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Messages - Jiseth


There it was, that annoying brilliance of the curly-haired bastard. She could lie, but what was the point? A bridge had to be built. Whether it was made of bricks or tissue paper soggy from all the gasoline was another issue. The idea of opening up to him of all people made thing gin in her stomach almost toxic and after taking a glass of water the reflex to gag was subdued if only a little.

With a deep breath and no small sense of shame she had to admit to another person what she had been hiding. Telling the truth never seemed so grotesque.

"Medical wasn't the vile one, I was, and it wasn't just them there... Because of my condition, the Judge Advocate General decided my prison sentence was to be served in the hospital. Not like I could go anywhere anyway. Why do you think they gave me such crappy legs? If I went near anything I wasn't supposed to they'd turn off and I would have to crawl my sorry ass back. Except there was no point to it other than to mess with my head and see if I'd behave. The day I was released, I could have sworn I was going to take a shuttle off of some planet no one really paid attention to, but no, I had been in a holodeck the whole time. The other patients, theives, rapists, and murderers, none of them were real. Just one of the doctors and two of the nurses were flesh and blood while everything else..."

Lifting the cold, wet glass to her forehead, the Romulan closed her eyes. Part of her was still back there, in a small white room with grey tile floor. A window well out of reach and a toilet that felt even more so at times.

"...I remember before the crash being told that my work would help keep the Federation safe from whatever pissed off thing was on the far side of the Bajoran wormhole. Trust the Admiral, he knows what he's doing. Afterward... I'm nothing more than a criminal, a worthless disgrace, complicit with unsanctioned espionage and other unlawful acts. Then there's Zero... She wants to make a better set of limbs for me. Maybe it's just for the challenge of fixing someone else's screw up, but I'm glad it will give us something to do together."


As Jiseth listened, she finished her drink and began to chew on the cucumber slice. The gin itself tasted like it as well, an old Scottish brand in a squat brown bottle. Her empty glass was taken and another drink put in front of her as the faint numbness in her head began coming along as well as the tingling along where nerves met wires.

Part of her was relieved that Zero was not abandoned to fend for herself amid everything. Since the Romulan's return she had noticed that the Augment had become a much bigger person even if she was perhaps even more afraid of her own shadow than before. Then again, it worrying was mostly for Callion and almost every promise Jiseth made to herself to protect them seemed hollow given the course of events that had unfolded. Gavin's question felt like a saber and swiped across her chest.

"...When this ship arrived at Starbase Columbus, I had only been out of the hospital for two weeks. I contacted an old friend from my cadet cruise, a Klingon fellow. I guess you could say he's one of the only two friends I have and my confidant. He thought it wise to at least let her know I wasn't blown to bits in a crater somewhere."

Her second drink soon disappeared in a series of quick gulps before she firmly set the glass down onto the bar.

"Also because I'm a god damn mother, Gavin. You tell me why I shouldn't come back when Zero kept showing Callion pictures of me and recordings of my voice. You know what's sick? They kept me alive. They could have pulled the plug when I was in a coma or bound up like a mummy. Pushed me down a flight of stairs when I was trying to learn to walk again, which took a year in and of itself, between questioning sessions and court martial hearings. So many options. So many opportunities. But no. The bastards kept me alive..."

She suddenly scowled at her empty glass as her eyes began to water up and her face blush green.

"It's been hell, literally Hell, but take solace in that it seems I've gotten my just desserts."


Most of his ramblings she paid little attention to, focused mostly on her drink being made. She appreciated the little amount of shaking and slice of cucumber muddled amid the ice cubes instead of lime. When it was served she took a long pull. A very long one. Almost have the contents were gone by the time she placed it back on the counter. She was going to need it.

"...Because when Zero needed a friend, you were there. Miss Kaz was too, but you're easier to talk to because I hate you. Kaz's so cheerful and bubbly it makes me want to punch a kitten."

It was a poor attempt a humor let alone truthfulness. The kitten would remain unharmed, it's the Trill she'd punch. She felt his glare on her, but kept focused on her drink.

"Thing I hate more is how right you are. Laying in a hospital bed for months on end, put me through two double amputations before they give me these crappy things to walk around with, and not a single visitor because I was supposed to die in the crash. Everybody seems to have been better off except for one... Callion. So here I am."

Slowly she looked over to him. In her own unspoken way dared him to challenge her presence.


"Oh, I'm sure of it..."

She was glad to see the malice between them was still thick and deep enough to drown in as she slid onto the bar stool next to him. Two years go by and with any luck tonight they would be fighting with broken halves of wine bottles. Though to his credit, he had been an admirable friend to Zero. That mere fact would only keep him safe for so long from her.

"...Admittedly, it's a slightly different type of pleasure. For instance, there's the joy in seeing my daughter walk around and play with Ghost. The kind I feel for you, good sir, is akin to what one feels after a large bowel movement. Simply refreshing to be in your company."

She looked to a rather wide-eyed bar tender and ordered a gin and tonic which was a drink that she felt matched herself quite well. Chilled, yet spicy. Enjoyable, but at times quite hateful. A rare, respectable human drink to the Romulan.

"Besides, I have a lot to thank you for."


[Main Lounge]

There was a demon who lived on the Discovery. They said any one who challenged her would die, as she had twice already and came back. The only hint of her Romulan equivalent to humanity was actually in the joining of synthetic to organic. Two mechanical legs were really the only empirical evidence that she could be injured, let alone killed. Testaments to her mortality that made her slightly more on the same level as everyone else. Until she threw someone across the room.

As she entered the lounge area, she was mostly on autopilot heading for the bar. The gift of kali-fal from Zero would be hard for her to consume in her given state and a tolerance that had been steadily weakening over time needed to be strengthened. She had her standard casual attire on for the task: cargo shorts and a black tank top. Sure it was a bit cold through the corridors, but often times her immense anger could keep her plenty warm. Especially when she caught sight of a particular individual sitting at the bar already.

Why that cocky, half-grown, sperm-guzzling PIECE OF SHI-

"Mister Van Gelder, pleasure to see you here..."


The Romulan remained calm, still. It was like navigating in thick fog. Deprived of most senses, she had to rely on other things. Some people smack into trees and others into the sides of mountains. In the cockpit she could rely on the instruments to a point, but there was still an intuition required much like here. Part of her wanted to leap forward, take her in her arms, and spin round and round like in the romance movies. Except this was no movie, and if it was, it would be more akin to a suspense or horror flick.

So she waited.

Her head nodded slightly. It was like being in rehabilitation again, but this time for what embers were left of their relationship. At least it still felt familiar. Warm. Something that she very much wanted and it was so close.

"...I would like to come home, e'lev."


With a flick of her wrist, the bottle of kali-fal went sailing back across the room onto the cushion she had just been sitting in on the couch. The contents swirled audibly, but Jiseth's attention kept on it only long enough to make sure nothing spilled out. The cap held and her expression hardened for a moment which was only about a long as she could muster when looking to Zero before softening. The presence of her fellow ice queen always seemed to melt her heart.

"...They may have had me in traction, but fear is far more binding. Gets in your head and your mind becomes its own prison. I can't apologize for all the time we've lost and all the nights you lay awake worrying about her. If you'll permit it, I can find places not too close and yet not too far to attract attention. As much as possible not give them a reason to find us. We've always done what was necessary to get by, this will be no different."

Jiseth took a step closer to Zero, but no farther, and opened up her arms loosely. Boundaries were not something Romulans usually abide by. Simply things to overcome or circumvent in order to get what they want, but a cloaking device would not be useful at all and the Augment was far from being a mere conquest. So she stood there and hoped Zero would close the distance into her embrace.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on June 28, 2016, 06:12:43 PM

The idea of the planet's own protective grid having affected the shuttle was intriguing, and disturbing, but truth be told, Nevir almost wished it was the case.  It would leave a better taste in his mouth.  But his instincts were telling him otherwise.

"I can't outright discredit that theory... its certainly a possibility.  But seeing that chip... I'm not sure." he said, shrugging. "I'm no engineer, but this isn't the first time I've been in a shuttle that had a malfunction.  But nothing like this.  There are backups, and redundancies... you should know.  A single overload should not have taken that entire thing down.  We even lost life support... if we weren't already in the atmosphere at the time it would have meant trouble." he said, taking a drink.

"Tidu and Nerys.  They are definitely Bajoran, already growing their nose ridges, but they seemed to have also adopted their mother's Trill traits... faint spots on them." he said, gesturing to the sides of his face, and racing down to at least his chest.

"I'm not if you are aware of my circumstances.. its certainly fueling the rumor mill on the ship.  But I'm being investigated for something I can't remember, have no knowledge of, but apparently left a lot of evidence for... I'm practically considered a traitor.  The only thing saving me from a detention cell on Earth is Captain Briggs.  But once Starfleet hears about this... I wasn't supposed to be allowed on a shuttlecraft.  Worst thing, though, is that since I was found, I've only gotten one message from my wife...." he sighed, shaking his head.

"Divorce proceedings."

"That's a bit... Harsh."

Jiseth downed her hydration bottle in several large, somewhat audible, gulps. Pity it was not gin, which at times had a rather hateful taste which mirrored the mood of their situation. As time drew on, there was a tinge in her hands. A dark desire to strangle almost every single person aboard the Discovery for the simple reason that they were all up in orbit safe, but most of all dry and warm.

"I'll be honest, Starfleet prisons are pretty much retirement homes unless you really screw up and get sent to a black site. Even then you're allotted a minimal amount of beatings compared to what the Tal Shiar would do to you. Sorry, that's probably not helping... For what it's worth, I've seen traitors and you just don't have the look. You feel too much guilt over something you didn't do. Like if you made a different choice somewhere down the line then somehow magically you wouldn't be in this mess. Hindsight is 20/20 like that, but so is our desire for hope. I'm not a spiritual woman, so advising prayer doesn't mean squat from me, but if you need help then don't be afraid to ask. Teamwork makes the dream work as they say."

She knotted her lips in thought for a moment.

"That chip... Did it look like it burned from the inside out or were the edges more charred than the center?"

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on June 28, 2016, 06:37:39 AM

Nevir smirked, and shook his head.  Kids... "I have two.  Twins in fact.  But I haven't been able to see them in weeks..." he said, opening his food packet and taking a bite.  "They are with their mother right now.  And while daddy is being investigated, mommy isn't talking to him..." he said, taking a drink.  It was a struggle to remain calm.

"If this weren't an occupied planet, I would agree with you, but their Science Academy has known about this.  We knew about this.  The natural processes here are perfectly monitored.  I don't want to cause a diplomatic incident by interfering.  This mission was just for observation.  No, I'm afraid the best we can do is wait it out.  Besides, by now Discovery should be aware that we are missing.  The best I can think of is getting that transmitter working.  Its probably the only thing that will break through the storm turbulence"

"Perfectly monitored..."

Jiseth leaned her head back against the cool rock of the cave wall as her eyes looked upward as he chewed. The one thing she hated more than their current predicament was the possibility of stranding another shuttle team on this puberty ravaged rock of a planet. Perhaps it was good old Romulan paranoia and racism at work, but she found herself rather distrustful of the intentions of those occupying the planet.

"...I don't like this. This feeling I get whenever I look at the situation. Can't risk another shuttle coming and looking for us if the same thing happens to them. If there was something wrong with our Argo then it was in a place not easy to find. What I'm more apt to believe is that system which controls all this weather and geological movement saw us come in and though of us as foreign object, no different than white blood cells going after something to protect the body. Worse, what if they can bring the ship down too?"

The Romulan stopped herself there, it was almost becoming a rant. Information deprivation was the hallmark of good warfare and if a civilization that could move mountains was making first contact, it in a troubling way made her question who was really the superior one during this diplomatic interaction. If that is what it could be called. She had not actually seen an example of their species in the flesh. Nonetheless, she sighed and shifted her attention back to the Bajoran.

"I apologize... I did not mean to change the subject so quickly, especially since I know what it's like to be investigated. Have your whole life, every little decision, under the microscope. I missed seeing my daughter born because of it. Her birthdays. Zero isn't much for holidays, but she understands the sentimental reasons behind them. My daughter's name is Callion. She's got my ridges and ears and has her other mother's frost white hair. What are your twins like?"

Star Trek Archive / Re: Star Trek: Online Fleet!
June 26, 2016, 09:31:15 PM

I play EVE...


I miss our dirty skype conversations

Enjoy the turmoil in the EU on this next trip around the Sun!

I can make you a cake. Are you allergic to souls?



Jiseth sat up and used her hands for support on either side of her. A moment later she pushed up and stood albeit with a touch of a wobble as she balanced herself. True she was far more able than to be considered crippled, but she was far from the dexterity she once had. Callion in her young age probably was more adept at locomotion than her green-blooded mother.

Her eyes were focused on the bottle for most of the walk over to Zero. Gingerly she took it in one had before reaching into a pocket with the other. From it she held out a small pamphlet, the cover over which was a photograph of numerous stone buildings along two parallel rows down a long green field between them.

"There's nothing to apologize for... I made a quick stop on Earth. That restaurant is still there. Went across the river and grabbed this. There are many museums they rebuilt after the Third World War and still stand today. I thought you... I thought you and Callion might find them intellectually stimulating. Something to do as a family."

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on June 22, 2016, 06:50:58 PM

"The southeastern cave... go! Go!" he said, holding on tight as the rain started to get heavier and the thunder more frequent.  By the time they reached the cave that Sukal pointed out, it was clear that the three of them were soaked.  Thank the prophets that equipment was build waterproof these days.  Nevir waited a moment, and then hopped out, making sure they were a good distance away from the entrance.

"Set up camp, Ms. Jiseth. Good call on the cave, Mr. Sukal.  We would have been stuck out there longer looking for something else." he said, feeling another rumble, but this time also from the ground.

Nevir walked forward a bit, just inside the entrance so he could see the peak of the volcano... however the rain made it difficult if not impossible.

"I won't lie to you.  There is about a 90% chance that the volcano is going erupt.  The temperature difference and the low pressure of the storm is going to weaken the cap.  The best we can do is set up the beacon and wait it out.  It shouldn't enter the cave, but it will make leaving a bit difficult." he said, walking back.  He found a spot and sat down, leaning back his head against the cavern wall.

Great... there was no work to distract him now.  He had no choice to let his mind wander.. and wander it started to do almost immediately... to Hrafn.

Stepping out of the vehicle, Jiseth calmly and quietly went about inflating the dome-shaped tent. It was large enough for five people so they'd each have plenty room. After it was in a proper shape, she took her hand phaser and with the lowest setting and widest spread began to heat the material. As she stepped around, bathing it in orange rays, the fabric became a rigid shell and changed color from a vibrate orange to a pale yellow.

Next she set up the lighting sticks inside their habitat which filled it with an eerie green glow and laid out the three sleeping bags for them to use. More lighting sticks were placed inside the cavern so that they did not waste any of the buggy's battery keeping the headlights on. Last but not least she took the rain water collector and set it up just outside the entrance of the cavern,hammering the support spikes into the dirt to keep the wind from blowing it over, before returning.

Reaching into the buggy, Jiseth clawed out several ration backs and hydration bottles, one of which she tossed to Sukal. The other she plopped into Tekin's lap as she sat down next to him. There was a hiss following the clicking of her helmet seal being released and she slowly removed it from her head. Her face has beads of sweat scattered about and some strands of hair stuck to her skin. She released the locks on the gloves as well, freeing her hands to breathe a bit as she began to open the wrapping to her food.

"I know that look... I've got a 2-year old back on the ship. Going to have to apologize to her for missing dinner, but this little excursion will lead to a fun bedtime story I think. That in mind we have a couple of options... The remote link from the buggy to the Theseus may not be able to bring a shuttle back from the dead, but we can at least mess with the torpedoes. Magazine had four loaded. Could detonate a couple to cause the volcano to erupt away from us or at least punch a hole to vent gases and buy us time. The rest we send up towards space like signal flares."

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on June 21, 2016, 06:50:02 PM

"We bug out as soon as its ready, Jiseth.  We can find out what happened after-" he started, when Sukal handed him a box.

"Even if this was tied directly to the core systems, it shouldn't have completely rendered us dead in the water... hold onto this.  If we can't salvage the shuttle, we'll need this to prove it was not our doing.  Alright, see if you can get the beacon to work.  If its not ready in ten minutes, we'll take the entire module with us and set it up later. Jiseth, once we leave, head northwest.  We can't outrun this, and there is too much volcanic activity in the northeast.  We need shelter." he said, leading the group.

Ten minutes later, they were off towards the hills, in a race to find a place to hole up for the storm.

Quote from: Sukal on June 21, 2016, 09:43:31 PM

Once they left; Sukal sat in the back with his tricorder searching for a hopeful shelter as the thunder crashed closer and closer to their location.

"There is a couple of options according to scans.  One of them is a small cavern about 2.7 kilometers to the southeast.  It does not appear to have come any connection to the volcano, and is high enough up to escape any effects from the storm or other problems.  It would support the three of us, and still be able to house the vehicle," Sukal began as they moved.

Before their departure from the Theseus, Jiseth made a couple of final observations of the craft. After opening the floor access hatch to the warp core she was relieved to see it was completely dark. However, to be sure they were not slowly going to die from a radiation spike that went unnoticed during the power failure, it meant digging up the potential source which was the Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator. Her training at the academy was very clear on the procedure, which was do nothing to it because if it ruptures around humanoids then there are no more humanoids, and the title of the lecture was fittingly "Don't Muck with the Big Box of Tritium, Jiseth, You Idiot."

Auxiliary systems tended to be more crude, yet more robust, than their primary counterparts and little else embodied that more than a ball of decaying matter hidden away for a rainy day when such a thing would be needed. Like today. It was a labyrinth of locks and panels to get through to the device. It did not look too threatening aside from all the vibrate color markings and warning labels. The container itself did not appear compromised, but the circuitry in neighboring areas had been fried. In fact much of the power failure was driving closer and closer to a conclusion that seemed almost unthinkable on a Starfleet vessel.


After gathering up the solar arrays and securing them to the top of the frame of the buggy, Jiseth accelerated it out of the crash site and up toward the hills. She was still mulling over Tekin's words as she had been quite up until this point and would perhaps remain so for most of their time on the surface. By all legal accounts, she was responsible for all preflight checks and the Ops personnel for the maintenance of the various shuttlecraft. Something was not adding up and if there had been a system failure it was in a place not easy to find though the initial assumption would be she was at fault. Great, another court martial...

As she drove per Tekin's direction, Sukal's advisement caused her to look over her shoulder at him for a moment. Then her attention went to Tekin in the passenger seat. The cavern is in the complete opposite direction though on higher ground at least. It also seemed large enough to be a stable formation which was good because being trapped underground was perhaps one of her biggest fears.

"I'm alright heading there if you are."


"I think I'd still like to call you Snowflake."

A slight appearance of her tongue was made in jest as she grinned to her partner.

"Callion may not have our hardships or struggles, but I she'll grow up strong with us supporting her. A different kind of strength is the way I look at it. Until we found each other, we both did everything on our own. I know I reverted to a lot of my old habits while not being around you. Cigars for instance. Probably should get rid of those. Finally out of kali-fal though. Hard to maintain a vice that's neigh impossible to find in the Federation. Being around others is still difficult. Haven't been too social since we parted..."

Slowly and rather gently, Jiseth leaned over and rested her cheek on Zero's shoulder.

"...I wouldn't mind learning how to dance with you using these new legs."

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