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Messages - Alexander Graham

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on February 24, 2023, 02:44:30 AM

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Sunauth t'Nennien (Ops)
[RFS Valdore - Deck 13 - Bridge]

The Centurion didn't look away from her console as the Bajoran Riov called for targeting solutions.  "Ie, rekkai!* (Yes, sir!)  The Romulan Operations officer began working on the request - looking for targeting options that would nullify the Cardassian threat without destroying the vessel.   "There is always the option of leaving the vicinity and avoiding the Cardassian ship entirely." she remarked as she sent the Commander her suggestions for disabling shots.  They focused on the other ship's sensors, comms and weapons.  The Cardassians couldn't fight what they could find.  Nor could they fight without weapons.  The comms target was to keep them from calling for backup.

Sunauth frowned as a status report came in.   "Sir, we have activation of the fire suppression system in the Sickbay lab."  The Romulan knew that was where the medical staff were studying the conjoined Klingon corpse.  She attempted to open a comm to the room but met with interference.  "Am unable to open a comm to that part of the ship."

Arrain t'Nennien blinked as another warning light on her console lit.   "Fire suppression is off but now the lab has lost artificial gravity.   I think we might have a problem, Sir."

By the time she reported this, the artificial gravity was showing as working once more.  "Or not...? It's showing as active again."  The Ops officer wondered if it was a sensor glitch in her console.  She sent a request to Engineering to have it checked out, and tried calling to the Sickbay Lab once more. This time it went through.

=/\= "Operations to Sickbay Lab.  Is everything alright there?  Our sensors were showing activation of the fire suppression and deactivation of the artificial gravity.  Did the nanites escape?" =/\= she asked in half joking concern.

NPC Erein (Ante-Centurion) Gwiu t'Kiell
[RFS Valdore - Main Engineering]

Gwiu hadn't expected the Ferengi to actually provide an answer, much less two that had even the remote possibility of working; yet in theory either one could actually work.

The engineer knew that anti-protons tended to be how most cloaks were discovered, so she immediately assigned the Ferengi to that.   "Work on flooding the area with protons then, we'll give that a try.  I'd suggest ionizing the hull but that would disrupt the cloak.  Do what you can."

NPC Erein (Ante-centurion) Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[RFS Valdore - Sickbay Lab]

=/\= "Operations to Sickbay Lab.  Is everything alright there?  Our sensors were showing activation of the fire suppression and deactivation of the artificial gravity.  Did the nanites escape?" =/\= came the call from the Bridge in a half joking/half concerned tone of voice.

And this was why Saqa7 had so much reservation when it came to working with Borg nanites.  She was dripping wet.  Her digits still tingled from the electrical shock she'd received.  The Science officer was more than happy to leave to confines of the lab.  "Gohun, you too.  It's time to go."

She hurried the engineer out the door and followed suit.

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Danjar-Torra Addams
[Galantis - Outside the Facility]

Torra nodded in agreement.  She looked back towards where the Commander and Doctor had been but the pair were no longer in sight.   She hoped that it was because they were already on the Bird of Prey.

"Let's find some cover and keep the guards from the ship." she suggested to Alex.

As if on cue the sound the door to the facility opened and through the shimmering forcefield the Away Team pair could see another two guards.    "Take cover!" Torra warned as she sprinted for the landing struts of the nearby ship.

One of the guards touched the band at his wrist and the forcefield came down. Their weapons raised to aim towards the Grazite and her human partner, but didn't fire.  Torra was aware that they were at the extreme range of the hand-held phase-disruptor.  Targeting at this range was difficult and the potency of the weapon would be diminished.  The guards would have to get nearer to be assured of a decent hit.

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
NPC Crell Moset
[Galantis - Inside the Facility]

In his cage, Rayek/Sorik was coming to the realization that he wasn't alone in his own mind.  There was another that was fighting him for control of his body.  The conjoined body twitched and jerked as the conflicting synaptic impulses were sent.  As a precaution, Rayek tried lock down his memories - keeping them from the Vulcan's presence.

The Cardassian doctor in the meantime had taken his scans and returned to the machine, opening up audio visual log to record his findings. "Conjoinment log 893-1.  Conjoinment of Human and Vulcan test subjects. Physically, the conjoinment appears more stable with a complete vertical split.  Nanites are concentrated along the vertical line."  He checked the machine over and tsked after a moment.  "But there are already signs of rejection. White blood cells counts are already beginning to elevate.  The experimental subject is not viable.  I'll have to try again."

Moset glanced then towards Jael and the female Klingon.  "Thankfully, I have other test subjects."

[Galantis-Outside of the facility]

"œUnderstood Lieutenant Danjar-Kelle." He searched around for somewhere close to take cover. Alex thought that the further they were then it would then they would possibly be good. However he couldn't count on someone needing to come closer to get a decent shot. There was a chance that the guards were skilled at shooting with the phasers.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on February 17, 2023, 05:35:12 AM

NPC Erein (Ante-Centurion) Gwiu t'Kiell
[RFS Valdore - Main Engineering]
When Lek returned to Engineering he found the lighting had gotten even darker than usual with red dominating more of the consoles and the engineers were scrambling about powering down several stations. He was informed that the ship was about to 'run silent' because of a Cardassian patrol ship actively scanning in the area.

"The Riov has ordered the ship to cover our emissions and put everything to stand-by." the junior officer informed the Ferengi.

NPC Erein (Ante-centurion) Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[RFS Valdore - Sickbay Lab]

It didn't take Gohun long to separate the DNA, yet just as he was about to begin work on the nanobots in the forcefielded area prepared by Saqa7, the forcefield strength diminshed by half.   The lighting in the room dimmed and red lights showed on the wall consoles.

Saqa7 looked about in confusion.  Did they blow a fuse?

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Danjar-Torra Addams
[Galantis - Outside the Facility]

Between Torra and Alex's unexpected attack, the two managed to knock the one guard watching over them, unconscious.   She motioned for Subcommander Briggs and Dr. Belmont to head for the ship.  "We'll cover you." she assured them, then motioned for Alex to retrieve the unconscious guards phase-disruptor.

"We're likely going to have more guards arriving soon.  We need to keep them occupied, focused on us to give the Commander and the Doctor enough time to search the ship." she stated.

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Galantis - Inside the Facility]

Rayek tensed when the Cardassian guard struck Jael.  He had to stifle his urge to retaliate, because the other guard had a good aim towards the majority of the team and Rayek knew full well what sort of damage could be wrought with a phase-disruptor.

He was shoved forward with instruction to keep walking.  "Turn left at the second hallway.  All the way to the end."

Following the Cardassian guards directions, Rayek led the group through the hall to a sealed door.  Again the guard used his wrist device to unlock and open the door.  Inside was a lab.  In the lab was a Cardassian scientist.  Even aged as he was the man was recognizable.

"Dr. Crell Moset."

"These were supposed to be more guards for the facility but they somehow learned of your experiments, Doctor.  I figured rather than just waste them, you could use a few more test subjects?" the guard announced.

"Yes. That's an excellent idea. Cage them while I prepare the unit."

[Galantis-Outside the facility]

Alex gave Torra a nod as he went to take the unconscious guards phase-disruptors. "œThen we'll be ready to provide a distraction. It shouldn't be too hard to get the guards to focus their attention on us." In the back of his mind he had a feeling that his confidence will come to potential bite him in the butt. He figured that they needed to give the others enough time.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on February 12, 2023, 10:16:07 PM

NPC Erein (Ante-centurion) Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[RFS Valdore - Science Lab >>> Sickbay Lab]

There was something very familiar about the attitude of the Romulan doctor just prior to his issuing orders.  Saqa7 was reminded of a lone Centurion guard she met some 8... 9... years ago.

"Now look at him." she murmured quietly, before nodding her acknowledgement of the task assigned her.

She looked to Dem.  "There's a supply of benzene in the Science lab."   She'd seen it her first day while doing an inventory of the labs resources.

Benzene was classed as an aromatic hydrocarbon.  A colorless, highly flammable liquid with a sweet smell, but known to be toxic to most humanoids being carcinogenic.  She'd been surprised to find it on the Romulan ship and wondered about its use.

"I'll bring it here."

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Galantis - Inside the Facility]

The guard looked between the two - Harold and Tilan - clearly shaken at their apparent knowledge.  He stepped back a few paces and pulled his phase-disruptor on the party of four.  "Hands where I can see them!" he ordered.

Rayek grimaced as his attempt to gain a bit more intel backfired.  The man's finger was already on the trigger of the phase-disruptor so he opted to raise his hands in apparent surrender, rather than risk getting someone on his team shot.

"Hey easy now.   There's no need for all this.  So, yeah - we caught wind of your little secret here.  Did you really think no one outside the facility knew?  But at the end of the day, it's not like we care - as long as the money is good." Rayek tried to talk their way out the situation.

"Shut up!"  the guard with his free hand flipped open his communicator.

=/\= "Secure all visitors and bring them to the ward." =/\=

Arrain (Centurion) Danjar-Torra Addams
[Galantis - Outside the Facility]

=/\= "Secure all visitors and bring them to the ward." =/\=

The call to the guards communicator was heard clearly by all.   Now it was just a matter of who had the faster reflexes.   The Subcommander had given them permission to take out the guards if they could do so unobserved.    This wasn't quite unobserved but it was no or likely never, as 'the ward' didn't sound all that hospitable a place to be taken to under guard.

She figured Subcommander Briggs and the doctor would likely make a break for the ship - this potentially being their last chance to do so.

As their weapons had been 'checked and left' at the gate, Torra had to rely on her hand-to-hand combat skills.  The long-legged Grazerite kicked out towards the guard even as his hand pulled his phase-disruptor from his holster.  The weapon went flying.   Now the odds were more in their favor.

[Galantis-Outside the facility]

With the sub commander giving the permission to take out the guards he assisted with dealing with the guards. He was pretty decent in hand to hand combat and he had to rely on his reflexes as he fought the guards. He figured that it might be a matter of time before something goes completely wrong. Now that the odds were in their favor he was confident that it would be semi fair without someone having the upper hand. He knew that things were either going to go well or well things were going to go south for them.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on February 07, 2023, 06:44:54 PM

NPC Erein (Ante-centurion) Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[RFS Valdore - Science Lab >>> Sickbay Lab]

Saqa7, who had thought Gohun had followed her to the Science lab, returned to the last place she'd seen him and found the engineer writing on the sickbay lab wall with a permanent mark.  She might have been more upset, but when she arrived he seemed to be in the midst of a revelation on how to possibly reverse the conjoinment.

Even Dr. Broadshire returned to offer his support of the engineer's idea.  Saqa7 smiled, appreciative of his stressing the phrase non-deadly when mentioning his work on the virus.   Then the Romulan physician spoke and Saqa7 looked over to him curious.  "What is your idea?"

Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Galantis - Inside the Facility]

He heard the lead guard's warning to the group but Rayek wasn't overly concerned, rather he was pleased at how things seemed to be going to plan.

Rayek's discovery that the wrist-devices were biometrically activated meant that returning in a hurry without their guide might be more difficult than had it been merely code-locked.  But that was okay, there were means of getting around biometrics.

Once within the facility, Rayek returned to his position beside the Vulcan, letting Jael take lead once more for short while as their guide explained about their vetting process, and how DNA identification would need to be cleared before they could be hired.

Yeah, that wasn't an option for their team, so Rayek decided to interrupt.

"So we're a team of 8, how likely is it that we'll be able to work together?  A place this size has what... maybe 8 guards per shift?   Two at the front gate, two at the back exit - assuming you have a back exit out into that open expanse." Rayek made a face at the idea of having to work that shift. before continuing his listing to the guard.  He watched the Cardassian for reaction.  "Two in the security room watching the cameras and two rovers - correct?"

The guard who had yet to identify himself despite their own introductions, scowled, glancing back as he continued to walk.  "I see you know your security."

Rayek shrugged casually.  "It's part of the job, so yeah, I do."

Though the guard hadn't answered his question with a 'yes' or 'no', the reaction was confirmation enough.   Given this, he prompted again.  "What about other security measures? Any guard dogs we should familiarize ourselves with? Areas that are off-limits, we should avoid?"

This time the guard stopped to turn and face Rayek.  "You're full of questions aren't you?  If you'd shut-up a moment, all this will be explained after you've be vetted."

Rayek, in his mercenary persona, chuckled at the Cardassian's suspicious attitude.  "Yeah... that's not gonna happen."

The guard seemed taken aback by Rayek's stated refusal.  "You got something to hide?"

Rayek gave a shrug. "What mercenary doesn't -  but that's not my concern."

"Oh, so what is?" the guard demanded know.

Rayek looked to Jael and the others a moment, and decided to stir the pot.  "A facility like this...  and the rumors surrounding it... I'm not so sure giving a sample of my DNA is a wise idea.  Who knows what sort of monster it might produce."

The guard's mouth dropped open in stunned surprise.

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Danjar-Torra Addams
[Galantis - Outside the Facility]

Torra watched Rayek, Jael, Helga and Sorik head off towards the building for a moment before turning towards the guard that remained with them.   He stood very stiff with his arms crossing his chest.  Clearly, attempting to appear intimidating.  However, she did notice that he seemed to watch her very closely.  Torra smiled softly and dipped her head.   "Am I the first Grazerite you've met?" she queried, though she made certain her tone was light and not judgemental.

The guard seemed to shift his stance a bit uncertainly, and he dropped his arms as he continued to stare at Torra, clearly fascinated with her species.  "I heard your kind were pacifists..."  he remarked hesitantly.

"That's a common misconception." Torra said with a larger smile.  She then walked to the otherside of the guard in an ambling pace, positioning herself facing where the Bird-of-Prey was.   The guard in turn was now facing away from the ship.

"I'm quite skilled at combat.  Isn't that right, Kura?"  Torra tried to draw Alex into the conversation, remembering the Subcommander's plan.   To the guard she added in an aside, " He and I spar often and I'm always winning.  Maybe you and I can spar sometime?"

[Galantis-Outside of the facility]

"œShe is quite good at fighting if I do say so myself. I would be down for a rematch spar in the future." He remembered the sub commander's plan and he was quite confident in Torra's abilities. He thought it would be quite interesting to see how they would fare up in a spar. He observed the guard to see about possible suspicions.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on January 30, 2023, 05:20:36 PM

NPC Erein (Ante-centurion) Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[RFS Valdore - Sickbay Lab]

Saqa7 didn't laugh at Dr. Broadshire's poor attempt at humor, nor did she appreciate his attitude, but she understood it.  He was being pissy because she had not just questioned but outright denied the usefulness of his work.   'Fine...' she thought to herself,   'Let him be pissy and continue his work, she'd assist Ensign Gohun in figuring something out... if not with transporters than with something else.  No one else should have to die because of these nanobots!

The science officer looked to the engineer.  "Let's find us some space in the Science lab to work on this."

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Danjar-Torra Addams
Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell

Rayek was waiting on the main floor of the abandoned building, peering through a crack in the boarded-up windows towards the fortified and well-guarded property of the facility, when the patrolling groups returned.

He gave each team an opportunity to report what they saw or their concerns.

Torra spoke up at her turn, "Sir, I don't have proof of my theory, but I suspect we are on the right track with our investigation - as I think one or more of those conjoined creatures may have been the reason this area was abandoned.  There is signs of damage throughout the building that is very much like what we saw on the VaQ.  They may have escaped the facility."

Rayek's eyebrows shot up in surprise at that statement, but it he trusted Torra's assessment.  He'd overseen her as an enlist security crewman on Challenger for a year before he got transfered to Katra.  She was not prone to unsubstantiated claims.  "Thank you Arrian."

He considered this new information.  It was possible a creature could have escaped... or it was equally possible that the facility had the creatures being used as 'watchdogs'.  This thought gave Rayek pause.  He'd been considering on having the team 'sneak over the wall' - while Jael and possibly himself met with the head of the facility to discuss 'employment terms'.    But he had his doubts that the poorly armed team would be a match for one of those creatures.

It was a shame that Dr. Broadshire hadn't completed his work on the nanobot virus before the team had to leave.

After listening to any others who wished to speak up, Rayek raised his hand to gain their attention.

"This is the plan.  Sherem, Tragnar, Sorik and I will head in past the forcefield to the facility itself and meet with whomever.   We will barter for a bit and then ask to meet with the current security and get a tour of the facility in attempt to draw them away from the Bird-of-Prey, and get a look at the work being done here.

Meanwhile Subcommander Briggs and the others will dawdle at the entrance, near to where the Bird of Prey is landed and look for an opportunity to sneak aboard.  If security is a problem...  Graham, Addams you'll need to talk them up as if you know you'll be working the same job with them by the end of the day.   Draw their attention fully to give the Doctor and Subcommander opportunity to sneak aboard.   Or... if you think you can get the drop on them without it being noticed by any of the other security, do so."

Rayek's expression was serious as he looked over the team. "I know it's not an ideal plan but with limited intel, it's what we have to work with.  Any questions?"

Then afterwards Rayek contacted Tekin over the ear-comm.  =/\="Our teams are ready to enter the facility grounds and begin our search.  Will report in again in 15 minutes." =/\=

"œUnderstood subcommander."

With him and Lieutenant Addams talking to security it gave them the observe their body language as they were talking to them. He hoped everything apart of this plan went smoothly. He had to wonder if flattery could be possible in this instance. There was a chance that having a simple conversation could be useful without the use of flattery.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on January 28, 2023, 03:40:04 AM

NPC Erein (Ante-centurion) Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[RFS Valdore - Sickbay Lab]

At Gohun's suggestion to simply use a gamma ray to destroy the nanobots, Saqa7 looked a bit appalled at the idea.  She couldn't quite hear Doctor Betaika's response, so she spoke up to be certain that no one else continued thinking along such lines.

"Let me say this again...  those that are conjoined ARE people.  We've heard them speak.  Simply shutting down the nanobots doesn't solve the problem.  Is there no way we can reprogram them to undo the conjoinment? Or a way to filter and separate the two distinct DNA building blocks from one another with maybe the transporter?"

Harold Richards  (alias of Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell)
NPC Arrain (Centurion) Danjar-Torra Addams
[Galantis - abandoned house near facility outside the inner shield]

Torra nodded as the pilot confirmed what she was seeing herself.   While the marks were definitely older, it did seem like a creature of some sort had rampaged through the building, before being brought down.  It might explain why for an entire block there were no occupied buildings.  The people were afraid.

"Let's rejoin the others, the Subcommander needs to be informed of this."

Rayek in the meantime, had taken his observation to the roof, in order to see over the high metal wall that surrounded the front entrance and hid the facilities landing pad out casual view from the street.  From the roof, however, the Romulan (disguised like a human) had a rather good view of the Bird-of-Prey.  Their target.

So close, yet so far away.  Rayek had already spotted a pair of guards at the gated entrance and another two roving pair on the grounds on this side of the forcefield.  If his team didn't all go to this 'interview' at the facility, then it was possible to use the distraction of Jael and the others to gain access to the Bird-of-Prey and see about learning how the conjoinment happened in the first place.   But who to send...?

Without needing to look at the time on his PADD Rayek knew the hour was drawing near.  It was time to fill the others in on his plan and get things going.

[Galantis - abandoned house near facility outside the inner shield]
"œSounds like a good idea the sub-commander needs to know what we have found." He was still confused as to what creature made those marks and how that creature could have gotten inside. He hope that they could figure that out in time. He knew that it was important for the sub-commander to know what they found. He followed Lieutenant Torra-Addams as they went to join the others.
Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on January 26, 2023, 04:56:14 AM

Harold Richards  (alias of Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell)
[Galantis - abandoned house near facility outside the inner shield]

The team waited the hour in the vacant building.  Rayek silently observed the building watching it on the other side of the force field.  Try as he might, he wasn't able to see any security camera's and being on the other side of a forcefield Rayek wasn't able to get anyone to scan for those that might be too small for the naked eye to spot.  Still, the former Tal Shiar operative/ former Security Chief had an educated guess as to where cameras would be most likely situated - namely locations that he would have put monitoring.

They might have invitation to go in. But one never knew if you might have to return at some point unseen.

NPC Danjar-Kelle  (alias of Danjar-Torra Addams)

Torra, or Kelle as she was known now, volunteered herself and her 'partner' Kura to keep patrol of the abandoned building during their hour long wait.   The Grazerite lead Alex through the empty rooms - most of them damaged with windows and doors smashed or with scattered holes in the walls and graffiti nearly everywhere.

The longer they patrolled, the more often Torra would stop to stare curiously at what she had first assumed was vandalism.

But on closer inspection, Torra noted it was more like the random damage they'd seen in the Klingon freighter.  The only thing lacking was blood and the body count.   Oh but wait... those dark stains partially covered by Cardassian symbols and graffiti... could they be old blood and not paint like she first assumed?  Torra wished she'd been able to bring her tricorder and run a scan to know for certain.

"Kura, what do you make of this damage pattern? Is it me or does it remind you of the hallways and Bridge on the VaQ?"

She looked at the Cardassian graffiti... but not knowing the lettering at all she couldn't make heads or tails of what the paint writing symbols said - if anything.   Were they gang tags?  Or maybe warnings?  She'd have to ask Jael later when they rejoined the group.

NPC M'Arla Anderson (alias of Helga Tragnar)
Helga, not to be outdone by the Ops Grazerite and Flight petty officer taking over the role of security, also volunteered to secure the area, dragging Jael around with her in a route that ran opposite of Torra's so that there was no overlap.  They too saw the graffiti and damage.  Helga thought little of it. That sort of vandalism was to be expected in abandoned places.

NPC Dr. Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[RFS Valdore - Sickbay Lab]

Saqa7 frowned at truth of Dem's statement.  "Ok.  I can see your point.  But if we focus attention solely on just subduing the creature, it won't matter.  They die in short order anyways."  That is what had happened to the Klingon-Sark (horse creature) that had been caged.  It had died of organ failure as its own immune system or rather systems attacked one another.

How long the creature suffered before it died was estimated at under a day.  So to Saqa7 the priority had to be on curing or unconjoining the creatures not subduing it.  But without knowing more... studying the nanobots and their work on the body more... there was no hope of reversing the condition.

With the Romulan doctor, reminding her that time was critical, Saqa7 sighed and looked back to Dem.  "Fine. Continue with your virus theory.  Run your tests.  I'll look at options for reversing the conjoinment.".   As yet she didn't have any solid ideas because it hadn't been her project to work on, but since he had different priorities than her she felt it best if she become more involved.

She looked towards the engineer who had helped with nanobot safety measures.   "Mr. Gohun, do you have moment to brainstorm ideas with me?"

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Sunauth t'Nennien (Ops)
[RFS Valdore - Engineering >>> Deck 13 - Bridge]

"Ie, rekkhai!" t'Nennien acknowledged the request before heading up to the Bridge to inform the Riov.   As expected for this time of day, Riov tr'Siedhri was preoccupied and it was still Riov Tekin who was sitting the Bridge.

"Commander Tekin" Sunauth addressed the senior officer using the Romulan rank equivalent for Captain.    "Subcommander Lek has completed his work on the ion generator which in conjunction with the alteration to the shield harmonics will mask the ship's warp signature as a Cardassian ship."

[Galantis-abandoned house near facility outside the inner shield]

"œLieutenant if I may from the looks of it the damage pattern on this looks familiar similar to what we saw on the bridge and in the hallway of the VaQ." He had no idea what caused it or why the damaged area looked so familiar. It would probably require some careful investigation and inspection of some sorts. Looking closer at the cardassian graffiti he had more questions than he had answers. Since he had no idea what the symbols meant or what they were trying to say so his main question was who would be able to tell what these mean.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on January 22, 2023, 02:19:41 AM

Harold Richards  (alias of Erei'riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell)
[Galantis - Port Authority- waiting room]

While Rayek waited tensely for either Jael to return safely, or the authorities to attempt to arrest and detain them all, he decided it was best to give Riov Tekin an update.

Once more using his encrypted silent-mode ear-comm Rayek gave his report.

=/\= "tr'Lhoell to Tekin.  We have made it to Galantis and have determined where the Bird-of-Prey is.  It appears have landed at a facility at the edge of Galantis - that the locals seem almost fearful of.   All but one of us have made it through the Customs interview process without incident except Sherem, who had been released initially but then pull aside for secondary questioning.  I will update again shortly." =/\=

Rayek discreetly checked in with each of his team to ensure they were ready in case of trouble.

"Kura," (*Alex's alias) "if things go sideways, your priority is getting us a ship.  Understood?"  Rayek then looked to Torra, and quietly added "You'll buddy him and make sure he doesn't encounter any trouble doing that" To which Torra nodded.

He looked then to Kyle and Lisa. "The doctor is your responsibility to keep safe, Daniel." (*Kyle alias)

With a glance to the remaining two crew present - Helga and Sorik... the Romulan was tempted to assign them together just so that he could have some distance from the Vulcan, but Helga he knew was a bit of powerhouse and would be best suited to keeping Jael safe, more so than the Vulcan.

"Narak, you'll stick with me  - and M'Arla... you're to find our Cardassian and stick to her like glue."

Helga nodded.

NPC Dr. Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[RFS Valdore - Sickbay Lab]

Saqa7 knew that Dem was upset.  It was in his sarcastic tone and words, even his abrupt body language.  But Saqa7 was certain that getting an engineer's perspective on their safety measures was the right thing to do, and if he wouldn't call for it at her suggestion, then she had no choice but to pull rank and do so herself.

She watched the Bajoran doctor walk away to his office, visibly frustrated with her decision.  She thought he would probably avoid her after that but he suddenly turned back to face her, asking if she wanted to see his simulations.

Saqa7 understood his goal with such an offer.  He probably thought she might change her mind if he could show his simulations all were without incident.

"Sure" Saqa7 answered after a moment.  "Show me your simulations"

NPC Arrain (Centurion) Sunauth t'Nennien (Ops)
[RFS Valdore - Engineering]

The Operations officer, t'Nennien, was impressed the Ferengi engineer was willing to ask questions.  Unfortunately, the answer was not one that he or the Riov was going to like.

"The quantum singularity drive unfortunately has a distinctive polarized magnetic and temporal distortion signature all the time - which is nothing like your M/A cores signatures.  This is why the nullifer cores are used to carefully balance this - countering the distortion. Especially when cloaked."

She shook her head.    "The only way we will be able to simulate a Cardassian vessel signature whose engine design are much like your Federation matter-antimatter cores, is to design and build an ion emitter."

NPC Glinn Gebim
[Galantis - Port Authority - private room]

'Gib' frowned at Jael's quiet words.  Then he sighed in resignation recognizing the futility of trying to talk Jael out of attempting to go there.   "I can probably get you a meeting with the lead researcher.  No promises he'll fall for your alias though... and if he doesn't, you'll be on your own. I ain't risking my neck if you get found out."

He got her contact information and said he'd call with details.  Jael was free to go.

A half hour later, she got a call from her cousin.  "I pulled some strings.   You and your mercenary team have an interview.  They say to come to the facility entrance in hour.  You'll be met there."

[Galantis-port authority-waiting room]

"œUnderstood subcommander"

He looked over at Torra and he knew that he could trust her as a buddy and to help out in case trouble did arise. He was ready to scout out and look for a ship for the crew if things went sideways. He had ideas for a plan to achieve his main priority. It was probably best to observe and see how everything will go from there.


[Galantis-Port Authority-Waiting room]

Alex had finished his customs questioning and was released to go into the waiting room. He made sure to not give anything away regarding his identity. Remaining alert he wondered if there was anything that he could do to help in the situation. He thought that it would be good to at least be prepared if trouble did arise. He observed what was going on in the waiting room.


[RFS Valdore-shuttle]

After the briefing was done he made his way down to join the others in the away team. He had an idea for a code name that he was going to use for his alias. He was going to go by the alias of Kura. He didn't think anyone would question the name as it wasn't close to his actual name. He was prepared yet nervous about any of the modifications that they were going to do. He had a small smile on his face as he boarded and took his seat in the pilot seat.


[RFS Valdore-briefing room]

Alex arrived at the meeting room on behalf of the Romulan flight control chief. It has been eventful time so far being apart of the officer exchange program. He was looking to prove himself and not let any nervous feeling take over. He assumed that this meeting might be long so that everything is covered and taken care of. He walked towards the sub-commander and the operations officer and greeted them "œhello sub-commander and Ensign Sorik." He pulled out a chair and sat down as he looked down at the padd on the table. He assumed the others would join soon after.


[Klingon freighter vaQ - bridge]

Alex kept his main focus on the objective and what he needed to do. He didn't want to admit it but he was nervous when the subcommander looked over at him. He had trained for years in his specialty but the nervousness when it came to possibly making mistakes was still there he just didn't show it. He could feel the Romulan's distrust in his ability. He figured that if he got them through this then maybe just maybe he might be able to be trusted. He cleared his mind and navigated their way through.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on November 22, 2022, 04:23:08 AM

NPC Riov (Commander) Vochreb tr'Siedhri
[RFS Valdore - Bridge]

From his command chair on the Bridge of the Valdore, Commander tr'Siedhri had watched the actions of the Federation Exchange Officers via the miniature cameras embedded in their uniform pins, and wondered how it was that the Federation had seemed so formidable in the past if this was an example of their finest officer.   He looked towards their Captain, now Exchange Program Observer.

"I see now, why the Subcommander insisted that only the security members have disruptors. What a shame it would have been if he'd been hit with friendly fire from one of those."  The Commander chuckled mirthlessly.

"So Commander Tekin, care to wager how long it takes for your team to call us for aid?"

NPC PO2 Helga Tragnar
[Klingon freighter vaQ -  Engineering]

The sudden source of dim light in an otherwise vast black was welcome.  Even more welcome was hearing the grumblings of a certain Ferengi.  Not even his insults to Klingon engineers could tamp her relief that he was okay.  Helga chuckled.  "You should probably look for the back-ups in the most inconvenient place possible." the Klingon/Human hybrid suggested as she did a silent tally of those on her team.  All accounted for.

The pounding on the locked door brought Helga's attention back to the creature.  They were going to have to deal with it eventually, but for now the door was holding.

Helga waved Dranik over.  "Watch the door."

Helga then approached the Commander.  "Sir, permission to check out the maintenance shafts from the engine room?  - to see if there is a route that can get our security force behind that creature to either take it down or lure it away from the door?"

NPC's Lieutenant Danjar-Torra Addams and Lieutenant JG Saqa7 Mountain-Khan

Torra could hear the stammer in Jael's voice and was surprised by it.  "I'm right here" Torra spoke softly, her voice barely audible in the darkness - both to keep the conversation private and to avoid drawing other creatures towards them.  "We need to keep calm.  As two of the more senior ranked, we are who the others will look to in these challenging moments." The Grazerite reminded the Cardassian.

The Ops officer felt at her belt for her tricorder before calling out to Saqa7.  "I have my tricorder.  One moment."

A moment later and the hallway was dimly lit by Torra's use of the tricorder's flashlight feature.  She shone the light around and was dismayed by the lack of response from the others.

Torra looked hopefully towards Rayek to respond to Commander.... or rather 'Subcommander' Briggs.  But the Romulan appeared to still be affected by the grazed shot from her phaser.

Torra answered the call on her on comm.  =/\= "Addams to Briggs. Subcommander tr'Lhoell is .. stunned.  We were engaging against one of the Klingon-creatures and he took a hit of friendly fire.   We will be continuing on towards the Bridge momentarily.  Any chance we will have power back by the time we get there?" =/\=

Erei'Riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Klingon freighter vaQ - Bridge]

It took the Bridge Team two minutes before they were able to set off again with Rayek still a little groggy and feeling a slight numbness in the arm that had been grazed.  Saqa7 explained that the analgesic used to dull the pain of his hand was a contraindication for using a stronger  stimulant to negate the stunning effect he was affected by.  As such he had to be helped to walk.

He'd initially tried without assistance and nearly ended up on his face after two steps.

With his handicap slowing the team down, it took another five minutes for Jael and Torra to lead the way to the Bridge.  Rayek grimaced at the realization that they had arrived AFTER the deadline.  If not for the Engineering Team's success in shutting down the warp engines, the ship and all aboard would be dead - blown up by a cloaked mine.

As Rayek looked over the darkened Bridge, assessing the scene by the light of a borrowed Klingon spotlight, obtained along t he route to the Bridge. Though his impatience urged for him to call down to the engine room demanding an update as to when they might have power, he recognized his interruption would only delay things more, instead he merely contacted Subcommander Briggs to report the Bridge Teams arrival.

=/\= "tr'Lhoell to Briggs.  We've arrived at the Bridge.  It looks like there are a few consoles that have been damaged by the creatures.  But fortunately, he helm doesn't appear to be one of them." =/\=

They would know for certain once the Bridge had power, if helm was working.

"Erei-erein Graham. Check what you can of your station to be sure its in good order.  I want no delays once we have power."

With that he sat down in the Klingon Command chair and took another look around.  "Erein Addams, Mountain-Khan.  Check your stations as well."

"Erein Sherem. You are on watch at the door."  They'd had to force the door open - possibly damaging it's mechanism - to gain entrance, it was unlikely they would be able to get it shut again... which could be problematic if another of those creatures showed up.  The team had been fortunate enough to have avoided further encounters on the way to the Bridge.

Looking towards the doctor, Rayek finally gave in to the reality of the situation.  He needed use of his hand if he was to remain in his position.  "Now that we have arrived, you may continue treating my wound."  Rayek stated.  The Romulan had refused treatment earlier beyond what was necessary to stay alive, claiming that it would delay them too long to receive full treatment first.  Now that they had arrived and there was nothing he could do until they had power, he might as well let the doctor do what he could to save the mobility of his hand.

[RFS Valdore-bridge]

"œUnderstood commander"

He checked to make sure that everything at his station was working correctly. With everything that had happened there was a chance that the flight control station could haven taken a hit. He looked closely for any signs of damage or malfunction. If there were any signs of the station not working then he'll report it to the commander. As he did his investigation he didn't see anything that could be damaged or malfunctioned. He figured that he would have to take another look at it because there might be a chance that he might have missed something in his initial investigation. It was important to have things up and running when they had power.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on October 20, 2022, 05:39:09 AM

Erei'Riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
RFS Valdore - Deck Thirteen - Bridge

Nira's thoughts about the antique ship being from a rival faction, mirrored Rayek's own after her announcement.  He turned to face the tactical officer.  Rayek had read up on each one of the exchange personnel so knew this one had only just switched departments to Tactical.  It explained why she'd been at the station both last night and now again this morning.

"Erein Sherem, see if you can determine its old registry.  It might help us determine which scrapyard it was abandoned at, and depending on its location... who likely is using it."

Rayek then glanced to the ship's commander Riov Siedhri, expectantly.  The Riov nodded.  "Let's not waste time, Subcommander."

"Ssuaj-ha!" Rayek acknowledged the order and then called on Flight."Erei'erein Graham, increase cruising speed to warp 9."

Yet even as he called out his order, the Bird of Prey which had been pacing the Klingon ship, must have picked up the much larger Valdore on their long-range sensors, for the Bird of Prey veered off abruptly and then jumped to warp.

Rayek grimaced.  More and more the other Romulan vessel was seeming like a raiding ship.  Their priority however was the Klingon ship.  "Maintain course to the vaQ." he instructed Petty Officer Graham.

"Erein Sherem, find a means to track that vessel...  Arrain Addams. Contact the Klingon ship..   and put the Valdore on battle readiness alert."  That alert status was comparable to Starfleet's Yellow Alert.

The Grazerite looked towards him with a soft expression and nodded. "Yes sir."   Moments, later the Romulan klaxon sounded, alerting the crew to get to their alert stations.  She tried to raise the Klingon ship on comms, but there was no response to her hails.

"The vaQ is not responding to hails, sir."

Rayek's forehead V grew more pronounce as his brow furrowed in frowning thought. "Flight, increase speed to 9.3 then once in transporter range match pace with that of the vaQ."

Rayek turned to confer with the ship's Riov"I suspect the ship has already been breached and boarded sir."

The Commander nodded gravely in agreement.  "Ready a boarding team then." There was a pause before the Romulan officer waved Rayek nearer and spoke quietly to him.

Rayek's posture stiffened in reaction.  He was silent a moment before nodding and acknowledging his orders. "Ssuaj-ha."

Erei'Riov (Subcommander) Rayek tr'Lhoell
[RFS Valdore - Shared Senior Officer Quarters] (the night previous)

Rayek had intended to greet the Exchange personnel himself and give them a tour of the ship, but a last minute intelligence report that needed to be unencrypted for the Riov had altered his plans and kept him busy in his office until well into the night shift.   The welcoming and tour had to be passed off to another.

The executive officer's arrival at his new shared accommodation was further delayed when Rayek initially had headed to his usual quarters.  He'd walked up to doors and stood puzzled a moment when his biometrics didn't unlock the doors immediately.  Thankfully the mistake was not witnessed by others; and Rayek was glad he realized his error before using his authorization to override the lock on Tekin's door.  That would have not impressed the Discovery's Captain at all, he imagined.

Given how late it was, Rayek expected that Lek would already be asleep, as their day would start early tomorrow, so he entered quietly into the darkened quarters and stood a moment at its entrance after the doors shut behind him to let his eyes adjust to the dark.

[RFS Valdore]

"œUnderstood commander" he gave a slight nod of the head and upon the commander's instructions Alex increased the cruising speed to warp nine. He maintained the course for the vaQ per the next instructions. He then slightly increased the warp speed to 9.3. He paid close attention because as soon as they were in close transporter range he matched the pace of the vaQ. He was prepared for whatever the next step would be.


[RFS Valdore-bridge]
Alex didn't know what to expect when going into the officer exchange program. However piloting this aircraft could be a lot different from piloting the Discovery. He started working on his duties making sure that the flying systems were operational and running smoothly. He paid close attention to catch if there were any issues that came up. If there were any issues then he made sure to fix them before they had to leave. This was a new experience for him but he didn't want to mess anything up or let down the commander down. While he was nervous he was hoping to learn more about the Romulan culture.

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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