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Childhood Memories
By Ensign Myne

Float. Turn. Leap. Then land with the weight of a wing of a fly.

With my second leap I came down upon the keys of Max Rebo's Nalargon and danced along them, not setting a single off till I got a cue from the blue Ortalan. He would play the first seven keys of his number before I would spring from key to key to press them down in tune with him. It was a pleasing display to Jabba which was what we all wanted. Well, not to please him as much as not to be eaten by his pet rancor Pateesa.

Toward the end of the number I leaped in the air and let the air vent of the Nalargon blow me forward, my tiny form drifting through the air as I spun about. Due to my age and veil of sweet innocence Jabba kept me modestly attired, but with bells so that as I drifted here and there I would sing for him with my movements. As I spun, the bells singing to his visible approval I began to drift toward the ground. Melina Carniss, Jabba's dance choreographer, watched from a distance to make notes for how to increase my effectiveness. She had recommended ribbons once to flutter behind me as I floated but it was hard to keep clean due to the grime of the palace.

Hutt's were notorious for their grime and slime. It's like faulting a Wookie for getting hair everywhere, it just wasn't done. However Jabba the Hutt had his eccentric moments and one was to make sure I was always pristine and with flowery smells. Maybe it was due to my faerie like nature, he would call me wisty. Endor had wisties which some called faeries that were a fascination of some collectors who met Jabba. I skipped along where I liked and even up onto Jabba giggling as I skipped up his tail to give him a hug now and then. It took the Gamorrean guards a few times of me doing this not to pull their vibro ax's. I was touching the 'boss' after all. I approached without asking. He did not mind, he knew I was harmless and without a malicious bone. Also attacking someone would likely hurt me more then it would hurt the one I would be striking. The joys of being a ghostling.

I had the joys that a privileged life allowed. Food was never withheld and treats were often. I had a pile of pillows to curl into the dancers quarters that were softer than a cloud. Knowing now what I know it amazed me he wasted such credits on my sleeping area. But it was preferable over hard floors since I bruised so easily. I would flutter and float about guests that came, some were bothered by me or even unsettled. However many seemed put at ease by my playful nature. Jabba found this beneficial, and at ease people were not as on guard mentally and tended to make mistakes.

I had a nanny droid, TDL-38. She had to be malfunctioning, later I found out there was some programming in her when I was a bit older. She dotted me like a child younger than my years. This was however effecting in keeping me safe from the unsavory types of the palace. Do not touch was the rule for them. Ghostlings could bruise or bleed at a strong strike, a rough brush by another person could even harm them.

I did not get to see the sun much as I tended to sunburn easily. But I was allowed to go once to Mos Eisley with a former associate of Jabbas who wanted to show me to their benefactor. Jabba initially refused, insisting that the benefactor could come to his palace instead. I do not know the deal that changed his mind, but before I knew it I was in a cargo hold going to a far away place. I spent over two weeks in a treasure garden of the man's Heptooinian associate. The fruit was nice, the carnivorous plants and spiders bigger than myself were not so nice.

One day when dodging monstrosities while fetching fruit I began to hear blaster fire. Something that was not often heard during the stay. A nice human woman named Ro-San Borokki soon met me in the garden to tell me I was going to be returning home. The former associate and his benefactor were coming with us on the return trip. I later learned that Jabba sent a team to liquidate the estate and check the garden for anything of value. The trip home was rather uneventful save for TDL-38 checking me hide to hair a few dozen times before I could get to sleep in the pile of pillows from my spot in the dancer quarters. Apparently the bounty hunter Ro-San was pre briefed and sent with everything I would need.

I would not see the sun again until the day after that self proclaimed Jedi Knight killed everyone on the sail barge.

I still do not know what Jabba did to those two men who orchestrated my capture. But I was back dancing for Jabba and doing my best to be pleasing. He did always order me to never be on the grate, kinda wish Oola had that advice.

So that's all for this history memo, have a nice day.

(Response's welcome)


Still crouched by the holographic dinosaur at this point, the Andorian answered with a wide smile.  "I'm from the Challenger.   Petty Officer First Grade ShranLahr ch'Verret.   Otherwise known as DJ Lahr."

After standing, Lahr offered out his hand towards the Lieutenant to shake per human custom.

He was surprised when the Lieutenant agreed to a possible game.  "Alright... how about after I see Myne here back to the ship?  Zhuk?  Doc?  Anyone else care to join in?"

[Ensign Myne | Outside Quarks | Deep Space Nine]

Myne shook her head to the nice gentleman, "I can make it back on my own, the Nausicaan seems to have stayed in Quarks. I appreciate everything you have done and I will be sure to put in a good word on how brave and kind you were in offering to take me back after the incident. You go have fun. I will go and stay on the ship." Her pigtails dropped a bit showing her mood of wanting to have fun but the shivering she still was exhibiting showed she should be back on the ship, hiding in her pillow fort.

"Thank You.. everyone. Now go have fun!", the Ensign put on a smile for the group.

Holodeck / Re: Stellar (open to all)
May 29, 2023, 09:48:16 PM

[Ensign Myne | Mess hall | USS Challenger]

The small girl officer rose and took her tray and glass of water and moved to the other side of the table beside the new woman. "A pleasure to meet you Ma'am!", the small girl with twin red pigtails and bright green eyes smiled up. "I'm new too so I know how it is, I just met these two fine officers here. They accepted me and we accept you."

Ensign Myne took a bite of the bowl of slave nutri-goop she ordered and smiled up to Rin. The food probably tasted as bad as it looked but it seemed to be something she was used to.

Holodeck / Re: Out of Proportion - Buehler/Myne
May 29, 2023, 09:30:42 PM

"It would hurt me terribly to see them grow old and die as I do not change a bit for potentially longer then many of there lifetimes.. it's so lonely. But I do have Lieutenant Kyan. It's so rare for two Onlies to meet..", she said laying back as she stretched out on the examination table.

"So glad to hear about the liver, damn Borg implants make it so hard to drink anything strong", she smiled up to him.

"I am adopted... first by the nine mommies on Miri who all took care of us littles. Then by a family on Tarian IV... dead and I was enslaved. Then by a family on Valakis... dead and I was enslaved. Then by a family on Mimit... dead and I was enslaved. Then by a family on Hydra... dead and I was enslaved. Then by a family on Galen IV... dead and I was enslaved. Then by a family on Auren... dead and I was assemilated. Then lets not even talk about those child snatching Aldeans...... So yeah adoptions a thing..."


The device beeped, indicating he had finished the scan, if absentmindedly. "Well, your liver seems to be fine for the time being," he told her. "But if I could ask a question..." he was almost afraid to ask, the topic being so awkward, even coming from a doctor, "... do you bleed? Uh, you know... the way women do?"

She smiled up to the Doctor and nodded enthusiasticly, "Yes. Of course. I bleed when I cut my finger of when I skin my knee Doctor!"

M'nia had taken a seat in the back. She really didn't know what was going on other than what Myne had told her. It sounded like some sort of espionage mission. Still she was a green ensign just out of the academy. She would just shut up and listen unless somebody spoke to her. He tail flicked back and forth. She saw Kinley sit down and nodded to her. She recognized her as the woman who was with Steve. She then looked over at Myne. Maybe she could get a clue as to what was really going on.

[Ensign Myne | Wardroom | Deep Space 9]

Ensign Myne leaded over, "Briefing for a two team outing. Not exactly keen on what I am to do save play a role. Don't worry when the big boss asks any questions.. just stick up your paw and ask where do I go". Myne smiled reassuringly to M'nia. "Don't panic. You will do fine!"

Holodeck / Re: Stellar (open to all)
May 29, 2023, 04:08:19 PM

[Ensign Myne | Mess hall | USS Challenger]

Ensign Myne smiled as another sat with them, but she was a ways away. Carefully the Only stood and was mostly hidden by the table when she waved a hand up from her obscured position.  "Oh do come sit closer. We do not bite. The Caitians might, but thats cause there kitties!"

Holodeck / Re: Stellar (open to all)
May 29, 2023, 08:46:03 AM

[Ensign Myne | Mess hall | USS Challenger]

Ensign Myne smiled up to the man and looked to his large tray with amazement. Taking a bite of the slave nutri-goop she had grown accustom to over so long she swallowed before smiling again and then to the Vulcan officer when he gave his praise to her.

Clearing her throat she looked up as a passerby might mistake a sweet family dinner with him and her on each side of her. Least till they saw the uniform. "I am well versed in general science, but my specialty Sir is Xeno-Zoology. One of my many stretches as a slave was as a shepherdess for the Kzinti. I would handle there food animals and learned a lot about different animals during that time."

She took another bite of the food then said looking between both officers, "Your both ops? That must be so much fun. Have you ever made motor reving sounds when you prepare to go into warpspeed?"

Her 'age' was showing.

Advertisement Board / Re: Advertisement posts
May 29, 2023, 08:19:58 AM

Advertisements posting. Will work on Link Backs today.

- Khitomer Conference
- United Space Federation


[Wardroom - Deep Space Nine]

Ian felt bad essentially scolding the girl, but there were standards of decorum all Starfleet officers had to maintain. The ensign from Discovery just had the pointed out to her. Despite feeling like he was being harsh, the Onlies were such a special case, all of them were at least 200 plus years old, but they were still emotionally and developmentally children. Since their discovery back in the 23rd Century, they finally got adult supervision and education, so they were allowed in Starfleet, but Ian remained skeptical that they were up to the task of serving on a Starship.

"Understood Ensign. It was a reasonable deception for the moment. For now, we will accept you can take on the role planned for you."

[Ensign Myne | Wardroom | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Ensign Myne lifted her shoulders and chin high as she nodded to her Captain. "Thank You for encouraging me Captain. I will do my best to serve and bring pride to the ship Sir!" She smiled as she clasped her hands behind her back and puffed out her chest but kept the same happy smile.


[Wardroom - Deep Space Nine]

Ian winced internally as Tekin exercised his command authority a put the Cardassian ensign in her place. When Garak explained the plan, and the Onlie ensign hugged Captain Vaughn, he winced again at her antics.

"Funny is funny, but there's ta be a reckonin'."

He thought before saying.

"Ensign Myne, save it for the mission Lass. If'n you wish ta be seen as an adult, act like one."

Turning to face Garak, and still awestruck to be talking directly to another legend of the Dominion War, he added.

"The infiltration plan seems viable, but what is the exfiltration plan? How are we ta pull our people out?"

[Ensign Myne | Wardroom | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Myne's shoulders slumped at the light scolding and she nodded, "Yes Sir. My Apologies."

She kept her ears open, not wishing to miss anything including listening to Big Brother. "Big Brother. The reason I skipped and giggled on the bridge was a 'foolies' incase he saw me it would be looking like i'm some officers child playing on the bridge. So it would make sense with the situation at hand."

Holodeck / Re: Out of Proportion - Buehler/Myne
May 27, 2023, 10:07:54 PM

"Yeah well lets not. Otherwise I will be nuzzling a mugato in the morning..", she smiled weakly. "Doctor.. I have a odd question I want you to research. Something I saw when being a slave so much and seeing so many die of there age.."

She sighed, "In twenty thousand years I'll look like a human girl of around twenty one or twenty two. I know by then I could but I was wondering? Can I ever be a Mommy? What happens if I am with a human with a human lifespan? Can I even have children by a non Only? Sorry Doc it's just your the first one to not run and hide. So your stuck with the fun questions."


[Deep Space Nine - Wardroom]

Everything seemed to go okay.. until the worst thing to happen did.  His own officer speaking out.  Not just a quiet quip, but finally actively being adversarial to a diplomat.  Regardless of who it was, it did not matter, and what was worse is that Jael did not seem to let up.  Discovery was being embarrassed by the second.  And the Captain finally had enough.

"Miss Sherem.. that's ENOUGH!" he suddenly shouted back, channeling his inner Emmissary as he tried not to clench his fist.  He didn't need to explain what or why, but the look he was giving his officer was quite enough; she was more than just out of line. He waited for the sound of his own voice to stop reverberating on the walls before he dared speak again.

"I will say this only once.  If you are too close to the mission to remain objective, then I will relieve you of duty now and let you sit this one out.  If you wish to remain on this assignment, you will remain seated and silent unless addressed directly.  Is that clear?"

Once that was done, he turned back to Kira and Garak as well as his group.  "My apologies, it will not happen again. Please continue."

He sat back, listening as they continued, while occasionally looking back at his officer just in case.  Very few people could remain objective in such a situation, but time and experience gave him the ability to restrain himself in such times... something that Jael seemed to lack.  He was not looking forward to the later meeting in his ready room.

The yell of the Captain caused Ensign Myne's perfect attention to falter as she hunkered down with a hand on the back of her head and one on the back of her neck to protect spots if hit. After a moment she reeasumed her attention stance however with a bit of shivering.

She hoped her reaction would not harm her chances of being allowed on the mission, however she tended to react with fear to unexpected yelling. Something that might lend some more credability to her 'role'.


M'nia was rather confused. Was ensign Myne the captain's daughter? Then Commander Kira said for her to break character. She shook her head. "Excuse me but what is going on? Myne why are you acting like the captain's daughter? Is this a joke I'm not aware of?"

[Ensign Myne | Wardroom | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Ensign Myne leaned over a bit to the nice Ensign M'Nia. "Planning an away mission with some foolies as we call it on Miri. So they need me to pretend which I am good at. Thats all." She gave a thumbs up to the confused Ensign.


Before the briefing.


Kinley nodded"The doctor's not wrong. he does have his own holoemitter. It's on his collar, and he even has gone planetside for little stints. But when we're on the ship, I like him to hop through the Ship's holonetworks. Saves a little bit of battery life." she smiled. While she certainly didn't make him, she was pretty impressed at his capabilities.  "Do you guys have any other plans before your ships head out?"

[Ensign Myne | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Myne gently stayed close to the security crewman and shook her head, "It's likely not safe for me to be wandering around. I am going to head to the ship until needed." She leaned down and petted Steve, "A pleasure to meet you Steve." She then smiled and headed toward the onboarding.

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