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Messages - T'Lara

LOA Archives / Reserve Request - Roxo Dur
January 10, 2021, 01:25:50 PM

Character(s) affected: Roxo Dur
Assigned ship(s): Discovery
Period of time absent: permanent
Date of last period of activity: 11/19/2020
Date returning: N/A

Any relevant comments: Both Discovery CLOs have attempted to contact this player with no response.

LOA Archives / Reserve Request for Ashley Weir
January 10, 2021, 01:21:34 PM

Player requested for the character Ashley Weir to be reserved for the time being.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on January 06, 2021, 01:01:50 PM

[Anywhere - Everywhere - Nowhere]

As he felt himself and everyone around him, Nevir had a concern crop up about his own sense of self.  He tried to remember himself, to keep his thoughts his own.  But something unusual happened.  Maybe it was the colonel in the brig, but suddenly he found the fear.  The fear of who the Federation was, and what they would do.  The innate fear of retaliation.

In a moment, it was prevalent why they were attacked.  And the Captain understood what they thought and believed.  The Wanderers were a group once taken advantaged of.  They swore never again.  And would do anything to protect themselves.  Even to risk it all against a perceived threat.

With the understanding he felt from himself and everyone around him, the fear he held himself faded away.  Instead his thoughts turned inwards, and he reached out with his faith.  His faith in the Prophets.  If this was what an orb experience was like... then he felt he was closer to the Prophets than ever before.

Prophets guide me....

Probably a complete coincidence, but honestly he would never know.  All he knew was that the bright light dimmed, turned back to blue, and faded, leaving him solid and whole on the bridge of the ship.  The Discovery was still drifting with its momentum, now that it also had been returned to normal.  Nevir was silent as he looked at his crew, feeling like he knew each and every one better than any Captain had.

"Helm... bring us back to the station." he said, calmly.  "Cruising speed only... no rush.  We're not fighting anymore." he said, knowing that hostilities were gone despite not being there in the mists of things.

"Whatever the Conundrum was doing... the fact that we are still here means we did it.  I am proud of each and every one of you." he stated, standing up.

"Contact the engineering team and let them know they can begin repairs at their leisure.  I'm going to visit our guest.  I don't think we are going to have problems with her anymore.  Number one, you have the bridge." he said, going to the turbolift and disappearing inside.

A bit of talking with the Colonel would occur, before he gave her a small tour of the bridge as Discovery docked with the station itself.

Weeks Later....

[Promenade - Katra Station]

Nevir was not exactly thrilled to be around the Numati again... but even more so he didn't want to be the center of attention.  But... the truth was he was a direct victim of their ploy, and therefore their formal apology had to deal with him directly.  He stood silent on stage with Zek, listening to their apology.  And then, they handed over all the data on his ship.  Nevir glanced at Zek before accepting the data rods.  Unfortunately, he didn't know what was expected from him, and it was clear that he felt a bit lost.

[Quote by Solluk]

Outside, and in the station corridors, the fighting ceased.  The remaining Wanderers in the system surrendered, the rage and fight having been taken out of them.  They understood, finally and fully, that Starfleet would not harm them if they surrendered.  This target, this enemy... they weren't simple fools to be taken advantage of.  They were genuinely good people, honestly committed to peace.  They had created a paradise of good intentions that were built into actual good deeds and good lives.

It was hard to do violence once that was fully and deeply known.

The mothership warped away.

Near the Trialus sun, the Conundrum was a dead ship.  The electronics aboard were totally cooked.  The Squari had passed away before criticality was even reached.  Their consciousnesses had been transmitted to the distant Thinkers HQ.

Unfortunate.  Perhaps, had they lived through the thought-dimension, they would have carried some deeper understanding to the Thinkers.

In either event, it was over.  The Trialus system, and everyone still living in it, would survive.

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

T'Lara had never experienced anything like this before as she was effectively connected in a rather intimate way to her crew and other Starfleet members from the station and elsewhere. There were emotions and thoughts bouncing off of her, but she also found a way to empathize with them distantly. However this was happening T'Lara didn't quite know, but eventually, she didn't know if it was minutes or hours, the light was changing and fading and she was able to open her eyes and glimpse the Bridge once more.

She immediately straightened and looked to check on the status of everyone else on the Bridge, relaxing slightly when she saw that they were coming back into consciousness just as she was. She knew that they were out of danger for now. She didn't know how she knew, and all these unknowns concerned her especially since she also didn't know where or how to look for answers. Perhaps she would know someday. For now, she looked to her captain as he said a few words and left her with the conn.

'Acknowledged, Captain," she gave a nod as he left and she took his place. As everyone went back to their duties as if waking from a dream, the XO didn't say much to anyone and she looked out the viewscreen with what appeared to be an absent expression as she continued to ponder what they'd just been through.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on January 07, 2021, 09:29:48 AM

[Administration building - Policyon II]

Seeing where they were and that they were so close, Kierta nodded.  "Alright... I will attract their attention.  You both get in and get out." she said, pulling her sword out.  She disappeared in a side room and later found her way into the hall, calling for the two guards to choose life.  When they decided against it, she disappeared again, but this time the guards ran off after her.  The doorway was clear.

Inside the room there was a single forcefield containing all 15 of the detained fighters.  That, and paired with the new cleared exit nearby, means that Kierta made sure the path was clear.

[Rally point - Policyon II]

Baran gave a chuckle, shaking his head.  "No, no, this is part of the plan.  Their top priority is our people in the administration building.  Only if it becomes clear Kierta isn't making it out of there that we will take the long trek back.  So of course, Kierta take the job with a lowest chance of success and highest chance of death." he said, leading to both him and M'ria to chuckle.  They were pretty jovial about a plan where Kierta seemed certain to fail.  M'ria looked at Nira for a bit, and then gave a smile.

"Qowat Milat sisters only take very specific missions.  Its part of their creed.  They only take lost causes.  Lost causes of worthy causes." she said looking up at the building.  "They were the only group that not only openly defied us, but caused us to fear and hate them.  When one of their sisters got involved... they rarely lost." she said, as they started seeing people coming out of the building.  Don's ship would be arriving to pick them up any second.

[Admin Building - Policyon II]

As Kierta volunteered to distract the guards, T'Lara looked to Luby to follow her as they followed the clear path to the room where Kierta's people were. She knew Luby would be better equipped for bedside manner if any of them were in bad shape so she allowed her to do so while she kept watch and prepared to usher them out.

"You can trust us, we come on Kierta's orders and you will see her soon. But we need to act quickly," she told them with a controlled level of urgency in her tone.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on December 31, 2020, 06:29:34 PM

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Discovery]

The Captain stood almost with his mouth open at the reply.  Really?  Come in peace?  That is what coming in peace looked like to them?  He turned to his first officer with a look of 'Did they really just say that?' before looking at the cloud in front of them.

Luckily... or unluckily... he didn't have to think of a reply, as suddenly proximity alarms went off before the viewscreen showed weapons fire from the attack craft.  Nevir looked in horror as many of their smaller craft were suddenly destroyed, leaving the larger ships to face against many fighters.  He didn't have time to try and scan for survivors... at least not his ship.

"Weapons hot, prepare a full spread of quantum torpedoes for the first larger ship that tries to make a run for the station.  Take out as many fighters as you can with the phasers, full dispersal attack pattern Sierra." he ordered, taking a seat while he instructed his tactical officer to fire all phasers on all three hulls to hit the forward ships.

=/\= "Tekin to the fleet, return fire!=/\=

"Inform the station that we have engaged the Wanderers." he ordered, looking over at Torra.

[Quote from Lahr and Torra]

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on January 01, 2021, 06:57:22 am
PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck One - Bridge]

"Aye sir! Classic version it is." the Andorian replied back.  Then piggybacked the same comm signal as the Discovery to send Galloway's message, using the Challengers own bridge recording to use the sound byte from the Captain.. cause in the Captain's accent it would be way cooler.

=/\= " 'Lo I have become Shiva, destroyer of worlds.' " =/\=


Ruth's suggestion that another attack this time from within the solar system was worrisome.  "One sec, I'll see about trying set up a second dedicated open line to just the Science personnel.." the Andorian Ops petty officer answered, working at opening the various channels.

=/\= "Challenger to Science personnel, Commander Sigurdsdottir has noted something odd happening within the Trialus sun core.. may be possible attack.... requesting group call to discuss." =/\=   The message went out to not just Katra, but Discovery, Tempest and Healy as well.  It was an open broadcast.

In the midst of battle Torra picked up the call for Science personnel and bit at her lip uncertainly but forwarded on the message to the Discovery's Chief of Science Lieutenant Inge HalverstrÁ¶m and cc'd Commander T'Lara

[Quote from Ruth Sigurdsdottir]

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on January 02, 2021, 10:01:47 am
[Bridge - USS Challenger]

"Thanks Lahr!" Ruth said while trying to supress a chuckle at the fact that it had seemed to have become a 'tradition' for Challenger captains to have a Battle Song!  She totally approved.  The bagpipes were effective at stirring the blood just as 'Ride of the Valkyries' was for her.

=/\= Commander Sigurdsdottir to all Science personnel.  In case you haven't already gathered... something freaky going on with that Triallus Sun core.  Quick fire research found that Tetracellium is crystaline substance used in phasic, spacial and subspacial anomaly research, we know that is on the SS Conundrum, we need to somehow get that away from the yet not sure how far that it couldn't be harnessed. However, through induction of phased energy discharges across the crystal mimicking the desired anomaly's frequency triggering and/or increasing activity. The tetryon and chroniton outputs are indicative of  Tetracellium amounts of roughly circa 110-115 tons, but we don't have time to measure accurately.  Suffice to say... enough to worry about  Suspect that chroniton flux increase is due to spatial rift forming for 2nd wave attack or armada coming through, and that the current battle is, unfortunately just a diversion... Please advise if you have anything further and send this information on to your attack teams.=/\=

Another thought occurred to Ruth that if the enemy were opening a spatial or time rift, could they harness the same power and lead them or push them through it somehow without they themselves being sucked in?

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on January 05, 2021, 10:01:05 AM

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Discovery]

Everything seemed to be going well, at least initially, as the ship had its engines cut and the tractor beam latched on.  The ship was already close to critical, so they were cutting it short, too short.  The Discovery puled the ship away while he monitored the readings.

And then it went bad.  The ship suddenly went critical and was about to blow, at least that's what he was assuming.  Something inside was reaching critical mass.

"Shields to max!  Brace for impact!" he shouted, as the bridge and the ship was suddenly engulfed in blue light.  For a brief second he wondered if the QSD was activated, but that thought quickly passed he found himself as... nothing.

Almost nothing.  It was like he was in a bright light... and not so.  He couldn't see anything, but everything, but what he definitely couldn't see was his crew, his bridge, and his own self.  Literally.  As he drifted in oblivion, he remember something he read about.  A similar experience.  And that brought a slight fear to him.  This felt like he was walking with the Prophets.  Which meant one thing.

They failed.  He was dead.

Hello...? he called out, but not with his mouth.  There was no mouth.  It was his own consciousness asking.  Emissary?  Are you there?  Sisko?  Did we... did we fail?

There was no answer, at least not from the Prophets.  Instead he started to feel his crew around him.  The fear of Torra... the panic of Don... the calmness of T'Lara... the anger of Colonel Favala.  Wait... who?  It took him a moment to realize that he knew who she was now, she was the leader in their Brig.  She too now had her consciousness touching his.

He could feel the officers in Sickbay, the workers in Engineering. Whatever happened to them affected the entire ship.  It was dawning on him his situation, and he couldn't help but suddenly have his thoughts go to Hrafn.  It took an eternity later, but suddenly he could swear he could feel her.  With them.  Oh no...

Solluk... Reyak... Lek... he sensed them nearby.  And also far away.  Tess... Ian... it was becoming apparent that he was feeling everyone.  Not only did this explosion affect them, it spread.  And no matter how hard he tried, feelings were bubbling like gas rising in liquid, and he couldn't control it.  There was concern, failure and fear in his thoughts, and there was nothing that was hiding it.

What do I do?  Where are the Prophets.  I need their help...

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

The XO had not been completely surprised when their adversaries went back on their word and they engaged in combat. Tekin was doing a wonderful job of commanding the fleet and T'Lara had essentially acted as intermediary between him and their practically skeleton crew. As they received the message from Ruth Sigurdsdottir she worked with her, HalverstrÁ¶m, and others to come up with an answer, but without everything at her disposal and distraction from other departments it was slow going.

The slipstream drive was nothing short of amazing when it was activated, and T'Lara braced herself a little too late as the shuttering began. The state it put the ship in was disconcerting at first, but T'Lara gathered herself and prepared for it to happen again as they headed back into normal space. It was disorienting, and she knew at least some would be affected. Sure enough, reports came in about casualties, most minor enough to avoid Sickbay.

As the Conundrum came in sight, T'Lara moved silently to the science console and began scans on the vessel to find out as much as she could.

Before she, Tekin, and HalverstrÁ¶m could come up with a solution, the Conundrum blew and T'Lara looked up to see a blue light and not much else until it changed into something so much more and yet nothing at all. It was almost exactly like her meditative state, and so it was familiar to her as her body slumped down without her knowing. She was not aware of her surroundings, but she was also not alone. She rarely engaged in meditation in the company of others so their presence was not alarming, but also not familiar. Their presence was not physical, at least not in the sense of a body with individual features. Instead, she saw the emotions felt by her crew. Emotions that she normally detected with her outward senses but were now seemingly being gathered in her consciousness. It was almost overwhelming and she briefly felt fear before she managed to contain it all. Torra, Don, Nevir mere feet away from her were all just unrecognizable entities that only meant anything to her because she knew their emotional tendencies so well.

However, this theory was proven wrong as the captured Colonel Favala, whom she'd never met, also joined the entities and T'Lara somehow knew her name. Gradually, the rest of their limited crew's consciousness' gathered in her space. Yet it didn't feel crowded.

Longer still, and more emotions and "spirits" joined hers. Captain Galloway, Commander Briggs, Ruth, Petty Officer Lahr, Commander t'Lhoell, other crewmen of all ranks...they were all there in varying degrees of familiarity and closeness. As this went on longer, the emotions around her grew into panic for some as they realized the scale of what was happening to them. T'Lara didn't know what it was, nor did she have any ability to find out. She reached out for continued suppression of emotion, but that was all she was capable of as she waited.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on December 30, 2020, 09:56:13 AM

[Reactor facility - Policyon II]

Baran just shook his head at the sound of disrupter fire.  It meant it was only a matter of time before they would be engaged, but at least they didn't have to worry about the reactors coming on.  It was once Baran was able to dislodge the crystal from the housing that the first shot rang out, missing him by inches.  Baran dived to the ground, and started firing back before seeing who it was... looks like a couple of guards, with another on the way.

"I just need a few more minutes!" he barked, trying to shoot to give himself some time to get the housing.

[Admin Building - Policyon II]

It was clear that Tavid was a bit shaken, but he tried to keep it cool.  "Come clean?  Mining operations are part of the process... and its in the contract that your government signed.  Its not our fault that you have the most valuable substance in the galaxy.  Things would have gone well if you had just listened to us and moved off planet.  Now with the Federation at our doorstop, you made this happen." he said, looking at the two others with her.  His eyes kept flicking over to T'Lara... as if there was something familiar about her.

"Instead of doing tests, you decided the only way to obtain this gem would be to poison whats left of our home.  Damn those of us who were here before you, right?  Just try to find a way to maximize growth."

"We don't have time!  If we don't, someone else will!  I only asked for patience, but no, you all complained to your Senators or whatever, and suddenly the Federation came in?  Do what you want to me... but we will proceed as planned." he said, looking over at T'Lara again.  He seemed uncomfortable with her, when he eyes went wide.

"Wait... you're not Romulan... you're from Discovery!  I thought you were given explicit...." Tavid stopped as a grin grew on his face.  "A Federation ship interfered.. and in the process set up a chain of reactions that caused-" he froze as he was struck by Kierta.  For a second it looked like she just sliced him in the neck, but with the exception of a red mark, he dropped to the ground as whole.  Kierta had turned her sword and hit him with the blunt side to knock him out.

"Damn... I should have expected that he would recognize one of you.  See if you can find any information on his terminal.  Find the plans, and see if you know where the prisoners are being held.  Your friend should be here soon." she said, looking out the windows.

The building shuddered, and there was a bit of smoke coming out of the tunnels where M'ria and her team had gone.  Lights dimmed as the reactors were disabled, and it was clear that everything was going as planned.

"I don't imagine we have much in the way of time." she said, looking at the two guards that Luby had worked on.

"That shot probably saved his life... I was intending to kill." she admitted, looking to see if she could find anything.

Meanwhile, on the bridge, Rilak's ship cloaked in front of Discovery as it pulled out and started making a run for the planet, with Federation medical equipment on board.  That really only left Discovery with being able to watch and monitor the planet.
Quote from: Luby Wentock on December 31, 2020, 07:26:51 AM

[Admin Building - Policyon II]

Luby nodded at the thought that moving quickly was a good idea.

"Yeah, I don't think I hit him that hard and..." she looked out of the window to where she could see smoke coming from the tunnels.  "...I'm not sure what is causing that but from a purely medical perspective smoke inhalation even if it's just wood smoke, in quantity isn't good for you, if it's anything else or potentially toxic... "

She shrugged then gave a little shake of her head realising Kierta and T'Lara probably wouldn't totally 'get' the saying but might get the gist of it. "Well, let's just say 'Double plus ungood'!"

Crossing to the computers she added "This is something that I'm pretty good with and keep something handy for in my med bag..." she said pulling out a recording chip while still chatting and her fingers flying over the console while kicking Travid out of the way.

"May I?.." she asked indicating that Kierta should move. "We don't have time to dissect and fully analyse anything here as that smoke is starting to get thicker out there and the rumbles don't sound or feel good, so I'll just rip everything off the computer onto this and Discovery can  rip it apart as much as they want." she said with a wink at T'Lara.  "Might even find other ah interesting stuff... 95...96... c'mon get to 100% already!  There.. .done..."  She just ripped the chip out of the drive and gave it to T'Lara.  Her fingers stopped dancing when she pulled up a particular archive.

"Is that anything useful?" she said opening a file and pointing.  It was marked 'ULTRA HIGH SECRET'  She was surprised that it didn't require any password but then figured it was already unlocked by Travid.

She looked worryingly out of the window again at the smoke. "Time to grab what we can and move, we've got it all on the chip I gave Commander T'Lara if we want to flush out everything later but give that a quick read if you want then we really have to move or we're going to be as prone as those guys... I mean the dead one!  And here..."

She ripped the arms off the outfit she was wearing and motioned to T'Lara to do the same to hers, she handed one of her sleeves to Kierta and then tied the one she kept around her face covering her nose and mouth.

"It will help, ideally it should be wet but even dry will keep some of the smoke out of our lungs when we get out there... then we really should get out of here."

The cadet was finally starting to feel like she might make it in Starfleet and she was earning her right to graduate the Academy in style, and finding her feet.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on January 04, 2021, 09:55:17 AM

[Reactor Room - Policyon II]

Baran dodged what he could, but it seemed like the hornet's nest was stirred.  It only took another minute for the red lights to flash as the facility was put on alert.  Another interruption forced him to fire at the incoming guards, but otherwise Nira did a damn good job to fend off the attackers.  Finally, the crystals were dislodged and removed.

"Alright, let's go!" he called, as a slight explosion on the far side of the chamber went off and for a second Baran waited for the flash of his own life expiring... but it never came.  Whatever happened, the reactor was still offline, and therefore not set off.  "Go, go!" he called, firing ahead of him to take out the incoming guards on their exit.  They would have to fight their way to the exit, but honestly he had been prepared to give his life.

It took about 20 minutes, but Baran and Nira were out and running across the quarry back to their safezone.  From the tunnels disrupter fire could be seen, but there were a couple of figures running out of the tunnels and towards the recon point.

As soon as they got on the ridge Baran dropped onto his back, breathing hard, and finally dropping the crystal in his hands.  He seemed relieved, especially after one of the figures ran up to them, and it turned out to be M'ria herself.  She was a bit singed, but seemed quite pleased with herself.

"Starfleet, contact your..." he paused, lifting his head and he looked at Nira.  "I don't think I ever got your name.  Sorry, can you contact your friend in the ship?  We could use a lift." he said, turning his head to look out at the admin building.  The building started showing flashing red lights inside.... they were also on alert.

"Hopefully all of us."

[Administration Building - Policyon II]

Able to get into the computer files... since Travid never expected someone to be able to best him, the files on the crystals, the plans, the delays... and their operation to poison the planet... were all visible.  Not a lot of time to pick and choose, so copying the full thing would be best.

In addition, there was information on the group detained.  12 in total.  And they were being held a few floors down under guard.  Kierta noted that particular point, and looked at the other two.  "We are out of time... let's get my people and get out."

Unfortunately, grabbing the files triggered an alarm, and soon even this building started glowing red with alerts.  It would be a firefight out, that was for sure; but they moved quick they could get to the prisoners before the fight.

Quote from: Luby Wentock on January 04, 2021, 02:34:18 PM

[Admistration Building - Policyon II]

Luby looked around at the alarms and lights, pursing her lips and preparing to run.

"I'm guessing the disco lights are our cue to move damn quick.  I agree, even weakened a larger number of people might help our chances of survival. Lead on Kierta, you have a better idea of the lay of the land, may I Commander?" she asked of T'Lara indicating one of the disruptors she'd given the XO.

"Gotta be more use than my little scalpel and now that my hands are free..."

[4 floors down - Admin building]

Having re-calibrated her tricorder to 'normal' rather than medical functions Luby scanned ahead and then said in a hushed whisper.

"There's 2 people outside an area and several inside, I count 15... about 200 meters ahead, I'm assuming the 2 separate are guards.  The ones in the main area... 3 are just inside so maybe more guards?"

[Admin Building - Policyon II]

T'Lara was a bit taken aback at the proceedings. Unfortunately she had been recognized, but there was no helping it. Perhaps she shouldn't have given Travid so much of her attention, but once again Kierta took care of matters. This was fine, as T'Lara would've done it herself otherwise. She was pleased the woman had only knocked him out, maiming or injuring him would've been harder to explain.

She nodded to Kierta, immediately moving to the terminal to begin working on it, and she was soon joined by Luby. She could detect the urgency from the sounds around her, and was grateful that Luby understood as well as she took matters into her own hands. The XO took the chip from Luby and pocketed it, then her eyes flicked around the room as the alarms started their incessant warnings.

In response to Luby's question about the "secret" file, she raised an eyebrow. "Ultra high secret could mean a number of things, however it is likely it may be useful to us. We will find out later, since it is in our best interest to leave this place now."

She followed Luby's example and made a cloth mask from her clothing to shield against the smoke, handed a disruptor to Luby since she didn't need two anyway, and they headed out.

[4 floors down - Admin Building]

The three of them made it down a couple floors before they were met with some company. Luby announced the details about who they were dealing with.

"Acknowledged, Cadet. Awaiting orders, sir," she looked to Kierta and waited for the next plan of action.

Old Topics / POTM December
January 05, 2021, 09:09:27 PM

Please submit your recommendations for December's Post of the Month here. Any Discovery post from the month of December is eligible, pick the one or a few that you feel deserve recognition!

Old Topics / 2020 Crew Choice Award
January 05, 2021, 08:58:01 PM

Disco crew,

It's that time of year again when we give out awards to players, and for this one we need your help.

The Crew Choice Award is given out every six months to a player who the crew have voted for. The criteria for this award is just to pick someone who you feel should be recognized, for whatever reason. We had a three-way tie, so this time we're really picking the winner!

Only those who are currently active Discovery members may vote. The poll will close Wednesday January 13th, so make sure to place your vote!

LOA Archives / LOA for T'Lara and Lisa Belmont
January 02, 2021, 01:07:16 AM

Character(s) affected: T'Lara and Lisa Belmont
Assigned ship(s): Discovery and Challenger
Period of time absent: 1/2 - 1/3
Date of last period of activity: 12/29
Date returning: 1/4

Any relevant comments: We're having another big D&D session for the whole weekend so if I don't get to posting tomorrow or Sunday...that's what's up

Quote from: Danjar-Torra on December 27, 2020, 04:24:55 AM

Ensign Danjar-Torra Addams
[Katra Station - Deck 21 - Public Lounge]

Torra was a little puzzled by the Commander's silence but figured herself and Don were talkative enough to keep a conversation going.

Torra also went to the rack of balls and selected out one that she felt her fingers fit comfortably in.   At T'Lara's questions, Torra looked to Don.  "Maybe Don should go first since it seems that he knows something about the game? As for the scoring, I read on one of the signs by the shoes that you can have the computer keep score."

She sat down at the terminal and inputted their names, listing Don's first followed by T'Lara, Nira and hers last.  For this first game she did set the scoring to auto as well as audible explanation.  "There.  Don, you start."

Ensign Danjar-Torra Addams
[Katra Station - en route to Saucer two]

Following Don they had just reached the Customs area and were swiftly granted access, when Commander T'Lara's call came over her comm badge.   Torra checked her PADD to be doubly certain that she would have been assigned Alpha shift this day had the ship not been in drydock.    With that confirmed Torra continued on with Don as from the Transporter Zone he called for a 'pick up'.

[Quote by Nira Said]

[Lieutenant JG Nira Said | Holosuites | Katra Station]

In the end, Nira decided to return to the bowling alley with Torra and Don, now that she had her uniform on, but just to watch them play. All the same, the fact that she was full in uniform was indicative that she was ready for action once things were at the ready. She had noted T'Lara had to leave during bowling, and hearing the announcement of an emergency meeting, it told Nira something was about to happen. So she made for the public bathrooms to change and freshen and get her uniform handy, in the event of being called on duty at a moment's notice.

As she watched, she engaged with telepathic communication with Savar, who was still meditating in the nearby holosuite. The two telepathic minds had formed a mind link with each other the night Nira joined Savar in Pon Farr. They'd often share feelings with each other as well; once in a while, Nira would feel a sort of a emotion that technically wasn't hers, but Savar's. She'd often feel pensive for no reason, for instance, and even flinched once when Savar bumped into a colleague, not seeing where he was going...she flinched like she bumped into somebody, yet not only was she the only person around, she was standing absolutely still. But for the most part, they kept it well in control.

Savar talked first, clearly sensing Nira's feelings.

What's wrong? he asked. Is something bothering you?

Something's about to happen, Imzadi, replied Nira. Commander T'Lara had to go to an emergency meeting. With Captain Tekin and two other sets of captains and first officers. I'd want to be ready at a moment's notice, just in case. Though I have no orders yet.

Thus, it's illogical to end leave early for something like this, Savar agreed.

Exactly. Question is, what's going to happen to warrant such a meeting? Surely the Dominion isn't the only major threat from the Gamma Quadrant...

Suddenly, the alarm went off. Nira whirled about at the sound and said aloud, "I knew it."

Her mind went through the options of what to do. Much as she'd like to report and end her leave early, she hasn't received orders. Besides, maybe the alarm could be much. Unless she heard at least from Commander T'Lara or her own departmental head. Better to wait for orders. But what could she do...?

Instantly, she felt something from Savar. He wanted to meet her at the holosuite he was meditating at. And so she did so, running through the crack of the door as soon as it widened enough, before it even finished opening, in time to see Savar changing into his uniform. His body and form notwithstanding (Nira was casual enough around it, their level of intimacy was thus so), Nira helped him change.

"Did you hear the alarm?" he said. "What's happening?"

"I don't know," said Nira. "No orders, Imzadi. Let me help you with that uniform."

"Thanks," replied Savar. "You had a point to be ready at a moment's notice."

A moment later, long after Savar got his uniform on, the orders came in. Nira recognized Alpha Shift; it was the bridge shift she worked on as of late, whether or not with Commander Felder. But that meant Savar had to go to the Tempest to help evacuation efforts. That definitely meant something was happening.

"Evacuations...something's definitely about to happen," said Nira. "I better report to Discovery."

"Indeed," said Savar. "I'm going to be needed on the Tempest."

Nira made a parting kiss and said, "Salaam, Imzadi. Hope things go well."

Savar nodded. With that, the two departed and made off into separate directions, to different ships. Nira to Discovery, Savar to the Tempest.

[Quote by Don Damien Addams]

[[Holosuites - Bowling Alley - Katra Station - hour or two before MAIN STORY]

Don had turned to them with a unsure smile. That his wife would know as a dead on. It had made sense for him to go first because he knew.

"Fine," he replied to them all. "Handsome fellow like me goes first."

Took a few tries to find the ball which be a good match for him. Then he stepped up to the alley which was assigned to them. He forgot where he stood. Wait. He was young. How was he supposed to figure where to start.

Oh. Yeah. He stepped up to then fowl line and walked backward like he strides to place the ball. He was nervous because it has been a long time. Then he found the sweet spot. So he thought he had it. Then he lifted the ball up with his right hand and had his left hand to support his right hand. Then he had aligned his upper body toward the pins. There was the head pin he knew you can hit head on or you can slightly hit to still get a strike.

He started to go in the motion and he stumbled and the gravity of the ball had made him lose his balance a little. The stepping was all wrong. Damn it.

He smiled to the group. "Honest. I did this once," he was charming them.

Then he had decided to try something different he went right at the end of the floor to start there. Then he repeated his start up. One stride, two stride and three and four and ---BUZZZ. He over step the buzzer.

He sighed. "Then he turned to them. "That is second to a gutter. Don't do that." He told them.

Then he went back to starting point to figure he was to far or his timing of stepping was along wrong. He went back far and then he decided to try with left foot felts so wrong and he knew it was going to awful as hell. He was way out of practice.

As he got to the letting the ball go. He allowed it go before it supposed to but the fowl had not gone off. He took a few steps back to watch his ball roll down straight and then was starting going left as getting toward the far left. His face cringing as he saw the fail.

Please not the gutter! he cried as he thought. Then the ball had hit four pins on the left. Then the ball fell in gutter. He got four pins. Four pins out ten. That suck!

He turned to the group. "My excuse it has been a long time," he said being defeated.

[Holosuites - Bowling Alley - Katra Station]

"That is acceptable," she said to Torra about who should go first. Making sure her shoes were tied tightly since Don had said it was important not to accidentally touch the slippery lane, she then placed her chosen ball on the return rack at their lane and stood while she waited her turn. She watched Don closely, seeing immediately that his nervousness was affecting his performance. He was effectively demonstrating what not to do, which T'Lara found helpful. Whether he was doing it on purpose for their benefit, she didn't know.

Once he'd managed to get the ball down the lane, he ended up with four pins down. After his next shot, it was T'Lara's turn to go. She walked up with confidence to the rack, took up her ball, and fixed her eyes on the pins. She was normally quite graceful on her feet, especially in combat. But she had never done this before, so getting the footwork down was a challenge. There were dots that formed lines on the ground so she could judge how far to step back and determine aim in relation to the pins. She'd seen by watching others that the ball could easily swerve if the arm was not kept straight whilst throwing and follow through, so that was something to think about as well.

Performance anxiety began to creep in, but T'Lara didn't allow it to settle as she stepped on the dot she chose to most facilitate a throw to hit the front-most pin. Placing her fingers in the holes, she put her feet close together and bent down as she'd seen Don do, then stepped forward and went through the motions of pulling her arm back as she went, letting go at the opportune moment when the amount of power was at its highest and just before her feet reached the lane.

As her arm raised into a follow-through motion she looked past it at the ball's path- and saw that it was veering strongly to the left. Her arm had not been straight. She frowned slightly as she watched the bright pink ball make contact with two pins, and only two. The collapse of one of these managed to knock down a third thanks to the power behind her throw, but that was all. She turned to retrieve her ball from the return rack, mildly interested in the efficient technology behind such a system, and made her second attempt when the lane was cleared of fallen pins. This time was better, a bit straighter, but she ended up with only eight pins total down.

Returning to her friends, she raised an amused eyebrow.

"This game is more difficult than I had anticipated. There are many factors to consider when throwing the ball in order to attain the desired outcome. It is an entertaining challenge."

On her way back to a table where the rest of them had congregated close to their lane while they waited for their turn, T'Lara had picked up a bag-like square filled with a powdery substance.

"Does anyone know what this is used for?" she asked, looking primarily at Don as her mind tried to figure out what it could be for. She thought maybe she knew the answer, but wanted confirmation. "And if so, perhaps you will like to use it on your turn?" she then looked at Torra.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on December 28, 2020, 12:08:25 PM

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Discovery]

It was a testament to his crew that even with a completely remodeled bridge, they were able to find their places.  A surprise he had planned for his senior staff, and it was spoiled before it was ready.

"I apologize for pulling you away from your leave... and even more so that this surprise we sit in was spoiled so soon.  But I trust that you will all perform your duties to the best of your abilities.  I'm sure some of you are wondering why the ship itself is so empty, and where our Chief Tactical officer is.  We received word that there is an incoming warship headed for the station, a giant ship, bigger than a Borg cube.  Our top priority is the station's protection.  We serve on an unique ship.... Discovery can fight with well below a skeleton crew.  In fact, she really only needs her Captain.  And in an ideal situation, I would be taking her out myself."

"But our refits are not yet complete, and many of the computers systems are still not online.  Plus... I made a promise that I would make sure Discovery always needed her crew.  So I made the call that most of our people will be assisting Katra, and the Tempest, being our main evacuation ship. Those of you here on the bridge, the refit team in engineering, Alpha hull sickbay are all that will be here.  We are going to be coordinating with the Challenger, the Healy, Tempest, and whoever else decides to put their weapons to our use, and we are going to be coordinating with our own hulls." he said, as the comms came in from the Healy, and Sickbay.

=/\= "Bridge to Sickbay, take the triage crew and report to the Alpha hull infirmary.  Everyone else assist with Katra and Tempest.  Captain out.=/\=

The ship shuddered as the primary Alpha hull connected with her engineering hull, and locked in.  Discovery was ready to go.

"Addams, you will be coordinating flight patterns with all three hulls.  Said, make sure weapon systems are tied to accept commands from the Main Bridge.  Felder is in charge of our crew station side, so today you are our tactical officer.  Torra, send an acknowledgement to the Healy, and coordinate communications with all ships.  Let Ops know we are ready to depart and need emergency clearance." he said, taking a seat.  All of the stations had a first for Federation ships; a holographic projection display to assist and augment the standard 2D panels.  Throughout the ship, the once secondary holoemitter system was now considered a primary system, allowing for personalization with a 3D display like what many private vessels were starting to have.

Once they received clearance, Nevir nodded.  "Alright, clear all moorings.  Helm, 5 second burst from reverse plus starboard maneuvering thrusters.  Angle us at 246 mark 7, and bring the warp core online... just the warp core.  We have an experimental drive that is not yet ready, so be careful.  Activate viewscreen." he called, as the front wall of the bridge faded into a more traditional looking viewscreen.  The Challenger and the Healy had both already pulled out of moorings and were maneuvering.

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

As preparations were made for Discovery to disembark and arrangements were made with the other ships and the station, T'Lara passed on all reports to the captain but for the most part remained silent. She had not yet taken the time to really think about the gravity of their situation. She had all the information from the briefing and subsequent updates. But as for what it all meant...they might not make it out of this alive. Of course this was true of every day they spent out in space and it was true that any of them could die no matter where they were. It was the nature of life itself. But the probability now given this event...she didn't want to think about the numbers. It was easier to focus on duty, and that's what she would do. She could see just by looking around and witnessing emotional responses from people like Don Addams, excitement about the new ship refit and the chance to do what he was trained to do...the possibility of their demise didn't matter because they were all living their best life right now.

T'Lara looked up from the reports on her PADD at the viewscreen as it appeared, stealing a single glance at Captain Tekin as they set off. They were as ready as they could be.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on December 28, 2020, 11:13:41 AM

[Reactor Chambers - Policyon II]

Baran sighed and shook his head.  "You're one of those holo-novel fans, aren't you?  The type who joined Starfleet to be the big action hero?  You need to listen." he said, turning towards Nira.  "We are in the middle of a shift change.  You know what a shift change is?  It means that these three were the ones moving onto their second shift, while the other guards went back to their barracks to be relieved by the new shift.  They'll be coming back soon.  And by then...."

The sounds of warp reactors shutting down across the facility sounded, dimming the lights to emergency generators.  Baran amost smiled, picking up his weapon and turning to exit.  "By then we'll have moved on.  We only have a few minutes to get down to the actual reactors and take out the crystals.  They'll be here soon to see why the reactor shut down, and if we don't get those crystals, they'll just turn it back on.  Let's go." he said, leading her out.

There was a bit more activity as guards responded to the sudden change in lighting, but Baran was able to avoid engaging with them.  Some more hallways and stairwells, and they were on the ground again, moving to the assigned reactor.  Baran dove to the reactor, and pried the door open, expecting Nira to understand what her job was.  As he started the decoupling, disruptor fire could be heard in the distance.

"Like I said... a few minutes."

[Admin Building - Policyon II]

Kierta nodded, standing up and looking around at the windows.  "Very well.  Then our first priority is to the admin office.  Lets us go." she said, pulling out her sword, and sneaking through the building.  For the most part, they were able to avoid bumping into anyone with the exception of one guard which Kierta took advantage of and knocked out completely.

It took only a small amount of time to find where the office in question was, and Kierta snuck in... only to be faced with a couple of guards, and Tavid himself at his desk.  She looked at the two guards, and held her sword up.

"Kierta... I should have guessed it would be you.  So many time you evaded me, and now I have the proof I needed." Tavid stated, as the guards lifted their guns up.

"Please, friends." she said, holding the blade forward.  "Choose life." she said, suddenly becoming very stiff and almost cold.  There was a standoff for what seemed like an eternity, but with Travid calling to shoot her, she expertly dodged one shot, deflected another to her arm, and struck down both guards.  She held her sword out to the man, but didn't make a move to attack him.

"Their blood, like so many others, are on your hands, Travid.  You know why we're here.  Its time you came clean."

Quote from: Luby Wentock on December 29, 2020, 08:20:27 AM

[Admin Building - Policyon II]

"Kierta, your arm..." Luby began, checking the guards for a pulse.  As it was both were alive but in no state to be fighting.  Just to be safe she kicked their weapons towards T'Lara so the Commander had one weapon in each hand and could guard Kierta against Travid while Luby saw if she could save the guards lives.

One was quiet, never a good sign, and looking at his injuries she was tempted to fill a hypo with an overdose just to put him beyond any pain, he wasn't going to make it.

Running her scanner over the other she saw he had a chance, since the sword had missed any major organs, arteries or veins, and she quickly used the dermal regenerator to heal his wound, then, offering up a quick prayer of forgiveness to St. Luke (the Evangelist - patron saint of doctors and nurses), gave him a quick left hook to knock him out - years of practice fighting boys in the villages where she lived coming to some use at last - to keep him as quiet as his rather less fortunate comrade.  He'd come round in about 20 mins if she'd done it right.

She finally came to Kierta's side and gave her a small smile. "I can work while our colleague keeps Travid under guard, and I don't need your mouth, so discussions can continue.  I won't be two seconds but you won't be much use to anyone if you bleed out."

Disruptor burns weren't nice but she managed to fix it fairly quickly and made sure that Kierta wasn't in any pain.

"There, sword wielding can continue pain-free now!" she said with a smile. "So one move and you're shish kebab, mate!" she added in a malicious tone not like herself but she was starting to be rather sick of the situation on Policyon II and had lost patience with those causing the troubles.

[Admin Building - Policyon II]

T'Lara kept pace with with Kierta, checking every so often to make sure Luby was right behind her. All three of them did a very good job of sneaking all the way to the office, and there were only a few people in places where they couldn't avoid a confrontation. One such person, Kierta took care of before the others could even respond. It was impressive, T'Lara had to admit.

When they found the office, Kierta went in and she and Luby followed just behind, but held back when they saw who was inside. T'Lara watched the proceedings closely, though she couldn't see Kierta's face. To her, this almost seemed like a trap. Very suddenly, a fight broke out and just like before Kierta was ready, deftly defending herself against the shots and almost succeeding. She held out her weapon, but made no inclination of attack. Like T'Lara, she seemed to value defense and diplomacy. The sword was most likely a display of power in appearance only, though she could probably do some harm if she chose to.

As this happened, T'Lara moved in to help and Luby followed close behind. When the guards were disarmed, Luby moved in to provide assistance and also give T'Lara their weapons. She gently picked them up and aimed one of them at Travid, but this was not where her main focus was. What she really wanted was to hear what Kierta wanted Travid to come clean about. Once that happened then he could just go to the brig until they figured out how to proceed. If they didn't run into any more trouble.

When Luby was done with the guards she moved on to fix Kierta's arm and the XO nodded her approval, keeping a wary eye on Travid while they waited for him to speak. When the cadet was done and made a comment to Travid, she looked mildly concerned about the less than professional comment, but it was of no matter in the grand scheme of things. She glared at Travid, finger at the ready on the trigger. Like Kierta, she could make a very effective attack if the need arose, but there would have to be no other option left in order for her to do so.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on December 26, 2020, 12:32:09 PM

Hours later...

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Discovery]

As soon as he materialized on the bridge, he had to pause.  The refit on the bridge was done... it was.... nice.  But he didn't have time to admire it.  At all.  Immediately the Captain moved to his new chair and took a seat, taping on the seat controls.  However, this time there was a holographic display that appeared above the 2-D display screen.

"Computer, override systems lockdown, voiceprint authorization Tekin two nine pi, beta gamma.  Begin reintegration sequence." he said, as the lights of the ships turned on and glowed.  He could hear the ion engines startup as the two ship pieces were aligned, and began moving towards each other.

=/\= "Bridge to Engineering... I know you boys aren't ship crew, but we have an emergency situation, and I am going to need you to work en route.  Discovery will function at near full automation for now, so you only need to worry about the refits.  Bridge out.=/\=

That done, it was time for Don.   =/\= "Discovery to Addams, Don get your full flight crew and get every shuttle in this ship out of here.  We are evacuating Katra station, and we need all the help we can get getting the civilians off the station."  =/\=

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

T'Lara had made a quick stop at her quarters to shower and put on a fresh uniform, then she made her way to the Bridge and sat down in the new chair. She gave the refit of the Bridge a once-over and nodded her approval. Then she immediately started taking up PADDs with some preliminary checks already on them. Figuring that it was enough time for the people she'd summoned to have come back aboard, she put out another comm to the crew.

=/\= Commander T'Lara to all department heads onboard. Staff and system reports from all departments are due as soon as possible. T'Lara out.  =/\=

It seemed Tekin was already engaged with the engineering crew and Don, so T'Lara focused on the other departments as they came in.

"According to reports, personnel numbers are at sufficient levels and most required systems are running or almost complete with preliminary checks, Captain," she stated. She could feel a bit of excitement reverberating off the shiny new Bridge, but in her mind it was just business as usual despite the abrupt call to duty.


[Quote by Danjar-Torra Addams]


[Katra Station - Deck 21 - Public Lounge] (a half-hour after lunch)

Guiding the Tholian back to their table Torra would introduce her shipmates. "These are Commander T'Lara and Lieutenant Said.  Also members of Discovery's crew. We're on shore leave at the moment.  What are you doing in the Gamma Quadrant?" the Grazerite asked, curious as to what would bring three Tholians to Katra station?
[Public Lounge - Deck 21 - Katra Station]

T'Lara had not expected the Tholians to want to come to their table, even if they were invited. Truth be told, she hadn't really wanted to talk to them no matter how curious she might be about the reason why they were here. They had their business and she had no reason to pry. But they were here now, so she gave a polite bow but said nothing.

Quote from: Don Damien Addams on December 24, 2020, 01:15:51 AM

Quote by T'Lara - Few hours before the conference meeting

"It's an individual player who gets score. You got two tries. You got ten pins. If you see the diagram on the floor and on the screen there. You want to try to knock the head pin so get a chain reaction to knock all pins. If you knock them all down. It is mark as a strike. Then your turn be done. Then if you fail to get a strike you get the chance to knock the rest of the pins to get a spare," he shared. "When we get at the end of that round I will help you. The floor where you let the ball down the alley is waxed. You don't want to step on it. If you do it would be a foul. But for new players I can over look it," he smiled and brushed his hair. "I can show you how throw the ball...Its not really throwing but its a term."

He smiled to them and combed his fingers in his wavy hair. He had liked his hair. This was going to be fun. The start was going to be messy for all of them. It was a long time for him too. Hopefully nobody does not accident let the ball go flying as they swing back with their arm. He had done that as a youngster.

[Holosuites - Bowling Alley - Katra Station]

The Vulcan once again listened closely, intrigued by the terminology. "I believe I can mimic the throwing technique by observing those around me." She wandered over to the racks of balls and began testing each one, balancing them and fitting her slender fingers into the holes. When she found one that most closely fit her hand structure, (and deciding that if she were ever to pursue this sport further, she'd get her own custom-measured ball) she came back to the group. "I should now have all the equipment I need. Who will go first?" She noticed that there were old-school computer monitors with names written on them and deduced that this recorded the playing order and the score. "Shall we also keep score on this antique?" she motioned toward it.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on December 26, 2020, 12:22:41 PM

[Deck 1 - Conference Room - Katra Station]

It was a grim sigh, but between the standing orders.. the realization that he was in charge, and his own First Officer's words, it did in fact look like the standard shore leave was cancelled.  Katra will owe them later.

"Send everyone but the bridge crew to the Tempest to assist with evacuations.  Put Felder in charge of our crew there.  I will contact Don separately with orders for the flight teams." he said, standing up.  "Oh, and T'Lara... have Lek work on Katra... he needs to get this station's defense systems up as soon as possible.  The Discovery will be just fine with what we have now." he said, looking at everyone across the table.

The incoming red alert didn't help things either, but Nevir tried to ignore it while headed out to the ops center.  He needed to override his own lockout and start the rejoining sequence.  As soon as he reached the station and started inputting commands, he tapped his own badge.

=/\= "Nevir to Hrafn.  We're evacuating the station.  Have Ruthie gather the kids and head for the Tempest.  I have to report to Discovery." =/\=

That done, he tapped a control, and he glowed with particles as he activated the transporter and sent him to the bridge.

[Conference Room - Deck 1 - Katra Station]

Once it looked like the meeting was drawing to a close, everyone around her started responding to the confirmation of the cancelled shore leave. Some concealed their disappointment better than others. T'Lara was not affected in the slightest. She'd experienced enough 'fun' today with her crewmates to last her several years. She listened to Captain Tekin and nodded.

"Affirmative, Captain." As he got up to leave, she stood as well and made her way out of the conference room, then found a relatively quiet place to conduct her communication.

=/\= Commander T'Lara to the crew of the USS Discovery, NCC-78393 B. Alpha shift bridge crew is recalled from Katra station to duty stations. I repeat, Discovery bridge crew, Alpha shift only, is recalled to duty stations. All other shifts and ship crews currently on leave on or off the station are now tasked with aiding the USS Tempest in evacuation efforts. T'Lara out.  =/\=

Once that was done she contacted Felder about his responsibility, then Lek.

=/\= T'Lara to Lieutenant Lek. Captain Tekin has tasked you with assisting Katra station in booting up their defense systems. Do not report to Discovery. T'Lara out.  =/\=

After that, the XO made arrangements for her own return to the ship.

[Quote by Luby Wentock]


"Oh well I suppose that supersedes everything.  I'm not even sure where I'm supposed to report to or if I'm supposed to report.  Only one thing to do... oh and thank you, Doctor will check back with you soon." She called out as the doctor had gone back to his office rather quickly.

=/\=Cadet Wentock to Captain Tekin and Commander T'Lara, I'm not sure if Discovery crew need to respond to this Red Alert.  Currently in Katra Sickbay... on a mission of mercy it's not myself... should I stay here or is there somewhere else you'd like me to muster.  Please advise.  Wentock out.  =/\=

"If you can use me here while I wait to see where my superiors want me, please do so! I just have one other call to make."

=/\=Cadet Wentock to Finn Moreno.  Might have to take a rain check on the meal and pub thing, I don't know if this red alert will affect you but...  =/\=

She dropped her voice to a whisper and turned hoping that Dr. Yona's UT didn't pick up the Italian she went into for a little more privacy.

=/\=[color=darkcyan...bellissimo, in bocca al lupo, abbi cura di te, prenditi cura del tuo braccio ... e le docce possono essere davvero divertenti ... un'altra volta forse! Wentock out.[/color] =/\=

If Finn had forgotten who 'Cadet Wentock' was, that would jog his memory!

[Trans: beautiful man, good luck, take care, look after your arm... and showers can be really fun... another time maybe!]

T'Lara found it agreeable that Luby had commed her, because she had only recalled the Bridge crew, but she knew Dr. Thane and Captain Tekin would want the cadet onboard as well. They all had good faith in her and she would be well suited 'holding down the fort' on the ship while the CMO assisted elsewhere on the station.

=/\= T'Lara to Wentock. Please report to Sickbay on Discovery. Doctor Thane will be otherwise engaged on the station, but your orders are to report to the ship. This is contrary to the ship-wide communication, however the order is correct as it comes from both the captain and myself. T'Lara out.  =/\=

Quote from: Danjar-Torra on December 25, 2020, 10:53:13 PM

"‹Ensign Danjar-Torra Addams

"‹Ensign Danjar-Torra Addams
[Katra Station - Assigned Quarters] (several hours after lunch)

After T'Lara and Nira left, Don and Torra had retired to their assigned quarters for a rather romantic evening alone.  Torra had just finished order a nice vegetarian casserole for them to enjoy when the alarm sounded. Torra regarded her husband mildly at his outburst.

"Do you think the alert applies to Discovery as well?  Do we report to the ship?" she questioned.

Last she knew the ship was uninhabitable.  She wondered if it were the same now.  She reached for her PADD and messaged her Department Head, seeking clarification on if Katra's alert applied to them and if so where to report.  She'd just sent the message on when a new klaxon sounded and a woman's voice came over the room's intercom.

=/\= Attention all residents, guests and visitors - the station is now under Evacuation Order.   Please make your way in a calm and orderly fashion towards your nearest Muster Area and follow the instructions of the security team assigned to that area.  I repeat.  Attention all residents... " =/\=

Torra was surprised to hear that the station was being evacuated.  It seemed that Nira had been correct that whatever had called away the Commander had been serious.

Torra had been waiting to hear back from Lt Leon, when Don indicated that they needed to return to the ship.  While he wasn't in her department, Don was a Department Head, if he said return to the ship that was good enough for her.   The Grazerite dipped her head in acknowledgement and went along with him to Saucer Two where the Alpha section of the ship had been docked earlier this morning.  She hoped it was still there and not tied up in drydock.

As various members of the crew were confused by the red alert, T'Lara's message from the captain gave them all a clear answer.
Quote from: Danjar-Torra on December 22, 2020, 05:13:18 AM

Ensign Danjar-Torra Addams
[Katra Station - Deck 21 - Public Lounge] (a half-hour after lunch)

Torra sighed as each seemed to want to do something different - Don liked the casino idea.  Nira preferred to do a double date in the pool, but that would leave T'Lara out so Torra dismissed that one for another.  Besides which Nira's Vulcan beau was nowhere to be seen.  T'Lara claimed to not have a preference and was looking at Torra to make a decision.

"How about try to do each of those things in turn? We can start off with bowling, do some shopping until dinner time.  Then after dinner visit the casino and then end the evening with a late-night swim in the pool? Maybe by that time you will have bumped into Savar.  Does that sound acceptable?" she asked softly.

Yet even as she was asking her question she was distracted from the answer when noticed she was being observed.

At Don's statement, she nodded and so taking his words as agreement, Torra stood up from her seat and headed over to greet the Tholian looking at her.   The top of her head, nevermind her curling horns were easily the same height as the tallest Tholian.  It wasn't often that her height wasn't notable.

She smiled and dipped her head in greeting.

"Hello.  My name is Torra."

Ensign Danjar-Torra Addams
[Katra Station - Promenade - Deck 14 - Holosuites (Bowling Alley Program)] (An hour after lunch)
A short while later Torra led the group to the bowling alley.  Nira's argument against didn't really make sense to Torra.  They could technically do every one of the suggestions on the holodeck - that should preclude them from doing it here and now while the opportunity and interest presented itself.  Besides which this seemed to be a permanent holodeck feature since it was listed on the activity's menu.

She'd grinned at seeing numerous floating holograms of dragons, and what appeared to be odd-mouthed wooden toy soldiers marching about.

Stepping inside the holosuite that was labelled as 'Bowling Alley' she found the program just as busy as the rest of the station.  She spotted several other Discovery crewmembers from security present.  Strider and Jensen were there and Torra gave a wave towards the pair but the room was rather loud with the sound of rolling balls and music, that even though she had also called out their names, they hadn't heard.

After short moment they were instead greeted by a Bajoran standing behind a counter.  The wall behind him holding an assortment of shoes.  "Welcome to Galaxy Lanes Bowling!  How many in your party and what size shoes do you where?"

Torra tilted her head slightly at the odd question but then glanced about and noticed that all the participants were wearing the same style of footwear.  She frowned and hoped that her not quite humanoid feet would be able to wear such footwear.

Ensign Danjar-Torra Addams

Torra said her good-byes to T'Lara and then to Nira.  They had spent most of the day today and had plenty of bonding time.  She wasn't entirely saddened to see them go leaving just her and Don.  Though she did wonder what was so important to summon T'Lara away from her shoreleave.   While Nira might be correct that there was something urgent going on, until they were called there was actually little they could do.  Their ship was kilometers away in drydock and only those with Command permission were allowed aboard while the upgrades were underway - which was why they were assigned rooms on Katra for tonight to remain off the ship.

Torra would wait to be called on.

She smiled at her husband and laid her free hand atop his atop hers.  "I'm happy to just be here with you."

[Quote by Don Addams]

Don had shared what size he had. The attendant saw Torra's feet. "Oh. Allow me to scan your feet?" she was not sure what would you call her feet or hooves. She stuck with feet. Less offending. The host came around with a scanner, knelt down to Torra's side and scanned her feet. "Ah. I just replicate you a size."

Don smiled. "I believe someone had to add that in that in the holosuite," he said as he was looking at another person bowling who had weird feet.

As the others got their shoes which are strap on and not laces. Don placed his on and felt they are not comfortable. "Glad we don't wear these on shifts," he shared.

After getting shoes on. Don had walked over to the balls. He picked on up which was super light. The holes where to small for his fingers. Then he was puzzle look on his face. Maybe he try another ball. He had placed it down and picked the next ball which was much heavier then the light one. He saw the holes and stuck his fingers in them. Slightly to big. The one thing Don noted each bowling ball are all the same size.

"The game here is try find a ball that will be heavy enough for you feel comfortable and the holes have to be big enough for your fingers. Nothing to tight or the ball will get stuck when you try to release it. To heavy you could possible hurt yourself. You are allowed to change the balls during the game. Finding the right ball can be little tricky," he explained. He did have to talk louder cause the crashing of bowling balls striking pins down. There was plenty strikes too which cause the big loud crash sound.

[Quote by Danjar-Torra Addams]

Torra's tan colored face flushed a bit when the attendant noticed her dilemma and came around to scan Torra's feet to replicate her a special made set of bowling shoes.  She dipped her head, softly thanking the attendant.  Soon her shoes were ready and Torra was seated at one the benches which lined the area they were assigned.  She listened to her husband as he went over the rules of the game and how to pick the proper ball.

[Holosuites - Deck 14 - Katra Station]

As they entered the holodeck program, T'Lara was momentarily overcome by the sensory overload, but she quickly regained stability and looked around for what they should be doing first. Seeing the counter and the Bajoran behind it, she figured that was where they should report to first.

After the Bajoran welcomed them she gave her size and started switching her own shoes out for the rentals, mildly disturbed by the thought that these shoes may have been used by someone else. When they were all ready, Don led them over to a lane and did a very good job of explaining how to find a ball, though T'Lara could gather this information just by watching the other people around her playing. However, the confirmation of her thoughts was appreciated.

"Thank you, Mister Addams. From your previous description I gathered that we are to acquire points by knocking down the pins. Is this a team effort, or do we play individually?" she inquired. Once she had this information she felt she would be ready to begin.

[Quote by Tekin Nevir]


He studied the images in front of him, the large ship, and the smaller attack craft.  For the first time in a very long time, Nevir thought back to the original Discovery he served on.  They could have really used the Akira class and her attack squadron right about now.

Instead, he had the more powerful Promethus class.. but even that ship could only be in three places at once.  And as the Bajoran stared at the smaller ships, his lips pursed.

"This can't be a coincidence.  If these Thinkers have upgraded them, then they are potentially more dangerous and confident.  The question is; are they expecting just the station and her support ships.. or do they know about the three of us being here." he said, picking up a PADD in front of him.

"We have engines and the computer core online on the Discovery.  The teams estimate another couple of hours before she's completely ready, but we have the biggest firepower of any ship in this sector.  How long do we expect before they arrive here?  How much time do we have to plan?"

Quote from: Solluk on December 23, 2020, 12:57:18 AM

Katra Station - Conference Room

After Rayek's excellent technical briefing, Captain Tekin spoke.

Solluk looked to Tekin and nodded, "Given the amount of intel the Thinkers have been able to gather on us in the past, I wouldn't bet on the presence of the Tempest, Discovery, and Challenger being a surprise to them.  Indeed, I almost feel that this attack has been intentionally timed to coincide with our refit.

There is so much that can be casually observed by even civilian passerby, it wouldn't even require a mole or embedded spy.  They wouldn't even necessarily need agents among civilian freighters.  They could collect information on our ships' movements by buying drinks for a freighter crew at a bar on DS9 or New Bajor.  Operational Secrecy has never been our strong point."

He glanced at Rayek, knowing the man had often lamented the openness of the Federation.  That openness, and the freedom Federation citizens enjoyed, had its price.  It was a price Solluk was more than willing to pay, but the old refrain 'freedom isn't free' had many angles to it.

"You're right about the potency of the Discovery.  But the Wanderers will be here by the time you get everything online in two hours.  It would be my preference to intercept the Wanderers before they arrive to buy more time for civilian evacuations.  That having been said, I realize there is some benefit to be had in waiting here and concentrating maximum firepower in our defense.  We'd not only have the Discovery, but also the Firechain defense system, Kir'Shara outpost on Meridian, and the station's own weapons.

The downside is, Katra won't have operational shields in time.  The Wanderers will be able to perforate us like a paper target, and the civilian population may not yet be fully evacuated."

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on December 23, 2020, 10:25:19 AM

[Conference Room - Katra Station]

"Refits are the par for the course for any spacefaring civilization... but what we do have an advantage is what is being refit.  We are doing something highly irregular for any power... our first experimental upgrades are occurring here instead of in the Sol system.  This is more than just a simple refresh of our systems." he said, looking at the table.

The Tempest was a massive ship... the Galaxy class still had no equal in terms of sheer capacity, and though they were still very powerful ships, Magella was right.

"I believe you're right. I think we all can agree that our priority should be the station's populace.  And we would be negligent if we didn't take advantage of our ship's primary features." he stated, looking over information in front of him.

"The Challenger is a tried and true ship, and I don't know a better man for combat than her Captain." he said, looking at Ian.  "And Discovery has another uniqueness that we've resisted using; the ship can be run with less than a skeletal crew.  It technically can be run with only one person on board, but I won't be going that far."

"Galloway and I can offer up our shuttles and support craft to assist Katra and the Tempest.  Tempest, I think you should focus the primary hull on evacuation.  Time is of the essence, and we need as much of it as possible.  If I'm correct, both Challenger and Discovery should have the new shields ready; for us its the new drive that is not yet ready.  But we should be combat ready." he said, frowning at the fact that he just said combat ready in the guise of a Federation ship.  It was a slightly depressing thought.

Quote from: Solluk on December 23, 2020, 02:26:59 PM

Conference Room - Katra Station

"It seems we have a plan," Solluk said.

"Civilian ships, shuttles, and the Tempest's Saucer will facilitate evacuations.

The Challenger and the Discovery, being our most functional ships, will lead the defense, with the Tempest's engineering hull in combat support.

I don't think there's time to swap the Healy's pods.  So we'll position the Healy with the Tempest behind the main battle group in long-range torpedo support, escorted by our full contingent of fighters and Runabouts to run interdiction.

Captain Tekin will have field authority to re-position our assets as he sees fit."

He glanced between Tess and Rayek, "Commanders, you'll be on the Healy, and I'm also placing you in charge of the fighter escort.  I'll remain at Katra.  I think with Rayek on the Healy, I'll pull Wessex into a dual Tactical and Security role, and he can help direct the station's armaments in a last line of defense.  And, if worst comes to worst, he can direct actions against boarding teams."

Looking across the table, he concluded, "Captains and Commanders: Katra station- and indeed the entire Trialus system- owes you our utmost gratitude today.  If we survive this, it will be thanks to your dutiful sacrifice.  I regret that Katra has so often been a seat of sorrow for you.  But the next time we meet, I hope we can enjoy a celebration rather than a mourning of crisis."

[Conference Room - Katra Station]

T'Lara listened closely to Solluk and the other commanders. She stored all the information and took notes on her PADD, but the main thing was that shore leave would need to be cancelled in order to respond to the threat. It was regrettable, since this time on the station was good for crew morale. But it had to be done. She gave a simple nod in acknowledgement of Solluk's words of gratitude, then when they finished up some last things for the meeting and were on their way out, she turned to Tekin.

"Shall I contact all the Discovery crewmembers currently on leave, Sir? Or would you like only the crewmembers called to duty to be aware of the situation?" He had said they would only need a skeleton crew to man the Discovery, maybe even less. But it may be beneficial for everyone on leave to know what's going on from a reliable source.

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