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Messages - James Booth

Quote from: Christian Grix on May 05, 2014, 03:32:26 AM

Grix looked up at the two of them, a hint of sadness in his eyes. "Congratulations Lieutenant Grix you have been transferred to and made Chief Engineer of the USS Agamemnon and Chief you will also join the Agamemnon as a mission specialist I am sure Commander Revek Tre'el will have more details when you get there" he stood up and hugged his sister before holding his hand towards Booth. "We've had our differences but I have come to respect you Mr Booth, good luck out there and come back to us".

Jimmy frowned slightly, things were taking strange turns. First off his relationship with Jiseth was easing and now the XO apparently respected him. Jimmy knew about the mission, he'd known since the previous day. Despite his rough nature with people, he still had friends in various places. "I guess I'll be leading one of the strike teams." He said with a devious smile. "Request permission to ask someone from the Churchill to join my team Sir?"
Quote from: Christian Grix on May 04, 2014, 02:21:29 PM

=/\= Lieutenant Grix and Chief Booth please report to the bridge as soon as possible =/\= he then locked the computer and made his way to the bridge, still no sign of Admiral Brown so he sat in the Centre seat.

Booth closed his eyes and let out a long sigh at the sound of the XO's voice. Opening his eyes, looked to Lieutenant Jiseth and gave a look of being sorry. Taking her left hand, he gave it a gentle squeaze. "I'm sorry, I'd better see what's going on. But we will deal with this, we'll get together and have a drink and I'm not talking that replicated crap." He flashed a quick glance to Henriks and then turned his eyes back to Jiseth. "We'll meet in my quarters, I've got a real drink in there."

Upon standing up, Jimmy quickly tugged his tunic and made himself presentable. "I'm quite serious Jiseth." He said before turning about and leaving the hanger bay. He took a deep breath once again and marched off towards the bridge.


The lift doors hissed open and admitted the Chief onto the bridge. Stepping out of the cubicle, Jimmy walked around to the command seats, he had to wonder where Admiral Brown had got to.

"Commander, you wanted to see me?"


Sorry for the late response, for some reason at work last night it wouldn't let me onto the Churchill mission. Apparently it filtered the whole thing as sex, God knows how it came to that. Probably doesn't trust Booth lol

Quote from: Jiseth on May 02, 2014, 05:09:06 PM

[Shuttle Bay 3]

"I think... that will be necessary, but at the moment... I could use a friend or two more than a medical device." Tilting her head to the side and back, she gestured with for him to join them on the burnt flooring. It was somewhat amusing. No one had ever worked on her hands as much as Booth was currently. Currently it was the closest she had ever come to getting a manicure. When the CPO had finished, she rubbed her knuckles gently with her finger tips, trying to remove some of the drying blood that remained. "Thank you, Chief..."

The word friend rung in like an old fashioned fruit machine, Jimmy wasn't sure if she was referring to him being a friend or whether he would be a suitable friend to her. But with all she'd gone through, he could at least try and be there for her. He deactivated the device and placed it back in the medkit box. "You're welcome Lieutenant and I am here if you want me."
Quote from: Jiseth on May 02, 2014, 04:26:50 PM

[Shuttle Bay 3]

Slowly shaking her head, a sullen expression took hold. "I have no idea. No leads. While I was on the Discovery, I met an intelligence officer who had offered help in the matter. Honestly... I thought with Admiral Brown's connections I'd have a few names. Something. Anything." Her eyes trailed to the door, thinking about her hail to sick bay, "But... because of his help I have Zero here. She hasn't said a word since I was awoken. I know people do insane things for the people they care about, but if you had been in my shoes, what would you have done?"

Jimmy looked to Henriks as he entered, he didn't reply to the man. He wasn't trying to be rude, but his mind was on what the Lieutenant had asked him.

Taking Jiseths other hand, Booth began to work on it. She'd just asked a very tough question, what would he do? He took a deep breath and widened his eyes for a second. "Well....I'd want justice obviously." He watched carefully as the wounds closed, on the Lieutenants hand. "The Admiral owes me a favour or two, would you like me to speak to him, see if he can give us any information?"

Quote from: Jiseth on May 02, 2014, 11:18:06 AM

[Shuttle Bay 3]

It seemed odd to her the way the Chief was acting compared to the stern disciplinarian on the holodeck. Even more so compared to the man obnoxiously laughing at her holographic flight officer. Her death may not have completed the desired objective, but if it was getting her to bond with her senior officers then it was by no means a failure. With eyes focused on the slowly closing green openings of flesh, she took a deep breath, "I have a relative who is a Squadron Commander in the Romulan Fleet. She's never been fond of the idea of me here instead of there, but she's proud of what I've done so far. According to her, I'm one of a handful of Starfleet officers she doesn't see as completely worthless. We sent messages back and forth while I was at the Academy. Apparently that drew some attention..."

Her green eyes seemed to stare into nothingness now as her mind began to sift through the memories, trying to suppress the emotions that came with them, "I wasn't entirely well-liked by the other cadets, but I have to admit I was respected by those who know my flight prowess. Especially after they gave me my call sign, Oddball. At the time it was a polite equivalent to that Human gesture with the middle finger. Didn't stop me from becoming cadet XO of Nova Squad. I mean, flying's my life, but... I guess somethings are more important for other people to focus on. Green blood... Pointy ears... They were waiting for me in my dorm. Five of them. Asking about my family. My loyalties. I thought it was a sick joke at first. 'We're Red Squad. We don't exist and no one's going to believe you.' Cliche isn't it? Well... when they didn't get what they wanted, they started throwing punches. Tied me down to the coffee table... then took turns... I skipped classes the next day because I couldn't walk. To be honest, I never considered defecting until that day. I hated every single person in uniform around me. How they could be so oblivious. After my shuttle was sabotaged during my assignment to Earth's moon, I had the chance to figure out what I wanted to do with my life, which seems a little strange when you're trapped in a tin can without life-support, but it killed time. The uniform means something to me. Gods give you falsehoods and the reality is entire worlds are saved from starvation because some people in red, amber and teal brought not only food, but means so the populations can sustain themselves. This uniform brings hope to so many. I guess if there's one thing that a Romulan can believe in, it's that ideal." She went quiet for many long moments, slowly resurfacing from her dive into her past. "That's why I'm still here."

Booth paused for a moment, as Jiseth recounted what had happened to her. It made him feel sick in the pit of his stomach, although their relationship was frosty, nobody deserved that kind of treatment. Reactivating the re-generator, he waved it slowly and gently over the wounds. "I'm..." Jimmy cut off quickly, from what he knew of the Romulan Lieutenant, she would not be receptive to his sympathy.

He hadn't always agreed with her ways of doing things, but he found himself liking her reasons for being in the uniform. Swallowing and taking a breath, he lifted his head to look her in the eye. He hoped he wasn't sounding insensitive, but he felt compelled to ask. "So what happened to them?"

Quote from: Jiseth on May 02, 2014, 08:09:47 AM

[Shuttle Bay 3]

Jiseth bit down on her lower lip, then let it slip free before looking to the Chief, "You can do that right now. I doubt we'll get much opportunity during this next mission." She patted on the hangar flooring, a gesture for him to sit down. Though she left a faint green outline of her palm and part of her fingers from the blood. A wet, almost sticky sound to accompany it. "I've had a similar talk with Scott a while back, before you came on board. Right now though, the best you can do for me is listen."

His eyes dropped to Jiseth's hands as she patted the deck, before he took a seat with her, the Chief walked across to a mounted medkit and took it. Returning to the Lieutenant, he dropped to her side and opened the small container. With a smile he looked at her briefly. "I'm all yours." He said returning his attention to the medkit and removing a dermal re-generator. With as best a trust me smile he could do, he reached out gently and took one of her hands. "Don't worry I've done this before." Jimmy stated as he activated the device. 
Quote from: Jiseth on May 01, 2014, 05:42:55 PM

Second verse same as the first  ;D

And same again I think lol
Quote from: Jiseth on May 01, 2014, 05:41:38 PM

[Shuttle Bay 3]

An eyebrow raised a notch as her looked to him, here eyes shifting back and forth between focusing on each of his. Finally settling somewhere in the middle, she let out an exhale through her mouth. "Likewise, Chief." A moment later she turned her head to the outer lining of the hangar door where the glow from the force field emitters seemed warm yet sterile. Then she looked to all the scorch marks in the hangar, "Still think I have a chip on my shoulder?"

Booth looked down at the deck, letting out a little chuckle as he did so. He closed his eyes tight for a moment, his opinion had changed towards the Lieutenant. He'd felt bad about the hard time he'd given her and for what had happened to her. Opening his eyes, he looked to the Lieutenant. "Well you might have to give me a little time on that one." He replied with a chuckle. Taking a breath, he added. "I have done all I can to track Greyson, but as of yet I have had no luck." Nodding as he continued. "But you can rest assured, I will kick over every rock until I find the one he's hiding under. When I do find his worthless ass, I will nail it to the nearest wall." With hand in hand. "Now I was wondering if we could get together, for a coffee or something stronger if you'd like. Then you can tell me what I can do to make things up to you?"
Quote from: Jiseth on May 01, 2014, 05:05:22 PM

Tag back

And back, you'll have to forgive old Booth. He finds apologies hard :)
Quote from: Jiseth on May 01, 2014, 04:50:49 PM

[Shuttle Bay 3]

Jiseth blinked and snapped out of her trance although she stared straight ahead still. There was no use covering up her bloodied hands which were stinging and yet numb at the same time. There were a few quiet breaths before she responded, "What is it, Chief..?"

Jimmy's eyes were drawn to the Lieutenants hands, he winced slightly at the sight of green. Taking a breath, he brought his eyes to meet hers. He wanted to ask if she was alright, but judging what she'd gone through recently, he wasn't sure if the question was insensitive. He still harboured some guilt over her recent troubles, all thanks to doing someone elses bidding. He'd ended his association with with Starfleet Intelligence and the Xenophobic woman who'd been his so called Handler.

Now all he wanted to do was to build bridges and and berry the hatchet with Jiseth. "It's good to see you Lieutenant."

Quote from: Jiseth on May 01, 2014, 04:04:26 PM

[Shuttle Bay 3]

"Return to your quarters." The three flight department members perked up at the voice of their Lieutenant, "There's nothing to be done until the Captain and Executive Officer return. Go on standby..." "Yes, lady Jiseth," the three replied hesitantly. They looked to each other before turning and filing out into the corridor.

The silence seemed deafening in the shuttle bay. There only the slight whisper of the ventilation system. Her eyes trailed down to the floor's burn marks. Jiseth's teeth clenched as with a growl she raised her fist. Lunging down she began punching into the hangar floor, only stopping when she noticed her hands wet with green and her knuckles weeping. Held up by her hands and knees, she could feel beads of sweat accumulating on her face and neck, a sudden rush of adrenaline. With a sigh she looked up to the ceiling and sat upright, her legs moving to one side.

=/\= Chief Medical Officer to Shuttle Bay 3... =/\=

Shuttle Bay 3

Jimmy stepped aside as heentered the bay, allowing the the Flight team to depart. Immediately locking his sight onto Lieutenant Jiseth. He took a deep breath and made his way to the Chief Flight Officer. He frowned as he saw her seemingly lost in thought, as she gazed out into space. Clearing his throat to announce himself.

"Lieutenant, I was wondering if I could have a word."

Season Four Missions / Re: Mission 05:Ahab's Quest
April 23, 2014, 04:21:29 AM
Quote from: John Brown on April 23, 2014, 04:07:11 AM

John looked into the Room to see White Smoke oozing out of the ceiling like slim covering the Gorn with a White Power within a few moments the Fireing from them started to slow down as small groups of them starting falling to the ground

"You come out smelling likes roses" Finished Brown as he ran into the room with his Tricorder he scanned one of them "There Asleep but not forlong; Williams access the Terminal start the Download" Ordered John

Looking into the room, Booth saw what Brown meant. The Gorn were either going limp or backing off, his eyes moved and observed the jetting fire suppression chemical. "It's the cold, reptiles hate it." Turning his head to look at Williams, Jimmy barked. "Come on Williams, I don't want to take up residence, move your ass."
Season Four Missions / Re: Mission 05:Ahab's Quest
April 23, 2014, 04:00:43 AM
Quote from: John Brown on April 23, 2014, 03:47:42 AM

"Well I know that Smartass" Finished Brown then he looked at him "Oh Yes I know of your Partys Jimmy......Just Like 73 on Risa" Finished Brown as he ducked around and Shot a few more "Fiftty Eight and Fiffty Seven....See I got  Two I am winning" Finished John with a Smile

"This is no time for catch up or brag." Jimmy replied as the heat of the battle intensified. Leaning out again, he fired off several more blasts. One of the bolts impacted on some kind of power junction box, the explosion that followed injured one of the reptiles. However the shower of sparks from the box started a fire, which in turn triggered the fire suppression system. "Oh great, its be shot, bitten or burned to death now."
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