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Messages - myne


Congrats to both of you, as Challenger Ship's Rep I hope we can all work together to help the fleet as a whole.


I am honoured and hope to live up to the task entrusted me. My window is always open.

Holodeck / Re: Out of Proportion - Buehler/Myne
June 19, 2023, 11:30:52 PM

[Lahr - USS Challenger - Deck 7 - Sickbay]

But her words stunned him and he looked up towards her to hold her gaze. He was appalled and intended argue against that statement.  "That's the slaver talking - not you.  You are person.  Not a thing and anyone who says otherwise is a liar.  Don't lie to yourself.  I understand you had to repeat that crap and respond to it to stay alive when you were captive but you aren't a captive now.. you aren't in that situation so you don't have to lie to yourself anymore.  You gotta find the truth of who you are now."

[Ensign Myne - USS Challenger - Deck 7 - Sickbay]

Ensign Myne smiled, so big and bright at the kind and motivating words from Lahr. He had always been since when she first met him a knight in blue armour. He knew the best words to make her feel better. His encouragment was what she needed to break out of that hole she was descending in. She would be strong and it was what the slaver would say not her. "I.. think your right. The slaver shouldn't matter what he thinks. I'm a good and strong girl. Not a slave." Her face was brighter now and between his words and the sugar she felt she could wrestle a targ. Probably lose but still!


[Buehler - USS Challenger - Deck 7 - Sickbay]

As usual, Evan found it easier to listen than to speak. A lot of people took that to mean he was a good person to bare their naked souls to. While he was glad he could serve that purpose for them, he often wound up learning daunting secrets and information he could do nothing with. So he did what he did best and listened.

"I'm sure her moves were a sight to see," he said to Lahr after a moment, noting how the man looked away. Lahr surely understand now the reason for the 72 hour hold. "After my wife was kidnapped, she struggled with similar emotions. It took her a long time to overcome that, and even now it still resurfaces from time to time. It will take time, but you will get through this. Like the blue man says, you are a person. And we will be here to keep reminding you."

[Ensign Myne - USS Challenger - Deck 7 - Sickbay]

Hearing the Doctor explain about his wife made Myne.. feel better is not the word... made her not feel wrong is better. She thought her episodes were just her. But now she knew others had the same problems. She was not alone, she was not solely and singularly broken. This is what she needed to hear.

"I will go to counseling and I will do whatever is needed. I will have relapses but I won't let them consume me. I promise!", she smiled. "While I am here for my 72 hour I will do some PADD work and improve what I did on the bridge. That will make me feel like I did good. A small victory for me and a way to help."


[Ensign Myne | Sickbay | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Ensign Myne was a lot calmer now. The anxiety medicine plus the sweet sugary food which she had avoided save with Kyan helped to give her a more stable outlook. However a 72 hour hold was very boring..

She was reviewing in her time sitting on the bed cuddling the plush Alfa 117 canine her program she wrote during the battle with the station. The program was designed to cause an alert a few seconds before the full materialization of the transwarp. This was do to detecting the transwarp conduit forming by measuring chroniton and tachyon fluxuations.

In addition she was making a more pin point where to shoot guide to cause the transwarp core to end up pulling so much power it would sap the rest of the station. However her access to the mission data was restricted do to her breakdown. However pulling up a Nor station she was able to map normally.

Finally she was working on a plan to stall the transwarp should it begin. It would not be a full prevention but it could 'slow' things a bit. Happy with her work she sent a report via the PADD to the Captain.

To: Captain ian Galloway
From: Ensign Myne


I am seeking to be useful while I sit here having vitals and being checked over by nurses and doctors. In the time I have done several projects with the hope to help until I can return when the psychiatric hold is finished. I am eager to return to active duty. All of my experience with Borg Transwarp comes from my time as a Borg drone. Do to my tiny size they used me for transwarp maintence.

So as for the projects..

- I am including a update of the alert program I created on the bridge. It should alert to the opening of a Borg Traswarp conduit with twenty seconds rather then five seconds by measuring increases of tachyon and chronitons.
- As my access to the mission data is currently restricted I had to use a old Nor station layout. I have marked the areas I previously stated to be aimed for. If half of the transfer nodes are damaged, the amount of power the transwarp core would draw would cause roaming blackouts in the station. Not all over but it would be random system hassles. It would at least as I stated before during the fight cause the transwarp to have issues warping.
- Finally. A Borg transwarp creates a conduit to escape. This is done by the Tachyon Matrix to open the conduit to enter, but the larger the vessel the more temporal stress and chroniton elevation. One could potentially use the deflector to create large mass images in the entrance of the conduit. The same as a spacial body such as a moon. This would not stop the manual entrance into the conduit. But it would cause the automated fail safes to stop and try to identify if the false image is a gravity well or if it's a false positive. This could allow a small amount more of time but no more then maybe 30 seconds.

I apologize for not being able to be on the mission. I hope this data is useful though and goes to make up for my failure.

Myne hit send and put the PADD beside her. She went back to cuddling the plush finding joy and safety in doing so.


The man threw a jab with his right hand and Kyan dodged to his left by bending backwards at the waist and taking a long step back. When the man's arm was fully past him, he put his other foot out and and stepped forward, putting himself at the man's right flank, behind him. "œPause." He said again. "œOk see?" Now he's off balance. So he's gotta reset. And I'm behind him. It's nae gonna be that easy every time, but most times it is. Because they gotta punch down tae hit us, and grups ain't use to that. It's not how they train ye see? So that's an advantage that we got." He indicated the Capellan's back. "œAn if we get here, then we can do lots of things. If we got a knife, or even a phaser. Or even just kicking his leg out. Lots of stuff that we can do." He turned toward Melly and M'Nia. "œBut if they're quicker, then you cannae rush to get behind him. Cuz then they might grab you. An that's no where ye wanna be for sure. So you gotta avoid him until you can get behind him. So there's two places you wanna be. Either you're out of reach, or yer behind them." He indicated the holos. "œOk. So"¦ now it's your turn.  Pick on of them and just avoid them. Dinnae worry about hitting them. Just keep yerself from getting hit or grabbed."

[ Ensign Myne | Holodeck | USS Challenger ]

Myne slowly rose from her sprawl on the floor and carefully approached a Capellan. She knew of these people and sadly they might have been one of the many who would have got her in the past do to there culture. However putting this aside she looked firmly to the Capellan and sighed.

She assumed a loose stance, wiggling her joints to free the tension before she said, 'program proceed'.

The man quickly reached for her, and she remembered the various slavers, the owners, and everything and at first she hesitated but a moment. However after that she was quick to twirl her body as he reached before ducking with a gently roll before him on her side as silks floated with her. Rising she tensed on a foot to lift to one side as if to spring to the right but it was a feint to hop to the left. When the man turned and reached she twirled against his right arm on the outside and tapped his back as she twirled to rest there.

Holodeck / Re: Out of Proportion - Buehler/Myne
June 15, 2023, 05:57:33 PM

[ Ensign Myne | Sickbay | USS Challenger ]

Myne's face lit up as she heard she could have the treat as she remembered the wonderful first time a few days back. "Thank you Lahr Sir. Thank You", she said with the same happiness she did before when she met him and he took her to safety.

With a deep breathe she took the spoon and dug in, moving from a bite of the ice cream. She alternated back and forth giving each treat equal appreciation and joy. As she ate, she thought about when she met Lahr. "Doctor? I met Mr Lahr after fleeing from Quarks during shore leave. A old Nausicaan slaver.. One who enslaved me almost a century ago was there and he confronted me. He asked if I was my grand daughter as I looked like the girl he enslaved. I explained I wasn't and it was me. Kyan interveened but he tried to grab me on the way out..."

Her hand trembled but she focused on the treat as she spoke. "When he tried to grab me in Quarks I danced. Like I had in the sand pits in Orion, in the other places that had me dance after I was freed from Orion... I danced and dodged his every grasp. I hurried out and Mr Lahr was more then willing to take me to safety. I think this before Mr Lahr got to me was the starts of what made today boil over.. it was still fresh in my mind as the officers told me the mission."

She reached down and tugged her gown up. She didn't care if Lahr saw the nappies. The row of brands.

"Hearing me cuts brands into people... broke me. It reminded me I'm not a person. But a object. Trade goods the same as a case of self sealing stembolts.", she sighed but continued to eat the dessert as they made her feel 'better'.


And truth be told, Kyan was wary of offering criticism to his fellow Onlie. Last time she'd ended up in Sickbay. She was doing ok now, but he knew it wasn't as simple as that. She wasn't better yet, and wouldn't be for a while. He offered her a smile. "Merry Met Melly!" he smiled. "I'm glad yer here so. I think you'll like this class."

[ Ensign Myne | Holodeck | USS Challenger ]

Ensign Myne curtsied to Lieutenant Kyan as she entered and lowered to her knees before tilting her body to the side to lean and rest on one hand with the other sitting on one of the large petals. She relaxed a bit as she smiled to him, "I was warey but I thought since you suggested I might try it. I do hope my attire is good. You said workout clothes and well... this is the closest I have,"


The Doors opened to admit M'nia. She had heard about this and decided to give it a shot. 'Hello Melly, Kyan. How are you?" the caitian asked.

Ensign Melly smiled up to the Caitian and nodded her head with a happy smile, "I am most well, how are you Ms M'nia!"

The Onlie was not a fan of combat, so much of her training over the past century always stressed the same. 'If someone swings at you. You deserve to be hit. You did bad and it's your fault." Starfleet training 'helped' to put this aside but it was still deep down ingrained. Especially after the incident in Quarks. But she would be strong and try to learn.

She would hope to be pleasing and do well.

Holodeck / Re: Out of Proportion - Buehler/Myne
June 14, 2023, 10:39:07 PM

The response back from his message to Melly wasn't at all what he'd expected. Under 72 hour psychiatric hold? Even with all the outrageous stunts he's pulled over the years - like manually activating an explosive trapped door, or working on a live torpedo on a count down to denotation -  he'd never been brought in for hold.  Hell, it wasn't until Chloe ratted him out to the doctors about his sleeplessness and night terrors that they even considered he might need counseling to deal with some of these experiences.

It spoke volumes to Lahr about what the Only had been through that she was put on the 72 hour hold.  Reading the doc's comment that he was welcome to visit and that she'd love it, helped the Andorian put aside his own aversion to counseling sessions.  For the Only, he'd risk it.

Lahr packed up his tray, deposited it in the recycler, put in a new order to go and then headed via the turbolift up to Deck 7, where he headed to Sickbay and from there got directions to Ensign Pwllgwyngyll's bed which was in a room just off of the main treatment area - in sight of the nurse's desk but with some privacy.

The Andorian was glad that Chloe was either not on shift or busy doing something else.  As he approached the child-like Only, he was once more astounded how much her reddish-orange hair reminded him of Ruth.  She could easily be mistaken for Ruth's daughter - if Ruth had a daughter.

"Heya Doc. Got your message.  Thought I'd take you up on the offer to visit."

Lahr moved nearer the blanket bundled Only.  "Heya M.  How ya  holding up?  You getting tired of hospital food yet?" he questioned with a knowing grin, then held out the covered tray he had in hand. "I snuck you in a piece of chocolate cake and a bowl of vanilla icecream."

Cake and ice cream were comfort foods according to a number of sources.  He hoped that was the case with Melly/Myne.

[ Ensign Myne | Sickbay | USS Challenger ]

Myne sat up in the bed holding the plush Alfa 117 canine as well as the PADD as Lahr entered. Her face was still a mask of pain but her eyes brightened seeing the Andorian who 'saved' her enter. "I.. haven't ordered anything yet, I was just going to order my daily meel of slave nutri-goop. But.." Her face brightened slightly amid the suffering. "Big Brother introduced me to ice cream shortly before meeting you. That and root beer. It doesn't make me nuzzly drunk but can cause a headache if drank too fast."

She sat the two items down and took the tray with a happy smile as she said up to Him, Thank You. Thank You very much.. You saved me earlier and took me to the ship and I cannot thank You enough for everything. I do hope I did not keep You from Your ball rolling game?" Her mood was 'better', it wasn't great but it was better between help of the kind Doctor and the kind Andorian.

She then remembered her place. Looking to the Doctor, "May I have the food Doctor? I do not know how a 72 hour works?"


:: Holodeck | USS Challenger ::
(This is a out of continuity One off, as we are unsure the prognosis of Myne.)

Myne had sat in her pillow fort for some time contemplating if she should go to training that her room mate had suggested. However after a lot of soul searching she decided simply 'what would it hurt.' So she emerged and thought for a few minutes what would be proper 'work out clothes'.

'Ah ha!', she thought as she fished threw her bag she kept under the bed and pulled out her old dancers silks. They were very modest and covering, but allowed for a total freedom of movement. Pulling and wiggling into them a pang of worry crossed her mind as she wondered if Kyan would disapprove.

'He asked me to come', she thought as she grabbed the belled anklet as a afterthought and placed it around her delicate ankle. Leaving her shoes by the bed she hurried out and did her best to find where she was instructed. As she hurried she would skip allowing her bells to sing and announce her approach.

Entering she spotted her room mate Kyan and waved as the small girl skipped in with bells singing on each bounce. Her dancers silks were cool to her touch and a welcome reminder of the fun times when she would dance in the sand pits. She would feel free and happy then...

Walking over to Kyan she smiled down with two red pigtails that would try to bounce on there own if they could as she said, "Hello Big Brother!"

Holodeck / Re: Stellar (open to all)
June 13, 2023, 12:49:50 PM

[ Ensign Myne | Mess Hall | USS Challenger ]

Myne smiled and wanted to hug everyone but that would not be a instance of proper protocol. Instead she looked around and made small talk. "So what is everyone having? I love to learn about new foods.. I don't eat them but I like to learn. I used to be a chef for one of my Masters."

Holodeck / Re: Out of Proportion - Buehler/Myne
June 12, 2023, 07:02:36 PM

[ Ensign Myne | Sickbay | USS Challenger ]

"I would be happy to try the blanket. I used to sleep inside a Choraii for a decade. They are a breathable liquid inside. It was so warm and it felt like this blanket but heavier. I would love to try a weighted one. It might remind me of them..", Myne smiled thinking of the singing she would hear inside.

Melting into the Doctors hug.. she was a hugger herself and desperately needed hugs to survive one owner told her. "I... will be called whatever you wish to call me. If your not happy saying Myne... I will respond to Melly. Kyan, my room mate says he will only call me Melly now. So please whatever you want to call me."

"You don't know me Doctor? I would love the chance but I don't know what a stable good family is... I sometimes lay on the floor of my quarters in my pillow fort and imagine I had a Daddy telling me I was good and having dinner and the other things in the holovids that happen? But instead I sleep on the floor, all safe in my pillow fort, and I eat only slave Nutri-Goop. Slaves don't get families. They get owners. Till there not wanted then they are sold.", the shaking started more in ernest as tears dripped from her eyes onto the shoulder of the Doctor.

Seeing what she did she reached up and slapped herself with a firm loud smack, "Bad. This one is sorry."


Rather than try to verbalize the name that only had a single vowel, Lahr simple messaged her.

To: Ensign Melly Pwllgwngyll
From: CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret

Hey MP,
I'm on break in the Deck 16 Crew Lounge. If you feel like some company, join me.... or I could go to you if you aren't feeling like too much company.

Then the message came threw. As her padd she had on the table started pinging.

"Doctor? Could you look please? If that is okay? I don't know what a 72 hour entails so I don't know if I can answer?", Melly whimpered to the Doctor.

Holodeck / Re: Out of Proportion - Buehler/Myne
June 09, 2023, 09:43:40 PM


Evan was grateful for a commanding officer who was willing to accommodate his style of communication. He loathed using his comm badge, feeling like he had to fight to catch every word that came through and still lose half of it in the process. Text based was far more efficient and allowed him to catch more of the nuance, like the fact that Myne should be called Melly? Evan shrugged before returning to his patient. It would at least be a good seque to continue their conversation.

He smiled to see Myne wrapped in a warm blanket. "Did you that wrapping yourself in a blanket like that helps produce more of the happy chemicals in your brain?" he asked. "Especially weighted blankets, which really lean into 'deep pressure stimulation'." The physics of medicine were exciting, he thought.

"I do have a question, if you feel up to it," Evan added. "Can you tell me about the name Melly?"

[Ensign Myne | Sickbay | USS Challenger]

The blanket made her feel so wonderful, "A.. weighted blanket? I do not understand. If it feels nicer that sounds good but I feel so wonderful from the blanket." She wasn't really lying.. she did feel safe from the blanket but the question stopped her.

Taking a deep breath she thought and repeated what she said earlier to Kyan, "My name is Melly Pwllgwyngyll. The man in Quarks who enslaved me said it is too hard to spell. So he named me Myne. So i'm Myne. Every one of the bad people liked it. So i'm Myne. Not Melly... Myne. Real people have full names. I'm Myne.. because the slavers said it was.."

She began shaking but luckily she didn't have any left in her so the Doctor was safe. She instead was having a mild panic. "I'm not Melly.. i'm Myne."

Holodeck / Re: Stellar (open to all)
June 08, 2023, 02:04:13 PM

"I fear often if I am good at my job... I have had a rough go at it and sometimes I wonder if I am only held together by a desire to prove myself.", Myne said taking another bite of the Nutri-Goop. "What happens one day when I am not good enough. Or as one instructor once said... 'Will I wait in the Garden of Gethsemane or run and hide?'. I hope I will wait but who knows?".

She looked around at the wonderful food everyone was eating then down at her slave nutri-goop and felt a bit self conscious.

Holodeck / Re: Out of Proportion - Buehler/Myne
June 08, 2023, 01:57:46 PM

[Captain Ian Galloway | Bridge | USS Challenger]

Ian felt a pang of sympathy for the young, not young ensign. He typed a quick reply.

"Understood. Proceed in whatever manner you deep necessary. However, it is advised that your patient be referred to as Ensign Melly Pwllgwyngyll goin' forward."

[Ensign Myne | Sickbay | USS Challenger]

She was settled in as a Human female medical crewman helped change her.

It was embarrassing and shameful. Something that tore her up inside. But at the same time it gave her a feeling of comfort.

Back on Miri the circle of Mommies would rock paper scissors who had to do that to the few babies born. But they did and there was no kind feelings she would remember. Almost just 'obligation' for the lack of a better term.

This person could be seen as the same, a obligation.. but they were kind and it brought a smile to her shaking face.

The woman seemed experienced in the act as the first thing was to offer the stuffed canine up to Melly to ask her to hold. This act brought a warming sense of calm then the quick wham and done. Almost like a magician removing a tablecloth without harming the dishes atop.

A warm blanket, it was so warm and toasty as if just taken out of the warmer caused her shivering to stop as the crew woman tucked Myne in and went about her duties. She seemed 'calmer' now and less wirey for when the doctor would return.


Don't worry my Lady (Who has a error on her id card that will be changed when promoted), will be under me. Ironic. ~huggles my Lady~

🡱 🡳

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