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Messages - Ezac

Arcade Archive / Re: The First Thing That Comes To Mind
January 01, 2018, 10:39:56 PM

"Diabeetus" - Wilford Brimley

Arcade Archive / Re: Slap the person above you
January 01, 2018, 10:31:19 PM

*SLAP* for using the same reason twice in a row to slap someone


Tag for anyone in my quarters.

Arcade Archive / Re: The First Thing That Comes To Mind
January 01, 2018, 08:33:51 PM


Arcade Archive / Re: The First Thing That Comes To Mind
January 01, 2018, 06:08:56 PM



[Athena - Personal Quarters]

Ezac stood motionless in his dimly lit quarters as he watched a glass of cool water materialize in his replicator. He stared for a moment at the clear glass, almost mesmerized by the reflection of a narrow strip of white, glowing light that entered his quarters from beneath his door. He grabbed the glass with his bare hand, simultaneously comforted by and repulsed by the smooth, non-porous surface of the glass.

As he brought the glass to his mouth and felt the cool water run down his throat, and much to his chagrin, he once again recalled the events of the prior mission. After several weeks of nothing but leisure time, he still found himself repeatedly checking to ensure that his belongings had not been taken.

He strode slowly to his desk and sat, with the legs of the chair creaking slightly under the weight of his body. He sighed gently and recognized his eagerness over the next call to duty.

At this point, anything would suffice in taking his mind off of the matters that plagued him during his free time.


Ezac is 27, and ISAAC (my other account that I'm trying to reactivate) is 4.

Arcade Archive / Re: The Acronym Game
January 01, 2018, 10:57:29 AM

Sadly, life in prison probably encourages rampant solitude.

Personal Logs Archive / Re: Personal Log - Ezac
December 31, 2017, 06:29:14 PM

.:Personal log initiated:.

I should be sleeping. I actually want to be sleeping, as strange as it is to hear those words come out of my own mouth; however, I might as well use my insomnia in a constructive way.

Some things change...faces, ships, missions, and the like. On the other hand, some things do not change. I find it ironic that, despite the array of beings whom assume a variety of roles within the numerous vessels within this fleet, I am still the recipient of more double-takes than I care to count.


So much for using my insomnia in a constructive way. To be honest with...myself, I am fed up with my inability to track down Nioa. It has begun to manifest itself in my day-to-day actions. Every time I feel that I am making progress in finding her, she manages to slip through the cracks. I am confident that she is alive--and perhaps literally killing herself to return to me--but to no avail.

I know that it is killing me.

Out of every trial through which I have endured, when I am on my deathbed, I am convinced that I will recall the taking of my kin as the most difficult.

I am finished with this imbecilic personal log.

.:Personal log concluded:.

News Archive 2017 / Re: Welcome Aboard - Jus'draal
December 31, 2017, 05:58:49 PM

Welcome! I hope you're enjoying yourself so far.


Welcome to the fleet!


[Unknown Planet - Adjacent to Beach]

After what should have been long enough to reach the landing site of the Zeus, Ezac slowed his walk briefly before coming to a stop. He remained still for several moments and strained to identify any sounds that might show him the location of his landing party. Hearing nothing but the sound of a gentle breeze brushing through leaves on the trees, Ezac looked up to see the treetops swaying slowly and almost methodically.

He returned his gaze to ground level and panned back and forth once more, seeing nothing but tree trunks and other rich, colorful foliage. Resigning himself to the fact that he had somehow lost track of the landing party, Ezac reached his hand up to his combadge to establish radio contact.

Ezac froze as he looked down to his left hand, pressing firmly the spot on his chest where his combadge should have been. He gave in to impulse and spun around, suddenly experiencing the feeling of being watched and followed. Without hesitation, he decided to return to the last location that he expected to find his comrades: the beach. Calm yourself, soldier, he thought to himself while slowly drawing his phaser from the holster on his belt.

As he strode toward the beach with a renewed sense of urgency, he wondered to himself who or what could have taken his combadge without his knowledge, let alone approach undetected.

Arcade Archive / Re: Slap the person above you
December 30, 2017, 06:25:30 PM

*SLAP* for being the only guy in Starfleet whose face is as smooth as the top of his head

Arcade Archive / Re: Star Trek Mad Libs
December 30, 2017, 06:19:29 PM

I've always been a fan of Mad Libs, so I'd like to have another round. The following are the words that I need:

1. verb
2. plural noun
3. adjective
4. emotion
5. adjective
6. adjective
7. noun
8. same noun as number 7
9. adjective
10. noun
11. verb
12. verb
13. adjective
14. adjective
15. verb
16. adjective
17. verb
18. plural noun
19. past tense verb
20. adjective

I'll probably wait a few days before I reveal the text. Have fun!

Arcade Archive / Re: Slap the person above you
December 30, 2017, 05:47:17 PM

*SLAP* for starting up this game again

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