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Messages - Malcolm Adeyemi


^^Probably only knows that one word of Spanish

Crew Quarters / Re: Personal Log: Luke Stafford
February 16, 2013, 08:11:59 AM

=/\=Personal log.=/\=

I've never been one for regimented prayer. But I also think its wrong only to pray in times of need. With that in mind I try to make all I do on the Gettysburg a prayer. Nothing else will get me home sooner.

With little regard for the lives of my children, woman and not to mention the crew we are studying some odd space object with ancient writing on it. Never mind the fact that no good can come from any of that. We're going to scan and probe and investigate until that thing sucks is into it or blows up. And then eveyone will he down in sickbay when they're short a limb and in need of me. So I'll keep praying, that's for sure.

I feel guilty being away from my son. He's at a point in his life where he is learning the most he will ever. Toddlerhood is a time where a child will grow by leaps and bounds. He has his mother and his great extended family but not his father. Nothing can replace a father for a son or time lost between the two.

Didn't have the will to exercise today. Why bother when I may be smashed to atoms or dissected  by this old alien pinball anyway? The only thing that keeps me going is the love for my family, God, and my equal faith in this new crew. They're a little foolhardy but despite my being so morose I truly feel we're ready for whatever this thing has planned for us.


Very heart warming read.

Miscellaneous Topics Archive / Re: What are you reading?
February 15, 2013, 06:12:20 PM

The Mission Earth series by L. Ron Hubbard!

News Archive 2013 / Re: Newest Player - Lloyd Sears
February 15, 2013, 05:29:20 PM

Welcome to the party! I'm a n00b myself here but if I can help I surely will

Crew Quarters / Re: Personal Log: Luke Stafford
February 15, 2013, 06:32:17 AM

=/\=Personal log. =/\=

As harsh is this may sound, I am starting to get accustomed to life without my family. I miss Laura, Gerald, and the grape terribly, but we do converse often so it is not as if I never hear their voices or see their faces, thank God. I'm starting to come up with other diversions besides my exercises.

There is, of course, reading, a sociable drink, or music to occupy a man's mind, but I've always been a notorious prankster. I still remember how angry our father got when my brother and I  synthesized a highly adhesive epoxy and glued his tools to the ceiling. Mad as he was my father was a man who believed in reciprocity and was not without humor himself, either. For our birthdays (us being born 4 years apart but both in August) that year he presented us each with a fabulously big present. Inside the fancy wrapping paper and box was a bunch of smelly old anchovy.

With that proud family tradition in mind I have set my sights on the Gettysburg.

I'm a quiet person by nature and do not like to attract attention. My fierce wit is only unsheathed when aroused (my anger, not me). But when it is, it is implacable.

There is a piece of flotsam on board named Stanley Back. He's a smart kid, going places, but he has the same big head every other pilot in Starfleet has (and in every organization that needs pilots, according to my research.)

I suppose I could have gone skulking to his quarters to do the old whipped cream and feather trick but Security doesn't look very kindly to that. No, my father told me that a man has to do the best with what God gave him. And I have the ship's medical records.

That was actually a roadblock at first. Stanley Back is an extremely healthy kid: no debilitating diseases, no embarrassing midnight visits to shady doctors, no objects having to be removed from anywhere they were inserted. Dismayed but resolute I plowed forward.

No past medical history of any diseases or embarrassing accidents. Social and family history normal. No mental illness or addiction.

Vaccinations all up to date. Well, until now that is.

It's been standard procedure in any military organization (according to my research) for sailors and soldiers of yore to be thoroughly vaccinated. Failure to do is a serious disciplinary infraction and dangerous. Standard Starfleet procedure in this matter is to have the patient inoculated thoroughly (a process taking hours) if he or she is found to be not up to date.

Talarian plague. Andorrian shingles. Spacesickness. Vertigo. The common cold. Realspace whooping cough. Brain parasites. Tuberculosis. Dysentery, for that Oregon trail feel.

It took me hours to research and change all of the vaccinations and add items to the medical records, but a man has to be dedicated to his craft. The tricky part was ensuring a list of maladies that would be far beyond a simple sickbay on a starship; a full clinic, maybe even a hospital, would be needed. And no matter that some of these diseases and ailments had been cured hundreds of years ago, or that some of them would never even require a shot even if he had had them. The nurse administering them would come up with something to shoot into Back. If it's one thing a medic loves it's to inject a patient!

The next time we docked at a starbase Back would be spending his shore leave a little differently than I.

News Archive 2013 / Re: Newest Player - Luke Stafford
February 15, 2013, 05:16:55 AM
Quote from: Jonathan Sanchez on February 09, 2013, 12:30:14 AM

Cause you're a fan of Star Trek? That or you're from the weird pacific northwest, lol.  :P ;)

Northeast so I guess I'm just strange...
Crew Quarters / Re: Personal Log: Luke Stafford
February 14, 2013, 08:20:11 PM

=/\=Personal log. =/\=

I've been doing a lot of inventory in sickbay. I have to say the Gettysburg is especially well equipped. This shouldn't be surprising, however, seeing as how this is her maiden voyage.

I'm still getting used to this ship, and the people on it. Some jock down in Engineering had a suppurating mass of growths he wanted me to check out. As I was mopping and stitching I asked him if there's any place in engineering for a man to do chin ups. So he thinks he's an authority and tried to tell me that pull-ups are a better exercise. Right off the bat I listed the muscles that chin ups engage and then the comparatively fewer ones that pull-ups engage. Had him sputtering a bit. Then he tried to tell me that chin-ups are easier. I said, "They're easier because they engage more muscles and therefore give a man a better work out. Did you want to keep reviewing or go on to the next lesson?" Some people. As I had competently healed his grievous growths he got up to leave so I said, "Add in a squat thrust with a pushup for a full body workout after a set of chin ups, friend." Sickbay 1, Engineering 0.

Crew Quarters / Re: Personal Log: Luke Stafford
February 09, 2013, 06:32:46 AM

=/\= Personal log. =/\=

Coming to grips with a situation and adapting is taught well in Starfleet. And they need to, with the situations a man is put in.

I'm slowly settling in here on the Gettysburg. Every day seems to go a little better than the one before. Besides the situation of young, Academy bound hotshots and their big heads, that is. I don't think that problem will ever go away.

Received a message today from Starfleet Medical stating that officers should always be inoculated. It didn't say agains what, particularly, but only that officers are resistant to inoculation and some creativity is required to ensure their health. If an officer isn't inclined to be injected for any reason the medic is encouraged to invent a scorching case of "realspace whooping cough" and get the job done.

Push ups today, more dashing around the p-ways for aerobic exercise. If I don't find a place for chin ups I may have to break down and visit the holodeck.

I have faith in the grace of God that my family is doing well and I will be back with them as soon as I possibly can. Stafford out.

News Archive 2013 / Re: Newest Player - Luke Stafford
February 08, 2013, 02:48:28 PM
Quote from: Alyssa Meadows on February 08, 2013, 08:31:06 AM

Oh, wonderful. We have another person to induct into the dark secrets of the Medical division....

I'll get the initiate paddle and the drag costumes/make up.

Why am I scared AND interested? lol
Crew Quarters / Personal Log: Malcolm Adeyemi
February 08, 2013, 02:43:06 PM

=/\= Personal Log, stardate: 67105.7. =/\=

Acclimating here has been difficult. Though my previous training has been rigorous I overcame the physical and mental tests with the grace of God. Being deployed and actually here is a much different story. Up until now I thought I was doing very well. If a man puts good things into the universe he will get good things out of it, my father always said. Never had a reason to doubt that until now.

I don't know who was more foolish to insist I accept an offer aboard a Galaxy class starship as my first assignment. One of the biggest, newest, and most far flung ship in Starfleet, with me on it, away my Laura, Gerald, and the little grape. Laura and I wanted to be surprised as to the sex of the new baby, so for now we're just referring to it as whatever the medical texts compare the fetus to. Oddly, this is always food: a sesame seed, a grape, a plum, an orange, an eggplant. I don't reccomend cannibalizing one's young, either from a spiritual or a medical standpoint.

Still, despite the fact that I miss my family, I am keeping busy. There's not much to do in sickbay so I've been busying myelf with tests and drills on procedure and protocol. I've also been studying the great source of medical texts here on the Gettysburg. Attacking a job with drive is important at first until a man settles into his groove and can coast forward.

Did push-ups at random intervals today and when no one is looking I dash around the passageways to build up leg strength and stamina. Sadly, not many stairs here on the Gettysburg, but then again, why would there be with turbolfits? You can't take those two at a time. Will keep a lookout for a place to do chin ups. Stafford out.

News Archive 2013 / Re: Newest Player - Luke Stafford
February 08, 2013, 05:32:14 AM
Quote from: Rennan Protheus on February 08, 2013, 02:23:28 AM

Welcome Mr Stafford, wow I have a minion  :P

How about colleague...?  :o
News Archive 2013 / Re: Newest Player - Luke Stafford
February 07, 2013, 10:57:51 PM

Thanks everyone. Thrilled to be here and ready to get my hands dirty!



Character Name:Luke Stafford
Character Age:28
Character DOB: 39593.44815449003
Character Image:

Character Species:Human
Character Family: Janet Stafford, Thomas Stafford, Tommy Stafford. Engaged to a woman back on earth, with whom he has one child and another on the way.
Character Bio: Luke Stafford was born into a large, conservative and traditional family on Earth's North American continent. His father and uncles were technicians, tradesmen, and engineers, and all the women were homemakers. Growing up he was more at home with books than tools, a fact that was accepted and encouraged by his family. He excelled in science as a student but schoolwork was always too effortless for him to follow through with university or a true career. He worked a series of odd jobs unrelated to his true passion and his calling, medicine. As he became older he realized a man has to make things happen, not wait for them to happen. His relationship with his spouse is also energizing his ambitions. He is joining Starfleet at the unlikely age of 28 to demonstrate to his son and unborn child that a man who follows his dreams is truly fulfilled.

Your Details

Previous Role-Playing Experience: I've been role-playing in some form or another for 15 years. I began in AOL chat rooms in various RPs, including Vampire: The Masquerade, Star Wars, Star Trek, and an X-Files knockoff. I did forum based RP that had a historical fiction theme in high school, the name of which I forget. Also did a bit of RPing for Canon/Monarchy in their forums while I played the browser based game. I played various pencil and paper games, mostly with again Vampire: The Masquerade. Star Trek has always been my primary love and I can't believe I'm just getting around to a serious, forum based RPG for it. These days I don't have much time to sit down and devote to serious gaming but a forum accessible from my Smartphone and work computer is perfect.
Department Preference:Nursing Technician
Secondary Department Preference: Sensor Systems Specialist

Sample post:Newly christened Crewmate Recruit Luke Stafford strode down the passageways of the USS Lincoln at a distance-eating power stride. He nodded at other enlisted passersby, said "Sir" or "ma'am" to each polished officer when required, but he was moving too fast to make chitchat. The fact that most of the others were younger than he further galvanized him. He had taken more than a few ribs in Starfleet so far for being a little older than most of the enlisted recruits. He had remembered that derision when he'd bested them at some physical or academic feat.

He was early to report to duty but had taken care to not be too early. He had learned at the beginning of his career that officers hated a brownnoser almost as much as they hated a carouser or a slob. His axiom in the Academy and Medical had been to stand out from the crowd as long as it furthered his goals. Any extra attention was usually a bad thing.

He entered the Lincoln's sickbay and was glad it was crowded enough for his arrival to go unnoticed at first. Stafford had to let out an involuntary whistle of amazement. The Lincoln's Chief Medical Officer clearly took pride in their job. Not even the Academy or Medical had this kind of equipment and in such proliferation. His father had often said that there was no such thing as too many tools, provided a man kept them straight. The memory made him smile.

"Something funny, son?"

At that precise moment Stafford leapt to military attention; as ramrod straight as possible but still ready to move. The speaker was a prim looking officer wearing the turquoise of services.

"Negative sir, just admiring the facilities here. Crewman Recruit Stafford, reporting for duty." Stafford felt himself being studied as he stared straight ahead unblinkingly. Stafford was a shorter human with bluish green eyes and a freshly shaved head that gleamed in the overhead ship lighting. Despite this the strawberry goatee was heavy and full, within Starfleet regulations depending on who was looking but still bushy enough for a prickly officer to crack down upon. Despite the hours he logged on desk duty every day he was squat and strong, the muscles lovingly maintained and not quite hidden by his Starfleet enlisted uniform. Stafford had a voice that was a bit nasal and carried the vestiges of a Midatlantic Earth accent. His tone was military crisp and polite but not fawningly so.

The officer's close set of eyes seemed critical and harsh for a moment before sliding to recognition and finally deep into disinterest. "Fresh out of Medical, are you? Another. Report to the head Nurse Technician for your duty roster. Welcome to the USS Lincoln."

Additional information:I love Star Trek and everyone here has already been great! I'd be delighted to join.

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