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Messages - Malcolm Adeyemi


No lover for the Sabre class USS Heimdall eh... :(

Crew Quarters / Re: Personal Log: Luke Stafford
February 28, 2013, 05:32:52 AM

=/\=Personal log=/\=

We have finally returned from the away mission. It seemed like I had been clinging to that mountain-sized floating tablet with the brutal infinity of space trying to rip me off of it for centuries. But I am finally back on the Gettysburg.

How strange that after so short a time this ship is beginning to feel a little more like home. My quarters are a whirling mess, just like back on Earth. There's a few more nods of recognition as I begin to see the same people more and more often. Not that I respond to any, mind you. Riffraff is riffraff is riffraff.

I was in sickbay running a diagnostic on a biobed when I overheard that there was a new Flight Control Officer appointed. Apparently he's experienced and knows the captain. While I usually only mix with my own kind I don't mind the redshirts as much as their lunk cousins, the dreaded gold menace. Flyboys are OK, you just have to know how to handle such hotshots. And command officers are, of course, everything I aspire to be. One day I'll be in command. I feel I deserve it after having to go through what I do on a daily basis...

Miscellaneous Topics Archive / Re: A Random Idea
February 28, 2013, 05:03:20 AM

Can anyone provide me with a character template and some tips on creation/how to get started? Only reason I ask is that I'm off from work until Monday and therefore no computer until then...and copying and pasting on my iPhone is a son of a bee sting! Thanks!


^^Just realized this person is male and now I feel stupid

News Archive 2013 / Re: Newest Player - Dimitri Brooks
February 27, 2013, 09:03:37 PM
Quote from: Dimitri Brooks on February 27, 2013, 08:59:27 PM

Laser scalpels? Running?

Sounds a little dangerous to me ;) I'll have to find a little cubbyhole with some rocks to look at. What it is to be a geologist in space.

I'm sure the medical crew can't all bad...guess I'll do my best to stay healthy just in case

Revek is just ornery because he's only good for shooting stuff and can't count to potato.
News Archive 2013 / Re: Newest Player - Dimitri Brooks
February 27, 2013, 08:49:58 PM

I am the Nursing Technician on the G'Burg and I am a'ight. Welcome to the Fleet!

Crew Quarters / Re: Personal Log: Luke Stafford
February 27, 2013, 06:20:25 AM

=/\=Personal log=/\=

In the vein of improving myself and keeping a liberal knowledge of my field I have been studying up on an old subject related to medicine, healthcare.

Apparently, back in the 20th and 21st centuries if a man got sick or hurt through no fault of his own he had to pay for the treatment to make himself better.

There was a giant mechanism in place to make sure the man paid everything he possibly could. Not only that, this same system also pretty much guaranteed that he'd never be healthy again. This monster of efficiency and greed was called healthcare.

The main reason for healthcare was to make money off of people's misfortunes. Anyone who worked for a living had to have healthcare. They even made it a law!

The shadowy leaders behind healthcare even forced its own workers, all of whom had undeniably dreary jobs, to buy into a company's insurance so that, they, too would be bogged down by healthcare. I am truly glad no one but me can read this; there are a lot of archaic terms and concepts I'm flinging about.

Insurance consists of a promise of monies paid out to a doctor or hospital if a person was hurt or sick. The cost of the treatment was so astronomical that no one could possibly afford it. The best way for a corporation to make money off of a man being sick or hurt was to get a worker to give up his or her pay to buy in to some insurance.

After being treated the patient was probably so loopy from the cockamamie medicine of the day that they were never quite right again. And even if they managed to slip through the cracks they were kept in line. If a man got decent treatment healthcare kept him pinned down for years with bills, follow up visits, referrals, expensive untested and in truth dangerous drugs.

You almost have to sit back and admire such a behemoth, as savage as it is. If a man wanted to make money he had better find a way to destroy his fellow man with healthcare.

Luckily we're more evolved these days.

News Archive 2013 / Re: Newest Player - Tiberius Howard
February 26, 2013, 10:38:10 PM



^^Has a BA name reminiscent of A Song of Ice and Fire

Quote from: Reece Thompson on February 26, 2013, 07:15:34 AM

I'm going to say Prometheus...

But I don't want it to be a one trick pony. I feel that the MVAM is going to be a get out of jail free card, and I really don't want that :/


The Prometheus may be a better ship but at the end of the day we have to go with a ship that's able to role play fairly. As exciting an idea as a Prometheus class ship in the Fleet is its fundamentally too OP.

Crew Quarters / Re: Personal Log: Luke Stafford
February 26, 2013, 06:41:57 AM

=/\=Personal log=/\=

A CPO really let me have it last night.

I think because I'm a medic they figured I could take the pain and repair it away if possible. I'd be insulted by such an insinuation if I didn't think every lunk in yellow could repair the warp core or the inertial dampers or the phase inducers or whatever it is.

The injuries I sustained were just short of requiring hospitalization. Lacerations, bruises, head trauma...all done almost surgically to just the right limit.

True to my word, or should I say true to not wanting to take another beating, I didn't say a word to anyone about those crazy people or how or why I was so beat up. I probably fared better than most of them; a little bit of hypospray goes a long way with pain, and I'm an artist with a dermal regenerator.

For now, I'm not going back to that place. But just like the time that Revek bested me in the holodeck I am filled with a sense of purpose. I'm going to show those lunks, all of them.

Quote from: Tobias Masters on February 25, 2013, 08:47:41 PM

I hate to say it, while I liked the episode of Voyager that had that ship, and I like that ship (especially Andy Dicks as the EMH) I think that ship is way too much of a god mod ship. I don't see it loosing at what ever it does, and I kind of think it is just to OP to simm properly.

This ^^^

Now that I think about it post Dominion Starfleet is very militaristic so a Sovereign class makes sense. Plus it'd be B.A.

My vote still stands, though. I propose the USS Heimdall. The Norse watchman on the Bridge.


I voted for Sabre class because I like mythology. I propose an alternate to Greek or Roman mythology. How about Aztec or Norse?

Miscellaneous Topics Archive / Re: Zombie event
February 25, 2013, 06:39:44 PM
Quote from: Revek Tre'el on February 25, 2013, 06:37:23 PM

Depends when it is but I'm definitely interested. I'll mention it to Soreka.

Sounds good. I'm going with some Trekker buddies of mine who I'm pressuring to join no avail so far.
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