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Messages - T'Lara

Old Topics / Re: Getting to know you....
May 07, 2016, 07:42:00 PM

Hello, everyone! I'm excited to post with all of you and to meet all the new and returning faces, and to catch up with returning members I know! Just to let you all know, T'Lara is half human. (Though she doesn't show it)


Character Details

Character Name: T'Lara

Character Age: 32

Character DOB: 21 October, 2361; St. Paul, Minnesota

Character Image 

Character Species: Vulcan/Human hybrid

Gender: Female

Character Family:

Father: Christopher Fletcher

m'aih (Mother): T'Rena

sa-kai (Brother): Simik

Character Bio: T'Lara was born on October 21st, 2361 in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Her parents are Christopher Fletcher, a retired Starfleet captain, and T'Rena, a Vulcan who served as a Vulcan ambassador of Starfleet aboard her husband's starship. T'Lara was named after a Vulcan Starfleet flag officer who was T'Rena's friend when she was at the academy. Shortly after T'Lara's birth, Christopher and T'Rena traveled to Vulcan where they resided in Shi'Kahr because T'Rena disliked the frigid winter temperatures. A year later, T'Lara's sa-kai Simik was born. The two of them grew up immersed in Vulcan culture. Their father felt alienated by his wife's people and he often wished he could be captain of a starship again. T'Lara struggled with the formalities of Vulcan culture and often thought of what her life could be like if she returned to the planet where she was born. She envied her sa-kai for his effortless ability to control his emotions. When the two of them came of age, they went their separate ways. Simik continued his Vulcan training and later attended the Vulcan Science Academy. T'Rena saw that her ko-fu (daughter) was much like her father; she was unable to restrain her constant flood of emotions. She allowed her to return to Earth with her father to enlist in Starfleet. T'Lara was interested in the same subjects as her sa-kai; science in particular. In her spare time she learned to play the Vulcan lyre from her mother and she also learned the Vulcan martial arts of ponn-ifla and kareel-ifla from a mentor on Vulcan. In Starfleet she chose to apply for the science officer position and was accepted. Despite her interest in the science field, T'Lara had her father's personality and often debated with herself whether she'd made the right decision in following the logical path of utilizing the skills she had instead of the ones she had the potential of unveiling.

Your Details
Previous Role-Playing Experience: You all know me :p

Department Preference: Science

Secondary Department Preference: Medical

Commissioned, Enlisted or Civilian: Commissioned

Sample post:

T'Lara glanced up from her packing to see her father standing in the doorway.

"I'm almost ready, Dad," she said quickly, stuffing a rumpled pair of socks into her bag.

"We're not in too much of a hurry yet, T'Lara." Her father smiled at her warmly and sat on her bed.
"Dad?" T'Lara requested his attention.


"I don't know if I'm making the right decision."

"We went over this T'Lara; it's a good thing you're coming with me. Both of us feel out of place here and we will be useful on Earth."

"It's not that; I'm ready to leave Vulcan. I just don't know if I want to study to be a science officer when I get to the Academy."

"What would you rather be?"

"It's not a matter of preference, it's what I think I'd be most useful as. Given my abilities, I think I would do well as either a science officer or as second in command."

"Why not both?" Her father asked. "You'd be the second half-Vulcan to do it."

"Could I?"

"We'll see what the instructors say when we get to the Academy." He sat up to leave. "Your mother, brother and I will be waiting for you outside." Being the only fully-human member of his family, Christopher Fletcher chose not to use Vulcan words; even though he had a good grasp of the language.

Once T'Lara had packed the last of her belongings, she shut her suitcase and slung her bag over her shoulder. As she walked through her house for the last time she breathed in the warm musty air that traveled past the stone walls and out the windows into the bright sky. Too bad she was going to California to attend Starfleet Academy. It would have been nice to finally feel the biting cold air of Minnesota winters that her father told her about, and which she'd never felt before. Outside the house, her family waited patiently. A little ways away, a shuttlecraft laid ready to launch with a couple Vulcan men standing by to assist. Christopher had a pack with his own belongings and he stood ahead of his wife and son; having already said his goodbyes. T'Lara set her bag down gently and stood in front of her m'aih; she strained against the longing to embrace her. T'Lara knew that to do so would be a grave insult, and she couldn't do that in front of the emotionless Vulcans watching her. Instead she waited for her m'aih to initiate a parting gesture. T'Lara waited nervously for her m'aih to say something, but she only stared; making her ko-fu feel like a specimen under a microscope.

"M'aih-" T'Lara started, but her m'aih put a finger to her own lips to silence her.

"You will do well, ko-fu. Even though you weren't able to understand the importance of kolinhar, your spirit and knowledge will help you to achieve great things." Her mouth curled ever so slightly at the end of the statement. Then she reached out one hand and touched T'Lara on the shoulder for a moment before going back to her stiff composure. Next, T'Lara's sa-kai stepped forward. He too remained silent for a moment, looking as if he was searching for the proper words to say. So different was he from their childhood when he hadn't begun training to control his emotions yet, and they played and ran through the forge for hours; even after the sun went down. Simik was T'Lara's protector when she was chastised for revealing her feelings. She was his friend, a playmate to keep him company when the other children wouldn't play with him. Now she had become his equal, someone who shared his life struggles. The only difference was that he was being accepted by the people of his heritage, and his ko-kai (sister) was not. After awhile he fixed his gaze on T'Lara and spoke in a monotone.

"I will miss you, ko-kai. You have been a friend to me, and I am grateful for the comfort you gave me when the both of us were discriminated against by our peers. You have a great amount of wisdom and strength, and Starfleet will have gained a valuable member. I wish you well in the future, ko-kai. Live long, and prosper." At this conclusion, the three Vulcan family members raised their hands in a Vulcan salute. Simik stepped back and put his hands behind his back. T'Lara forced herself not to cry. Her lifelong friend, her sa-kai, would be light-years away. There was no one to protect her now.

"We should go, T'Lara," her father encouraged.

"Sochya eh dif," T'Lara waved as she was led to the shuttlecraft.   Inside, she sat down in the cool leather chair and gazed out the window. Slowly she felt the shuttle leave the ground, kicking up orange dust. Below, her m'aih and sa-kai still stood, like little wooden figurines. "Rom-halan," T'Lara whispered. "Until we meet again."

Additional information:

How did you find Shadow Fleet?  Henriks Abols told me about it.
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