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Messages - Malcolm Adeyemi

Miscellaneous Topics Archive / Re: My Baby!
February 20, 2013, 01:44:19 PM
Miscellaneous Topics Archive / Re: My Baby!
February 20, 2013, 12:36:41 PM
Quote from: Lance Krol on February 20, 2013, 12:36:01 PM

Still can't download attachments, but songrats!

Thanks Cap.!
Miscellaneous Topics Archive / Re: My Baby!
February 20, 2013, 12:32:00 PM

Thanks fellows!

Miscellaneous Topics Archive / My Baby!
February 20, 2013, 12:25:31 PM

This is the first picture taken EVER of my unborn child (my second, kind of, my girlfriend has a son from a previous marriage.)  She's 13 weeks and 5 days along, and the due date is August 23rd, 2013.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Miscellaneous Topics Archive / Re: Location ABCs
February 20, 2013, 10:03:52 AM

Kingston, Jamaica

Crew Quarters / Re: Personal Log: Luke Stafford
February 20, 2013, 05:57:02 AM

=/\=Personal log=/\=

I officially was pronounced a nursing technician apprentice today. Other than that, I believe I have finally come to the keystone of my spiritual foundation.

I have a body holding me. One I take care of and that takes up a great deal of my time but merely a body. Being out here in space has made me realize that I cannot be consumed by the corporeal anymore. There is all manner of life in the universe; the only thing that unites all in the end is energy. Spiritual energy, in my case.

My father lived for his family and taught me to do the same. I now know that by seeking to nourish my spiritual self first I am benefitting myself and my family at the same time. When a man is happy the happiness trickles down, my father always said.

Crew Quarters / Re: Personal Log: Luke Stafford
February 19, 2013, 06:31:04 AM

=/\=Personal log=/\=

Although I have always been dedicated to seeking peaceful resolutions to any conflict a man has to be prepared for when others are not so refined. I was inspired by a recent humiliating episode on the holodeck.

LT CMDR Kirok was showing me through some bat'leth moves. He's not a bad fellow, for a Vulcan. We were having a perfectly good time fighting holographic opponents until that Cardassian showed up.

First of all, what's a Cardassian doing in Starfleet? Everyone knows how vicious and warlike they are. Just the sight of those scales and the cold, mocking lizard eyes was enough to set me off. Maybe that's unfair of me to say but I feel like the Federation conditions us for that response to Cardassians.

To top it off the lizard pulled a dirty trick and set the difficulty higher on me. Before a man could say "freeze program" I was on my heels dodging cuts this far from my head. If I had hair I would have lost some, it came that close.

You would have thought Kirok would have chided the man for his underhanded jape but no, he just welcomed him to the fight and invited him to join us!

I was able to dispatch two more opponents before I realized I was swinging myself out and excused myself from further training that day. But I did like the bat'leth and now I have two somebodies to prove myself to. With some work in my off hours I'll show both of them.

Unfortunately, this does mean I am dropping my former "no holodeck" policy but it's a necessity. Never be afraid to challenge your own beliefs, my father always said, and maybe that's exactly what I need here on the Gettysburg to shake things up.

Quote from: Jon Tulley on February 18, 2013, 03:18:02 PM

Have you thought about getting a wireless keyboard for your iphone? Cheaper than buying a laptop. You might be able to get a mouse too. Like these:

No, didn't even know such things existed. It's a thought! It's definitely a thought!
Crew Quarters / Re: Personal Log: Luke Stafford
February 18, 2013, 06:57:01 AM

=/\= Personal log =/\=

The command staff has decided to send an away mission to the strange object we've been scanning. They require a sample for carbon dating. Such away missions almost always include medical personnel, as away teams are apt about getting injured or infected with something. I really want to go with them. I'm no bloodthirsty adventurer but whatever that thing is it sounds infinitely preferable to rotting away in sickbay for another few hours. If I'm going to die in a supernova or become brainwashed or whatever this thing has in store for us I want at least a fighting chance.

Speaking of fighting, a message from Laura back on Earth has indicated that our son was involved in a little scrape at his school. A "fight" amongst two year olds, imagine that. I'm willing to bet the entire thing was blown out of proportion. Laura is more concerned about our son fighting but I don't think this thing has to be a negative experience. Despite all of our technological superiority fights, can, do, and will happen. A man should experience this type of thing if he has to deal with it.

What a man emphatically does not have to deal with is a giant floating space artifact foretelling doom and then investigating it for some reason instead of just flying away. Unless you're me, of course. In that case you do have to deal with a red-shirted madman getting you killed for just that reason.

For all these reasons I continue to offer prayers and beseech to God.

News Archive 2013 / Re: Newest Player - Xonak
February 17, 2013, 08:08:43 PM

Welcome! I hope you will enjoy your time here.

Quote from: Reece Thompson on February 17, 2013, 04:55:00 PM

I can't really say I have any experience with TapTalk... but I'll download it and see what it's like.

As for your issues with Safari... can you explain them a tad more? Because if i'm on my phone, I don't have a problem with SF on Safari.

It's just a son of a beesting to navigate and post with pinching and tapping the buttons and windows.

The majority of the time I access Shadow Fleet it's via my iPhone. I was wondering if the board is accessible by the great iPhone app Taptalk. It's a forum app and streamlines the wonky feel and scrolling issues I encounter using SF in Safari.

By the way, those are all the big computer words I know so please dumb down any response!

Crew Quarters / Re: Personal Log: Luke Stafford
February 17, 2013, 08:26:25 AM

=/\= Personal log. =/\=

I found a place to do chin ups! Despite that lunk with the growths and his attitude I was able to find out that there is a low bar in one of the shuttle bats that can used for just that purpose. It's a secluded little spot and required a great deal of snooping and research on my part.

I was having a drink (whiskey, rocks) in Ten Forward right after the first shift had finished up. The place was packed and I had had to share a table with two riffraff from operations. They were chattering on about loading up some shuttle today and one of them was complaining about a headache after he'd bumped his head. The man kept saying it and glancing at me as if I was morally obligated to heal his wounds right then and there. Not when I'm not on duty, crewman. My God, my two year old at home whines less. Riffraff.

I tossed off the rest of my synthehol and was ready to leave when I noticed the crewman with the headache was taller than was nessecary. He was pushing two meters, so for him to bump his head was quite a feat.

I dashed from Ten Forward to the nearest turbolift and shot down to deck 4. A quick recon of the three main shuttlebays did reveal that one had an oddly out of place bar hanging from the wall, perfect for chin ups. Must have been an error at the shipyards.

The only problem is that there was a gaggle of three mustard suited crewmen moving around cargo. They were led by a grizzled old PO1 who looked as if he had a confirmed kill with a shovel in the Earth-Romulan War. He was serving me an entree of glare with a side order of stink eye so I left.

Despite that set back, the place for chin ups has been found. Anything to help pass the time until I can be reunited with my family will help.

News Archive 2013 / Re: Newest Player - Luke Stafford
February 16, 2013, 11:49:48 PM
Quote from: Inzjana on February 16, 2013, 11:04:37 PM

Welcome to Shadow Fleet Mr Stafford


^^Didn't understand her

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