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Messages - Jiseth

Season Four Missions / Re: Mission 03: Rising Phoenix
February 24, 2014, 10:41:10 AM
Quote from: James Booth on February 24, 2014, 08:37:23 AM


The direction Booth had given the group, led straight to a nearby mountain, complete with a running trail.

Quote from: James Booth on February 24, 2014, 09:57:08 AM

Booth nodded to the newest Cadet, she seemed to be ready for anything, Booth liked that.

Stepping up to Essai, Booth spoke quietly. "Why the long face, we don't want these women to show us up now, do we?" On that Booth finished with a wink and patted the younger mans shoulder.

Jiseth turned as ordered and looked over her shoulder to the other cadets. In one line they reminded her of a squadron of fighters about to take off from a carrier. In a way she felt like there should be something to say to help motivate her fellow cadets, but she couldn't think of anything fitting. Looking forward she tucked her arms near her torso and began jogging down the trail. Her strides were significantly longer than that of a normal person, but she didn't go too fast so the others could keep pace. Each soft impact on the sandy ground was separated by about a second which she used to keep track of time.
Season Four Missions / Re: Mission 03: Rising Phoenix
February 24, 2014, 02:29:43 AM
Quote from: James Booth on February 24, 2014, 02:03:09 AM

Jimmy nodded approvingly at Cadet Jiseth, it was a definite plus on her part, he found himself wondering what else she had to offer. He was about to congratulate her leadership qualities, when a call came in.

=/\=Permission granted, please enter Mr Servoc=/\=

Turning his attention to the Cadets in front of him, he gave a broad grin. "Computer activate program, Booth Alpha Six Gamma" The emitters in the holodeck came to life and quickly produced an image of Mars. The Cadets now stood on a representation of the red world, it wasn't quite real, it had a modified atmosphere and was baking hot.

Booth closed his eyes as he savoured the heat, it felt good against his skin. Opening his eyes, he looked down at the feet of the Cadets. "Sorry did I forget to mention the sandy ground and it'll make the run tougher?" Shrugging his shoulders he added. "Never mind. Computer generated six..." He stopped for a moment looking towards the doors and Crewman Servoc, who was late with his check in. "Make that seven twenty pound packs" The backpacks appeared on cue between Booth and the Cadets. "Ok put one of those on each and don't even think of lightening the load, the program will detect it and will replace it immediately, plus adding a little more"

The program brought back memories to Booth, it was the same one Alpha - Six used for training.

Jiseth looked at the last remaining bottle on her belt after she lifted the pack with fair ease on to her shoulders. She made sure it was snug around her torso, mounted slightly high so her dexterity wouldn't be hindered too much with the additional mass on top of the harness she already wore. "Catch!" She tossed the bottle to Servoc and began to move her legs and torso around to prepare them for the run. Better this than the 40 below Mars usually is...
Season Four Missions / Re: Mission 03: Rising Phoenix
February 23, 2014, 04:40:47 PM
Quote from: James Booth on February 23, 2014, 04:21:10 PM

"You wouldn't eh" Booth looked into the eyes of the Cadet, he knew she was holding something back. Keeping it in mind, he began to pace the Cadets again. "I think we'll start with some basic exercises, how does a ten mile run in a luxurious hot climate sound, anybody?" He asked with a devilish grin.

Jiseth took five bottles from her belt and handed them to the cadet next to her, "Take one and pass the rest. They're for hydration." Even though she no longer held a command-like position where she was responsible for others like when she was Nova Squad XO, she still had a habit of looking out for others.
Season Four Missions / Re: Mission 03: Rising Phoenix
February 23, 2014, 04:13:25 PM
Quote from: James Booth on February 23, 2014, 10:55:05 AM

Booth nodded his head as Deon spoke, he gave an expression of understanding, but inwardly he was amused by the Cadets apparent shyness. "Of course I understand Cadet" Booth replied as Essai moved to the end of the line. He blinked for a second and giving just as brief a smile. Taking a deep breath, Jimmy began to pace in front of the Cadets, walking from one end to the other in a repetitive cycle.

"Ok no doubt, you are all wondering why you are here?" Moving back to his previous position, where he could face them all, none of them seemed to want to answer. "Very well I'll tell you" Once again he started pacing in front of the six Cadets. "You six, represent the future generation of Officers, personally I think it's laughable. But fortunately for you all, it's not my call" Turning about, Booth headed towards the far left of the line. "Admiral Brown noticed that some of you are rather hot headed and full of energy" Reaching the end of the line, he came face to face with Cadet Jiseth. "And some of you have much more than others, isn't that right Cadet Jiseth?" Jimmy was referring to the Cadets actions, following the incident with Jack Martland and the altercation between Miss Jiseths shuttle and some shuttle bay doors.

For a moment she was prepared to strike him across the face, but found herself between a rock and hard place. A response could just reinforce his statement about them, about her. She considered not answering, unsure if it counted as rhetorical. She stared straight through him, ignoring the urge to send a fist into his neck because the anger was genuinely starting to concern her. There wasn't nearly as much during the event Booth described as after the fact. There was a sick feeling growing in her stomach though her expression remained unchained as she pondered how it all must have looked to her fellow cadets. She might just end up like when she was at the academy again, alone. Still, the hypocrisy of being chastised while these were mostly the same people involved in stealing a ship to retrieve Admiral Brown was blaring to her. "I wouldn't know, sir." Images of her performance reviews with Ensign George filled her mind and there was a strong desire to confront the Admiral himself on the matter.
Season Four Missions / Re: Mission 03: Rising Phoenix
February 23, 2014, 03:16:37 AM
Quote from: James Booth on February 23, 2014, 03:01:39 AM

Booth followed the Cadet to the turbolift, once they were both in, he ordered. "Holodeck Two"

[Outside Holodeck Two]

The journey was short to the holodeck, with Cadet Syrika in tow, Jimmy marched up to the rest of the Cadets. "Sorry to keep you all waiting Cadet's, we'll just have to spend a little more time doing P.T" Moving to the holodeck access terminal, Booth brought the system online. "Ok everybody inside and form a line formation"

Jiseth turned and hit the button on the panel behind her then strode into the holodeck after the doors opened. There was the quiet clomping of her boots until she stopped and stood at parade rest.
Season Four Missions / Re: Mission 03: Rising Phoenix
February 22, 2014, 11:01:01 AM
Quote from: Deon Essai on February 22, 2014, 10:39:06 AM

"That would be just my luck. Four beautiful women, none of them interested in me, and one COB that is.", Deon visible shook from head to toe.  "Yep just my luck."

Quote from: Donna D'ana on February 22, 2014, 10:47:37 AM

Donna arrived outside holodeck two to find the other cadets waiting and wondered what was in store for them. She was also feeling slightly nervous as she hadn't been on the Churchill long. Taking a deep breath she joined the others.

Closing her eyes she tried very hard not to laugh and turned towards the bulkhead as she covered her mouth. His reaction was more than she had expected, which only made it all the more humorous. There was the rapid exhales through her nose that were slightly audible until she drew in a long breath and sighed. Turning again she leaned back against the corridor bulkhead and looked up towards the ceiling light that was directly above her. "Well... Syrika has had her eyes on Grix for... ever. I thought at first she might have interest in me because she kept staring on the bridge. I thought, 'Wow, someone finally appreciates my caustic radiation of beauty and elegance.' And then it turns out she wanted to smash my face into the console. Vulcans..." Her eyes rolled as she tried to put on a show, but at the same time she was wondering why she had been talking so much. She glanced to the newcomer for a moment, "Well hello there, gorgeous."
Season Four Missions / Re: Mission 03: Rising Phoenix
February 22, 2014, 10:23:44 AM
Quote from: Maria Dyson on February 22, 2014, 03:52:15 AM

Maria staggered around the nearest corner to holodeck 2, she hated P.T it wasn't for her at all. She moved to the small group of people who'd gathered. "Hi Guys, this is going to fun...not" She said.

Quote from: Ezra Shanara on February 22, 2014, 05:21:17 AM

Ezra felt a slight tingle at the sight of the man, she hadn't really known him well. But owing to her rocky start on the Churchill, because of the late Admiral Kelly. It was good to see a familiar face. As he turned and left for Engineerng, she rolled her eyes.

"Oops" She said not going into detail.

Jiseth shrugged dispassionately. She felt regardless of what would happen she would be missing out as Cadet Hughes wouldn't be with them and she was curious to what the Klingon was capable of. "We could just imply there's some love triangle between us ladies..." Her right hand gestured towards Essai, "Which leaves Blitz here to hope he's not the Chief's type." The side of her mouth tugged as she tried to smirk, but her heart was only half in it.
Season Four Missions / Re: Mission 03: Rising Phoenix
February 21, 2014, 04:34:14 PM
Quote from: Deon Essai on February 21, 2014, 01:36:32 PM

Deon thought for second, not wanting to miss speak.

"Well...", was all he got out, when Ezra came around the corner.

"We can talk about it later, if you want to.", he said in a whisper.

"Sorry, E no clue.  He probably just flexing his COB muscles."

"Do you guys know anything about him?" Slipping her hands from her pockets she crossed her arms, looking between the two.
Season Four Missions / Re: Mission 03: Rising Phoenix
February 21, 2014, 11:20:41 AM
Quote from: Deon Essai on February 21, 2014, 10:43:07 AM

"Good.", Deon sighed inwardly.  she was jovial, which meant she wasn't going to punch him... again.

"But seriously, How are you.  We haven't talked much.  I've bee... I've been worried."

There was a slight thud as she leaned her head back and rotated it to look at him, "A bridge officer is dead. Someone that I reported directly to." There was a long inhale and a heavy sigh, "I don't know why it bothers me so much. She wasn't exactly fond of me, but..."
Season Four Missions / Re: Mission 03: Rising Phoenix
February 21, 2014, 10:32:30 AM
Quote from: Deon Essai on February 21, 2014, 10:18:26 AM

Deon had just reach the mess doors when he got the call.  Few minutes later, and out of breath, he rounded the corner to the holodeck 2.  He saw Jiseth standing there.  He stop short, he wasn't sure if he was one of her favorite people right now.

"I mean all I did was save her life.",  Deon thought.  "Well, if she still mad with me better to know it now.", Deon close the distance between them in a few seconds.

"Morning Oddball, how are you?"

Her eyes shifted towards him as she leaned her back against the bulkhead, "Blitz..." She eyed him for a moment before looking straight ahead, but seemingly through the opposite bulkhead across the corridor. "You don't have to keep your distance, I left my disruptor in my quarters." Jiseth had no delusions about her terrible sense of humor, but some small part of her hoped it was worth a grin.
Season Four Missions / Re: Mission 03: Rising Phoenix
February 21, 2014, 08:58:02 AM


Jiseth laid on her bed, her right forearm under the back of her head as she looked blankly at her comm badge that she held in between her left index finger and thumb. Thoughts of how something so small and simple could mean so much to other people, but at the moment it seemed like just an icon. Something from a Starfleet that she wanted to be a part of yet didn't feel she was. After Booth's order came through, she clenched her fist around it and easily overcome the desire to throw it at the wall.

Sitting up, she turned and slipped off the bed before walking towards her dresser. Neatly folded clothing emerged as the drawer was pulled out. She slipped on a grey t-shirt and put a black tank top over it. Next came her black fatigue pants, crew socks, and tactical boots. Closing the draw, she thumped along to the closet and pulled out a chest harness and utility belt. She made it a habit to carry various odds and ends that would come in handy during outings. Binoculars, water, ration bars and extra socks among other things she fit into the pouches. Attaching her comm badge to the left shoulder strap, she walked out into the corridor and locked the door behind her.

[Holodeck 2]

Her hands in her pockets, she arrived outside the holodeck as ordered and began to wait for the others to arrive.

Season Four Missions / Re: Mission 02:Strained Relations
February 21, 2014, 01:36:15 AM
Quote from: Deon Essai on February 21, 2014, 12:07:22 AM

For the the first time in a long time, Deon felt usless.  His one friend the ship was going to die and there was nothing he could do.

"Frak that!", Deon jump on the engineering console.  He open up a comm channel directly to Jiseth.

=/\="Oddball, Your an idiot.  Luck for you I brushed up on warp transport equations.  Shoot the Frakin' thing!"=/\=

Jiseth blinked for a moment and sighed softly as she recalibrated her targeting. I'm going to try very hard not to hit you when I see you, Blitz... Especially for being captured by that other ship, she thought as she once again locked on to Martland's shuttle.

"45 seconds."

Her thumb rested on the firing button on the joystick as she pondered her fair well to Lieutenant Jack Martland. Sorry about missing with that last one. Though since we're not going any place... Actually, we really are going somewhere. Alarmingly fast, to be honest. But we're not busy otherwise. Here's an interesting fact: this is the part where I kill you. Yes, where the cadet kills the traitor. Spectre's lapdog gets blown to bits. This is that part. Right now.

=^= Good bye. =^=

Jiseth pressed down with her thumb and a second bright orange flash flew from her shuttle.

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