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Messages - Malcolm Adeyemi


Congrats everyone!

News Archive 2018 / Re: Welcome back - Bonnie Moors
September 21, 2018, 08:27:50 PM

Welcome back!


Welcome to the Fleet!

News Archive 2018 / Re: Welcome New Player - Charlie Davis
September 19, 2018, 08:16:08 PM

Welcome to Shadow Fleet!

Season Three Missions / Re: S3:M2 There is Always Soma
September 19, 2018, 04:32:28 PM
Quote from: Michael Ferdinand on September 19, 2018, 03:18:45 PM

[Peppah's Quarters]
Peppah dropped the fork and snatched the data PADD out of the Admiral's hands, annoyed that he has not enjoyed the dinner she slaved over. She began scrolling through the information, nodding here and there as she digested it.

"The Captain wants us to bug the Orion's and the survivors' rooms." Peppah said. "Let's go." She scooted away from the table and got up, beginning to walk out the door before realizing she needed to keep the Admiral in tow.


Adeyemi found himself, cat like, creeping behind the dress wearing commander down the passageways. She was being utterly ridiculous, creeping around while the entire night shift, who was just going on duty, watched them both. Embarrassed, the admiral shuffled along.

"Sugar Lips, you ain't sneakin'," Smith rasped as she ground out yet another double lungful of smoke. She was conspiratorially casting her gaze about, peeking around corners, and making it utterly obvious that she was doing something clandestine.

"How do you plan on getting into their quarters?" Adeyemi asked.

Smith was grinding out a butt on a bulkhead, ruining the fabric there.

"Just leave it ta me, admi'ra," Smith cackled as they approached the first room.

Season Three Missions / Re: S3:M2 There is Always Soma
September 19, 2018, 03:10:55 PM

[Peppah's Quarters]

Adeyemi sat and stared, the PADD on the table, long forgotten. He'd tried to eat, but the smell of the place and the spectacle of Smith digging into her food put him off. The woman didn't cut the pasta, but slurped, and would skewer entire pieces of chicken and hold it up with her fork, eating. In between every half moon, face staining bite she would take a hearty puff of her cigarette. The smoke wafted above the admiral's shaved head and hovered there, causing him to cough and wave his hand every few minutes.

He had tried to interject, even raising the PADD a few times, but every time he did Smith overrode him with a lizardy commanding tone in her voice more potent than the cry of a wounded targ. She went on about her sister and her children at exhaustive length. Adeyemi tuned out as much as he could, but he was soon aware of every facet of the Smith family's home life, try as he might to ignore it.

Finally, when she wound down, Adeyemi weakly raised the PADD.

"Captain...communications...Orion." He managed weakly. He'd beaten men bigger than him in the ring, stronger, faster, with more endurance. But seven minutes with Peppah Smith had him feeling like he'd just ran a marathon.



Please post your application here.

Home thanks!!

Season Three Missions / Re: S3:M2 There is Always Soma
September 19, 2018, 11:33:27 AM

[P-Way Outside of Peppah's Quarters]

Adeyemi was struck by the smell even before he got to Smith's doors. It was like kasha crossbred with potpourri that had been sprinkled on a wet dog. As he got closer, his ears were similarly accosted by a distinctly raspy squawk. It was as if someone had hit a bird of prey with a rock in mid-flight.

The young man in yellow operating on the comm relay station across the passageway from Smith's quarters was wearing ear plugs, had probably nicked them from sickbay. He didn't even hear Adeyemi coming. He was fiddling around with a spanner, oblivious to the noise coming from the door opposite of him. When he finally spotted the admiral, he stood and said in a too loud voice, "Evening, sir!"

"Evening," Adeyemi replied in his neutral, polite way. When he lined at Smith's door he could have sworn he heard the young officer snicker.

[Peppah's Quarters]

"Oh, the shark, babe, has such teeth, dear, and it shows them pearly whites--SUGAR LIPS!" Smith was smoking one of her ever present Tareyton cigarettes. Excitedly, she rushed at him.

Adeyemi felt himself being embraced and awash in a scent of sickly musky perfume. Her cigarette nearly burned his hand, causing him to jerk back. He was glad of it; otherwise he would have frozen worse than the first time he was in battle.

"Commander!" Was all he got out. He held out the PADD before him, using his reach advantage by maneuvering the woman further away from him. He had gone from frozen in battle to squaring up against an opponent in the ring. "I am only here to review the communication logs from the Orion vessel!"

LOA Archives / Re: LOA Request - Lyric McDaniels 9-19/10-1
September 19, 2018, 10:18:43 AM


News Archive 2018 / Re: Welcome Back - Savar Dorran
September 18, 2018, 05:29:18 PM

Welcome back!

LOA Archives / Re: Djann Tempest/Jortaal LOA 9/14-9/18
September 18, 2018, 12:10:59 PM

Welcome back!


Returning at Lieutenant is just fine. Give me a number over 1k for your posts and I'll fix those, as well. I'll leave it to Kirok to place you on a roster.


Welcome to the Fleet!



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