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Messages - Xasik

Season Three Missions / Re: S3-M10: Unfinished Business
October 09, 2021, 08:21:32 AM

[Katra Station | Simulation Lab]


Feeling the warmth and love of The Soft One, as well as the gentle rocking of their bubble, Emerald calmed down and was content to listen to The Soft One squeaking at her spot. They wanted to continue squeaking and chirping at The Soft One but they did not want to misbehave after being hushed by her. They did not want to risk her disapproval, so they stayed quiet and reached for her fingers from inside the ECS.

They enjoyed the gentle rocking and chirped quietly to themself as they waited for The Soft One to turn her attention back to them. Every now and then they heard a deep rumble coming from The Sharp One. It was a reassuring, soothing sound that relaxed them. It was the sound The Sharp One made when it was time to rest and even when Emerald couldn't see him in the darkness of the den, they could hear him and knew he was always close by. Emerald gave The Sharp One a responding squeak that seemed to soothe him and quieten down his rumbles.

Reassured that even though they couldn't see him but he was still near, Emerald settled again to enjoy the gentle rocking of the ECS until they decided to try and hum at The Soft One. They were getting better at it, but still could only feel things hummed at them, not understand them completely. To The Soft One they hummed their love of her and how happy they were to be with her and The Sharp One.

Holodeck / Re: Divided We Fall
October 06, 2021, 07:21:22 AM

Willow Fletcher
[USS Courser - Mess Hall]

There was a cruel beauty to space that inexplicably drew Willow in. As a child she had dreamed of becoming a pilot, of exploring the great unknowns and discovering herself among the stars. Her father had encouraged her to work hard and follow her dreams, but had also kept her grounded in reality. Duty and honour led her to serve in the Romulan Military but it had been her heart that had led her to the stars.

Staring out a viewing window at the hostile void, she could not help but admire the breathtaking beauty of the nebulae. The sight stole her very breath and thoughts more than any lover ever had, although there had been one that had come close, one that she had lost to the chaos of the supernova that had claimed both her home and her father. She missed him but she did not pine for him. Such nonsense would only hold her back. With the loss of her family and her home, the only place that Willow felt she belonged was among the stars.

She simply stared out the window and allowed her mind to go blank for a while, ignoring those that walked by. She wasn't on duty yet and still had some time to kill so she decided to head for the Mess Hall. She had been taking a walk around the ship to clear her head so perhaps a break would be beneficial, a chance for friendly social interaction before she had to put her "˜Lieutenant Commander' mask back on.

Quote from: Sirol on October 04, 2021, 06:31:31 PM

Putting his mug onto the table the engineer slowly turned around in his chair and did a hailing wave.
"œ...And here's me thinking you weren't going to show your face at all today..."
He spoke in a cocky, yet friendly tone.

Noticing a familiar presence in the Mess Hall as she entered, the Romulan smiled to herself as she grabbed a glass of iced tea and made her way towards him.
"œJolan Tru," she greeted him as she approached. She returned his hailing wave gesture. "œWhy Shan, could it be that you missed this face? The face that gives young children nightmares?" She smirked as she lifted the dark leather eye patch covering her right eye up for dramatic effect, exposing the scarred remains of her eye. She allowed Golshani a few moments to look at the scars before pulling her eye patch back down again.
"œMind if I join you for a while? There's only so much "˜brooding Romulan solitary' I can stomach, and it's nice to be in the company of someone who doesn't get noticeably uncomfortable around me."

She sat down and visibly relaxed as she took a sip of her tea and closed her eye for a moment. She opened it again and looked towards him with a soft smile that she rarely allowed anyone to see.
"œI have been admiring the nebulae and getting lost in my own thoughts again, thinking about my father and Romulus and Remus, and what my life might have been if they  still existed." She paused for dramatic effect and swirled the refreshing, sweet beverage in her glass before taking a sip. "œI've also been thinking about the one that got away. I don't know if he's even still alive, or if he's moved on. I wouldn't blame him of course. Life is motion and so it must always flow forward. But enough of my unsavory thoughts, how are you today?"

It felt good to share her thoughts freely, to air out her mind without overthinking how to phrase something. Her tongue felt soothed to speak even just two words of her mother tongue. At all times she spoke Federation Standard, both on duty and in casual, social situations so those around her might feel more comfortable with her, but the language was coarse and rough so at times she slipped and allowed herself the indulgence of a few sweet Romulan words. They were like comfort food for her sanity.

Season Three Missions / Re: S3-M10: Unfinished Business
October 04, 2021, 08:16:45 PM

[Katra Station | Simulation]


Getting excited by the squeaking of The Soft One's spot Emerald squeaked happily in reply, reaching out for the source as they did when they were excited, but when they felt the soothing warmth of The Soft One's humming, Emerald quietened down and sat happily basking, in the soothing, humming warmth. They felt connected to The Soft One and understood that she would give them attention as soon as she stopped squeaking with the squeaks of the other that they could hear.

The looked up and over at the Sharp One as he grumbled deeply from within as he so often did when resting. Emerald squeaked at him in concern and almost giggled when they saw him stir and sit up briefly before settling back to nest. The Sharp One was alright, Emerald was satisfied, even more so when The Sharp One squeaked at The Soft One. All was well in the family space.


Reman present

Season Three Missions / Re: S3-M10: Unfinished Business
October 04, 2021, 07:41:45 AM

[Katra Station | Simulation]


With a wide yawn, Xasik shuffled his way through the corridors as he made his way to work. Another restless night with an early wake up call had him exhausted before his shift had even started. Xasik felt like hot garbage and he would certainly need caffeine to make it through his shift. Emerald on the other hand was quite pleased with themself. They had been so excited when he had put them into the ECS and had not stopped chirping ever since. This morning the Reman found his child's squeaks utterly ear piercing in his sleep deprived state.
"œEmerald, please!" Xasik begged as he stopped to order a coffee for himself and one for Sirol who was no doubt already in the lab and working.

Emerald only seemed to chirp louder at the sound of Xasik's voice, to which the Reman simply groaned and ordered his coffees before continuing to the lab. One awkward turbo-lift ride later and they arrived on the correct deck. Xasik ignored the looks he got from other personnel as his child happily squeaked and chirped to themself, proceeding to get louder as they stepped out of the turbo-lift and the lab came into view.  Emerald seemed to love announcing their presence wherever they went. Xasik would have no chance of sneaking anywhere with his child.

Entering the lab, Xasik almost sighed in relief at the sight of Sirol sitting at her station with Aeryn.
"œMorning," he announced himself to her, but he was certain that she would have heard Emerald from a mile away. He made his way directly over to her and placed the coffee he had gotten her on her desk. "œStrong, no cream, lots of sugar," he stated as he placed the beverage down before placing Emerald in the ECS on her lap. "œTag, you're it," he yawned. "œThe little demon is making sleep very difficult. Would you mind watching them for a little bit so I can take a brief nap before I get to work? And yes, the coffee is a bribe. Did it work?"
Not forgetting Aeryn, Xasik pulled a little snack for the Uropygi from his pocket. They were starting to become friends and he found that he adored Sirol's little companion the more he got to know her, so a little treat here and there kept the bond growing.

With another yawn Xasik made his way to his own station and sat down in his comfy chair, put on a set of headphones with soft music playing and closed his eyes for a brief nap.


At the sight of the family space, Emerald could not contain their excitement. They began to call to The Soft One loudly, feeling her humming as soon as they left the small space filled with Others. They could feel her warmth and love and were excited to see her again. It had been an entire sleep since they had last seen her and they missed her. They could also feel The Skittering One (Uropygi) with her, humming with her. Emerald loved the Skittering One. They enjoyed playing with her and looked forward to seeing her too.

Upon seeing them, Emerald squeaked and clicked happily. "œPEEP PEEP SQUEAK!" They called as they reached for The Soft One and The Skittering One. The only one missing now was The Humming One, but Emerald was certain they would appear if they were close by.

The Tholian child squeaked in delight as The Sharp One one placed them with The Soft One. They felt safe with two of the parents in the family space. Safe and happy.

Holodeck / Re: Divided We Fall - Discussion
October 02, 2021, 09:30:04 PM

I think the roster is set out wonderfully. It's easy to read and follow and the links are super helpful. I'm really looking forward to this mission and seeing how it all plays out.

I noticed T'Vas took a LOA which affects Fredrick Charleston Hoffs-Wood, so it might be a good idea to put that in the roster

LOA Archives / Re: Reserve Request, Serena King
October 01, 2021, 08:15:59 PM

I'm so sorry to see Serena go. I really enjoyed reading your responses to situations. Katra won't be the same without you!


[Katra Station | Docking Bay]

Quote from: Sirol on September 12, 2021, 02:10:55 AM

< Katra Station / Turbolift --> Docking Bay >

The slender scientist raised an eyebrow, then - instinctively - nodded, although she knew Xasik was not able to see her.
=/\="œYes, certainly. I would appreciate a coffee. Thank you. Do you already have everything you need?" =/\=

Xasik smiled at Sirol's voice came through his comm badge. The sound of her voice excited Emerald and the child began to squeak and chirp in response to the sound. Emerald was certainly going to enjoy this trip. Xasik had the feeling that they would be with Sirol as much as possible. The hatchling simply adored her.

=/\="œYes, we have everything we need. A certain hatchling woke me up extra early so I've had more than enough time to prepare, but I appreciate you asking. Thank you. See you soon." =/\=

Quote from: Sirol on September 12, 2021, 02:10:55 AM

As she eventually set foot in the docking bay, she instantly spotted him and Emerald, and gave her colleague and his little one a polite hailing little bow.
It was unusual to see someone else arriving at an arranged meeting place before her, but it was a semi-pleasant little surprise to someone who generally did not enjoy surprises...

"œI hope this day finds both of you well."
She spoke towards them in a warm tone, then stopped, and began to focus on Captain Eydis, attempting to reach hir via the Lattice in the same warm tone - or at least a similarly perceivable warm emotional subtone.
"˜Captain - Specialist Freeman, Emerald and I are in the Docking bay. Is there anything we can assist you with before departing? And will Healer Peylix be with us as well?'

As Sirol entered the docking bay and gave them a polite bow, Xasik returned the gesture while Emerald started squeaking as loudly as possible. They tried desperately to roll over to Sirol and got frustrated when stopped by Xasik's boot blocking the way. Xasik could only chuckle at his frustrated child.
As Sirol approached to a safe distance Xasik released the child and watched them make their way to Sirol to bump into her foot repeatedly. It had become a favourite game of theirs and one they played as often as they could.

"œGood morning Lieutenant. We are both fine this morning. Some of us are more tired than others. Em was so excited that they woke up early and woke me up as well. I'm not sure they know exactly what's going on but they saw me packing my bags last night and knew something was happening. They tried to roll the ECS into my bags more than once, the playful little devil that they are. I hope you are well this morning as well."

Xasik reached over to grab her coffee and hand it to her as he sipped his own. He was so tired still so he hoped that the coffee would help keep him awake long enough to get settled into his sleeping area aboard The Mother Swan.

He noticed a brief distant look cross Sirol's face and he assumed that she was utilizing the lattice to contact Eydis so he did his best to keep Emerald out of trouble and from distracting her.

Quote from: Eydis on September 21, 2021, 04:36:09 AM

Eydis would nod to xasik and then sirol. The order of hir acknowledging the pair had only to due with the manner at hand. A Tholian hatchling was in question. And captain eydis had showed hirself to be in the corner of xasik and emerald.

I have had most of the crew disembark to the embassy. SVe for my second in command Skaldyr and I will request the healer come as well. This will give you and xasik the run of the ship so to speak. While the mother swan only needs to keep a small room at temperatures for Tholians. Your suits will be needed when we land on the surface off Thalia prime. The journey will be about week and half.  But that all being said welcome aboard the Mother swan, Romulan built bird of prey serving the tholiam assembly. 

Shi said this with a hint of pride in the beauty of hir ship. Shi was quite beaming and boastful about the romulan bird of prey. It had been refitted a bit mostly to withstand a tholian environment.

Xasik you will be the first to stand before the council of elders. You will need to convince them of your ability to successfully facilitate the hatchling raising of the individual emerald

As Eydis entered the docking back, Xasik offered hir a polite nod of his head. It still amazed him that Eydis was a Tholian that could freely walk in their atmosphere without pain. He admired hir for it though, and looked forward to getting to know hir better on this trip. It would be very beneficial for Emerald to grow up with as many Tholians in their life as possible.

"œGood Morning Captain," Xasik greeted Eydis with a polite bow when he was addressed. Xasik was glad to hear that Healer Peylix was requested to come as well. Their presence alone would be a source of great excitement to Emerald. It would also mean another trusted person would be present to watch Emerald for him. He might finally be able to catch a decent nap!

"œI am glad Healer Peylix has been requested. They have been attending Emerald's health since their birth. I would very much like for them to join us." Xasik was also glad to hear that he and Sirol would not need to be in EV suits for the entire journey. His claustrophobia would probably get the better of him. "œI look forward to seeing The Mother Swan in all her glory. I am curious though Captain. Where did the name Mother Swan come from? It is an interestingly charming name for a ship of Romulan origins."

Xasik could hear the pride in Eydis' voice as she spoke of The Mother Swan. It was endearing if he was honest. "œIt is an honour to be welcomed aboard." He was glad the journey would not be a super long one, but long enough to be able to enjoy a rest before facing the Council of Elders to determine the fate of his parenthood.
"œI will use the journey to prepare myself for the meeting with the Elders. I will convince them that I am able and willing to raise Emerald to be the best Tholian they can be."

Xasik once again nodded to Eydis and picked up his bags, as well as his wayward child before making his way onto The Mother Swan, admiring the Tholian touches here and there. The familiar Romulan architecture was both soothing and distressing for Xasik but he chose not to say anything and simply smiled. He was in no danger aboard this particular Romulan designed ship.

"œCaptain, I would request to be shown where my sleeping area will be so I can deposit my bags there and get settled in."

(I apologize for taking so long to respond. I have had a bit of writer's block and it's been stopping my creative juices from flowing. I'm slowly getting through it though!)

[Katra Station | Xasik's Quarters]

Looking up from his padd, Xasik watched his child rolling around the living area of their quarters, exploring everywhere they could in their Environmental Containment Sphere (ECS), or hamster ball as he affectionately called it. Emerald was growing stronger and more curious with each passing day, and each day finding new ways to get into trouble.

Earlier Xasik had received an interesting request from someone who called themself Dr Dennis Phillips, a request to foster a Miran for "œImmersion Roleplay Therapy" in which the person in question would come to stay with him and he would act like their parent while they got the chance to act and live at their physiological age. The idea itself was an interesting one and he had taken the time to carefully consider it. He had done background research and confirmed that this was legit. He was very careful about who he let into Emerald's life and wanted to make sure there was no danger to his child.

He had composed and sent a reply to Dr Phill, accepting the request on the condition that it take place within his own quarters as his current child had very specific needs that this area was already equipped to handle. He had more than enough space to host the foster and the other "˜parent'. His request for his arrival on Katra Station had been for quarters big enough for him and his child. He had expected something small, a living room with two bedrooms and a bathroom, but what he had gotten was bigger than that. He assumed that his request had been processed as a family situation and the quarters he had been assigned had three bedrooms, a living room with a small kitchenette on the side and a bathroom. He had tried to appeal the assignment and request smaller quarters so he wouldn't be taking space from a family that needed it. His request had not been answered so he assumed there was no immediate need for the space.

He had set one bedroom up for himself, and had set the second up for Emerald, complete with the environmental needs a Tholian would need to be comfortable out of their suit, using technology similar to that found in the quarantine room of the Simulation Lab. Everything in Emerald's room was designed to be able to withstand the heat so that when they were a little older they would have a safe place to relax out of their suit. For now though, the Tholian hatchling was still depending on Xasik to keep them safe and healthy and still slept in the environmental tank he had set up next to his bed.

The third bedroom he had simply been using to store the samples he was working with as well as his own personal collection. Luckily Xasik was an organized Reman. It wouldn't take him long to empty the third room. Everything in there was stored in labelled boxes. He could probably store his stuff in the lab storage room for the time being. Or if that wasn't an option, he could rent storage space for a month. He was earning more than he needed so the second option wasn't a problem.  Still, he would prefer to store his stuff in the lab where he worked most days so he could keep an eye on it.

He decided that there was no time like the present and tapped his comm badge to check if it was alright.
=/\= "Specialist Freeman to Lieutenant Sirol." He rolled his eyes and grinned as Emerald started to squeak excitedly at the chirping of his badge. "Quick question. Do you think it would be alright if I stored some stuff in the lab storage room. It's mostly the samples I've been sent and some of my private collection. I usually keep it in the spare room in my quarters but I've been asked to take part in something called Immersion Roleplay Therapy so I'll need the room to host my guests."  =/\=

Xasik picked up an excited Emerald and placed them in a play pen he had set up in the living room to keep the little one safe before he turned on the holoscreen and flicked through the channels until he found something child appropriate to keep Emerald entertained. He gritted his teeth as tacky music and bright colours filled the room but it was worth it. Emerald waved their arms excitedly and started squeaking in time with the music as they enjoyed the program.
Xasik used the time to start cleaning out the spare room. In no time he had all the boxes stacked by his front door, ready to be taken to storage. A quick dust and vacuum of the room and it was ready for an occupant. It was a little sparse though so Xas decided he would have to decorate it a bit later.

Emerald's room was just as easy to prepare. He hadn't yet activated the environment in there so he could enter freely without his EV suit. It didn't take long to pack all Emerald's unused things away into their places as well as making room for another guest to stay in there. Everything Em needed was in Xasik's bedroom. He would tidy the living room before his guests arrived but for now he was done.  He returned to the living room and switched the holoscreen off, much to Emerald's disgust. The hatching squeaked angrily but was quick to quiet down when picked up. They began to chirp happily as Xasik took them into his room and transported them into their EV tank before inserting a nutrition pallet to feed them.

Once Emerald was happily feasting on their pallet, Xasik turned his attention to the fish in a bowl next to Emerald's tank. The fish had been a present given to Emerald on their hatching day. Xasik had jokingly asked the Tholian hatchling what they should name it. He hadn't been expecting a reply from his newly hatched child but had burst into laughter when the child had squeaked in response.
Squeak the fish was now a part of the family and a constant source of entertainment for Em, the hatchling often watching the fish until they fell asleep.
Xasik sprinkled a pinch of fish food into the fish bowl before he settled into his bed to rest a little,  making sure to check his padd to see if he had a response from Dr Phill.

News Archive 2021 / Re: Welcome new player Victor Suarez
September 25, 2021, 08:31:18 AM


Old Topics / Re: S3-M9: Downtime (Discussion)
September 25, 2021, 08:22:06 AM

tag to Sirol
very soft squeaking emerald tags to Serena, Gideon and Kyan

Old Topics / Re: S3-M9: Downtime
September 25, 2021, 08:18:56 AM

[Katra Station | Promenade â†' Arboretum]

Quote from: Sirol on September 22, 2021, 12:35:02 AM

< Katra Station / Arboretum >

Sirol chuckled a little while listening to Xasik's response and him getting interrupted by an overly enthusiastic little squeaker in the background.
It was a shame that they did not bump into one another back on the promenade. She would have been interested to learn about Xasik's likes and dislikes when it came to food, and browsing the little nooks and shops had been enjoyable to her but would certainly have been even more so together.
=/\="œOh, I hear, someone's stimulated already!" =/\=
Sirol spoke in a cheerful tone, referring to Emerald's enthusiastic chirps.

Once more the scientist chuckled a little and - instinctively - did a calming hand gesture.
=/\="œWell, then we better not keep them waiting much longer, shall we? I am looking forward to meeting you two. Bring some appetite." =/\=


Xasik chuckled at Sirol's comment about Emerald already being stimulated. It was true, the little one was already very excited.

=/\= "œWe'll meet you there soon, and don't worry, I'll be sure to bring my appetite."  =/\=

Making his way through the promenade and towards the Arboretum was a simple matter for Xasik. He weaved around people standing in the way but was careful not to rush and accidentally bump into anyone. In the ECS in his arms Emerald chirped happily as they took in all the sights and sounds along the way.

Upon finally entering the Arboretum, Xasik looked around and resisted the urge to hiss in discomfort. It was far too bright in here, but luckily he always brought his shades with him. He spotted a bench by the group of gathered people. He made a beeline to it when he noticed Sirol's lab coat on it and the Uropygi "˜guarding' it, making sure to give everyone a friendly wave as he walked. He was far too tired to be very social at the moment. He smiled as he approached the bench

"œHello, friend," he greeted the Uropygi as he dumped his bag down and placed Emerald down onto the ground to explore before sitting. He rifled through his bag and pulled out his shades and put them on to block out some of the harsher light in the Arboretum. He let out a massive yawn as he watched his child head directly for Sirol.
Typical Emerald.
Xasik had to smile. He offered the Uropygi a gentle stroke to the top of her head before focusing on Emerald again, going full speed towards Sirol and the group she was conversing with.


As soon as they were on the ground, Emerald was off, rolling towards The Soft One as fast as they could. They had spotted her as soon as they had entered the area and had been mad that The Sharp One hadn't taken them over to her. But it didn't matter. The Sharp One had released them and they would simply take themself over to her.

"œPEEP PEEP PEEP PEEP PEEP PEEP PEEP PEEP PEEP!" Emerald chirped as loud as they could in excitement as they rolled faster than they ever had before, so fast in fact that they tripped along the way and had to scuttle back to their feet before taking off again at high speed. They were going so fast that they couldn't stop in time and crashed into The Soft One's foot. Deciding this was in fact fun, Emerald rolled their ECS into her foot again and again, laughing with delight as they did.
"œChirp chirp chirp! Chirp! Peep!" They laughed as they bumped into The Soft One's foot, ignoring The New Ones with her for now.

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