger.

Quote from: Lorut Vila on August 22, 2023, 07:31:23 PM

She set about helping to stop the bleeding, and apply a quick dermal regeneration cycle. While they worked, she talked. "So if you're here alone, and not with someone...why? What'd you DO?" She asked. "Surely, you didn't come to see ME," she said. "I know we can look people up if we know their names, but...even for you, it seems like a violation of privacy." She could say she hadn't looked HIM up since her first year at the Academy...she didn't want to give him the satisfaction. "Anyway. Whatever the reason, I hope it was worth your while," she said. She stepped back. "Well, it's obvious you were injured,'ll be fine tomorrow. Need something for the pain?" She asked.

She sat down across the table from him. Now was her chance to talk if she wanted why was it so hard to find the words? "Anyway, did I mention that I learned some things?...If you're ready to hear them...I could tell you. Or not. Whatever. I don't care," she said, her mood shifting again. It was hard to say, but the reasons why she couldn't get pregnant had become apparent, and she needed him to know it wasn't HIM. Or her, exactly. Though she'd accused him of it-every time they'd lost one, it was something HE'D done. It wasn't fair...she was too upset at the time to recognize it. "We could have a little snack..." she said, still stalling.

Vila was inferring a lot about both his situation and motivations for being on Deep Space Nine. Ben had no intention of answering those questions. At least not yet. He knew there was no good way any of them would go down. Luckily, just as quickly as she'd asked the questions, she'd dismissed them just as quickly, focusing more on the very minor injury she'd caused as opposed to the nature of them coming to meet again after so many years. Shaking his head, being able to ignore whatever mild pain lingered after the wound had been closed, not even leaving anything besides some minor redness, "No. I can barely feel it anymore. You did great work, as you always have."

Watching her as she dropped the dermal regenerator back in her bag and moved around the table to take a seat across from him, Ben's eyebrow raised as she seemed to, momentarily, struggle to find the words to contain her tangle of thoughts, before turning the focus away from him and to herself. Shaking his head slightly at her question, knowing it wasn't one neither of them really needed to answer given the time that had transpired between them, Ben leaned forward to lean on his forearms against the edge of the table as he answered, "Sure, if you want." in regards to both her offer of a snack and her offering to tell him whatever she had learned. At this point, the best move was to just allow Vila to move things at the pace she wanted. It always had been. She'd never been the type to be forced in any direction. She'd always been sure of herself and the path she should take. It was one of the things he always loved about her.


[USS Discovery-B | Deck 10 | Aft Lounge] (During Katra Upgrades - Pre-Restless Spirit)

The Discovery was still hooked up to Katra Station as the upgrades were being finished and the teams doing so were doing their final diagnostics. Sydney had done her part; working double shifts to oversee the updates to the computers to utilize the vast Comms Upgrades, but didn't squander the time off she got by lingering around when there wasn't much for her to take part in. She'd made use of both of the Petty Officers she'd come into command of, but given them a much more relaxed schedule due in no small part to how much of the responsibilities fell on the Katra Engineers.

Sydney had been later to get to the lounge compared to most, leaving it much more sparsely populated than it usually was. Half the stools at the bar were being taken up by chatting crewmen, and small groups of officers sat around tables here and there, with a few playing different games while sharing drinks, taking advantage of their off-duty time. The Cryptologist, on the other hand, had selected a table at the back, away from the windows that were popular for their views of space, but gave her the necessary isolation to utilize her implants to continue reading through the seemingly endless technical data her first ship was based on. Part of her job was knowing Discovery's systems better than anyone, and she ensured every opportunity was used for such.

Picking at her pizza and cheese fries, she mostly stared off at nothing; her golden eyes focused on the data filling her POV, the appearance of an equally over-worked but familiar face drew her attention away from the research. After their initial meeting aboard Deep Space Nine in the time the ship had been getting its first wave of repairs before the new crew was allowed to fully board, Sydney regretted she hadn't made more time to continue the growth of the initial friendships she'd begun to cultivate. She knew there would be time for her reading, so she quickly deactivated her implants and waited for her opportunity.

When the Caitian turned upon receiving her order, Sydney stood up from her chair and waved an arm high in the air while trying to force eye contact with the engineer. Calling out, "Hey, M'Nia!" She tried not to have her voice carry too far, knowing her acquaintance's ears could more easily hear her over the rumble of the numerous conversations going on in the small lounge. Once the Caitian noticed her, her waving hand turned to a coxing motion, inviting the woman over to join her.

Taking her seat again as M'Nia approached, Sydney smiled up at her as she arrived at the somewhat isolated table. "Hey, you!" she said brightly, "Sorry I haven't had more time to say hello. My Chief has had me busy with the new upgrades. Want to join me? I was just catching a bite after finally coming off duty." Using her hand to offer the Caitain the seat across from her, the human was a bit curious to see what M'Nia's particular tastes were, but more importantly, hoped the woman would accept her invite. She hadn't had time to be very social, except with the holographic velociraptor that had seemingly found interest in the computer scientist and the comfort of her lab.

Counselor's Office / Re: Counseling sign-up sheet
August 22, 2023, 11:19:05 PM

Sydney could be a good candidate for a sort of "stealth evaluation" over coffee or something, if you'd like.
She works primarily alone In a very small lab and most of her "crew interaction" is with STEVE.
I'd take a look at her Face to Face with Rayek if you want some quick insight.
DM me if interested/available. I'm happy to set up the thread.

Holodeck / Re: Aftermath
August 22, 2023, 04:04:41 PM

[Lt. Cmdr Ben Johnson | Deep Space 9 | Quark's > Promenade]

Quote from: Lorut Vila on August 20, 2023, 12:42:56 PM

A security guard quickly appeared. She was surprised when Ben took the blame but she knew they were in trouble-no one liked a scene, especially from ex-spouses who were supposed to be fully grown adults. "There's no problems, Lieutenant, I was just leaving, actually," she said. "Wasn't I, Quark? Thank you," she said.

Just as much as it was a shock to him that Vila would be actually violent and beam him in the head with the glass, it was a shock to Ben how quickly and easily he'd shifted to cover for her. He shouldn't have. He shouldn't have forgiven her for crossing a line neither of them had ever before. But he could, and primarily because he knew he deserved it after crossing a line that last year of their marriage.

He'd had excuses at the time, but after all that had followed their separation and divorce, the excuses had become as flimsy as tissue paper until they'd faded away completely, leaving Ben with only the guilt of knowing he'd hurt her, and deserved whatever hurt he brought upon himself as a result.

Furthermore, it was clear that Vila was drunker than she thought she was. The Ferengi behind the bar wasn't Quark. They'd apparently all started to look the same to her, which only made it more vital to leave quickly. The last thing the new Ensign needed was to be accused of such ignorance.

Quote from: Lorut Vila on August 20, 2023, 12:42:56 PM

Still, the lie didn't work, and as Ben tossed some Latinum on the counter, she fought the urge to yell to him not to touch her, knowing that the only way she wouldn't be hauled out was to let Ben take her. She followed him until they were in the corridor, and then yanked herself away.

"Don't touch me," she said. "You lost that privilege," she said. "I'm going to my quarters," she said. "You don't need to follow me." Still, she hoped he would. Just in case she blacked out or something. There was still a lot to say to him-things he needed to know, that she'd discovered about herself-and inadvertently, HIM-during her time at the Academy and her two failed postings"¦

She didn't WANT to be like this, she just simply knew no other way to be. "Are you going to medical?" She asked, with a final look at him. He seemed...tired. Older, somehow, even though they were the same age. Maybe...sad?! "I can walk with you, if you want. Dr Bashair has moved on, of course, but the new CMO is pretty nice. I met her the other day. Dr. Bakshi," she said.

Ben had been thankful that Vila hadn't immediately fought against him when he took hold of her and guided her out. He wouldn't have been surprised if she had, so when they finally had made it clear of Quark's and the eyes that had watched them exit, he didn't fight against her when she ripped her arm away. Holding his palms up to show his acceptance of her position, knowing she was absolutely right, the woman's ex-husband wasn't ready to just let her walk off. He'd done too much and come too far to get to this point to just give up.

But Vila, whose breath carried the aroma of her body processing the toxins from it, couldn't seem to remain of one opinion when it came to her ex-husband. Ben stalled a step when she showed compassion towards him, even if it was only the slightest hint of such. The question caused him to reach up to touch the injury. He could still feel the warmth of the blood trickling and it stained his fingertips, but any real sense of pain was gone. His adrenaline was taking care of that for now, but it wasn't a long-term solution. "No, no. Can't go to medical." It was an unexpected slip of true honesty from him. His current situation wouldn't do either of them any good if they came face to face with someone who would easily see through his deception.

Ben's one advantage in the situation was that he'd always been quick on his toes. Picking up his pace to walk alongside her as he followed her natural path without being too obvious about it, "I'll be fine. It's a superficial head wound, so it looks worse than it is. You know they always bleed more than wounds in other places."

Reaching up to dab the wound with the cuff of his sleeve, which was already stained with blood from moments before in the bar, Ben asked, "Do you still keep a medkit in with your gear?" figuring the former rebel soldier certainly did. It led him to suggest without really sounding like it, "I just need a few seconds from a dermal regenerator and it shouldn't even scar." Looking to Vila, Ben gave her a slightly pleading look, hoping to play on whatever sympathy she still had for him. All he needed her to do was allow him to follow her to her quarters on the station. It would both solve his head wound issue and give them the privacy they needed to have the conversation they should have had years ago.


[USS Discovery-B | Deck 13 | Cryptology Lab]

Quote from: M'Nia on August 22, 2023, 10:34:16 AM

"Hi Sydney!" She felt a flush come over her as she heard Sydney's voice. A soft purr came from her. "Ohh check out the probe? I'd love to. It sounds fascinating! And if it's for you, well all the better!" Her tail flicked back and forth excitedly. "Where is it and I'll slide on down and take a look!" This sounded like something she could sink her claws into!

Sydney was momentarily left speechless as she found it curious how the Caitian always seemed quite excited to interact with her. While she was fairly certain, the Ops Officer was sure M'Nia had seemed so ever since they first met. It was curious, but there wasn't time to ponder it. They had work to do.

=/\="Good..I mean thank you. Give me one second"¦"=/\=

Checking the transporter logs, it seemed that a target for the probe had already been selected. Luckily it seemed Sydney wasn't the only one thinking something could be learned from the probe.

=/\="Okay, M'Nia. It's going to be arriving any moment in a shielded, auxiliary cargo room on Deck Ten. Sending you the location now."=/\=

It was probably only a few seconds after the woman said it that the Engineering Ensign's PADD beeped with a notification of where to go to find the probe.

=/\="Just be careful. We don't know what they did to get it to replicate the Titan's signature, so they could have rigged it with countermeasures to delay or disable whatever ship found it. Hence the shielded room. Let me know when you have uploaded the data. If you need any help, contact me and I'll see if I can walk you through it from here. Reid out."=/\=

Sydney trusted that the Propulsion Specialist wouldn't have any issues handling a probe, but couldn't be sure that it was just any ordinary probe.


[USS Discovery-B | Deck 13 | Cryptology Lab]

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on August 21, 2023, 07:29:03 PM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

"Ops, get the probe beamed over, and then let's resume course.  Let's also get a distance scan in, in case we can find a warp trail."

With the open channel to the Bridge, Sydney was able to hear Captain Nevir's assessment of what was found, as well as his order to use the transporters to pick up the jury-rigged probe left by the Titan. Given what it had been able to do in regards to the Comms System, the cryptologist was curious as to how they had managed to duplicate the signals to fool the new upgrades, which should have been impossible.

Usually, the Ensign would have either handled it herself or called on one of her two Petty Officers, but after dismissing the one for the day and knowing the other was indeed sleeping, Sydney found herself going through a list in her head of who she could ask. There was one name that came to mind, yet she hoped the Caitian hadn't already been dispatched to busy work by their Ferengi Chief. Muting her side of the open channel to the bridge, Sydney located who she needed and opened up a comm link.

=/\="Ensign Reid to Ensign M'Nia. Hey, M'Nia. So the Captain is having the Titan probe we found beamed aboard. He said it was jury-rigged. Do you think you could take a look at it for me and download a copy of its programming to an isolated partition so I can check it out? If we can figure out what they did, we should be able to make it so we can weed out these fake signals from the real ones. Can you do that for me?"=/\=

As Sydney waited for the Engineering Ensign's response, hopeful that it wasn't too much to ask of the propulsion specialist. The computer scientist was already plotting how to get around the Titan's ingenious tactics, but couldn't be sure until she got a look at the probe's programming.

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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