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Messages - Jael Sherem

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on February 27, 2023, 03:46:32 AM

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Danjar-Torra Addams
[Galantis - Outside the Facility]

There was little in the way of cover.   There was the facility which was blocked from them by the forcefield.  There was the front entrance gatehouse and wall surrounding the entire property... and there was the landing pad on which the Bird-of-Prey sat.

Torra headed for the ship, keeping low and hopefully out of the line of fire from the Cardassian guards.   As the guards moved nearer they began to fire their phase-disruptors.

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
and NPC Crell Moset
[Galantis - Inside the Facility]

"It's all in the name of science, my dear."  Moset answered back as he worked the controls.  "Let's see if we can get a better blending with you, Miss Sherem."  Once all the adjustments were done,  he motioned for the guards to release her; but before Jael could even take a step she was caught in a transporter effect, same as the raging half Klingon locked in her cage much like Rayek/Sorik was.

Sorek (?) both watched the conjoinment with a mix of scientific curiosity (Sorik) and horror with no small amount of guilt (Rayek).   The two were still struggling to figure out how to move.  Rayek quickly realized he had the ability to move their body's left side limbs, but coordinating movement with Sorik was a struggle, since he could only talk with one side of his mouth.

A shout from the hallway sounded.   "The visitors outside the facility knocked out Denrad and now have his weapon."

The lead guard looked to Moset.   "Can your transporter work at that range?"

"Of course, it can.  Tell your guards to keep a distance." the Doctor answered as he worked the console once more.  Rayik over hearing the man's statement was livid/concerned.

The sound of the transporter preceded both Torra and Alex getting caught up in its beam.

The result as a blend of Human and Grazerite.   The only good thing... was that they were still outside and not in a cage.

[Ante-Centurion Jael Sherem and Crewman Helga Tragnar | Inside the Facility | Galantis]

Jael was herded in along with Helga Tragnar and she just stood in horror. Naturally, Helga lashed out. "Why you...!"

The next thing Jael knew, Helga was gone in a bright transporter beam, and then Jael finished her Klingon. She blinked in surprise and then felt all over her. Her scales were still around, but her spoon...her spoon was gone, and in its place were a few small ridges. Suddenly, horror was mingled with rage, and she bellowed.


She would've made directly for Moset if it weren't for the guards, and she had lifted them in an unconventional way...lifted one as easily as holding a doll and then tossing him into two much strength...she'd want a bat'leth and she'd feel great...

No...that's not me...what are these, aggressive tendencies? Okay, definitely feeling aggressive tendencies...

Another guard grabbed her and she bit him right in the arm, and she was surprised inwardly to find she broke skin, the guard yowling in pain...when she yanked him off, if she didn't know better, she would've been spitting out ink.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on February 21, 2023, 05:22:42 AM

NPC Erein (Ante-Centurion) Gwiu t'Kiell
[RFS Valdore - Main Engineering]

Gwiu hated how old the ship's cloaking technology had become. What was once the Romulan Empire's major achievement, over the past century had become their liability.  The Feds has long since discovered how to 'see through' the cloak to know when one of their ships were in an area, and once a Fed ship knew it was only a matter of time before all others learned the trick.

She'd heard rumor once, prior to Hobus, that a new stealth technology was being worked on by top scientists on the homeworld but all rumor of that had died along with two thirds of their people.   She wondered what was the point of the cloak at all at this point.

A ping on her console, informed her that neutrino emissions were climbing again into detectable range.

"Hey Ferengi, you've watching long enough.  It's your turn to tighten up those neutrino emissions." the engineering officer called out towards Lek.

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Sunauth t'Nennien (Ops)
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Bridge]

On the bridge, Sunauth held her breath as the Cardassian vessel approached.  She watched, using passive readings, the other ship's power readings.   'Pass on by.  Pass on by,' she willed, but the Elements were not with her today.  A sudden flare of activity lit up the other vessel.

"Riov, the Cardassian vessel is dropping out of warp... and they have begun antiproton beaming.  They are looking for us, sir!"

NPC Erein (Ante-centurion) Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[RFS Valdore - Sickbay Lab]

Saqa7 was concerned about the apparently random outages.  Hearing that the problems stemmed from a nanite self-defence mechanism, was not any better, but thankfully Gohun seemed to be getting things under control.  Thought it took a bit of showering, weightlessness and an electrical shock to complete.

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Galantis - Inside the Facility]

The Cardassian scientist seemed to pause a moment as he stared at Jael.  Rayek assessed the attentiveness of the guards but they were too alert to risk attempting an escape now.

"Rahab?.... No, you are far too young to be her... You must be her daugher.  HIS daughter... Jael.  Well, I wonder, how much he might grovel and pay to have you returned to him?" The scientist said with an chuckle.  The elderly man motioned to the guards to get moving before turning away towards what looked like a blend of transporter platform and Borg regeneration pod.

The guards in the meanwhile prodded the four captives into individual cages clearly meant to hold predator animals.  Rayek, at 2 meters had to crouch to fit into the meter and a half tall cage.  He tested the bars but it was evident that they were made from some strong alloy and would not be easily moved or damaged.  So he tried again to be persuasive, even going so far as to reach out towards the Cardassian scientist's mind and add a bit of influence that way.  He hated to do so... it left him feeling that he was the villian and not the doctor. "Look there's been some misunderstanding here.  We have no problem at all doing things that are less than legal.  There's no need for this.  Our loyalty, once in contract, is iron-clad.  Let us go and we can negotiate a decent price.  If you need test subjects, we can get you whatever or whoever you want."

For a moment the Cardassian turned back around to look toward Rayek crouched in his cage.  Then Rayek felt the man's mental barrier come down blocking him out.  "Interesting.  You are more than what you appear.  Let's see if that ability will transfer across when you are blended with one of your team."

Moset began working the controls of the console.  "Through my failed earlier attempts, I believe I've discovered the key to conjoinment.  Programming the immune system with a higher tolerance.  Let's see if that works."

Rayek, in his cage, readied himself to launch towards the cage door...  anticipating that it would need to be opened to get him into that Borg pod for the transfer, but Rayek was wrong.  He was completely unprepared for the sensation of a transporter effect coming over him while still caged.

Beside him he noticed Sorik in his cage beginning to dissolve before the whole world went white.    When he became aware of himself once more, Rayek was still in his cage but something was different.  He felt different.  The paranoid tension was gone. The anger was gone.  He felt nothing - which was not like him at all.  With effort, since he was experiencing difficulty in moving his body, he turned to look to Sorik but the Vulcan's cage was empty.

"What.. have you.. done with... Narak?" Rayek stumbled over his words, his voice not sounding like his own.  It almost sounded like... Sorik's voice?!

Moset, who was now pointing a Cardassian medical scanner towards him, smiled. "I've blended you two."

What Rayek couldn't see was exactly how that blending appeared.  It was like he and Sorik were mirror images of each other along a central vertical line - much like a Cheron native.  The right half showed Rayek - oddly as his human alias... Lisa's alteration to his DNA somehow withstanding the process; while the left side was clearly Sorik with his upswept eyebrow and smooth emotionless expression.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on February 24, 2023, 02:44:30 AM

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
NPC Crell Moset[/color
[Galantis - Inside the Facility]

In his cage, Rayek/Sorik was coming to the realization that he wasn't alone in his own mind.  There was another that was fighting him for control of his body.  The conjoined body twitched and jerked as the conflicting synaptic impulses were sent.  As a precaution, Rayek tried lock down his memories - keeping them from the Vulcan's presence.

The Cardassian doctor in the meantime had taken his scans and returned to the machine, opening up audio visual log to record his findings. "Conjoinment log 893-1.  Conjoinment of Human and Vulcan test subjects. Physically, the conjoinment appears more stable with a complete vertical split.  Nanites are concentrated along the vertical line."  He checked the machine over and tsked after a moment.  "But there are already signs of rejection. White blood cells counts are already beginning to elevate.  The experimental subject is not viable.  I'll have to try again."

Moset glanced then towards Jael and the female Klingon.  "Thankfully, I have other test subjects."

[Ante-Centurion Jael Sherem | Inside the Facility | Galantis]

Jael screamed in horror. "NO!" The guards pretty much restrained her, and there was nothing further to do but to watch in horror as Rayek and Sorik were merged together. And then she looked at Moset, even more horrified. She realized that she and Helga were likely to be next.

"What is wrong with you? How sicker can you stoop?!?" she shouted in horror.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on February 17, 2023, 05:35:12 AM

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Galantis - Inside the Facility]

Rayek tensed when the Cardassian guard struck Jael.  He had to stifle his urge to retaliate, because the other guard had a good aim towards the majority of the team and Rayek knew full well what sort of damage could be wrought with a phase-disruptor.

He was shoved forward with instruction to keep walking.  "Turn left at the second hallway.  All the way to the end."

Following the Cardassian guards directions, Rayek led the group through the hall to a sealed door.  Again the guard used his wrist device to unlock and open the door.  Inside was a lab.  In the lab was a Cardassian scientist.  Even aged as he was the man was recognizable.

"Dr. Crell Moset."

"These were supposed to be more guards for the facility but they somehow learned of your experiments, Doctor.  I figured rather than just waste them, you could use a few more test subjects?" the guard announced.

"Yes. That's an excellent idea. Cage them while I prepare the unit."

[Ante-Centurion Jael Sherem | Inside the Facility | Galantis]

Jael was taken into the facility with the others, and after a long walk through multiple hallways, they arrived at the lab. She was expecting to meet the brains of the operation, but she did not expect...

"YOU!" she snarled. She couldn't believe it. She couldn't believe that Crell Moset would go a step further to pull a Frankenstein. On the other hand, maybe she should not have been surprised to see Moset there; rumor had it that he had been experimenting on Betazoids during the Dominion War, when Betazed was captured by the Dominion, in an attempt to create telepathic Jem'Hadar, but was unsuccessful.

"I never thought you'd go a step further, Moset!" Jael snarled. "First Bajorans, then Betazoids, now turning into Frankenstein? Are you becoming more demented in your old age?!?"

She didn't care of Moset stared long and hard at her. She wouldn't even care whether or not her parents had often ran into him frequently during the Occupation of Bajor, and she wouldn't care if Moset recognized her because she somewhat looked like her mother...

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on February 12, 2023, 10:16:07 PM

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Galantis - Inside the Facility]

The guard looked between the two - Harold and Tilan - clearly shaken at their apparent knowledge.  He stepped back a few paces and pulled his phase-disruptor on the party of four.  "Hands where I can see them!" he ordered.

Rayek grimaced as his attempt to gain a bit more intel backfired.  The man's finger was already on the trigger of the phase-disruptor so he opted to raise his hands in apparent surrender, rather than risk getting someone on his team shot.

"Hey easy now.   There's no need for all this.  So, yeah - we caught wind of your little secret here.  Did you really think no one outside the facility knew?  But at the end of the day, it's not like we care - as long as the money is good." Rayek tried to talk their way out the situation.

"Shut up!"  the guard with his free hand flipped open his communicator.

=/\= "Secure all visitors and bring them to the ward." =/\=

Arrain (Centurion) Danjar-Torra Addams
[Galantis - Outside the Facility]

=/\= "Secure all visitors and bring them to the ward." =/\=

The call to the guards communicator was heard clearly by all.   Now it was just a matter of who had the faster reflexes.   The Subcommander had given them permission to take out the guards if they could do so unobserved.    This wasn't quite unobserved but it was no or likely never, as 'the ward' didn't sound all that hospitable a place to be taken to under guard.

She figured Subcommander Briggs and the doctor would likely make a break for the ship - this potentially being their last chance to do so.

As their weapons had been 'checked and left' at the gate, Torra had to rely on her hand-to-hand combat skills.  The long-legged Grazerite kicked out towards the guard even as his hand pulled his phase-disruptor from his holster.  The weapon went flying.   Now the odds were more in their favor.

[Ante-Centurion Jael Sherem | Inside the Facility | Galantis]

"I concur with Richards," Jael put in. "Depending on how many Frankensteins you have, you might as well have displayed work to the entire quadrant..."

"Did we not say shut up?!?" snarled another guard, who then slapped Jael across the face. The blow certainly made Jael flinch and stare in shock while his colleague called for the visitors to be captured. She remembered the other team "in waiting." Hopefully Torra and the others will get by okay.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on February 07, 2023, 06:44:54 PM

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Galantis - Inside the Facility]

He heard the lead guard's warning to the group but Rayek wasn't overly concerned, rather he was pleased at how things seemed to be going to plan.

Rayek's discovery that the wrist-devices were biometrically activated meant that returning in a hurry without their guide might be more difficult than had it been merely code-locked.  But that was okay, there were means of getting around biometrics.

Once within the facility, Rayek returned to his position beside the Vulcan, letting Jael take lead once more for short while as their guide explained about their vetting process, and how DNA identification would need to be cleared before they could be hired.

Yeah, that wasn't an option for their team, so Rayek decided to interrupt.

"So we're a team of 8, how likely is it that we'll be able to work together?  A place this size has what... maybe 8 guards per shift?   Two at the front gate, two at the back exit - assuming you have a back exit out into that open expanse." Rayek made a face at the idea of having to work that shift. before continuing his listing to the guard.  He watched the Cardassian for reaction.  "Two in the security room watching the cameras and two rovers - correct?"

The guard who had yet to identify himself despite their own introductions, scowled, glancing back as he continued to walk.  "I see you know your security."

Rayek shrugged casually.  "It's part of the job, so yeah, I do."

Though the guard hadn't answered his question with a 'yes' or 'no', the reaction was confirmation enough.   Given this, he prompted again.  "What about other security measures? Any guard dogs we should familiarize ourselves with? Areas that are off-limits, we should avoid?"

This time the guard stopped to turn and face Rayek.  "You're full of questions aren't you?  If you'd shut-up a moment, all this will be explained after you've be vetted."

Rayek, in his mercenary persona, chuckled at the Cardassian's suspicious attitude.  "Yeah... that's not gonna happen."

The guard seemed taken aback by Rayek's stated refusal.  "You got something to hide?"

Rayek gave a shrug. "What mercenary doesn't -  but that's not my concern."

"Oh, so what is?" the guard demanded know.

Rayek looked to Jael and the others a moment, and decided to stir the pot.  "A facility like this...  and the rumors surrounding it... I'm not so sure giving a sample of my DNA is a wise idea.  Who knows what sort of monster it might produce."

The guard's mouth dropped open in stunned surprise.

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Danjar-Torra Addams
[Galantis - Outside the Facility]

Torra watched Rayek, Jael, Helga and Sorik head off towards the building for a moment before turning towards the guard that remained with them.   He stood very stiff with his arms crossing his chest.  Clearly, attempting to appear intimidating.  However, she did notice that he seemed to watch her very closely.  Torra smiled softly and dipped her head.   "Am I the first Grazerite you've met?" she queried, though she made certain her tone was light and not judgemental.

The guard seemed to shift his stance a bit uncertainly, and he dropped his arms as he continued to stare at Torra, clearly fascinated with her species.  "I heard your kind were pacifists..."  he remarked hesitantly.

"That's a common misconception." Torra said with a larger smile.  She then walked to the otherside of the guard in an ambling pace, positioning herself facing where the Bird-of-Prey was.   The guard in turn was now facing away from the ship.

"I'm quite skilled at combat.  Isn't that right, Kura?"  Torra tried to draw Alex into the conversation, remembering the Subcommander's plan.   To the guard she added in an aside, " He and I spar often and I'm always winning.  Maybe you and I can spar sometime?"

[Ante-Centurion Jael Sherem | Outside the Facility | Galantis]

Jael watched as she followed along with "Harold" and the Cardassian bodyguards. Oh, his wording was good, he would've done excellently in an embassy on Cardassia. But the words about the monsters certainly took the guard aback. Whether or not he was ignorant of what went on, or surprised that they know, Jael knew that this was a slap in the face.

"There I have to agree with Harold," Jael commented. "I'm greatly familiar with an Earth book, 'Frankenstein,' about a scientist who tries to make life by assembling body parts to make a reanimated monster. I hate to think if any monster in there is conjured up from a mishmash of DNA the same way Frankenstein puts together a mishmash of body parts..."

She was putting in a subtle hint, wondering if Crell Moset was in never knew...

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on January 30, 2023, 05:20:36 PM

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Danjar-Torra Addams
Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell

Rayek was waiting on the main floor of the abandoned building, peering through a crack in the boarded-up windows towards the fortified and well-guarded property of the facility, when the patrolling groups returned.

He gave each team an opportunity to report what they saw or their concerns.

Torra spoke up at her turn, "Sir, I don't have proof of my theory, but I suspect we are on the right track with our investigation - as I think one or more of those conjoined creatures may have been the reason this area was abandoned.  There is signs of damage throughout the building that is very much like what we saw on the VaQ.  They may have escaped the facility."

Rayek's eyebrows shot up in surprise at that statement, but it he trusted Torra's assessment.  He'd overseen her as an enlist security crewman on Challenger for a year before he got transfered to Katra.  She was not prone to unsubstantiated claims.  "Thank you Arrian."

He considered this new information.  It was possible a creature could have escaped... or it was equally possible that the facility had the creatures being used as 'watchdogs'.  This thought gave Rayek pause.  He'd been considering on having the team 'sneak over the wall' - while Jael and possibly himself met with the head of the facility to discuss 'employment terms'.    But he had his doubts that the poorly armed team would be a match for one of those creatures.

It was a shame that Dr. Broadshire hadn't completed his work on the nanobot virus before the team had to leave.

After listening to any others who wished to speak up, Rayek raised his hand to gain their attention.

"This is the plan.  Sherem, Tragnar, Sorik and I will head in past the forcefield to the facility itself and meet with whomever.   We will barter for a bit and then ask to meet with the current security and get a tour of the facility in attempt to draw them away from the Bird-of-Prey, and get a look at the work being done here.

Meanwhile Subcommander Briggs and the others will dawdle at the entrance, near to where the Bird of Prey is landed and look for an opportunity to sneak aboard.  If security is a problem...  Graham, Addams you'll need to talk them up as if you know you'll be working the same job with them by the end of the day.   Draw their attention fully to give the Doctor and Subcommander opportunity to sneak aboard.   Or... if you think you can get the drop on them without it being noticed by any of the other security, do so."

Rayek's expression was serious as he looked over the team. "I know it's not an ideal plan but with limited intel, it's what we have to work with.  Any questions?"

Then afterwards Rayek contacted Tekin over the ear-comm.  =/\="Our teams are ready to enter the facility grounds and begin our search.  Will report in again in 15 minutes." =/\=

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on February 02, 2023, 04:08:58 PM

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Danjar-Torra Addams
Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell

With everyone in agreement, and the appointment time arrived, Rayek led the way across the road to the gated entrance of the facility grounds.   The team was met and questioned by a group of five rather rough looking Cardassian guards.  Certainly not your typical military security, Rayek mused to himself.

Rayek let Jael introduce them, as the mercenary group representative.  After a moment to get confirmation of the appointment from whoever was the head of this facility, the team was let inside the gate.  Two guards remained at the gate, while three continued on with the 'mercenary team'.

Now it was time to split up.

As his Harold persona, Rayek motioned to the four pre-selected team members to hang back as the team was passing closest to the open field where the Bird of Prey was presently landed.  "Let's not overwhelm the client with everyone at once.  You four hang back.  Make nice with the local hires maybe?"  He smiled to the one he judged as the leader of those guiding them to the house, before looking back to Kyle and the others.  "We'll call you in if it seems like we'll get the contract."

Then he, Sorik, Jael and Helga continued on towards the facility building - with two of the remaining guards.  One guard remained behind with the four mercenaries.

Rayek noted how the facility seemed to have been building flush against the forcefield from the opposite side.  "What's up with it being build outside the forcefield?" he bluntly asked.

The lead guard glanced back to the nosy human and smirked.  "You'll learn soon enough if you get the job."  Then as the neared the building entrance, Rayek noted the leader activated some device on his wrist.  A small opening in the forcefield appeared much like how one had opened for the shuttle when they were coming in.

It had activated from a single touch so could be a simple generic signal to open or close, or more likely, given the level of security in this place, it was likely biometrically activated.  To test this, Rayek brushed ahead of the others in an apparent rush to be first through the door, bumping into the lead guard as he did so and pressing the wrist device in the process. "Coming through!"  The portal in the forcefield remained open and Rayek with a wide smile back towards the others entered first.

[Ante-Centurion Jael Sherem | Outside the Facility | Galantis]

Jael nodded, though most of her mind was going over what to say to the Cardassian guards. She definitely hoped that the security as tour guides will definitely help in drawing them away, especially as a Cardassian unaffiliated with their military would likely raise loads of suspicion.

Meeting the team, Jael made the introductions, and once they were made, a guard spoke up.

"So you're the new help the Glinn mentioned?" asked a guard gruffly.

"Of course," said Jael. "We're glad to help you in any way we can."

"Then allow us to show you around," the guard replied. "But bear in mind we'll be watching you. Any incorrect behavior and your tour will end abruptly at a cell."

Jael nodded, but inwardly was excited. Things were going as planned, even if there would only be a handful of guards left, following along through the forcefield.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on January 22, 2023, 02:19:41 AM

NPC Glinn Gebim
[Galantis - Port Authority - private room]

'Gib' frowned at Jael's quiet words.  Then he sighed in resignation recognizing the futility of trying to talk Jael out of attempting to go there.   "I can probably get you a meeting with the lead researcher.  No promises he'll fall for your alias though... and if he doesn't, you'll be on your own. I ain't risking my neck if you get found out."

He got her contact information and said he'd call with details.  Jael was free to go.

A half hour later, she got a call from her cousin.  "I pulled some strings.   You and your mercenary team have an interview.  They say to come to the facility entrance in hour.  You'll be met there."

[Ante-Centurion Jael Sherem | Port Authority | Galantis]

Jael nodded in appreciation and replied, "Of course. Thanks. We'll see, then."

After she gave him her contact information, she was released, of sorts, and went back to her team. She spoke quietly to "Harold Richards." Even quieter than usual, more like a whisper, knowing full well that "walls have ears."

"Mister Richards," she whispered, "I successfully made contact with somebody who will get us in. Granted, there may not be a guarantee that we'll get in, but we'll just see. So happens the man is a cousin of mine," she added with a grin and a wink.

A moment later, she got the call. She nodded with a smile. "Of course. Facility entrance, one hour. We look forward to it."

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on January 15, 2023, 04:59:33 PM

Harold Richards  (alias of Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell)
[Galantis - Port Authority- waiting room]
Rayek, who had been waiting for the others to finish up their Customs questioning, looked up when Erein Sherem approached.  He offered a slight smile in greeting which then faltered when a glinn he was not familiar - Glinn Gebim - with took her aside to another room.

Was it truly a random Security inspection? Or had there been something off regarding her answers? Or more concerning, had she been recognized?

Unfortunately, Jael hadn't taken his recommendation for the surgically inserted ear-comms so there was no way to discreetly contact her.  Even his telepathy was not an option as she was out of his visual range.  Fvadt! all he could do at the moment was wait.

After a few more minutes, Dr. Belmont and Subcommander Briggs - or rather their aliases were released and joined Rayek in the waiting room.   "The others are still being questioned." he informed them.  Then discreetly activated the silent mode on his ear comm as he leaned in to whisper to the pair, unsure if the doctor had an ear-comm inserted.

~ =/\= "Tilan was initially released but then taken aside by another glinn.  Be prepared for trouble." =/\= ~

Those that had similar ear comms would receive the message.

A few minutes later and Torra (Danjar-Kelle) and Helga (M'Arla Anderson) exited the interview rooms.  Neither asked where Tilan was... as both had heard the message.  Being former security on Challenger, they had ear-comms from when Admiral Torngate was Captain.

[Port Authority - private room]

Gebim studied his younger cousin a moment.   "I suppose it is useless to try and talk you out of your search for that ship."  He recalled all too well how stubborn Jael could be.

"Who hired you?" he questioned then thought better of asking.  "Nevermind.  I don't want to know.  I can't get involved."

He shook his head as he tried to figure a way out of this situation.  "You obviously don't know who you are dealing with or wouldn't dare have come.   You and your crew really should just go back to your employer and say you're sorry but you lost the trail."

[Ante-Centurion Jael Sherem | Port Authority | Galantis]

Jael had to raise an eyebrow. Even her cousin seemed determined to keep anybody away from that facility. That meant something was going on.

"Well, considering that whoever was in that Bird of Prey attacked a Klingon freighter," she said in a low voice, close to her ear, "and did something to the crew, we're determined to find out what. And who, particularly inside, was responsible. We have the trail, and we want to know what's inside. It can help to boost relations with both the Klingon Empire and the Romulan Free State."

Much as she would've been giving herself away, part of her may be a little desperate. And she did trust her cousin. She was determined to help the crew find out what had happened.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on January 10, 2023, 04:25:06 AM

Harold Richards  (alias of Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell)
[Shuttle - arriving at Galantis]
While Rayek could never be accused of being pro-Vulcan, when it came to work efficiency, he appreciated having Sorik (or rather Narak) on board the mission.  The now Human 'Richards' walked towards the seated Vulcan and peered over his shoulder to take a look at the data himself.

Nodding he turned to look to Torra and took a second to recall her alias. "Kelle, get me a visual of those coordinates."  A moment later and Torra's console was showing a compact circular building set just outside of the shielded city proper, in between the 2nd and 3rd forcefields.  It was the only building outside of the city.  Gaining access to it could be tricky.  Interestingly, the Bird-of-Prey ship had set down at the building's landing pad which was located inside the final forcefield.

"Once we have landed at the port, we'll be relying on you, Tidan, to get us information on that building. I suspect the locals will be more forthcoming to you than to us foreigners.."

A small planetoid like this didn't have a large staffed customs office or port authority.  It was manned by three rather bored looking Cardassians, who questioned each of the team again as to who they were and what their business was on Galantis.

Thanks to Sherem's deference to him, while speaking to the port authority, Rayek was the first to be questioned.  He was pulled aside from the team and asked his business.   Rayek had his alias details memorized and easily passed the weak interrogation.  In addition, while being questioned, Rayek attempted ask a few questions of his own; but as expected, the Cardassian wasn't very helpful in providing information to a Human asking about businesses looking to hire private security.  However, when Rayek had continued on to ask if the building outside the shield was government-run or private-owned - hinting at an interest to check there for work - the custom's officer he was seated in front of suddenly changed his attitude and suggested that the best place to look for work was a gambling house.  Richards was even provided directions to the establishment before being ushered out.

It was clear to Rayek that whoever ran that small base outside the city was feared by at least that customs personnel.  Rayek wondered why?

As he waited for the others to get through their customs questioning, the former Romulan, ran his fingers over his flat forehead distractedly, pondering ways to gain assess to that Bird-of-Prey.

[Ante-Centurion Jael Sherem | Port Authority | Galantis]

Jael heard out where the building was. She nodded at "Richards'" orders to ask about the building where the Bird of Prey went. She was certainly surprised to see it in plain view.

It was to be expected that each of the crew were to see the customs officers in turn. When asking about if there can be places in need of private security, the customs officer Jael was meeting commented that places around Galantis aren't good enough - a human would say "small potatoes" - for such a group. When Jael asked about the facility with the Bird of Prey, he glanced around, but lingered slightly in a certain direction, like he was looking in the direction of the facility. Then he turned back to her nervously.

"I don't think that place is going to need any more help," he said. "Least of all from a ragtag bunch like you. Still, you all look handy in a fight. There would be some establishments in need of private security. I can picture some bouncers intimidating the customers. That woman with the horns could do the job nicely."

Jael shrugged. But she kept a good eye on his body language. Something about that building scared him. She felt there was nothing more to gain from asking about that least to him.

As she stepped out, she was about to sit next to "Richards" and wait for the other crew when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned and noticed that a glinn had stopped her. At it wasn't Glinn Gidoni. However...he looked extremely familiar.

"Glinn Gebim!" said the customs officer Jael just met, who clearly noticed him just as he was about to question another of the crew. "What a surprise!"

"Not necessarily," Glinn Gebim said with a shrug. "It was just my turn in Security to conduct inspection. Might I have a word with this young woman here?"

"Miss Jid is yours, then, Glinn," the customs officer said.

Glinn Gebim then led Jael off into a separate room. Then, making sure there were no means of eavesdropping, he turned back to Jael and smiled a tad.

"Jael, it's been a long time."

Jael furrowed her brow, more puzzled than concerned that she was recognized. In fact, being concerned would be the last emotion she'd consider taking on; if Glinn Gebim knew about the shielded facility, it could prove an advantage, unless she was arrested.

"Do I know you?" she asked.

"I was a junior officer on your mother's ship," he said. "I used to babysit you and Gid at times."

And the memory came to Jael. Of course he was familiar, but he was a young man back then.

"Cousin Gib?" Jael said with a chuckle.

"Naturally," he said. "I keep in touch with your mother at times. Last I heard, you had joined Starfleet. But has Starfleet changed uniforms?" he added, looking up and down Jael's outfit.

"Not necessarily," she said, imitating his wording. "We..." and she looked around and dropped her voice. "My crew's tracking a rogue Bird of Prey that got the jump on a Klingon freighter. That Bird of Prey specifically docked here."

"That one?" asked Gebim with quiet apprehensiveness. "Well. It kind of explains what a zoo was doing here."

"Enough of the zoo comments, please," said Jael. "The Federation embraces races of different nationalities. Why do you think Mother still has a home here, why I joined Starfleet?"

Gebim shrugged in a way that said "Good Point."

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on January 06, 2023, 12:22:31 AM

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[RFS Valdore - Sickbay] (after briefing meeting)

Rayek withstood the cosmetic surgery without comment or complaint.   Afterwards, he used the 'selfie-mode' on his PADD to look over the results.  It was very odd to see his own face without it's V or tapered hears.

"Thank you Doctor.  I will see you on the shuttle shortly."

Before leaving Sickbay, Rayek checked in briefly with Dr. Broadshire but the Bajoran doctor was still in the midst of his work.   Rayek couldn't delay the mission long.   He called the Away Team to assemble in two hours.  Yet by the end of those two hours the doctor wasn't much further along in his development of the antigen.

Harold Richards  (alias of Rayek tr'Lhoell)
[Shuttle - Galantis]

Having received his alias identity and appropriate credentials and even a wardrobe suggestion from Torra, Rayek reviewed his backstory on his Ferengi model PADD that Torra had handed him.  Harold Richards was 39 years of age, born off-Earth on the Mars colony and had tried to get into Starfleet Academy in his early 20's only to fail on the exam.

Rayek wondered if the Vulcan used pieces of his actual past as base line for this alias?  The Romulan in disguise read on.

Disillusioned with Starfleet, Richards had opted to become a standard transport pilot whose penchance for bar brawling had landed him in jail numerous times where he met others convicts who connected him with his current Cardassian employer.

From his copilot's seat, 'Harold' looked over towards Jael at her comment. "That was plan." he noted, then looked over his console.  "We will be crossing into Cardassian territory momentarily."

The former Romulan didn't count down aloud, though he did mentally track the time.   Three, Two, One.  He checked his sensor's again, relieved when they didn't suddenly show a Cardassian cruiser ready to take them into custody.

Turning to face the others, Rayek updated the rest of the team. "It will be another two hours at warp cruising speed before we arrive at the rogue planetoid. It might be wise share our alias information in case we are questioned."  Rayek looked over towards Jael as their spokesperson to go first.

Danjar-Kelle  (alias of Danjar-Torra Addams)
[Shuttle - Galantis]

When it was her turn to introduce herself, Torra did so with a lackadaisical demeanor.  She had a wad of chewing gum in her mouth and slowly rolled it in her mouth as if it were cud.   Because of the Grazerite naming conventions unless Torra lied about her age (which unfortunately could be checked via even the simplest of scanners) and her genetic upsol(which would be difficult given her obvious curling horns which was a trait of the goat-sheep genus she was descendant from).  All Grazerites born that year and genus were named Danjar.  That being said Torra's upsol boasted over 5000 born with the Danjar name.  What was one more.

"Gre'tings, mah name is Danjar-Kelle." she drawled as if she'd been born on the southern continent rather than the northern plains.  "Mah specialty in this mercenary unit is communications, operations and 'quipment inventory.  If'n you need something, lemme know.  I'll git it fer ya.  Mah loyalty to our intrepid leader, Tilan, is unquestionable as she saved mah life from some Orions after ah had a bad run in with them after ah left home when I was five.  I be'n workin'  with her e'er since."

After finishing her introduction Torra kicked up her feet and propped them up on the nearby console (she'd already locked the terminal earlier so knew she wouldn't accidentally activate anything).

M'Arla Anderson (alias of Helga Tragnar)
[Shuttle - Galantis]

Following Kelle's introduction, Helga went next.  "I'm M'Arla Anderson.  I was raised in foster care after my Starfleet parents were killed aboard the USS Grissom during the Dominion War.  I have a general disrespect for authority and a bit of a hot temper."

[Ante-Centurion Jael Sherem | Romulan Shuttle | Heading to Galantis]

Jael smiled. Doctor Belmont did an impressive job with the Commander. Now she waited until they came within communication range. She was just as impressed by the cover story: Harold Richards, a dropout turned hired hand? Impressive. Of course, Garak would've scoffed at the job, but it was good to Jael.

Once in communications range, a call came from Galantis. The hail was answered and there was a glinn on the viewscreen. "Incoming shuttle, this is Glinn Gidoni of the Galantis port authority. State your business."

Jael stood forth as the spokesperson and replied, "This is Tilan Jid. I speak for the crew of hired hands here and we request permission to land."

Glinn Gidoni stared intently at Jael for a moment, then said, "Yes, I can see you're a crew of hired hands. The only other way there'd be a zoo of a crew would be if you were a crew from the Federation. I will need to ask that you identify yourselves."

"Gladly," replied Jael. "As I indicated, my name is Tilan Jid. I speak for the crew in quite a lotof ways."

"You must be the captain of the crew, then," replied the glinn.

"For the most part, but as to the voice of experience, that belongs to Mister Richards," said Jael, nodding at "Harold Richards." "However, they're all fine with my taking the lead owing to typical Cardassian cunning."

"The way of our sphere of influence," said the glinn, nodding in approval. "And the rest?"

The rest of the crew began making their respective introductions. Torra and Helga introduced themselves next,  Jael had to hold back a laugh at Torra's cover. That accent sounded much too Earth American South to her. No way in hell a Grazerite in their homeworld's southern hemisphere would have an accent like that...but then, Jael didn't know much about Grazerites to know their different accents, but all the same, Jael had to inwardly cringe at Torra's Southern drawl.

Helga's, and later Sorik's sounded more believable. Then it came turn for whoever of the rest of the crew to speak up.


[Ante-Centurion Jael Sherem | Romulan Shuttle]

The moment the briefing was over, Jael was already on her way to change into a mercenary. She had a distinct memory of cover names her mother frequently used, and chose the identity of Tilan Jid for her mercenary cover. She worked with her fellow officers in making the right documents, picked out the right civilian attire and even included the same Cardassian disruptor she had when she was undercover when she first met Nira.

She was pretty much the first to arrive at the shuttle and smiled at the bunch that arrived. She almost even didn't recognize Commander tr'Lhoell disguised as a human.

"Ragtag bunch we certainly are, aren't we?" she said with a smile as the team boarded and were on their way. Jael could easily imagine how the Cardassians at the enclave will react...she figured they would claim that this wasn't a mercenary crew, it was a zoo.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on December 18, 2022, 05:08:44 PM

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Briefing Room] (prior to the start of the meeting)

Rayek listened to Erein Sherem's offer to assist with the Cadassian cadaver's autopsy - which he appreciated.  Less appreciated was the Cardassian officer's own personal impression of who was responsible or not responsible for the conjoinment even before a proper investigation, which she chose to share prior to the briefing's start.

Rayek regarded the Cardassian woman for a moment.  He knew from her personnel file that Sherem had recently transferred from the medical department.  He wondered what it was that prompted her move to security.  He noted in his periphery, the Grazerite -Arrain Addams - giving Sherem a thumbs up gesture.  Obviously, she thought well of the offer.

Keeping his attention on the Cardassian, Rayek inclined his head slightly "Thank you Erein, I will consider your request.  Please take your seat."

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
and NPC Riov (Commander) Vochreb tr'Siedhri
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Briefing Room] (during the meeting)

Rayek smiled when Sherem suggested an undercover venture.  He nodded.  "We can provide you with an alias.  Thank you for volunteering, Erein."  He looked over the briefing room.  "Are there any others?" he asked.

Two hands immediately raised.  Rayek smiled inwardly as he saw two of his former security personnel from Challenger rise to the request.  "Thank you Arrain Addams,  Erei'erein Tragnar."

Rayek glanced around the room again and saw a number of thoughtful expressions as the Starfleet personnel continued to consider the request.  He waited, hoping for more volunteers.

The Commander however was less patient.  "Only three?" There was a slight sneer.  Siedhri turned to his First Officer. "Having heard your constant praise of Starfleet officers, I would have expected a better response.  But this will have to do.  You however will need to lead the mission.  Given your questionable loyalties, if you are caught there should be no problem redirecting this mission to orders from outside the Free State.   In fact, your wife's arrival makes this rather opportune.  Perhaps I should inquire if she might volunteer as well?"

Rayek stiffened at the Commander's insult to his loyalty and then turned abruptly to face the Romulan when the Riov suggested Tess come with.  "Leave my wife out of this!" he snapped. "She is here as a Federation civilian visitor not an Exchange officer." Rayek pointed out emphatically.

The Commander looked to Rayek as if he'd grown a second head.  "Are you really wanting to test my authority on this ship?"

Recognizing he was treading dangerous waters, Rayek lowered his gaze slightly to show his deference to the Commander.  "No, of course not, Riov." he answered trying to appease the man without completely losing face in front of the Federation Exchange personnel that he still needed to lead.   "The mission will succeed without needing to involve civilians, sir.  I swear it."

The Commander looked to his now submissive First Officer and then around to the Federation Starfleet officers he was in command of.  'What a useless lot!' he thought  He looked back to tr'Lhoell. "I have my doubts, but will hold you to that vow. I leave you and the others to discuss the infiltration.  Report to me your plan within the hour."

The Commander then rose from his seat and left.

Quote from: Sorik on December 19, 2022, 06:56:09 AM

Erein Sorik
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Briefing Room]

Sorik had answered the greetings in his direction with a respectful nod of his head. Soon after, the meeting had begun. The mission - once again - seemed disproportionately dangerous to him, on more than one level. To venture into Cadassian territory just to solve a medical mystery, lacked any logic. He was not surprised that the Romulan Riov sent the Federation exchange officers ahead. The consequences for Starfleet were not to be neglected in case of them being discovered. It seemed more and more to Sorik that the Riov was using the exchange officers as cannon fodder, sending them on the kind of missions he would reject as too risky for his own people.

Three volunteers came forward before the Romulan captain then moved on to express his disappointment and disdain for the lack of feedback. For a moment Sorik considered logically discussing the cause with him, but he knew it would only fall on deaf ears. At best. His eyes followed him as he left the room, then silence fell over the group for another moment.

"Erei'riov, although I am merely assigned as your assistant, I am reporting for duty on this mission." A little logical, rational mind certainly wouldn't hurt in the mix.

Quote from: Lek on December 19, 2022, 01:32:48 PM

[Briefing Room - RFS Valdore]

Lek listened to the briefing to include the plan to go undercover, which he felt had some merit, but as his skill set did not include that sort of thing, he didn't volunteer.

"I'm and Engineer dammit, not a commando."

He thought. His skepticism was reinforced by the attitude of the Romulan Commander which made Lek even less inclined to risk his life for someone who was so uninspiring.

"What was that word the Hyoomons at the Academy used to call someone like this Romulan?" Lek thought as he tried to recall the phrase. "Oh right. 'a prick'. That was the word. This Romulan is a prick."

After the Commander left, Lek waited for Rayek to continue with the briefing.

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on December 19, 2022, 10:27:42 PM

[Briefing Room - RFS Valdore]

Kyle simply nodded to Rayek and the dressing down he had just received. It was what it was. He knew where he was but damn it, he was Federation. But he made a silent agreement with himself to make sure he used the "proper" ranks.

Once the Riov arrived, he sat silently and listened to the briefing. He glanced over at Lisa when Rayek asked for volunteers. He was about to reply that he volunteered but Vochreb spoke up and began belittling the so far number of volunteers before he stood and left.

What an ass. Kyle thought as he watched him leave.

He turned his attention back to Rayek. "Erei'riov, I volunteer as well." he said. If nothing else, it would get him off this ship and away from the dick head running this vessel.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on December 20, 2022, 03:59:34 AM

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Briefing Room] (during the meeting - after Commander tr'Siedhri leaves)

Rayek did his best not to show how much the Riov's insults and doubt of his abilities stung at his pride, and he wondered at the Commander's mnhei'sahe that the Commander would act so poorly to the Free State's declared allies.  They were supposed to be building ties to the Federation with this Officer Exchange program not making rifts.

The Romulan First Officer took a moment to center himself and reign in his frustration at the Commander.  They had a mission to plan.

Before he could call the meeting back to order, more volunteer offers were made.

First, and most surprisingly was the Vulcan, Sorik, followed not long after by Subcommander Briggs - and with him Rayek suspected that Doctor Belmont would volunteer.

Rayek nodded to the officers. He knew it was not the Commander's tirade that had prompted their offers - rather they were still offering in spite of it.  Rayek offered a nod to each in appreciation.

"Let us continue.  One of the first things logistically we will need is a shuttlecraft that is not immediately recognizable as Free State owned."

Rayek turned to address his Ferengi friend, and more importantly for this mission the ship's best Engineer.  "Erei'Riov Lek - I trust that is something you and your engineering team can handle.  Remove any distinct Romulan characteristics of the vessel, and have your staff coordinate with Arrain Addams to adjust the registry signal of one of the ship's older shuttle models to a civilian frequency.  Those shuttles are the ones most likely to have been retired and sold off."

Rayek turned his attention next to the group as a whole.

"The Commander's initial plan had been for you volunteers to stealth down to the planetoid, locate the ship that had fled the vaQ, sneak aboard and take from their computers any intel on what occurred on the Klingon freighter.  However,"

Rayek looked directly at Jael. "Erein Sherem's volunteering and suggestion to go in as either herself with potential connections, or as a Cardassian mercenary is a possibility he hadn't considered.  I'd like to hear people's thoughts."

Rayek glanced up alertly as the door to the meeting room unexpectedly opened.   The Romulan guards standing watch should have turned away all but the Senior staff and Exchange officers.  Had the Commander decided to return?  But no, it was the Bajoran medical officer coming in a bit breathless.

"Is there a problem, Doctor Broadshire?"

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on December 18, 2022, 08:41:30 PM

[Science Lab Seven (Deck 7) | RFS Valdore]
Dem had a lot to do. After bringing the corpse back to the ship, and has been working on it nonstop, even roping in Romulan science officers to give aid. While he handed the preliminary report to Dr Belmont and Commander Tr'Lhoell, he was still stuck writing an in depth report of the way that these creatures could be spliced. He looked down to is PADD, filled with 8 chapters, each 1000 words, detailing the 8 possible ways that the genes could be modified. He sighed. Who would read this? After observing the notification in the top left corner of the PADD, of him being called to the meeting, he held his ground, lowered his chair and continued to work. He was not a senior officer, and Dr Bellmont had it under control. Just in case there was anything important he missed, the audio from the meeting was also broadcasted through a secure channel. Not a multitasker, Dem soon completely zoned out of the meeting and continued analyzing the beasts blood stream.

After only a few minutes, his sample calibration stand let out a chime. He placed his eyes over the electron microscope, and his theory was confirmed. He stood up, and ran to the meeting.

[Ante-Centurion Jael Sherem | Briefing Room | Deck Thirteen | RFS Valdore]

Jael watched the brief exchange - make that argument - between Commander tr'Lhoell and Commander tr'Siedhri, the man in charge of the Valdore, and was momentarily reminded of her parents. Half of the time she remembered seeing them together, they were always arguing: one would exchange insults and the other would retaliate verbally, or the other way around. Like if her mother would say something insulting and her father snapped back at her, and vice versa. The Cardassian-Klingon war briefly gave them a means to act in unity, but it was her father's disgruntlement toward the then-Cardassian government and sharing some sentiments with Gul Dukat that led them to separate completely. And within a few months, his support of the Dominion would drive her mother, bringing Jael and her adopted brother Gid, to defect to the Federation. Jael was young enough to recall those arguments and to know that his father was not a nice man...and that was putting it lightly.

And in Jael's eyes, Commander tr'Siedhri certainly reminded her of her father, at least before he became worse in the eyes of many races by supporting Dukat and the union with the Dominion.

She was touched by Torra's and Helga's offer to volunteer to help her, and was equally touched by the offer to volunteer by the new Vulcan officer, Sorik, and her departmental head, Commander Briggs. Jael was glad to be able to work with her departmental head for once.

She made a mental note to talk to Commander tr'Lhoell later when she had the time, regarding her idea of being a combat medic. Captain Tekin was logical to talk to, but he was, after all, constantly busy. After all, the Commander was bound to see how often she changed departments.

Seeing his asking for thoughts, Jael replied, "Actually, me going in as a Cardassian mercenary is a good idea. The rest...well, we're going to need to work on disguises, unless we all posed as a mercenary crew. Also, what's the name of the planet the enclave is in?"

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on December 14, 2022, 01:58:33 AM

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Briefing Room][/b]

Rayek turned to the Cardassian as she seemed to be waiting rather than taking her seat.  "You have something to say, Erein Sherem?" Rayek inquired as he noted a pair of Romulan officers arrive -   Arrain Taev tr'Marrus, the Medical Chief, and Arrain Delon tr'Parthok, the Flight Chief.  Both men were the only Romulan Department Heads on the ship presently, as the Starfleet Exchange personnel filled the other Department Head roles.  He kept his focus on the security officer curious as to what she had to say.

Rayek glanced over towards Subcommander Briggs in surprise at hearing the human address him and others with their Starfleet rank rather than their Romulan equivalent.    "Jolan'tru Subcommander Briggs." Rayek returned the greeting but also addressed the rank infraction. "I shouldn't have to remind you of where you are and, in whose service presently.  The Riov will be joining us for this briefing so let's not have any more use of Federation rank here aboard the Valdore."

Rayek glanced over to Dr. Belmont as she proved how easy it was.  "Jolan'tru Arrain Belmont."

Shortly afterwards, Torra and Saqa7 arrived, both greeting the room before taking their seats side-by-side further down the table.

The pleasantries continued among the officers until the ship's commander arrived.

NPC Riov (Commander) Vochreb tr'Siedhri
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Briefing Room]

No sooner had Riov tr'Siedhri entered the room, than every Romulan fell quiet.

The Riov sat at the head of the table and called the meeting to order immediately.

"Subcommander tr'Lhoell, you may proceed."

Rayek acknowledged the Commander with a nod and then tapped on his PADD to open a holographic playback of the caged Klingon-horse creature from several days back.

"As you know, our orders are currently to investigate the cause and source of the Klingon conjoinment that was observed aboard the vaQ.  Extensive study of the blended Klingon corpse showed a number of conflicting things.  First of all, that the blending or conjoinment is of two, sometimes three, separate creatures into one.  Secondly, that there are parts of the conjoined creature where the DNA is fully Klingon.. other parts that are fully Sark... and some parts that are a blend of the two at a DNA level.  The DNA strands in these parts contain both Klingon and Sark markers.  Lastly, it has been suggested that because the two species blended were not biologically compatible that this is why the resultant body was not viable and ultimately is the reason why it died."

Rayek tapped on his PADD again and the holographic display switched to that of an unnamed Bird-of-Prey.

"This rogue ship is currently our only lead on the cause and source of this unnatural mixing of differing DNA.   Ops personnel have been working diligently round the clock to sift through the sensor data for any lingering trace of the Bird-of-Prey that had been in the vicinity of the vaQ when we first came into sensor range of our meet up point, and I'm pleased to say that Arrain Addams has found a means for the Valdore to track the ship and it has led us to where we are now - the edge of the Cardassian Union Enclave.  Its' course appears to lead directly towards a planetoid one lightyear within the Enclave."

Rayek manipulated the image on the display to zoom in on a 3D representation of Enclave space.

"According to the negotiated treaty with the Cardassian Union, we have no jurisdiction within the Enclave.  However, orders from Free State Fleet Command are clear... "

Rayek looked towards the Riov, who spoke summarizing their orders.  "We will be taking the Valdore into the Enclave under cloak and following the trail to that planetoid to investigate further.  What I want -  is a team ready to discreetly investigate whatever we find there."

The Commander let that sink in for a moment before continuing.

"For this mission rather than assigning personnel, we will be asking for exchange personnel volunteers; for if you are caught, the Romulan Free State will deny any knowledge of your actions in order to ensure the continued safety of the millions of Romulans living in its 'sister-enclave' located within Cardassian Union territory."

[Ante-Centurion Jael Sherem | Briefing Room | Deck Thirteen | RFS Valdore]

Jael could see that Rayek was seeing her obvious body language. Also, she wasn't used to saying "Erein." True, it sounded shorter, much like how British Terrans called apartments "flats." However, Jael always preferred "ante-centurion," she liked how much of a good ring it was.

"Well, about that Cardassian who was torn to pieces," she said. "I'd like to take part in the examination of the body, a DNA reading would be able to determine who he is, and thus if I would know the name. He could be a big mind in Cardassia. I doubt it'd be a former assistant of Crell Moset; as much as Moset disected people like frogs, pulling something like this, let alone some kind of Frankenstein-style conjoinment doesn't seem his style. If it was that Cardassian's work, then whoever he was, why he's not a Cardassian exile, let alone confined in a mental hospital, is beyond me."

She then momentarily explained the meaning when she meant Frankenstein-style for those unfamiliar with Frankenstein: It was a reference to an ancient novel about a scientist named Victor Frankenstein, who assembled a semi-human creature out of parts of dead bodies and used lightning to bring the creature to life. A few colleagues who read the book in passing often commented to her, "a book worthy of Moset's attention." Even her brother Gid took a liking to the book, instinctively saying so, too, but not in a passing snide way. Jael eventually read it for herself. In her opinion, just as Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar" was a farce to a Cardassian, so to Jael, it was definitely a book that made her think it was worthy of attention of a Cardassian scientist who'd be twisted enough to try and pull it off, but that scientist would not be Crell Moset. As much as he would leave bodies in his wake, making zombies from mish-mash body parts, let alone bringing it to life would not be his style.

Then again, such a twisted scientist, if he or she weren't under her father's protection, he or she would've had to have been confined permanently in a psychiatric facility and have his head examined.

Once she had her say and waited for others to speak, she perked up at the mention of a Cardassian enclave. The fact that they could be heading into Cardassian-claimed space in Romulan territory certainly caught her attention. She wondered momentarily...

"If I may?" she asked. "If this is a Cardassian enclave, I could easily get access inside. Depends, really, of course. It'll depend which Gul Sherem they know. However, if I was coming in as a simple Cardassian citizen, that could work, too."


[Ante-Centurion Jael Sherem | Bridge >- Briefing Room | Deck Thirteen | RFS Valdore]

Jael was surprised how she got better quickly after returning to the Valdore, and with normal lighting. It was even more so when she mingled with the Romulan crew, particularly a man who had known her father during the botched Tal Shiar/Obsidian Order operation that lead to the latter's destruction at the Founder's Homeworld, and they couldn't resist exchanging verbal abuse about Nehor Sherem and laughing as they insulted everything about him. By the time the day was over, Jael and the old centurion were about as close like an uncle-and-niece pair.

Still, she was bothered about hearing that the remains of a Cardassian were found on the Klingon freighter. At times, she took a look at the remains with a ponderous look on her face; she wondered if that was somebody she knew. Or, more particularly, somebody her father knew, or was working for her father. She wished she could have the time to examine the body further.

She had been at her station, thinking about it, as well as trying to think of a good opportunity to bring up the idea of a combat medic to Captain Tekin and/or Commander tr'Lhoell when she was called in with the other Exchange Officers to the briefing room. She waited her turn to speak as the Commander addressed Mister Graham...cute boy, Jael was noting...

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on November 30, 2022, 04:37:48 AM

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
NPC Arrain (Centurion) Danjar-Torra Addams
NPC Erein (Ante-centurion) Saqa7 Mountain Khan
[Klingon freighter vaQ - Bridge]

Torra nodded her head and slipped out the seat she'd claimed.  She checked that she had her phaser and her tricorder on her belt.  Then once the others were ready, Torra lead the way back to where they had encountered the two creatures.

Rayek moved to the doorway to keep watch.

When the lights came on, Rayek offered up a silent but sincerely meant 'thank you' to the Ferengi engineer - who he knew from past experience would have been working hard to get the ship back its power.

So when the Romulan Subcommander was notified moments later by comm that they only had 20% power and no mobility, his reaction was a muttered swear.

=/\= "That is not acceptable!  The ship needs to be under her own mobility to navigate the minefield. It's not possible to be towed through.  The route is too convoluted and tight to have that be an option.  We either figure out how get the impulse engines working and complete our mission or we will have failed the people of Unroth - who may have to wait months before the next Klingon freighter and Free State patrol vessel pairing can be arranged to guide them through the minefield.  Those people are relying on us.  I don't care what you need to scrounge on this vessel to fix those engines.  Call for parts from the Valdore even...  Just get it done." =/\=

[Ante-Centurion Jael Sherem |  Bridge | Klingon Freighter]

Jael whirled around at Rayek's exclamation as she left with Torra. She couldn't help but flinch, but after what they went through...Holy Prophets.

"Okay, Doctor, Torra...shall we?" she asked.

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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