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Messages - Susan Venator

Season Three Missions / Re: The Quiet Hours [Minisode]
January 27, 2019, 07:13:01 PM
Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on January 27, 2019, 01:48:25 PM

[Officer's Lounge]

Ruth popped the vol-au-vent onto Suzie's plate and reached for one herself.

"Knowing our luck it's something to do with our 'friends' the Liberation... " she said with a curl of her lip.  The thought left a bad taste in her mouth that she rectified by stuffing some peanuts into it.

After thoughtfully chewing she said "Changing the subject... what do you think about me requesting the Twins come here for the couple of months between end of their regular schooling and going to Academy... do you think it'll be approved?"


Suzie thought for a moment before nodding.

"I can't see why not." She replied. "They might end up bunking in crew quarters, but I'm sure we'll find somewhere for them to stay." She added.

Having finished the vol-au-vent , she picked up another as well as half a dozen sandwiches and some sausage rolls. She was soon happily munching on the food but keeping half an eye on the Captain in case something was about to happen.

Season Three Missions / Re: The Quiet Hours [Minisode]
January 27, 2019, 01:06:40 PM
Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on January 26, 2019, 05:10:46 PM


"Well I hope for the sake of sanity of the assembled it isn't by fire, lightning or rain...least not inside the ship!"  Ruth quipped back

"And I'm not sure any of them would have a clue what a 'hurlyburly' is or whether it's done or not... for that matter nor have I!  But, we Athenians have seen our fair share of and won many battles! Right now tho my stomach is trying to do battle with the rest of my body... Food?"


Suzie nodded at that.

"I second that motion!" She replied. "Onward to food." She announced before they were disturbed.

Quote from: James Carter on January 26, 2019, 09:37:44 PM

[Officers Lounge]

James eyes scanned over his crew as the intermingled with each other. The doors slid open to reveal the figure of a middle-aged tactical officer. Without missing a beat the officer b-lined towards the Captain with a PADD in his hand. The older man leaned down to speak at a volume that only the commanding officer could hear. "Sir. You need to see this." The officer said extending the PADD.

Carter's gazed moved from the PADD to the child in his arms and then back to the officer himself. His head motioned to the table in front of him as he went to speak. "Sit it, I'll take a look in a moment. What is this about?" He asked quietly.

"That's a detailed report on the Liberation. I think my team and I tracked down one of their bases of operations. It's a list of shipping manifests, topographical maps, lists of various attack, as well as a few other things." The ensign replied still managing to keep his voice soft.

James quickly looked back at the PADD on the table and then over to Tessa. "Sparks, can you take Mary for a moment?" He asked with an urgent tone to his voice. A concerned look appeared on Warren's face as she nodded and took their daughter. Without hesitation James grabbed the PADD from the table and skimmed through the compilation of information. "Bloody hell..." He said under his breath. The information was extensive, but all of it pointed to one place. As he finished reading the man glanced over to Katheryn and pushed the PADD over to her.

Suzie looked at the Captain and XO quietly discussing the contents of the PADD. It must be serious otherwise they would not be disturbed.
Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on January 27, 2019, 07:51:35 AM

[Officer's Lounge]

Ruth noted the Tactical Officer come in with a PADD and the facial expressions of James and then Katheryn.  She knew that no officer worth his salt would interrupt what was essentially a party, to bring something to the Captain if it wasn't mega important.

Gently jabbing Suzie in the side with her elbow and jerking her head in the direction of the command staff then the withdrawing Tactical Officer, she said "Wonder what that's about? It probably means eat as much yummy stuff as possible now cuz we'll be off saving the Galaxy again soon enough!  Prawn vol-au-vent?"

Suzie gave another nod, completely agreeing with her friend's statement.
Season Three Missions / Re: The Quiet Hours [Minisode]
January 25, 2019, 12:22:39 PM
Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on January 24, 2019, 05:18:02 PM


"Are you Malcolm or Ross?  Maybe Siward??!!  Are you gonna turn around and start shouting 'Hail!, King of Scotland!' too?!"  Ruth joked, a keen Shakespearean fan who had read all the plays, sonnets and so on and quote them at length.

"Let's swing by Mestrel first... "


Suzie giggled but followed Ruth's lead.

"When shall we three meet again?" She asked, barely suppressing her laughter.

Season Three Missions / Re: The Quiet Hours [Minisode]
January 24, 2019, 11:57:15 AM
Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on January 23, 2019, 02:23:28 PM


Something rare happened to Ruth as she listened to Cal and Katheryn.

She welled up!

"Thank you, both... it's rare that people understand me the way you two do.  And you're right Caleb, it'll happen, when it does!  I'll come visit the twins soon! Go, enjoy your night, you get few enough of them 'off'!"

Ruth turned to Suzie "Fancy circulating? We could get to know Mestrel or Susan Markington a bit better.  I work with Mestrel and I know next to nothing about her other than she's a damn good member of my team.  Hey, Mestrel!"  she beckoned over her fellow Scientist with a smile, she wasn't sure if Susan Markington saw her wave but she inclined her head in a 'Wanna join us' sort of way that she could take up on or not as she wished.


Suzie nodded and with her drink in one hand, she looped the other arm through Ruth's.

"Lead on McDuff!" She said.

Season Three Missions / Re: The Quiet Hours [Minisode]
January 21, 2019, 03:47:25 PM
Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on January 21, 2019, 08:22:21 AM


"Mmm, please!" Ruth answered passing over her glass. "But that's my limit for now I'll drink more later but since Caleb cut that lump out of my head I've had to intersperse my drinks with soft drinks and try not to over do it.  It suits me, I can still enjoy a drink but I don't get completely rat-arsed!" she giggled "And you know I don't need alcohol to act the idiot!"

"As for Sven... yeah attractive in a muscley sort of way but I don't fancy him, there's nothing more than my natural concern for a fellow officer there and friendship obviously.  I went over because back when were were in that abandoned warehouse, he seemed convinced that since he'd deliberately spoken directly to the Captain that his career was over blah blah yadda yadda, I basically went to speak to give him a friendly 'told you so... wouldn't have been promoted if he hated you', pep talk.  That I made some small talk about tattoos and showed him Dad,.." she assumed Suzie remembered her tattoo, they had shared showers after sports and you couldn't exactly miss it! "...if you saw me hoisting up my top back there!"

Ruth sighed but grinned.  "I thought for a minute you were going elsewhere with that 'who says it has to be a man' and I hope Katheryn didn't mishear the 'I'm sure the Doc could help you get pregnant without marrying'... I think she might have something to say about that!"  Chuckling with a mischievous glint in her eye she continued after a long sip of her fresh drink.

"Gorgeous tho you are, Suz, not interested that way, cheers Daaaahling!" she winked, "...and I kinda want the whole marriage and kids thing now.  You know the stupid thing, I really want rid of this damn surname of mine but give it 3 years or so... there'll be at least 2 Cadet Sigurdsdottir - Arya, I think Katya is still set on taking Mother's maiden name, cuz she 'doesn't want to be getting thru on her big sister's name'..."


Suzie nodded and after handing Ruth's drink to her took a sip of her own.

"I wasn't coming onto you I swear!" She said, trying not to giggle any more. "It's just I never saw the need for a husband or kids. If I find a partner, they will be just that. And gender doesn't mean all that much to me." She added, in a lower voice.

Season Three Missions / Re: The Quiet Hours [Minisode]
January 20, 2019, 06:18:59 PM
Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on January 20, 2019, 05:26:21 PM


Ruth mimed taking the halo off, breathing on it then polishing it on her top, regarding it critically and polishing some more.  Deciding that the imaginary halo was bright enough she continued to mime putting it back in position, having it slip, and popping it back where it should be.

"Perfect Angel me!" she joked back to Suzie walking over to where she was "Gin, lime juice and lemonade please, make it a tall one!" she ordered from the barman.  "I'm surprised Caleb hasn't been called upon to remove wings yet!"

She had a long sip through the straw and said "Could you pop a little more lime in there..." the barman complied and she took another sip, nodded "Perfect, thanks!"

"So, Suzie, know of any eligible bachelors around that might want to be the new Mr Sigurdsdottir or Mr Venator?! The more I see of the Brighton's Twins and now James and Warren's Mary, I realise I want to settle down, have a kid.  Oh don't worry, I'll still be the fire breathing fearless Viking that hurls battle axes at marauding Klingon pirates... but I want someone to love me, I want a baby."


Suzie giggled as the image of Ruth wearing a horned helmet and carrying a huge axe entered her brain.

"I've not been made aware of any new arrivals, unless you count Ensign Aune over there." She replied, indicating the man in question. Besides, who says it has to be a man?" She asked, raising her eyebrow. "I'm sure the Doc could help you get pregnant without marrying, if that's what you want?" She added.

She then finished her fourth glass and waved for another.

"Do you want one?" She asked Ruth, indicating her empty glass.

Season Three Missions / Re: The Quiet Hours [Minisode]
January 20, 2019, 03:27:00 PM
Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on January 19, 2019, 05:09:09 PM


Ruth turned to CJ "Isn't she just adorable?!  And the best thing,.." she winked and could barely contain her laughter.  "If we get a chance for cuddles we get the cuddles but if there's a poopy diaper, not our responsibility! We can pass her back!  All the same, I'd love to settle down and have kids myself some day.  You at least get the joy of seeing them all coming through Sickbay for their regular check ups!"

She walked over to Warren.  "Mrs Carter, may I be permitted to have a cuddle of this adorable Miss Mary? And are you just going with Mary in common parlance or more like a hyphenation?  I know I only ever got my full name when I was in trouble, I'm half convinced parents give us them as a tool for the teenage years... it was a measure of how much trouble you were in!  My poor brothers had 3 middle names each!..And boy, did Mother need to use all 4 names sometimes!  I on the other hand was a perfect angel!" A bemused smirk appeared on her face.

"Suzie not a word!  Watch it!" she pre-admonished her friend knowing she'd get the 'Yeah Yeah' soon enough!


Suzie, who had been people watching while finishing her third Long Island Iced Tea, had heard Ruth's remark. Smiling she decided to add a quip of your own.

"I'd watch if I were you Ruth. Your halo is slipping!" She quipped.

She saw the group fuss over the little girl, while she did not dislike children, she had never felt the need to fuss over then nor want any of her own. Ironically, had her House not abandoned her as a child, she would probably be married and been pressured to continue the family by now!

Ordering another drink, she continued watching and listening

Season Three Missions / Re: The Quiet Hours [Minisode]
January 15, 2019, 06:45:25 PM
Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on January 15, 2019, 11:19:08 AM

[Venator's Quarters]

"Thanks Suz!" she said as her friend gave her the data chip.  Walking out of the door and down the middle of the passageway she started dancing a little gig still holding onto Suzie, along with singing a song from one of the Old Terran films she loved so much, but changing the words slightly.

"We-e-e-e're off to see the Captain, the wondrous Captain Car-terrrrr, and dumpty-dumpty- dumpty something...Sorry in a silly mood!" Ruth said with a giggle.

Ruth smiled as they entered the turbolift, and stepped out in the Officer's Lounge.

[Officer's Lounge]

Looking around at those already present she beamed at those she could see, giving polite nods to the Captain and Katheryn as well as the smile since they seemed to be busy.

Spotting the newly minted Ensign Aune she nudged Suzie and said "Be right back!"

Smiling she put her hand out to Aune. "Congratulations Ensign!  I understand you've just got your pips!  I told you, didn't I?  The Captain wouldn't let a promotion go through if he thought badly of you.  I like your hoodie... I don't have the physique for one of them!"


Suzie shook her head at her friend as they made their way to the lounge.

Officer's Lounge

As they entered, Ruth went off to speak to the new Ensign while she headed for the bar. She wanted something different tonight.

"Long Island Iced Tea." She ordered. She had never tried the cocktail but several of her friends had recommended it.

She was soon handed a tall glass filled with a slightly carbonated dark liquid. Taking a sip she was soon adding her voice to the nice buzz the drink gave you. She then leaned against the bar and looked around.

Season Three Missions / Re: The Quiet Hours [Minisode]
January 14, 2019, 09:33:06 PM
Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on January 14, 2019, 06:13:17 PM

[Venator's Quarters]

"Sure, both on the dress and the drink, I think we deserve one.  Wonder if anyone else will be there yet?!"  Ruth answered with a smile.  "Green does tend to go with the hair doesn't it?" she said linking arms at the elbow with her friend.

"Shall we?!" she said moving towards the door.

Venator's Quarters

Suzie nodded and went over to her desk, she downloaded the pattern onto a data chip and went back over to Ruth. Taking her arm she gave her friend a smile.

"Let's." She replied.

With that the pair of them headed out of the door and down the corridor.

Season Three Missions / Re: The Quiet Hours [Minisode]
January 14, 2019, 05:20:12 PM
Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on January 14, 2019, 01:37:45 PM

[Venator's Quarters]

"Yes, it is.  My friend Hrafn sent me the replicator code for it, she's over on Katra Station now.Saw it in a shop window and she was friendly with the proprietor, who owed her a favour.  Since it was a Ferengi I think it was 'You give me the code for this and I'll turn a blind eye to some of your methods of trading'!! I literally didn't have anything that wasn't teal!  I like your dress.  Would clash with my hair but suits you!"  Ruth replied.

"So, reckon the Captain just wants to unwind with those of us who were there or what?!" she asked.

Venator's Quarters

Suzie smiled and blushed slightly at the compliment.

"Thanks. I can get you the pattern if you like and all you would have to do is change the colour to something that wouldn't clash with your hair. Maybe something in green?" She paused. "And yes, I think that is exactly what this dinner is all about. The guest list is too specific for it to be anything else." She finished.

She then turned and picked up her bag.

"We've got time, so did you want that drink?" She asked.

Season Three Missions / Re: Minisode Discussion
January 14, 2019, 11:06:19 AM

Tag Ruth

Season Three Missions / Re: The Quiet Hours [Minisode]
January 14, 2019, 11:05:32 AM
Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on January 14, 2019, 10:44:36 AM

[Ruth's Quarters]

Ruth's commbadge pinged and she smiled when she heard Suzie's voice.

=/\=Sigurdsdottir to Venator, I'm just about ready, I'll pop along to yours, give me five. Siggy out =/\=

Putting another few brushes to her hair she finally laid down the brush, regarded her reflection in her mirror and pulled a face.  "Yip just as ugly as normal!" she said to the mirror on a laugh then stood up and walked the short distance to Suzie's Quarters.

Palming the chime she wondered what her friend would wear, knowing she despised these sort of things but least it was casual dress.  Probably just a 'thank you' dinner from the Captain to make up in some way for what they'd all gone thru, or more like a Survival Celebration.  Either way they'd find out later.

Venator's Quarters

Suzie got the message and smiled, not bothering to reply as the scientist was not far away.

She had only just got up from the sofa when the door chime sounded. She walked over to the door and opened it.

"Hi. You look nice, is that a new top?" She asked.

Season Three Missions / Re: Minisode Discussion
January 14, 2019, 10:37:47 AM

Tag Kat and Ruth

Season Three Missions / Re: The Quiet Hours [Minisode]
January 14, 2019, 10:37:29 AM
Quote from: Katheryn Brighton on January 14, 2019, 04:40:26 AM

[The Brighton's Quarters]

Lieutenant Sigurdsdottir, Lieutenant Venator, Ensign Mestral, Ensign Markington,Ensign Aune, Ensign Dawson and Crewman Graham,
Reminder dinner is scheduled to start at 19:00 hours in the Officer's Lounge and the dress code is casual attire
Commander Brighton
Venator's Quarters

Suzie had just been heading for a workout when the reminder popped up on her workstation. Despite not being a fan of formal dinners, she had not complained. Especially when she had read the words 'casual attire' on the message.

She then sent a quick reply.

Venator to Brighton. I will be there. See you at 19:00.

That then caused a different problem, what to wear. She did not keep many clothes other than uniform and exercise clothes so she would have to replicate something for the occasion. After a number of tries she found a deceptively simple looking dress that she felt hit the mark.

Seeing that there was still plenty of time, Suzie took herself for a long shower before spending more time than she usually did on her hair. Somewhat satisfied, she then focused on the rest of her dressing, adding nude high heels and some dangley earrings to the dress she had already selected.

By the time she was ready, it was still early so she tapped the com-badge that was concealed as a bracelet.

=/\= Venator to Sigurdsdottir. Do you want to meet up before this dinner? I can come to you or you can meet me at my quarters. =/\=

Quote from: Katheryn Brighton on January 11, 2019, 06:38:40 AM


Katheryn had noticed the interaction between Aune and Graham and was grateful to Ruth for sharing some of her experience and wisdom with them especially with the concerns that had remained regarding what had happened. She then listened as the Captain answered Caleb before pausing and apologising as he paused which was understandable given what Gunn had done to him.

She then listened as the Captain then explained that the ship would still be able to use computers until they found the planet before having to switch to manual to fly to reach them. Agreeing with Ruth's comments as he then revealed how he had implanted a highly potent and a one of a kind mineral tracker in his arm. It was concerning regarding it being poisonous but perhaps that was something that her husband could monitor and also assist Science with an alternative.

Katheryn, however couldn't help but smile at the thought of the ship arriving any minute now and at the comment of sleeping for the next two weeks. She didn't blame him one bit and perhaps the crew could also benefit from some time off.

" I agree with Ruth it was clever but I'm sure between Science and Medical they can find an alternative but as for you sleeping for the next two weeks, I don't blame you and I think all of us could benefit from some shore leave".

Temp HQ

Kat had just spoken to Ruth when Suzie's modified com-badge beeped in the pattern that indicated the Athena was in position. She looked up at the XO.

"The Athena is in position and ready to beam us up whenever your ready. Let me know when, then we can gather round and send the signal to initiate transport." She reported.

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