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Messages - Malcolm Adeyemi



News Archive 2018 / New Player - CJ Dawson
September 28, 2018, 07:28:10 AM

Shadow Fleet!

We are joined today by CJ Dawson, who will be the latest medical officer on the USS Athens.

Let's use this thread to make her feel welcome!


Tag to Tempest.

Season Three Missions / Re: S3:M2 There is Always Soma
September 27, 2018, 02:48:55 PM
Quote from: Djann Tempest on September 27, 2018, 12:28:34 PM

[ Bridge - USS Shran ]

Tempest paced the deck in front of the command chair. It had been hours and not one but three distinct patterns had made themselves apparent. Steady streams of ships had been leaving and arriving all day but they hadn't been able to discern which of the common flight paths the Orions may be taking.

"We just need more data..." Djann said, thinking aloud. The computer had been pouring over what they had tracked so far but a major data point, like a departure vector would greatly help refine. They had set up a discreet notification for the away team but even that was a slight risk. However, the proverbial clock was ticking so he needed to hear from the away team.

Tempest tapped his commbadge. "Tempest to Garrison. Any updates? No clarity on our end" he asked. He hoped he was vague enough that he wouldn't blow their cover.


"Lieutenant," The admiral said abruptly, breaking the silence that had fallen across the bridge. "It occurred to me that we have only been focusing on one facility on this planet."

Adeyemi saw the what do you mean look on Tempest's face and moved to the auxiliary security station to clarify.

"If we were to attempt to contact the planetary government or a ship departing the planet we could get more generalized information." He told the science officer. "Moving closer to the planet would be advantageous in a few ways, and not appear suspicious. It may not be specifically what we need, but it would be something as opposed to sitting here and waiting."

The admiral wasn't phased about running his suggestion by a mere lieutenant. He was used to the fluid, new assignment, ship hopping command situation these last few months. The command structure of the Shran was what it was: a lot worse things would have to happen before Adeyemi stepped up and took command. He wasn't entirely free of ego, but with the situation they were in, he had it firmly curbed.



LOA Archives / Re: Reserve Request - Hannah Peeters
September 26, 2018, 02:50:37 PM



Train to Busan was amazing! I love how the one dude is just a bad ass pro wrestler (if you read the script, movie doesn't mention it) going around slaying zombies, being surly, and protecting his wife and unborn child.

Season Three Missions / Re: S3:M2 There is Always Soma
September 25, 2018, 04:40:33 PM
Quote from: Djann Tempest on September 25, 2018, 04:05:33 PM

[ USS Shran - Bridge ]

The Admiral's news was surprising. "Why a caravan? More ships means more possibility of being captured..." he wondered out loud. The away team had taken their vessel to the planet directly while the Shran hung back behind a nearby asteroid belt for discretion. To act on any of this information they would have to get in a little closer though and with the Captain off duty he was hesitant to make that call alone.

"Admiral, what do you think of moving the Shran a bit closer to the planet? I want to scan for warp trails headed in the same direction and with any frequency. If they're caravanning I would bet they won't all go at once. That's too high a risk to look like a fleet. But how could they possibly break down a whole facility with what resources they have..?" he pondered to the flag officer.


"I think it behooves us to investigate, Lieutenant." Adeyemi answered smoothly in his accented voice. He knew right where the science officer's head was at, and that it was an action he would have taken himself.

"Any high amount of traffic, even at impulse, will leave a residual ion trail. Cumulatively, it should build up to the point where we can detect it." The admiral said.

LOA Archives / Re: LOA- Michael Ferdinand [Sep 25-Oct 9]
September 25, 2018, 01:36:36 PM



Tag to Tempest

Season Three Missions / Re: S3:M2 There is Always Soma
September 25, 2018, 10:15:59 AM


"Lieutenant," Adeyemi said without preamble as he stepped up to Tempest, the science officer. He handed the man a PADD. "After some...digging, Commander Smith and I have overheard the Orions in their quarters. Listen."

The PADD beeped and a seedy voice said, "The caravan is leaving by 2330 hours tonight. With the timetable in place we should get to Ramos with plenty of time to spare."

"And..." Adeyemi leaned over Tempest and tapped the PADD again.

"Foolish humans! They think they've sidelined us, but it is only a minor delay."

"I think there is more going here than we originally thought, lieutenant," The admiral said quietly.

News Archive 2018 / Re: Welcome Back - Rhymus Cleroux
September 22, 2018, 04:42:59 PM

Welcome back!

General Archive / Re: Caffeine Lovers Poll!
September 22, 2018, 10:15:05 AM

Plain Jane, black coffee. I'm a regular joe and I like my joe regular!

News Archive 2018 / Re: Welcome Back - Tess Moreno
September 22, 2018, 10:07:24 AM

Welcome back!

News Archive 2018 / Re: Welcome Back - Jebediah Schrock
September 22, 2018, 10:06:29 AM

Welcome back!

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