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Messages - Lorut Vila

Holodeck / Re: Haunted
February 12, 2024, 11:23:42 PM

Vila nodded, her brown eyes opening. "Thank you," she managed. Her throat was dry, and cottony.

"Is it rude if I just...sleep?" Her brown eyes closed again.
A Few Hours Later
Vila woke up with a start, sitting straight up in the biobed. Where was she?! She panted, panicked for a moment. She glanced around the room, wildly. After a moment, she realized where she was.
"Dr. Novi?" She called out. "I am ready to go," she said. Vila didn't do well with hospitals. She would recover better in her bed in her quarters.
Finally, she was let go, with strict orders to avoid heavy exercise or exertion for twenty-four hours. No sweat. She collapsed into her bed, and slept, for once, not harassed by the demons that normally haunted her.

The Bajoran was awake. Maybe? She could SEE things-a medical bay or surgery of some kind. A flashback hit her mind.

Ten year old Lorut Vila opened her eyes to see the sneering, ugly face of the Cardassian nurse staring at her. "Look who's awake." Vila could feel the fire coursing through her veins, and the pain-all over. She looked around-the medical compound at the Camp. She remembered being forced there under threat of death, being taken from her mother the night before. Most of the trip was foggy-she figured-later-that she'd been drugged or something, but couldn't be sure. Somehow, she knew, as the "nurse" looked over her, that her life wouldn't ever be the same. This was it. "What...happened? Where am I?" The ugly Cardassian smiled. "Don't worry, child. I am Jacar Paima, nurse. YOu'll feel better shortly. And we'll be very good from now, won't we?" All Vila could do was nod. She had a million questions, but her mouth wouldn't form the words. The pain was too much. Everywhere-her head, her arms, her legs., her....

A voice interrupted her flashback.


Who the heck are you?

She was thankful that Grippen had asked, because she would've, but in a less...tactful way.


That would be Lt. Commander Hrafn Falleq-Tekin.  My wife....But... you were stationed on the colony in New Bajor...?

He had a wife?!Who was TRILL? Well, she shouldn't be so surprised, her ex-husband was human, but...

Wait... where is the medical staff?

She cautiously looked around. She wasn't back in Bajor, in that hospital run by Crell Moset. This was a Starfleet medical bay. She breathed. In and out. She was ok.


They're... here... but right now they are more interested in killing you than helping you...They assumed you were with Intelligence.  Here to stop their mutiny.

She finally sat up, quickly. She removed the regenerator attached to her, and attempted to stand up. "Who says we're not? I've put down Cardassians, why not a mutiny? Where's my phaser? Where's my UNIFORM?" She realized she was standing, nearly naked in front of the others, the flimsy gown not tied well. Ask her if she cared? No.

Something was wrong, though..a feeling in the deep recesses of her stomach, a feeling she'd learned during her time with the Resistance...suspicion-but why?!

Holodeck / Re: Haunted
February 06, 2024, 11:01:58 PM

Vila was glad for the doctor's reassurances.


Bajoran war drums it is then... Not at all, we will put you under anesthetics and the next thing you will know is you waking up after the surgery....Applying anesthetic now.

Vila nodded, but before she could register what was happening, she was out.

Her sleep wasn't restful. She couldn't cry, and she couldn't yell. She couldn't move. She hated it.
So, she did the only thing she could do-let the dreams take her. Were they dreams? Maybe this was death. Maybe the Prophets made you hang out in a type of Purgatory until you atoned properly. Add that to the list of dumb shit the Prophets did that made no sense. But if she WERE dead, where are the relatives that were meant to greet her? So...maybe not dead. Just tired. A free, paid nap? Who was she to argue?
Someone else was there...a familiar face. Pale but not Caucasian. The Counselor? Weird dream. What was she looking for? Images appeared. Oh...this wasn't good.. She couldn't stop the images and she couldn't wake up.
She let the images come. The first was of her as a child. Eight years old, specifically, when they'd finally been captured by the Cardassians and put in a labor camp. She was scared. She was sad. She was confused. But mostly? She was mad as hell. How DARE they invade and mess up her life? They were just fine before hand, thank you. Another image. This time, it was a lush, tropical planet. She had never caught the name of it-she was young. Cuter then, too. And skinny! Jeez, that was a long time ago....

Still, she let the rest of the image play out. At her side was Ben, her ex-husband (But he wasn't yet) and another two. One was...Nano, the Vulan engineer. The other was Hilary, another human-medical. Why...OH. They were under attack and the four had been sent to try to appeal to the beings that inhabited this planet. She closed her eyes-they had been ambushed. Hand reached for her phaser as she was pushed out of the way-something about blue shirts in the way-and felt it jam. Fuck, of course it did. She moved behind a rock, with Nano. A moment later, her ears rang. An old Earth-style hand-held explosive device landed just feet away. She grabbed Nano to run, but he pushed her away, telling her to save herself. Before she could move, there was an explosion-and Nano was no more. She welled up but managed not to cry. Until they were back on the ship, and she was alone in her quarters. She should have insisted he run with her or died, too. Instead...she couldn't save him. She knew it wasn't her fault, but it sure felt like it.
Her brown eyes open, and she shook with a startled noise. "BEN?" She panted a bit as she realized, groggily, where she was. "Sorry, doctor," she said, laying back again. She was...tired.

"What's happening??"
Holodeck / Re: Sympathy for the Devil
February 06, 2024, 10:40:02 PM

Vila was...relating? To a Romulan?? Well. She supposed stranger things had happened to her, so.


That is Vulcan concept which I doubt there are many Romulan that subscribe to.  My people were, and some still are, very xenophobic and distrusting...Indeed I did.

She nodded. "From my perspective and history, that can be both a good and bad thing. If more of us were weary of other races, maybe we could be more cautious," she said. "However, I know, practically, that isn't so," she said. Maybe if the Prophets had been a bit more Xenophobic, they would've closed the Wormhole to the Cardassians. She'd never know.

They moved on then.

"I'm not entirely certain I have moved on.  There are times when past horrors and fears grip me.  I struggle with trusting others.  However, I am supported by my wife; and I strive to be strong, and do the best that I can for her sake - and for that of my son."

Vila raised an eyebrow.

"So understand why I say I cannot move on, totally. You are lucky to have a support system. Ben did his best to try to "fix" me...he couldn't, though. He didn't have the skills. Then we lost a few wears on you, you know? Eventually, the stress, and the trauma, and the arms-lengthing is too much for everyone," she said. "Your wife must be tolerant."
Vila wasn't sure she'd trade places with Ben or even this man's wife. Picking up the pieces of a broken soul was a thankless, oftentimes futile-task.

USS Discovery

Vila was itching to move. Even her box breathing wasn't going to be able to curb the tide too much longer. Luckily, the Commander put her out of her impending misery quickly.

Yes, Lieutenant.  Do so.

Vila nodded. "Yes, sir," she said, and opened her COMMS.

=/\=Ens. T'Prith, please report to the Bridge. =/\=
As she waited to pass on the Console, Rayek allowed her to leave. Thank goodness. A hot cup of Jumja tea would help her to collect herself.

Excellent work, Lieutenant.  No further orders at this time.  Take a break.  You'll be called on soon enough to board the shuttle in readiness.

"Thank you, sir. I will make sure I am ready to go at the first call," she said, and hurried off. She was nearly at the Turbolift when she turned around. "Excuse me, Commander tr'Lhoell," she stood at attention, and saluted, as was protocol. Then she stepped into the lift. She hoped he didn't think she was trying to be sassy-she wasn't. She was trying to remember the rules of respect on the Bridge.

Later that Day
Shuttle Pod Allegheny/Docking Bay

Well. I think all I need is my tools and an engineering tricorder. I should be able to get the schematics for the station from the ships computer. I will probably need to force the door so, got a tool for that So I can't think of anything! Thanks for the offer though.

Alright," she said, simply.

Vila sat behind the Captain at the Ops console.

Thank you, keep everything primed and divert auxillary power to the shields once we launch.  I'm still trying to figure out if we needed more weapons...Discovery has engaged. Everyone strap in; we're likely going in hot....Stand by thrusters, override door controls and open them. We'll launch when Beta gives the go ahead.I'm not even sure how well they are acting against the weapons platform... For all we know, they are in a completely different class.

She raised an eyebrow. "Yes, sir," she said. "Well. We fought the Dominion once, we can handle it," she said. "All systems are prepped for launch," she said, her eyes watching the data spew.

And there it was, finally. Launch time. Immediately, she raised her head. "Captain, auxiliary power diverted. Shields up. If extra firepower is needed, I know someone," she said. She had learned long ago how to improvise weapons, and that part of her couldn't ever be "counseled" out.
"Malik. I have power I can divert to your thrusters. Keep me in the loop," the Bajoran said.

As the torpedos headed into deep space, Vila couldn't help herself.

"What the HELL?" She said.

The Captain spoke, but not before her auxilary console started to spark and blink. *Ras!!


"Patch that system!  Try to restore it!

"I am working on it, Sir," Vila said. She was currently buried under the machine, looking at the wiring. She decided to just unplug the damned thing. She stood up just in time to hear the Captain lose his mind.

We're abandoning the shuttle, drop the shields.  Prepare for transport.

She paused a moment. Old Vila would've been the first one out. Now? She wasn't so sure.

Still, he seemed certain, and sure enough, he alerted the Bridge.
"I'll prep the transporter," she said, with a defeated sigh. A bit later, all five personnel were having their ions ripped apart, and.....

*ras=the Standard S word.

USS Discovery

Vila tapped her foot, needing the input of the movement. Another round of breathing exercises. They were still in space, not yet that close to their target destination. She needed to calm down.

I think we will maintain speed and heading...

"Yes, sir," she said, maintain the Console and system at current levels.

Rayek then interrupted her internal strife.

Lieutenant Lorut.  Open hail frequencies!...Seems like the Away Team will need to do this the hard way.  Lieutenant Lorut. Lock your station.  Then head to the shuttlebay and ensure the Allegheny is fully prepped with enough EV suits and other precautions.  Coordinate with science and medical on these recommendations; and check that the containment area the Engineers built is up to specs.

She pressed some buttons.

"No reply, sirs, nothing..." she said. A few more buttons. "Opening a different channel." More silence. "Nothing still...." She sighed deeply. That was not a good sign.

She stood up when the Commander advised her to head to Shuttlebay and relay messages. She nodded. "Shall I call up Lt. T'Prith to take over on the way?" She asked. Comms couldn't be unmanned. While she thought she was the only one who could do it, she knew logically that wasn't true. She made her way to the Shuttlebay, where she connected with both Engineering and Medical. She arrived to find both department's reps.
"Hello, Ramort, Dr. Morita," she said. "I have made sure that the Allegheny has enough EV suits available for our team-fifteen, but since we will not have access to the Station's replicators, if we will need more, we will have to replicate them HERE," she said. "Please let me know if that number is enough," she said. "We will also, concievably, need one for any survivors. I will bring along five more," she said. "Dr. Morita, please ensure that your team is ready to receive any survivors. We have no idea if there are any, but it's good to be prepared."

She turned next to M'Nia, the Caitian. "Lt. M'Nia. Please advise if I need to prep anything for Engineering at the final destination. The Shuttle will be ready to go as soon as Captain gives his orders." She stepped aside then, and radioed back to Rayek.

=/\="Commander, Science and Engineering assure me we're prepped for departure. I will bring along an extra five (5) EV suits, in case of survivors. Any further orders?=/\=

A bit later, the extra EV suits had been replicated and stowed away in the shuttle for safekeeping. She found the Captain.
"Captain Tekin. The Shuttle is fully prepped and awaiting your orders to launch," she said. She wanted to ask him, jokingly, if he'd managed to secure himself one of the Militia's rifles in their off time, but didn't.
Later, she boarded the shuttle, and prepped for takeoff.
The Comms from the Discovery came through.
"Captain, the Commander is on the line," she said, putting it through so the assembled team could hear.

r'Lhoell to shuttle Allegheny.  We are approaching the maximum range of the Fire Chain defense buoys.  Preparing for MVA.  Alpha and Gamma Hulls will engage and occupy the perimeter buoys while Beta will try to get you as close as possible to the station itself.   Be ready to launch at a moment notice.

She waited for Tekin to reply, her breath a bit baited. Maybe next time, she'd pick someone a little younger, and a little saner, for this kind of thing.

Holodeck / Re: Holiday Gathering 2401
January 28, 2024, 11:58:22 PM

She simply shrugged at Kyan.


It's a child I am tae be sure, and not a grup like yerself, and won't be for a loooooooooooong time still so.....but I been drunk some. Back before I fell in with this lotI was on a Ferengi Freighter so I was, with Ferengis and Klingons and everything. They were always after getting good and pissed. But I dinnae like it too much.

She nodded. "On second thought, perhaps you should stick to water," she said.

They were approached by Torra, and Vila smiled. She liked the Grazerite, namely because Torra didn't seem to mind Vila's coldness.


"Commander Mackenzie, I'm glad you could join us.  I didn't realize you knew our Vila.I have holographic Santa arriving a little later and have instructed the computer to generate gift ideas based on the participants interests.

"Hello, Torra," she said. "I met him at DS9," she said. "Just before my first assignment on Discovery. I'll get myself a drink. Water for Punky Brewster here," she said. "Milk." She said.

"Oh, Santa. How...quaint," she said. "That will be fun, at any rate." She'd be sure to dip out by then. She didn't do "fun."

"Come on, Mackenzie. Let's see if they have a swingset for you," she said.

Holodeck / Re: Haunted
January 28, 2024, 11:37:44 PM

Vila sat, and smiled when Novi replied.


Haha I am sure it was! When I first left my homeworld to go to Earth and Starfleet one of my biggest surprises was alien dating practices. Us Trills don't really look for romance like other aliens do, and it can be difficult at times. I only ever tried once myself. I briefly dated a human for a month when I was a first year at the academy but it quickly ended as we had quite different viewpoints on what we were looking for! Also talking about the Symbiotes can get a few of the aliens a little uncomfortable at times...."But I hope the one Trill didn't put the rest of us in a bad light. We can be quite amicable people at times.

Vila laughed at that.

"No, no. No worries, doctor. I don't mind Trills in general. Most of you are lovely people," she said. "It was, in this case, just them," she said.
Then, it was time.

We're all set for you. If you can just follow me we can begin the operation. Any music you like?

"Um...Bajoran war drums? Like when we give birth," she said. That was calming to her, in a strange sort of way. She lay down on the biobed, and waited for further instructions. "Will this...hurt?" She asked. She was stoic, but she did like to know ahead of time.


USS Discovery

Vila was fighting her own systems. She hated this part of launch-the time from warp to orbit often caused things to go haywire for a bit. Drove her bananas.

Power them down and take them completely offline for repair...Commander tr'Lhoell to Commander Lek.  Sorry to be the bearer of more work.... we've just had a major system error with the bussard collectors. Can you send someone down there immediately?"

She nodded. "Yes, sir, Commander," she said, issuing a series of typed commands. "Powered down and offline. I am not sure what is happening, but things are going haywire," she said, a bit harried.


The lifesigns scans of what, Lieutenant?  Ramort indicated that our sensors couldn't read inside the station...Lieutenant Lorut, the scans are inconclusive since they cannot penetrate the station - that does not make for a negative reading.  Please be more cautious in your statements.

She nodded, and double checked her screens.

"Indeed. Please, pardon my misspeak. I was attempting to agree with Lt. Ramort that we're indeed unable to gather any information," she said. "I will be sure to be more precise in the future," she said. Damn it, she was losing her touch. She still had time to recover, though. This whole "nice" thing was impacting her, it had to be.

"Since we're not picking up any signals, shall I prep for orbit?" She asked. "If not, steady as she goes, Commander." She said.


USS Discovery
Battle Bridge Beta

Vila was still a little tense.

"Suggestions? You can relax lieutenant, you performed the drill without error. Cut yourself some slack."

She nodded. "Thank you," she said. That wouldn't happen, but the dream was nice.

The Comms from Engineering came through then.

We will have to coordinate teams once we reintegrate the ship. Thank you again for the assistance."

=/\=Yes sir, I will await further instruction, Commander.=/\=

Damn it. Stuck, she resumed her scans of the ship, sighing as they returned the same results over and over. Where most people were wont to work steadily at things like replicating parts and fixing computers, it's what Vila liked.

Finally, it was time to reintegrate the ship to the saucer. She got to work, quickly.


Ops, begin reintegration sequence.  All departments submit your results to Commander Rayek within the hour.

"Yes, sir," Vila replied to the other Bajoran, pressing the appropriate buttons and watching carefully. A moment later, her brunette head rose again. "Integration complete. Discovery is whole again, sirs." She sighed.

The rest of the day proceeded without too much more issue-she was doing exceptionally well, in her opinion, of making it through the day with protocols, rules, and the proper politeness. It was exhausting, and at the end of her day, she took leave of her crew mates, and chose to have a meal in her quarters before falling asleep. One night this week, she planned to open the box of things that Ben's friend had given her that day at DS9, after a particularly difficult therapy session. She'd been putting it off. A small part of her hoped that if she didn't open it, it wasn't real-that none of it had actually happened, and he was still alive, but hadn't contacted her for a myriad of reasons.

The next day, she again arrived to her station, refreshed and renewed in her promise to be a little better. She slid into her Console just before shift started, and waited for the CO team to arrive.

"Hello," she said, greeting the assembled crew, sipping the final sip of the hot Raktajino before she sent the cup for recycling. While it was permitted, she didn't feel right about drinking liquids over her console-she was, after all, a computer specialist and machines and fluids didn't mix well.

Grippen's voice rang out.


Excellent. Maintain course and speed...Captain and Executive Officer to the bridge, we are now entering sensor range of the station.


BComputer, initiate security protocol Tekin-Alph- Correction, Tekin-Omega-One. Starfleet Intelligence has strict requirements about our sensor data.  Alright... now you can resume scans...Let me know when we are within visual range.

It was go time. Her brain clicked "on" to work mode, and she quietly but quickly typed out the orders into the computer. probes and scans began, comms on, and a ten-minute cycle of internal checks began.

A bit later, the systems began to act funny. She raised her head, but Science beat her to the punch.


There are power spikes in the Buoys. I think we have been detected.

Vila nodded. "Captain, Commander. I think he's correct; I am also picking up some interesting reading on the Bussard scoops," she said. "Routing to your consoles," she said, "now." The screens should pop up for the Command team then. "I can reroute power from the refrigeration system for the time being, it's currently on off-hours anyway," she said.

Vila listened intently as Rayek addressed the Science people.


So few buoys make me suspect that there are other defenses....And unless we figure a means to be able to scan inside the station, the boarding team will need to breach via shuttle, or we risk transporting you in the middle of an object.

That changed things. Still, she looked up, but spoke quietly.

"The life signs scans are negative, at least..." She said, with a shrug. That didn't necessarily mean anything at all, though, she knew.


USS Discovery
Conference Room


"I remind those of you considering seeking volunteers for the Away Team.  Details of the mission and base are not allowed to be shared at large.  Your staff will be going in 'blind' as it were.

Vila nodded her understanding. Still, it was too soon-if, indeed, this was as serious a situation as the two COs were insinuating, she wouldn't want the blood on her hands. She had made zero secret of the fact that she wasn't seeking a leadership position, but had accepted it as she could see that the Fleet was in dire straights, and while she was still working through her anger and indignation at the Federation's inaction during the occupation, she HAD managed to learn that she did like the work, and the associations she'd gained as a civilian aboard Fleet vessels and stations throughout her adult life.
Still. If she chose someone to die for the cause, it made her no better, in her mind, than the people she hated. And she wouldn't do that. She was there to speak for the forgotten and ignored, not perpetuate violence and nonsense. She looked pointedly at the Commander, but then acquiesced.

"Fine. I will make the call myself," she said, a hint of irritation in her voice. She was about to say something more-about how she thought he'd be more up to the task-but stopped herself, did a quick round of the dumb box breathing again, and collected herself. "I will have an answer to you in an hour," she said. It would be her. It had to be. The others had things to live for-now that Ben was dead, and her mother was ill, she did not.


USS Discovery
War Bridge

Vila clicked the final buttons over to complete the decoupling of the saucer from the rest of the ship. She watched on the view screen as it gently floated, perfectly done. She sighed, and shut her eyes a moment. "Saucer released. Awaiting recall orders," she said. She glanced around the room. It had been quiet, but now there was an air of relief that could be felt.
Two hours?! Dang. Would it really take that long to reach their target? She supposed so. After the Commander spoke, she shook her head.


A fine first drill.  Good work everyone.  Are there any comments or suggestions on how we can improve our time?

"I will reroute nonessential power to the main core," she offered. She needed to radio down to Engineering in a moment, and after the rest had spoken, she did just that.

=/\=Lt. Lorut to Commander Lek. Please advise of what you need from me.=/\= 

She waited quietly for the man to respond, ready to assist as necessary. She made one more communication.

=/\=T'Prith to the Bridge, please. This is Lt. Lorut. I need a moment of your time.=/\=

As the acting Chief, she was doing her very best to set the example for the newly assigned Ensigns and those who had been reassigned from various other ships and such. It wasn't in her nature to be so...nice, and the effort put forth was exhausting. She was looking forward, then, to off-ship time where she could shoot at things in peace. The Counselors allowed her a bit of phaser training-it had all been Holodeck time in the past eight-ish months, but she felt rusty anyway. It was a part of her that wouldn't ever rest, even though she'd now learned how and why she liked it-it wasn't sociopathy, as some had suggested, but had been her first time at independence and self-sufficiency. With her phaser, she wasn't a victim anymore. She was able to protect herself and others-something she'd failed to recognize at seventeen. And now, at fifty-five, she was having to face the hard facts that some people she'd killed had been as innocent as she, but that's the spoils of war.

She sat back, quietly, to listen to the others' conversations, careful to not get too far back into her own ruminations. She was supposed to retrain her thoughts when things like this came up, so she tried to do that. She looked back at Malik.

"Do you have any suggestions for me?" She ventured. It was her try at "small talk."

Holodeck / Re: Haunted
January 23, 2024, 01:25:57 PM

Vila nodded.

"My ex-husband was raised such," she said. "Episcopalian," she said. "He was-is-Human. I did my best to try to understand it, but...I couldn't. Not exactly. He had his own problems with a monotheistic religion, as he was in the Fleet during the end of the occupation of Betazed," she said. "He-we-were on hospital ships and such that would take in refugees and it was...hard. Harder for him than for me," she said. "For obvious reasons."
She sighed.
"You're fine, Doc. I am glad you sort of understand where I am coming from. I dated a Trill at one point, just after my marriage ended-about four years ago. Kobi Tomm," she smiled. "He had his symbiote's beliefs, and it was....interesting," she said. Kobi had been nice, but just a little too straight edged for her at the time.
"No worries, I have no plans for the rest of the evening," she said. "Could I, perhaps, have a drink, though? Some Jumja tea would be lovely," she said. "I can get it." She hopped off the biobed.
Holodeck / Re: Sympathy for the Devil
January 23, 2024, 01:18:18 PM

Vila finally sat back, instead of ramrod straight, feet pointed to the door in "flight" stance. She was still on high alert-a piece of her that would never leave, she didn't think, but she wasn't in combat mode, either.


I was unaware of my ability, back then, though I often felt that I knew how others thought and could interpret their next move.  It was only after my mandatory five-year service in the Star Navy that my ability was uncovered...Prior to then, my family had ambition for me to rise through the naval ranks and become a military leader for our people.

She simply nodded; if no one else around you had those abilities, how could you know? You might think you were just particularly insightful. Bajorans did not have a temporal ability, and she thought it was highly unfair.

"I think all parents have a plan for their children. I know I did. My father did, before he was killed by the Cardassians. Air raid," she said. "I don't think you can necessarily blame your parents for that."

Afterwards, however those that knew lost all respect for me and my rank and position were quietly struck from public record.  The government couldn't admit that I had these abilities or there might have been riots and panic among our people. Yet because of the influence of my high-ranking father, I couldn't be merely killed off.  So instead I was trained by a handful Reman-slaves who had  been caught and kept after the Shinzon incident, and then made to use my ability in whatever manner they directed or risk the lives of those closest to me.  I lived in apparent freedom, while in truth I was no better treated than a leashed attack dog.

Another nod.

"I am sorry that they couldn't accept your ability. So much for infinite diversity, right?" She said, a slight eye roll given. "It is oftentimes the spoils of war that spoil us, isn't it?" She said. "You do what you must to survive. That's why I don't blame the comfort women, or those who fled to New Bajor, or Ordeve, or wherever. I wanted to," she said. "I BEGGED my father to let us go somewhere safe. For me, it was more selfish reasons-I just didn't want to give up my life. My parents were government employees, and we did ok. I wanted that to continue to be the case," she said. She recognized that she had had a nice childhood. "But in the end, I am glad we didn't. I had to learn to take care of myself. That's all I've ever needed. To stay alive long enough to figure out the next move." She said. "I suppose that you must've had to, as well?" She asked-implied.
"The Dominion has ruined a LOT of lives. And going forward is difficult, having to pretend to forget, to borrow a term from the Humans. People expect me to have gotten over it, because it was "a long time ago." But it wasn't, not really. It's only been...less than thirty years. Bajor is just beginning to rebuild. Maybe some of the younger generations have moved on, but I have not," she said. "Even if it's eating me alive, I don't care. I won't rest until it's cemented in people's minds long enough to ensure it doesn't happen to anyone else, at least while I am in a position to do anything about it," she said. "During my husband's service, he-we-fought a bit during the Battle of Betazed" she said. "Those children...I really wanted to do more, but I couldn't as a civilian. And at that time, I wouldn't have risked Ben's career," she said. Later on, she cared less about him and his reputation and more about doing what was right. "I did what I could...volunteered in the ship's hospital to play with the children and such, seemed like too much too late," she said. "And Ben wouldn't let me adopt one, though plenty needed it. In hindsight, he was probably correct that I wouldn't have been much of a mother," she said.
She let out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding.
"How did you learn to move on?"

USS Discovery
Conference Room

The Bajoran cast looks around the room. The information was sobering, especially after the trauma and things they'd just seen a few short months ago. While the ship herself was ready to fight, Vila wasn't sure if the crew was. And that included herself. Things had changed. Some for the worse, and some for the better. She still had her spiciness, she just had more tools now to direct it to better places.
It surprised her a moment when Lek nodded in the affirmative.

I will gladly accept any help Ops can provide. We have 30 hours before we reach the outpost, we can get a lot done in that time. Modifying the Allegheny is fairly simple, but I will suggest whoever goes on the away team do so in full EVA.

She simply nodded once. "I will come by and see you when we're dismissed," she said. "For further instruction."

For the Away Team, I recommend Lieutenant Commander Malik accompany you, as well as Lieutenant Lachlyn, and a team of Security.  In addition, I'd like one member each of the other departments -Science, Ops, Engineering and Medical - for a team prepared for anything. Individuals to be named at the respective department head's discretion.

Who was even LEFT of Ops?! She ran through her head quickly-herself and T'Prith, and an enlisted woman she'd not met yet-Forscher. She decided that it could be T'Prith, if the woman was willing. While she really wanted to be on a team and have the opportunity to blow things up, she was also still a bit possessive of her systems and machines and preferred to remain on the ship, to watch them carefully. She knew why Torra had left, but wished she was still here. She trusted her with the computers. Now, she didn't know-T'Prith was probably capable but they had yet to work together for any length of time. This was Vila's lifeblood, the only thing she really knew how to do well outside of killing Cardassians for the Resistance. Those skills weren't needed anymore, so her next thing was computers-thirty years she'd done it, and she'd do it thirty more if she could.

I would suggest that you ask for volunteers for the away team. Given the nature of the mission, the risk of death is so high, everyone going needs to understand that they might not or might not be allowed to return to the ship.

She simply nodded. "Actually, that'd make it easier for me, as well," she said. Let someone else make the call-Vila believed that all leaders should be willing to do what they would ask of their subordinates. And for that reason, she really was torn.

USS Discovery
Gamma Hull Battle Bridge

Vila was at her station when Rayek's Comms came through.

Attention All Hands.  Prepare for MVA.  Bridge Teams and support personnel head to your assigned location.  This is a timed drill. REPEAT - this is a timed drill.  Timer starts now.  tr'Lhoell out.

She fought an urge to roll her eyes, but got herself prepared for it. Mentally, she opened the box in her head that stored the "this is survival time" button in her brain, and got it ready. After, she clicked her screen to a more secure screen, and prepped herself to work. Her head was clear, but her fingers were ready to hit that "launch torpedos" button if she needed to.


0900 Hours
Conference Room

Vila was panicking mildly-there were now FARRRRR too many people in here. She placed a hand on the upper part of her stomach to practice her breathing-in and out, slowly, carefully. Focusing on the rise and fall of her lung cavity. After a moment, she'd calmed again.

Captain, I would request she stay - as the Operations representative.


Request approved.  I need you here as First Officer, Miss Lorut can represent Ops

Damn it. She simply nodded once, though, and turned on her PADD to take notes. The Captain began, and she turned her attention to him, listening, considering the information as he spoke.

Miss Lorut, keep an open sensor scan around us and see how much power you can get to boost them.

Finally! Some kind of below-the-radar stuff!! She was ready for this-she had spent a good chunk of her teenage years preparing for this type of situation. Still, she nodded. "Aye, sir," she said, in acknowledgement. Then he asked for questions. Yes, she had questions. The first of which was 'what the hell?' But she didn't voice it, just simply shook her head lightly.


I apologize for the power issues, they are a byproduct of any yard work, I will get on it immediately. As for the mission, I have no questions, but I advise, given the nature of the research done at this facility, the only answer may be to destroy it rather than risk an outbreak of whatever has gotten loose. I know it is unlikely that we will do that, but I want to be on record as being opposed to making any direct contact with the station.

Vila swiveled her head in the Ferengi's direction. Were her ears broken? Had someone else on this ship suggested...blowing things up? And a FERENGI? What was happening? She spoke up. "If Commander Lek and the rest of the Engineering department need an extra hand, I have two," she said. A bit of an olive branch, but also, the physical activity would keep her busy. "I can work it into my scans and outputs," she said. "Otherwise, I think to boost power, I can turn off any nonessential ship functions, and switch some conduits," she said. She had a plan now. After this, she fell silent, sitting back in her seat, and sat straight upright-instead of her usual constant movement or sighs and eye-rolling.
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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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