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Messages - T'Lara


author=Zavrol Gohun link=topic=13502.msg256089#msg256089 date=1621643056]
Gohun was so excited. He had not been on an away mission for a short time now. Now that he thinks about it the whole past thing was technically an away mission.  With that Gohun looked up Hyperonic radiation on his way to sick bay. It seems that Hyperonic radiation is a type of radiation that is lethal to most humanoids. This type of radiation also renders transporters inoperable and randomizes phaser fire.
Gohun to Lieutenant Commander T'Lara  "œ I looked at up Hyperonic radiation and it says that the radiation can interfere with transporters and make phasers useless. Do we have any counter measures?"
With that Gohun arrived in sickbay and received his inoculations. Gohun really hated the inoculations they always made his nauseous. With that in mind he got into the envirosuit and arrived at Shuttlebay one

Quote from: Nira Said on May 23, 2021, 10:36:19 AM

[Lieutenant Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Nira then looked down and saw that the scans were finished. And the end result being...

"The scans are finished, Captain," Nira reported. "There's...nothing. Not even a trace of tachyon particles. And the sensors are functioning properly, too."

When Nira heard the Captain's response, she turned directly to her left and with an expression conveying seriousness and suspiciousness, she said, "I absolutely agree, Captain. Allah, the Prophets, and the Five Rings of Betazed forbid that should happen. Unless such a cloak has been conjured up...well, the blast wouldn't have taken the ship with it, sensors would've found debris, unless it's the sort of thing for absolute vaporization on a massive scale, like the highest setting of a phaser. They couldn't have left the system because there's no warp signature...I don't like this, Captain. Not one bit."

Nira then turned her face back to the front and saw Torra and Don. She heard Don's theory of a ripple, but comparing the ship to a glass?

"Actually, Lieutenant," she said, "I think the more appropriate water body would be a pool of water. As opposed to a glass of water. But I do see what you mean."

She heard the analogy of the water ripple plenty of times, but this was an analogy that certainly hit home. And that made Nira all the more uneasy.[Lieutenant JG Savar | Sickbay | Deck Nine | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Savar had to raise an eyebrow at Luby's reply. Aside from the fact that Luby talks as much as Nira does, if not more (given the limits to Nira's telepathy), it seemed to him that Luby was the least affected of the aftermath of the T'hunga mind control. It's so ironic that Luby seemed to be working just as hard as Nira is, and Nira was working in a way to focus away from memories. Then again, Luby had a human brain, while Nira was a Betazoid with an eidetic memory.

"Interesting," said Savar. "Oh, it's not bothering Nira, at least not right now, but it used to bother her. That was before I helped her out using a Vulcan technique last night. However, I believe Don Addams is having just as much that problem, and he's human as well. I've seen him lately, and even I can see something's wrong. And I'm not sure how the Captain is with this, or how he deals with it."

Savar nodded at Luby's appraisal and bidding good luck and replied, "Thank you, Nurse." He then departed to pick up an EV suit, then to meet Commander T'Lara at the shuttle bay.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on May 21, 2021, 08:09:03 PM

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Discovery]

As Nira ran the scans, Nevir considered what Don said.  "Ozone would require some sort of Oxygen propulsion; While possible, its not likely.  Modern weapons are ion based fusion." he stated, as the scans finished.  There was nothing wrong with them at all, they were calibrated perfectly.  There was just... nothing out there.

"I really would hate if they have discovered cloaking technology that masks all traces." he stated, shaking his head.  He sighed and tapped the comms control.

=/\= "Bridge to Commander T'Lara; status?" =/\=

[Shuttlebay 1 - USS Discovery]

T'Lara went to Sickbay for the inoculation, gathered her supplies, and acquired an EV suit. Now she was in the shuttlebay and two of her team had arrived so far. They were just waiting for Ta Li. She'd give him five more minutes, but after that she would request Luby. She did not approve of tardiness, and did not take excuses. They needed a medical officer, so his presence was of the utmost importance. She gave a nod to Savar when he entered, then engaged in conversation with Gohun.

"There is a tangible amount of risk involved, Crewman. If we are unable to transport back and find and immediate need to leave, we should be able to seek shelter in the shuttle and make a return trip to the Discovery. Upon the event of our time spent planetside being extended, we also have a medical officer to administer more anti-radiation inoculations if needed. If phasers are inoperable..." she gave him a questioning look. "As a security crewman, you should be the one answering that question."

Of course she had her own answer to the question, but she saw this as a teaching moment. When he answered her question she looked around and belatedly realized that there was no alpha shift flight officer present. This should not have been the case, as there was always supposed to be someone on duty in the bays at all times, so she gave a short frown and took out her PADD to make a note of this in her scheduling notes. She then sent a message to an officer she knew was available.

=/\= "T'Lara to Petty Officer Graham. You have been selected for an away team assignment. Report to sickbay for inoculation, then arrive at Shuttlebay one equipped with an EV suit and standard weapons for a briefing before departure. T'Lara out."   =/\=

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on May 18, 2021, 06:33:07 PM

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Discovery]

It would take some time to run a full set of scans, but the science department would be able to determine that there were excessive amounts of hyperonic radiation.  Though dangerous is very high amounts, it was possible to negate the effects, at least for some of the time, with inoculations.  There were also Berthold rays emitting from the source, but envirosuits would be able to block those.

The Captain had come back out of his ready room to receive the report, and look it over.  "I have spoken with Starfleet command.  Both they and the Romulan Free State agree that this is a cause for concern, and we need to investigate and see if there are any more of these weapons.  Commander, establish an away team and bring a medical officer with you.  You should have an hour to do a preliminary ground check before I want you back on board." he stated, taking his seat again.

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

T'Lara assisted HalverstrÁ¶m with the scans, and when they were finished she and the CSO came up with similar results. Tekin, of course, came up with the same. At his request for an away team, the XO stood. "Affirmative, Captain. We'll be out within the hour." She brought up the roster on her PADD and within minutes had her list. As she walked to the turbolift she sent a comm message to Ensign Ta Li Yo-Na, Lt JG Savar, and Crewman Gohun.

=/\= You are assigned to an away team to the surface for a preliminary examination. Before we leave you will need to go to Sickbay for an inoculation against radiation, and your equipment will include standard weapons and department-specific tricorders along with an envirosuit. You have thirty minutes to arrive at Shuttlebay one for a briefing. T'Lara out.  =/\=

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on May 13, 2021, 06:18:34 PM

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Discovery]

The Captain was silent, still, with no indication of emotion... he was almost Vulcan.  But after what seemed like hours but was probably just a few minutes, Nevir turned to his first officer and spoke up.

"I think Ms Said hit the proverbial nail on the head.  This definitely warrants our attention.  Anything that can damage subspace; especially weaponized, is a danger to the galaxy.  We are also honor-bound to the Khitomer accords... no subspace weapons allowed.  It doesn't matter who is responsible, they are under the Accords whether they like it or not." he said, standing up.

"I want full long scans for any other ship in the vicinity, coming or going.  Have the science teams do a full sweep of the planet.  If its safe... I want to put together an away team." he stated, turning and heading for his Ready Room.

"You have the Bridge, Commander."

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

Unlike the captain, T'Lara knew exactly how long he spent in thought. Two point five minutes did not seem very long, but it was enough for her to almost choose to lose her focus on him. As expected, he responded the way she thought he would. She appreciated his logic, though she hadn't really doubted him. She listened to the instructions, tucking away her own wonderments about who used these weapons. She gave a single nod to HalverstrÁ¶m.

"Aye, Captain." She slid over to the captain's chair and assumed the position.

Old Topics / Re: Personal Log- T'Lara
May 12, 2021, 11:47:17 PM

Computer, begin recording

Personal log, Stardate 76361.53...once again, I have let this log fall behind. This of course means that I have spent approximately one year as executive officer of the you-es-es Discovery. As for my progress since my last log...

*folds her hands into a prayer pose*

I have not achieved what I endeavored to pursue. I have made progress. My memories, however, still continue to haunt me. I have come to believe that part of myself is comprised of them. If I wanted to achieve Kolinahr, I would need to remove this part of myself. I have determined that it would be unwise to do so. If I continue as executive officer, I need these qualities to connect with the officers I work with. Also, as much as I may not want to admit it in this recording, these parts of myself keep me grounded. It is an interesting paradox, because the task of Kolinahr is a daunting one. It brings worry into my thoughts when I think of achieving it. Without that responsibility I am able to focus on my duty to Starfleet. Perhaps this was my calling all along. The absence of my mother's Katra-

*she flinches slightly*

Perhaps it means that my focus is not on the ways of Vulcan. No one can truly know the right answer. I must decide it for myself and follow logic to the best of my ability. That is what I have decided. I am confident that whatever occurs in my service to Starfleet will be a regarded with as much esteem as anything I might have done elsewhere.

*she lets out a breath*

This...feels right.

*her eyes close for a moment*

Now I must begin meditation.

Computer end log

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on May 12, 2021, 07:42:14 PM

[Deck 6 - Forward Lounge - USS Discovery]

Captain Tekin thought for a moment, nodding to Alex.  "I am not going to stand in the way of someone trying to better themselves.  You'll have to give me time to look over your Academy record and see how well you did in those courses, but otherwise, I don't see a problem with that.  Not tonight though... its late and we have a mystery to solve tomorrow.  In fact, its time I retired to my own quarters."  he stated, excusing himself and heading off and back to his room.

Captain's Log; Supplemental

Just as expected, we arrived at the source of the wave by 0900.  A so far unknown system to our own charts.  It would be highly unusual for subspace to be affected by a planet, but there are possibilities.  None of which are favorable.

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Discovery]

"Looks like there are rifts in subspace... not very visible, but it will affect our ability to go to warp.  I would rather not risk it.  Reduce to impulse only... we should be close enough now.  Disengage the warp drive and put it in standby.  Then take a standard orbit.  Begin scans of the surface." the Captain ordered, as the reddish-bluegreen planet came into view off their port side.

It wasn't a good position to be in.. damage to subspace could only be a few things, but since the ship didn't lock out, at least one of those options was off the table.  The scans showed heavy disruption in the atmosphere and no lifesigns.  But what slowly came into view was a crater.  Not an impact, but it looked like something that went off on the surface.  There was evidence of man-made structures around the blast site.

Quote from: Nira Said on May 12, 2021, 10:56:12 PM

[Lieutenant Nira Said | Chief Sec/Tac Quarters >- Bridge | Deck Three >- Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

For the first time since Discovery returned to the present, Nira was fully rested. In fact, if it wasn't for the usual chimes telling her to wake up (a routine alarm, though since the return from Paradise, circa 1899, she often got up earlier and earlier). No memories had woken her from a sweat-drenched nightmare, and she didn't wake in the early hours, and Savar with her.

"I think it worked, Savar," said Nira after a stretch. "The memories...I actually slept through the night without them."

"That's excellent," said Savar, just waking up, too. "And that was only the basic techniques of neuro-pressure."

"Let's do it again tonight," proposed Nira. "It'll definitely help."

"Are you sure?" asked Savar warily. "I've only had twelve years worth of training. An expert would've had enough training that he'd be at least fifty. The consequences if it goes wrong..."

"Hey, the miracles of modern medicine, Imzadi," she said reassuringly.

"Just three times a week," Savar offered. "Not every night."

"You got yourself a deal," said Nira as she pecked him on the cheek.

In no time at all, Nira was at the bridge for Alpha Shift, just a few minutes early as opposed to the few hours early as of late. She seemed chipper, a slight spring to her walk. She probably had looked sullen before this, with long hours to keep herself busy since Paradise 1899. It was certain the old Nira was back.

0900 hours and they came to some place that seemed to attract some interest. Nira was informed by the swing shift officer on duty (who seemed mildly disappointed that he wasn't relieved early by his departmental head, given how early she showed up lately until now) about the flashing anomaly and that they were closing in at the origin point. And there it was: A system hitherto unknown.

The Flight Officers and any astrological specialist would be fascinated by this, thought Nira to herself. Especially Mister Graham.

Nira can understand why Captain Tekin was ordering the warp drive to be taken offline. He was being extremely careful, just in case these subspace rifts screwed with the slipstream drive. The last time something happened to the slipstream drive, they ended up back in time...coincidence or destiny, it mattered not...Inshallah, Nira thought whenever she thought of that.

"Commencing," said Nira as she looked at the planet below while conducting the scans. As she gave her attention to what the sensors were giving her, Nira realized that maybe she wouldn't have needed neuro-pressure the night previously, though would still be a necessity; a new mystery had presented itself, a mystery intriguing enough to even push the false memories aside.

"No lifesigns below," said Nira. "Heavy disruption in the atmosphere...sensors have also detected a crater, I think we may be able to see it from...there it is," said Nira, doing a double take when she looked up at the viewscreen. And there it was, a crater, huge and distinctive enough to be seen from space.

What the
hell kind of thing would do this? Nira thought to herself in surprise, her brow so distinctly furrowed, before turning back to the sensors.

"It's not an impact," she said further, looking at the sensors. "It's the result of some kind of detonation. Sensors also detect man-made constructions around the site - might as well be a blast site."

Looking back at the viewscreen, Nira instantly had a memory of the anomalies the Athena ran into shortly after her promotion to junior lieutenant. Some had some distinctive features, one of them involving her first experience with a time loop. But this looked to be the result of weapon detonation. And, judging from the subspace rifts...

"All these rifts messing up the planet," Nira said uneasily, "and that crater...Captain, is it possible that this is the result of some kind of subspace weapon? Could it be possible that that flash anybody looking out of any starboard windows, or in the direction of starboard, had seen...could that have been the detonation or discharge of that weapon?"

And, considering they were back in Romulan space, although Nira didn't want to voice that yet, was this some kind of test site conducted by some Romulan faction, potentially not with the Free State? Or, Allah forbid, it was the result of a weapon tested by wiping out the population of some unfortunate colony?

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

After her late night training session, T'Lara was on the Bridge for her shift. As the captain gave his orders, the XO simply nodded at his caution. She looked to the science station to see HalverstrÁ¶m carrying out the order and brought and sent the results of the scans to her own PADD so she could look them over. Her eyes drifted to the viewscreen to see the crater and the evidence of civilization around it. After hearing the information and questions from Nira, all of them valid, T'Lara asked just one of her own.

"Do you consider this worth exploring more in depth, Captain?" She hoped he assumed that what she meant was more invasive contact like an away team or a probe. She didn't quite know what her own answer would be, though if she were captain she'd probably try to go with a gut instinct.


[XO's Quarters - USS Discovery]

T'Lara woke after several hours of sleep. She really didn't need much sleep, certainly not the seven hours recommended for human adults. It was one in the morning now. Her sleep had been uneventful, just as she liked it. With so many hours before her shift was due to begin, she decided to do a bit of training. Changing out of her sleep clothes, she put on a tight-fitting jumpsuit and silently left her quarters.

[Holodeck 1]

Since practically everyone awake right now was on duty, the XO had the holo suites all to herself and chose the first one.

"Fletcher. Training program three." As the surroundings around her changed, her eyes rose slightly to meet those of a taller Vulcan wearing Starfleet-issue warmups. No sooner had she looked at the hologram, she was already in position to defend against an attack. As expected, her opponent swiftly turned to strike her at an angle and she deflected. The first move was always the same, but the program adapted to counter whichever style she chose. She usually preferred to begin with ponn-ifla, but tonight she chose to go on the offensive. After the deflection she began a relentless series of kicks and punches, seemingly chaotic. However, each target was met precisely as she leaped towards and reached for each body part. Despite her thoroughness, the Vulcan snuck in a few hits of his own while he dodged some of hers. She flinched as his hand slapped across her cheek and let out a hiss when his long leg reached to trip her.

Taking this opportunity, she gracefully switched to Suus Mahna to avoid the trip. She employed navorkot, dropping down into a roll and coming up into a defensive stance, palms open and feet primed. Once again, their eyes met and she actually gave a slight nod as he unleashed a series of volleys for her to deflect. Eyes darting, T'Lara attempted to predict the outcome of his moves. He moved from kareel-ifla to jujitsu and other common forms, using more complicated techniques as they progressed. As beads of sweat began to appear on her brow, the flurry of movement came to a sudden stop. Her eyes widened at the pale white hand clutching her neck, and she looked up for just a moment at the eyes of the holo narrowed in concentration. His other hand lay limply at his side, so with her own she grabbed hold of the hand at her throat and slowly, laboriously, pried it off.

"Enough," she said firmly, taking a step back, her head bowed. After several moments she looked up into the face of Aloran. By now there would have been a debrief. A lesson. But for all she could remember, she did not have the capability to program a hologram of a living person to teach what she didn't already know. The words she'd heard before were carried out in the actions she'd just displayed and were therefore no longer needed. So the figure remained silent, staring ahead as if waiting for the next command. As it happened, this did not take long. T'Lara's eyes closed for a second as she took a breath to ease the adrenaline coursing through her. "End program."

After she stepped through the arch she walked back to her quarters, showered, and changed into her uniform. Giving one last thought to how she'd felt when the white hand fell limp under her own she stood, ready to take on the day.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on April 27, 2021, 10:41:12 PM

Captain's Log, Stardate 76320.3

The Discovery is back on the Romulan frontier, a region of space representing the deepest regions of the former Star Empire closer to the galactic edge.  With more than 12 systems currently in alliance with the Romulan Free State, the new government is growing, and with that new challenges.  One of these being the attention they have received with the other factions in the region.

This lightly explored region of space is both a show of faith and an opportunity; the new Romulan government is more trusting of the Federation's intentions and we got the opportunity to map out more of our universe.  Unfortunately on the other side of that coin; the dangers of pirates, rogues, and of course the Tal Shiar remnants.

So far this has been a relatively calm working day with no activity, and personally I'm hoping for a bit more of that; while we are all fit for duty, I know I haven't been able to shake off the effects of the T'hunga, and I doubt any of the others have either....

[Deck 1 - Captain's Ready Room/Main Bridge - USS Discovery]

The benefits of being a higher ranked officer is the ability to set your own hours, and get the prime shift... the downside is that once you get high enough you are essentially on call.  A Captain would more likely than not take the alpha shift on the Bridge, but that was their place at all hours; even when he was able to retire to quarters.

This was one of those cases where he was still awake, and still on the bridge.  At least, he would be returning to the bridge shortly once his day report was completed.  Patrolling a Romulan sector was tedious work; especially when they were technically sailing into the unknown.

He looked at the chronometer; it was nearly 2200 hours.  This would be the late shift; Gamma, meaning stations, while his main officers on the Alpha shift would be off duty at this point.  Standing up from his desk, he picked up his PADD and walked out to the bridge.

"Scrapped borg sphere debris, a neutron star, and a wayward cargo vessel.  All in all a quiet day's work." he said to no one, handing the PADD to the ops officer on duty.  He stood next to his chair, looking out at the black screen as stars floated by.

With a yawn, the Captain shook his head.  "Perhaps its time to call it a night." he said turning towards the turbolift.  "Or maybe I can hit the lounge." he said, mostly to himself.

[XO's Quarters - USS Discovery]

T'Lara had left the Bridge a couple hours before Gamma shift. She recommended Tekin to end shift along with her before he went to his ready room, but he had refused. It was not that he looked particularly tired, but she thought that after what he'd been through on their last mission he could stand to have a few more hours of sleep. Especially now, when lower-ranked officers could certainly handle patrol. At the same time, she knew there was no reason to care about his decisions. No reason to worry about his well being. After asking him once to accompany her, she had dropped the subject and left for her quarters.

Once the door slid shut behind her she began a fairly straightforward routine of undressing, showering, and donning sleep clothes made of a silky material. She then lit a tealight candle and sat down cross-legged in a meditative prayer pose. Lately her thoughts were touching on their time travel adventure, no matter how much she was puzzled by how it happened. She knew Lek was looking into it and it was not logical to dwell on the past when there were more pressing matters in the present, but memories of the unfamiliar physical experience of riding a horse and the train event did not seem to want to be shut out.

Once she'd sorted through these thoughts her mouth curved up into a small smile, though she wasn't consciously aware of it. Right around the same time the flash appeared across her window, but since she was faced away from it and her eyes were closed it went unnoticed.

The Vulcan's face eventually returned to a blank expression as her mind was emptied of all thought, then when the tealight had been burned about halfway her eyes opened. Separating her hands she stood, blew out the candle, and went to bed.

Old Topics / March POTM
April 18, 2021, 09:40:08 PM

Here it is, the Post of the Month for March! Congrats, Lek!

Quote from: Lek on March 29, 2021, 11:06:16 AM

[Fort Rim - Arizona Territory]

Lek felt like an idiot in the preposterous outfit he was wearing.

"As if anyone with visual organs can't tell I'm not a Hyoomon."

He grumbled as he sat in the wagon behind the riding beasts known as horses. He had a rudimentary idea of how to control the vehicle, but he figured he was more likely to die en route to Paradise than at the hands of the Thuriga.

"And even if we succeed, there is still the matter of the warp drive needing two weeks of repairs and figuring out how to get back to our own time."

He sighed and waited for the signal to start the raid. While he waited, he was treated to the front row experience of one of the horses lifting its tail and dropping a massive load of foul smelling feces directly in front of him.

"Why do I think that's the best thing that's going to happen to me tonight?"

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on March 27, 2021, 11:35:06 AM

[Fort Rim - Arizona Territory]

The agent just rolled his eyes.  "You don't have to help get your ship back if you don't want to." he said, shaking his head.  "The wagon was going to be the way to get the infiltration team into the mines.  Since you seem so against anything I come up with.. you can stay here and I'm sure Discovery will pick you up later." he said, pretty much done with this conversation.

The next morning...

The wagon was being filled with their discarded future wear and equipment.  Keeping it all in one place would be better than having to comb the desert to make sure they didn't leave a mark.  The seriously wounded were to be placed in the wagon, with the medical teams.  A second wagon was found and set up for the infiltration team.  The team that would more than likely need to go into the mines.  That seemed to be the best bet on where the other aliens were.

For the rest, it was time to play dress up.   Cowboys, banditos, and blue uniformed soldiers.  Some of the lower deck crewmen even went as far as raising the banner that was there, blue square, white stars, and red and white stripes.  Although A'Ron picked up a hat and rifle, he ended up tapping his badge and appearing in the uniform of the fort commander.  Somehow his uniform seemed to physically adjust itself to be this old style.

"Think of it this way... we are Starfleet officers rescuing those in need, while still maintaining the Prime Directive." he said, picking up a rifle.  Of course there were weapon enthusiasts in the security department, and figuring out how to work the rifle and reload it wasn't too hard.  They were nowhere near marksman, but it would do.

A'Ron unsteadily got on a horse and surveyed around.  It was peculiar, seeing a 24th century naval crew acting like 19th century army and cavalry.  He walked the horse, after getting used to it, over to the first officer.

"Distract the town, infiltrate the mine, and find and destroy what is keeping us here.  And rescue your away team while we're at it.  And keep in mind that they might fire at you considering they don't remember who you all are." he said, glancing around.  He turned to Lek.

"So... what are you going to do, then?"

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on March 29, 2021, 11:43:23 AM

The next morning....

[Paradise Train Station - Paradise - Arizona Territory - Earth]

Nevill had a bit of a headache.  And a hangover.  Weird, he didn't think he got hangovers much anymore.  Certainly couldn't remember the last time at any rate.  But as the gunslinging card shark got himself dressed in the morning in front of a mirror, he grinned.  Today was the day.

The town was already abuzz in the fresh morning desert air.  The sounds of hammer hitting iron echoed through the town as the train workers were laying the last couple of pieces. The Bajoran walked out of his room, down the stairs and out into the day, where a feel of jubilation was already around.  Town Folks were greeting him as he walked, headed for a bite to eat at the trainstation.

The Sheriff was already there, of course, with a crowd of people.  Mr. Rinthal was there with a couple of the Sheriff's deputies.  American flags were waving, as the engineer of the train itself was working on getting everything started.

"There he is!  The voice of Paradise, Nevill the Nose Tecan!" the Sheriff stated, urging the man to stand up on the platform with the others.  It made sense; the famous card player, the dancer, the reporter, the artist, and the teacher; people from all walks of life riding this faster than life train to Washington to show the President and Congress their newest invention, and the future of America.

As the other members of the away team made it to the station, the Sheriff would pull them out as well. To say it was a surprise that they were selected was an understatement; Nevill had no idea what they did to make sure an impression.  But it was a free ride nonetheless, and with a game car on this train, he would be able to play against some of the greatest sharks in America.

"Let's hear it for the heralds of the future!  Go ahead and climb on board with Mr. Rinthal, gents, and let's get this train started!" the Sheriff stated, as he picked up a gold plated mallet and a golden railroad spike.  There was just one more spike that needed to be put in, and that was reserved for him.  Once the away team was on the train, the Sheriff walked around and got the spike ready, while a camera was set up to capture the moment.  A few minutes later, and single cling of metal signal the dropping of the last spike... the train was connected to the outside world.  A cheer went through the crowd and the train blew its horn in celebration, as the sheriff cleared the track to allow the train to move on forward.

Outside Paradise...

A'Ron was not going to get into another spat with the ancient engineer.  He just merely shook his head.  "Alright, Chief, I won't stop you if you already know the exact temporal variance needed.  I won't question your 29th century technological expertise." he said, as Savar stated he would be part of the direction team.

"Honestly, Lieutenant, I would be most hesitant on putting you in a position that can compromise your logical reasoning.  Personally I think it would be safer for you to follow Lek down... but that is up to your first officer.
" he said, moving his horse over to where T'Lara was.

"Alright!  This is it!  Disrupt Paradise, and get your team and ship back.  Mount up if you can; let's get ready to ride!
" he shouted, really getting into this.  With them ready to go, they had the large gates opened,and started marking towards the town itself.

Quote from: Nira Said on March 29, 2021, 06:34:30 PM

[Lieutenant JG Savar | Fort Rim | North of Paradise | Arizona Territory | 1899]

"Believe me, Lieutenant, I will not let you down," Savar said to A'ron. "I'm certainly not going to let my personal feelings get in my way."

It was true, he had decided to set them aside and focus on his duty, as any Vulcan would do. After weapons and riding practice, he had a moment to meditate. His previous moments of contemplation led him to conclude it was not a good idea at all to use his bond at all. And, remembering etiquette regarding telepathy, he decided that, if and when he and Nira were reunited and things returned to normal, he was going to have a word with her about the use of telepathy between them, and that it was better between them in private, between the two of them, if they had to talk telepathically at all.

Mounting his horse, Savar turned to Commander T'Lara and said, "Where do you recommend me to be, Commander?"

He wondered if they'll get the answer en route, as the gates opened and the crew rode, on horses or on wagon, towards Paradise. He won't mind if he was assigned with Lek if T'Lara preferred it. If he was part of the rescue team, the Captain was first priority. Nira, if need be, will come last.

[Fort Rim - Arizona Territory]

The plan was set. T'Lara spent the night mostly meditating, but spent a couple hours sleeping with a rolled up article of clothing to support her head. When she woke, she found an outfit to change into so she could really look the part, and put the "cowboy" hat on her head just as she overheard her title being mentioned in a conversation between A'ron and Savar. The Vulcan had mounted a horse already, and the first officer quickly found one for herself. She was not particularly short in stature and, being rather athletically built, she grunted slightly as she hoisted herself onto the saddle. It could've gone better and she felt slightly awkward in this new experience, but she didn't let it show. Instead, she addressed the question from Savar. The fact that he had asked for a recommendation instead of an order did not go unnoticed, but she did not acknowledge it.

As always, she put some thought into the decision and paused a moment before she answered. Of course she understood Savar's motivations for wanting to be on the distraction team. Not in a personal sense, but a general understanding of how relationships worked. Putting this aspect into her consideration she then included his usefulness with his connection to Nira. It could help them find the away team faster, but what if seeing Savar ended up having a negative effect on Nira? T'Lara had seen telepathy used in both positive and negative ways, and sometimes the latter was completely unintentional and unexpected. As first officer, she did not want to be responsible for inflicting that on Nira. The risk had crossed a line she was disinclined to cross, no matter how confident Savar was that the connection would be beneficial.

She may not know Savar personally, but she knew he was a good science officer when his focus was in the right place. His talents would be better served working with Lek in HalverstrÁ¶m's absence. Her thorough process did not forget that Savar may resent her for seemingly denying him trust that he would keep his emotions in check. She had to admit that he had not earned this trust yet, so when she looked over at him to answer, she inclined her head slightly so her face was partially concealed by the hat covering her pointed ears.

"You will go with Lek to infiltrate the mines, Lieutenant. I believe your skills will be most useful there as I will need to accompany A'ron, and Lieutenants HalverstrÁ¶m and Cadbury are indisposed. We are counting on you," she spoke as she moved the reins to try and keep her restless horse still.

The trust would have to be earned at a different time, in a different circumstance. It was not her right to govern Savar's emotions, but in truth she was failing to conceal one of her own. Worry.

When that exchange was finished, she joined up with A'ron and followed as close to him as she could manage, realizing she would need to think through her acting plan as well as cover story.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on March 23, 2021, 12:33:19 PM

[Outside Paradise, AZ]

(Posted with permission from T'Lara)

With Commander T'Lara's approval, Savar was given authority to put together a team, but it did seem clear his mind was with Paradise.  The temporal agent sighed, and waiting for a group to be formed.  Once it was ready, they headed out on foot towards the north, to Fort Rim.

"You are unlike any Vulcan I have met." he commented as they headed towards the darken structure, guided only by moonlight.  "You seem to be more concerned about one person than the entire mission.  Or even entire crew.  It's unusual..." he said shaking his head.

"The T'hunga are... altered... to be temporal infiltrators.  A common practice.  They may be a faction in the Cold War, but they are not the one running the show.  Just the foot soldiers.  The psychic effect they have on your mind is cumulative; the longer they are around you, the deeper you get.  Based on previous encounters, they have two options to neutralize your away team.  One, imprisonment and guards.  But that takes at minimum a few days to a week.  The second is a sort of psychic relaxer.  Its acts like a jumpstart to accepting them.  It is entirely possible that the away team is part of the town's populace now, and not even realize it.  The effects are not permanent; they require constant influence.  More than likely there is something in the town that is keeping the people under their acceptance." he said, as they neared the large wooden structure.

From this close, they could see small fires started in the structure, as a result of the fight and set by the residents of the fort.  As for the residents... they were there.  All lying on the ground.  Many of them showing plasma burns.  Intermixed were men dressed in a uniform, with others dressed and either civilians or criminals.  And they seemed to have fought side by side instead of against each other.

A'ron activated his badge again and did a quick check.  "No lifesigns.  Looks like they retreated back to the town.  I don't get it... attacks like these garner attention.  There would no reason to risk a confrontation this open unless..." the agent looked up and into the fort itself.  Inside was the standard supplies of the US Calvary, including a line of previously panicked horses.

As the team started walking through the fort, A'ron stopped, and moved his foot.  There was a piece of paper on the ground next to a fallen bandito.  He picked it up and opened it.

"Threat of lizard men..." he read, before looking up.

"Find the fort commander's office!  See if they had paperwork talking about Paradise.  We may have found a reason." he said, looking around.

"And I think this would be a better place for your crew to settle for the night.  Fully stocked military outpost, covered walls... and little change of the T'hunga finding us." he said, looking at the horses.

"Plus... I think I have a plan for Paradise."

Quote from: Nira Said on March 23, 2021, 06:41:44 PM

[Lieutenant JG Savar | Abandoned Mine >- Fort | Arizona Territory | Earth | 190something]

Savar merely shrugged at the temporal agent's words. He was not surprised by the words; in fact, he'd be surprised if he wasn't informed so. Most everybody he met mentioned it to him at some point or another.

"No, I'm not," he said with understanding. "You probably never even heard of the V'tosh ka'tur, haven't you? I'd be surprised if you did. Even in my century, few have even heard of them. I imagine  by your time they've all died out. Then again, the ways of the V'tosh ka'tur have been dying out for two hundred years or so now.

"Anyway," he said, "I did have a concern for one in particular. One whom I love. But, yes, it is unusual. She probably would tell me off, even if she wasn't Vulcan, V'tosh ka'tur or otherwise, for not putting duty first."

Then he listened as the temporal agent elaborated on the T'hunga. When he was finished, he replied, "Fascinating. They sound more like Jem'Hadar, or rather a variant that exudes natural hypnosis. It's a good thing the Founders never thought of a variant like that, or the whole Alpha Quadrant would be, as humans would put it, be absolutely 'screwed.' Perhaps they fell susceptible to the psychic relaxer, that's why I couldn't 'hear' my girl...Lieutenant Said, that is...until I got her unusual thoughts. If you say the effects require constant influence, getting deeper the longer they're around the T'hunga...surely it can't be that simple, but...does that mean to escape their influence, the team has to get away from the town?"

Much as he'd like to sneak into town, he decided to first go to the fort with the temporal agent. This was a demonstration that he decided to put his duty first, rather than put his personal feelings first, as all proper Vulcans do. Besides, now that Nira had established contact again, as much as he could inform her, cryptically, to advise that she and the away team get away from the town, there was a problem: If Paradise was close to the fort, then news of the attack are bound to reach it, and, again, the indigenous tribes are bound to be blamed, naturally. As such, people would be warned to stay in the town and not go anywhere.

As he looked around at the fort, the wheels in his head were turning, to coin the human expression. Once again, he began to think like Nira. There definitely weren't any indigenous tribes. Just men in uniform and men who looked like criminals. What was interesting was that they were working together and, more significantly, were displaying plasma burns typical of disruptor fire; Nira had shown him the different kinds of plasma burns; she learned what they looked like as part of her training as a forensics officer.

He saw the report the temporal agent saw. Reptile men...those had to be the T'hunga. That meant the fort personnel knew about the T'hunga and tried to assemble a force against them, even using criminals to bolster their numbers. And this was the result.

"That's an excellent idea, sir," said Savar when the temporal agent mentioned little change of the T'hunga finding them. "After all, the last place they'd expect to find us would be a place they recently attacked, now would they?"

He then proceeded around the compound, looking for the office. He kept his eyes out, paying attention, looking out for the highest rank of the fort possible. All the while, he still waited for Nira to talk to him again; he still didn't want to make contact with her, but rather, the other way around: she must contact him first. Plus, if he spoke briefly, if there was somebody aware of the connection, he'll be too fast for the T'hunga to catch him.
[Najwa/Nira (?) Said | Saloon | Paradise | Arizona Territory | Earth | 1899]

Nira's feelings were hurt at the way Don reacted to her and turned off, away from her. She wondered what his wife would think if she saw him pushing her away.

Either way, Nira could see that Don wanted to be alone. She could see that, definitely. So she decided to make her way back to the saloon. She saw that Luby had went over to the bar and she joined her there, and was surprised at the sight of Nevir, half drunk, ordering a whiskey. Nira was perplexed by this. This was the most wrong sight of all: somebody she looked up to, someone who was their spokesperson, their...captain, in a way, reduced to an imbibing party animal.

"Well, it's good that you made as much money as I did tonight, Nefir," said Nira, her (somehow falsely) thick Arabic accent stressing the f and r to sound like an exaggerated "v" and "ll" in her accent, "but I think you had enough to drink.

"Bartender," she said, "Just coffee. All of us for coffee. Hold off on the whiskey."

Turning sternly to Nevir, she said, "I'm surprised at you, Nefir. A good leader, as you have been for us, ought to be a better example, not to get himself drunk."

[Outside Paradise, AZ]

T'Lara listened to A'ron and went along with his council, offering all the resources at her disposal. The fact was she was in a situation where she knew very little, so she went along with the person who knew more. She listened to the exchanges between him and Savar, looking curiously at the other Vulcan as he explained his behavior. She knew of the V'tosh ka'tur he spoke of, but had never considered it to be a very logical lifestyle, even though she was part human. It was a rare practice, and she wondered why she had not interacted closely enough with Savar to notice it. His mannerisms were slightly unsettling, and she preferred to keep him at a distance for now. She could sense the anxious emotion coming from him and quietly decided that she would trust him to make this team. But if his emotions interfered with his ability to do his job she would assign someone else, even if he did have a connection with one of the away team members.

They came to the conclusion that whatever was happening to the away team, (and there were many theories) they needed to be rescued somehow. And soon. T'Lara consulted with A'ron and asked the higher ranking officers in the remaining crew for their opinions as they formulated a plan. They would stay at the fort for the night and, she followed A'ron's something tomorrow involving horses. This could be interesting.


[Box Canyon - Outside Paradise, AZ]

The agent did not look impressed by the Ferengi, and crossed his arms.  "Oh sure, my ship is nearby... spatially.  We're just about a thousand years too early.  Temporal, remember?" he said, shaking his head.  "I was just supposed to scout and report back, and try to get you guys back to your own time.  Cadet work, really.  But because they found out about your ship... probably thanks to your outdated clumsy approach with an away team; now they have had reason to step up their protections, including a temporal inhibitor.  Unless we can get an exact temporal coordinate, my ship can show up in any time period within a hundred years of this day.  And in case you forgot Earth history, in a hundred years humans start going into space." he said, deciding to seek out and go to the First officer.  He assumed the Ferengi would follow.

"Commander?  I'm Lieutenant A'ron of the Federation timeship Einstein. I was just informed by your Chief Engineer that your Captain and an away team went over to Paradise?  This will complicate things.  But we're now stuck in this time period with no ship, and just the technology we have with us... and..." the futuristic officer looked around the desert floor.

"This must be a joke... I think the T'hunga are playing with us." he said, pointing out the desert floor of the canyon.. where time period clothing laid folded, just as it had left the replicators.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on March 12, 2021, 10:09:21 AM

[Box Canyon - Outside Paradise, AZ]

A'ron did his best to keep his cool, despite the short wannabe Klingon doing his best to rile him up.  He had to refer back to his Starfleet training to keep himself calm.  More than half of the encounters with temporally primitive people would result in anger and annoyance.  He turned back to the Chief Engineer, and then turned his head again when a Vulcan officer came up to him.

"Chief, think of it this way.  Yes, staying out of the town is a good idea.  Had your Captain done so, you may have been able to get away faster.  Its not either of your faults, you had no way of knowing, and I understand that.  To be frank, Starfleet had no way of knowing.  But sending another party to the town would call too much attention... especially for some of you." he said, looking between the vulcan and the ferengi.

The starfleet officer gestured in front of his badge again, and another holo display showed up in front of him.  There was clearly a scanned map, and he moved through the different point, zooming and scrolling, until he was able to center on Paradise and the canyon they were in.  The town itself was under what looked like a black circle with 'Unknown' on top of it.  But there were dots in the canyon... including a blue dot representing himself.

"Okay.. there is an abandoned mining camp a click or two towards the west.  Its the original Paradise mine.  Abandoned, like it was supposed to be.  Its sheltered and shaded, and a good staging point.  If we were to go there, I can explain as much as possible about what is going on.  I know its asking quite a lot, but trust me.  I will do everything I can to get your Captain, away team, and ship, and get you back to your time.  You are, at the very least, not alone." he said, making a gesture in front of his badge again and the holo image vanished.  He then squeezed the sides of his badge, and his clothing shimmered with a black sheen as it went from his Starfleet Uniform, to a more age appropriate outfit, slacks, suspenders, a shirt, and a brimmed hat.

He would then turn on his heels, and walk towards to the mine.  It really wasn't very far at all, and in addition to a hole in the side of a mountain, there were abandoned wooden structures and tents.  A bubbling pond nearby told of an underground spring that had broken through.

"Ironic... it was this mine and spring that earned the name of the camp Paradise.  Accessible gold and a nearby water source... but they wouldn't find munch after the first couple of years.  According to the records, this town was mostly dead by now, and would be abandoned in the next 4 years.  But that is clearly not the case." A'ron said, as he stood and let the crew find some shade and water.

"This mine was abandoned way too quickly. It looks like they just jumped up and left, leaving everything behind.  Something caused the miners to abandon this place immediately, and yet the town suddenly prospered.  Either they found another means of production, or they found another place to mine." he stated, mostly to himself, as he left the guys relax.

"Alright, I promised I would tell you as much as I can, and I will.  And you have already stated, Chief, this is highly classified still within your time.  To start with, we have known about time travel since... well since First Contact.  Time is a dangerous tool, and even more dangerous weapon.  If there was a hint of it being possible to alter time, any number of factions would have tried.  However, it was only a matter of time before more scientists would start to see the correct formula for time travel, and start to develop the technology.  By my century, time travel became as mundane as warp travel is for you." he stated, taking a seat.

"But that didn't stop those who wanted the power to alter history; creating changes to improve themselves, or their species.  At first, we tried to regulate time travel, monitor it.  Then we allied with another time powers to stop any attempts to change history.  But eventually the technology got away from us, and before we know it, there were not just a couple, but several factions threatening to use time to harm others.  This is the period we call the Temporal Cold Wars.  From my point of view, that is where we still are.  Organizations like Starfleet watch the timeline, waiting for the first strike to signal the start of full war.  This has now become one of their fronts, and we have no idea why.  And until we can take down the temporal inhibitor, we're going to be stuck here.  So... any questions so far?"

Quote from: Lek on March 12, 2021, 01:29:22 PM

[Box Canyon --> Mine -  Outside Paradise, AZ]

Lek was somewhat mollified when A'ron took a less condescending and accusatory tone, enough to not interrupt him again as he explained the situation better. Now Lek was more angry about not being able to do anything to change their situation. As least when they reached the abandoned mine, they were out of the sun and had water. While it wasn't optimal, the crew could survive a long time under their new conditions.

"Okay, I follow all that, but at some point, we are going to need food and I'm going to have to have access to what passes for technology of this era if I'm to construct a signal booster to be able to contact the Discovery. A combadge is an amazing bit of kit, but its only got a 500 kilometer range and Luna is 400,000 kilometers from Earth.

"However, I want you to know, we've had experience with time travel, not the Discovery per se, but we found the USS Burke after it was lost for more than a hundred years. Time displaced right into our lap a year ago. This Temporal Cold War is none of our business, so don't worry about us interfering with that, we just want our ship back and we'll figure out how to get back to our era on our own."

[Box Canyon - Outside Paradise, AZ]

So much had happened that it was hard for the first officer to think of a plan of action. They had worked tirelessly to get the ship up and running, then suddenly the ship had disappeared and been replaced by this temporal agent.  At this time there were many possibilities for what to do next, but they all had to be based on what A'ron had to tell them. She didn't like it at all and still felt a level of distrust. But it was all they had to go on. T'Lara just wanted to get to figuring out how to bring their away team back and get home, but she could tell it wasn't going to be easy.

When the unfamiliar frame of A'ron approached her with Lek in tow, she nodded to him as he introduced himself and listened closely.
"Greetings, Lieutenant A'ron. It is true members of our crew have left for the settlement based on a decision by the captain. We needed to find out more about our situation, and we believed we could manage it without endangering the Prime Directive. It appears we may have made the wrong choice. If I may ask, what are the T'hunga?"

In time they reached a point in the conversation when it was necessary to find a place out of the way. It certainly appeared that this man was offering to help so, ever the diplomat, the Vulcan bowed. "Thank you," she said simply as she motioned to the crew and followed him to the mine. She saw his clothing transform and picked up an ensemble of clothing out of the piles of material littering the surrounding area. When they were done talking she would seek out a place to change. Maybe they didn't have access to cosmetics, but she'd use what they did have available. Picking up a Stetson, she donned it in an effort to hide her revealing ears. Once they arrived at the mine she told the rest to feel free to find refreshment, but stayed with A'ron as he continued to speak.

Time travel, as she was all too aware, was tricky business. She was slightly disappointed that her crew had found themselves mixed up in it once again. The Burke event had certainly not escaped her mind. She sat a comfortable distance away from A'ron as he continued. When he reached the end, she folded her hands in front of her and spoke.

"As far as we know, the reason we are here is because there was an incident while testing out our new quantum slipstream drive. To my knowledge the drive is the only thing that has changed from our last mission, so therefore it would be logical to assume it is the reason why we are here. Do you have any theories as to how it caused us to land here in this time?" It was an amazing coincidence that they had ended up here at the same time A'ron was dealing with an event during this temporal war, but then again time travel had an uncanny ability of bringing those about. While Lek was asking about how to get back in contact with the ship, T'Lara wanted to know how this had happened in the first place so they could prevent it from happening again. To them, or to anyone else.

LOA Archives / LOA for T'Lara and Lisa Belmont
March 06, 2021, 09:33:19 PM

Character(s) affected: T'Lara and Lisa Belmont
Assigned ship(s): Disco and Challenger
Period of time absent: 2-3 months
Date of last period of activity: 2/25/2021
Date returning: sporadic posting until May 1st

Any relevant comments: School has been tough and I could not commit fully to the current missions. Things have calmed down a bit so my hope is that as the current missions end and new ones begin I will be able to post 2-3 times per week at least with each character. That's all I can manage at the moment. I will not abandon XO administrative duties during this time, but just know that I tend to have weeks where I get swamped with work and will not be able to attend to them until a bit later. Please continue to send reminders or contact Captain Tekin if the need is immediate. Thank you for understanding, and I can't wait to graduate so I can get back to writing!

Hello hello, awesome Disco crew! I know it is past due, but recognition is always a must because you are all the best! Without further ado, let's start with Service Ribbons:
Service Ribbons

1 Year Service Ribbon
Cadet Lucy Belle ('Luby') Wentock
Your Shadowfleet Anniversary is in 5 days!
Crewman Zavrol Gohun

2 Year Service Ribbon
Ensign Danjar-Torra Addams
PO2 Alexander Graham
Crewman Gibbons Vasha
Lt. Nira Said
Your Shadowfleet Anniversary is in 6 days!
Crewman Dranik

3 Year Service Ribbon
Lt. Don Damien Addams
Your Shadowfleet Anniversary is in 2 days!
Lt. Lek
Posting Ability

Posting Excellence Award
This award goes to a player who has demonstrated consistent high quality posting skills.
Ensign Danjar-Torra Addams

Descriptive Combat Award
Cadet Lucy Belle ('Luby') Wentock

Technical Precision Award
Ensign Danjar-Torra Addams

Most Engaging Member Award
Awarded in January and July to the player who writes the most emotionally engaging, scene setting posts.
Lt. Don Damien Addams

Best Duo Award

Awarded in January and July to the two players who have shown the highest levels of cooperation.

Lt. Lek and Lt. Don Damien Addams

Rib Tickler Award
Awarded in January and July to the player with the most humorous posts.
Lt. Don Damien Addams
Extra Contribution

Captain's Personal Merit Award
Lt. Nira Said

Executive Officer's Personal Merit Award
Cadet Lucy Belle ('Luby') Wentock

Crew Choice Award
Don Damien Addams

Outstanding Commitment Award

These are awarded in January and July to players who are always online and posting regularly in missions.

Ensign Danjar-Torra Addams

Contribution Award

This is awarded in January and July to players who make contributions outside of missions. These could include submitting mission ideas and helping new members settle in.

Lt. Don Damien Addams

Most Improved Player Award

Crewman Zavrol Gohun

Best Newcomer Award

PO2 Alexander Graham

Congratulations to all!!!
Quote from: Tekin Nevir on January 26, 2021, 09:09:14 AM

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Discovery]

The lurching might have ceased, but whatever had them locked was starting to shake the ship.  After listening to both his helmsman and his engineer, he turned to Torra at the Ops station.

"Do it!" he ordered, starting to grip his hands on the chair.  Unfortunately.. the computer beeped in protests... the deflector controls were also locked.  Of course.. they too were involved in the ship's engines right now.  Nevir looked at the current speed and distance. At the current rate, they would end up plowing right through the system... if they were even lucky enough to miss Earth.

"We reach Earth is just over ten minutes.  You have ten minutes." he said, looking at both Torra and Don.  "Get down to deflector controls and manually configure the beam.  Its already engaged, so we'll know immediately if it works. Get going." he said, his face grim.

=/\= "Bridge to Sickbay... stand by.  We are going to try to knock ourselves out of slipstream; prepare for possible injuries." =/\=

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

T'Lara stayed seated at her chair next to the captain, calmly awaiting the launch of the slipstream. It was a much different experience than their last test of the drive, and even though there had been improvements since then she could feel the unease around her. When the blue hue appeared, she clasped her hands and simply observed, that is, until things started to go against the norm. She raised an eyebrow at the flash of green visible on the viewscreen, and sure enough when she looked to the captain next to her his identical emotion showed clearly on his face. From there things only declined and the crew rapidly began coming up with solutions. T'Lara answered reports as quickly as she could while the ship was rapidly heading towards Earth. She trusted Lek's abilities to get them down safely. Wherever the "down" ended up being she didn't know, but the crew would handle whatever came next. 

Quote from: Don Damien Addams on January 10, 2021, 02:44:09 PM

[MARTHA - Policyon II Administration office]

Life a better outcome. Don would agree on that. He had a quick look to see who was with her. She was alone. Some shadow type warrior he guess.

Tight squeeze as more passengers got on. Then he heard what Kietra had to say. Then he sent the communications all out. Let everyone hear loud and clear. He felt this was good or bad. Depends on how Starfleet sees it later.

Now with Martha stuff people like pack like sardines. He was more caution with the cargo of people. It was more delicate cause they are more fragile then cargo bins. There seemed to be no resistant trying to take them down. Thank by solar system and the stars.

He took the might Martha and landed her down in the port. "Thank you for choose Martha airlines," Don announced. He then turned to wait for the folks to leave and see what T'Lara want to do.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on January 14, 2021, 09:39:24 AM

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Discovery]

With the ship now in orbit, and the response to the distress signal sent, it amused the Captain when it was the assistant to Tavis on screen in a state of confusion.  Apparently she hadn't sent the distress signal, but there was an undertone that she was supposed to.  When they checked the logs, and found where the distress signal came from, it was clear that whatever plan GU made had failed.

With both Discovery and Ralik's ship acting as 'rescue', as dawn broke over the mining area both Free State and Federation officers beamed down to assess the damage.  With enough traffic in communications, Nevir called out to Don and the Martha.

=/\= "Good work, Lieutenant.  We're going to beam your ship directly to the shuttle bay.  I'd suggest staying with the away team.  Tekin out.=/\= he said, signaling to have the ship beamed.  That way, they wouldn't see the vessel fly out and dock with Discovery.

It was then that both the Discovery and the Narrocian received encrypted files, which detailed GU's plans for the planet, and what they had been doing.  Including the poisoning of the planet and the number of deaths marked as 'accidents'.

Hours later....

[Administration Building - Dome - Policyon II]

Nevir had replaced T'Lara due to her being recognized, and had her handle the ship and recovery efforts.  Here in the administration building, most of the GU personnel surrendered, or were completely unaware of what had been going on.  It seemed just the board of directors, a handful of managers and supervisors, and of course, the head honcho himself had been in on this conspiracy.

Travid was in restraints as both Nevir, Ralik, Kierta, M'Ria, Baran, and the rest of the away team were there... on Kierta's side of course.  Nevir tried not to give away the fact that he knew of them, and in fact he had to resist doing a double-take on seeing these Romulans and recognizing some of them.

"Don't play coy with me, Captain.  You knew about this!  They were your people!"

"What is he talking about?" he asked, looking at Kierta.

"It would appear that my cousin bears a striking resemblance to an officer on your ship, Captain." M'ria piped up, while Kierta bit her lip.  She lived a life of absolute candor.. but she was also smart enough to know when to let others speak.  This was one of those times.

"Cousin my ass!  Where is this cousin?"

Nevir sighed, and stepped forward.  "I don't think you are in any position to make demands.  Poisoning a planet, deaths under your watch, intentional delay of a project in good faith?  Its not looking good for you."

"Try me, Captain... I know the laws, there is no court in the Federation that could convict me." he stated smugly.  Nevir was silent, and then nodded.

"You're absolutely right.  Unfortunately, you were so very careful." he said crossing his arms.  "Too careful.  The Federation isn't trying you.  Not our jurisdiction.  They are." he said, jabbing a thumb at Ralik.  Their liason nodded to two of his guards, who promptly grabbed the GU executive.

"On behalf of the Romulan Free State, you have the right to remain silent.  I'd suggest you use it."  he said, tapping his wrist controls and sending the four of them back to the Narrocian.

"That still leaves the issue of Policyon II..." Nevir stated, looking back at the resistance group.

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

They had gathered the prisoners, gotten them to safety on the Discovery, and T'Lara was assigned Bridge duty while Tekin essentially took over for her. She had been recognized and would therefore likely cause unneeded trouble if she went, so she stayed and conducted recovery efforts from the center seat Mostly this involved signing off on temporary quarters for each captive and receiving details on the health of each individual. She would actually much rather be in the captain's position, but there was nothing she could do about it so after she went to Sickbay to get her disguise removed she sat and completed her tasks, occasionally speaking to the bridge crew so it wouldn't always be silent.

🡱 🡳

RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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