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Messages - James Booth

Season Four Missions / Re: Mission 05:Ahab's Quest
April 23, 2014, 03:42:50 AM
Quote from: John Brown on April 23, 2014, 03:39:27 AM

John jumped to the right side of the hallway as the green vollys of shots leaped out towards him he looked at Booth then rolled his eyes before speaking

"Good Going......they are trying to kill us how about we give them a party" Finished Brown as he threw a greanate into the room

"What the hell are you talking about, they would have tried to kill us anyway." Booth said, as he quickly looked inside and let off a couple of phaser bolts. One of the Gorn went down, pulling back into cover he announced. "One down fifty nine to go, what do you mean a party?"
Season Four Missions / Re: Mission 05:Ahab's Quest
April 23, 2014, 03:30:24 AM
Quote from: John Brown on April 23, 2014, 03:05:36 AM

Gorn Wessel

John smiled and walked forward towards the Door after arriving at the door he looked to the left of the door seeing the control panel for access then he looked up seeing the gears of the Door

"Williams Pass me your Photon Grenade" Finished Brown as he was passed the Grenade he looked at it the top of the door then taking his tricorder he scanned then finding the readings he unscrewed the top of the Grenate looking at the internals he looked over at Booth

"Do you got a Type One Phaser?" asked Brown

Booth frowned at the Admiral's plan of action, with a look of bewilderment, Jimmy looked at the control panel and tapped the open control. There was a hiss all of a sudden, his head flicked across to the door as it raised and disappeared into the ceiling. Inside the large room, several green faces turned towards the door.

"Oh shit." Booth shouted diving to one side. Seconds later a volley of green energy bolts and beams began to light up the corridor.

Season Four Missions / Re: Mission 05:Ahab's Quest
April 23, 2014, 02:49:05 AM
Quote from: John Brown on April 23, 2014, 02:32:05 AM

"Good News Intellgience is behind that door...Bad News its 80 CM Thick so we would need a big explosion and also my tricorder picks up 60 Gorn at the otherside of that room and the slight issue we don't have the explosives to open the door" Finished Brown

Booth grabbed the bridge of his nose. "This is frakked up we're all doomed" He said inwardly. Lowering his hand, he observed the Admiral and shook his head. "What did we always say in Alpha Six, haste is the Mother of all Frak ups." He turned his back on Brown at that point. "Well I suppose we could knock and use our charm."
Season Four Missions / Re: Mission 05:Ahab's Quest
April 23, 2014, 02:29:36 AM
Quote from: John Brown on April 21, 2014, 01:30:27 AM

"Umm.....You heard me there is bad news and Good News right Jimmy" Finished Brown as he walked after him as the Secutey Team looked around unsure what to do with the actions of Jimmy Booth

Gorn Ship

Booth had just started to walk towards the bridge, when he heard the famous phrase from Brown. With sagged shoulders, the Chief turned to face the Admiral. Lowering his rifle towards the floor, he arched an eyebrow to Brown. "Isn't there always?"

Season Four Missions / Re: Mission 05:Ahab's Quest
April 21, 2014, 01:23:40 AM
Quote from: John Brown on April 21, 2014, 01:16:19 AM

"Oh Relax I distracted him for you just like good old times you know how I am the best at rescueing you its in my blood" Finished Brown with a smile as he took his tricorder and started a scan he looked over "its 30 Meters ahead but do you want the good news or the bad news?" asked Brown

"Hey wait a frakking a minute." Booth barked. He shoved Brown into the nearest wall, he narrowed his eyes at the man. "Name one time that you came to rescue me, that didn't turn tables and wind up with me rescuing you?" With every word Booth prodded Brown's chest with his index finger. "That's why you brought me back into Starfleet isn't it?, there's nobody else dumb enough to save your ass."

Gesturing with his rifle, Booth pointed in the direction of the bridge. "Thirty meters right, let's go."

Season Four Missions / Re: Mission 05:Ahab's Quest
April 21, 2014, 01:11:26 AM
Quote from: John Brown on April 21, 2014, 12:51:16 AM


John looked and saw that the Gorn was pulling Jimmy Booth turning Brown smiled he looked at the Gorn then he yelled

""WHOO-HOO! I'M RIGHT HERE! I'M RIGHT HERE! YOU WANT SOME O' ME?! YEAH YOU DO! COME ON! COME ON! AAAAAH! Whoo-hoo!"" Yelled John As he fired his Phaser at full force which caused the Gorn to Straggler back as he hissed then turned at John it caused John to think as he started torwards him.

"Oh Shit....Right Goddammit New Plan.......Run" Finished John as he turned and started running with the Gorn following him though the halls as he ran "Jimmy a Little help over here' Yelled Brown
Booth scrambled away on all fours, as the large reptile changed target and made for the Admiral. Grabbing his rifle finally, Jimmy got up onto a knee and took the weapon with both hands. After a loud whistle, he shouted. "Erm EXCUSE ME, I could really use a new pair of boots ya know." The Gorn turned back at the point ond bore its teeth and hissed. "In fact you're not my colour."

Tightening his grip on the rifle grips, Booth unleashed a volley of phaser bolts into the creature. After five or six, it fell to its knees, a couple more bolts made it fall face down. Jimmy moved over to the Gorn, keeping his rifle aimed at it, he heard several labored breaths before a deathly silence. Puckering his lips and exhaling loudly, the Chief walked across to Brown. "What the hell kept you and if you call that a rescue, next time just don't alright?"

Season Four Missions / Re: Mission 05:Ahab's Quest
April 20, 2014, 11:23:44 AM

As the huge reptile pulled Jimmy up close, Booth reached down and pulled his type 2 phaser. Aiming upwards as best he could, the Chief tapped the trigger. The orange beam was close enough to burn his face off, as it was it missed both of them, but it hit a power junction box above. The sudden flash and shower of sparks caused the creature to hiss and release its many grips.

Booth landed with a thud, opening his eyes he found himself in what could be called a compromising position. Pushing himself away, he scrambled along the floor in the direction of his rifle. His hand phaser was nowhere to be seen, as his hand was about to grab the long barreled weapon, another hand grabbed his ankle and pulled him backwards. Rolling on to his back, Jimmy saw the grinning Gorn. Making the Zzzz noise again and kind of chuckling.

Season Four Missions / Re: Mission 05:Ahab's Quest
April 20, 2014, 09:29:13 AM

Gorn Ship - Corridor

"Stay with the Admiral." Booth ordered.

Raising his rifle he started in the assumed direction of the Gorn bridge, he could see with his tricorder he was facing the bow. He was beginning to sweat, reaching up he unzipped his turtle neck. "God damn reptiles why do they like it so warm?" He asked himself. Reaching a ninety degree turn to the left, he poked his head around, but only for a second. Another breath later he moved on, it was slightly alarming that there were crew members present.

When he got to about half way down the connecting corridor, he realized the air was warmer. A bead of sweat ran down his back, but why was it warmer, his question was quickly answered. From above he heard "Zzzzz" Lifting his head, Jimmy was greeted to a large green hand. It snagged his tunic and pulled him upwards with extreme ease, until he was met by an equally green face and razor sharp teeth. Grabbing the thick wrist, that belonged to the hand, losing his rifle in the process, all the snagged Chief could do was kick. It was like striking a solid object and made no difference to the Gorn's grip. "Prepare to die human." said the reptile, in a voice that sounded like it was belching as it spoke.

"Oh...." Jimmy struggled to get his words out. "Shit...." He found himself regretting stepping on the transporter pad.

Season Four Missions / Re: Mission 05:Ahab's Quest
April 20, 2014, 05:19:08 AM
Quote from: Ezra Shanara on April 20, 2014, 05:00:01 AM

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

Ezra's eyes dropped to her sensor panel, it indicated that the port bow shields of the Gorn ship were disabled. She also became aware of a text only message coming through, but with the situation being as it was, she cast it aside and concentrated on the battle.

"Their port forward shields are down." Reaching to the top right of the console, the Lieutenant opened a comm line to transporter room two.

=/\=This is the bridge, begin transport. It's now or never=/\=

=/\=Acknowledged.=/\= The Transport Chief called as the ship vibrated violently. "Stand by." He called to Brown, Booth and the Security team.

The transporter pad hummed as it came to life, Jimmy looked forward as the Transporter Chief faded and changed to a view of a darkened corridor. Switching on his light beacon, he looked left then right, it was clear. Clear for now He thought to himself. Looking around he gave the security detail hand signals, giving them each an area to cover.

"Admiral, I recommend we head straight to the bridge."

Season Four Missions / Re: Mission 05:Ahab's Quest
April 18, 2014, 01:47:10 AM
Quote from: John Brown on April 18, 2014, 01:38:33 AM

"Well I for one am not giving up on something we have had for the Past Twenty Years as Old Man you are stuck with me until your stone dead" Replied John with a small chuckle "Well to be honest Jimmy, I just have to Kill an old friend and it something I have to burden myself with" Finished Brown

Booth was checking the power level of his rifle, when once again Brown said it. "I just have to Kill an old friend and it something I have to burden myself with." He took a long breath and rolled his eyes. He didn't want to pry into the Admiral's private life or reasons for wanting to kill someone. "John, who the frak are you wanting to kill?. You keep saying it."
Season Four Missions / Re: Mission 05:Ahab's Quest
April 18, 2014, 01:32:39 AM
Quote from: John Brown on April 18, 2014, 01:16:30 AM

[Transporter Room Two]

"To Be Honest yes how can we go over there risking our lifes if you do'nt even trust me anymore or have faith in me" Finish Brown then taking a breath "As what I have to do is Kill a Friend and thats somthing you ca'nt witness" Retorted John as he replied to Booth

Booth gave his Old friend a stern look, he resisted the urge to stun the man. "Faith is for Nuns and Amateurs. Trust that's a different issue, I certainly don't trust you not to get yourself killed." Taking a deep breath. "Even if you have, I have not given up on a friendship of more than twenty years." Arching his left eyebrow, he finished with. "Besides if you want to kill somebody, I think you'd need me. You know someone who can shoot straight."
Season Four Missions / Re: Mission 05:Ahab's Quest
April 18, 2014, 01:09:27 AM

Transporter Room Two

Despite what had happened between Booth and Brown, Jimmy made his way into the Transporter Room. Walking across to the control console, he removed his comm badge and rank insignia. Passing them to the Transporter Chief, he stated. "I'll be back for those."

Walking to the weapons locker, the Chief pulled a double grip phaser rifle, his rifle of choice and a type 2 phaser, which he secured to his hip. Walking to the pad, he dropped a nod to PO1 Josh Farber of Security Team Alpha, it was a way of thanking the man. Standing alongside Brown, he looked to the Admiral.

"You didn't think I'd let you do this alone did you?"

Season Four Missions / Re: Mission 05:Ahab's Quest
April 17, 2014, 03:07:32 AM

COB's Office

Booth had been sat at his desk for the last several minutes, his head was placed firmly in his hands. On the desk top was a photo, Jimmy's eyes were fixed on it. Four men were on the picture, three were crouched and the fourth was stood behind the three. The trio, from left to right was John Brown, Smudge and Jimmy. Booth's eyes focused on the man stood at the back, John Anderson stood holding his trusty phaser rifle. The four men were in front of a piece of Dominion technology, it was a subspace communication array on AR 558.

Those were the days in Alpha 6, it was one of the few times that Booth truly knew what he was doing and more importantly why he was doing it. As it was lately, his life was full of twists and turns. The most recent being the revelation of Maria Dyson, being his daughter through a romance with his old flame Elyane. Quickly typing out a message, he transmitted it to Maria. He'd asked her to meet him in the Mess Hall the following day.

Port Nacelle Control Room

Booth made his way to the very room, that had contained so much history over the last few days. Tapping his comm badge, he announced.

=/\=Booth to bridge, I'm about to open the plasma containment hatch on the port nacelle. It's in conjunction with my investigation, Booth out=/\=

With a few taps to the central console, the hatch hissed and opened upwards. Moving from the console, Jimmy climbed the steps, sitting on the top step, he turned to look inside the long chamber. Leaning back against the edge of the hole, Jimmy watched the plasma stream projecting itself.

"Why the hell didn't you come to me, I'd have tossed Greyson out of an airlock."

Season Four Missions / Re: Mission 05:Ahab's Quest
April 16, 2014, 07:11:37 AM
Quote from: Christian Grix on April 16, 2014, 02:44:40 AM


Stepping onto the bridge and seeing no Senior officers he was just about to hail one when he heard a crash and raised voices.

He ran to the ready room and was greeted to the scene of Booth and the Admiral rolling around on the floor "OH FOR F............!" he started to say "Right!" he grabbed Brown by his collar and pulled him to his feet. "Admiral Brown, unless you sort yourself out and I mean very quickly I will have no other choice than to assume command of the ship and here is some advice for free, the answers you    no WE need to find aren't hidden in that bottle or any damn bottle for that matter, Believe me i spent a long tome looking for them". He pushed the Admiral back to his chair and then offered his hand to Booth to help him up.

At the same time he looked to the Ensign, it took guts to do what she had done and he respected that "Thank you Ensign, If he moves Stun him" Grix nodded towards the Admiral.

Booth ground his teeth as he approached Brown, he jabbed his index and middle finger into the man's chest. "You've got a lot of explaining to do, what happened to that man I knew all those years ago." Moving towards the exit, shoving past Grix as he did so. Jimmy turned in the doorway. "Don't ever use Safi as a weapon, I'm going to put out a warrant for Greyson and if you get dragged down with then I'm afraid that's on you!.....Sir."
Season Four Missions / Re: Mission 05:Ahab's Quest
April 15, 2014, 06:59:27 PM
Quote from: John Brown on April 15, 2014, 06:53:15 PM

"Do'nt worry Ensign I have everything Under Control" Yelled Brown at the Young Ensign

Quote from: Ezra Shanara on April 15, 2014, 06:56:39 PM

"Sir the Chief is assaulting a Flag Officer." Ezra was determined to sort the matter. She wasn't about to leave the Admiral in a position, where he could be injured. "What is going on Sir?" Ezra asked.

Booth shot a glance to Ezra, he knew if she fired, it wouldn't just be him taking the discharge of the weapon, but the Old Man would be out for the count too. "Shanara, put the phaser down. All you'll do is shoot both the Admiral and me." Nudging the back of the Admirals neck. "Like he said it's under control."
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