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Messages - myne


[Commander Nira Said | Wardroom | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

"Okay, okay, ensign," said Nira firmly, "you can pull off a good child, well done. You're good to break character now."

She gave an apologetic look at Captain Vaughn, who only reacted with movements from his eyes and his face reddening a little from embarrassment, though the embarrassment was warmer than he let on; if his emotions was actual heat and if Nira was holding a block of ice, the embarrassment would melt the ice in her hand from across the room.

Looking around apologetically, Nira did notice Garak's grin only widening further, and he was clearing shaking with silent laughter.

[Ensign Myne | Wardroom | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Myne smiled up to the Commander. "It's not a character Ma'am. I am a good girl. I'm good because the nine Mommies who raised me on Miri dipped me in honey each morning for almost a hundred years to make me so sweet!"

She gave 'Daddy' one last hug then skipped happily back to her original spot with a giggle before standing in perfect attention and being a very quiet good girl.


( Later after the Promenade )


[Commander Nira Said | Wardroom | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

"If only it was that simple, Captain," answered Garak with a grin.

"Actually, you were close on the shuttle part, Captain Galloway," said Kira. "Cloten's ship is small enough to squeeze into a shuttlebay if so desired. Besides, just imagine that Cloten will have made a side trip to pick up a bunch of Breen mercenaries interested in work. How we can make the chase look genuine is a bit of a tough one."

"Well, we have an idea for it, which is why we have our two Onlie officers with us," said Nira, finally realizing the opportunity presented itself. She looked at Captain Vaughn, who had not said anything so far. "While most of us can fit in Breen suits, some of us won't. Particularly Mister Mackenzie and Ensign Myne here. Don't let their appearances fool you," she added. "But hopefully we can let their appearances fool the Breen and the Dominion and the pirates.

"The idea is that Mackenzie and Myne come along as 'hostages,'" explained Nira. "They're children of a very important Starfleet officer and had been 'kidnapped' by us 'Breen,' along with their friends, which would include those who can't fit in Breen suits. I was thinking, Captain Vaughn, that they can pretend to be your children, which is why, when Discovery and Challenger begin 'chasing' Cloten's fleet, we could also include the Valiant in the chase; the Valiant would be chasing us, and would get Discovery and Challenger along to back them up. That way it could look genuine."

"Well, it could present a problem if the Dominion, the Breen, and especially the old man, know about us," said Captain Vaughn. "I'm technically not married."

"But you have been a big flirt in the past," retorted Kira. "Unlike your father Elias."

"Yeah, sometimes a woman can't resist me," said Vaughn with a grimace. "It's a curse."

"Think it can work for you, you two?" asked Nira to Mackenzie and Myne.

[Ensign Myne | Wardroom | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Ensign Myne stood with her hands clasp behind her back listening intently to the briefing. When given leave to speak the girl reached up to adjust each of her two pigtails before running at full speed to hug to Captain Vaughn's legs smiling up, "Daddy Daddy Daddy Daddy!"

After a moment she continued, "I do hope I can have a pretty dress to cover up my Borg implant and all those slaver brands..." She turned to the assembled people, "Daddy said not to tell no one me and Big Brother are his because it would cause a Sca An Dal?" She tilted her head to the side pretending confusion. "But we keep getting stolen.. thats why I have those brands.. But Daddy always saves me and Big Brother!"

She turned looking up to Captain Vaughn with the most sweetest heart melting look possible. "Maybe replicate me a teddybear made with traces of something that could be scanned for incase we get seperated. They wouldn't let me get moved without my teddybear...." With two fingers she shoves hard at a spot on her side and then her eyes instantly water and she genuinely sobs with tears dampending the Captain's pants before she wipes them looking back up. "Right Daddy?"

She then turned to Kyan, "Right Big Brother?"


Lahr's attention moved from Ensign to Ensign to Lieutenant as each spoke.  He then eyed the velociraptor skeptically for a moment before cautiously lowering the child-like Ensign down, even as she nestled in closer.  Oh roozh!

"Uh, sorry for that. Not sure what I was thinking there, Ma'am." He addressed his apology to Only officer.  He might not be in uniform but that didn't give him leeway to completely ignore the rules of conduct.  Besides which Ruth would take her axes to him if any of the crew passed onto her that he was bridal-carrying another red-headed officer.  She wouldn't give him any opportunity to explain.

The enlisted engineer then crouched down to study the hologram in closer detail.  The distraction of the dinosaur was rather welcome.  It meant that the Andorian didn't have to recall the discomforting story that he'd heard from the young-looking Ensign.

Lahr reached out a hand to touch the hologram but stopped just shy of it, allowing 'Steve' to sniff it.  The Andorian looked to who he figured was it's owner.  "May I?  I'd love to take peek at it's program.  This is an amazing likeness."

Myne carefully returned to her feet before turning and hugging the nice Andorian. "It is completely fine. You did what you felt proper to protect me. You should be commended for your quick thinking and action.", Myne smiled up. "You made me feel safe after the bad situation and you did what was needed to protect who You thought was a child. Which according to my species I will be for least another 20,000 years. So thank You."

Listening to the explanation of Steve she carefully patted his holographic head. Smiling Myne whispered, "You are a sweet and good raptor."


[Ensign Myne | Promenade | Deep Space 9]

Myne allowed herself to be scooped up if that was the Crewman's intentions and held to him with a happy smile, she would weigh so little and would easily be liftable, with a gentle smile, "My hero.."

Listening to the other Ensign the Only looked down, "I don't know what it is. I'm a Xenozoologist and my assumption is a young Gorn or young Voth maybe? But if you know it's safe then thats a relief." She nestled against the Crewman if she had been lifted and smiled feeling so safe now.

Holodeck / Re: Stellar (open to all)
May 24, 2023, 08:08:58 PM

[Ensign Myne | Mess hall | USS Challenger]

Myne smiled up to the nice Ops and bowed her head, "A pleasure to meet you Ma'am. I'm Ensign Myne, Science. I do hope to get to interact with you a lot!" The small girl was bouncey and eager her twin pigtails seeming to almost bounce on there own accord. Turning back to her slave nutri-goop she was about to take a bite when the Lieutenant Junior Grade came along. "The more the merrier Sir!"

Holodeck / Re: Out of Proportion - Buehler/Myne
May 24, 2023, 08:05:25 PM

"Well if you keep complimenting my liver Sir, your gonna have to buy it a drink. Since I have Borg parts I can't process synthehol. So I will get smashed instantly..", she smiled up at him. "And as one owner said I get nuzzly when drunk."

Myne turned and shown her thigh. "Each is the brand of a different culture who enslaved me. The Nausicaan's, The Orion, The Kzinti, The Talarians, The Hydrans, Over my liver reminds me when the Borg owned me. The scar on the back of my neck was from a Bluegil taking me over. Gave him diabetes from how sweet I was. The only owner I truly have no brand from is the Choraii. But a bit of lung scarring from breathing there insides for so long. Each one reminds me of my weakness. But they also remind me to be strong. The Aldean's didn't technically enslave me, they only screamed 'baby!' and refused to release me", Myne chuckled so she wouldn't sigh.

"My colony after moving from planet Miri was attacked by Branchers.. or as you call them 'Crystaline Entities'. My only ever true love turned out to be a salt succubus. So yeah short of being impregnated by Gorn eggs I've had my fill of belonging to others. So I joined Starfleet. As I said on the bridge looking at the Cardassian as I scanned his transwarp signatures... I am not in the looking for another brand.. I'll run out of leg at this rate!", she smiled up to the nice Doctor.


Steve noticed someone small passing by. She was awfully small to be here, and she definitely seemed out of place. Maybe lost? It was hard to tell. While his Human was talking with the other Humans, he slipped away to get a better look at this Small one.

[Ensign Myne | Quarks | Promenade | Deep Space 9]

Myne actually enjoyed the safe feeling of all these nice people when her ears perked. A habit you pick up I guess when bad follows you. Looking down she got to one knee as she continued reaching up and holding the Andorian's hand.

"Oh aren't you just the sweetest little baby Gorn? Did you wander from your clutch? Where's your Mommy little Gorn?", Myne said holding out her free hand.


[CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret - Deep Space Nine - Promenade - Quark's]

The Andorian's antennae perked as the little girl took his hand.   The Petty officer didn't have a clue who the young girl dressed in civilian clothes was.  But he was happy be of help... and to piss of the overbearing Nausicaan while he was at it.  "Not a problem.  My name is ShranLahr, but you can call me Lahr.  I work on Challenger."

The fearful tone that she thanked him in had the Andorian glancing back at the still downed Nausicaan with a scowl.  He was tempted to kick the bully while he was prone but didn't think that was an appropriate action to do in front of a kid.

"Don't worry, I used to be in Security.  I can protect you." he stated as they headed for the door.

"Should we go find your brother first? Or does he know you are headed back to the ship?" Lahr asked.


[Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Quarks | Promenade | Deep Space 9]

Unfortunately, it also meant that he had failed to see Myne being caught in a net of trouble...

Fortunately, Lahr had managed to scoop her out of danger and Zhukdra'shar was patiently waiting for them by the corridor that would lead them back to the Challenger.


[Ensign M'nia - Promenade - Quark's Bar]

M'nia was enjoying a little free time. However it was almost time to report to the Challenger. This was her first posting out of the academy. She was excited. She loved engineering. This was going to be great, she just knew it. She looked around at all the people here. Not just starfleet but a lot of civilians as well. DS9 seem to attract all kinds of people. Even  caitian or two. Alas she had no time to really get acquainted. She had a ship to catch. Ah well, she slung her bag over her shoulder and proceeded to the docking port where the challenger was waiting. As she got closer she saw security escorting what looked like a human child. A little girl and a fellow caitian nearby. She had to wonder what was going on. He appeared be lt jg. Security apparently as he was involved in escorting he girl. She was curious. "Hello lt. Umm pardon me for being curious but why is that little girl in a starfleet uniform?"

[Ensign Myne | Quarks | Promenade | Deep Space 9]

Ensign Myne looked down at the cardigan that was mostly covering her uniform. Maybe it was her size that obscured much of the little bit showing from the Andorian but Caitian eyes are sharp. But she also spotted Zhukdra'shar and waved him over. She would address each individually.

Looking up to the nice Andorian she wiggled so her uniform was more clearer. "I'm a Ensign. Ensign Myne." When she said her name it would sound like 'mine'. "I'm not a little girl. Well I am sorta.. kinda.. My big brother is a cultural thing, its because we consider all brothers and sisters do to most of us aren't breeding age yet. You might know him, Kyan? We're both Onlines." She lowered her head looking to all three.

"That man was one of the many who had enslaved me over my two hundred and seventy years.. he thought when seeing me I would be worth more as I haven't aged in near a hundred years... but I evaded him! Could you get me back to the ship? I don't think it's safe for me here alone!"

She affectionately hugged all three as she kept close as she could her body language showing genuine fear.

Holodeck / Stellar (open to all)
May 23, 2023, 06:15:31 PM

[Ensign Myne | Mess hall | USS Challenger]

Ensign Myne when given leave after the conflict was quick to rush to the Mess Hall. If not she would not have a decent seat or she would have to wait and then take a Horta's chair. Not reccomended. So she took her tray and ordered her usual food. A bowl of slave Nutri-Goop and a glass of water. Smiling as she found several open chairs she put her tray down and smiled. "Good day All. I do hope the day and the food finds you well?", the small girl with pigtails maybe looking eight in her uniform looked up at him. The education and manner of her voice contrasted to the smiling little girl saying them.


the little girl seeming to dance out of the reach of the Naussican.  At least it looked like a dance but having heard the Naussican earlier the former sec/tac crewman recognized it for what it was.  A dodging tactic.  He then winced in sympathy at her self-defensive attack.

When the little girl requested security to see her to Challenger, Lahr stepped forward.  "I can escort her there" the Andorian offered.

[Ensign Myne | Quark's | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Carefully with a smile Myne offered her hand up to hold the Andorian's, "Thank You Sir. I shall happily take an escort from you. You are most kind." The Sir would not be something an officer would say to a Crewman. But she did it in a way to show respect to an 'elder' rather then in an officer sense. Softly she whispered to him as the confidant voice once heard turning to one of fear, "Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you..."

Holodeck / Re: Out of Proportion - Buehler/Myne
May 21, 2023, 11:25:27 AM

[ Ensign Myne | Sickbay | USS Challenger ]

Myne smiled at the counter joke, "Well if you had treated any Caitians one might have batted it under the couch?" She smiled at the relaxed tone and when the Doctor began poking she turned on her side arching her back to give a better angle for the Doctors prodding. "Fully understand Doctor"

With a giggle at the poke she listened about the questions with the Borg and straightened her back, sitting up when prodded. "Must assimilate Teddybears. All will join the cute-lective." She smiled leaning back on the table.

"No pain, nothing when poked. Save cold fingers Doctor. Thirty one years ago", she looked up at him. "Go ahead and ask about the brands... everyone does..." She closed her eyes laying back on the table.


[Ensign Dersch | TAC/SEC OFFICER-DISCOVERY | Quark's | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Dersch Nodded as Myne said this and decided on what he wanted to say.

"Well Myne, We all Have our rough times when we are first Assigned, But he can't be too mad, So don't beat yourself up over this" Dersch then ordered another Drink and some food and then sat listened to all the others around him.

Smiling Myne hugged the man, "Thank You. That is most reassuring. Thank You so much."

[Lieutenant Kyan Mackenzie | Quark's | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Hearing Myne mention him, Kyan turned just in time to get kissed on the cheek"¦ which was very nearly a worse fate than getting blown up in a space battle. Even though he'd been kissed before, by grown up grups"¦ and relatives"¦ he was definitely not a fan of such displays of affection. And did she say come to peace? With being a slave?

"œI'll never be a slave." He said quickly. "œAn anyone after making me one will be takin a short trip tae the Summerlands. We dinnae survive all them years without grups lookin after us tae be slaves for em now, or tae be put in chains or sold off. I'd rather be dead than that!"

When Myne went back to her float, the boy surreptitiously wiped his cheek on the sleeve of his hoodie. After all, doctors weren't always right about things.

Then he turned back toward the bar. "œI'll be back in a minute." He told Myne. "œIf yer after another drink just tell Quark I'll pay for it.'

"No worries Big Brother, I think the sugar of this will be hitting me soon and there will be much mischief.", she said finally finishing the float and rubbing her tummy. After a bit she decided a quick walk was in order but seeing the Nausicaan eyeing her she froze in her spot. She was content in the enslavement, but she did not seek it. After a moment she gave hugs to the nice Caitian and then to Ensign Dersch.

Knowing if the man got his hands on her she may be back with a drugged collar on her neck so she made sure that she would not let him lay a finger on her. Rising the small girl began with toes forward before tilting on the ball of her foot as he reached for her and bent like a reed in the wind letting his hands pass above her. She then rolled forward and sprung into the air as he reached down for her. Twirling once on her booted toes she remembered the rythm of the drums and began a hop, a skip, a twirl wishing her bells were on her right foot to make them sing. As he reached again for her she twirled so that she could spin along his back and stop on the other side.

To any watching it seemed a simple Orion dance demonstration.

It was at this time a station security approached, "Is this man bothering you?"

"An admirer. Could you please walk me to the transporter to get back to my ship Sir?", Myne smiled with bouncing pigtails.

Holodeck / Re: Out of Proportion - Buehler/Myne
May 18, 2023, 07:58:00 AM

[ Ensign Myne | Sickbay | USS Challenger ]

"Yeah I came on board 6'8" now i'm 3'4", have you happened to see where an entire nother me went Sir?", Myne giggled as she crawled and hopped and crawled and wiggled till she was up on the exam table. "Nothing overly concerning but if you want to scan no problem one second Sir."

On the table she wiggled a bit and with trained grace she slithered out of her uniform top and bottom sitting there in her sports bra and bloomers. Not that she needed a sport bra but uniform code blah blah she would think.

On her side over her liver was a black and white bit of Borg tech while visibly on her left thigh was a row of brands burnt into her skin. Six in total and each uniquely different.

"So yeah they don't want to remove it because replacing parts of my liver would be a pain do to my species ages one month every one hundred years. Better to leave it in then get me a new liver on a semi regular basis. Any questions for me Doc?", she smiled up at him.

Holodeck / Re: Out of Proportion - Buehler/Myne
May 15, 2023, 08:37:28 PM

[ Ensign Myne | Sickbay | USS Challenger ]

Having not yet arrived at Deep Space Nine for the meetings and shore leave, but after the time on the bridge.. Myne hurried down to sickbay for the inevitable checkup. It was always a very uncomfortable situation, her brands.. her borg tech.. the scar on the back of her neck from the Bluegil, then everything else. Quickly she hurried around the corner and waved at the Lieutenant who would be handling her.

"Hello Sir!", she smiled brightly both pigtails bouncing. "Hope your well?"


[Ensign Dersch | Quark's | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

"Nice to meet you Myne and thank you", He sat and order another round of what he was drinking before and then asked her "Are you new to the Challenger?"

[Ensign Myne | Quark's | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

"Yes Sir, I barely sat my bag down in my quarters and reported to my new CO when I was sent to the bridge. My experience with Borg tech helped but I fear I might have upset the Captain when I sought to distract the Cardassian Captain from my actions.


[CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret | Quark's | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Lahr had heard Zhuk's earlier apology, and noted now that the Caitian had gravitated like many others- at least two Bajorans (a man and woman) and a Human male - towards the pair of children.  While Lahr was also kinda interested in the why and how the one little girl was dressed in an officer's uniform, the Andorian didn't want to waste his precious shore leave time with having to 'watch his language' and pretend to be a good role-model for a pair of children that disturbingly reminded him way too much of his Ruth.   He'd come here to let loose a little before the hell of Engineering loomed again.  Since good music was off the table, that just left alcohol.

"Take your time, Zhuk,  I'm gonna go find us an adults table."

The Andorian then slipped off through the crowd looking for their third musketeer - Litt, as well as the elusive 'open' table.

[Ensign Myne | Quark's | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Myne sadened hearing 'adult table', a look of dour hurt crossed her face but this was chased away by the wonderful treat that Big Brother had gotten her. So she renewed her assault on the drink, sugar hangover be damned!


[Kyan Mackenzie | Quark's | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Kyan listened to Myne's story, which served only to confirm his previous notion that the Nausiccan had been among the living for far too long. Not just him, but the others too. As others showed up, Kyan's imagination began churning out how he was going to put his ideas in motion. There were many different ways to go, and a lot of people who he knew would help. He decided that eventually he'd get names from her, and then people would start paying for what they did. But that was for another time.

In the here and now it looked like Myne was having a good time. She was doing a number on her root beer float and chatting up the grups that came over, which was a good sign. It was then that he remembered that the Bajoran doctor from Discovery had come and said hello. Kyan swiveled in his chair to address him.

"œAye Mister Broadshire, merry met again." He smiled. "œTae be answerin yer askin after that business with the Orions, me an that Seles got sucked out of the hole so we did. I grabbed her so she couldn't be getting away. They beamed us off tae their ship, which was hiding somewhere close. I escaped a few times but they caught me on account of I didn't have no ship." Kyan got a drink of his own root beer before continuing. "œBut then, they sold me off tae some Human grup, the creatures! An he DID have a ship. So when his fat arse weren't lookin, I hit him on the head with a spanner and threw him out the airlock! Sure and he's still floatin somewhere between whatever asteroid they was usin for their base, and Rigel Six. Course when I got meself back tae Earth, they was after makin me see the head shrinkers for a while and then the Admiral wanted tae send me tae some ship which is nae where I was after going so. The admiral didnae like what I said and said he was after takin me over his knee! Can ye believe it?! An me bein an officer in Starfleet the now! So I told "˜im that I was after punchin his teeth down his throat! An I might have pulled me knife too. I dinnae remember. I was mad so I was. But so I got put back down tae Lieutenant and put on the Challenger.

The ancient boy took another swig of root beer. "œSure but it wasn't all bad though, since I did find another Onlie on the ship when I got there, and it seems like she won't be a boring ship tae be on so. But what about you? What have you been doing since then?"

[Dem Broadshire | Quarks | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

"œYikes, ok. You've had quite a ride. Its good to see your well now. Admiralty, what can I say, eh?" Dem said with audible surprise from the astounding story.

As Kyan posed his question, Dem considered his response.

"œWell after we went on Romulan exchange, which was generally crap by the way, I was promoted to second officer. I was the bloody captain for the gamma hull in that space station business earlier. I don't know how you don't cower in fear in a battle. I was scared as hell."

Just as Dem pulled his pale blue drink back to his pursed lips, he considered in the manner he just spoke. He usually never speaks with such candour. Especially to his old commander. Dem lowered his gaze to the drink and realised that it must have quite a kick. He took a swig before shouting; "œWaiter! Nother one of this blue, swirly thing drink!".

[Ensign Myne | Quark's | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Myne touched Kyan's arm with a look of worry and concern at what she heard. Not out of concern for her own well being because she would be interacting with him often but instead to make sure he was well do to the lasting hurt those caused. She had grown accustom to enslavement. However she had seen the fire in the eyes of others over the years who were not as comfortable. She did not wish a return to the chains... but she did miss the formality and assigned routine. But there was Starfleet and she could get the two there... with much less beatings! So she smiled and said. "I hope Big Brother can come to peace with his time in chains as I have. To constantly have hate just eats away at your soul. One day I will dance for you big brother, and try to make you smile as you have done to me today!"

She then gave him a peck on the cheek before sitting back and continueing working on the drink.

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