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Messages - Levinia Black

Quote from: Lizzie Vaughan on August 25, 2016, 04:06:57 PM


Lizzie gave a short bark of a laugh at Vinnys mentions of Water and glycerol.

"Lieutenant Black." She said. "While I understand where you are coming from, do you realise that water and glycerol only effect uncured silicone? This is a large mass of silicone that has had more than enough chance to cure itself. As such, there are only a few solvents that will separate a mass of this size. I picked hydrochloric acid as, despite yours and Lieutenant Carters remarks, it is the LEAST destructive and toxic of the available options. The information at Ensign Wardropper has provided, gives you the details of why we should use this option. And unless we can reduce the mass, we will not be able to tow it out using the tractor beam." She glared at the Science Officer before turning to the Captain.

"Captain, the decision at the end of the day is yours. While I will follow whatever order you give, I must advise you that we have only time for one option and while the method I advised carries more risk, it also has the best chance of success in the time we have available." She said confident that her method was the best one available to them.


While Levinia didn't care for being laughed at, she said nothing, instead she responded evenly, "If that was indeed the case, Dr. Vaughn then the creature would have been dead already.  It is not that solidified, check the numbers...diluting the mass will take longer, but it is the safer option."  She countered and looked at the captain, waiting for her response.


tag Carter and Constance



Levinia quietly listened to the arguments and winced at Lizzie's order of acid.  Finally she spoke, "Well I have a medical degree and I have to agree with Lt. Carter."  She sighed and hoped that Lizzie wouldn't hold it against her.  They were friends but even best friends argued at times and the use of acid seemed harsh, especially on a creature that they had just discovered.  She turned around and typed up a simple formula, "We just need to liquify the silicone, the closest I can come to explain the clot is to thin it out we can use something like xylene but that can poison the host.  So we should go basic with water and simple glycerol."

The CSO then calculated the amounts and produced the results for Lt. Carter and the rest of the bridge crew.  "What do you think, Lt. Carter, is this a better option?"  She turned to the Captain, "Ma'am, going on Dr. Wardropper's suggestion, we can always try to beam it out but we may have to cauterize any vessels that will wind up Á¢â,¬Ëœcut' but such an abstraction.  Still, it can be done as a second choice?" 


Alanoth stood proudly with the security crewman's badge on his chest.  He was more than ready to help out in any way he could but when he was ordered to report to his mommy he grew petulant.  The little boy frowned but in the end he had to learn to take orders so he complied.  Tapping his badge like he had seen his mother do so many times he called out to his mother.

=^= I'm okay mommy...I'm sowwy that I worried you.  Me and crewman Ezac will be there shortly. =^=

He offered no other explanation having learned from his father that explanations for badness were not valid.  Instead he looked up at Ezac and scratched at one of his pointed little ears.  "Was that okay, sir?  Now what?  Do we go with mommy or do we find the bad guys?"


tag bridge crew

Quote from: Lizzie Vaughan on August 23, 2016, 02:03:52 PM


Lizzie turned as Paige spoke and listened carefully to the thoughts she had given on the dissolving of the clot.

"All are good thoughts Paige, assuming of course that the fluid we are in has the same make up as human blood." She turned to Vinny.

"Have you been able to confirm the chemical makeup of the fluid and of the clot?" She asked the Chief Science officer.


Levinia had been so busy with the shield modulations that she had forgot that they were running an analysis on the creature's biology.  She nodded thankfully at LIzzie, "Thanks for the reminder!"  She then shifted from tactical and moved back to the science stations where she brought up the scan information.

After a moment of study and running through the different chemical compounds found she responded loud enough for everyone on the bridge to hear, "Oh."  She began her voice sounded troubled, "No...I'm afraid it's nothing like our own blood.   It's silicone based, which would explain how it can live in the vacuum of space.  It seems like the clot it more of a hardening of the silicone, that's what's causing the clot."

Levinia thought about it a little more, "The creature will be very slow moving, probably feeding on asteroids and small moons, but because of its silicone based nature it will take very long naps.  Basically we found it during one of its naps, it can wake up at any moment.  If that happens its systems will start to operate at full capacity."  She looked around wondering if everyone realized what that would mean.  If they didn't get the clot moving the creature could die on them.

"We will need to throw compounds at the clot in order to make it liquid again."  Her fingers worked, but silicone was not a difficult substance to work with.  Living silicone, however, delivered nutrients to the creature's systems and organs.  If the compounds were not exact they could literally poison its blood.

Quote from: Paige Wardropper on August 21, 2016, 10:11:15 PM


Paige grinned inwardly to herself thinking that with Lizzie off the Bridge she was representing Medical, a Doctor/Scientist had moved to help Tactical and now she was volunteering herself... ...any port in a storm...

"Lt. Black? Anything I can look after here for you while you assist Mr. Carter, Sciences was my secondary at the Academy, it's been a while but I just don't want to conflict with anything you have set up!"


"Yes, doctor, we are going to need you now that the CMO is gone."  Levinia nodded as she brought out the comparison charts for the shield modulations.  "We'll need to pinpoint the exact location for that torpedo hit so we can disperse that clot."

Quote from: James Carter on August 22, 2016, 02:51:42 AM


"Well. She got as far as she could, but in her state..." James paused a moment before continuing. "In her current state she wasn't operating at one hundred percent. If you'd like to lend a hand the secondary tactical station is still open. It'd be nice to have the eyes of some one outside of security on this."

=/\= Noted. I have Johnson standing by. If you should need him, you can contact either myself or him directly. =/\=

She nodded at Lt. Carter's assessment and agreed to help. "Still she did start up well."  Her fingers activated the secondary tactical station.  Levinia had to remember the way Tactical was set up.  She had been trained but it had been a while since she actually had to use one of these stations.  Still, after a couple of moments to ponder it started to flow back into her.

Bringing up the schematics for the tungsten oxide she continued Ensign's Deacon's work.  She had almost finished so there was only a little bit left for Levinia to finish.  Matching the oxide compound to the shield production she finally got them to match.  With a smile she sighed and informed the bridge, "Shields have been configured, we won't have any trouble with sticky antibodies, but we still need to prevent any more bumps."  She grinned at the flight officer and turned back to Paige.

Quote from: Paige Wardropper on August 22, 2016, 02:22:38 PM


"Are you ok there Commander?" Paige said feeling a little pain from the knee that had taken the force of the impact. "I can give you a quick shot of anesthizine to help with any pain...." she trailed off a little knowing that the Commander had been in medical prior to command.

"Or if I'm not needed on the Bridge any longer I could go check on Stark for Ensign Deacon?  I know strictly it's not my duties but I think it falls under them given that the psychological well-being of a patient is as important as the physical. And I know she'll fret until she knows Stark is safe and well!"

"You can't leave, we're almost at the clot."  Levinia frowned slightly, surely that was more important than checking on a pet.  "Have you calculated the exact area to shoot the missile at?"  She turned back to tactical to check on the status of the weapon which was going to be used for the creature's surgical operation.  "Lt. Carter would need that information, but I guess I could work on it?"  She chewed on her bottom lip as she pondered on the situation.
Quote from: Ezac on August 21, 2016, 04:23:34 PM

Ah, there you are, Ezac thought to himself as he watched the child stop and turn around. Although he hadn't made any significant attempt to follow stealthily--if that would even be possible, given his attire--he still found himself impressed that a three-year-old would have the cognizance to realize that he was being followed.

"Some might consider it rude to be addressed by nothing but race," Ezac started. "While it is not incorrect to identify me as Breen, I do prefer to be referred to as 'Crewman Ezac.' How should I address you?"

Alanoth thought about what the man said to him but the child refused to get a scowling, instead he definitely piped back, "But you are a Breen and I don't know your name."  His dark blue eyes scanned the rank on the Breen's uniform and recognized it as crewman.  He could have have called him crewman but at the moment he hadn't thought of it.  The child scowled greatly increasing the ridges on his forehead.

He pondered on what to respond, but was relieved when the answer blared through the man's combadge.  Alanoth sighed and dropped his hands at his side.  The escape had been thwarted he was caught.  Oh well, it was fun while it lasted and he would do better next time because there would be a next time of this he was positive.

Quote from: Ezac on August 21, 2016, 04:23:34 PM

Ezac looked at the child before staring at an insignificant spot on the floor while thinking. He then returned his gaze to the boy. He certainly possesses Romulan traits, Ezac considered silently to himself before considering the extreme likelihood that this was in fact Dr. Black's son. Ezac reached up and tapped on his combadge.

=/\= Affirmative. This is Crewman Ezac, en route. =/\=

The child let out a sigh and prepared for the worse.  His mother was going to be so angry at him but she was a softy, always had been.  He feared his father who wasn't hard to anger and his discipline although not harsh was not a prospect that Alanoth wanted to contemplate.  However before Alanoth could get any word in he watched in stunned silence as the security crewman spoke to him.
Quote from: Ezac on August 21, 2016, 04:23:34 PM

While taking a few steps toward the child, Ezac reached both hands up to his combadge and started to remove it. "As it turns out, I am in need of assistance. In addition to my standard patrolling, I have been tasked with locating a person of interest." With the combadge removed, Ezac knelt down in front of the child. "I would like your help, but in order to make it official, I need you to monitor communications."

Ezac held the combadge near the child's chest, ready to attach it to his shirt. "What do you say?"

His features soften and the child stared in astonishment as Ezac spoke about needing help.  "Of course, Crewman!"  Alanoth piped in response, "I'm more than ready, sir."

Black Quarters

Levinia had been called by the babysitter about Alanoth's escape.  She held her child's combadge which he knowingly had taken off during his escape.  The young mother couldn't help the tears that welled up in her eyes at the thought of losing her child.  She silently talked to Tani wondering what he'd think of her parenting skills.  "I'm so sorry, my darling.  I've lost our son."  However, as soon as one of the security crewman called in she breathed a sigh of relief.  Of course her son couldn't get too far, still there were so many places on a starship that would be deadly for a three year old.  Even one as resourceful as her son.

Not able to resist, Levinia tapped her combadge and called to Crewman Ezac

=^= How's Alanoth?  Is he alright?  =^= 

Quote from: Lizzie Vaughan on August 20, 2016, 05:30:11 PM


Lizzie pulled out her tricorder and scanned Vinnys head.

"Just a flesh wound thank goodness. I see no signs of swelling or serious head injury. I'll just close up the cut, just be sure to let us know if you experience headaches or double vision." She said, pulling out the dermal regenerator and proceeded to close the wound. Once it was done she cleaned the area.

"There you go Lieutenant. I won't give you any painkillers in case of further complications." She putting her equipment back in her case.


The pain was gone almost immediately and it made Levinia sigh in relief.   "Thank you, Lizzie."  She thanked her friend with a smile.  She was glad it was only a superficial wound because at the moment it seemed like she was needed.

She frowned when she realized that ensign Deacon had a broken collarbone.  She winced knowing how bad the pain could get and how mobility would be difficult, especially when one relied on their hands.

Quote from: Paige Wardropper on August 21, 2016, 10:36:59 AM


"I'll be glad to Rachel, don't worry.  I'd even take him for a short walk if needed.  Won't want him pulling on that shoulder which he might if he weren't so well trained.  Don't fret, I'll look after Stark!"

Turning to Vinnie she said "I know you're medically trained so if we have any further problems up here, you're our right hand woman.  Gods, cross-training, ain't it wonderful!" she muttered.

"Of course, doctor."  Levinia nodded, "Anything I can do to help.  Still, we need to get those shields modulated."  She got up tentatively, realized that her footing was just fine and there was no dizziness then made her way towards Lt. Carter.  "How far did Ensign Deacon go on the shields, lieutenant?  Do you need any help with the recalculations?  I can't say they are my best topic but I can work with them."

It wasn't difficult, even for a three year old, to realize he was being followed.  Alanoth frowned and turned around to stare at the Breen as he held his ground.  He placed his hands on his waist in what he thought was a perfect impersonation of an adult and confronted the alien.  "Why are you following me, Breen?"  Alanoth's piping voice was about as serious as it could get but still managed to sound adorably cute.  There was no way any adult could fear the boy but that didn't stop him from trying to look fearsome.

Suddenly the computer's alert system sounded through the Breen's combadge, directed especially to all security personnel.

=^=  Be on the lookout, three year old child is lost.  Qellar, Alanoth Douglas, Terran, Romulan hybrid, son of Dr. Levinia Black CSO.  If found please report to Dr. Black's quarters.  =^=


tag Paige, Doc Liz and Ensign Deacon and dammit Leonard, you're a leaf in the wind !  a leaf! XD

Quote from: Leonard T. Scott on August 20, 2016, 03:36:07 PM


Leonard continued to guide the ship through the planet's cardiovascular system. For a few of the turns, he had to rely on the sensors, but it was to be expected since they were flying partially blind.

Unexpectedly, sharp turn came into view. The ensign was unable to get the ship slowed enough to take the turn without bumping into the outside wall. The whole ship rocked violently to the right. Scott was unseated as was most of the rest of the crew.

He returned to his seat and stated, "Ooch, soory everyone," his accent slipped, "The sensors didnae register that last turn. Captain, I'm going lower our speed to one sixteenth impulse. Hopefully that will prevent further incidents like that."


Fortunately, Levinia was at the seat in front of the science console when the ship rocked.  It prevented a worse fall but she still managed to get knocked off.   The fall wasn't too hard what gave her pain was that she hit her head against the panel which caused her to see little sparkles.  The only thing she could think of at the time was her son and hoped that he was okay.  The urge to run to him and leave her station was great but she stifled it, knowing that his babysitter was more than capable of taking care of him.

Quote from: Paige Wardropper on August 20, 2016, 03:55:27 PM


Sitting up at the Science station Paige was grateful that she was sitting down as the ship rocked to the right.  She still found herself on the deck but she'd not had as far to fall.

"Since no one will ask you, they never do, not in a nasty way just, we're the ones to heal not be injured ourselves, are you OK Dr. Vaughan?!"

Turning to Vinnie she said "What about you Lieutenant?"  She also was waiting on Rachel's report on any casualties.  With all the emotions and feelings flying around the Bridge in the moment of confusion she wasn't sure what feelings belonged to whom with the exception of Rachel's excruciating headache and the pain of the planet.

She groaned a little as she reached up to her forehead and came back with her fingers full of blood.  Levinia didn't think it was too bad, after all the scalp is one of the most bloody places.  Still, she didn't want to go with the old analogy that doctors make the worst patience so she submitted to the truth, "I bumped my head."  The former doctor now scientist sat back down on the chair and blinked a couple of times.  She shook her head and turned to the Ensign Deacon, "How are those shield modifications?  Are they working?"   

The Romulan hybrid child made his way down the corridor with no fear.  His little face was scrunched into serious contemplation which seemed odd and intense on his very young face.  He wasn't about to be detoured from his mission, however, and that was to find his mother.  Alanoth was not amused by his present babysitter who was, in his head, boring.  Besides, he missed his mother who was the only parent he had at the moment.  He missed his father the most and his tall looming figure was missing from his life and left him feeling too vulnerable for his liking.

No! He had angrily refused to return to the game that his babysitter had proposed.  He had used the lock codes he had watched his mother use and used them to lock his babysitter in.  Now he looked for signs of his mother and although he had somewhat memorized the corridors of the big ship seeing it for real was way different.

Refusing to admit he was lost he made his way down the long passageways ignoring the stares from the adults and pretending to know exactly where he was going.  It wouldn't be long before his babysitter went searching for him or worse sent security after him.  He grinned at that.  His father was security and tactical, it would be neat if he worked with them.  Alanoth wanted to be like his father, but that meant being brave.  So he held his little head high and continued on his trek with a positive stride and no fear whatsoever.

Quote from: Paige Wardropper on August 18, 2016, 11:22:07 PM

Tag back

EDIT Fri 19th Aug - 1.40pm UK time.  Re-tag Levinia and bridge

LOL tag Captain Lafayette
Quote from: Constance Lafayette on August 19, 2016, 01:43:53 AM


Ms. Black was on point, a habit that Constance believed was going to be a welcome trend.

"Any thoughts on how to do that Ms. Black? What would cause them to leave us alone? Could we mask ourselves as one of them? Even partially?"

Quote from: Paige Wardropper on August 19, 2016, 01:36:45 PM


Paige moved closer to Levinia and gestured to the spare console.

"May I?" she said indicating that she meant to scan to see if they could get a read on the cardiovascular system. "I should think it would show up much the same as rivers and mountains and so on, presuming of course our sensors haven't been 'slimed'.  Generally speaking we should just be able to follow the system around and we'd get to the heart eventually, but time is essential here so we need to plot a course."

She looked to McIntyre.  What the Captain had just said and the look in her eye was contemplative like someone holding pocket aces. 'What's she up to now?!' Paige wondered quite excitedly.  Constance had a way of being creepily brilliant most the time, and being stuck in the blood flow of a sentient planet was definitely one of those moments to be brilliant.


Levinia nodded and listened to Paige.  "That would work, surgery was performed using the body's own vascular system.  Dr. Wardropper is on to something."  She agreed and it would make their ride a lot smoother.

"As for the cells leaving us alone, I have an idea."  Levinia went to the science console and began to look up the information.  "Normally, we use anti-rejection medications to avoid the body from attacking a replaced organ or artificial implant, but that requires extensive medicine intake and for a certain period of time.  The medications can also deplete the creature's immune system and we don't want to do that.  So..."

Levinia's little fingers flew as she typed up the formula she was looking for and set it up for the captain and bridge crew to see.  It was a microscopic tungsten oxide atom

"This atom when coated over metal prevents biofouling, of course we can't exactly coat the entire ship in it, but we can recalculate the shields to form a similar coating.  We won't have to repel and kill the attacking antibodies, they will simply slip off and away."  She turned to the captain, wondering if her idea would work. 
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