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Messages - Non-Playing Character 2


Tag to Everyone...Everyone has been transporter to the Bridge


Appearing in the middle of the bridge with some white light there was a familiar face.  Agent Ferguson looked better than last time the shockwave of fixing the timeline was fixed.  He knew he was in trouble in the future, but he knew he would find a way around it.

"Thank you to all the timeline has been restored.  My technology is slowly coming back, after a couple of hours, I will be able to transport you all to your respective times.  It is important to note that not of you are from the same time and you can't comment about this until the time is right for them"  Agent Ferguson commented.

"I will be transporting you all to the bridge, so you can say your farewells, my crew will be fixing the ship"  He commented

With that he began transporting everyone to the bridge.

"You are all heroes every sense of the word, you deserve an award ceremony for this...without you the Federation would be dead" Agent Ferguson commented

Season One Missions / Re: S1 - M1: Shall we Begin
February 16, 2017, 01:41:19 PM
Quote from: Alex Harmon on February 16, 2017, 09:46:57 AM


Alex had been looking through the crew's financials and travel logs as he had been ordered. There were a few irregularities with several crewmembers which he would have to follow up later. Right now I was just looking at all the senior staff and certain other crewmembers that might prove useful to Section 31. He wasn't too fazed by the Red Alert. He had been expecting something like this though it was happening much sooner than he had anticipated.

"Yes, sir," Alex responded as he was ordered to broadcast to the crew. He acccessed the internal comms and sounded the General Call.

=/\= Now hear this, now hear this. The evacuation order was a malfunction. Disregard evacuation order. Repeat, disregard the evacuation order. =/\=

He then turned to the Admiral and asked, "Is there anything else you need me to do, sir?"

[Off ship]

Sloan had managed to slip off this ship.  Sadly, without being able to locate or rescue his target.  But maybe there was a way he could still keep the prisoner from sitting trial.

In the back of the lifeboat where no one could see him, Sloan reached into his pocket for his communication device.  He tapped it.  Harmon's devices stated to vibrate.

Quote from: Leonard T. Scott on February 15, 2017, 02:19:14 AM

[Corridor, before the Queen is disconnected]

As soon as Jettis was at the ready, Leo looked over and gave a nod.

"Look here, you giddy lank," he spouted off, "it's time for that long good night!"

With that, he fired his rifle off and it impacted near the eyepiece.

"Jettis, fire!"

The Death first a small blast at his eyes.  He began shierkin as he was blinded with the blast.  "I CAN'T SEE!"  Death yelled.

Somehow he was immune to the damage of the riffle.  But he was blinded by the blast.  He was still alive.  Moving his arms from side to side in the corridor hoping to pierce the human that shot him in the eyes.

He moved without a purpose trying to locate his target but he was blind for the moment.

Quote from: EQ Kimball on February 12, 2017, 08:31:21 PM

[Throne Room]

While the Queen's back to him, EQ took advantage of the situation.  He walked up behind her and reached around and grabbed the left upper and right lower strapped of the backpack.  He pulled them back and clipped them together around a pipe on the vinculum - attempting to pull the Queen away from the console in the process.
As the Queen headed to the console to attempt to stop the plan.  She felt straps pullign her away from the process.  "I WILL REMEMBER THIS!!!  YOU MIGHT DESTROY MY BODY...BUT I WILL COME BACK....I WILL HUNT DOWN  THE FEDERATION AND I WILL FIRST TARGET EARTH"  She yelled at EQ

Trying to fight the process she attempted slowly to get to the console.  She was crawling slowly...maybe there was a hope to avoid their fate.

Season One Missions / Re: S1 - M1: Shall we Begin
February 15, 2017, 01:42:42 PM

[Brig -> Corridor - Lifeboat]

Sloan tapped in another command before the finished at the duty station.  A parting gift if you will.  Maybe one that complete his ultimate goal.

"Adieu.  And thanks for the helpful tip" Luther said to Mahak as if they were old friends.  Then he stepped out into the corridor.

Just as he has expected, his red alert plan had resulted in the desired effects.  The corridor was filled with panicked crewmembers.  All of they heading toward the nearest lifeboats.

As Luther turned a corner he thought he could hear the second part of his plan kicking into gear.  A small smile danced across the man's lips, but he ducked his head so that no one would see it.  When he looked up again, he was just feet from the lifeboat door.


Shall we begin ;-)

Season One Missions / Re: S1 - M1: Shall we Begin
February 14, 2017, 01:52:33 PM
Quote from: Mahak on February 13, 2017, 01:52:55 PM


Mahak had not had time to arm himself before surrendering to captivity. He gave the human male a long and measured look before speaking.

"I am not certain who you are, but I am certain that you will be apprehended." The Vulcan said calmly. "You are on a Starfleet vessel and have just committed assault on one if its crewmen. If you allow me to leave this cell and surrender yourself to me I will ensure that you will not be harmed, but taken to the Admiral immediately."


Luther smiled broadly at Mahak.  "Well played" he said to no one in particular.  "But I have other plans" he added.

Then he walked up to the duty station and tapped in some commands.  Followed quickly by some stolen authorization codes.  T'Ra Jones' old codes to be exact.

"Red alert.  Ship wide evacuation.  Red alert.  All personnel to the life boats.  Red alert" the computerized voice repeated over the communication system.

Season One Missions / Re: S1 - M1: Shall we Begin
February 13, 2017, 01:38:08 PM
Quote from: T'Ra Jones on February 13, 2017, 01:19:43 AM


No sooner had T'Ra called for a medic than Sevoc had begun to collapse. Instinctively, she moved to catch him before he hit the floor while trying to keep his head from hitting the edge of his console on his way down. As he lay unmoving in a heap, T'Ra looked up to find the Commander approaching.

Á,"œI believe we may have an intruder on board, sir,Á," she replied, assisting Sevoc back into a standing position. The turbolift doors parted to admit a familiar face onto the bridge, Evan huffing his way over to where they stood, medkit in hand. He took one look at the lieutenant and frowned before briefly glancing at her, a brow arching. T'Ra matched his expression without a word, easing Sevoc into his grip. She could see the worry in his eyes, but surely he could see that she was fine.

Á,"œOff to sickbay then,Á," Evan murmured, mostly to Sevoc, though she wondered if it was partly directed at her as well.

With Sevoc now in good hands, T'Ra faced Commander Hawke again. Á,"œIt seems Sevoc and I were both approached by an unusual individual shortly before being transferred to the Shran. I brought concerns to Kirok soon after coming aboard. And you'll probably want to see this,Á," she added, indicating the message that still floated at the top of Sevoc's screen.

[Off ship - minutes before]

As soon as Sloan was safely aboard, he also activated a program which retrieved an deleted the text he had send Sevoc.  It the padd was ever shown to anyone else, there would be no footprint to trace back to him.  It was just one of many tricks up his sleeve.

Season One Missions / Re: S1 - M1: Shall we Begin
February 12, 2017, 08:11:18 PM
Quote from: T'Ra Jones on February 12, 2017, 05:53:52 AM


Content with the lieutenant's affirmation, T'Ra turned her focus back to the bustling activity of the bridge. As the distance between them and the base widened, the crew slowly settled into their routines, and with the starbase beginning to disappear from sight, T'Ra couldn't help but think of her last moments aboard Starbase Edmund. She shuddered at the thought.

Or maybe it was something that caught her eye, prompting her to gaze back to her console. She watched the data as it streamed in. Still nothing unusual to report, and Sevoc was tapping away beside her. Curious, T'Ra looked over.

"Sevoc, what are you doing?" she exclaimed, both brows arched in surprise. "Commander," called, "shields have been lowered." Her fingers scrambled to bring the shields back online. They had only been down a moment, but as slippery that stranger was, a moment was all he needed. T'Ra looked back at Sevoc, who simply stood there as if in a daze, his face paler than she'd ever seen.

=/\=We need a medic to report to the bridge.=/\= she called, tapping her badge. And =/\=Aye, on my way.=/\= came the reply.

[Off Ship to Brig]

When the shields dropped, Luther beamed aboard the Shran.  Just outside the the Brig.  He door slide open just a second later and Luther stepped in.

"You are relieved of duty, Mr. Lonar" Sloan said.  The Tholian's looked the man for a moment, first noticing the man's rank, but not recognizing the strange.  Lonar reached for his rifle, but Sloan was faster and knocked the Tholian into the wall.

Lonar fell to the floor unconscious.  "Ready" Sloan said.  He turned to the lone figure in the Brig.

Quote from: Leonard T. Scott on February 12, 2017, 01:33:14 AM


Leo hurriedly placed the torpedoes where they needed to be. He turned down another corridor. When he saw the menace approaching.

"Oi, you lug," he cried out, "I, too, am a large, semi-muscular man."

He turned to call for Jettis.

"Hey, Jettis, don't fall asleep now. Sleepiness is weakness of character. I'm gonna need your help over here."

With that, he pulled out his phaser rifle and postured to fire.

The Death of Borg saw the feeble human with a phaser.  With little thought he began charging at the human.  Using his claws he tried to impale the human near his stomach.

The creature move with almost lighting fast speed.  It was enhanced with more speed and strength than a regular gorn.  The corridor was simple.  He could see that they were attempting to do something, but he did not care.  The Borg and the Queen's plans were flawless.

" are like parasites...need to terminate your life"  The Borg Gorn said

Quote from: EQ Kimball on February 11, 2017, 08:42:21 PM

[Throne Room]

The kick landed.  But drove EQ back to his intended target.  Another advantage that came from being separated from the collective, the Queen could not read his thought or predict his actions.

He feigned being hurt while the Queen proudly gave her little speech.  And popped the clips on the latches of the backpack.  "The accept this gift as my answer" he said as he threw the backpack at her.

The Queen grabbed the bag from the free Borg.  She could defeat the humanoid like he was a bug.  However, the issue was the "gift".  As opened the bag and noticed a "Torpedo" and then it hit her.  She was the one trapped right now.

She was disconnected from the Borg there was no way she could warm, make preparation.


Her priority now was to try and get back in the collective to give the collective the information needed.  Her only hope of survival was to connect to them.   For the first time, there was panic in her eyes and she was overwhelmed. She tried to go to the nearest console in an attempt to warm the Cube

Season One Missions / Re: S1 - M1: Shall we Begin
February 11, 2017, 12:38:56 AM
Quote from: Sevoc on February 10, 2017, 11:50:23 PM


"Aye, sir," Sevoc replied.

He headed over to the Science station and began to monitor the internal sensors.

"Everything appears to be functioning correctly, sir," Sevoc informed the XO. "The ratio is currently at 3.75:1 and optimum for our current state of warp."

The hybrid thought about adding a line about how he was a scientist and not an engineer, but thought better of it at this particular junction.

[Off ship]

Sloan had been waiting for the right moment.  Finally Sevoc was in a place where he could be helpful.  So, he tapped out a text and sent it to the Andorian/Vulcan.

"My good friend.  I'm ready to board the ship and start preparing for the surprise party.   LS" it said.

Quote from: EQ Kimball on February 10, 2017, 02:13:03 PM

EQ landed on his back several feet in front of the Borg Queen.  He left should blade hurt and he had saw stars when he bumped his head.  When he started to get up he could hear a popping in his left should.

"And you have the memories of every frightened child you ever hurt.  The panic of every family you have every torn apart.  And you don't have a filter now to keep those feelings down" Kimball said as he got back to his feet, stalling for time.

"And your influence over Kinley is gone.  As well as your influence on the others.  I have liberated them" he added as a plan started forming in his head.  He took a step back, toward his backpack.

She Queen Borg smiled as he noticed the free Borg stood up.  He heard her comments and images of her assimilation and fear began coming into her mind.  She began hesitating, moving a little slower.  However, she was still determined.
She walked up to the man she was fighting and attempted to kick him in the chest with all the force the could muster.  As she finished the kick she replied "Kiney obey me out of you will too.   You efforts to separate me from the collective are in vain...I have given thousand of inferior sentients  the ultimate be assimilated into something that is perfect!  Your small mind does not comprehend this...but the Princess does"

She looked at EQ and said " will never be free!  The Collective will always be part of your and sould soul...trapped for the rest of your life...but I can give you freedom...true death!  Consider it a mercy!"

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