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Messages - Malcolm Adeyemi

LOA Archives / Re: Reserve Request - Chris Taylor
October 08, 2018, 12:40:57 PM


LOA Archives / Re: Reserve request Jed Newton
October 08, 2018, 12:40:44 PM


LOA Archives / Re: Reserve Request - S'Murr
October 08, 2018, 07:23:16 AM


LOA Archives / Re: Loa
October 07, 2018, 07:50:06 AM


News Archive 2018 / New Player - Seta Suzuki
October 03, 2018, 08:43:34 PM

Shadow Fleet!

We are being joined by Seta Suzuki, who will be role playing in the science department of the USS Challenger!

Let's welcome her!

LOA Archives / LoA
October 03, 2018, 02:21:11 PM

Character(s) affected: Malcolm Adeyemi
Assigned ship(s): Shran
Period of time absent:11 days
Date commencing:10/3/18
Date returning: 10/14/18

Any relevant comments: Strictly a no RP, holodeck, etc. Will still be posting for Admin reasons.

Quote from: Rocket Rose on October 03, 2018, 10:41:33 AM

I'd like to rename this account, but I'm having trouble accessing my profile.


Try now. I have removed you from Reserves.


Seta, please put your application here.



Tag to Djann

Season Three Missions / Re: S3:M2 There is Always Soma
October 02, 2018, 08:31:37 PM
Quote from: Djann Tempest on October 02, 2018, 11:46:52 AM

[ USS Shran - Bridge ]

Djann sat in the Captain's chair, slumped over the armrest display. They had just eliminated one of the possible flight paths for the escaping caravan and were now focusing on the other two.

"Warp particle dispersion is uniform all the way up until..." Tempest was thinking out loud when a klaxon started and his attention was brought to the planet facing sensors. Pressing a few buttons he threw the information up to the main viewer. Filitov's vitals had just dropped to the point where she registered as unconscious.

"Damn. We've got a problem. Katcha is on the move but not awake" he announced to the Admiral and anyone else on the bridge. "Security team to transporter room one, standby for hostile extraction".

Tempest turned to Adeyemi. "I'm just keeping them on standby for now depending on how Garrison responds" he explained to the senior officer. He saw how the Admiral had reacted at the Captain's use of force in the initial confrontation.

Tapping his commbadge, he paged the Commander on the surface. "Garrison. Filitov is unconscious and moving. I'll relay the data to your team's tricorders. I have a security team standing by for extraction if you need backup".

The sensor data was represented as a heatmap and Filitov was moving quicker than a walking pace out the rear of the structure and away from the center of the city.


It was a cautious but pro-active maneuver. The admiral approved, but didn't undermine the lieutenant's command by doing so openly.

"Permission to lead the boarding security team, lieutenant." Adeyemi asked instead. "I'm sick of going from ship to base to ship to ship, doing reports and not mattering. Let me lead the Shran's teams. Hopefully, by God, we won't have to use them."

It was quite a speech, for the taciturn and religious flag officer. But the Shran's crew were in trouble, and it's bridge was in fine hands. All that remained was to get their people back.

News Archive 2018 / Re: Welcome Back - Tanner Lachlyn
October 01, 2018, 06:28:37 PM

Welcome back!

LOA Archives / Re: LOA Request - Lyric McDaniels 9-19/10-1
September 29, 2018, 09:46:26 AM


LOA Archives / Re: Reserve Request - Steve Marshall
September 28, 2018, 09:21:04 PM



Tag to Mr. Tempest

Season Three Missions / Re: S3:M2 There is Always Soma
September 28, 2018, 02:50:51 PM
Quote from: Djann Tempest on September 28, 2018, 02:37:13 PM

[ USS Shran - Bridge ]

Tempest turned to the Romulan at the back of the bridge. He had only seen the man in passing but had heard nothing but complimentary reports on his performance. Djann wasn't sure if it was the Admiral's presence or Ferdinand's radically different command style but he briefly flashed back to the days of Alyssa sitting in the chair and being afraid to offer a suggestion to the occasionally cruel CO. He was thankful it was a different time. The memory faded quickly and he considered the recommendation in earnest.

"Excellent suggestion Mr. Frek. Take it incrementally so our change in power distribution doesn't immediately tip off anyone who may have a close sensor lock on us" he replied.

"Sir" came a voice from the comm station. "Signal from Commander Garrison coming through. Text only."

"Put it through to the Command station" the El-Aurian replied as he quickly walked to the chair and seated himself. Scanning the message a few times he sat back a moment.

"Admiral, could you get a sensor lock on Filitov now that we're in close? She's got a lead on the Syndicate and I want to know her location if she's taken to them".

Djann knew they were taking it by the book but he felt like time was slipping through his fingers. The caravan had to be in progress already and was probably in the ships floating slowly by the Shran as they hung in orbit. He stared out the viewer at the planet below and the multitude of objects in orbit.


Maintaining a sensor lock on the team made a lot of sense to Adeyemi. Smoothly, the admiral called up the requisite protocols on it. He tied partial Ops control into the auxiliary security station. No small feat, but thankfully the procedures were the same in any LCARs operating system. Had it been specific to the Shran's ship class Adeyemi might have to study up on it. But no, it was all muscle memory at this point.

"Sensors locked, lieutenant." He reported. "We'll be able to know if your chief pilot has a violent sneeze."

It was a rare joke for him, but he thought the mood could use some lightening. He was also pleased to be helping out the Shran in their time of need. Too often, his visits to ships were boring and routine paperwork. Here, he was making a difference.

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