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Messages - Malcolm Adeyemi

Quote from: Mike Anderson on March 01, 2013, 06:42:28 PM

ooh they are hideous!

I'd take it over the unrealistic addition of another Explorer
Quote from: Reece Thompson on March 01, 2013, 06:45:09 PM

Then imagine how shiny your insides are :P

Coke wins though.

I disagree
Quote from: Zuriel Soreka on March 01, 2013, 06:46:29 PM

@OldSoulSunrise I've already had SF for awhile don't know if you guys hit me back yet.

I made a point to follow everyone back. If I missed you let me know
Quote from: Jon Tulley on March 01, 2013, 06:31:30 PM

I stopped drinking soda years ago. It's like putting battery acid through your digestive system :P It can be used to clean toilets you know.  8)

Conceded. I gave it up for a while and now I'm back on the horse. I love Pepsi!

Let's settle it once and for all!

Quote from: Revek Tre'el on March 01, 2013, 04:06:47 PM

BLASPHEMER!!!!!!!!! No seriously that was some heinous blasphemy. Everything is better in steampunk. Gadgets are better, stories are better, Defiant-Class ships are better. Everything is better. But still I was simply saying get a drawing just cuz it would look cool lol. I can't imagine the headache of a steam powered warp drive *shudders*

The engineers would be little more than glorified coal shovelers and the security teams like those guys from Wild Wild West
Quote from: Revek Tre'el on March 01, 2013, 12:27:52 PM

And now that we have brought steampunk up I think we should commission someone one here, who can draw because I can't, to draw a steampunk defiant!! cuz that would be just about as cool as sliced bread.

I don't eat bread because its bad for you. A steampunk Defiant class ship would be as unsightly as it would be impractical...and bad for the health of the Fleet!

I Want to Know What Love is- Foreigner

Quote from: Saffir G'Tollikos on March 01, 2013, 12:01:11 PM

From Memory Alpha:

That's far out. But I meant how are they named? After battles, etc?
Quote from: Saffir G'Tollikos on March 01, 2013, 11:30:19 AM

Hey, YOU sound too old-fashioned. No wait, you don't. Still, that's not much of a reason to dismiss an excellent starship design. I could just as easily say the Defiant sounds like a petulant child.  :)

Also, there's nothinig wrong with steampunk. Also too, the Steamrunner is cool, and looks like this:

That is a cool ship design.

It's a'ight. What is the naming for a Steampunk class ship?
Quote from: Saffir G'Tollikos on March 01, 2013, 10:48:29 AM


It sounds too old fashioned. Like a steampunk starship
Quote from: Jon Tulley on March 01, 2013, 08:49:17 AM

Whats the possibility of having the Solar Sail ship from DS9? no? ok.   :o

How about an Imperial Star Destroyer? :P
Quote from: John Harriman on March 01, 2013, 08:38:31 AM

Mine is @CrouchGabe I want all my friends to follow me.

Thanks! You've followed @Shadow_Fleet from day one.

I voted Sabre because, taken in context, the scale of our fleet does not merit two explorers. The ratio should be kept realistic.

Plus the Sabre is pretty.

Crew Quarters / Re: Personal Log: Luke Stafford
March 01, 2013, 06:53:03 AM

=/\=Personal log=/\=

I was flexing in front of the mirror the other day and noticed a small band of fat sloshing over the brim of my undergarment. Concerned, I moved my body until I found an angle where it didn't show so that's taken care of.

The latest news on from the home front is heartening. As Laura is past the first trimester the morning sickness is fading and her food aversions are not as strong. There was a time with our first child that certain food smells made her nearly vomit.

Gerald also is beginning to realize that there's another baby on the way, though I don't feel he will truly know what it entails until it's here.

Speaking of it, Laura's next check up will be when she is 17 weeks, well within the time a person can find out the sex of the baby. I fully intend to and to be prepared. Research and preparation cost little compared to failure and disaster, my father always said.

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