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Messages - Neva Cordon

Season Five Missions / Re: S:5 E:15 - The Canopy Planet
October 18, 2023, 09:14:53 AM
Quote from: Jettis Jyur on October 18, 2023, 12:08:34 AM

[ Old Angdarr Realms - Andgarr Prime ]

Jettis had passively overheard the conversation between the three Betazoids, but didn't make comment. Only a slightly amused smirk at the exchanges, but busying himself with his own work. As the only science officer on the team, he was juggling all of the scans and samples he collected. As much as he would've liked to keep all of them to examine closer after their exploration, he had to prioritize space, and information that would lead them toward anything odd.

At first nothing in particular showed. Getting a solid baseline for what was, and was not normal for the planet, Jettis was able to refine his scans for things that were abnormal. In time they had a solid trail, but night was approaching quickly. When their guide recommended they stop for the night, Jettis resumed his scanning, though he briefly stopped to aide in unpacking and setting up a small camp. Stopping to admire the brilliant show of bioluminescent butterflies, he thought of how excited Theresa would be to witness it. However that awe shifted to concern as their Commander began acting strangely, seeming to lose any inhibitions,.

It wasn't as severe as previous reports, but nevertheless it provided interesting information. First though, he would reach for his bag, to pluck a strip of cloth from a pocket. Tying it across his face as a makeshift mask, he furrowed his brow. It didn't seem to have hit him yet, but he wasn't entirely sure what reaction he was looking for so far. He did know that he didn't like being here, and it was making him antsy standing in the midst of a minefield.

Moving his tricorder, the dust emanating from the butterflies certainly were not typical for this area of the planet. Quickly he began to run simulations for if any compounds within the dust were proteases, or high levels of polyphenal oxidase. Turning to Anju, he allowed the scans to complete. "Anax Anju, are you aware if there are any plants in this area, or across the planet that use a significant amount of Proteases? It is a method that flora typically uses to break down nutrients and signal cells, but it's possible that it could be modified to be harmful to humanoids. The type of protease would also determine how it effects people, and who might be more or less effected."

It wasn't long before it seemed Neva was struck as well, even harder than Nira had been. He moved with Anju to help, but without a medical officer, there wasn't much he could do. Reaching out emotionally, he tried to help calm her, but the psychic overwhelm was too much. Turning toward Aarwendil, he moved back toward his bag. "If you aren't already feeling ill, I recommend using something to cover your face. It doesn't have to be perfect, but keep your hands away from your face, and don't breath too deeply." Moving back to his tricorder, he redoubled his efforts to discover exactly what was going on.

[Andgarr Prime-Old Andgarr-Federation Camp]

Neva slowly found consciousness from her dust induced shutdown, feeling someone shaking her back to the waking world. Tentatively, she rose to a sitting position. Her head pounded with the effort, but she made herself do it. She put her fingers to her temples and rubbed gently, trying to push the headache that now plagued her.

Looking around, she saw the Science Officer...Jettis?... and tried to wave to him. Seeing he was busy with Aarwendil and others, she looked around for other signs of life. Neva dimly remembered what happened and felt herself shiver from it. Rubbing her eyes, she let out a snort of air. She smoothed her hair and then worked her way up to stand. Stumbling a step or two, she threw her hands out to compensate.

Once stable, the young Engineer plodded over to the water. Sinking again to her knees, she pulled water to her face and wiped it. Shaking her hands, she stood and wiped her damp hands on her pants. She skimmed the area across the lake then turned and scoured the camp. She saw others doing what she had and nodded. She walked over to the nearest crewman and began helping them then others to move.

Season Five Missions / Re: S:5 E:15 - The Canopy Planet
October 17, 2023, 10:40:52 AM
Quote from: Nira Said on October 17, 2023, 12:04:27 AM

[Commander Nira Said | Forest Floor | Old Angdarr Realms | Andgarr Prime]

Nira heard Aarwendil and Neva briefly chatting...or rather, "heard" them. She stepped over, cleared her throat, and whispered to them, "You should bear in mind we're among non-telepaths. Still, it doesn't to have something in case of getting lost..."

Checking over to see if all had their sigils on them, they proceeded on the trail. They took their time, of course. They collected local insects and evidences of wildlife, like shed fur, teeth or excrements, as they proceeded. Even twigs from the oln'garr trees were least, they looked like twigs in the sense that chips of oln'garr bark shed off at times, but these chippings were perfect to get a close look at oln'garr trees in a sense. The tricorders were able to determine the makeup of an insect and what particular animal it came from, although Anju was of great help in determining what animal the piece of fur or tooth or such came from.

Even Nira had something to do amidst the party. She had once stated in her Officer Exchange that she could potentially use her skills of noticing small details for tracking, and it was a good chance to do so. Not just on the lookout for observers, she kept lookout for foot- or pawprints or clawmarks, and Anju, being more familiar to the planet than Nira was, was able to determine the kind of animal she found.

"It's amazing how you could do that," Anju complimented. "We never would've noticed. We only have our own animal instincts to pick up hostile animals."

"So does that mean Andgarr are empaths?" asked Nira.

"Quasi-empaths. Plenty of animal still exists in us, we've grown beyond it. Physically, we've been slow to evolve, but not our minds."

Among the insects collected were yanmarr butterflies. They weren't hard to catch, but it was easy to determine that they weren't genetically modified like the ones plaguing the canopy. They had a natural green look, easily mistaken for floating moss, as opposed to the genetically modified ones, which had a psychedelic look about them, almost like the color of a 2200s Romulan ship.

Still, it often got dark and murky, but plenty of places let in sunlight, owing to good timing from passing a patch of canopy that let in sunlight. It was a virtual jungle they were at. Nira did notice how warm and muggy it often got.

"I'm curious, Anju," Nira asked their guide at one point, "would your planet seem to have a small surface level?"

"At some points, yes," said Anju. "But not completely. It's easy to assume that, just as how it's easy to look at our world from orbit and assume it's bigger than it looks thanks to the Great Canopy. On one of my visits to Earth, I've shared some tidbits about our trees. You should've seen the looks on their faces when I mentioned how an oln'garr tree could penetrate Earth's atmosphere."

"That was you?" asked Nira.

"Correct!" Anju chuckled.

The trail of the modified yanmarr was detectable enough from the sensors. Soon the party made camp for the night at a riverside with a good beachhead.

"Wow! Never mind an ocean!" said Nira. "It's big as it comes!"

"This is the Tangarr River," Anju said. "Headwaters at the Mon'Garr. The longest river ever. Longer than Earth's Amazon, its main body and tributaries spread over a full quarter of the planet. Eventually it widens to the Tangarr Sea."

Nira could see a clear view of the Mon'Garr range; they were getting closer.

"I think we'll camp here for the night," said Nira.

A few moments later, night fell, and Nira was surprised how fast it fell, even with the jungle setting. And then they were in for an amazing sight. As night fell, natural luminescence came to life. Wildlife seemed to blossom and spread, even more than in the daylight.

"It never gets old," Anju said with a smile. "When Nature comes alive."

"Glowworms? Fireflies?" said Nira in amazement.

"Among other fauna," said Anju. "Some predators are certainly obvious, but others can easily camouflage themselves."

Then Nira noticed one of the trees exhuming butterflies. She was amazed that even the yanmarr could glow in the dark...and then she realized how much the colors were interchanging.

"I think we found some suspect butterflies," Nira said.

"Careful," said Anju warningly. "We don't know how any of you can react once they let loose their scale dust..."

But Nira could feel it already, even if she couldn't see it, taken by the wings as they were.

"It smells...wonderful," said Nira sweetly. "Doesn't seem bad..."

Anju scoffed. Some diseases usually weren't.

The dust was virtually spreading everywhere in camp. The reactions were different; only Anju felt unaffected. He kept shaking dust off his fur, of course, and he paid rapt attention as to what symptoms Nira would exhibit...

...while Nira laid down on the sand of the beach. A fire had been going despite the glow-in-the-darkness, and she was enjoying it. In fact, everything was feeling great; the sand on her skin felt so good, she took off her red tank top, her dancer's attire displayed, and she waved on the sand with a soothed sigh.

" feels so wonderful," Nira said ecstatically. And they were on a beach...Betazoids were born to water, and water always called. She stood up and headed for the shore. "Moonlight swim anybody?" And she dove into the shore. At which Anju sauntered over, now acting as a lifeguard. The Tangarr River could be dangerous at night, after all, if one went too far from shore. Besides, he was beginning to see something was wrong with Nira...he couldn't place it yet, but something wrong was emerging...a reaction of some kind to the insects was worming its way up.

[Andgarr Prime=>Forest Floor of the Great Canopy]

The Commander's caution noted, Neva followed and found herself engrossed in the wonder of being under such a huge Tree. She had to force herself at times to collect and catalogue all the flora and insectoid species she needed to. This was not like what she'd collected for Mother, for sure.

Neva did, however, use some of her non-telepathic senses as she did her job. Running fingers over mossy rocks, weighing a piece of bark in her palm for a long moment, inhaling the musky, jungle scent as she walked. She almost wished for those weird butterflies to come to see what happened, but the logical side of her brain reminded her of her duty.

[Andgarr Prime-Forest Floor-Camp]

Sitting down just inside the tent she'd put up as night came, she scanned the area, trying to commit it to memory in every detail. Neva knew an opportunity like this wouldn't come again, to be sure. She smiled when someone handed her some food and thanked them. It seemed to be some sort of stew or thick soup. Taking a whiff, she realized it was Potato Soup. Licking her lips, she dug in, taking drinks now and then from her canteen.

After Neva had washed and given her bowl back to the crewman in charge of such things, she sauntered leisurely back to her tent. She observed the bioluminescent creatures making their way around their world, stopping now and then to watch more intensely.

As she neared her tent, Nira's call for a swim rang out and she swiveled to look. Even as she gawked with amazement at her commanding officer's antics, she spied the altered butterflies bursting into a moving umbrella above the camp. She watched as various people suddenly rid themselves of clinging garments and joined in on the nighttime swim. Some dove into their tents to close themselves in, while others fell to the ground to do curious and even blush-inducing things.

As a multi-colored butterfly alighted on Neva's somehow reaching arm, Neva's head slowly tipped sideways in wonder. She moved in slow motion to touch it with her other hand, and it crawled onto her fingers. She let it dance over her fingers and hand, totally enamored with its movements. She lifted it to look closer at it, eyes almost crossing in the effort. Still, it stayed as if to allow itself to preen. A slow wow sighed from her lips as she pushed it higher and it finally sailed off, dust in its wake.

Neva cupped her hands, seemingly fascinated at the sight. The insect had left its sandy offering all over her hands and she pulled them to her face and strongly inhaled. She felt herself drop to her knees in the sand, hands still covering her face. She let them drop, rubbing her palms forward and back in an effort to wipe them off. The dust fluttered to the ground, Neva's gaze distant as she stared ahead.

Suddenly, she felt slammed against a wall of emotions and thoughts. Neva grabbed her head and fell sideways into the sand. Rolling onto her back, she squeezed her eyes shut and moaned. "No! No! I don't want to hear it!" she cried. The last sentence became a mantra that degraded to a whisper then went silent as she rolled back and forth. Tears streamed down her face as the young Betazoid curled into herself. She lay that way until exhausted sleep washed over her.

Season Five Missions / Re: S:5 E:15 - The Canopy Planet
October 16, 2023, 07:14:45 AM
Quote from: Aarwendil Cheizex on October 15, 2023, 08:48:57 PM

[Enclave Arden | Great Hall | Andgarr Prime]

Hearing Neva answer him made Aarwendil blush. Since Nira confirmed that she was in the Great Hall, he didn't expect that she would end replying his message. "Nothing! I didn't see you around, so I became concerned." he said, feeling silly for talking through the comm while they were basically in the same room. "Yes, I'm close to the sigil bracelets. I'll pick one for you." the young Betazoid would grab another one of the sigils. Once they were decending to the surface, he would give it to his fellow Ensign.

Neva suddenly felt herself blush. She realized she was short with him. Heading over toward where the sigil bracelets were to be in closer "range," she tried to speak telepathically. 'Aarwendil? Can you hear me? It looks like I was short with you. I'm ok. Can we go to the planet together? I was out past the city a little before i got here. I'd rather have someone with me.' She had added her nervousness at being alone during that time, even as she showed him her excitement at being in a new environment.
Neva smiled brighter when she found him among the crowd. 'Hello!' She told him telepathically.
Season Five Missions / Re: S:5 E:15 - The Canopy Planet
October 15, 2023, 04:40:04 PM
Quote from: Aarwendil Cheizex on October 12, 2023, 10:28:16 AM

[Enclave Arden | Great Hall | Andgarr Prime]

Aarwendil followed Commander Said and the rest of the team to the Great Hall. While they walked toward it, the Ensign had taken some time to look at the architecture of the place. It was indeed made inside the trees. It was far more impressive than what he had previously thought. However, now he needed to pay attention in Nira.

She and a local called Jindak were explaining the situation and the young Betazoid was paying close attention to it. Insects that were engineered to spread contaminants that could make Romulans and Vulcans sick was something diabolical. Not only because it was hurting people, but also how it was playing with the life of animals to turn them into some type of weapon.

After the instructions were given, Aarwendil picked one of the necklace sigils and looked around in his hand. Since technically he was on shore leave, the Ensign had abandoned his uniform for a long sleeved shirt, pants and boots, the perfect outfit for a field day in the middle of vegetation. He was also carrying a backpack with what he would need for camping.

Looking at the group, Aarwendil finally noticed that Neva wasn't here. Staying a bit behind, the young Betazoid grabbed his com. "œNeva? Where are you?

[Andgarr Prime-Arden Hall]

Neva shook her head side to side, trying to work the kinks out. Standing up from the seat on the far side of the room, she stretched her arms out to do the same. She started to bend to get her gear when her comm trilled and Aarwendil's voice called out to her. Reversing her motion, she hit her comm.

"Cordon to Cheizex. I'm here in the Hall where the briefing's been. Why?"
Neva grabbed her gear, craning her neck for a sign of him. "I need to get a sigil bracelet, are you near where they are?"

Season Five Missions / Re: S:5 E:15 - The Canopy Planet
October 11, 2023, 10:52:01 AM
Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on October 10, 2023, 03:42:31 AM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger-A - Deck Twelve Corridor >>> Turbolift]

It seemed no sooner had Lahr commed his message to Zhuk than he received two pings from his PADD alerting him to new messages.   The first was Commander was correcting herself.  It seemed the mission - apparently to find Commander Mackenzie - was back to being high priority.  Lahr picked up his pace once more as he read the second.

It was from Ensign Cordon, in regards to his message suggesting they hang together for shore leave. The message's response was so unexpected that Lahr had to read it a second time.  Had he given Neva the wrong impression with his offer and questions?   Was that why she wanted to know about his relationship with Ruth?   Did that mean the Betazoid was interested in him?  Most likely.

Lahr couldn't help but feel a bit of satisfaction to realize he still had what it took to interest the ladies.  It was a shame that Neva and he were assigned different teams; though probably for the best until he could explain his 'under the radar' but openly-known relationship he had with the often-absent Science Chief.   Since it might be a while before he could join Neva for actual shore leave, he began dictating a reply back.

"Computer. Scribe text response to Ensign Cordon, from CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret. Start.

Hey Neva, it seems that we have been assigned different missions starting at different times; but maybe I can get a rain-check on that shore leave time?

As for my relationship with Ruth, well, hard as it is for some to accept - she and I are a couple.  Have been for a couple years now.  Command knows, and well... looks the other way so long as we don't flaunt it in front of everyone.

Quirky is a mild way of describing her.  She is vivacious and whatever rumours you've heard are probably correct.   She does use twin axes when in combat. She used to be Captain of Challenger before Galloway.  And she did give up her spot as an Academy instructor and took a demotion to come back 'cause I was still here.

Anyways, I gotta go.  Good luck on your mission, Neva.

Computer. End text scribe and send."

He had to close it quick cause he'd arrived at the turbolift.

When Lahr stepped into the turbolift, the Andorian opened his mouth to provide a destination to the computer but then realized he didn't know by which means he and Team Two was supposed to meet up with Zhuk.

He could call or message Zhuk... or better yet... just follow the crowd.   "Computer.  Where is Security team two presently?"

"Security team two is in the Armory."

Lahr smiled. "Deck 9"

[USS Challenger-Neva's Quarters]

Neva had just changed into a pair of denim overalls and a purple short sleeve shirt when the computer notified her she had 2 messages. Hopping over, she read Commander Said's message. Her Engineer's mind now whirling on what to carry and do. Four hours, hey? Hmmm...

She was about to get up when she remembered the second message. Toggling to it, her eyebrows scrunched in confusion as she read Lahr's reply. 'Ruth the Science Chief? Who was that?' She meant the Chief Engineer. She shook her head and sighed. 'I don't know how he thought that's who i meant. I don't care about his love life! I thought he was a friend.' she sighed sadly. 'Gotta set that straight.' She sagged a little, and wiped away a forming tear. She was about to reply, but reminded herself of the Commander's orders. Sometimes being Betazoid could be a curse...

Neva got up then and went to her chair to repack her backpack and make sure her kit was set right too. 'Should I get a phaser?' she wondered. 'I could say it's for gathering some of the interesting plant cuttings for Mother.' Grinning, she put her gear on and headed for the Armory.

[USS Challenger-Transporter Room]

Neva breezed into the Transporter Room, shuffling the straps of her kit and backpack on her shoulders and back. She had the phaser tucked into a cargo pants style pocket of her overalls, hidden and in easy reach. When she was on the transporter pad, she wriggled her toes in her soft-heeled green and white shoes. Looking around the transporter room, she finally looked at the crewman at the controls and nodded. She watched the room dissolve into shimmering fireflies.

[Andgarr Prime-Canopy-15 minute hike outside Andgarr City]

Neva hummed to herself as she crept over branches and pushed leaves away to collect what she thought her mother would be interested in. Of course, she checked her tricorder before touching anything new to make sure it wasn't poisonous or anything similarly concerning. She had been at this for almost an hour into her excursion when she stopped and checked her chronometer. 'Better get back to the City so I can be available if needed,' she thought. She quickly put everything away, careful to keep the sgian-dubh she'd been given by a Scottish friend in the ankle sheath in her sock. Hefting her stuff back on, she carefully trudged back to the City.

[Andgarr Prime-Andgarr City]

Neva walked casually through the market, one hand clasping her backpack and kit straps, the other tucked behind her bib. She smiled and nodded at various people, stopping now and then to get closer looks. She almost squealed when she found the Andgarrian equivalent of wool. She almost threw the latinum at the shopkeeper on some raw pieces, intending to spin it into knittable skeins during her off-time. She walked away practically shaking with excitement at her "find of the century."

Neva found herself getting hungry and went to find a place to take care of that need. She found what passed for a cafe and took a seat in a corner outside. Both her parents had drilled self-defense into her, making it clear that a woman alone could be an easy target. She set her bags carefully on the ground beside her, hugging her leg. After giving her order to the waitress, she surveyed her surroundings for anything out of what could be considered "ordinary" for a Starfleet Officer. She suddenly smiled brighter and waved an arm high to catch the eye of 2 of her colleagues from Engineering. They waved back and made heir way to her and soon they were deep in conversation and fed.

[2 hours later-Andgarr Great Hall]

Neva was curled on top of her backpack, her kit tucked under and against her chest on a bench. Outwardly, she seemed to be dozing, but she wasn't. She'd opened herself up mentally, letting the miasma of thought and emotion swirl through. She "watched" for any threats, as well as anyone wanting to disturb her. Her phaser was tucked behind the bib of her overalls, one arm obscuring it from view. She knew Commander Said and Aarwendil would be contacting her soon.

Season Five Missions / Re: S:5 E:15 - The Canopy Planet
October 09, 2023, 02:35:42 PM
Quote from: Nira Said on October 07, 2023, 11:57:15 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Enclave Arden | Andgarr City | Andgarr Prime]

"We can do that, Captain," she said. "I'll send the word for all Vulcan crewmembers to remain aboard and for any Vulcans already out the ship to return. Of course, it may be ideal to keep on with the guise of going on shore leave. We'd best make sure we do the same, using shore leave as a cover. Otherwise, you may likely have to be used to Vulcans for company, Captain." She thought of Savar and hoped he haven't left yet.

Hearing Jettis, Nira replied, "Well, some Romulans would be affected, but not all. They'll potentially share the same genetics and blood type as Vulcans...we'll have to double-check..."

Seeing Abas making glances at Jettis, particularly in a manner of ready to act in his word, Nira shook her head. "No, I think it's best for you to stick to Zhuk's team, Mister Thy'vrrol. You'll be needed to look at Mackenzie's health when you find him."
Nira was stirred by the description of Ratheen...and a potential similarity to Nirreen...and Nirreen so resembled Nira... "Well, not having met the Dynast-Praetor myself, I wouldn't know for sure...and if you had seen her," said Nira, "that meant, in a way, they could've seen the assailants before they left. We're going to have to interview Ratheen before we get meet the Anax and his lower officers to determine a fix of Kyan's kidnappers and the butterflies."

"Now, back to the subject at hand," continued Nira, "good idea to include Lahr, Zhuk, he has some security training, after all, aside from his miracle working; he's a qualified combat technician," she added, suddenly remembering her first department head, who had regarded himself as "combat technician." "As for Beta Team, your Team Two, try not to take too much security with you. You'll need stealth on your side. Five or six at maximum will suffice. I'll be taking Ensigns Cheizex and Cordon as well. Chances are, there'll be machines to look at and shut off."

Nira paused, certain she got people assigned. The she said, "Okay, Zhuk and I will talk to Anax Jindak to see if he can get us to meet this Ratheen. And perhaps as pretense of interview, maybe we, plus the Captain, can have a meal with her, some bit of socializing. The rest of you, get back to Challenger and get your equipment ready, but take your time, have some shore leave enjoyment. Both teams will meet us in the Andgarr Great Hall in four hours. Said out."

The transmission off, Nira sent messages to the selected officers.

To: CMO Jessica Fellows, CPO ShranLahr Ch'Verret, and Ensigns Aarwendil Cheizex and Neva Cordon
From: Commander Nira Said
Subject: Dual Seek-and-Exploration Shore Leave Activity

To whom it may concern,

We have two missions in the offing as we conduct our shore leave. Of sorts. Two teams are to embark on an exploration of Andgarr to get to know the planet further. Gather equipment, but take your time to enjoy your shore leave. Meet us in the Andgarr Great Hall in four hours. Further details from myself and Zhuk and Jettis will be provided then.

Then she directed a message to advise all Vulcans on the crew to remain on Challenger and to for any Vulcans who may have left Challenger to return and get a medical checkup, especially if they came in proximity to some insects.

Neva was starting to answer Lahr when the Commander's notice came across the display. Her fingers  froze as she sudden felt a chill go down her spine. 'I don't like this...'

Despite her misgivings, she shook herself from her reverie, closed the Commander's message and went back to Lahr's.

To: CPO ShranLahr Ch'Verret
From: Ensign Neva Cordon
Subject: Re: Re: Re: asked, I provide answer. May not be the one you want.
You need to explain the "thing" you & Chief have. I know she's got her quirks, but what?

Sounds like we're going on this little "shore leave" is taking an interesting turn. And yeah, I'd like to check out what this planet has. My mother will flip from all the flora to be found here, so i'd like to see what plants I can get & keep alive till I see her. And yes, I have heard. Apparently, there's some dust that affects the Vulcans in a more "feeling" way shall we say? And yes, attacks have happened. Will tell you when I see you! Oh and DEFINITELY, safety in numbers works for me!

With that, Neva sent the message & closed down her station for the next person to use. She headed to the shuttles by way of her quarters for some civvie clothes and her ever present Engineering Kit.


[Commander Nira Said | Temple of the Elements, Andgarr Congregation | Andgarr Prime]

An hour later, after being directed by Anax Jindak to the Cradol Temple of the Elements on Andgarr, Nira had arrived in her best. Knowing the ritualistic religious nature of the Cradol, Nira had a belly shirt with harem pants, both made of Tholian silk, a thank-you present from a Ferengi friend of the Challenger, Liquidator Bock. It was perfect for the Cradol atmosphere. She looked around for Captain Galloway before she looked back at the entrance.

Standing at present - inasmuch as one can stand while hovering - were a pair Consulate Legion hover troopers, all dressed in near blinding bright green. Both were elflike and both were staring down at them hard.

"State your business, Federation bendain," snapped one. Nira had heard how the Cradol often put emphasis on the Romulan language in their creed; she remembered from her Romulan dictionary how bendain meant foreigner, and she wasn't surprised, having heard many words for "outsider" or "foreigner" in Arabic in regards to other non-Arabs. She had heard "infidel" used, but it was extremely rare, but all the same, the tone the Legionnaire expressed certainly indicated a hint that bendain was on par with the word "infidel."

"We're here to see Dynast-Praetor Ratheen," Nira said. "In regards to her and her party around the time our Captain and his party were attacked."

"Not just anybody can see the Dynast-Praetor. But since you are from that particular Starfleet ship, we'd be glad to accept you in."

Nira started in surprise at the voice from above and looked up to see a tan Romulan descending. Like the Legionnaires, he also wore bright green, except that he was dressed less for military duty and more for a day on the beach. Like the Legionnaires, he was outfitted with a sort of winged hover device, but instead of a technological winged pack without jet propulsion like what the Legionnaires wore, the wings were attached to his sandals, bringing to mind the Greek myth of Hermes.

Nira stared a long time, not helping herself, before she shook herself from her astonishment at this man. "Nice briefs," she said obviously.

The man, too, stared at Nira. Part of it she recognized as being captivated by her beauty, but there was something else...he was staring like he was trying to see a resemblance.

"Hm. A Betazoid. Potentially the first beautiful woman of that planet since Deanna Troi," he said with complimentary charm when he finally spoke. "I am Hakul, head of the Ethnarch Council, and the Dynast-Praetor's right we rule as brother and sister."

"And I am Commander Nira Said, First Officer of the Starship Challenger," said Nira in turn. "And since your party was the last to leave before my Captain's party did..."

"Yes, I heard about what happened to the boy," Hakul said. "It's a horrid pity."

"True, but for the time being, we're willing to meet and socialize and get to know further the culture, religions and rituals so emphasized among the Romulans that make up the Cradol," Nira answered back in her diplomatic best.

"But of course," said Hakul courteously. "Anax Jindak sent you at a good time, it's almost time for our supper hour. Ah, but, he probably knows the schedule of the temple exceedingly well, knowing us so well, not just in the days before Hobus but before the war with humanity that left an imprint."

Nira raised an eyebrow; how old was Jindak that he remembered the Earth-Romulan War, that would lead to the formation of the Federation, so well?

Hakul clapped his hands and a high-ranking Legionnaire approached. "You summoned, Lord Haku..." Then he saw Nira and started. "You! What are you...? Weren't you just...?"

"Centurion," Hakul said sternly. "These are guests to our temple. Prepare some spaces for them."

"At once," the Centurion said, but he never took his eye off Nira until he sidled away.

"Come along, then," Hakul said and made his way in. Nira followed. There was something more startling was starting to worm its way in place of that item of business:

First Hakul, then the Centurion of a butler seemed to recognize Nira. They were startled in their own way by her appearance, and not by her beauty. What was significant was that Nira never met either of those men before in her life. It could only mean one thing...

She's here. Somewhere, she thought to herself...


[Somewhere on Andgarr Prime...]

"I'm afraid he's right, Seles," said Visa with utter perplexity. "He's definitely proving more trouble for someone of his size. He's surprisingly resilient."

She looked up from checking a console wired to the indoctrination chamber. "He's resisting. Chances are, we're not going to have two hours, were potentially going to have two days. And don't look at me like that, Seles," she added haughtily. "You do anything to me, you'll have to answer to my brother Hirim. Or, Archon help you, Domitian. And believe me, he has his connections to the Syndicate, and this being a sanctuary popular with Romulans of varieties, he's due at any time, now. Can you imagine what the old man's going to be like when he sees this?" she added, jabbing a hand toward the boy and the indoctrination chamber.

Season Five Missions / Re: S:5 E:15 - The Canopy Planet
October 05, 2023, 04:04:57 PM
Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on October 05, 2023, 03:12:52 AM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger-A - Deck Twelve - Upper Engineering Support Area]

Lahr's head and antennae bobbed up and down in time to the beat that he could hear over his ear buds.  A gift from the ship's Command at his promotion to Chief Petty.   Little did he know then that the gift was going to be the only thing that kept him sane during the long lonely shifts in the far corner of the the Upper Engineering Deck.  It had been weeks... maybe longer since he'd been assigned anything other than this specific task (watching the tertiary EPS flow regulator and recording the hourly consumption).  While other staff rotated duties, his remained static.  Lahr knew this was a form of punishment by the Chief Engineer, for some imagined (or possibly actual) slight.

Lahr had his nameplate overtop his station reading: CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret, aka DJ Lahr, - Power Overlord, and Bane of the CoE.  He also had managed to replicate himself a beaded seat cover so that as he grooved to his tunes the massaging beads helped keep his back from getting too sore from 8 hours of sitting in the same spot.  His work was dull but Lahr refused to give the Chief the satisfaction of complaining.

His current music - an old 20th century group called the Bee Gees - had the Andorian shimmying his shoulders as he lip-synced to the lyrics that had become very familiar (as he had the song on loop).

"Well, you can tell by the way I use my walk
I'm a woman's man, no time to talk
Music loud and women warm, I've been kicked around
Since I was born
And now it's alright, I'm okay
And you may look the other way
We can try to understand
The New York Times' effect on man

Whether you're a brother or whether you're a mother
You're stayin' alive, stayin' alive
Feel the city breakin' and everybody shakin'
And we're stayin' alive, stayin' alive
Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive, stayin' alive
Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive
Oh, when you walk.."

The song suddenly muted via his ear buds and the voice of Commander Said replaced the trio of men's falsetto voices.

Lahr glanced about his station and smirked.  Yeah as if.  A window view would be nice.   But Lahr didn't get off shift for several hours.  Maybe the view would still be there afterward?  He could hope.

Tucked away in the far corner of Upper Engineering, and lost to his own world of 20th century disco, it took Lahr longer than most to pick up on the cues around him.  However, when he did notice the Andorian wasn't shy about asking his nearest coworker what was up.  He was troubled to learn that there had been some sort of attack on the away team.   His antennae twitched in concern.

Lahr wondered if there were anyone on the Bridge he might be able to discreetly contact to get more details.   He called up the current roster and looked it over.

He noted that Ensign Cordon was working the bridge.   Maybe he could plie her for information.  It was worth a shot.

He messaged her via text - since it was less likely to be disruptive to the Bridge as a whole.

To:  Ensign Neva Cordon
From:  CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
Subject:   Checking in on things

Hey Neva!  How are things going?   What's the view like from the Bridge?

Lahr intentional kept his tone light and conversational, hoping to get the Betazoid to offer up information rather than him having to directly ask.

[USS Challenger-Bridge]

Neva was so awestruck and excited, she almost missed Lahr's message when she turned back to her screens. Her eyes grew wide with surprise. Wow! What a day!

To:  CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
From:  Ensign Neva Cordon
Subject:  Re: Checking in on things

Hey! How's it going in the ass end of nowhere?? haha... It's amazing being on the Bridge. The view of the planet hard to describe the beauty. You gotta see for yourself! You going on shore leave?

Neva decided she wanted to stay for now. At least to hear what Lahr replied. 'I wonder what music we could trade this time?' she wondered.

Season Five Missions / Re: S:5 E:15 - The Canopy Planet
September 28, 2023, 09:07:14 AM

Neva watched the planet rise into view on the screen, her work at her station forgotten. She was in complete awe of the abject beauty of the terrain unfolded. Memories of Betazed and Earth's various foliage flowed across her mind as she heard someone talk of planting the trees from this planet somewhere else. The trees of Yemen came to mind suddenly like a file was opened and pulled up for her perusal.
"I remember The Dragon's Blood trees of Yemen on Earth seem similar to here," she said to no one in particular. "My parents took me on a trip once and Mother insisted on seeing them. It was quite an eye opening experience. I'd love to tell her about this planet." Neva suddenly realized what she'd just done and blushed hard, turning back to her station to hide it.
When the Captain left with his team and the subsequent directives from both him and Commander Said, Neva found herself vibrating with the same excitement she felt the crew was at the idea of going down for leave.
'Oh what Mother would do to get here! I hope things go right so I can bring her someday!' she thought fervently.

Season Five Missions / Re: S:5 E:14 - Conflict of Interest
September 19, 2023, 04:45:31 PM

[USS Challenger-Mjollnir]

Neva bobbed a nod to the Chief and Lt. Jerris, murmuring "No Sir, I doubt it very highly."
She waited for everyone to leave the Flyer before getting to work. Shucking the jacket, she set her kit down on the chair Denton had unfortunately vacated. She took a tricorder from a panel in the shuttle and came back to the helm.
She felt tired from the ordeal, but knew this was part and parcel of what she chose to do with her life. She smiled a little and began her work, making notes on a PADD she'd also found in the ship.

[Jyn Kemocite Mines|Jyn Colony|Iota Thelonis IX]

Having gotten Chief Tharn the information on the Mjollnir, Neva then joined Nurse Davies to go to the Jyn Colony. Thanking the Gods for the coffee she'd managed to get on the way to meet the nurse, she smiled to herself as she remembered her dad's favorite name for the stuff-"EJ's Wake-em-up Juice." Whoever EJ was, she blessed him as well. The creation was a time honored delicacy.

Neva put the back of her hand over her nose and mouth, fighting to cough. The air was so...wrong. She greeted Zhuk with a nod, and when told Beaux would help her, she tried to smile."Thank you for your assistance, Sir." She managed to get out. Locating the necessary power resources, she set to work getting the purifiers online. Hearing them hum to life was a beautiful sound, and she let out a relieved sigh as more breathable air came towards her. She smiled and gave a thumbs up to punctuate the joy she always felt when she put something together again.
After monitoring things for a while, she smiled in satisfaction. It was at this point she looked around. She'd never seen a mine for real before, and this was HUUUGGEEEE! When she caught sight of the people, her enjoyment fizzled away with her smile. She was here due to suffering and pain. Now that she wasn't engrossed, those emotions crashed over her and her eyes teared up. She whipped back to the purifiers, making it look like she was still working on them as she dried her eyes.
Composed once more, she put her kit over her shoulder and walked to where Commander Said was. "Commander, is there anything else you'd like me to do? Should I go help with the uh...wounded?"

Season Five Missions / Re: S:5 E:14 - Conflict of Interest
September 14, 2023, 09:39:30 AM
Quote from: Jettis Jyur on September 13, 2023, 03:05:04 PM

[ Iota  IV-B -> Mjolnir ]

Surprisingly, they managed to get the message out with little tweaking. The superior sensors and comms in the shuttle cut through the static to reach the Challenger. At Davies' request, the most severely injured were brought aboard the Mjonlir for hasty treatment. They could be beamed directly to the medbay, and kept stable on the shuttle by Davies.

The ride was rough, but it seemed they were in the clear at first, until a particularly hard jolt. It was more than just the rough atmosphere, and immediately, it read as disruptor fire. The shields had been up to shield from the atmosphere, so thankfully the blow was softened, but still was enough to destroy a console.

"Verdammt! Tharn, evasive maneuvers best you can, I'll right there. Cordon, keep an eye on the shuttle's shields and status!" Jettis jumped up, keeping ahold of the wall so he didn't meet the same fate as Denton had. After helping Davies get her to a more comfortable position and secure her to prevent further injury, he moved up to the front to an undamaged console.

"Mjolnir to the Challenger, we are under fire from a Klingon bird of prey. Keeping evasive maneuvers but we've already been hit and we're outclassed in the delta flyer. Will attempt to hail and hold out until you arrive." He remained for a moment if there was response from the Challenger, before putting out a hail to the attacking ship. "This is the Mjolnir, what is the meaning of this attack on a Starfleet vessel? Cease fire!" It was more of a yelp than a bark, but there was little he could do currently except hope that they would respond to the hail. If nothing else, at least tell them why they were being attacked.

"Commander Tharn, be ready to return fire if this continues. We just need to stall until the Challenger arrives." There was no doubt that the Klingons would pick up on the Trailblazer quickly closing the distance on them, so how far they were willing to take this attack would be the defining moment.

"Sir! Shields at 77%!" Neva called out. "Lieutenant Jettis, Sir. Would going back to the Burke be possible? We could hide within or against her, then make use of what's left of her to repair the Mjonlir." She offered simply.
Season Five Missions / Re: S:5 E:14 - Conflict of Interest
September 06, 2023, 01:00:03 PM
Quote from: Ian Galloway on September 05, 2023, 05:14:27 PM

[Engineering - USS Burke]

Tharn took one look at the state of the engine room and swore in multiple languages in an extremely colorful manner. She looked at Neva and growled, because growling was her default means of communicating.

"I wouldn't get too excited Ensign. The dilithium matrix is fused and there's no way we're going to be able to do anything about that. Impulse might be salvageable, but given the nature of the jury-rigging I'm seeing everywhere, I won't risk trying to bring it online. Focus on the fusion generators. I think we can get those working without blowing up, but don't quote me on that."

With that, Tharn moved to investigate the deuterium injectors.

[Engineering - USS Burke]

Neva's eyes widened at the Chief's choice of words, but she couldn't blame the woman for the epithets. She'd wanted to say a few herself.
When she was overheard, she chuckled. "Sorry, Sir. I've always loved getting into things that can break. It's a puzzle to me." She shrugged dismissively.
With a quick "yessir," Neva zipped over to the generators and set to work, giving the generators a slight caress. 'You, my little pretties, are mine!'

Season Five Missions / Re: S:5 E:14 - Conflict of Interest
September 04, 2023, 01:02:49 PM

[Neva Cordon >- Delta Flyer Mjolnir >- USS Burke NCC-3210-A]
Neva was in mid-slurp of her Spaghetti when the order came from the Captain. Biting off what wasn't in her mouth, she stood and grabbed her kit as she joined the rest running for stations. She was next in line for the Turbolift when she got the comm message from the Bridge, she hit her badge and replied "Aye, Sir. On my way. Cordon out." Neva slipped out of line and toward the area of the ship that would lead to the Shuttlebay.

[Delta Flyer Mjolnir >- USS Burke NCC-3210-A]
Neva settled into the chair in the Flyer and nodded with a smile to Chief Tharn. She put the gloves for cold weather in the pocket of the coat she'd gotten at the last minute and pulled the knitted earband over her head to rest around her neck. She never liked the cold much, but the earband was a gift from a friend's mom. Neva loved how she'd managed to knit the comm badge shape into the band.
Neva looked around at those assembled as they flew off, sensing the anticipation and other interesting emotions. She was brought out of her reverie by the Chief's declaration to her. "Aye, Sir." she replied crisply and hurried after the Tellarite, putting on gloves, pulling up the earband, and grabbing her kit from its place on her knee.

[USS Burke NCC-3210-A]

Neva adjusted her oxygen mask as she marveled at the state of the Burke. It almost broke her Engineer's heart to see the ship in its current state, but such were the hazards of space travel.
At the Commander's direction, Neva's head snapped to look at the Chief, checks burning with embarrassment. "Aye, Sir!" Neva jogged along behind the Commander as she rubbed her gloved hands together and smirked. "Time to get my hands dirty!" she murmured to herself.

Crew Quarters / Personal Log and Messages-Neva Cordon
August 30, 2023, 10:41:25 AM

[USS Challenger-A-Ensign's Quarters]

Dear Mother, I'm truly safe and sound on the Challenger. I've actually done a couple of repair away missions already, can you believe it? I'm enjoying learning who is who. The Chief of Engineering is a Tellarite, so you know I'm making sure I don't take anything personally. She's already seeing I'm not a pushover either."
Neva giggled and rolled her eyes. "Guess what? I lead the two teams I did the away missions with! Can you believe it? It was and still feels weird, but I'm trying to remember what I learned in the Academy. I hope they like me or at least tolerate me.
Neva took another bite of her peanut butter and banana sandwich then continued. "I miss you, Mother. It's amazing being on a ship, but I'm scared at the same time. I haven't seen any of the Dominion species myself yet, but the aftermath I've seen when I'm fixing the ships puts rocks into my stomach." Neva paused the message and put her head in her hands, shoulders suddenly shaking. She sat like that for a few long moments before wiping her eyes with a corner of her bedsheet. She continued the message.
Sorry about that, Mother. Yes, I did cry. I know, you and Dad always told me Starfleet is no cakewalk. It's just...seeing it with my own eyes is different."
Neva suddenly bubbled some laughter. "Oh by the way, this captain is very interesting. Apparently, one of the things he likes to do is play a battle song when we engage hostiles. I was told by a crewman named Lahr that it's 'Scotland the Brave'. Yeah, you know the one Dad liked to play on St. Patrick's day? Did you know that song has words? Yeah, look it up. It was wild! Of course, I had to share Dad's favorite, 'The Scotsman' with Lahr, right? It just wouldn't be right if I didn't, of course!"
Neva slid up on the pillow and repositioned herself, her green knitted blanket tucked around her legs. "Oh! There's 2 other Betazoids on the ship! One is the First Officer, Commander Nira Said! Apparently, at the beginning of The Occupation, her true parents gave her to some Humans they knew to raise so she'd be safe. So she was raised on Earth. And get this-her family is of the FIRST House! Yeah! Can you believe it? She's really nice though. She had an informal interview with me and the other Betazoid-his name is Aarwendil Chiezek one day. It was sooo refreshing to talk to someone like you and I do! I wasn't sure I could do it, but we all had a wonderful talk! Oh, and Aarwendil is from Lawaxana Troi's House! Talk about connections! And he's met her too. He even played with Deanna! Wish we had someone so famous!" Neva laughed, remembering what Aarwendil had said and showed.
"Well, Mother, I need to get some sleep. I'm still on Gamma shift, so I'm going to end this message here. Neva swallowed hard. "Love you and miss you, Mother. She pressed two fingers to her lips then waved them at the screen before ending and sending the message.
Neva set the now empty plate and glass on the desk and slid back into bed. She took a shaky and long breath and closed her eyes to sleep.


[USS Challenger-Engineering]

Neva sat at a workstation, wiping her brow and smearing some dirt in the process. The Chief had insisted on a report on the work on the Jyn ship. With a tired sigh, she called on the computer to start the recording.

After Action Report, Ensign Neva Cordon.
"Upon beaming onto the ship, I put PO3 T'roth to work on tackling where the sparking was coming from with Crewmen Nuyen and Danvers.  PO1 Vovraarra went to work on regaining control to Conn and Nav, Crewman Hylax was put on Life Support, I took on the Engineering station. Hylax and Vovraarra had both stations under some control so when Commander Said and her team arrived, no EV suits were needed."

Neva paused the computer to stretch a moment, grabbing her side at the hitch of pain there. Groaning, she considered going to Sickbay after this was done, but dismissed it over being tired. 'I can just put some ice there and be done with it anyways.' she decided silently.
Sitting back down, she continued her report.
"While we got the Jyn ship relatively spaceworthy again, it's recommended that they find a Starbase to make further, more stable repairs. It is also recommended that the entirety of Team Six be commended for their expediency, attention to detail, and competence in completing the tasks for which they were assigned. I look forward to working with them again."
Neva sagged back in her chair as she ended her report. 'Let's hope the Chief likes what I've done. I should talk to Commander Said or someone else of higher rank on how they manage a team. I can use the pointers.'
Once finished, Neva got up and headed for the exit. The Chief had already said she could go once she was done. Peanut butter and banana sandwich and almond milk ho!

Holodeck / Re: Face To Face with Aarwendil and Neva
August 30, 2023, 06:47:58 AM
Quote from: Aarwendil Cheizex on August 22, 2023, 04:26:55 PM

[USS Challenger-A/ XO's Office in Deck Two]

I noticed what you said early, but I always like to show Betazed off. It's my home after all. he smiled at Neva, before drinking some more of his juice. I'm sorry about your father, though. Aarwendil looked at her sympathetically. He couldn't imagine how it was to have dead parents. His mother and father could be suffocating sometimes, but he loved them.

[USS Challenger-A/ XO's Office in Deck Two]

The conversation became heavier when Nira revealed that she was orphaned because of the Dominion. Aarwendil clenched his fist with their mention. He hated the Changelings, Jem'Hadar and Vorta for what they did to his homeworld. Even if he was born only after the occupation ended, the Ensign grew up surrounded by people that survived it and he heard their memories of these events.

My parents and oldest sister were part of the underground movement that fought against the Dominion. Aarwendil said, without any telepathic image to show to the two women. They never telepathically shared anything of these times with me, only mentioned that they fought to liberate our planet. thinking about it, he came to the conclusion that his family was lucky for having survived it whole.

When the conversation changed to the Houses of Betazed, Aarwendil went to give his own bit of information. I'm part of the Fifth House. A matter of fact, my mom is a once removed cousin of Lwaxana Troi. They don't like each other, at all. the Ensign showed them scenes of family meetings where the two women would always show their disgust for each other telepathically, allowing everyone around to notice it. There would be images of fist fights, tables being turned and his father dragging his mother with a wig at her hand. Yeah, they really hate each other. he said nervously, while sipping more of his juice.

My mom says that Lwaxana is mad, but I always thought that she was nice. She acted this way with me and my sisters. Even with my father, but I think that she did this with him only to annoy my mom. he showed them how his mother would become furious when Lwaxana got too sympathetic with him. It was fun to watch, but poor dad, he would always end sleeping in the sofa these days. Aarwendil laughed, his mother was so exaggerated.

Her children are cool, though. I only met Deanna some few times and she was always sweet, but used to play with her brother Barin during these same family meetings. he showed images of the two playing with other Betazoid kids, while food could be seen flying while tables were turned in the background, together with adults trying to separate two people.

Neva smilled and bobbed her head in thanks. 'Don't worry. My dad lived a good life. I'm honestly at peace with all of it. My mother has been great also. Surprisingly, their divorce was fairly amicable, so I'm blessed that way.

Hearing what house Nira said she was part of, Neva's eyes widened to saucers. 'The First House?? Oh wow! I hate to say it, but I'd count myself lucky to not live that life.' Neva bowed her head, her demeanor contrite. 'If I remember right, going into Starfleet just wouldn't have been allowed. That House seems to be more strict than the others.

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