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Messages - Ian Galloway

Quote from: James A. Hawke on January 26, 2017, 03:10:07 AM


James stood dazed for a second in the middle of the bridge.  The Damage seemed to be accumulating on the ship.  He stood there shocked; he could not believe that all the planning would go soo wrong soo fast.

He heard the ship heading back into ramming.  Before he could decide one way or another...The helm decided to move the ship into ramming.  He did not react as he felt everything going into slow motion.

All of the sudden...he was shocked to see the next step.  The Borg Ship disappeared....

James asked "Science...where is the Borg Ship?

The Person in Science reported "The Borg Cube went into's only going Warp 2"

The Captain sat on the chair and said "They are only going Warp 2...which means they are heavily damage...but why did they not finish us off?"  He pondered.

=/\= Captain Hawke to all senior officers and mission specialist alive and available....everyone please report into my ready room.  The Borg Ship withdrew from our sector and left us dead.  Please be in my ready room for the meeting =/\=

=/\= Hawke to Mr. Scott, How many Shuttles we have available =/\=

"EQ, install try to minitor our senior officer and try to see what help, we can give them so they can meet us"  James ordered.

"Captain Warring, you are with me in the ready room"  James asked William

Lastly he turned to Galloway "Lt. have the conn...please don't ram the ship into anything without orders...I might have a plan"  James smiled and said.

[Ready Room]

James had to pry open the door.  He walked into the room which was partially destroyed.  He removed his uniform and revealed his command vest.  He wondered if the latest plan was going to work but it was better than anything...


Ian watched the Cube warp away and stood dumbfounded and finally roared with a raised fist.


Then Ian heard the Captain's order and managed a lopsided grin as he replied.

"Uh...Aye Sir. I have the conn and don't ram anything. That last part will be easy enough. Too much damage ta move Sir."


Tag EQ and retag the Captain.



Ian drove the Valour toward the Cube with all the velocity that thrusters could manage, the massive Borg ship dwarfed the Excelsior-Class Federation ship, but that didn't matter, there was more than enough anti-matter aboard to more than destroy even so large a target as this. As he piloted on what was almost certainly his last time at the helm, if his plan failed, Ian called out to the Chief of the Boat.

"Mister Kimball, please go ta the bridge weapons locker, grab a phaser for yourself and the captain, then prep the rest of them ta overload. The blast will destroy the bridge and perhaps take some of those Borg boogits with them."

Ian then concentrated on piloting, but as he did, he started to recite something from his youth that came to mind unbidden, but given the appropriateness of the poem, his voice grew in strength as he gave full throat to the words written so long ago.

"Farewell to the Highlands, farewell to the North,
The birth-place of Valour, the country of Worth;
Wherever I wander, wherever I rove,
The hills of the Highlands for ever I love.

"My heart's in the Highlands, my heart is not here;
My heart's in the Highlands a-chasing the deer;
A-chasing the wild-deer, and following the roe,
My heart's in the Highlands wherever I go.

"Farewell to the mountains high covered with snow;
Farewell to the straths and green valleys below;
Farewell to the forests and wild-hanging woods;
Farewell to the torrents and loud-pouring floods.

"My heart's in the Highlands, my heart is not here;
My heart's in the Highlands a-chasing the deer;
A-chasing the wild-deer, and following the roe,
My heart's in the Highlands wherever I go."

Ian finished speaking and looked sheepishly at the Captain.

"Sorry Sir, but Bobbie Burns seemed too fittin' fer this moment."

Quote from: EQ Kimball on January 24, 2017, 11:40:23 PM


"Ah, I totally misunderstood which crater you meant" EQ admitted with a bit of a smile.  There were several asteroids in the area, so it was an easy mistake to make.  "Except for us all dying, I totally approve of that idea" the liberated Borg added with a shrug.


Ian smiled grimly as the Valour slowly headed for the damaged Cube.

"Mr. Kimball, if'n at all possible, tis my intent ta survive. I hope ta site ta site transport ta one of the escape pods or maybe a shuttle if'n we can have any sort of luck. It might be good ta give the order ta abandon ship as well. If'n this works, that Ferguson git will be able ta take us back ta our own times."

As Ian piloted, he remodulated his phaser to stay ahead of the Borg adaptability.

"Just a few more shots lass, just a few more shots."

Quote from: EQ Kimball on January 24, 2017, 08:09:13 PM


"Aye, Captain" EQ called out.  He tapped in the commands while he listened to potential plan to self destruct the Valour.  A plan he did not like.

", sending coordinates to the helm now" the liberated Borg called out.  "Pardon me for saying so, but if we plan to use the self destruct sequence we should at least aim for the Borg cube instead of a crater.  And it we do it just right we might be able to avoid the self destruct and push the shuttle out of the hanger as we pass by" he said.


Ian looked around the bridge in a mixture of anger and disbelief.

"Mr. Kimball, my intention was ta drive smack inta that crater the deflector made. It's now the weakest part of the Cube and even with the EMP bursts, it won't be long before those Borg wankers recover. We have seconds ta make this happen or it never will. We've slowed them down, but nae enough ta stop their mission, and considering it will be the last thing I do, I won't fail at mine."

Ian moved to the helm and initiated full thrusters to get the Valour moving while she was still capable of movement.

Quote from: James A. Hawke on January 24, 2017, 04:32:39 PM

James fought for control with the Borg on top of him.  He used every inch of streght to fight the injection.  He knew that as soon as he was injected with the nano's he would be assimilated by the collective.
He began feeling the injection inching closer to his neck...his sweat came down his forehead.  When all of the sudden he saw a phaser blast.  Hit the Borg on top of him.
James took a deep breath as he felt a sense of relief that he was still alive and unassimilated.

He took the hand of Lt. Galloway and got back into his feet.

James stood up and for a second he felt weak.  He needed to get his bearings as he figure he might have hit his head during the encounter with the Borg.  He could not help but hear his Chief Engineer in the coom system being slowly assimilated.  He heard the scream in the pain and he was powerless to stop it.  It also seemed that he was surrounded by death.

Hawke closed his eyes and said "I think we know his fate...there is nothing we can do...close that comm. Channel"  The truth was he was responsible for his death as like the lives of everyone on the ship.

In his carrier he had never been in this position, it seemed that death was certain.  He said to the ship "I'm Sorry".  They believe in him and he had let him down.

He wondered the options "Mr. Galloway, we won't make it with the shuttles..."

The Devices on the Borg EMP was still lighting up.  There was a moment of rest in the battle.  The Firing stopped.  It was a calm before the storm.

"We have no warp core, no chief Engineer,  we are dead in the's only a matter of time before that Cube wakes up and fire at us"  James commented.

"Will, how many people did we loose?" James asked

"EQ, where are the Borg located?"  James asked

This was a disaster...and it seemed that once that Cube woke up it would be their death...


Ian listened to the Captain and felt the chill of dread pierce completely through him, then he got angry.

"Sir, if'n the shuttles won't make it. We have impulse and, at the very least, we have thrusters. While the Cube is crippled, I can steer the ship inta the crater and we can self-destruct. Our job was ta stop this Cube, survival was always optional. I'm nae too much inta history Sir, but there is a quote by a Roman procounsel by the name of Pompey that seems ta fit our situation. 'Navigare necesse est vivere non est necesse' that's a language called Latin. It means ta sail is necessary; ta live is not necessary. Ferguson told us this mission was suicidal and we took it anyway.

"Sir, my recommendation is ta contact the Exec and have her confirm the self destruct order as I steer us inta the crater."

Ian than looked the Captain square in the eye and waited for his response.

Quote from: James A. Hawke on January 23, 2017, 06:32:43 PM

James looked at the view screen as he saw the Borg Scan being completed.  He figured once they finish their scan they will attack or ignore them.  He head the command on the ship was locked with a fractal algorithm.

He waited a couple of second to see the status of the security team.   James then turned to the Liberated Borg and said "In case the Deflector, plan fails...I need you to man tactical"

He waited for a few seconds but in his point of view felt like an eternity.

James then looked down and started =/\= Hawke to Commander Tidus...begin the operation, don't worry about the intruder we have a security team...we have your back Commander =/\=

James then pressed his pin and said =/\= Lizzie begin the attack =/\=

James then yelled "Once the deflector attack make fire at will.  Helm Initiate Star Manuver with Strafe Attack vectors to the Borg"

Quote from: Dylan Torngate on January 23, 2017, 06:54:35 PM

[Deflector Control]

=/\= Aye sir!=/\= he said into the open comms, and turned to the person next to him. =/\= Commence Primary Ignition.=/\= he said, pushing one button as the gold-emblazoned man next to him reached up and flipped a lever, as they both shielded their eyes. A bright green-blue beam set emanated from the deflector, combining with other similar beams to form one thick, pulsating beam that flew forth through space toward the cube. The beam grew in intensity for several seconds, as Alex called out power readings.

=/\= Sixty Percent... Eighty Percent... There's full power!=/\= he said, triumphant before an emergency alarm blared in the comms. =/\= Hang on... what's going on here... we're losing power! Something's feeding back into the grid. I've gotta shut it down!=/\= he exclaimed, frantically working with the panel in front of him. The beam sputtered a few times before cutting out, as sparks flew in the cabin and through the EPS grid, knocking the warp drive offline as a sizeable burnout of the entire deflector system was barely contained.

He immediately left the area, running down to Engineering. He burst through the doors to the smoke filled room as conduits fried and relays blew, and alarms sounded. =/\= Bridge! Engine Room! It's a mess down here, that feedback nearly took out the ship. We're dead in the water, what's the damage to the cube?=/\=

Quote from: Non-Playing Character 2 on January 23, 2017, 07:24:34 PM

[Bridge - U.S.S. Valour]

Unit 6764

Unit 6764 transporter into the bridge and began their assault.  This species was worthy of assimilation.  The Queen had instructed the pair to make two attacks.  A previous assimilation in the past has given the collective the Data that the unit in the center of the ship is in command.

He approached to a individual in front of the center of the bridge.  He looked like he was wearing an outfit with the color red.  His skin was tanned and his hair was dark.  Both needless features in the collective.  They are not part of being perfect.

He pushed the person [James Hawke] into the floor and raised his assimilation tool...he aimed for his neck as he wanted to start the process...

Unit 9895
United 9895 transported into the bridge of the ship.  His mission was different than his counter unit.  He was instructed NOT to assimilate his target. [Kinley Garrison] He transported right next to his target.  It was a female...whiteout any time for reaction he grabbed her and injected her with a sedative.

She was then transported in front of the queen.

[Borg Queen Room]

The Unit transported into the damaged chamber...and left the biological unit to the Borg Queen.  He then moved to the side and left the biological inferior creature to do the first move.  He stood ready with his arm on the even that the creature attacked their queen.


Ian watched the deflector beam hit the Cube and blast a deep crater into the center of the facing side. He had time to smile before the Captain gave him a helm order and he replied.

"Star Manuver with Strafe Attack vectors to the Borg Aye Sir."

However, before Ian could maneuver, he felt the ship lurch and the report from engineering that the ship was crippled. As he felt the control go limp, he heard the transporter behind him and wheeled in time to see the Drone knock the Captain to the deck.

"Not today ya inbred jackal!"

He snarled as he stood and drew his phaser in about the smoothest motion he'd ever managed. As the weapon was already set at the highest setting, when he fired, the Drone glowed briefly, then succumbed to the disintegration effect. As Ian saw the second Drone grab Kinley, he pivoted to fire, but wasn't fast enough to stop the beam out.

"Deoghail am fallus bhÁƒ rr duine mharbh siadha tiadhan!"

Ian swore as he failed to save his crew mate and moved to help the Captain to his feet.

"Sir, we're in bad shape. I can maneuver us inta that crater with thrusters and we can self destruct, but with Borg already beamin' aboard, we've shot our wad and bloody lost."

Ian thought frantically for an idea and threw out the best thing he could come up with on the fly.

"Sir, we can launch every shuttle we have. One of them with the anti-matter might get through!"


I'm fairly certain the Chief Medical Officer can order the computer to beam you and your patient directly to sickbay without approval from the bridge.

USS Tempest / Re: News & Announcements
January 23, 2017, 03:29:05 AM

Thank you for the kind words and best of luck to you as an XO!

Quote from: Lizzie Vaughan on January 22, 2017, 09:57:05 PM


Lizzie nodded.

"You got it!" She replied before activating the com system.

=/\=Vaughan to Security. Intruder Alert! We have Borg in the computer core. Meet me in the access corridor. Bring modified Phasers!=/\= She said before getting up. She checked the modified Phaser at her waist before leaving the Bridge at a run.

Computer Core

Lizzie arrived at the computer access entrance with the four armed Security Officers. Once they were in position she tapped her com-badge.

=/\=Vaughan to the Captain. We are in position, ready to attack on your mark!=/\=


Ian listened to the report of an intruder and cringed which caused him to unconsciously make sure his phaser was still on his hip.

"Those carrion pickin' jackals might be able ta adapt ta a phaser, but I can nae do so and I can guarantee if'n they take the bridge, they won't be takin' me. Unless they now know how ta reconstitute atoms."

Ian smiled at his own gallows humor and waited for the order to begin evasive actions.

Quote from: James A. Hawke on January 22, 2017, 04:59:56 PM


James stood and looked at the Ops station in front of him.  He then looked down for a second and remembered that they were the FIRST contact with the Borg from a historical point of view.  The reason why  to find out if they were worthy of assimilation.
"Captain Warring do what you must...try to be discrete if possible...we want to preserve the element of surprise"   James ordered.

quote author=Kinley Garrison link=topic=7369.msg142949#msg142949 date=1485081238]

"I've blocked them for now, commander. I'm not sure how long it'll last, but I've bought us some time."

He looked at Lizzie and responded "You are correct, I leave you the details to stop the Borg"

=/\= Hawke to Tidus....prepare to fire the Deflector Dish, weapon=/\=

"We will attack the Borg at the same time"  James instructed the crew
Ian heard the order to fire and silently prayed as he watched the Cube closing.

"Sweet Merciful Maker, this was my idea, please, let this work. Too many lives are at stake for this ta fail."

Ian stared at the Cube, waiting to see if the weapon would work and muttered absently.

"Even though I've seen the logs of the battles with the Borg at Wolf 359 and Sector 001 before, ya just never realize how bloody big one of these buggers is until ya are lookin' at it."


Okay, I don't think I'm usually this dense, but to my knowledge, the computer core is not on the bridge. Since there is only one drone and he is at the computer core, he cannot be on the bridge.

I'm just trying to get a mental picture of what is happening because Ian does have a phaser and will blast at least the first couple drones into their component atoms if they appear on the bridge.

I just checked the forum database on the Excelsior class, Main Bridge is Deck 1 and the computer core is on Deck 8.

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