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Messages - Jiseth

Quote from: William Carver on February 05, 2014, 07:02:42 PM

"Lay in a course to Mutara Sector, ahead Warp seven Cadet Jiseth" Carver replied. Standing up once again, he looked to McConnell. "The ship is yours Commander, I will be in my quarters" On that Carver disappeared into the turbolift.

"Aye, sir," she replied. The Churchill began to bank as it aligned to its destination and its warp nacelles raised and locked. Jiseth hit the final button to engage the warp drive as she looked up at the main viewer. There was the flash and elongation of stars which turned into streaks passing by, signalling their transition. It was a fairly remote destination, one she hadn't heard mentioned since an academy lecture on the Battle of the Mutara Nebula between the USS Enterprise and the USS Reliant.
Miscellaneous Topics Archive / Re: Grey 13
February 05, 2014, 02:43:47 PM

The fuselage comes in two pieces, a top and a bottom. Very little was cut out of the top half: just the area underneath where the HUD piece will go, a small section behind the seat and the area that the speed brake panel will cover. From the bit showing in the instructions, you can see a fair amount was removed from the inner section of the lower half. The nose gear bay is gone and I cut out two sections along the length of the inner intakes, which will be covered by the cowlings. As far as those go, I took out the walls of the wheel well and further back where the main gear will be connecting to the fuselage.

I have the top and lower halves and intakes in place to make sure they fit right. Intakes are going to be glued in place, but I won't mate the top to the bottom until I have all the electric components ready and they're tested. I can't exceed 180 grams and I'm at about half that weight just with those pieces together. Will probably have to fabricate the control surfaces from foam or balsa.

News Archive 2014 / Re: POTM-January 2014
February 05, 2014, 01:25:39 PM

congrats :)

Quote from: William Carver on February 04, 2014, 04:56:52 PM

A dry smiled crossed Carvers face, the Cadet had brought the ship into position expertly. He could see great things in her future, that was more than could be said for the senior officers, although they had impressed him a little over the last two days. It looked like all they'd lacked during the Brown/Anderson era, was some good old fashioned discipline. Since his reduction in rank, Lieutenant Grix was going better.

"Very good Cadet, Full thrusters and take us out" Carver ordered.

"Full thrusters, aye, sir." Jiseth's hand slid up part of her console as she throttled up and the Churchill began to accelerate, albeit slowly. In many ways it reminded her of the ancient jetliners rolling down the tarmac before lifting off. There was a slight exhale of relief as the ship slipped through the opening of the station and into the gulf of space, her work on the engines being put to the test with these delicate maneuvers. "We're clear of the station, sir. Course and heading?"

She had been waiting to hear the order and then sprung into action, powering up the engines and preparing the maneuvering thrusters.

=^= Dock Master, USS Churchill. Clear all moorings. =^=

=^= USS Churchill, stand by. Releasing docking clamps. Hold short door 3, thrusters-only. =^=

=^= USS Churchill, hold short door 3. =^=

There was a sudden rumbling sound as the clamps let go of the ship and retracted along with the boarding tunnels and maintenance arms. Firing a few bursts from the RCS, Jiseth backed the ship away from the docking gate then slowly turned it to the taxiing ramp. It was a gentle drift through the massive station as she checked all the external views of the ship, "Cross check complete." Eyeing the clock, she lined the ship up on the runway of lights under the large space door.

=^= Control, USS Churchill. Requesting departure clearance, door 3. =^=

=^= USS Churchill, clear for departure. =^=

"We're ready, sir."

Miscellaneous Topics Archive / Re: American Football
February 03, 2014, 12:34:40 PM
Quote from: Christian Grix on February 03, 2014, 11:56:04 AM

As a Raiders fan it's hard to know which team not to like most... So i went with the team with the best D...... old habits die hard for D Linemen.

And from the first snap, i just decided to sit back and watch the Seahawks D

And henceforth it became known to the fleet how much Grix likes the D  :o ;D
Miscellaneous Topics Archive / Re: American Football
February 03, 2014, 09:28:20 AM
Quote from: Revek Tre'el on February 03, 2014, 09:21:42 AM

That was... horrible... and I laughed... does that make me a bad person?

What does it say about me?  ;D
Miscellaneous Topics Archive / Re: American Football
February 03, 2014, 08:56:02 AM
Quote from: Revek Tre'el on February 03, 2014, 08:45:46 AM

Go sit in the corner, no one wants to hear from you :P

The ponies really got torn apart. Almost like they had stepped into a glue factory or something.
Miscellaneous Topics Archive / Re: American Football
February 03, 2014, 08:26:54 AM
Quote from: Anastasia Zhestakova on February 03, 2014, 07:45:18 AM

Zhat vas probably zhe single most disappointing Super Bowl I've ever had zhe misfortune of vatching -_-

It was fantastic

Jiseth's eyes shifted down a list of indicators turning from neutral grey to positive green. She monitored the port impulse engine starting up and idling as well as the starboard. The warp engines were predominantly monitored by engineering, but she had her own procedures to monitor their operation. All the thrusters had been primed and calibrated with level 4 diagnostics running on the engines to finish her checklist. Once they returned everything was working properly, Jiseth set her focus on the controls, "Helm is go."

Quote from: Christian Grix on February 02, 2014, 02:04:43 PM

"Good to hear, but once there you need to treat me just like any other officer"  he took T'Mautlan's hand from his cheek and squeezed it. He then looked around engineering.

"Lieutenant Anderson, you have engineering i'll be on the bridge if you need me, Commander, Cadet are you joining us ?" he asked Jiseth and Cayden as he walked towards the turbolift with T'Mautlan at his side.

"I'll be at the helm in about 10 minutes to start the departure checks, but first I'll take your advice, sir," Jiseth said softly. Disturbingly the coffee was looking more and more desirable. She turned down the corridor to a different pathway than the others. She wasn't trying to be antisocial, but a few moments to herself to clear her head was greatly wanted.

Taking a different turbolift to her quarters, she was sorely tempted to plop down on her bed. "Coffee, iced, two sugars and cream." The replicator responded with two chirps as it made her beverage and she took off her boots then unzipped her uniform and let it fall to the floor. It was like a second skin had molted off as she stretched, taking large gulps of her coffee before setting the glass back on the replicator tray. After a few moments fixing her hair in the mirror, a clean uniform was donned and her boots slipped back on. Quietly she departed, resolving to clean up at the end of her shift.

It was a few minutes later when she stepped on the bridge, heading directly to her station. Once she sat down she immediately began the start-up checklists.



Jiseth held a PADD in one hand and the other typing at the main engineering console. She had been up since 0300, having gone to bed shortly after midnight. The day before was the same in that regard. Though she had enjoyed working with the engineering teams much of her time she was working by herself. Even during several EVA's to verify all the engines and thrusters were in good order. As she finished, her eyes rose to see Syrika standing there. For a few moments she wasn't sure who she was looking at though they seemed familiar. Then it hit her, Oh, that's right... It's you. She shook her head slightly as tried to concentrate realizing she was going to need a fair bit of coffee, which she didn't much care for. Setting the PADD down at the end of the main console she made her way to the main doorway.

=^= Oddball to Grix, all done here, sir. =^=

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