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Messages - Ian Galloway

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on January 22, 2017, 05:38:31 AM

That works too. Charbroil him for me, will ya?

Ian would if he were anywhere near the computer core, as it is, I'm trying to find out if there is one on the Bridge. If there is, he gets the glow and go setting!
Quote from: Lizzie Vaughan on January 22, 2017, 11:12:04 AM

Can I have  Tag from someone who is on the Bridge so I get our injured Caitian to Sickbay!

You already have him. The injured Caitian is K'lizh from the shuttle.

The best way to stop the drone from tapping into the computer core is a phaser set on barbecue.


Did I miss another post? I see the drone in the computer core, I don't see one beaming onto the bridge. Galloway has a phaser and has it set on barbecue to solve that problem.

Season 1 Missions / Re: S1 M5: Trial by Fire
January 22, 2017, 04:20:32 AM
Quote from: S'Murr on January 22, 2017, 02:56:16 AM


S'Murr felt ice run down his spine and to his tail. He had to have meant K'lizh. S'Murr had not even spoken to his fellow Caitian yet. He felt a sudden anxiousness. He responded on the private channel.

=/\= Thank-you, Ian. I am certain CMO Vaughan will take excellent care of him. And yes, this has been amazing. After this is over, I think I would like some of that dreadful brew you were consuming in Ten Forward. =/\=


Ian smiled as he replied

=/\= "We'll make a proper Scot out of ya yet Lad. Good huntin', Galloway out." =/\=

Ian then rescanned his station to make sure that when whatever happened next, he'd be ready for it.


Tag S'Murr

Season 1 Missions / Re: S1 M5: Trial by Fire
January 22, 2017, 01:07:05 AM


Once the Tempest was at warp with the course layed in, Ian had little to do and he began to wonder about K'lizh and thinking about the Caitian, got him to thinking about S'Murr. Ian tapped a control on his panel that opened a private channel to engineering.

"Galloway ta S'Murr. Bad news mate, yer countryman's been wounded. He's in sickbay and Doctor's workin' on him. I know there is nae anything ya can do about it, but I'd figured ya want ta know."

Ian managed a quick smile even though S'Murr couldn't see him.

"Is this as amazin' fer ya as it is fer me? I would nae be anywhere in the Alpha Quadrant right now."

Season 1 Missions / Re: S1 M5: Trial by Fire
January 21, 2017, 04:06:05 PM
Quote from: Julia Rellek on January 21, 2017, 04:20:01 AM


Injuries... Julia knew that she was directly responsible for whatever happened out there. When Will joined the crew on the bridge without a chance to ask questions Will transmitted a message.

Julia wasn't the type of commanding officer who raised her voice. She had a tendency to listen quietly and direct softly but she couldn't believe what she had just witnessed. "Commander!" She spoke clearly and directly. "Do you have any idea of what you could potentially have just started. Right now these are skirmishes. Are you prepared for war? Because I don't want that and neither does the Federation."

She looked over, disappointed in his recklessness, and lowered the volume of her voice back to its normal level. "Take your post, Commander, we'll talk later."

Quote from: William Waring on January 21, 2017, 02:01:03 PM


Will was still fuming when the Captain told him to resume his post "Captain, with all due respect, K'lizh could have been killed on that shuttle! Are we supposed to stand by and just take it?"

Will finally made it to his seat and sat down. "Ma'am. The Tzenkethi are the ones engaging the skirmishes. If they had bigger or better ships they would certainly use them. I doubt these rebels have much more then this." Then he went silent, he would bide his time but he would make the Tzenkethi pay with their blood.

Quote from: Julia Rellek on January 21, 2017, 04:20:01 AM

"Ensign Galloway, lay in a pursuit course and engage at maximum warp. Mr. Hawk, waht's the status of our defensive and offensive systems? T'Prina, are our sensors still operating at maximum efficiency? Commander Hawke, please check in with the engine room? Make sure we are capable of maximum warp."

"Aye Sir! Maximum warp."

Ian replied tersely, immediately putting word to deed, and all could see the starlines as the Tempest went to warp. Although he remained silent during the exchange between the Captain and the First Office, Ian had run through a gamut of emotions. Relief to see Waring safe, confusion as he made a most un-Starfleet like vendetta against the Tzenkethi, and now just plain awkwardness as the two clearly did not agree on their next course of action. As this was still his first hour as an ensign, he knew his only place was to remain silent and do his job, because the wrong word right now would have him wondering how someone could get kicked out of Starfleet in less than one day as an officer.

"Right now, I'd sooner try ta flap my ears and fly around the bridge before ya could get me ta say anything but a first year cadet's replies of 'yes sir', 'no sir' and 'I dinnae understand sir', Bloody hell, I'm nae certain that there were more fireworks out there or in here. Time fer Mrs. Galloway's little boy Ian ta become one with the bloody bulkheads fer now. Damn I hope Mr. K'lizh will pull through."

As the Tempest was no longer maneuvering for her life, Ian happened to glance down and frowned.

"Bollocks, I'm still out of uniform. Perhaps if things can calm down, I can get ta a replicator ta get out of these cadet's grays and reds."

Ian frowned at his train of thought.

"Here we are at red alert, and I'm bloody worried about what I'm wearin' like some Lass goin' ta the prom. Get yerself together man!"

Ian then refocused on his hasty flight ops panel and wondered what the next hour would bring.


Tag the bridge.

Season 1 Missions / Re: S1 M5: Trial by Fire
January 20, 2017, 08:41:07 PM
Quote from: Lizzie Vaughan on January 20, 2017, 07:39:19 PM


When the call came in, Lizzie tpped her com-badge.

=/\=Vaughan to Bridge. On my way! Out.=/\=

She then turned to Lisa.

"Please take over here Doctor!" She asked the other Doctor, before motioning to a couple of Med Techs and one of the duty Nurses.

"You three, with me!" She said as she grabbed her med-kit and set off for shuttle bay 4 at a run.

Shuttle Bay 4

Lizzie and her three colleagues entered the shuttle bay and stood to one side. She could see the bay technicians preparing to receive the Van Buren so she led the other three to one side of the door. That way, they were hopefully out of the way when the damaged shuttle arrived, but would be on hand immediately afterwards.


Ian relaxed marginally as the doctor acknowledged the medical team was on the way, but knew he wouldn't feel he'd done his duty until the Van Buren was aboard.

"Bloody little gits."

He growled at the Tzenkethi as he fired fore and aft starboard thrusters to keep the Tempest moving sideways toward the damaged shuttle and made minute adjustment on the helm controls to keep the Van Buren lined up with shuttle bay four. So focused on his task, he began to croon softly as he made his corrections.

"Easy now Lass, steady as ya goes. Sweet as honey now. Up one degree. Port one degree. Yes, that's it. As gentle as a Lass slippin' on her stockin's. Three hundred meters. Two hundred. Down one degree. One hundred. No changin' yer mind now Lass. DOCKED!"

Ian's shoulders slumped in relief as the Van Buren entered the shuttle bay. Before he cancelled the thrusters and drove three quarters impulse straight forward, pivoting hard to port to go after the nearest of the teardrop shaped Tzenkethi fighters.

"Now tis time to erase these wankers from this version of space time!"


Guess I missed that post, threads fixed.


Tag Lizzie.

Season 1 Missions / Re: S1 M5: Trial by Fire
January 20, 2017, 04:20:44 AM
Quote from: William Waring on January 19, 2017, 11:22:42 PM

[Van Buren]

Will had to shield himself from the sparks of the fried console that his fellow officer. He heard a screech and found the Caitian injuried "K'lizh!" He exclaimed as he did the best to stabilize the shuttle while he check the injuries.
Will voice was filled with distress when he answered the comm

=A= Understood Mister Galloway and please have Medical Standing By to receive K'lizh. He was hit by shrapnel and possible electrocution when his console exploded." =A=

Ian responded immediately to the Commander's strident call for assistance.

=/\= Acknowledged! =/\=

Tapping the controls on the panel, Ian contacted sickbay.

=/\= "Medical emergency shuttle bay four. Shrapnel wounds!" =/\=

Ian growled, but remained silent despite the anger he felt at the time it was taking for the shuttle to reach safety

"We are losin' to a cluster of bloody gnats! What are they goin' ta do next, ram us like the Jem Hadar did the Odyssey?"

Quote from: Dylan Torngate on January 19, 2017, 06:50:06 PM

[Deflector Control]

He shook his head and tapped the rounded arrowhead on his mustard-brown uniform. (/\)Alex to Galloway, Deflector control standing ready.(/\) he said, before he saw the cubical vessel in front of him. The transmission cut through the internal ship's speakers, and he heard the phrase. His blood ran cold. His hand tightened in a fist as the scan went over him, the red lights pulsating overhead.


Ian heard his name and responded immediately.

=/\= "Galloway Aye, good huntin' Sir. The buggers are nae expectin' what we have ready fer them and they'll never know what hit them." =/\=

Ian refocused on the view screen and as he waited for orders, he smiled.

"Robotic leeches are about ta find out what Star Fleet can do ta one of their precious bloody Cubes and I've got a front row seat. Try and tell me there's a better life than this."


Tag William and the Bridge.

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