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Messages - myne

Holodeck / Re: Out of Proportion - Buehler/Myne
June 06, 2023, 10:49:39 PM

[ Ensign Myne | Sickway | USS Challenger ]

Myne didn't expect the hug. She was a hugger but to get one back? It felt... magical. She was so happy. She found a person to help her and to help her to get over the pain and worry and fear that so plagued her.


The red alert klaxon sounded without warning.
=/\= "Red Alert. Battlestations. This is only a drill. All hands to Battlestations." =/\=

The Doctor had been holding her, talking to her, keeping her arms down so she would not harm herself. Then the alert. It didn't matter it was a drill, it mattered the sound. It normally would not worry her or rattle her. But she was so on edge that any sharp noise even a tray being placed down too loudly would have done it.

So she lept forward in his arms, her small form into his as she pressed her face to his chest sobbing mournfully and rewetting herself.

This was not a simple talking to and the officer was better. She needed help, and she would recover but it was a road not a driveway. She would need time and understanding. She looked up to him as she realized she had lept and had wet herself again... and she just looked up wordless with her mouth open for an entire minute before she began.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It is sorry. It it sorry. It is sorry.", she looked beggingly up hoping to not be punished.

Holodeck / Re: Out of Proportion - Buehler/Myne
June 04, 2023, 10:14:04 PM


The moment Evan walked into sickbay, one of the nurses caught his attention. She's over there, she mouthed, before nodding her head in the direction of the biobeds. As he rounded the corner, he was greeted by the sight of Myne in a medical gown and a wave of sorrow hit him. Sometimes he felt like having adhd was the closest a human could get to being a betazoid without actually being betazoid.

Why was she in a medical gown? Had she gotten hurt? "Thank you for waiting with her, Lieutenant," he said to the ship counselor, before turning to Myne. He crouched so that his eyes were level with hers, trying to convey an ocean of compassion without saying a word. "Are you hurt? Would you like a hug? Please tell me how I can help, and we will work together to get you feeling right as rain again."

[ Ensign Myne | Sickbay | USS Challenger ]

Melly slowly turned to look to the Doctor. The impish mischeviousness that the Doctor saw before was not there. Her hair was not in the pigtails was drapped down and a outright mess. It was fluffed a bit and looked dishevled. She then turned so she was sitting with her feet dangling before him. She looked into his eyes and her bright green ones were red from crying as the side of her face was red as well from hitting herself. She looked as if someone putting a tray down too hard would make her jump out of her skin.

Her feet were covered with slippers but it was obvious her toes were curling in them in terror. She then lifted the gown before him showing she was wearing nappies at this time do to the panics. She then dropped the gown back down as her shoulders slumped and her palms moved to cover her eyes. It was not long before the hands curled into fists and she looked to him scared.

"I'm afraid and I don't know how to stop... In the mission I was to play a child hostage which... I was fine with... the man we were going to go to would brand.. by cutting designs into people... all the memories came back and I angered my room mate Lieutenant Kyan.. I am a failure.", she sighed.

The fists curled tighter and she began hitting herself in the face over and over and over and over, "Bad dumb stupid bad..."

Holodeck / Re: Out of Proportion - Buehler/Myne
June 03, 2023, 09:01:01 PM

[ Ensign Myne | Sickbay | USS Challenger ]

Myne almost broke down again in relief but she held it back. That would help nothing now but she nodded hearing the advice and calming words of the Doctor. "I royally botched this right up.. I was managing.. I was holding it together. But that one thing. I don't want another slave brand. I don't have enough leg."

She cuddled the plush close and whimpered to it, she had always been told plushies drink tears. She had plenty for this puppy plush.

"I'll... just sit and be a good girl till the Doctor arrives.. Thank you Ma'am.", she said closing her eyes to rest till he arrived.

Holodeck / Re: Out of Proportion - Buehler/Myne
June 03, 2023, 12:35:19 PM

[ Ensign Myne | Sickbay | USS Challenger ]

She was dry, clean, and sitting on the biobed wearing not her uniform but a medical gown. Her feet were covered in slippers as she laid on the bed cuddling a plush Alfa 117 canine. Her hair was down and not in the pigtails and she looked... rough. She didn't even turn but just laid there and whispered, "So is my comission stripped..."


[Kyan Mackenzie - Wardroom - Deep Space Nine]

Kyan shook his head. "Ye dinnae get it. Ye DO still have fire in ye, else ye'd have died a long time ago. A hundred times you'd be dead already. They cannae take it away. They made you think it's gone. They hid it from you. Thats one thing grups is good for, hiding things from us and makin us think things that aren't true. But it's still there, right there where it always was. You just hafta find it."

Kyan noticed her dilema, but ignored it. "An yer right. Ye cannae be me. Yer not me. Yer Melly. Thats yer name, and the only one I'm after callin ya from now on so it is. And I ain't after hittin you. I dinnae hit people who didn't have it comin, and I dinnae hit people who cannae defend themselves. Thats what cowards do."

It was clear now that Melly wasn't in any shape to continue the breifing, even without the accident. And the fact was that if she stayed, it would only get worse. He'd been the proverbial turd in the punchbowl at many briefings in his time, although it was usually for mouthing off to the wrong Admiral or whoever. Eventually, the grups would get sick of it and kick her out themselves, which would be a whole nother thing. Best to leave now before that. Kyan turned to Galloway. "Captain, If it's ok with you the now, I'll take Melly back tae Challenger and get her seen to."


[Ian Galloway - Wardroom - Deep Space Nine]

Ian missed thr beginning of the confrontation between the two Onlies, but when Kyan raised his voice, there was no possibility of avoiding the rest of the conversation. Ian agreed with Kyan from this point on he would not refer to the Ensign as mine any more. However, her distress was so apparent that he now had to take official action. When Kyan requested to escourt her back to the ship, he spoke kindly.

"Aye Lad. And have her report ta Lieutenant Mills once she's had a chance ta make herself presentable."

Once the two had left, Ian added to the others in the briefing.

"Consider Ensign Pwllgwyngyll unavailable for the mission unless she's cleared for duty by Challenger's counselor."

[Ensign Myne/Melly Pwllgwyngyll - Wardroom - Deep Space Nine]

Oh no. Oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no.

She failed. She would be stripped of her commission and sent on a one way shuttle to some caregiver facility because she pushed down her fear so hard that she wet herself.

'Stupid stupid dumb worthless', she would think as she was led to the door by Kyan. She had opened up to him about her name and now even the Captain knew. Would she also get punished for giving the wrong name in the academy? Her name was Myne. The slaver said so. She was Myne.

But now she would be Civilian Melly. Washout Starfleet officer Melly. Until someone with strength came along with a slavers collar and a chain. Then she would back being 'Myne'.

The first Orion woman who bought her from the Nausicaan adored the name, 'Mine Mine Mine but with a 'y' oh how exotic.'

She was more suited for the dance pits, for the shepherdess fields, for the kitchens she thought. But no she had to try to be one of the 'real people'. Now she knew she wasn't.

As she walked toward the door she began pawing the side of her head with the flat of her hand, then gently clentching the knuckles to begin tapping the side of her head, then the tapping became firmer and harder.

She hurt. But 'Pain is the result of being bad, good girls don't hurt'. But she was not a good girl so she deserved the hurt she was giving.

Her hands slipped up to take out the pigtails. Pigtails were for good pretty things. She was not. So her hair drapped down.

She failed. She disapointed her Captain. Now her room mate Kyan would have to go all alone. If anything happened to him.

So the hitting became harder. "Bad dumb stupid thing...", she said aloud but not too loud.

LOA Archives / LoA - Ensign Myne/Melly Pwllgwyngyll
June 02, 2023, 01:36:31 PM

Character(s) affected: Ensign Myne/Melly Pwllgwyngyll
Assigned ship(s): USS Challenger
Period of time absent: 2-3 Days
Date of last period of activity:6/2/23
Date returning: 6/5/23

Any relevant comments: I may be around but something this weekend is happening that will make me unreliable during.

Holodeck / Re: Out of Proportion - Buehler/Myne
June 02, 2023, 11:56:48 AM

[ Ensign Myne | Sickbay | USS Challenger ]

The Ensign shook her head, "I do not menstruate Doctor... but I am eight after all. Maybe in close to ten thousand years? Maybe less. I was just confused a bit on if I could. My parents during the plague. I never knew them as they died like right after my birth... But I was raised by my circle of Mommies till Jim Kirk came."

She then sat up pulling her clothes back on, "But hey Doctor I got to go. Gonna get to meet my roomate fully when we reach Deep Space Nine. Kyan was so brave on the bridge. May I go?"

Holodeck / Re: Stellar (open to all)
June 02, 2023, 12:01:06 AM

[Ensign M'nia | Mess hall | USS Challenger]
M'nia's eyes went wide at this. Whaat? An officer held you captive?" She was incredulous. "Was this a starfleet officer?"

[Ensign Myne | Mess hall | USS Challenger]
"An office chair Ma'am like what we're sitting in but it spins about. I had to stand in it on the bridge and it held me captive."
Holodeck / Re: Stellar (open to all)
June 01, 2023, 11:41:31 PM

[Ensign Rin Amaya | Mess hall | USS Challenger]
"Honestly it's a pleasure to meet you all as well. there is so many people on this ship it's kind of difficult to keep track with everything but it'll be a pleasure to work with you all." Rin would continue to eat some simple foods that were remade as she would have something similar to a burger. "I know this might be an odd question though... but why do you look so young Myne? I mean youth products only got me so far." She would give a slight chuckle not knowing about the Onlies.

[Ensign Myne | Mess hall | USS Challenger]

"I am two hundred and seventy. I will look like a child for least another ten thousand years. It's do to my species Ma'am. I am an Only. We age one month every one hundred years from when our species virus kicks in.", Myne explained.


[Crewman Lina Night | Mess hall | USS Challenger]
Lina would eat her food slowly "well thank you for the offer, I'm not sure what to ask at the moment, though Myne being so small is interesting, I doubt the fleet would hire literal children."

[Ensign Myne | Mess hall | USS Challenger]

"Wait till you see Lieutenant Kyan.. my room mate. He's a bit older then me and the total opposite. But he is nice. He slew an officer chair that held me captive!"


[Commander Nira Said | Wardroom | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Nira looked at Myne when she mentioned the times she had been kidnapped. And she looked on with pity when Myne pulled up a long line of brands.

"Don't worry, Ensign, you won't be branded," said Nira. "Though you and Lahr could use that were kidnapped as you were heading out of school. It'll especially help since you know it already."

"If I may?" asked Jael softly. Nira looked at her and said, "Yes, Lieutenant?"

"As an additional warning about my father," Jael said, "he has his own kind of brand, he likes to brand his victims in his own way, and he wouldn't even need to use something heated up."

Nira winced; it implied that Old Man Sherem didn't just burn on a brand, but would cut a brand with some kind of blade.

"That's certainly true," said Garak. "He has that reputation, he's branded many Bajorans that way during the Occupation."

"I agree with Garak," said Kira. "I know about his brands, but fortunately, neither Shakaar nor I nor any of my cell ever met him, let alone get captured by him. Prophets help you if you get captured by Nehor Sherem."

Nira was wondering about the way Kira talked about Old Man Sherem. Was he exceptionally feared by the Bajoran Resistance back in the day?

[Ensign Myne | Wardroom | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

The waves of terror coming from her could easily be felt, the thoughts and memories of the past and seeing older girls having designs cut in them by keepers was a vivid memory she had worked hard to forget.

They were now back, playing threw her mind, and threw the mind of anyone tragic enough to be looking in her.

She remembered the pretty girl who dropped a tray of drinks on a Talarian man. He cut 'bad' into face. This made her swear never to be bad.

She remembered the one Kzinti coming to take a herd animal she was tasked to care for and felt the Cat's blade to her throat when she dared to say goodbye to the herd beast. She could feel each touch a blade from her long life but she said nothing.

She remembered the Borg cutting into her, into her liver, into her face, taking things and making there mark.

She would not let on as she wanted to do this, she wanted to prove herself. She was two hundred and seventy years old. But to Onlies she was eight.

So she pushed it all down, all the terror, she pushed it as deep down as she could, trying to push the pain and fear so far down. Her stomach hurt from the pushing the pain.

Then Ensign Myne wet herself. Guess she pushed it too far down..

She quickly pushed her legs and thighs together hoping the absorbant fabric would prevent a shameful or at worse mocking round of laughter from those present. She would twist and turn a bit when talked to so that no one would notice.


[Lieutenant Kyan Mackenzie | Wardroom | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Kyan rolled his eyes. He didn't understand sadness, or fear, or the resulting unwillingness to fight that those emotions enabled. And he definitely didn't understand how someone who had live on his home planet before the Federation showed up could be so.... scared. It wasn't that he didn't have sympathy for the girl. After all, they had they were from the same place and had seen a lot of the same things. But there was only so much raw emotion that the Onlie could tolerate.

One thing that he definitely couldn't wrap his head around was how Myne seemed almost protective of the people who had wronged her. And she kept the slave brands? The grups had a word for that. Stockholm Sickness. Something like that. He almost shuddered at the thought, but if she didn't get better from it, he might have to call Doctor Phil from the Miran Institute and see if he could fix her.

Her insinuation that he had a brand too was offensive. Like he would ever let some green skinned grup do him like that. They tried. He scraped it off with a rock. It hurt like hell and he bled all over the floor. But it was better than letting them win. When he finally did escape, the Federation doctors used their dermal regeneration thing and he was good as new. There was nothing there. Not even a scar, and certainly not some brand that told everyone that the Orions had won. They didn't. He did. And someday, when he had some spare time, he'd go back to Seles and sort her and her family out too. But if not, then he'd just go have a piss on her grave whenever she kicked off of her own accord.

"I dinnae have a brand." he whispered, spitting out the last word like poison. "Sure and I never will. And you shouldn't either. Yer not a slave. Yer free, and in Starfleet the now so."

This whole situation was beginning to irritate him. "And it's not blood lust. In case ye haven't noticed, I'm a Tactical officer. Just like yer a blue shirt. You like tae scan rocks and space particles, and do science stuff. I like tae have battles and fight and make sure folks is safe." Now he was turned, facing her, and no longer just whispering. "And you better be after learning how tae defend herself too, because I'll not always be there tae do it, nor anyone else. And until we become groups ourselves, folks will always try tae be having their own way with us. It seems tae me that yer after lettin em. An maybe it's because yer thinking that you can't do nothin about it."

Kyan wasn't yelling, but he was no longer trying to not be heard either. "But that's a load of shite. They told ye that when they captured you, and now you believe it. Well, they lied. An if yer not beleivin me, just wait til this plan goes sideways, which it's like tae do, an I'll show ye."

[Ensign Myne | Wardroom | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Each word felt like a hit, even though he was trying to be helpful each thing she flinched as he said. When he turned to face her she prepared for the actual strike.

It never came.

She stood there still wet, still scared, and still unsure what to say. He was right in every word he said but she was unsure what to say. How does someone respond?

"My name is Melly Pwllgwyngyll. The man in Quarks said it is too hard to spell. So he named me Myne. So i'm Myne. Every one of the bad people liked it. So i'm Myne. Not everyone has fight in them Sir. Some of us had it beaten out with a fist, a whip, a length of wood, or other things. Some of us had the fire in our hearts stomped out with boots.", Melly said shivering before him opening up about her past, her name on her record only being 'Myne of Miri'.

She unclenched her stance and visible accident would be seeable if he looked her over, "It made me tough. It made you tough.. but not in the same way. I will do my job. I will do my role. But I can never be like you...'

Leaning in closer to whisper to him her twinkling eyes still red from tears, "I am sorry. When you said you were enslaved I thought you still carried your brand. I am very very sorry for angering and embarrassing you. When we're done and everyone leaves you can hit me if it will make you less angry with me. I don't mind."

She then returned to her stance shaking in fear, worry, and the cold feeling of being wet.

Holodeck / Re: Stellar (open to all)
May 31, 2023, 10:55:49 AM

[Ensign Lina| Mess hall | USS Challenger]

Lina would come into the mess hall getting a tray of assorted food coming over to the table Myne and the others are at "hey mind if I sit here?"


[Ensign M'nia | Mess hall | USS Challenger]

M'nia made her way to the mess hall. he saw Myne was was one of the few people she knew so far. She grabbed a tray with some breakfast meat on it and her usual coffee hot chocolate mix and sat down besides Myne. "Hiya Myne. How are you?"


[Ensign Rin | Mess hall | USS Challenger]

Rin would nod quietly with a sigh. At least they were kind and friendly and seeing that the others had seemed to have known her like she's been here a little while. Maybe she wasn't as young as she looked. She'd ask about that later another time because she didn't want to intrude if it was such a personal question. As more joined the area she would give them a nod as they would speak up. "I'm Rin Amaya... I just joined on the last planet as I just got out of the academy just soon."


[Ensign M'nia | Mess hall | USS Challenger]

M'nia smiled. "Nice to meet you Rin! I'm M'nia and I am just out of the academy myself. Just got her today! So what department are you in? "

[Ensign Myne | Mess hall | USS Challenger]

With a happy wave as the table filled up, Myne saw Rin, M'nia, and Lina. Six at a table wow! In a way she was glad she was small as she was. Listening to each she smiled and let them all talk only responding when spoken to. Not for any bad reason but to prevent confusion. Looking up to fellow science officer Lina she smiled brightly seeing the friends face. "Hello Lina!, glad to meet all of you and those I know, its so nice here!"


:: Wardroom | Deep Space 9 ::

As the meeting dragged on because groups took forever to make plans, Kyan began thinking about his own part in the whole scheme. And since that was as simple as "acting his age", his thoughts soon turned to the plan's inevitable collapse into chaos. Obviously, he'd need to wear age-appropriate clothing, but there also had to be pockets for weapons. A handheld phaser and a few blades would work in case the phaser crapped out. He'd need extra power cells of course. Maybe they'd let him bring a backpack. Yeah! Then he could field strip a phaser rifle and put that in there.

Of course, if Myne had a backpack too there would be room for stun grenades too. Of course she would need her own phaser, which reminded him...

He leaned over to speak to her without interrupting the briefing. "Pick clothes that ye can hide a phaser in for the mission, and replicate a backpack." he told her.. "Oh... and shoes ye can run in too."

[Ensign Myne | Wardroom | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Ensign Myne tensed at phaser and stun grenades. She was qualified as was all Star Fleet personnel but even in her record it showed she was not 'happy' carrying one. She had seen too much harm being done at the hands of her enslavers over the decades and it left a mark on her. Well several marks on her leg...

"With respect to speak Sir.", she spoke to Lieutenant Kyan. "When the Talarian enslaved me and my colony I was on the way to school carrying a backpack. The first thing the slaver did after hitting me as hard as he could in the face was to have his son he was training take my bag and examine the contents. Anything that the son could imagine would have a way to be a weapon from my writing impliments on cost me another hit by the father. When the Kzinti captured my colony and enslaved us they searched my bag for anything they would find 'fitting spoils of plunder'."

"So I fear.", Ensign Myne gulped as she began to shake from the unpleasent memories. "I fear big brother that if our team comes, seeking work with two hostages in tow... they will congratulate the mercs... send them to quarters or the communal mess. Me and you will be kept seperate. If I am lucky I will be physically searched by a female Breen. Not that I ever could tell them apart in the suits. You will be searched as well. We will be kept seperate while they decide what they can get for us. If enough tears I may be able to get to keep my teddybear. We won't be able to keep weapons and if they find an 'eight year old' with a bag of grenades?"

She looked down as tears rolled down her cheeks to drip to the floor, "Do not worry Big Brother. I have endure a century of abuse. They will get nothing from me. But please... quell your rage and think of this logically.."

She rolled up her left pants leg to show the long row of brands. "I do not want a Cardassian... or a Breen brand to join the Kzinti, Hydran, Talarian, Nausicaan, Orion brands."

"I am pretty sure you have one too big brother, I don't want you to have a second... please quell your thirst for blood and let us please look at this logically rather then a throne of skulls for you to sit upon."

She returned to her stance, but her shivering continued. The tears, not triggered with a pain reflex did not stop. "I am ready for my part. Do not worry about me. Something in the air irritated my eyes is all."


Tempting though it was just do as told by the Ensign, Lahr didn't feel right about it.   "No offense, Ma'am. But I'd prefer to honor my promise to see you there."

He looked over to the female Caitian and nodded.  "Great! How about you folks head there now... get the lane booked and all that and I'll be there momentarily.  Zhuk, I got this if you wanna go with the ladies to the bowling alley."

The Andorian then took hold of Ensign Myne's hand once more. "You ready to go?"

[Ensign Myne | Outside Quarks | Deep Space Nine] <2 Days Earlier>

Ensign Myne smiled up to the Andorian as he took her hand without prompting and she began to walk. Deep down she was hoping he would walk her to the airlock, but she did not wish to take away his shore leave do to her actions. So she appreciated his kindness and professionalism but decided to walk swiftly to not hold the man longer then need be. Once she reached the airlock she tried and failed to 'not' hug him as her small arms tried to hug the man's legs if he allowed. Her smiling face looked up, her eyes twinkling as she said, "Thank You."

She knew she was safe on this ship.


Umm she was sad Luke killed the bad people who owned her.

To clarify for those unfamiliar. A Ghostling is a ghost like faerie race in Star Wars. The character is a original character self insert.

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