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Messages - Xasik

Season Three Missions / Re: S3-M8: Best Laid Plans
August 30, 2021, 11:44:53 PM
Quote from: Eydis on August 28, 2021, 03:10:39 AM

Eydis would nod and wait till the healer had secured the hatchling and Xasik. Then Eydis would make the slow trip but relatively unmolested trip back to the embassy. Over the lattice shi would assure Sirol of hir command. As squad of fully armored tholian warriors 7 in total would Board the station.

It didn't take Xasik long to get ready with Peylix helping. They were ready to depart the lab within moments of Eydis requesting it. With the ECS safely in his hands, Xasik followed Eydis down the corridors and towards the embassy. Using his hands Xasik blocked as much of the chaos from Emerald's view as possible. He didn't know if seeing such things would affect the hatchling at so young an age, but he didn't want to risk it. He also made sure to speak to Emerald in a very soft and soothing voice to keep the child calm. He felt relieved that Peylix was with him to help defend the baby if need be. The healer was bringing up the rear of their small party, but Xasik couldn't help but think that maybe he should be the one defending from behind. Hesitantly he addressed Peylix.

"œHealer, I would feel better if you carried Emerald until we reached the embassy. I am a trained warrior and feel it is my duty to defend my child in any way that I can. In this situation I feel I am most useful in a defensive position should we encounter hostile company. If anything were to happen to me, I request that you and Sirol take care of Emerald."

He handed the ECS to Peylix and took up the rear position, his senses going into overdrive as best they could from within the EV Suit. He could hear Emerald clicking and chirping for him but he had to ignore it for now. He couldn't afford to let his guard down. Thankfully the way to the embassy was all but cleared of threats and they arrived unharmed. Xasik allowed his relief to show as his shoulders eased from their tensed state and he was able to hold the ECS again.

Emerald clicked, chirped and squeaked happily as Xasik started talking to them again. They had been rather vocal with Peylix as well, which had worried Xasik. If someone had still been lurking around then they would have heard the hatchling for sure and been drawn to their position. Thankfully though that did not happen.

Quote from: Eydis on August 28, 2021, 03:18:17 AM

Eydis would euren with Xasik the healer and hatchling safely. As shi entered shi would observe Sirol and over the lattice as well. Observe her command. Assured of Sirols competence.

Quote from: Sirol on August 29, 2021, 12:21:06 AM

< Katra Station / Tholian Embassy >

Once Sirol spotted the Captain returning - together with little Emerald, Xasik and Peylix, a wide smile was to be seen on her face, and a sunny, saturated sense of warmth and joy to be sensed via the Lattice.
She was glad to see them all safe and in one piece, but now was not (yet) the time for reunions.
She still had work to do, so her smile and relayed emotion were all she showed. For now.

[Katra Station | Tholian Embassy]

Entering the embassy, Xasik felt a physical wave of relief wash over him. They had made it, Emerald was safe and he could also see someone else in an EV suit that he assumed to be Lieutenant Sirol. He gave a polite wave as they entered with one hand, the other cradling the ECS safely. He smiled widely as he got closer and could see her face through the visor. Yes, he recognized her posture and the height of the other also matched that of Sirol. He was about to approach her but held back. She seemed to be concentrating and her holographic HUD was active. He suspected that she was using the Lattice and so kept himself back. He instead chose to find a cozy spot on the floor and gently placed the ECS on the ground.

Emerald seemed to relish this sudden new found freedom and began to gently rock the bubble back and forth as they tested out their own strength, managing to even roll the bubble slightly. They squeaked in excitement.

"œPEEP! Squeak! Click!" Emerald happily exclaimed as they rocked back and forth. Eventually though their focus settled on the Soft One (Sirol), or who they thought might be the Soft One. The covering was different but they felt like the Soft One. Emerald called out to her in the same way they always did when they saw her. If it was the Soft One then she would respond to them. They tried to rock the bubble a little more to begin making their way over towards her.

Xasik chuckled and kept a close eye on Emerald so the child wouldn't roll away or get underfoot by accident. His heart swelled with pride as he watched the hatchling take their first roll in their hamster ball.

Holodeck / Re: Welcoming Xasik's Child (open to all)
August 29, 2021, 09:09:41 AM

[Katra Station | Simulation Lab]

Quote from: Sirol on August 25, 2021, 07:33:50 PM

< Katra Station / Simulation Lab >
Carefully they then leaned over again and gathered the newest records of the egg, then did a gesture towards Xasik Freeman, inviting him to come closer.
<"Worry not. The hatchling will be safe and healthy. In less than 45 minutes you will be able to hold them and welcome them.">

Xasik acknowledged Peylix's gesture and moved closer to the egg. It was very beautiful to look at. It had been beautiful inside the stasis container but in it's own environment it was simply stunning. The crystalline egg seemed far shiner than it had before, almost as if someone had buffed and polished it. It almost seemed to shimmer. The geologist was mesmerized by the sight. Never had he seen a prettier gem.

He had no doubt that under Peylix and Sirol's care the hatchling would be safe and healthy, still it was always a relief to be reassured of that fact. He had been waiting so long for this moment and now that it was here it almost felt that time had come to a stop. Less than 45 minutes wasn't really that long in the scheme of things but for Xasik in this moment, it would seem like a lifetime.

"œI can hardly wait," he admitted to Peylix while still staring at the emerald green egg. "œThis is without doubt the most terrifying and exciting thing that I have done in my life."
He watched as Peylix hunkered down next to Sirol to observe her work. Xasik didn't know what to do with his hands so he simply clasped them together as he observed the egg shimmering in the heat. It was truly beautiful and a sight he would never forget.

Quote from: Sirol on August 25, 2021, 07:33:50 PM

Sirol for her part looked up, exchanged silent nods with Peylix, then looked at Xasik and returned his smirk towards the comment about this place feeling like an oven.
"œI simulated statistically average temperatures, radiation levels and atmospheric pressure of the equatorial region of Tholia Prime.
Yet"¦ Oven, or not"¦ Please do not attempt to bring in raw food items to bake"¦
The evaporation and in extension food particles released into the room might prove"¦ Unappetising at best, indigestible at worst"¦ For the child..."

Snorting at her comment, Xasik turned to face her. Behind his visor he was grinning stupidly. Although his grin couldn't be seen, his voice betrayed his amusement as laughter infected his words.
"œDon't worry, I would never dream of trying to cook anything in here, especially now that you've mentioned radiation levels. I've already been exposed to enough radiation in my lifetime. I have no desire to ingest any more. Contrary to popular belief, not all Remans are controlled by their stomachs." He had to laugh as he remembered the first time he had met Sirol. He had taken one look at her Uropygi companion and his stomach had growled in hunger, a side effect of his childhood in the mines.
"œFor the record, the first time we met, I was not going to eat your Uropygi. My stomach growling was just an unfortunate consequence of learning to survive the mines"¦..and Romulus , but that's a story for another day. I would never allow my stomach to endanger the child in any way. I must say though that I am impressed by the effort you have gone to to simulate the correct environment. I appreciate it a lot, and I'm sure Emerald will when they get old enough to understand. Thank you Lieutenant."
Quote from: Sirol on August 25, 2021, 07:33:50 PM

Instead she smirked a little, and gently placed one gloved hand on the egg.
"œLittle Emerald will be lucky to have you.
I can only speculate about what growing up without parents might feel like, but I am glad and proud that people like you exist.
You know, it does not matter under which circumstances you and the hatchling found one another. All that matters is that they grow up in stable, loving company such as yours."

She then did a step to the left, giving Xasik access to her terminal if he chose so, pointing at a blue illuminated link on her workspace.
"œ...Would you like to initiate the process?"

Watching Sirol place a hand on the egg gently, Xasik mused over her words. "œGrowing up without parents is not easy. I knew my mother briefly before I was taken from her and placed in the mines as soon as I was deemed old enough to work. Her name was S'Kisik. I barely remember anything about her except that her voice was as smooth as a water-polished stone, and that she told me that I had her eyes. I had a sister too, born not long before I was taken. Her name was Riasek. I never met my father. S'Kisik told me his name was Tenuvik and that I looked like him.
I don't want Emerald to go through what I did, to feel utterly alone in a world that couldn't care less if you live or die. I want Emerald to know that they are loved and cared for every day, that there will always be someone to turn to for help."

Sirol's words had really touched him. He might have cried if he had been alone but as there was ample company in the lab, his stubborn pride kept his tears in check, for now. Never had he received such a compliment from anyone. People like him? He was just a man trying to make his way in life and ensuring that the child life had thrown at him would experience nothing but love, acceptance and support.
"œI am the lucky one. Emerald has given my life new meaning and purpose."

When she stepped to the left Xasik moved closer to her terminal and looked at the screen. He observed a blue, illuminated link and simply stared at it for a few moments. Would he like to initiate the process? Of course he would!

"œI would be honoured. Thank you." He couldn't hide the nervousness in his voice. With a shaking hand he reached up to touch the link, pausing for a moment to breathe deeply before pressing the command to initiate.

"œHere we go," he commented with another deep breath. "œThere's no turning back now."

Quote from: Chigorra on August 19, 2021, 11:44:30 AM

She placed the letter in the bag, and the charcoal in her pocket, right as the communicator chirped once more. Cursing the state of affairs once more, Chigorra rushed out of the room, hoping to one day get the chance to meet the new young creature properly... Someday.

Watching as Ambassador Chigorra rushed out of the lab, Xasik silently wished her well and hoped that whatever had demanded her attention was nothing too serious or stressful. The impression he had of her was very positive and he hoped that they would cross paths again in the future. He was still very curious about what was in the bag but he would have to satisfy his curiosity later. He was honoured that the Klingon Ambassador had made an appearance at Emerald's hatching day gathering and he was sure that Emerald would be too when told the story once they were old enough to appreciate it. He would be sure to keep the gifts safe for Emerald until they were ready for them.
Quote from: Eli Ferris on August 22, 2021, 10:47:37 PM

Eli stood and gave a respectful bow as the ambassador left. He could only imagine her life was one of constant demands. "Go with honor." He said, though it felt oddly lacking.

He looked over to Peylix and Sirol and Xasik. "Welcome, Emerald." he said. He liked the name, largely because the green gem was one that always appealed to him.

Eli's comment made Xasik smile behind his visor. It filled him with great joy to hear others as excited for the hatching as he was, and that Emerald was already so welcomed and cared for. Never in his life had he been blessed with so many kind souls offering to help him, never could he have imagined that he would have a child and that so many people would be willing to support and help him with that child. It was truly an alien concept to him. Had Romulus and Remus still existed and had he never escaped, he was certain that he never would have met or cared for any children he may have fathered, not because he wouldn't have wanted to but because he wouldn't have been given the chance. His new life was nothing that he had imagined.

"œThank you Lieutenant Ferris. Soon the Little Pebble will hatch and you can meet them properly."

Quote from: Sirol on August 25, 2021, 07:33:50 PM

Her hand still resting on the egg, Sirol nodded towards Lieutenant Ferris' words before she repeated them in a soft tone towards the egg.
"œWelcome, Emerald"¦ We are all very excited to meet you, you know?"

Watching the egg closely, Xasik once again smiled as he heard Sirol repeat Eli's words, and once again he felt the surge of pride and gratitude for all those who had taken the time to be here today to welcome Little Pebble into the world.
"œYes Little Pebble, we are all waiting for you."
His breath caught in his throat as he thought he saw a shimmer of movement within the egg. Perhaps his eyes were playing tricks on him.
"œThought I saw movement inside," he admitted as he moved to get an even closer look. "œWishful thinking perhaps. I'm so anxious and excited."
Quote from: Eli Ferris on August 27, 2021, 12:23:28 AM

Sirol's comment reminded him of an old prayer in Hebrew his dad had taught him.  "Baruch atah, Adonai Eloheinu, Melech haolam, she-asah lanu neis bamakom hazeh." He paused, rolling the Hebrew words over his tongue. It was difficult to get it exactly right. "It means 'Blessed are You, Lord our God, Sovereign of the universe, for the wonder we have experienced.' It is a blessing that my father taught me. I hope you don't. These moments bring that out in me."

Xasik himself was not a religious man. He had never believed in a God, or Gods but he appreciated the thought regardless. He accepted that other people had their own beliefs and he would never make anyone feel less for that they believed.
"œI appreciate the kind gesture," he remarked to Eli. A kind thought, blessing or action was always appreciated and welcome. "œThank you."
Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on August 29, 2021, 04:48:56 AM

Kyan was religious himself, sort of. He followed the tradition of Georgian Wicca, which he'd been taught by June Mackenzie, his "foster mother." Although he didn't know any baby blessings off hand, and most of the other blessings that did stick with him centered on protection in battle, he figured that Eli's would be enough. After all, the Powers didn't care how you asked for their favor, so long as you did ask. So he simply nodded and made the invoking sign.

"Good prayer that." he offered. "So now that the baby's been given gifts, and the Powers know that we're after them being blessed... erhmm... when's it gonna hatch?"

"œSoon Lieutenant," Xasik replied to Kyan. "œVery soon. I have already initiated the process, so now it's just a waiting game. Healer Peylix said that within 45 minutes of initializing the hatching process would see the little one hatched and in my hands. Soon you will get to meet them."

Xasik was grinning like a fool, he knew he was, but he didn't care and no one could see his face behind his visor anyway. He turned his attention back towards the egg and placed a large hand against it gently. His suit did an excellent job of protecting him from the heat, but he could still feel a very faint hum coming from the egg, something that hadn't been there before.

"œYou feel that?" He asked Sirol. "œIt feels like it's humming!" He kept his hand gently against the egg and enjoyed the strange sensation before pulling his hand away in shock as the sound of crystal cracking filled the room. Looking at where his hand had been was now a slight crack.

"œOh it's happening!" He announced to anyone and everyone who would listen. "œIt's happening! The egg has a crack! Peylix! Sirol! Help! It's happening! Emerald is hatching!"

Season Three Missions / Re: S3-M8: Best Laid Plans
August 25, 2021, 07:39:49 AM

[Katra Station | Simulation Lab]

Quote from: Sirol on August 24, 2021, 09:31:10 AM

< Katra Station / Simulation Lab >

They walked a little closer and hunkered down a little and decided to support Xasik Freeman's statement, hoping to lighten his mood (and by extension that of the hatchling) by this.
<"That is correct. She already is showing promising signs and willingness to relay and manage communication. She would indeed be a valuable asset to Emerald's development.
Especially considering the hatchling's"¦ Liking of her person"¦
Emerald is in a crucial phase where every impression they gather will be essential and a defining factor for their next phases of mental, social and emotional development.
It has never been observed how a Tholian child would react to"¦ Aliens"¦ As a parental unit, hence my sincerest thanks for the chance to witness this process"¦
In either way though, Emerald's contact to you and Sirol...">
And to an extent even to Peylix themself (and who else would join the child's early stage of perception)"¦
<"...Is shaping the child.
Once Emerald learns to consciously utilise the Lattice, their communication to Sirol, as well as other present Tholians will prove a great help in contributing to the child's well-being as well as preventing isolation.">

It surprised Xasik when Peylix got a little closer and hunkered down beside him. He and Peylix had been on shaky ground since their first meeting but Xasik found that his tolerance for the healer was increasing. Peylix was a good healer and had helped to keep Emerald healthy and vibrant despite the hatchling's rocky beginning to life. Xasik was grateful to Peylix although he had shown his appreciation poorly. He couldn't be sure but it almost seemed like Peylix was becoming more tolerant of him too.

He appreciated the healer's attempts at reassuring him and lifting his mood. He hadn't expected it but it was appreciated. Crouching down to speak at eye level to someone sitting showed respect, even if Peylix was unaware of it. Standing over someone to talk to them could be seen as a dominant or hostile move but as Xasik had chosen to sit he hadn't thought anything of it. He smiled a little although the visor of his helmet hid it from view.

He was relieved to hear Peylix remarking about how well Sirol was adapting to using the Lattice and that her mental state had improved. It eased the burden of worry he had been feeling for her and reassured him that Emerald would be in good hands should they ever need to talk to someone other than him. The comment about Emerald liking her person almost made him chuckle. It was an enormous understatement. Emerald adored Sirol and Xasik was almost certain that she was their favourite person. Xasik chose not to interrupt Peylix though and allowed them to continue.

He couldn't help but feel like he was being studied though. Peylix went on to explain that Emerald was at a crucial stage in their development and was very impressionable, and that the impressions that they gathered now would help to shape the next phases of their mental, social and emotional development. He understood that it was a unique situation that they were in and it was sure to be fascinating to others, but he really disliked the idea of being studied. Still, he needed Peylix's help and wasn't going to cause a fuss, at least for now. Peylix conveying their sincerest thanks for being allowed to witness the process caught him off guard. "œAhh, yeah. No problem. Thank you for assisting." He awkwardly responded before listening to Peylix finish.
"œThe last thing I want is for Emerald to feel isolated and alone. I'm glad Sirol will be able to connect to them via the Lattice, and with the Tholian Embassy on the station, I'm sure the little one will have plenty of opportunity to utilize the Lattice. I admit though, that I can't help but feel jealous that I won't be able to connect on such a level with my child. I feel a little inadequate."

Quote from: Sirol on August 24, 2021, 09:31:10 AM

With a melancholic, almost even sad mind, the healer reached out, and placed their hand on the little sphere containing Emerald.
<"I am"¦ Glad to be with Emerald as well..."> They hesitantly spoke.
<"The little one is certainly cheerful and very loving. They remind me of my first twins"¦ They had the same"¦ Bubbly"¦ Nature"¦
I very much"¦ Enjoy... being assigned as advisor here"¦">

Once more they began to playfully tap the ECS, trying to catch Emerald's attention and occupy them a little during this otherwise dull at best, stressful at worst situation.

Watching Peylix reach out to touch the sphere and interact with Emerald, Xasik couldn't help but feel sorry for the healer. Their words perfectly conveyed how much they missed their family. They were stuck out here while their family was back at home and they missed them. Now that he had Emerald in his life, Xasik couldn't even begin to imagine just how painful being separated must have been.
"œBubbly natured twins? They must have kept your family busy. I get the feeling that as soon as they can wear an EV suit, Emerald is going to keep me very busy."

Emerald seemed to perk up as Peylix began to playfully tap the sphere. They reached out their arms and clicked happily, their tiny fingers flexing open and closed in a "˜pick me up' type cue.
"œClick! Squeak! Chirp!"
Xasik chuckled as he watched the hatchling demanding to be picked up and snuggled. "œNot yet Little Pebble. You have to stay in there for now, but I promise that once this emergency is over then you will get all the snuggles your little heart desires."

Quote from: Sirol on August 24, 2021, 09:31:10 AM

What in the name of causality had they just heard?
Peylix was not sure whether that was a compliment, a complaint or a fetish.
<"I"¦ Suppose"¦ She may fit into your..."> They hesitated for a moment. <"Narrow-minded stereotype of our people"¦
Being correct is not a negative trait. Neither is aspiring to get a task done. I dare say it is a sense of civic duty
I am not sure about the 'crystal in her rear end'. My primary task is that of a psychologist and if need arises a medical responder. Unless it causes an acute emergency, the scientist's usage of crystals is not my concern.">

Holding in a snort, Xasik composed himself. He hadn't expected Peylix to take his comment about the crystal seriously. "œI apologize Healer. I should not be so narrow minded. My limited experience with the Tholian people should not be an excuse to convey hurtful or incorrect stereotypes. As a Reman I should know better. Many people take one look at me and decide that I'm vicious or untrustworthy based on my appearance or the rumours they've heard."

He took a moment to settle himself again. "œI do agree with you. Being correct is not a negative trait, nor is the desire to complete tasks to the best of your potential. Your people are diligent and efficient and I admire that. My comment about the crystal though was merely a euphemism. I apologize for any misunderstandings."

Quote from: Sirol on August 24, 2021, 09:31:10 AM

<"She is.">
Peylix answered quickly, without losing even a second after they had received Sirol's status.
<"She states that she is safe and tells us to resume our duty and take care of Emerald.">

Relieved to hear that Sirol was safe, Xasik allowed himself to relax a little. At least they had to Lattice for communications. He raised the ECS up again and gently tapped the sphere with a finger. Emerald perked up again and made grabby hand motions with their arms outstretched. Xasik felt bad for the little one. It was almost like teasing at this point. Little Pebble wanted to get out and be held so badly but they just couldn't risk it right now. He was about to apologize to Emerald when the doors to the lab hissed open. Xasik's back went rigid as his senses kicked into overdrive. His muscles tensed as he waited to see who had entered the Simulation Lab.
Quote from: Eydis on August 23, 2021, 04:27:13 AM

The door would slide open and Eydis would be staring at Xasik regarding him for long pause. Hmm Sirol apparently thought the individual was alright. Shi would then look to the Healer caste member peylix

Healer caste member Peylix prepare the hatchling for movement to the embassy please.

Shi paused and the addressed Xasik directly "œ The assembly is happy you have saved this Tholian individual emerald you have designated. The hatchling will need to be brought to Tholia prime after this incident is resolved. There you plead your case for parental duties over emerald to the high council. But the hatchling will go home and Give it's voice to the song and listen to the song of our people. Please make plans to visit Tholia prime."

Eydis would then wait for the healer to get the hatchling ready to move. Taking a stride over to the hatchlings location. Shi would peer down with bright blue eyes at emerald. Placing her axe on the belt around her torso. Shi would almost look like shi was smiling and made a few soft barely audible clicks to the hatchling.

Xasik stared back at the Tholian staring at him for what seemed like a lifetime before the other turned to address Peylix. He was a little insulted that he hadn't been addressed and that Peylix had been asked to ready Emerald for their journey to the Embassy. He wasn't about to cause trouble though, not in a situation like this. It was important to get Emerald to the safest place aboard the station. His wounded pride could be seen to later.

He was mildly surprised when the new Tholian addressed him directly. He had assumed that with the emergency in place, all casual talk would wait until they were safe. He wasn't prepared for what was said next. A trip to Tholian Prime? In this part of the quadrant? In this economy? It did make sense, but it was still a little unexpected, especially after his failure to secure help from the Assembly for Emerald before the child had hatched. He was anxious when it was mentioned that he would have to go before the high council and plead his case for the parental duties over Emerald, but he would do it. He would do whatever he had to to ensure the well being of his child.
"œOnce this emergency is over, I will see to making plans to visit Tholia Prime. But for now I think we should get Emerald to safety."

Emerald looked up at the newcomer (Eydis) and seemed to study hir for a moment, almost even leaning back towards the Sharp One (Xasik) and the Humming one (Peylix) for protection. It took only a moment though for them to decide that Eydis posed no threat and happily clicked back at hir. There was something about this newcomer that reminded them of the Soft One (Sirol). Something so familiar that Emerald could have sworn that the Soft was here with them, something they didn't understand but could sense. They squeaked happily even though they couldn't see the Soft One and reached their arms out towards the newcomer.
"œClick click! Squeak! Chirp squeak!"

Quote from: Sirol on August 24, 2021, 09:31:10 AM

Peylix acknowledged the Captain's presence with a quick hailing hand gesture, then opened up their holographic, spherical HUD, to scan for Eydis' suit identification and add it to the IDs of whitelisted personnel to access the quarantine room's controls.
<"Of course, Captain."> They calmly said with a little nod, then added. <"Welcome back aboard.">
"˜It is appreciated to see a friendly face again' They then added via the Lattice.

With that they turned around towards Xasik Freeman again, holding out one hand towards him, to help him get back onto his feet.
Then they reached out into their box of supplies, and grabbed for two additional nutrition pallets that could be attached to the hatchling's ECS as soon as needed, as well as a strap that could be clipped to it to help carry the sphere if necessary.
<"You heard the Captain. Hold onto the ECS and follow the Captain.">

Xasik accepted Peylix's offered hand and allowed himself to be helped up. He clutched the ECS protectively in one arm as he got to his feet. With everything important to him already in his arms or on his padd, Xasik was ready to move out as soon as Captain Eydis gave the order. He watched Peylix grab two additional nutrition pallets for Emerald and was once again grateful for the healer's forward planning and knowledge. He would certainly have to thank Peylix again when the time was appropriate.

With the ECS securely in his arms, Xasik looked from Peylix to Eydis. "œI am ready to move when you are." He was looking forward to seeing Sirol again and to witnessing Emerald's excitement at seeing her after a few hours apart. It was bound to be the most adorable little squeakfest ever witnessed.

Emerald squeaked in excitement as Xasik left the quarantine room and prepared to leave the lab. It was indeed a very exciting day for the hatchling.

Season Three Missions / Re: S3-M8: Best Laid Plans
August 20, 2021, 11:32:26 PM

[Katra Station | Simulation Lab]

Quote from: Sirol on August 20, 2021, 04:38:20 PM

< Katra Station / Simulation Lab >

Peylix looked up towards Xasik Freeman again. His interest in Sirol being linked to the Lattice was unusual, but then again, they did see personally motivated logic in it: Maybe he was intending to recruit Sirol to act as a communicator between Emerald and himself...
<"Scientist Sirol has been successfully linked with the Lattice for two hours and fourty-two minutes.">

Two hours and forty-two minutes? In reality it really hadn't been that long. Somehow Xasik felt relieved. It was silly to feel paranoid over someone being connected to the Lattice. The thought of being spoken about without his knowledge in a way that he couldn't comprehend had sparked a feeling of paranoia but that had subsided as quickly as it had started. They way Sirol got along so well with Peylix had only seemed to confirm this brief worry but if she had been connected less than three hours ago then all those times they had been working so closely together had not been spent discussing him.
"œAhh, I see." He mumbled more to himself than to Peylix. He noticed the healer hesitate for a moment before slowly approaching him and looking down at him.
Quote from: Sirol on August 20, 2021, 04:38:20 PM

<"She has conversed with Lonar, another Tholian officer, who had initiated her attachment. Referring to your earlier inquiry: Her mental state has been drastically improving since then.
According to their conversation, she was suffering from a condition Tholians refer to as "˜Exile Psychosis': A gradually debilitating mental trauma that can affect Tholians forcefully detached from the Lattice and the presence of their peers"¦ So her integration was a"¦ Logical step... And beneficial for all sides"¦ Her reactions are"¦ A fascinating psychological case study...">

Once more Peylix reached out, gently poking the ECS with their index finger to have the tiny hatchling react to their presence.
Seeing little Emerald all happy and bubbly truly made Peylix' assignment in the Gamma Quadrant a little less stale"¦

The mention of another Tholian intrigued Xasik. It seemed that Sirol was a magnet for Tholians. Lonar was a name he'd never heard during his time on Katra Station, so maybe they were one of those visiting officers he'd heard about briefly.
He found a pressure he hadn't known he'd had lifting from his chest as Peylix relayed that Sirol's mental state had been drastically improving ever since she had been connected to the Lattice. It distressed him to hear that she had been suffering from debilitating mental trauma and he hadn't known. He felt like he had failed his colleague by not noticing sooner.
"œI'm glad that she was able to find a solution to her trauma and that she's improving. If she's connected to the Lattice now then that means that she would be able to better communicate with Emerald when they learn to connect. This could be a really good thing for the little one."
He couldn't hide the somewhat sad tone in his voice as he said this. He would probably never have a connection as strong with Emerald that Sirol could now experience.
He decided not to let it get to him, and instead would focus on what was best for the child. Sirol was a trusted colleague and was assisting him with Emerald so he could appreciate the opportunity of a Lattice-compatible companion that Emerald could rely on if need be.

He was unsure of how to react to the "˜fascinating psychological case study comment'. He didn't like the idea of a Tholian studying him or anyone he was close to, but if Sirol didn't have any objections to being studied then he really couldn't say anything, so he decided to keep his mouth shut on this point for now. He would talk to her about it later and make sure she was really okay.

He had to smile at Emerald reacting to Peylix. It always warmed his heart to see his child so happy and active with everyone around them. The chirping, clicking and squeaking alone was enough to bring a huge smile to his face.
"Emerald really loves you Peylix. I'm glad they have you in their life."

Quote from: Sirol on August 20, 2021, 04:38:20 PM

<"Tholian in nature? You mean as in, you suspect her to perform and function more effectively as part of our society than as a Romulan?">

Xasik had to snort at this comment. He hadn't really thought Peylix would pay it much mind. "œMaybe a little," he conceded. If Sirol was happier in the Lattice than out of that Lattice then perhaps there was truth in Peylix's question. "œI meant it as in she conducts herself very rigidly and proper. She is usually always business, pedantic about getting things done correctly. It's almost as if she's got a crystal jammed up her rear end at times. In saying that, there's nothing wrong with this, it's just something I've noticed from time to time." He realized what he had said as soon as it was out of his mouth and instantly regretted it. In his mind there was no way Peylix wasn't going to relay what he had said to Sirol.

Xasik frowned after his comm badge cut out. He tapped it a few more times but failed to make any connection. He assumed that with all the chaos going on in the Station at the moment that comm systems were failing. Wonderful.

"œI lost my connection. I guess the systems are failing. Let's hope Sirol is okay and that power to the lab doesn't fail. This is the safest place currently and I'm glad we got Emerald here promptly." Xasik relayed his thoughts to Peylix in the hopes that the Tholian would have more answers from being connected to the Lattice.

Season Three Missions / Re: S3-M8: Best Laid Plans
August 18, 2021, 09:33:31 AM

[Katra Station | Simulation Lab]

Quote from: Sirol on August 17, 2021, 07:56:15 PM

< Katra Station / Tholian Embassy >

Peylix had activated their spherical holographic HUD, running a few scans on the three aliens, making sure that all of them were stable and their gear was not causing them any physiological distress.
Xasik's question had come unexpected to the healer.
While it had been merely two hours and 39 minutes since Scientist Sirol had been artificially linked with the Lattice, to the healer her presence had already become integral part of their Lattice.
Despite her bewildering appearance and feral heritage, Sirol's thoughts felt no different from that of any of their peers, hence Peylix originally not even considering to elaborate their sentence, since - to them - it had already become so"¦ Natural"¦

<"That is correct"> The healer eventually answered Xasik Freeman's question.
<"The scientist has been linked with the Lattice and is part of our...">
For a moment they struggled to find a term that could be understood by non-Tholians"¦
<"...Part of our network now; assisting us and relaying impressions to help the Captain...">

Watching Peylix activate their spherical holographic HUD, Xasik patiently awaited an answer to his question. Part of him didn't expect one so he was a little surprised when Peylix eventually did respond. The answer surprised him. Sirol was linked with the Lattice? He had not been expecting that at all, although his previous thought of her being a "˜Soulian' did come to mind. It made sense in a way, she did get along well with Tholians.
"œAh," he answered back limply as his brain tried to process the information he had just learned. "œHow long has she been linked to the Lattice?" He gently shifted his grip on the ECS before raising it up to look at Emerald briefly. The child was excitedly reaching for his fingers on the sides of the bubble. Such an active little one. He had the feeling that as Emerald got older they would have more energy to burn than Xasik did. He smiled to himself. Emerald was going to be a handful and would certainly keep him on his toes.
"œSomehow, I'm not surprised. She always came across as a little Tholian in nature."
Quote from: Sirol on August 17, 2021, 07:56:15 PM

Hearing the call of her fellow scientist surprised Sirol, and managed to kick her out of her crippling worry about the Captain's well-being.
Her first instinctual thought upon hearing Xasik's voice was to question whether he and the hatchling were safe and alright.
Luckily, Xasik did answer her question before she even had to ask it, and a little smile rushed over her face.
=/\="œSpecialist, I am so glad to hear that you are safe!" =/\=
She spoke - with her voice sounding significantly more self-confident and healthy. A side effect of being immersed in the Lattice: She was not alone anymore. She was"¦ Alright"¦
With a little chuckle she nodded, her smile widening even more as she could hear Emerald.
Mimicking his squeaking she enjoyed the second of bliss, before she forced herself back to prioritising tasks.
=/\="œ...I miss you too, Emerald." =/\=
She addressed the child directly in a warm tone, then went back into a more business-pragmatic way of speaking.
=/\="œI am alright. I am safe in the Tholian Embassy, assisting Captain Eydis and Skaldyr. Things are being processed. Stay in the lab and take care, I will be walking back through that door as soon as I can." =/\=

At the sound of the Soft One's voice, Emerald chirped and squeaked excitedly. Once again they could not see her but they could hear her and that was enough for them. Happily they responded to every word they heard her say with a squeak or a click from inside the ECS, reaching their arms out for the one they couldn't see.
"œChirp! Squeak! Click!" They called out to their missing parent in the hopes that their cries would bring her here to look after them as she often did when they cried. They noticed a change in the Sharp One at the sound of the Soft One's voice. The Sharp One relaxed and so did Emerald, still hoping to see the Soft One appear at any moment. The Soft One also helped keep things calm between the Humming One and the Sharp One.

Xasik smiled at the sound of Sirol's voice. Relief coursed through his body like a soothing wave as he heard that she was safe. He noticed a change in her voice immediately. Somehow she sounded happier, more vibrant. It warmed his heart to hear it. He hadn't realized until now but he was starting to really care for her, and the thought of her hurt, upset or in danger distressed him. It had happened so gradually that he had hardly noticed it. He had become comfortable with her around and slowly that feeling had grown without him realizing it.

=/\="œI'm glad to hear that you're safe as well. I was worried." =/\= he smiled at the way Emerald was reacting to the voice coming through his badge. They were stretching their arms out and chirping and clicking away happily
=/\="œI think the little one will be very excited to see you again. Please promise us that you'll stay safe and be careful. The lab wouldn't be the same without you. We'd miss you too much, especially little Emerald." =/\=

He chose to say nothing about Sirol's connection to the Lattice at this time. There was a time and a place for everything, and in the middle of an emergency was not the time.

Old Topics / Re: NEW ship discussion
August 18, 2021, 08:05:28 AM

DUDE where's my ship?

Season Three Missions / Re: S3-M8: Best Laid Plans
August 17, 2021, 01:17:05 AM

[Katra Station | Simulation Lab]

Quote from: Sirol on August 15, 2021, 06:11:24 PM

< Katra Station / Simulation Lab >

Tightly holding onto the ECS with the hatchling inside, Peylix held up the little sphere.
Despite the sudden haste and underlying worry this situation caused, the little one seemed cheerful and happy, eagerly stretching out their tiny arms and trying to reach out for Peylix on the other side of the sphere.
Leaning forward a little they gently tapped the sphere with their index finger in a playful manner, trying to keep the child happy and occupied while the scientists were getting ready.

Emerald chirped happily as they watched Peylix tap the sphere. They reached out their tiny arms and made grabbing motions as they tried to reach the one who hummed so soothingly. They loved this parent because they were the same. It was not something the hatchling understood or could even begin to decipher yet, but rather something on an instinctual level that drew them to the other Tholian for love and support. Emerald was always excited to see the Humming One (Peylix).

Emerald loved all of their parents, even if they didn't understand that yet. The one who made soft sounds (Sirol) always drew their attention and soothed them in a way that the other two could not. It was beyond Emerald's understanding why but whenever the soft one entered the room they felt happiest and safest. The Soft One also had green eyes the same colour as they were. They had first noticed this by stretching out their arms towards the Soft One and observing their arms compared to the vibrant eyes staring back at them. It drew Emerald to this parent even more and made them feel safe.

The sharp One (Xasik) was the one who Emerald saw most often. When the other two parents disappeared it was always the Sharp One that stayed with Emerald. The Sharp one gave off the vibes of a protector which allowed the hatchling to feel safe and secure. This parent was rougher than the other two in tone but every bit as gentle as the Soft One and the Humming One. Instinctually Emerald had picked up on the friction between the Sharp One and the Humming One. They didn't understand it but it unsettled them. It even caused them to squeak a distress call on occasion to get their attention and stop the tension. Around the Soft One the Sharp One was softer in his tones, but around the Humming One his tone once again was rough and defensive. Emerald loved the Sharp One and the time they spent together but enjoyed the times when all three parents were together most of all.

The Humming One was currently the centre of Emerald's focus as they tapped on the bubble around them.
"œSqueak! Chirp! Squeak squeak! Chirp!" Emerald happily reacted and reached out their hands. They had noticed the Sharp One reaching for the shiny covering and had gotten excited for that. When the Sharp One and the Soft One reached for their coverings it often meant that they would snuggle with Emerald outside of their nest (the EV Tank). It was the thing the hatchling loved the most. The bubble was a new experience but from their own limited experience, when the parents entered the humming place only good things happened.
Looking towards the doorway where the parents often came and disappeared though, Emerald tried to find any trace of the Soft One. They had heard her soft tones before but had not seen her and this somewhat distressed the hatchling. Their attention was again captured by a finger tapping on the bubble.

Xasik noticed Peylix's attention towards Emerald and smiled to himself. He pretended not to notice to avoid making the healer uncomfortable, but couldn't help but watch the pair from the corner of his eye as he secured his suit in place. It warmed his heart to see Emerald so happy and lively around the healer. Of course he understood that Emerald was still only a baby and didn't understand the complicated workings of the world around them, or the relationships of those closest to them, but the simple joy this hatchling had in simply seeing a familiar face was enough to make anyone forget their troubles for just a moment of innocent bliss.

It hadn't escaped Xasik's attention that He, Sirol and Peylix were the three consistent influences on Emerald since his hatching day and that they three were the ones Emerald got most excited to see. It also hadn't escaped his knowledge that a typical Tholian family unit consisted of three adults each contributing to raising the children together. It had crossed his mind that in Emerald's innocent baby mind they were his trio of parents. He wasn't sure exactly how he felt about that thought. He and Peylix were not really on the best of terms and often he thought he caught  glimpses of Peylix and Sirol cosying up to each other. Often when they were working together they would stand close to each other. Part of him wasn't surprised in the least bit, Sirol did come off as kinda Tholian in the way she conducted herself and she did get along very well with Peylix. He had never witnessed anything negative pass between them. Maybe Sirol really did have the soul of a Tholian"¦..a Soulian if you will. Xasik snorted at his thoughts as he finished securing his suit. He tried not to let any sour thoughts cloud his judgement. Now was not the time.

Quote from: Sirol on August 15, 2021, 06:11:24 PM

As they were making their way into the Quarantine Room, Peylix made sure to check up on the scientists.
Despite them being aliens and slightly unsettling to be around, they were still associates, and Peylix was not devoid of sympathy for them.

Peylix turned around and gave the scientist [hidden behind the almost opaque visor of their EV suit] a sharp look.
< "œEnvironmental Containment Sphere..." > They corrected her and looked at the child inside.
< "œ...A highly sophisticated piece of mobile technology allowing to safely transport small organisms through harsh environmental conditions such as Katra." >
They then once more booped the sphere, gently teasing the little one, before he handed it back to Xasik.

It was hard to contain his chuckle as he entered the quarantine room. He found it highly amusing that his hamster ball comment had been adapted by the two strangers. He found it even more amusing that Peylix had felt the need to correct them and not him earlier. He supposed that the Tholian was getting used to his sense of humour, or at least his manner of speaking. In any case, it almost seemed like Peylix tolerated his presence and that was good enough for now.
When the ECS was handed to him by Peylix, Xasik cradled it gently with both hands and looked inside at the excited little hatchling. He knew that Emerald more than likely was expecting to be snuggled and he felt guilty that this time he would be unable to comply. If they had to leave in a hurry then Emerald would be safest in his baby bubble.

Deciding to conserve energy, Xasik made himself comfortable on the floor, leaning back against the wall. He held the ECS protectively and mirrored the actions Peylix had been doing moments before, gently tapping the bubble to amuse the hatchling and enjoy the happy little squeaks he got in return. He was only half listening to the conversation going on around him.

Quote from: Sirol on August 15, 2021, 06:11:24 PM

As Peylix noticed the scientists musing about their next move, Peylix just looked at them.
They were not in charge but merely following the sound advice of the local lead scientist, hence Peylix being hesitant to answer at first"¦
< "œWe will wait and protect the hatchling. I conclude that if there will be any changes, Scientist Sirol will reach out to me again.
According to the thoughts she relayed, Captain Eydis is on hir way to the lab, shi will be more versed with handling an emergency situations like this than I am." >

Xasik looked up from the ECS and eyed Peylix curiously. His face was obscured by the tint of his visor so he was doubtful that the Tholian would catch his stare. The way they had phased their comment about Sirol relaying her thoughts had come off as odd to him. He wasn't sure why, but it just did.
"œShe relayed her thoughts?" He questioned from his position on the ground. He had heard Peylix refer to Tholians relaying their thoughts over the Lattice, but never had they used the term when referring to a verbal conversation. Maybe it was just in bis mind and he was looking too deeply into it.
His heart tightened as he thought of Lieutenant Sirol. She was out there somewhere in the middle of the chaos, not in the lab in the safety of the quarantine room with them. He had no doubt that she was smart enough to seek somewhere safe and look after herself, but he couldn't help the sting of worry that was now coursing through his veins.
Without thinking about it, he reached up and tapped his comm badge.
"œSpecialist Freeman to Lieutenant Sirol. Are you safe? With everything going on, I just wanted to make sure you were okay. Peylix, Little Pebble and I are safe inside the quarantine room with Ruthie and Meros. Emerald misses you. They keep looking towards the door for you."
Right on cue, Emerald started chirping, clicking and squeaking.
Season Three Missions / Re: S3-M8: Best Laid Plans
August 16, 2021, 01:45:14 AM

[Katra - Deck 6]


Running for his life, the crewman had never felt so much fear coursing through his body. Everywhere he turned there was chaos and terror. He must have looked ridiculous with the way his arms were waving through as he ran. Was no where safe?
Rounding a corner he saw what appeared to be a child riding a Gorn, a Klingon and a Tholian. The scene was a strange one but he had seen stranger things today.
He heard the question the Gorn asked and stopped suddenly.
"The Tosk Delegation? I can show you the way if you can protect me." The crewman pointed down the hallway. "It's this way! No time to lose, things are getting crazy around here." He was out of breath but he had a reserve of energy ready to go. Not wasting another moment, the crewman continued down the hallway.

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