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Messages - Neva Cordon

Quote from: Ian Galloway on August 21, 2023, 01:15:40 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

When Jettis cranked the ship's sensors up to their maximum power, the amount of data coming in would have been overwhelming if not for being filtered to find only anomalies and artificial objects. Once of the first things he discovered was that all the noise that was making any scans complicated was, in fact, deliberate jamming.

Knowing the interference was not a natural phenomenon allowed Jettis to refine the scans enough to pick one, then a second ship through all the jamming. The first ship, clearly fleeing from the second was small, just 35 x 12 x 8 meters and showing signs of significant damage with failing hull integrity. The second ship was...was... Klingon! An older bird of prey. Not a large ship, but certainly more than a match for the fleeing ship.

It was at that time that CatalÁ¡n at Ops spoke up again.

"Another transmission, not the Burke... audio only."

"œThis.... Satra. We are .... attack ...... My ..... severely injured and primary systems are ..... Request immediate ..... Repeating..."

"The signal is less than a quarter lightyear from us and moving perpendicular port to starboard from our current course."

Ian took in this information and began building a mental image of the locations of the ships in the 3D of space.

"Mister Shepard. Make your headin' 49 mark 122 take us ta full emergency speed of warp 9.88 we can cut the corner on them. Hopefully before the smaller ship is destroyed. Mister MacKenzie, red alert, bring the photons ta ready. Ops, can you identify this Satra?"

"Checking registry of ships...yes Satra. Listed as Jyn Faisha Sir."

"Well, looks like we're ta be meetin' the Jyn a wee bit sooner than planned."


[Sickbay - USS Challenger] - [Dr. Jessica Fellows]

The sickbay was ready to receive casualties as it could be. The team knew there jobs and fortunately, had too much experience recently to need much direction. All they could do was wait.

Jess received an update from the bridge and began to issue instructions.

"Okay, casualties reported on a small ship under attack by Klingons. I'm going to have to have an away team ready. Ensign Rashar, Petty Officer Heesou, and Crewman Th'vyrrol. Prep emergency treatment and triage gear."


[Aft Crew Lounge -  USS Challenger]

Neva arrived to find the five members of Damage Control Team Six waiting for her with tool boxes in hand. PO1 Skor lorin Vovraarra, a Tellerite; PO3 T'roth, a Vulcan; Crewman Hylax, a Benzite, Crewman Phillip Nuyen, a Human; and Crewman Sheila Danvers also a Human.

"I think we should draw weapons Ensign."

Skor said in a blunt tone.

"If Klingons are involved, I don't want to be unarmed when we face them."

Neva nodded and bit her bottom lip. "Right, thanks." Settling her kit strap more firmly on her shoulder, she reached for her phaser. Silently, she prayed to The Gods that she wouldn't have to use it.
She looked at each of the assembled crewmen, trying to put their faces to memory. Giving a small sigh, she looked at them and asked, "OK. So I know what task to put you on, do any of you have any specializations?" She smirked a little at them. "You guys can't tell me you don't have a certain part of this job that you like to tinker more with, can you?"
Holodeck / Re: Face To Face with Aarwendil and Neva
August 22, 2023, 07:55:28 AM

'Aarwendil, i may have been BORN on a ship, but that doesnt mean i havent seen & lived on our homeworld.' she chided. She showed him her home on Betazed, her mother taking on the mantel of the 8th House, playing by Lake Cateria on a vacation with her parents and going to secondary school there.
'So you see, Betazed wasn't foreign to me. Once my parents divorced and my Dad retired from Starfleet, he went back to Earth to live. So when i went to the Academy, he and I were able to spend time together. When he died mere weeks before my Graduation, my mother came and took care of his affairs and was there for me. We've been close ever since. Neva wiped a tear from her eye then smiled again, if a little sadly.

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on August 21, 2023, 03:54:37 AM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck 10 - Phaser Range]

After hearing the Lieutenant Commander's explanation, Lahr watched the targets more closely at the far end of the range.  Heh, the Only was right.  Lahr scratched his head wondering how he'd missed seeing that.

=/\="A field trip to the holodeck won't be needed.  I see the issue now.  I'll get the targets working proper.  No worries about that.  Sorry to bother. ch'Verret out." =/\=

He then turned back to the assembled security personnel.  "Weapons on safety and holstered, please.  The phaser range is now closed.    Those on away-team standby are still welcome to stage here but weapons practice is put on hold until after I'm done my repairs."

There were a few unhappy grumbles but one by one the security personnel secured and holstered their assigned weapons.  Only once all phasers were secured, did Lahr make his way down to the target end of the range.   He began his scan of the equipment, looking for where the problem was.

Unfortunately, before he could do so.  The ship's yellow alert klaxon sounded.  Lahr put away his scanner and then hurried his way back to the entrance.  He and DCT1 were assigned to their usual staging area on Deck Two, the Observation Lounge.

[USS-Challenger-A Hallway]
Neva was just heading to a turbolift when the klaxons sounded. She jumped in surprise, putting a hand to her heart and leaning against a nearby wall to calm herself. When the Chief gave her new orders, Neva vaulted away from the wall and resumed her course to the turbolift. "Aye, Sir! On my way!.
Once on her way in the turbolift, the realization of what the Chief had ordered sank in. 'I'm LEADING the team? Again?!? It felt weird, considering she'd thought Lahr was in charge of his team already. Orders were orders, though. She technically outranked him, soo...

[USS Challenger-A Observation Lounge]

As the doors slid open, Neva looked around for "her" crew. Seeing them loosely gathered, she jogged over and smirked. "Hey all. Chief wants me to Mother Hen you again. You think you're up for it?"

Holodeck / Re: Face To Face with Aarwendil and Neva
August 21, 2023, 04:21:33 AM
Quote from: Nira Said on August 20, 2023, 10:36:09 PM

[Commander Nira Said | XO's Office | Deck Two | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira nodded and fetched Neva her chocolate and Aarwendil his Uttaberry juice. Nira had heard of Uttaberry, but she had grown up with Sahlab. Uttaberry was a little unusual. Additionally, since the mission on Ferenginar and her exposure to Slug O'Cola, she was a little leery of green drinks.

Well, it's always good to be able to talk telepathically, Aarwendil,
said Nira. Again, it's just us.

Now, let's have a chat, and I won't mind if we can all show rather than tell at times, Nira continued. I'm curious about your backgrounds, both as an officer and as a Betazoid who's never been to Betazed. Oh yes, she added, I've never been to Betazed. I've been raised on earth, adopted by a human family along the Arabian coast, hence the name. Said, she added, pronouncing the name as usual as "say-eed," not "said."

Neva felt herself relaxing once they stopped really "talking."
"i haven't been back to Betazed in what feels like forever!" She showed them the visit on Earth after her graduation from the Academy when Neva and her mother visited the state they called Wisconsin. They visited different towns, both of them feeling the need to reminisce about Neva's father. She then showed the images of she & her mother eating something called "Deep Fried Breaded Cheese Curds." The both of them laughing at how Daddy would say 'the freshest ones sqeak when you eat them.
"I'll have to show you the tales they told about when they met. I was born on the starship they served on." Unbidden, the images of a Neva of 5 years old sitting in a pile of parts that used to be a remote controlled Ship. She was grinning, holding tools she found of her Dad's, saying "Fixing!" over & over.
"Daddy loved it and was laughing, but Mother was convinced I'd thrown it!" Neva chuckled at the memory.
Holodeck / Re: Face To Face with Aarwendil and Neva
August 19, 2023, 10:50:39 PM

Meva bit her bottom lip. Not even two minutes into the interview and she'd effectively insulted her commanding officer!
She was about to speak when the Ensign from the other night came in.  'Arwendi?' she wondered. She stepped away and to the side of the desk as the ensign addressed the Commander. It had been so long since she'd been around other Betazoids that she wasn't sure how to act. She did manage to smile at him, however.
At the Commander's offer, Neva greatfully asked for a hot chocolate with mint chocolate chips and whipped cream. 'I might as well enjoy myself!' she mused and found a seat on a cushion, wiggling herself to get herself just right.
Neva savored the first sip eyes closing a moment. Upon hearing the Commander speaking telepathically, her eyes opened slowly. She'd not done so since visiting her mother before her posting to the Challenger.

Holodeck / Re: Face To Face with Aarwendil and Neva
August 18, 2023, 04:52:57 PM

[USS Challenger-A XO Office Door Deck Two]

Neva shrugged and rolled her shoulders nervously as she came to the XO's Office. She smoothed her uniform into place, hiding the fact she had sweaty palms.
Squaring her shoulders, she walked in the door. She was momentarily taken aback by the decor but gave silent approval. Stepping up to the desk, she inclined her head slightly, smile widening.
"Commander Said. I'm Neva Cordon. You sent for me?"

LOA Archives / Neva Cordon [August 23th-29th 2023]
August 16, 2023, 04:54:39 AM

Character(s) affected: Neva Cordon
Assigned ship(s): USS-Challenger-A
Period of time absent: August 23-29
Date of last period of activity: August 22nd
Date returning: August 30th

Any relevant comments: Will check as able. May post if there's a chance. Going to Indiana from North Carolina for cousin in law's wedding

Quote from: Aarwendil Cheizex on August 12, 2023, 10:39:33 AM

[Deep Space 9 | Quark's]

Aarwendil hummed happily while he walked through the corridors of the Promenade toward the famous, or perhaps infamous, Quark's. During his time at the Academy, the young Betazoid had heard stories from other members of the StarFleet about their visits to this place. Since these tales came from Ensigns, he was able to detect with his telepathy that they were mostly lies or exaggerations of real stories. However, what they all agreed was that the place was the heart of Deep Space 9 as much as the bridge was.

The Ensign agreed with it, because as soon as he arrived at the establishment, he noticed that it was crowded. Very crowded. Not only the crew of the Challenger was there, but everyone that participated in the mission and the workers of the Station seemed to have been invited to participate in this celebration.

Feeling a bit awkward for barely knowing anyone present, Aarwendil decided to move around a bit. Since he joined the ship when their last mission started, he had no time to meet the rest of the crew except those that were at the Challenger's bridge.

Looking around, he saw a child in uniform and deduced that he was an Onlie. The red-haired boy was talking with some other members of StarFleet. Aarwendil also saw a woman in uniform near the bar and by her unmistakable black eyes, he recognised her as a Betazoid. The young man walked at her, waving. "œHello! My name is Aarwendil." he said, before offering her a hand to shake. "œAre you part of the Station or of a ship's crew?

Neva turned and started to smile at the man-a Betazoid too-greeting her, then it drooped a little when he offered his hand. She made a pushing down motion over it, nervously answering "Hi. Im Neva. I'm part of the Challenger's crew, yes." She lifted her drink and took a long sip before continuing. "Seems you are too then?" She made it a question just to be safe.
Quote from: Nira Said on August 14, 2023, 07:34:42 PM

First Officer's Personal Log, Stardate 78244.7. We have made it to Starbase 153, though we're expected to get back into the thick of former Star Empire territory soon after. I'm hoping the crew can make the most of their expected shore leave.

I have to admit, I've kept busy with the crew. Especially in sparring sessions with Kyan Mackenzie. I learned a great deal from him, though I expect more sparring with him in days to come, especially to be more on the alert. But I've been especially busy with something else.

Every day, I go over with Commander Catalan from Ops to look over the new formation program we have installed. As relieved as I am that the program was uploaded in an isolated and removable memory module, I feel uneasy. I've heard stories about wolves, when attempted to be raised as pets as cubs, turned against their owners. As such, I've asked for checks on the program every so often to check for anything wrong with it. Yes, I feel uneasy about it, and so am wanting to know if there will be anything wrong with it.

At the same time, I'm looking over the copy of the files we downloaded from Melek Nor's database. All this time and the computer cannot decrypt what lies inside. I feel more determined to find out for myself. Twenty days. If we were at Starfleet Intelligence, it would've been cracked in eighteen hours (and I'm not saying minutes; the Intelligence people are good, but not that good, for Allah's sake). But I can't be sure if there will be Changelings, not with them on the loose. No, it's best for me to figure it out, and I've had Savar help with decrypting it whenever he had the time.

Savar does tell me that the copied database file, with what information is contained within, has a unique sort of encryption. It's designed to be unlocked on a certain time on a certain day. And we've determined it's to unlock for the celebration at Frontier Day. April Twelfth. I'm concerned that we can't wait that long, but by ourselves, I'm not sure how much we can do before we unlock this by the Twelfth.

I have my other duties to attend to, but I have not forgotten this. And if it makes me look more paranoid than before...well, I've gotten paranoid on stuff less than this...

[Commander Nira Said | First Officer's Quarters | Deck Two | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

"Is this why you got up so early, Imzadi?" asked Savar from behind Nira, his voice muffled as his lips touched one shoulder.

Nira hadn't even bothered dressing. It was the first thing she did whenever she woke up, checking on the automated decryption of the files from Melek Nor's database that they took. There had been no change in twenty days, not since she had her console start work on decrypting the files, one of the first things she had done since a partial release from Sickbay, not even before her full medical discharge. However, she did promise to drop by for checkups every so often, and for good reason.

She was still in her dancer's attire that had also doubled as underwear. Nira, as a Betazoid, was especially comfortable with showing her skin. But most prominent on her skin now were her new tattoos printed around the carved Cardassian brand permanently scarred on her hip. One of the first things she did for the bout of shore leave at Deep Space Nine after the Battle of Panora was to look into tattoos, and she was delighted to discover that there was a tattoo artist at one of the stalls on the Promenade. The artist was certainly surprised that she wanted tattoos around the scarring, and even on if possible.

But Nira was determined. The brand was carved there personally by Nehor Sherem, as he did with other Bajoran victims in the days during the Occupation of Bajor. It was deep enough into the skin that even modern Starfleet medical technology could do nothing to make it completely heal. It was there permanently. As such, it gave Nira the idea of tattoos around it. And she chose Arabic calligraphy to put around it. After all, she had realized how much Cardassian calligraphy looked like Arabic, albet with blocks and square edges rather than curves. Where Sherem had the brands indicate dangerous defiers who needed to be broken, Nira had the Arabic lettering to indicate she was a beautiful rose - beautiful but dangerous if need be.

Nira turned back and kissed him. "No change as of yet," she said.

"Twenty days and nothing," said Savar with a shrug. "We did find it will unlock on..."

"We know, but we can't wait until then," said Nira.

"Nira," said Savar wisely, "I feel you need something to put this aside. We're hitting walls when it comes to this. There won't be a thing we can do."

"All the same, we have to keep a cautious eye out," said Nira. "We're losing more and more ships as they head for Earth for the 250th Frontier Day, and there are Romulan factions hostile to the Federation who could take advantage of their absence."

Savar shrugged, kissed her briefly on the lips, then stood and threw over her uniform.

"Well, a first officer's duties are never done," said Savar. "Time to go to work."

Nira giggled and said, "Whatever you say, Imzadi."

[Commander Nira Said | Main Engineering >- Cetecean Labs | Deck Thirteen >- Deck Eight | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

The positive mood Nira had when she left fully dressed diminished a little as she got to work on her rounds before going to the Bridge. She brought her paperwork along with her, just so she could have something to do as she walked between sections. Among her paperwork, she had a list of ships in the Seventh Fleet, which were the fellow starships in the Otorin Sector, their initial destination. As a First Officer, it was the best she could do, and she wanted to know at least the number of ships in that fleet. In light of the news of ships heading to Earth for Frontier Day, she needed to know about the Seventh Fleet, and she didn't like what she was seeing. The Seventh Fleet was being depleted of ships faster than Nira had realized. As of Challenger's arrival time at Starbase 153, less than a third of the fleet is left in the sector, and even then, only two of the remaining ships were of the newer classes of fleet: The Kirishima, an Alita-class cruiser, and the Vincennes, a Sutherland-class battleship. Two other ships she had noted looked prominent but outdated enough to be left out of the party: The Caledonia, Ambassador-class, and the Boldt, Saber-class.

That number of ships, with so many hostile Romulan factions, it made Nira worried. Finally, she set the list aside, deciding to focus internally, focus on the crew. Besides, there were no indications of raids from hostile factions...not yet, anyhow.

Her wanderings had taken her to Main Engineering, and she was surprised by the scene before her: Commander Mackenzie was yelling for Commander Tharn. It usually wasn't wise to rile a Tellarite, but Nira had seen what Kyan was capable of. She could see why the psychotic little Antican Deej Cloten was scared of him.

"Commander," said Nira, gentle but firm. "I don't think it'll do much good to potentially antagonize Commander Tharn like that. However, I can understand if there needs to be a system looked at. If I may, though, maybe we could go for a melee sparring session later today, if you're able to?"

She waited for Kyan's reply, checked around some more. Passed Commander Tharn and made a passing "Good Morning" before beelining in the opposite direction, though she noticed Aarwendil and Neva in passing.

"Why, hello there," said Nira. "How have things been, Ensigns?" she asked Aarwendil and Neva. "Systems running alright?"

Neva snapped to attention at the sight of the First Officer. "Almost, Sir," she conceded. "On my way to tune up the port nacelle's systems a bit, actually." Neva gave a small grin.

Upon leaving Engineering, she felt a bit of a negative mood, given the potential of Tharn's rage. So, Nira decided to head to another place to cheer her up. And that took her to the Cetacean Labs to meet the Dolphins.

"Girls?" she asked for the dolphins. "Are you around? It's Nira!"

Quote from: Aarwendil Cheizex on August 14, 2023, 07:25:55 PM

[USS Challenger- Hall outside the Main Engineering]

Aarwendil walked absently reviewing some files in his PADD. Since his first mission, the young Betazoid had stored files regarding his observations of the events, from technical facts to his personal experiences with other members of the crew. He could have turned it into a personal log, but it seemed to be so clichÁ©, as if he was a child trying to copy a captain.

So he decided to be original and go with an old fashioned journal.

The Betazoid was passing by the entrance of the Engineering before going to the Bridge when he heard a yelling coming from inside. Thinking that something could be happening, Aarwendil opened the door.

Is everything fine?" he asked, noticing Kyan and Neva. "œI heard some loud voices and thought that you could be needing some help.

Neva looked at the man and shook her head once. "Nope, I'm good. Just our Chief being herself." She lifted her kit. "On my way to fix the plasma injectors on the port nacelle. Hopefully afterwards I get some shore leave." She gave a shrug. "If not, I'm not worried. Comes with the job in my opinion."
Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on August 14, 2023, 06:49:59 PM

[Lt. Commander Kyan Mackenzie | Engineering | USS Challenger]

Once again Kyan had a third pip. And once again he was the Chief of Security on a starship. Since the Vulcan woman had also gotten promoted and shuffled off to another ship, Kyan was in charge os Security now. He didn't think that was the only reason though. He attributed his promotion to the fact that he and Zhuk, who had also been promoted, had kept the Captain's girlfriend from being killed on Melok Nor. He made a mental note to go save some Admiral's girlfriend and see if he could get his own ship.

But that would have to wait. Currently, the Challenger's phaser practice range was on the fritz. It had been since the Battle at the Badlands. And there were a handful of brand new crewmen and a few ensigns in security who needed to practice. They'd put in requisitions and requests and the Petty Officer who'd done so told Kyan that the engineers said it would be fixed. It had not. So now Kyan would have to see to it himself.

"Thaaaarn!" the Onlie yelled, rolling into the Tellarite's house like a pint sized el Nino. "Ye said ye'd fix the phaser range yesterday an it ain't fixed!"

Not seeing the Tellarite, Kyan began looking around the room. He spotted an Ensign with a toolkit. "Hey you!" he called over. "Can ye tell me where tae find dat Tellarite boss of yours?"

Neva stopped once more, fighting to keep the malice out of her voice. "She's by the Warp Core. Can't miss 'er, Sir!" She then nodded in deference to the...uh..Neva saw the pips on his uniform, noted rank, and red hair. "Hey, you were with us at Quark's, right Sir?" She relaxed a little and gave a small smile."Forgive my question, Sir. I'm trying to put names to faces I've seen."
Quote from: Ian Galloway on August 14, 2023, 02:11:34 PM

[Main Engineering - USS Challenger] - [LTCMDR Dashlish Tharn]

Having already dismissed Neva, Tharn was surprised by the outburst and smirked as she replied.

"Okay, you're Neva. Now how about you prove that means something and maybe I'll bother to remember your name Ensign."

Neva nodded, fingers going white on the handle of her kit."Don't worry, you will, Sir,"  she retorted. She then walked off to make sure those plasma injectors were perfectly tuned like guitar strings.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on August 14, 2023, 12:39:05 PM

[Main Engineering - USS Challenger] - [Lieutenant Commander Dashlish Tharn]

With ship drawing most her power from the Starbase, the Challenger's warp core was silent, an unusual thing, as this compartment was usually filled with a powerful hum even when the core was on standby. Shut down, it almost felt 'wrong' to an engineer not to feel the comforting throb of the warp core.

However, after eighteen days at warp 8, the Chief Engineer was able to make adjustments and replacements that could not be done with the core active. In her element, when Neva spoke, Tharn jerked back and snarled.

"Help? You want to help? How many hours have you been out of the Academy? Can you even count that high youngling? Never mind, don't answer that. You think you can be useful, then get your tool kit and align the plasma injector on the port nacelle. Do a not incompetent job and you'll get to see the starbase, screw it up and you'll get to see the waste extraction system from the inside!"

Tharn then returned to her work having dismissed Neva from her thoughts, mumbling.

"Everyone shows up thinking they are a Geordi Laforge, but they come here not knowing how to find the useful end of a spanner. Damn useless nuggets....."

Biting her lower lip, Neva nodded and gave a clipped "Yessir!" She twirled around to leave, but when the Chief mentioned being a Geordi LaForge, Neva stiffened and stopped. "Never said I was, dammit!" she cut out in a soft hiss. "I'm me! NEVA!" She then resumed her stalk to the Plasma Injectors area. 'Tellarites! Mother said they were tricky! Sheesh!' she thought.

[Ensigns Quarters USS Challenger]

Neva stretched as she sat up in bed. She'd slept "the sleep of the just" as her dad would call it. Her stint on the Discovery had confirmed she was capable at her chosen field. She'd like to think she'd made a friend or two already, but she wasn't sure. Time would tell...
Hearing the Captain's announcement, Neva threw back her covers and headed for her morning ablution routine. Some shore leave was good anytime!
She froze with brush poised over her head as she registered with dismay what the Captain had said


"Department heads, you are free ta assign shore leave as you see fit. That is all."

"PLEASE Chief, let me go!" she murmured as she went back to brushing her hair.

[Corridor outside Main Engineering]

Neva straightened her uniform and smoothed her hair back into place. With a hard sigh, she strode purposefully into Main Engineering. Scanning the area, she quickly located the Chief Engineer in front of the Warp Core. She wasn't quite sure how to find out about if shore leave was in her future or not, but she'd definitely see.
Striding up to the Tellarite woman, Neva maneuvered herself to stand just off-side so she was able to "look but not look" at what the Chief was doing. Swallowing the lump in her throat, Neva ventured  to speak. "Hi Chief. Can I help with what you're working on?"


Neva laughed and found a seat. "Thank you! I'm on the Challenger, Gamma shift usually." She took a slow sip of her drink, savoring it.
Opening her eyes again, she watched those around her. She hoped to be part of the comeraderie they all had.

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