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Messages - Ian Galloway

Applications Archive / Re: Ian Galloway arrives
November 30, 2016, 05:08:11 PM

Okay, I sent the message to them. However, when I tried the website for an avatar and I was able to find the URL of the image I chose, but when I attempted to modify my post to include it, it did not display. 

Applications Archive / Re: Ian Galloway arrives
November 30, 2016, 04:12:44 PM

I guess I will go with the officer training course to fit Ian's backstory.

Applications Archive / Ian Galloway arrives
November 29, 2016, 09:11:39 PM

Character Details

Name: Ian Nathaniel Galloway
Age: 22
DoB: 49456.19 (15 June 2372)

Born: Inverness, Scotland
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Family: Father: Gavin Galloway, Mother: Amelia Galloway, Younger Brother: Brian Galloway, Younger Sister: Rachel Galloway.

Biography: Ian comes from a family of civilian engineers, and though he did study the family business, Ian wanted more than a life in planet-bound research. His father did not approve of this decision and the two argued about Ian choosing Starfleet over his family who all worked at the family business of Delcron Electronics. Coming to the sad realization that he would never get his father's approval, Ian applied to Starfleet the day he turned 18. Based on his superlative education and engineering background, Ian passed the test with flying colors. On the day he arrived at Starfleet Academy, Ian made a solemn vow that one day he would sit center seat as the commander of a Starship, only then did Ian believe his father would approve of his decision.

Your Details

Previous Role-Playing Experience: Forty+ (No that's not a typo)
Department Preference: Flight Operations, Tactical.
Secondary Department Preference: Engineering, Science.
Commissioned, Enlisted or Civilian: Commissioned

Sample Post:
Ian looked across the grounds of Starfleet Academy and had an intense bout of homesickness and doubt. "Och, what have I gone and bloody done?" But as soon as hit, the uncertainty passed. "You have made your bed and tis time for you to lie in it Ian. What's done is done. Time to show Gaffer that I'm my own man and capable of making my own bloody decisions."

Ian found his quarters and quickly stored his gear. Just as he was closing his locker, his room mate arrived in a whirlwind of activity that caused Ian to blink in surprise and think. "I hope he's not a wanker. Last thing I need is domestic issues."

Pushing his unease aside, Ian smiled and held out his hand.

"Nice to meet you lad. I'm Ian, Ian Galloway."

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Yahoo search for "Star Trek Play By Post"

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