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Messages - Jiseth

Quote from: Henriks Á,,â,¬bols on March 07, 2014, 10:54:30 AM

I'm not an expert, Henriks wanted to explained, but he was likely to be argued against on that point by Jiseth if not someone else. So instead he added, "Lieutenant Oswald is the best, sir, and will have him back on his feet in no time. He'll have to be, because I have no doubt he'll want to flee sickbay as soon as possible. Knowing my Chief, she'll have more than a few words for him." Now that the obvious dangers had passed, he could relax a bit and grinned. "Race to the mess hall?" he asked quietly to Jiseth. "You can have a head start." No doubt she would win. She was taller, and he had to make sure that Booth got situated in sickbay before he could bunk off for the night.

Quote from: Deon Essai on March 08, 2014, 03:46:34 AM

Deon walked up to Jiseth.

"Oddball, how about after a shower, we grab a bowl of ramen?", Deon asked, after all, a shower would hit the spot right about now.

"We can finish our talk, if your up to it?"

She nodded to Henriks, "See you there." Turning to Essai, "Guess we're all heading to the mess hall. Probably a good idea after all this." Jiseth's eyes drifted to Booth. It seemed like there was nothing more for her or the others to do now that they were out and the Chief's condition was in the hands of the sickbay. Still, she wasn't sure if they were going to have to heft him all the way there or they would attempt to beam him with part of the ship's power out. "Funny how nothing seems to go as expected with us cadets..." 
Quote from: Christian Grix on March 07, 2014, 09:48:22 AM

"Aye Aye Captain Jiseth, any other injuries?" he looked around the holodeck searching for Syrika, finally spotting her stood with Cadet Dyson near a prone Booth. "I'd love to help carry him but my hands are a bit raw right now".

"Cadet Captain, thank you," looking around at the others and beginning to pull Booth towards the door, "I'm no medical expert like Henriks, but I'd say the rest of us are alright. However, I may have been a little short with Cadet Dyson and perhaps damaged her ego. I would imagine the chief medical officer will be able to mend the Chief's wounds rather quickly, but the damage I've done to her... may last a lifetime." Jiseth was hardly keeping her happiness at the chance of getting out a secret and the idea of a warm liquid shower over a sonic one was like a steak being hung in front of a hungry cheetah.
Quote from: Scott Anderson on March 07, 2014, 08:59:26 AM

Scott looked away from the two men and towards the deck. "Thank you Sir" He replied sheepishly. The reply was out of politeness, since Grix had spoken to him. Anderson however felt as though this was his first success, providing he hadn't caused everyone in the holodeck to be wiped. He frowned as he looked back to Brown and Grix. "What is it with you ex combat types? You all think explosives are the solution to everything" On that Scott moved to the holodeck doors, as suspected they didn't budge. Removing the panel at the side of the doors, he got a good view of the mechanism that controlled them. Shouting over his shoulder, he announced. "This is how Engineers deal with problems"

Scott pulled a live power coupling from a non essential system and shoved it into the mechanism. The lights in the corridor immediately went out, but where Scott was was illuminated by a shower of sparks. With a groan, one of the holodeck doors came to life and opened. After a few seconds the emergency lighting activated, moving into the open doorway, Anderson called. "Hello, can anyone hear me?"

A door opened in front of Jiseth and she saw a figure stand in the light. The voice sounded familiar, Anderson's. Her eyes couldn't tell quite where the others were though she noticed some dark figures in her peripheral vision. "Give us a hand! Booth is down!" She shouted and turned from the doorway, trying to get her eyes adjusted as she looked around. Faces started to appear on the figures and it became easier to tell who was who. Securing the small harpoon launcher to her belt, Jiseth sifted through the low lighting to help carry the chief of the boat with there no longer being a danger approaching them. "It's about damn time," she muttered along with some colorful metaphors.
Quote from: Ezra Shanara on March 06, 2014, 05:07:20 PM

Ezra tried to move into position, she was intent on helping to carry Booth. The roar came again, looking up she saw a dark brown creature exiting the woodland. It was a wide animal and was most likely one of the bears Henriks spoke of. It looked to be a dangerous predator.

"Oh by the Prophets, we'd better move" Ezra said.

As soon as she finished speaking, the program flashed and distorted severly, until finally there was blackness. Judging by the fact that the Prophets hadn't come to her, she assumed she and the others were alive. The room was so dark, it was terrifying, it brought back images of Cardassian brutality. "Can anyone hear me?"

"Yeah. I-I'm your conscience. We haven't spoken in a while... How are you?" Jiseth was beaming in the darkness, perhaps enjoying her own antics a little too much as she tried very hard not to burst out laughing. She tried to glance around, but could barely make out anything and between the roaring and people speaking she thought she had heard something similar to explosives before the program shut down. The air felt frigid compared to what it was previously and there was the minor thought that instead of baking in the sun, now they'd all just freeze to death. Or starve. Which ever decided to be more punctual.
Miscellaneous Topics Archive / Re: The Crimea Crisis
March 06, 2014, 02:56:34 PM

I'm sticking with my original choice and am rooting for Japan.


Jiseth was suddenly taken aback by Essai. Both he and Henriks had seemed to grow a great deal more confidence in themselves during the ordeal. She gave a mock salute with two fingers, "Sure, Blitz, you're the tactical guy." Her usual professional demeanor was starting to falter as sweat began to accumulate on her forehead. At this point she just wanted it all to be over with so she could perhaps jump into a functioning holodeck with a pool in a resort along an ivory sand beach. Perhaps the Bahamas. "By the way, I'm not nearly as thrilled about getting ripped apart as I was when I went from a little girl to a woman." Jiseth tapped Dyson's shoulder with the back of her hand, "Actually, I might know someone here in a similar boat. Their name rhymes with bison... Cadet D'ana, you're doing quiet well." If there's one thing she did enjoy like many Romulans, it was a classic bait and switch.

Miscellaneous Topics Archive / Re: The Crimea Crisis
March 06, 2014, 12:56:43 AM

Russian Air Force has MiG's and Flankers...

Ukrainian Air Force has MiG's and Flankers...

Stalemate detected


Jiseth stammered up, somewhat winded as she looked around at the others. She pulled her harness off Booth and began winding the cable back into the spool. As the line became tight she approached the anchor. Reaching for it she pulled at the release and slid the device from its burrow. Walking back and resetting the anchor to its small launcher, she looked at Cadet Dyson for a moment, "Shut up!" Turning her attention to the origin of the sound, she began to pace around the group slowly, raising the launcher like she was holding a pistol. "Raynor would be happy," she said to Essai, "...with everything going wrong and now this, turning out to be a fine day to die, eh?"

Miscellaneous Topics Archive / Re: Either/Or
March 05, 2014, 12:43:24 AM

10 new members.

A slap is a poor substitute for a good loving and/or killing.

1000 miles by train or 1000 miles by bus?

News Archive 2014 / Re: POTM-Feburary 2014
March 04, 2014, 10:59:43 PM

Thank you guys and gals  :D

News Archive 2014 / Re: POTM-Feburary 2014
March 04, 2014, 08:23:53 AM


Quote from: Henriks Á,,â,¬bols on March 02, 2014, 10:57:11 PM

[Holodeck 2]

Henriks could feel his muscles began to tense as he waited for those above to pull the CoB back up to join them. "We're all situated down here," Henriks shouted coarsely. "Just pull him up!" He hoped he didn't sound cross, but he was going to blow if things didn't get moving soon. Closing his eyes for a brief moment, he released a slow breath in an attempt to calm himself. It wasn't the height that bothered him or the fact that one wrong step would send him tumbling down, quite the contrary. He enjoyed heights. It was the heat that was getting to him. Henriks and heat did not get along very well at all.

"Don't worry, this will all be over shortly. Besides, whatever's happening outside the holodeck hasn't killed us yet. Though to be honest with you, I think I found something I hate more than sonic showers..." Jiseth adjusted her grip on the harness and cable, making sure her feet were solidly planted. She was tolerating the heat just fine, but she could feel her skin drying and it wouldn't be long before the sunburn started to set in. Off all the items she brought with her, she didn't have any sunscreen. By the end of this though she'd probably have ample reason never to not bring some while she spends a week dealing with the giggles of her cooked lobster-like complexion.
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