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Messages - Jiseth

Quote from: Cayden McConnell on January 28, 2014, 03:12:37 PM

McConnell looked up from the PADD he was studying and answered the cadet.

"Everything is fine. Just making introductions is all. Thank you for your concern."

McConnell looked back to the PADD and was lost in his thoughts. It really did trouble him, how blatantly disrespectful Martland was. He was also curious as to how Captain Carver, a man who was a stickler for authority, put up with a man who did not.

Shaking his head, he went and sat down at the command chair, to finish reading.

Jiseth stopped what she was doing and turned around in her seat, looking up at Ezra then back to McConnell. She got up and walked around to the turbolift with her fellow cadet, "Mind if I join you on the way?"
Quote from: Jack Martland on January 28, 2014, 07:11:46 AM

"I don't forget the Rank or the Commision COMMANDER!,How Clear do you need to be Commander?" Finished Martland as he folded his hands looking at the First Officer with a smug look on his face then turned his Back to the First Officer and pulled up some details from the Tactical Station

Jiseth froze as she couldn't believe what she had just heard from Martland. Though her eyes shifted she tried desperately not to turn around and look. She could only think of more species than not that would outright kill a man for such a display towards a superior. Then again, what Starfleet officer in their right mind would ever do such a thing, even without the vaporization reminders of who is what on the totem pole. This security officer seems blatantly juvenile, like a plebe cadet on their first day. I wonder where they were stationed before here...
Quote from: Jack Martland on January 28, 2014, 03:17:59 AM

"Good work Cadet I been impressed with your Landing" Finished Martland

"Oh I am as Tactful as a will depend on the Chief Engineers temperament to deal with flaws that are in Every Department of this Ship"Finished Martland

Jiseth acknowledged the compliment with a thumbs up while she quietly began working at her console. She would have to work a lot with engineering in the next two days as she looked at the workload. It wasn't too heavy as far as propulsion was concerned compared to other systems, but she decided she'd make an effort to assist Grix's teams wherever she could. From what she heard on the bridge however, between Martland and her commander, she grew concerned. Not once did he say "sir" to McConnell and by their tone they weren't exactly on a personal level with each other. That kind of attitude will get you put out in space with the rest of the refuse dump on a warbird... she thought.

=^= Thank you, Churchill. Shuttle Thorne signing off. =^=

Jiseth slowed her shuttle and passed through the force field, bringing her craft to a hover. She turned towards one of the side walls and reversed it into its parking space before setting it down and shutting the engines down. Once her checklist was complete she shut down the main power and grabbed her travel bag, making sure to double check everything before stepping off the shuttle.

It was quiet in the hangar mostly, a few crewmen on the upper gantry welcomed her back before she entered the corridor. It would be a bit of a trek from there, but she headed towards the nearest turbolift. There was still a need to drop her bag off so she decided to make a slight detour. Once the doors reopened she eyed the numbers on the bulkheads, having a vague idea of where she was. She reached her destination and peaked in to Science Lab 1, "Hughes, I thought I'd find you here. Dinner in my quarters later tonight. Oh... and invite your friend." She gave a slight smile to Dyson before heading back to the turbolift.

Upon making it back to her quarters she simply tossed her baggage onto the bed and made sure her uniform was still in good order. A moment in the mirror before heading out again. Jiseth knew where she was going, but she had spent a great deal of time away from the ship that she had to once again get comfortable with its inner pathways. Though familiar with the bridge, this time she felt a tinge of nervousness though markedly different than the first time she had set foot there. Once the doors opened she didn't hesitate to step out and head directly for her station. "Cadet Second Class Jiseth, reporting for Flight Control," she said as she took her seat at helm of the Churchill.


A Type 2 shuttle finished a long banking turn and lined up with the stern. Jiseth had spent most of the last two weeks in holodeck simulators and making shuttle flights when she wasn't with her family, though she did find time to spend with some of the other cadets. As far as matters of the chain of command, she knew it would be a chaotic affair. The admiral may have a crummy job now, but at least he's alive... she thought. As she neared the ship she began preparing her landing checklist.

=^= USS Churchill, Shuttlecraft Thorne. Oddball on approach, could you leave the back door open? =^=


Congrats, sir!  :D


I would like to thank those of you who welcomed me on my profile. :)

Also I offer to you an abridged version of my four years at Starfleet Academy.



Flight Training

Counter-Insurgency Training

Weapons Training

Zero-G Training



Character Details

Character Name: Jiseth
Character Age: 24
Character DOB: August 13, 2366
Character Image:
Character Species: Human/Romulan
Character Family:
- Father: Tomas Pretsoenu (Human); Civilian Transport Captain/Pilot
- Mother: Verelan N'rita Pretsoenu (Romulan); Nurse
- Brother: Kor'rath Pretsoenu (Human/Klingon); Chef/Smuggler
- Brother:  Jaeimes Pretsoenu (Human/Romulan); Cadet (Biology)
- Sister: Saeihra Pretsoenu (Human/Romulan); Student (Starfleet Academy application in-progress)

Character Bio:
Born Jiesen Pretsoenu, son of an unmarried transport pilot who flew along the Neutral Zone and a Romulan (posing Vulcan) stewardess. Her father took custody just after birth and the older of her younger brothers was born from similar circumstances with a Klingon woman. Both lived with their grandparents on Earth while their father worked and returned with a third son, but married the Romulan woman who would raise them. Her sister was born two years before their parents divorced, the youngest two leaving with their mother while Jiseth and Kor'rath remained with their grandparents.

Jiseth had been flying in civilian computer simulators since age 5, albeit poorly until age 7 when she was able to land without collapsing the landing gear. Her first flight was at age 13 and had licenses for various types of aircraft before applying for the first time to Starfleet Academy. Her body underweight, she was not admitted, and spent the next few years deciding what she really wanted to do with her life. Up till that point, she had kept many things secret and while living on her own far from her family transitioned from male to female. Though she kept in contact with her youngest two siblings and her mother, her father, who had by then remarried to a Bajoran woman, refused to accept her decision and the two remained distant. She then changed her name to a Romulan one to honor the part of her family she was still a part of.

At 20 she reapplied to Starfleet Academy and was allowed entrance, though unbeknownst to her she was being closely monitored due to her origins and family ties. After her first year she began to feel some dysphoria as most cadets kept their distance and she didn't share the same supposedly wonderful experience as others. Her second and third years she continued in classes related to flight and engineering, but instead of the usual physical education course she took a course in close-quarters armed combat and while she rarely, if ever, was on a team with her classmates she routinely would ambush and neutralize her peers by herself.

By her senior year she was a member of Nova Squadron with the call-sign "Oddball", flying as cadet XO, and would privately train other cadets on simulators which helped ease her previous uncertainty about the academy. However, after a forceful interrogation by Red Squadron cadets questioning if she was a spy, she refused to cooperate and was assaulted. Weeks later during an assigned trip to Mons Rümker for her Lunar Geology Research project, her Class 2 shuttle was sabotaged. Surviving by ejecting its warp core after the starboard nacelle exploded and with back-up power supplied by a rigging between the craft and a mini-Argo rover on board, though many systems were offline for conservation including life-support. After a successful gravitational slingshot around the moon, she reentered Earth's atmosphere and crash landed in the area of the Mojave Desert.

An investigation found that tampered wiring resulted in the explosion of the nacelle and the communications systems were broadcasting at ranges too short to be detected by flight traffic control personnel along with minor alterations to mask the craft from sensors. The whereabouts, however, of the parties involved is not known and while human philosophy condemns it, she secretly wants revenge, though her mere surviving is perhaps enough.

During her graduation ceremony, Cadet Jiseth received the Order of Daedalians Award. She now awaits orders for a position in Starfleet.

Your Details

Previous Role-Playing Experience: other text-based rpg sites, table-top rpg
Department Preference: Flight Control
Secondary Department Preference: Engineering
Commissioned or Enlisted: Commissioned

Sample post:
It was surreal and quiet on the second day in her damaged space craft, floating in the cabin with a mournful gaze out the view port. She had a camera, for observation on the surface, and in the chilled air her breath fogged up the transparent aluminum. After a few wipes with her sleeve, Jiseth saw past her reflection to the cratered grey seas below. In her head she named the different landmarks for her landing zone. Little solace could be extruded from the lights of the cities below, having spent hours already using a flashlight to send out Morse code signals. As the craft neared approached the darkness of the other side of the moon, she imagined landing on a few kilometers from the volcanic formation. Taking those first few steps on to another world and looking up to see Earth a quarter of a million miles away. She wondered if then she'd have her father's approval. If she were still her sister's hero. If one day someone else might land and come across her footprints left there in magnificent desolation. As the light from the sun faded, Jiseth could see stars in such clarity she paused to try and count the ones she knew. The galactic band. Nebula and stellar nurseries. Jupiter. For a brief moment there was a crack in the wall she kept up, and then a single tear. Then more. She wept until the sun came up, blinding her. Wiping her eyes she obscured its rays with her hand, and saw a blue and white sphere waiting for her. She was going to make it home.

Additional information: Tactical as tertiary department

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