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Messages - Ian Galloway

Quote from: Non-Playing Character 2 on January 08, 2017, 10:03:12 PM

[2498-2499 Á¢â,¬"œ Adm. Newberry Plaza Á¢â,¬"œ New Year's Day] 

Agent Ferguson nooded and touched James into the future.

[U.S.S. Enterprise Á¢â,¬"œ J 26th Century-Conference Room]

Agent Ferguson appeared with a room full of people.  He then yelled to grab everyone's attention.
"Everyone!! Sorry to Interupt but can I get your attention!" He yelled at the room.

"It is my pleasure to introduce the Captain of the Mission.  Captain James Hawke"  Agent Ferguson said to the room.

He grabbed James by his shoulder and guided him to the Conference Room table. "Let me introduce you to part of your crew.  Some of them you do know others you do not.  First,  your first officer Captain Captain Elizabeth Vaghaun,  the Chief  of the boat EQ Kimball, Lieutenant Garrison your Chief Science Officer, she will be supported by Mr. Sevok , have Lieutenant Galloway who is the Chief Flight Officer and he will be supported by Leonard Scott, your will be backed by your ops personnel, Captain William Waring"

"I'll leave you to get aqquitated with the rest of your, crew...I need to do more work"  As like that he disappeared.

Ian was now getting used to Ferguson's rapid comings and goings and just extended his hand to Hawke.

"Greetings Sir. Let me be the first ta welcome ya ta the voyage of the damned and ta say how much I'm glad yer not that git Kirk or I'd have punched ya in the nose already."


[Enterprise-J Conference Room]

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on January 08, 2017, 08:29:08 PM

[Conference Room. Enterprise-J]

Kinley nodded at Lieutenant Galloway's remarks, trying to decipher the Lieutenant's very prominent accent. . "Well, not if we can't help it." she replied.
Shaking Captain Vaughan's hand, Kinley smiled at the mention of her fellow crew mate, . "Yes I did serve with her for a time on the Discovery. I didn't know you knew Katcha as well. Must be a pretty small universe after all. " She grinned, trying to bring a little levity in the conference room.

More people kept popping inside the conference room, some Kinley recognized by at least reputation, if not by the endless conferences she had to go to as an officer.

Ian smiled at Garrison admiring her confidence.

"Aye Lass. Hope springs eternal and all that. We do each have roughly thirty plus years of information about the Borg that Enterprise-D did nae have. That is goin' ta have ta be enough, because there is nae another option."


[Enterprise-J Conference Room]

Ian smiled broadly when he saw Waring.

"I'm sorely conflicted ta see ya Sir. Proud as hell ta be servin' with ya again, and sorry as hell that Ferguson roped ya into this suicide run. However, as I will never forget ya takin' the time ta promote me ta ensign in the middle of a red alert. I'm goin' ta come down on the pleased ta see ya again side Sir."

Ian reached out and shook Captain Waring's hand with firmness and true affection. 


[Enterprise-J Conference Room]

Quote from: Non-Playing Character 2 on January 08, 2017, 05:25:17 PM

[Crew Quarters - Present Day]

He smiled at EQ for a second.  Even though his appearance was a little intimidating the person under the implants had a sense of humor that was surprising to say the least.

He grabbed EQ's hand and said "This will only take a second"

[U.S.S. Enterprise Á¢â,¬"œ J 26th Century-Conference Room]

They entered the Conference room which was filled with people.  He pointed at the table.  He addressed everyone in the room.  "Everyone Calm Down!  He is not a Borg he is a Liberated Borg.  This is EQ Kimball and he is your Chief of the will also need him to understand the collective better."  As he finished he looked at EQ Kimball and said "Welcome to the U.S.S. Enterprise-J, we are right now in a time pocket in the 26th Century in the middle of one of the greatest battles of the Federation."  He pointed at the table and began instructions.

"Here is part of the crew you will be working with, Captain Elizabeth Vaughan, she will be the ship's First Officer, here we have Lieutenant Galloway, the ship's Chief of Flight, then we have Lieutenant Galloway she will be the ship's Science Officer, then we have Mr. Leonard Scott, she will be working on ship's flight you will also need his flight skills, Mr. Sevok is also a specialist in Borg Nanoprobes"

"Now, I would love and stay with all of you but I need to run again"  As he finished his statement he transported out again.

Ian watched the new arrivals appear and nodded to the Vulcan, knowing their aversion to shaking hands, before eying Kimball with interest.

"That Lad does like ta flit doesn't he? Welcome to the band of fools waitin' fer So-Vor-Kor or whatever ya believes in. I'm Ian."


Tag the conference room.

Unrelated note, does anyone else find it interesting that Borg New York includes the Twin Towers?


9Enterprise-J Conference Room]

Quote from: Lizzie Vaughan on January 08, 2017, 11:20:40 AM

U.S.S. Enterprise Á¢â,¬"œ J, 26th Century-Conference Room

Lizzie nodded as the Agent disapeared. She then went over to Galloway and shook his hand.

"It's a pleasure to work with you again Lieutenant.  I hope your flying skills are still as good as I remember." She said. But before they could say anything further, the agent returned.

Lizzie was about to introduce herself but Galloway beat her to it.

She walked up behind him.

"Pleased to meet you Lieutenant. I'm Captain Vaughan." She introduced herself, offering her hand. "I've heard good things about you from colleagues at the Academy and and old friend, Kachina Filitov. I believe you served together on the Discovery?" She asked.

Quote from: Non-Playing Character 2 on January 08, 2017, 04:15:55 PM

{XO's Office, DS5-2401}
Agent Ferguson gave a slight smile as he heard Leo's word.  The journey was easy, however the mission was more complicated.  As he took the hand he began the time transport process.

[U.S.S. Enterprise Á¢â,¬"œ J 26th Century-Conference Room]

They transported in the conference room in a more advance vessel.

He showed the table for a second and looked at Leo as he transported.  "Welcome to the U.S.S. Enterprise-J, we are in the 26th Century, at the battle of Procyon V, this ship...this moment in time is protected by the ripple effects of the time continuum"  Ferguson explained

"Leo, let me introduce you with the rest of your crew, over here you have your First Officer, Elizabeth Vaughan,  next to her you have Lieutenant Garrison,  she is the Chief Science Officer for the mission, next to her you have Lieutenant Galloway, he would be chief Helmsman...don't worry Leo, you will get to do plenty of flying on this mission, the ship will have a full complement of I will let you get to know each other, if you excuse me...I need to bring other people here"  Agent Ferguson said

Within a second he disappeared from the room.

Ian smiled warmly as Vaughan shook hands with him.

"Aye Captain. I remember ya from the Tempest I was no but a wee bairn then. I was-"

Ian blinked as Ferguson popped back in with another man introducing him quickly and then popping back out just as quickly.

"Nice ta meet ya... Leo was it? I don't claim ta know much in the way of Latin, but I do know a phrase that seems ta fit. Morituri te salutant. It means those of us about to die, salute you. Morbid perhaps, but goin' by the way that Ferguson wanker was talkin' it might be all too appropriate."


Tag Will


[Enterprise-J - Conference Room]

Quote from: Non-Playing Character 2 on January 08, 2017, 04:02:26 AM

[U.S.S. Enterprise Á¢â,¬"œ J, 26th Century-Conference Room]

Agent Ferguson allowed Lt. Garrison to enter the conference doors.  As she entered he smiled in silence has he thought that his plan was slowly but surely taking shape.


Agent Ferguson entered the Conference Room with Lieutenant Garrison.  He looked at the room and noticed that they were two individuals in the room.

The room had a center table with chairs around it.  Agent Ferguson began the introduction.

"Lieutenant Garrison, I would like to introduce you , Lieutenant  Galloway, he will be the Chief Helmsman on the mission and may I introduce you to the First Officer of the mission Captain Elizabeth you will be all saving the Federation together...better get to know one I wish I could stay but I need to run and get more of your crew together"  Ferguson said as he transported away.

Ian stood and crossed over to shake Lieutenant Garrison's hand.

"Even though that Ferguson git said there were others daft enough ta be on this fool's quest, I was nae certain he wasn't spinnin' me up. Goin' by the odds against us, I can nae say if it's good ta see ya Lass, because we might all be standin' the Birkenhead drill soon enough."

Season 1 Missions / Re: S1 M5: Trial by Fire
January 08, 2017, 04:05:40 AM

[Main Bridge]

Ian waited for a moment then turned to the First Officer and made sure to enunciate his Standard as clearly as possible as he made his request.

"Sir, since my presence here seems to be excess to needs, perhaps I should go an replicate the proper uniform. Unless you say otherwise, I will return to the Battle Bridge."


[Enterprise-J Stardate -unknown]

Quote from: Non-Playing Character 2 on January 07, 2017, 09:49:17 PM

[U.S.S. Enterprise -J, 26th Century, Outside of Conference Room]

Agent Ferguson smiled he did not figure that this historical found him to be that amusing. He appeared to be star struck at the events.  "Ohh Mr. Galloway, I know the same feeling you are having.  Ironically, James T. Kirk was my first choice for this mission Captain, but yet again he never met the I had to settle with someone else."

As he continued he said "Once you go through this door and enter this conference room, there is no turning back...are you sure you want to do this?"

Ian took a deep breath, his eyes never leaving Ferguson's.

"If'n I wasn't sure, I'd have never agreed ta go with ya. I hate temporal mechanics, but if'n the Borg can't deal with losin' then ya just keep kickin' their arse until they get the bloody message. So, in fer a penny, in fer a pound."

Ian's expression was hard as he replied, but before he stepped through the door, his eyes twinkled as he added.

"And if'n ya ever do meet Kirk, be sure ta bust his nose good fer me and Great Uncle Miles."


[Enterprise-J - Stardate - unknown]

Quote from: Non-Playing Character 2 on January 07, 2017, 03:49:23 PM

[Shuttlecraft De Gama Á¢â,¬"œ 2399]

Agent Ferguson gave a slight smile as he heard the deal.  At this point getting punched in the face was one of the least of his concerns.  He wanted first to have them meet outside the scope and bound of space.  There was one ship that symbolized the serious of the events.
"I am still working on the ship"  Agent Ferguson said.  "As much as I try, I can't be everywhere at once." He responded.

He approached Ian and touched his shoulder.  Like a Transporter, he was sent to another place and another time.

[USS Enterprise Á¢â,¬"œ J  26th Century]

As they transported into a an unknown ship.  Agent Ferguson, began explaining "Welcome to the U.S.S. Enterprise-J in the 26th Century"
He showed a window where a battle was taking place.

"Welcome to the Battle of Procyon V, the Final Battle in a war from the United Federation of Planets and another unrelated alien race. I brought you here you so can meet the crew and see firsthand the "bleed" effect of the timeline.  It is already affecting the 26th Century and the 31st Century.  As  I am speaking my technology is begging to be if you please follow me to this conference room where you will meet the rest of the crew...ohh and please don't go down the hallway...Captain Archer is there in a completely unrelated issue".
Although completely comfortable with transporters and how they worked, being at a different some when was disconcerting to Ian who tried to take in what Ferguson was saying, but simply couldn't keep up and slipped from Standard to Gaelic in his initial response.

"Mhac na galla! Archer? Captain JONATHAN Archer? Here? Enterprise JAY? Sweet Merciful Maker. If'n ya tell me that wanker Kirk is here, I don't care what the consequences are, I'm ta punch him in the nose fer gettin' Great Uncle Galloway killed."

Ian followed along absently, still trying to process what he was being told.

"Looks like yer in it fer a full measure this time lad."

Ian laughed and figured Ferguson would think he was off his rocker, but using the word time was just too funny not to laugh about.


Tag Will and/or Julia.

Season 1 Missions / Re: S1 M5: Trial by Fire
January 07, 2017, 04:16:14 AM

[Battle Bridge]

Quote from: William Waring on January 07, 2017, 03:46:17 AM

Will shook Ian's hand and decided to give him another spot of good news. "Ensign, effective immediately, you are given the duty of Flight Control Officer on the Main Bridge."

Will gave a dismissive wave of his hand "Standard Procedure. Nothing they can't handle without me for a few minutes." He motioned to the Main Bridge Turbolift "After you"

It didn't seem possible, but somehow Ian's smile broadened as he heard the even better news.

"Aye, aye Sir!"

Ian responded smartly and headed for the turbolift.

[Main Bridge]

Ian entered the main bridge in time to see an unknown woman taking the helm and his face fell. Confused, he stepped out of Commander Waring's way and stood near the turbolift in an attempt to stay out of the way.

"Well, guess it's possible ta have too much luck in one day."

Season 1 Missions / Re: S1 M5: Trial by Fire
January 07, 2017, 03:23:38 AM

[Battle Bridge]

Quote from: William Waring on January 07, 2017, 03:08:10 AM

"Mister Galloway" he said after a moments pause "Your recent actions have brought to light something most disturbing." He paused again as he looked straight into Ian's eyes.

"The fact you haven't been granted you Commission yet" he finally said as he looked down towards his now outstretched lhand containing a solid gold pip. "Due to your exemplary performance in the Starfleet Commissioned Officer Training Program along with your field training here on the Tempest, I hereby promote you to the rank of Ensign with all the privileges and responsibilities accompanying such rank."

He then outstretched his right hand "Congratulations Ensign Galloway"

Ian blinked and then broke into a massive smile as he first shook the First Officer!s hand, then took the gold pip and clenched it tightly in his hand.

"Thank you Sir, I appreciate you taking time to come to the battle bridge when we're in the middle of a red alert. As soon as we are secure from the red alert Sir, I will replicate a proper uniform."


Tag Will again!

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