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Messages - Jael Sherem

Quote from: Don Damien Addams on August 14, 2022, 11:05:13 PM

[Welcome Center - Shaddai IV]

Don smiled. "Sorry, its a habit, si-" he was stopped as his son said 'Commander' Don laughed. Mental note, Don has to remember not to do that. That could bring suspicion. With that in mind, his brown eyes scanned the area, seeing anything unusual. Which made him look like was looking for the law.

"Commander, we might ask them to consider not to let no ship take off the planet if they decide to leave Shaddai," he added.

[Nurse Practicioner Jael Sherem | Welcome Center | Shaddai IV]

Eventually, Jael had gotten lost. Where did everybody go? She was sure she lost the group she was with. But she was surprised at the sight of a familiar face. And she beamed in delight to see him, somebody she saw on her previous post.

Approaching him, getting a better look, she smiled wider to definitely see it was him. "Commander Addams!" she said. "Glad to see you again! And..." Then she saw a boy with him. That was perplexing. She met his wife, but this was...the child certain didn't have horns.

"Well, you must be the Commander's son," said Jael. "My name is Jael. I worked with your father on the Starship Challenger."

Looking back to Commander Addams, though she did nod at the Ferengi Chief Engineer, she said, "So I gather you're back to Discovery? Torra's going to be pleased. I've been assigned to Discovery myself."


[Nurse Practitioner Jael Sherem | Shaddai IV]

Jael nodded at having to go with Mister Gohun and she was interested in seeing the Andorian doctor tag along with them. Suddenly, Jael felt like she was back helping Mister a way. She wondered if it was being hasty in quitting being on counselor; as a counselor, she'd be an additional help to Security officers. Then again, she was expanding on her medical skills. After all, she was skilled with interpreting body language, a talent she inherited from her father. After all, a counselor was technically a doctor as well, just a psychiatric kind of doctor, though. She'd wonder about what a counselor's office can be like, but she wasn't sure. So she scanned the crowds for anything particularly suspicious, especially if they were particularly green like Orions.

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on July 29, 2022, 06:55:44 AM

:: Resort Complex | Shaddai IV ::

It was then that a scream pierced the relative calm of the area. Never had he been so happy to hear someone shrieking in... terror? pain? whatever! It was a way of this awkward, gross... thing in which he found himself. Not waiting for sh'Riall, Discovery's little XO turned and ran toward the scream. When he got there, he saw the other new doctor, the not-quite Bajoran kneeling over a woman who lay supine on the decorative tiled floor. She was trying to get up, but being held in place by Broadshire who was treating her injuries.

"He took my baby!" she sob/screamed hysterically. "My baby!"

Kyan looked up and saw that the Cardassian medical type of unknown credentials... Nurse? whatever.. Blue shirt was all he knew or needed to, and the Klingon/Human petty officer... Tragnar! that was it, showed up. Having spent most of his career in Security and Tactical, Kyan knew that time was both a huge factor in this case, an decidedly against them.

"Ensign Sharem, Miss Tragnar! This lady says someone, a male someone, took her baby. We need to gather up the crew and start looking... and get the local security in on it too so.." He looked around, expecting to see some local security or police... something.. but there weren't any to be found. That's wierd. Shoving the lack of local constables aside, Kyan continued. "Well, we'll just be doing it ourselves looks like. So it's been a few minutes. They can't have gotten far, let's start looking for a nervous grup and his stolen baby!"

Quote from: Danjar-Torra Addams on July 30, 2022, 12:58:03 AM

Lieutenant JG Danjar-Torra Addams
[Shaddai IV -  Beach >> Resort complex]

Torra was still a bit uncertain over the reason for Jael's disappointment in her 'hero'.  Especially after hearing that the man had been exiled.  To be separated from one's upsol and to always feel apart from the community one lived in... must be horrible, Torra thought. The Grazerite suspected that was what had made the Cardassian, Garak, bitter.

She recalled how very dour the Romulan, Rayek, had been when he had first come about Challenger.  He too seemed to have been without an upsol for a while but he had eventually made connections.  First with Lek and Dr. Vaughan, and eventually with Lahr and others in Security.  Torra smiled softly, recalling that last she'd heard Rayek and his wife had been blessed with a baby boy.

With her thoughts distant and her head down looking mostly at her feet to avoid her horns from entangling in the encroaching tree branches, Torra hadn't noticed that the path she and Jael took led, not further along the hiking trail like she'd hoped, but back towards the Welcome Centre Resort.

Torra looked up at Jael's query and tried to assess the scene.

Petty Officer 3rd class Helga Tragnar
[Welcome Center - Shaddai IV - ]

Helga had moved towards the group of onlookers to see a Bajoran man (obviously one of the crew since Challenger was the first Federation ship to have come here) tending to a panicked woman crying out about her stolen child.

The Klingon had already look about for a location of higher vantage to see if she could spot the offender with the baby, when one of the crowd, a child, spoke up and called her and Jael by name.  It was only then that Helga belatedly recognized the Commander out of his uniform.   "Yes, sir!" she acknowledged his orders, turning abruptly to head towards a large statuary that she intended to climb for better sighting.

In turning, the security crewman bumped into Torra, whom Helga knew could be of help as well.  "I'll be searching the crowd, and leave the call out to the rest of the crew to you ma'am."  Helga stated before moving off to climb the large stone obelisk in the center of the complex.  She was looking for furtive movement, someone standing out because they didn't want to be seen.

While Helga did this, Torra looked to Jael "See if your colleague needs assistance." indicating the Bajoran medic working to calm down the woman.  Torra then tapped her commbadge which by shore leave regulations she and all crew were required to have on them at all times.

=/\="Lieutenant Addams to all shore leave personnel.  This is an Amber Alert.  Description of the child and male suspect to follow."=/\=   She muted the call for a moment.

Torra gently approached the screaming woman.  "Ma'am, please calm yourself.  We're here help.  Can you give me a description of your baby and the person who took your child?"

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on July 31, 2022, 04:22:00 AM

:: Resort Welcome Center | Shaddai IV ::

The woman on the ground was Human, and dressed like most everyone else on Shaddai IV; as casual as casual can be. The fine silk of her flowing dress/ robe left very little to the imagination as it fell over her where she lay on the decorative tile; including the phaser shaped bulge on her thigh. Still racked with sobs, the woman's speech was halting but she managed to fill the Grazerite operations officer in. "Orion. He... was.. a..Syndicate.. He said I owe him money... and... he took my baby boy!"

Kyan had been listening in, waiting for the chance to get the woman's phaser off of her. He figured, given her emotional state, that it would be safer for everyone if she weren't armed. But after hearing her description of her attacker, he stepped away from where Addams, Sherem, and Broadshire were huddled around her and fished his com badge out of his packet.

=/\= Mackenzie to Discovery Folk. The kidnapper is an Orion Male, carrying a Human baby boy. She says he's Syndicate too, so he's armed and there's probably more lurking about. If you see them, report back. Don't engage until we get somethin tae be engagin with so. Mackenzie out. =/\=

Then he hit the delta again. =/\= Mackenzie to Ensign Henshaw. Can ye go tae th' armory and pull out a dozen or so hand phasers and beam down tae my location please. And be quick about it. =/\=

Pocketing the com badge again, Kyan returned to the woman and the medical folks, and Addams. He watched them treat her for a moment and then spoke up. "Will ye be able to fix her here or d'ya need tae go back to the ship?" he asked.

Quote from: Danjar-Torra Addams on August 01, 2022, 03:20:36 PM

Lieutenant JG Danjar-Torra Addams
[Shaddai IV -  Resort complex]

With her focus being centered on the kidnapping accusation, it took Torra a moment to note the hidden weapon.  However, if the woman had dealings with the Orion Syndicate as was implied, the hidden phaser made sense.  The woman likely had connections to the criminal organization.  Yet despite that no mother deserved to have her child stolen to be used as leverage for money.   "Don't worry.  We'll do all we can to get your son back." Torra softly assured the woman standing to the side so that she wasn't in the way of the two medics attending her.

She was about to continue her call to the ship's personnel when she heard the Commander's youthful voice coming from her comm badge repeating the woman's information about the Orion and the taken Human baby boy.   Torra glanced about the crowded plaza.  It took a moment for her to spot him walking towards her position.

Though Torra wasn't an attending medic, she offered her advice.  "I think it would be wise to beam her directly to sickbay and be checked out - thoroughly."   Torra tried to not make her wording and stressing of the phrase checked out too obvious but just enough that the Commander and medics would understand that the woman too should be considered dangerous... at least until they had a clearer picture of as to why she owed the Syndicate money.

A bio scan of the woman's DNA could then hopefully be recognized in their ship's database as either a Federation citizen or possibly a known criminal, allowing Security personnel to identify who she was and how she might be connected to the Orion Syndicate.

"Miss, we're going to find your baby.  In the meantime, please go with these medical personnel and have yourself fully checked.  Your son will need his mother to be well when we bring him back to you." she encouraged softly to avoid a scene of the mother arguing about remaining.

While she spoke to the woman, Torra pulled her PADD from her satchel discreetly.  While the woman replied back, Torra dipped her head slightly in order to see the PADD screen and tapped lightly on it's surface, alerting the Ops staff working the transporters to ensure the weapons filter was activated on transports to Sickbay.

Petty Officer 3rd class Helga Tragnar
[Welcome Center - Shaddai IV - ]

Having heard the Commander's call about the sought species that made Helga's search so much easier.   She just needed a tricorder to isolate any Orion bio-signatures in the vicinity to be able to track them.   =/\="Petty office Tragnar to Transporter Room.  Beam down to my location, a tricorder and phaser." =/\=

[Nurse Practitioner Jael Sherem | Hotel Resort | Shaddai IV]

Jael reached the poor woman and helped her as best as she could, although it occurred to her that it was likely to be her first patient not associated with the ship. She felt it would be best to wait until more medical personnel, especially those who knew what they were doing, came to help. She especially perked up at mention of somebody from the Orion Snydicate.

Holy Prophets, I wish Nira was here for this,
Jael thought, thinking of Nira and how she had enjoyed pursuing mysteries and often criminals when she was able to.

Quote from: Danjar-Torra Addams on July 28, 2022, 04:19:35 AM

Lieutenant JG Danjar-Torra Addams
[Shaddai IV - Hotel beach]

Torra nodded at Jael's interpretation of the Grazerite term.  An upsol was a family-like community of individuals, some related, some not, but who had a bond with one another living and working together closely. "That's it exactly... and I too am glad to have you as a part of my upsol." she replied as they ambled along.

Then she listened as Jael spoke of having met the Cardassian Castellan. It took Torra a moment to recall that the Castellan was the head of the Cardassian Union.   Torra, being only vaguely familiar with the history of the Dominion War, wasn't able to understand the Castellan's comment in the least, but she caught that Jael had been disappointed in his reply - though she didn't quite understand her reason.  "That's good I suppose... though I'm curious.  What was there to be let down about?  Had you expected a different reply?"

[Nurse Practitioner Jael Sherem | Hotel Beach | Shaddai IV]

"I had," said Jael. "I was expecting a legendary hero, one who helped to free Cardassia from the Dominion. Then again, I should've known better: Underneath that sardonic exterior is a bitter man. My mother had him make baby clothes for me and Gid, this was weeks before the Cardassians withdrew from Bajor, she could see how miserable he was, and she couldn't blame him; Garak was a well-known intelligence operative back in his day. She once asked Garak for the reason of his exile. Whatever response she got was that it had something to do with the taxes, but she doesn't believe that, and neither did my father. They both could see something in him when asked that, something in his eyes: Whatever happened to prompt his exile, it happened because of someone he loved."

Jael shrugged, recalling the theories from her mother that it was exactly what happened to Garak. After all, it seemed more likely than his claims of tax evasion. Wondering what more to talk about, Jael looked around amidst walking with Torra and was surprised by the crowd.

"What's all this?" she asked in befuddlement. Whatever it was, it didn't look good...

Quote from: Danjar-Torra Addams on July 21, 2022, 04:25:09 AM

Lieutenant JG Danjar-Torra Addams
[Shaddai IV - Hotel beach]

That Jael recognized Don's name caused a happy smile to alight Torra's face, at least until Jael commented on Don's preference for a pilot's seat over the Command chair.  While Jael's words weren't wrong, it hinted that Don hadn't been happy in his role as XO.   Torra felt a spur of worry and guilt.  Had her switch from Enlisted to Commissioned spurred her husband to seek a position he wasn't happy in?  The Grazerite hoped not.

Hearing that Jael's one away mission with him hadn't gone well was disheartening.  "I'm sorry to hear that."

Torra listened as the Cardassian woman then continued to explain about the prejudice she faced -  seemingly because of her father.   Having only lived 9 years so far,  and most of that sheltered on Vacca III, the Grazerite Operations officer was unfamiliar with the Cardassian names Jael mentioned.  The Cardassian occupation was long past by the time Torra was born, though from Jael's tone and mention of shadow, Torra got the impression that others were still very much affected by the horrors committed then.   Torra didn't think there was much she could say in response to that, other than "If you need to talk more, I'm a good listener."

[Nurse Practitioner Jael Sherem | Hotel Beach | Shaddai IV]

Jael nodded in appreciation. "Thanks, Torra," she said. "And it's good to be a part of...your upsol? Well, I can assume upsol means family, in a way," she added with a smile. "A good crew can be a family, particularly when they're around long enough."

Immediately, she thought back to the Challenger and realized, in a way, the crew was a sort of family, though she never had a chance to get to know most of the crew. The only one she had a sort of family tiff with had been Vyrl the Breen, but it was instantly natural, the rivalry between Cardassians and Breen...but thinking of it made her a bit guilty...

...and it also made her think of a memory, too...when she was a little girl and she joined her mother for a conference and met the Castellan himself: Elim Garak. She remembered trying to ask him about his time on Deep Space Nine, as he was spoken of highly...only to him sneering sardonically, trying to pass off as good-natured: "Did they talk about me because of my service in the war, or because of how much of a good tailor I was?" he asked humorously, though Jael her how sardonic it was more likely, and as amused as his smile was, it somewhat struck her as something of a grimace. Her mother later explained that it wasn't a good idea to talk to Garak about his exile, which puzzled Jael at the time. Despite that, Jael asked of Garak anyway: "So, given a good crew is a family," she said, recalling how her mother's crew was a family as well, "you didn't count yourself as part of the station's family?" "More like the strange neighbor who could be amusement or trouble, depending on which way you looked at it," Garak replied before he changed the subject at warp speed, and ignored Jael's further questions with enough thoroughfare flair that she gave up talking to him further.

She mentioned that meeting to Torra as she walked along with him, and she told her about her mother and her crew and how that crew was her first family, in a way. "You would've liked them, Torra," she said. "A crew who gave up a lot to help their commanding officer defect, and they were all good friends, close enough to be family, too. It made me appreciate it more, especially after meeting somebody so famous and be let down."

Quote from: Danjar-Torra Addams on July 16, 2022, 12:42:16 PM

Lieutenant JG Danjar-Torra Addams
[Shaddai IV - Beach]

Torra smiled understandingly when Jael mentioned that she too had been bounced from department to department.  Though when the medical officer made comment about being of more use, Torra was going to speak up and point out that all roles on a ship were equally important; counselors especially so, in that people's state of mind needed to be solid in order to endure the trials of living on a starship.

However, Jael's addition of 'on an away' team.. made her statement a little bit more understandable.  Yes, proper counseling during an away mission would be difficult.  Torra nodded in agreement.  "Yes, I suppose so; though if counseling is a passion of yours I don't see why as a physician you can provide both levels of care to your patients. "  Torra was certain that on smaller crewed ships that there wasn't separate roles for doctor and counselor.

When Jael continued on to comment about not yet being compared to Crell Moset - a notorious Cardassian doctor, Torra was a bit taken aback.  That Academy students would be so bigoted was difficult for Torra to accept; but Jael had no reason to lie about such and there seemed to be pain and bitterness behind those words.

"Nor should you, Jael. Our ship is a family and hurting one hurts us all.  The students who would have said such to you at the Academy were wrong and did not deserve their place in such an institution if that is how they treated one of their own." Torra spoke her words sincerely to the woman before the topic was changed to what book Jael was reading.

Torra knew how time consuming it was to keep up with ever-changing medical procedures and new medical innovation.  She'd studied under Dr. Sluchaynyy to pass the medical Academy exam before ultimately deciding to change departments to Operations.  At the time it had felt to be where she was most useful.  So Torra understood Jael earlier words completely.

"If you ever someone to review notes with... I'm more than happy to help out," the Grazerite suggested.

Torra wasn't familiar with this Julius Caesar book that Jael mentioned, or it's author Shakespeare.  Perhaps with plenty of spare time now, what with her husband's absence, maybe she could try a reading the novel.  Torra mentally noted the book title for later.

"I grew up on Vacca III with my mother and her upsol.  I also wasn't raised to plot or scheme - so in that way were are the same!  Tell me more about this Julius Caesar novel.  I'm not very well-read on Earth literature.. though my husband did get me in to one book series called Star Wars.  Don liked to envision himself as the 'Hans Solo' of Starfleet."  Torra smiled sadly as she spoke about her husband. She missed him terribly.

[Nurse Practitioner Jael Sherem | Hotel Beach | Shaddai IV]

Jael was touched by Torra. In point of fact, for the first time in a long time, she felt like she had a good friend. She could immediately see why Nira liked her, enough to regard her as a sister figure.

"Oh, indeed," said Jael. "And...Don, was it?" And it dawned on her... "Ah, I remember him. I served around your husband for a short time on the Challenger, while he was First Officer. I feel, though, that he's more happier piloting something that flies rather than be at the chair next to the Captain's. Our only away mission together didn't go very well..."

She reached up to the scar on the side of her head where she was first concussed against the side of a console, and then when she was beaten by a brutal Bajoran guard later on when they crashed where some members of the Federation were engaging in illicit mining activities.

"That in particular is a whole separate story," said Jael. "In any case, I didn't just had to deal with people who compared me to Crell Moset. There were plenty of Bajorans who lost loved ones one or two generations past during the Occupation, and many more members of the Federation who lost plenty in the Dominion War. I was still a girl when my mother defected and took me and my adopted brother to Earth. I was plenty scared spitless when the Breen attacked Earth, I have to admit. Since the end of the war, my mother's now an ambassador to the Federation. Then there's my father. One of Gul Dukat's trusted lackeys, and when joining the Dominion, became head of the Cardassian Intelligence Bureau. Since the end of the war, he's been on the run. So there's a good Gul Sherem and a bad Gul Sherem out there. The good one's my mother the ambassador, Rahab. The bad one's my father the fugitive, Nehor.

"Yes, it's certainly a lot to take in," said Jael with a smile. "Born under two shadows, one good, one bad."

Quote from: Danjar-Torra Addams on July 10, 2022, 11:24:12 AM

Lieutenant JG Danjar-Torra Addams
[Shaddai IV - Beach]

Torra tilted her head slightly perplexed at the Cardassian woman's comment about eventually meeting until Torra realized that while she felt she knew Jael - having read up on her while filling out all the transfer and administration papers assigning Jael and Gid to the Discovery,  Torra hadn't actually met Jael before.

"Oh!  I'm sorry, I didn't introduce myself before.  It's just that you and your brother already feel like a part of my upsol."  Torra had a very large and extended community that she considered family.

That Dr. Sluchaynyy would mention her to the ship's new Nurse practitioner wasn't surprising. In a lot of ways, the Grazerite considered Misha a mentor.  Torra had learned alot from the old Russian doctor during her time in the ship's medical department.

"Yeah?  Did he mention my transfer to Discovery had been completely messed up?  I was enlisted security on the USS Challenger and when I suddenly received transfer to Discovery, I ended up in Medical.  I was so lost at first.  Thankfully, I excelled in the First Aid training they offered the Security recruits at the Technical Services Academy on Mars."  Torra reminisced.

Jael's mention of Nira, brought a warmth to her smile and she nodded.  Torra recalled Nira speaking about that mission.  So Jael was part of Nira's upsol as well - that connected Jael and Torra even more.

"Allow me to start anew...   Hello!  I am Danjar-Torra Addams.   It's a pleasure to meet you."  Torra noted that Jael had a book in hand.  "What were you reading?"

[Nurse Practitioner Jael Sherem | Hotel Beach | Shaddai IV]

Jael had to smirk in amusement at Torra's re-introduction. Nira certainly told Jael about Torra, but she never mentioned how the awkward-sounding the Grazerite was. On the other hand, it was often awkward for people to be around a Cardassian; the instinct to not trust was taking a while to dissipate.

"And it's good to meet you, too, Danjar-Torra," replied Jael. "And it's understandable if you bounced around different departments; I used to be a Science Officer, then a Counselor, now here I am as a medical officer. At least I'll be able to be of more use as a medical officer than as a counselor, at least in an away mission. At least I haven't had to deal with comments comparing me to Crell Moset like how I used to get at the Academy. Not yet on this ship."

She adjusted her sunglasses; Cardassians appreciated heat but they don't like brightness. In any case, the feeling of the heat made it feel like she would get a tan powerful enough that she'd look like a Denobulan.

"Well...on subject of what I'm reading," said Jael, "I'm reviewing my medical school notes; I'm still new to the department. I do enjoy reading plenty of fiction. I especially get a kick out of books and literature like Shakespeare's Julius Caesar; how the human author depicts plots and schemes are absolutely farcical to somebody like....well, me," she said with a shrug. "However, I was never raised to plot nor scheme; I've lived on Earth since I was a little girl, since my mother defected when Cardassia joined the Dominion."

Quote from: Danjar-Torra Addams on July 09, 2022, 02:00:56 PM

Lieutenant JG Danjar-Torra Addams
[Shaddai IV - Geocache trek]

Torra's search located a small 4" stick that the Operations officer thought would be suitable.  She sat down cross-legged on the ground and set to work on the stick with her utility tool knife.  Torra hadn't whittled since she was just a kid - admittedly for the short-lived Grazerite that was only 5 years ago - but the feel of the wood and blade came back to her easily.   She used the knots and whirls of the small stick to help give accent to her whittling project.  In the space of 15 minutes Torra had whittled a rather lovely hair pin.

This haipin, she then placed in the geocache in exchange for one of the items already present.   Of all the items, Torra figured she might make most use of the recipe datachip so she selected that.   Afterwards, Torra rehid the canister back where she'd found it by the trail marker - leaving it for others to find in the future.  She hoped her hairpin would be appreciated by some other geocache adventurer.

Then Torra set off once more along the trail.  The path angled downwards until it paralleled the hotel's beach.   Torra looked out towards the water.   Many of the crew were already spread out across the sand of the beach enjoying their shore leave.  Torra smiled softly to herself watching them, recalling the first time Don had taken her to the beach in his holodeck program, and the antics of one rather snappish crab that had pinched at her dress.   Torra wondered if Don recalled that date, or if it had been replaced by some T'hunga false memory.

Torra's smile turned down into a frown and she wiped at her eyes to keep them clear.

Amid the many beach-goers Torra could see the distinctive orange-red hair of the Tekin clan and their mother.   The children looked so happy and excited to be out at the beach.  Their vibrancy influenced even Torra and her smile returned.  Also among those at the beach, Torra spotted Jael and her Bajoran brother, Gid.  Those two were quite new to the ship still, so would probably appreciate a bit of outside company. Maybe...?

With this in mind, Torra left the trail and walked out on the beach in her hiking boots, headed towards where the two siblings were sitting in the sand.  Jael was reading.  Torra cleared her throat politely bring attention to her presence.  Torra knew that sometimes despite her size she was often too quiet in voice and demeanor to really be noticed by others.

"Um..Hi Jael... Gid.  Enjoying the beach?" she asked, making small talk.  "Do you mind if join you?"

[Nurse Practitioner Jael Sherem | Hotel Beach | Shaddai IV]

Jael had just about been ready to move on, knowing that at any moment, one of the Tekin children could trip over her, when she saw a horned woman standing over her. She blinked in surprise but then realized she was looking at a Grazerite. And immediately after she recognized her, of sorts.

"Oh, not at all, Torra," said Jael, standing up, and noticing that Gid was still flirting and swimming further down; he didn't seem to pay Torra attention. Not yet, anyway.

"I figured we would meet sometime," Jael continued. "I heard about you from Doctor Sluchaynyy."

Of the medical colleagues she tried to get to know, the only one she knew and worked with so far was Doctor Sluchaynyy. She had been meaning to ask him to show him the ropes, because she was ready for more hands-on work and she felt she needed somebody to show him the ropes.

"I even heard about you from Nira, too," she said. "I served briefly with Nira; she was in an Officer Exchange Program on the IKS TajHu. I met her there when I was recruited by Starfleet Intelligence to infiltrate a Cardassian pirate ship."

Even as she spoke, she recalled seeing Nira again, but she also had prylar robes...some crazy dream, that was too ridiculous; she'd have to counsel herself if she began dreaming about becoming Kai of Bajor.


[Nurse Practitioner Jael Sherem | Hotel Property | Shaddai IV]

Once things got settled in and people went their separate ways, Jael decided to make for her assigned room. At least, the one she'll share with her brother. She decided that if she was going to stay overnight, all she'll need are a change of clothes and her medical notes; as much as she had the title of "nurse practitioner," Jael was still new to the job.

She didn't even bother going back to the ship; Gid packed for her at the first chance and was down once his shift finished. By that time, Jael had been wandering, as it were, finally settling into a cafe table, realizing that a Cardassian wandering aimlessly, reputation or not, she was going to attract suspicion. She was still nervous that she may attract the attention of middle-to-old-aged curmudgeons with a grudge against Cardassians; even in a paradisaical place like this, there was bound to be at least one person she'll likely run into who would even know the family name and the reputation that follows like a shadow.

Surprisingly, she found she was right at home at the cafe table; she had a habit of people-watching, seeing how people behaved in body language, a practice she had, an ability she inherited from her father, being able to be aware. She had just finished her smoothie - so many people it certainly took so long to go through a smoothie - when Gid arrived, bare-chested and in a swimsuit.

"Hey! Sis!" he said, beaming. "I got us settled in! How about we hit the beach?"

And he held up a one-piecer, which Jael was relieved to see; she never liked bikinis if she could help it: if the scales on her body didn't put people off, her pale complexion would.

"Don't expect me to soak in with you," said Jael. "Did you bring my reading?"

"Varied medical notes, as you asked," said Gid. "You know, it wouldn't hurt to relax a bit..."

"I'm still getting to know the job, Gid," retorted Jael. "And I have to review my notes."

"Suit yourself. Now get changed."

A moment later, Jael emerged from the changing room. She was glad the one-piecer concealed a good portion of her front, her scales aren't showing that way, though she was a little irked her back was showing. She found a chair and began reading as Gid made his way to play in the water. Unfortunately, being out in the open, too many people, she was torn between her texts and her people-watching skills.

She looked around and double-taked to see Hrafn Falleg-Tekin relaxing nearby. The redheaded midgets playing around her had to be her children; after all, how often did one see a gaggle of redheaded Trills...? Although she suddenly thought of what her father would say if he took one look at them:

"Now there would be something to interest Krell."

She shuddered; Nehor Sherem would just as soon herd them all up to take to Krell Moset. That monster would only determine hereditary traits in the more crude fashions. Chances were, they wouldn't be heard from again. She shook her head; she was not Nehor Sherem, not by a damn long shot as far as the distance from Borg space to Dominion space.

Besides, so far, the only person on Discovery she had met was Hrafn. Deciding to try to get to know her and her family more, Jael stood and made her way over, only to stop when she saw Captain Tekin appear. Feeling it wouldn't be a good idea to bother the Captain, Jael decided to plop down on the sand and read some more. And she laid out in a way that she found it a lot easier to focus on reading. Perhaps the only danger was if somebody not watching where he or she was going tripped over her. Jael didn't care.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on June 14, 2022, 11:49:17 AM

[Deck 1 to Deck 6 - Bridge to Transporter Room - USS Discovery]

The Captain smirked at his wife as they walked off the bridge, after he nodded to Lek as the Ferengi stepped onto the Bridge to take the hot seat.  He waited until the doors closed and the lift moved to smirk.

"I honestly didn't expect him to get here so fast.  Maybe there is a bit of Captain Nog in him." he stated, as the away team went their separate ways to get ready.  In truth, the Captain debated actually putting on the whites, but this was a formal diplomatic meeting, so he might as well show the honor given to him.  It wasn't exactly First Contact, but it was close.

As the Captain headed for the Transporter Room, the young Transporter Chief straightened up upon his entrance, and the Captain looked between the Chief and Kyan.  Almost as if he already knew.  Instead, the Captain took his place on the Transporter pad, and waited for the rest to take their place.  He was about to speak when Jael walked in, and he said nothing.  Probably would be a good idea to have medical on hand.

"Alright, everybody ready?  Smile.  Energize." he joked, as the Chief started the de-atomization of their bodies.

[The Concierge Building - Shaddai IV]

For a moment, as his eyes rematerialized, the Captain thought he was on a Starfleet facility, until he noticed that it was just the design of the room they beamed into; the coordinates that they were given.  He raised his eyebrows as he surveyed the room; the first Federation team on Shaddai IV.  It didn't take long for him to lock eyes with the same man they spoke to on the viewscreen.

"Ah!  Welcome welcome!  You look so stuffy in there.  Let's make this fast so you can get more comfortable." Yveey exclaimed, as he showed more jubilance than the Captain had seen in years.  With not much more he could do, Nevir nodded to the away team as he stepped towards the man.

"Captain Tekin Nevir right?  Welcome welcome to Shaddai!  The biggest resort in the Beta Quadrant...or at least it will be.  Oh Captain it is such an honor and wonder for you to join us. And you brought family!"

The Captain raised his hand to stop him, mostly as he saw Yveey's eyes go from him to Hrafn to Kyan.

"Actually, most of us are coworkers.  This is First Officer Commander Kyan Mackenzie, Chief of Security Kyle Briggs, Ensign Jael Sheeran, and Chief Science Officer  Hrafn Falleq-Tekin."

"Oh... oh!  I see.  Well.. come, come.  Let us meet with the council!" he said, as he started to lead the away crew.  The Captain remained silent, just looking around at what was obviously designed as a welcoming interior... more akin to a hotel lobby than a governmental building.

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on June 15, 2022, 07:18:35 AM

[Transporter Room - Present]

Hrafn shook her head eyes dancing with mirth first at Kyle then at Kyan. "Rank has it's privileges, Kyan! Although I like your version too.  It's certainly accurate, more than wearing the BC-Suit is a 'privilege'... I mean it is sort of, as in ... oh you know, you've both been Captains, but why do they..." she fingered her collar again.  "So bloody uncomfortable.  A hair shirt might be preferable.  Least some of us have the figure for it!" she said striking a pose that a Supermodel would be proud of.  4 kids, 3 pregnancies hadn't ruined her figure.

The Transporter chief looked like his eyes would pop out of his head, mouth hanging open.

"Chief, eyes back in head please.  I've known these gentlemen personally a long time, served with them a long time husband is your boss..." Hrafn said with a wink to show she was just teasing.

"Oh Kyan great idea about the medic... Commander Gung-Ho here..." she said jerking her head in Kyle's direction, "...brilliant in combat but has this habit of sacrificing himself for beautiful redheads...and before you say it, I mean me... even if you do look great in swimming trunks!"

She was so glad that if they had to move from Katra it was to the Discovery, where she was with her husband, close friends and people she knew she could rely on no matter what.  Her only worry was the children.  Maybe they should have left them on New Bajor...but Nevir had been without them so long.

Hrafn being the friendly type walked over to Jael and stuck out a hand.  "I don't believe we've been introduced yet, I'm the CSO, Hrafn Falleg-Tekin, and yes, Captain Tekin is my husband.  I believe we might see a fair bit of each other since I have 3 young children aboard, and the youngest especially is accident prone so either myself, especially if Lamar is being clingy, or our Nanny Crista or her fiance James would be fetching them.  Forgive me for saying but it's unusual to find a Cardassian in the medical profession but I for one am glad to see it!"

She smiled and looked where Jael had been, at Kyan. Whispering she said "You should see him out of uniform in civvies, rolling around on the floor with my children climbing all over him, I often just yell at all of them, him included, to get up and stop with the horseplay... it's difficult sometimes to think of him as an adult and to be respected.  A lot easier in uniform and he was my CO over on Katra so believe me, he is more than capable and when the Scottish temper comes through you'll believe it trust me!"

"Ready as I'll ever be in the straight jacket!" she joked but smiled at her husband.

Hrafn had to smother a laugh when the gentleman before them assumed that Kyan was family, and she raised her eyebrows with merriment at both Kyan, Kyle and Jael given that what they had been discussing privately.

Bending and whispering in Kyan's ear she said "Don't worry, I'll make sure I don't call you 'son'!"

Then bending the other way, albeit not as far, she spoke to Jael quietly "If he thought that we are family or more particularly Captain Nevir, while I, nor he have absolutely no animosity towards Cardassians despite some personal history I'll fill you in on over a drink back on the Discovery if you are open to that, history between Cardassians and Bajorans ...well, you know!" she ended with a sad shrug and a sorrowful smile.  She smiled a little more brightly and gave Jael's shoulder a quick squeeze.

"I have to say..." she said brightly to the man leading them to meet the 'council', "...the decor here is wonderful, light, airy and welcoming." she smiled, hoping that was enough of a compliment to keep the host happy.

[Nurse Practitioner Jael Sherem | The Concierge Building | Shaddai IV]

Jael was still nervous to be around Captain Tekin, even as they beamed into an impressive looking facility. But even then, Jael was uneasy; the last time she had been in such a building, it was with a bunch of bureaucrats with sticks up their butts who were pompous to the point that Jael felt her own people would hand their butts back to them. But the Shaddai people weren't the Nori, it looked like.

Jael perked in gentle surprise at Captain Tekin's mispronouncing her name. She remembered how it would have been mispronounced, but it was such a long time since she last heard a mispronunciation. In the past, she never minded her surname being mispronounced; in a way, it made her feel like there won't be any connection with Gul Nehor Sherem, now on the run and with a reputation rivaled only by Krell Moset in brutality, Occupation as one of Dukat's underlings or Dominion War as head of the Cardassian Intelligence Bureau or otherwise. Since her graduation, she tried to correct the pronunciation when she can, given she was sure that the chances of meeting people who heard of her father was miniscule to zero. In point of fact, by her graduation, the name Nehor Sherem had more reputation to obscurity than infamy. Thus far, she met only one person who knew him, and that was the Bajoran guard who beat her when she was enslaved to a chain gang before coming to Starbase 157 and helping Challenger find Discovery.

Jael sauntered silently behind Captain Tekin, cleared her throat quietly, and whispered in his ear, "It's actually Sherem." And she began praying to the Prophets that he didn't know the name.

She heard the whisper of Tekin's wife, Commander Falleg, was it? She was introduced to her and was quite startled by her description of her duty...? She felt a brief spasm of relief that Captain Tekin would have no animosity toward Cardassians, but she still felt wary.

"Of course, Commander," said Jael. "And I would like to apologize if I's just that the last middle-aged Bajoran man I met beat me nearly to death when I, and the previous away team I had joined, were enslaved in a chain gang by some defiant Federation miners. Of course, they all weren't Bajorans, but this man in particular...he used to be one of my...father's slaves during the Occupation and he hated Cardassians with a vengeance..."

She was surprised to admit thus before somebody she barely knew, but she immediately realized that Commander Falleg looked like somebody...kind, somebody she could potentially turn to, like Commander Sigurdsdottir back on Challenger.

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on June 13, 2022, 12:00:53 AM

:: Transporter room | USS Discovery ::

He briefly considered not doing it, but then if something happened on the mission, they'd be up a fould smelling creek with fancy clothes and no paddle. So he tapped his com badge. =/\= Mackenzie to Sheram. Put on yer dress whites and come down tae the transporter room the now. You'll be goin down with us tae the planet. Bring yer medical kit."

It was anathema to his whole being to have a doctor join them, but then the Vulcans did have a saying on that, which he couldn't argue with, at least not honestly. plus he figured he'd get to observe the Cardassian Ensign up close and see what she was about. So he supposed it was ok to break with personal policy the one time.

[Nurse Practitioner Jael Sherem | Sickbay >- Transporter Room | Deck Nine >- Deck Six | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Jael was quite surprised at the sound of the First Officer's voice. She couldn't tell who had a...unique accent, Commander MacKenzie or Captain Galloway. Except it was a younger voice. She had seen Commander Mackenzie once or twice from a distance, and Jael was very surprised at how...young he looked. She wondered momentarily if she was looking at an El-Aurian; given their reputation for slow aging, she wondered if this was someone who looked to be in his teens when his real age was seventy-five.

And if he was calling her down and asking her for wearing meant dress uniforms, and it meant some kind of diplomatic function or party. She hesitated for a moment; the last diplomatic party she attended, it was to the Nori when she was on the Challenger, a race whose aristocrats were willing to party even to their worlds' end, essentially making Cardassia look like pre-revolution France. Jael hated the Nori entirely for that.

On the other hand, whoever the party was going to meet, chances were, they were not going to be Nori. And Commander Mackenzie did ask for a medical kit.

"On my way," replied Jael, and thus she assembled her medical kit and then grabbed her uniform.

She arrived at the transporter room with the party beaming down, though she was surprised to see Gid at the transporter controls. Gid only smiled and said, "Oh, believe it or not, this happened to have been the transporter room assigned for my shift."

Jael shrugged and looked at Commander Mackenzie. The more and up close she looked, the more younger he looked. She realized that there were senior officers on hand, and one of them was Captain Tekin. But, naturally, if something happened below, at least she'll be able to help.


[Nurse Practitioner Jael Sherem | Sickbay | Deck Nine | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Some time previously...

"Really, Gid?" snapped Jael. "Prophets' sake, did you try to get yourself hurt just so that I can be your first patient?"

Gid smiled sheepishly as he sat on the biobed as Jael treated him. As a matter of fact, Gid was Jael's first ever patient. Jael suspected that he got himself hurt just so she could actually treat somebody. The leave time on Starbase 157 gave Jael more time to study up on medical to know what to do to be a medical officer, and they would've gone back to the Challenger when they were given an offer of posts on the Discovery. Jael jumped on it because it was a medical post, and partly because it was taking Captain Galloway a Prophets-awful long time to approve her departmental transfer, but it was surprising that he took quite a shorter time to approve their transfer.

Jael was a tad disappointed that she wasn't in the same post as Nira Said; she heard that she was made Challenger's First Officer in turn, which made her wonder where the hell Don Addams went. Jael liked Discovery all right, but she was hesitant to meet Captain Tekin in person; after being dealt a severe beating from one of her father's former slaves from the Occupation, a Bajoran mercenary who hated Cardassians with a vengeance because of her father, Jael was overly cautious, if not scared, of Bajorans above middle age, because chances were that they would've remembered the Occupation. And Captain Tekin looked old enough to have remembered the Occupation as a boy, assuming he was on Bajor when he was born.

But she had no problems with Bajorans under the age of thirty.

Jael made the finishing touches on treating Gid's toe. According to her adopted Bajoran brother, he had been moving a hovercart carrying some crates when one wriggled its way off the top and fell on his foot as he got out of the way. Jael wondered how much of it was true, or if he intentionally placed it to fall on his foot, or at the very least, his toe.

He can easily be as sly and cunning as a Cardassian at times, Jael thought. Perhaps even like Father.

"Didn't take long at all," said Gid.

"A toe is a piece of cake," retorted Jael. "Now try not to apply too much pressure on it for a couple of days. And I suggest putting in padding in the boot to cushion it so it doesn't hurt more."

"Good to know," said Gid. "I need to report to the bridge for my shift at Ops. Why don't you come up some time?"

Jael pursed her lips and replied, "Gid, what would a simple nurse like me have purpose on the bridge for? My place is around the medical department. Besides, the Captain looks old enough to remember the Occupation as a boy, assuming he was born on Bajor."

"Jael," said Gid, both consolingly and chidingly, "he's not a bad-looking man. Not everybody who went through the Occupation don't hate Cardassians as much as Father's former slaves."

"Oh, sure they're not," snapped Jael with sarcasm. "Why don't I go right up into Kira Nerys' face and tell her, 'Hi, I'm Gul Sherem's daughter, small world isn't it?' Then brace myself for a knuckle sandwich? He worked under Gul Dukat for a long time, and believe me, he could've been the Bajoran Resistance's top targets for a long time."

"Nehor Sherem is long behind us," snapped Gid. "Rahab Sherem is the one Gul Sherem to remember that there are good among Cardassians."

"Yeah, well, Father's hard to forget after running into one of his slaves and being beaten," retorted Jael, rubbing where she had been impaled when the aforementioned former slave threw a knife at her side as she was beamed back to Challenger.

"If Captain Tekin is what you expect to see, Jael," said Gid consolingly, "then he wouldn't be a Starfleet officer at all. Think about it."

And, limping away, he was gone.


There had been no potential patients after Gid in the hours that passed since. Not even so much as for a paper cut. Jael liked to be referred to as a nurse practitioner even if she was still an ensign by rank. She had plenty of classes in medical school while she was at the Academy, but she stopped after a Bajoran student compared her to Krell Moset, and thus prompted her to study other scientific fields, particularly in biology and xenobiology, but she continued her courses on toxicology and neuropsychology and psychiatry. She didn't feel useful as a science officer and a counselor since the Academy, hence prompting her to swallow her fear of being compared to Krell Moset and be a full medical officer.

Thus far, she spent her time on Discovery reviewing her xenobiology notes, so as to know what to administer for certain races when the need arises; organizing the drugs to use for medical treatment; and still studying her notes, new as she was.

She sighed with boredom. Even medical didn't seem to give her anything to do. She had no patients to treat other than her brother. She was ready to be of help medically. Maybe she just needed the leave time that she had skirted in order to study being a medical officer, now that she was one.

[Ensign Gid Sherem | Bridge | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Gid looked up from manning the Ops station when Torra came in. He knew her full name was Torra Danjar-Addams, and was equally surprised to see the woman was Don Addams' wife. Even now, he was still in awe of the tall horned woman.

"Glad I can help," said Gid. "I suppose it's now time for my shift in a transporter room. Variety, variety, variety."

That's what he often said; as an Operations officer, there were various tasks to perform in working on the ship systems, and he chose shifts to add some variety to his life. Some hours or days, he worked with software. Other times, he was at a transporter room. Often, he was on the bridge either for a shift or for conducting maintenance. He briefly wondered how Jael was doing; his sister by adoption had to be absolutely bored.

He even got a good look at Captain Tekin while he was on the bridge. Whether or not he knew the Occupation, it's bound to be a thing long of the past. He was equally intrigued by the prospect of shore leave; for once, he and Jael could take some time off, and some actual leave could be good for Jael.

The Arcade Board / Re: Count to a million!!!
June 05, 2022, 08:07:14 PM

I need a new sig for this character: Ensign Jael Sherem, Medical Officer, USS Discovery. For the picture, use the same one on this sig.

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