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Messages - Neva Cordon


Neva grinned as she smoothed out the wrinkles of her uniform for the umpteenth time as she walked to Quark's. She'd done what she was supposed to in the crisis and lived. She let out another relieved breath for that fact.
As she walked in, she looked around for anyone she recognized. Silently thanking The Gods for her luck, she made a beeline for the bar first. "Hello!" When the bartender came to her. "Can I have a double of Single Malt Scotch please?" She slid a bar of latinum to them when they returned. "The rest is for you. Thank you for this."She lifted the glass as thanks. The bartender took the bar & bit it before smiling back. Nodding in return, she turned and made her way to where Lahr and the Captain sat. As she reached them, she swallowed both the lump in her throat and a sip of her drink to push it further down. "Uh, may I join you?"


CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Bridge]

At the suggestion of a new song, Lahr paused his work to find the one referenced and played it.   The Andorian laughed so hard his antenna were writhing.

"Am so gonna have to sneak that into the Captain's playlist." Lahr wheezed out between laughs.  Sure, it would me more hull scrubbing but it would be so worth it.

As he wiped tears from his eyes, he noted her holding something out towards him - a water bottle.  He gave the Ensign an appreciative up-nod before taking a long swallow.   Afterwards he handed it back.

"Thanks!  But you don't gotta worry about me.  I figure I'm near indestructible."

He pats his legs.  "Had these near blown right off..  yet the docs managed to regrow them.  You'd never have known right?"

Neva shook her head and laughed with him. When he mentioned the Playlist, she looked at him with interest. "He's got a playlist?? oh that's awesome! You gotta send me that!"
She took the bottle back and capped it before putting it away.
"You did? Wow!" Neva had a new appreciation for medical profession. "My mother was a nurse in Starfleet. She'd love to hear about that." Neva suddenly blushed an hid it by putting her hand over her face and ducking down. "Oh Gods, I'm so sorry! I don't mean to make light of what you dealt with. Just the advances are what my mother would want to hear about."
Her hand slid up her face to wipe sweat away once more. She looked up, across from her, and then back at Lahr. She raised an eyebrow at him. "Think we're done here?"

Neva bounced in place when Lahr called out to her, making her juggle her tool a moment. She'd let out a small yelp of surprise before laughingly answering. "Yeah it is! I'd never heard of a captain or ship doing that. I like it though." Her brow furrowed and she looked down the shaft at him. "Words?!? You gotta be kidding! I used to watch video with my Dad when he'd make corned beef & cabbage for us for Earth's St. Patrick's Day. The tattoos of bagpipes playing were amazing to watch!"
When he played the songs, Neva's eyes widened. She stopped working and cocked her head to listen. She laughed hard at the kilts part and a couple others during the second song. At the end of each song, she'd tap her fist a couple times over her heart then stop & bow her head a moment.
Looking up, she turned back to her work and smirked. "Don't worry, I loved it!" She chuckled. "Pull up the song 'The Scotsman' and tell me what you think!"
Neva dropped the tool into her kit and replaced the panel. Doing her earlier move, she headed over to where Lahr was working. Sitting down beside him, she pulled off her kit and opened it. She passed the bottle of water to him. "If you don't drink soon, your Andorian ass won't help any of us!" She smiled encouragingly.


Neva wiped the sweat from her forehead with her sleeve, tool still in hand. It broke her Engineer's heart to see such a beautiful ship so battered and broken. She sat back on her heels and traded the tool for a water bottle, sipping sparingly. Replacing the bottle with another tool in her hand, she went back to work. A click and whirring woosh heralded power returning a few minutes later, causing a triumphant hiss to erupt from her.
After a quick look around, Neva's joy deflated to resignation as she
put her tools away. Throwing the kit around her neck and whistling her captain's battle music off-key, she crawled to the next section and went back to work.

News Archive 2023 / Re: Third Simm
August 07, 2023, 06:36:33 PM

I think at least a small base would be good. Nothing huge.

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on August 03, 2023, 06:07:48 AM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck Five - Corridor 5B73-2 (Damage Control Team One)]

Having just reported in to his team lead that he'd finished up repairing the conduit line in corridor 5B73-2, Lahr was gathering up his tools listening to Bridge chatter when he overheard T'Kel's report.  The Andorian paused a moment before giving a holler of success. They'd done it!

Lahr, didn't need to see the destruction of Melek Nor.  That the Captain ordered his 'banner' to be stopped broadcasting, meant that it was defeated.  Now it was just a matter of clean-up.

With his gear packed, Lahr made his way back up towards the staging area for the DCT1 until they received their next orders.  As he walked to the turbolift, Lahr found himself humming the catchy battle tune to himself.

Lahr could recall a time when it was an entirely different tune that had been played during battle moments.   Ruth had preferred the classic Ride of the Valkyries as her banner song.  But it had been nearly two years since she's been in Command.

In his mind, he wondered what a mashup of the two might sound like...

Lahr was just meeting up with others in the Observation Lounge when his comm chimed, followed by the most unusual message he'd ever received.... and given Ruth was his girlfriend ... that said a lot.

Sack of poodoo!? The Andorian huffed at the insult, even knowing that it was a Tellarite that had made the comment.  Lahr knew that his working relationship with Lieutenant Commander Tharn was thorny at best because of things done during the polywater incident.  However, he knew, she knew that despite that he was a good engineer - even if somewhat quirky; which was why she called on him and DCT1 to go assist Discovery.

Lahr looked around the Observation room for Ensign Jones, the usual leader of the team, but couldn't see her anywhere.  He noted Petty officer third grade T'roth, the female Vulcan of their team approaching along with their Caitian teammember,  Crewman Maranxx-ii.  The Vulcan no doubt having overheard the call, even across the room.

The 'cadet' calling had asked what transporter room so Lahr offered up one of the closest to his location.  It was odd to have a commissioned officer calling him 'sir'.  Even at the top enlisted rank Lahr could achieve on ship, the newest of commission officers technically outranked him.  The engineer was obviously brand spanking new.

=/\= "Let's meet at Transporter Room 3 on Deck 4." =/\=

Lahr offered the Deck number in his reply because he recognized that being new might mean they were unfamiliar with locations still.

Muting his end of the comm, Lahr looked to the arriving two team members, in concern.  "Where's Kasey?" he asked then realizing he was talking to the ship's most unimaginative Vulcan, he clarified. "I mean, where is Ensign Kasey Jones?"

"Ensign Jones has been taken to sickbay." The Vulcan answered blandly without offering any additional information, despite Lahr's prompting look.

Recognizing that they should get moving to meet up with the commissioned officer, Lahr led the way back towards the turbolift, all the while questioning the Vulcan as to what happened.  By the time they arrived, the only information he'd managed to extract from the Petty officer was that she'd been injured while doing her repair on the EPS conduit.  That Kasey had hurt her herself was not at all surprising, Kasey was rather clumsy and often uncoordinated.

So that he could recognize the officer who called him when she arrived, on this PADD called up the latest listings on the WaR board. There he noted that Cordon wasn't a cadet at all but rather an Ensign, and a Betazoid one at that.   Hmm.  He'd have to be careful to censor his thoughts.  Having her pick up things like he thought she was cute, could get him into trouble, not necessarily with her, but rather if Ruth caught wind of it.

When the Ensign eventually arrived Lahr, called the team to attention. "Chief Petty Officer ShranLahr ch'Verret, and Damage Control Team One, ready and at your service, ma'am."  He then offered a quick round of introductions of Petty Officer T'roth and Crewman Maranxx-ii to the Ensign.

"Do you know who we are reporting to once we arrive on the Discovery?  If not, I know someone that can help get us going."  Of course, he was referring to the ship's Chief Engineer, Lek.  A close personal friend of his.

He stepped up onto the transporter PADD and prepared for beam out, nodding towards the Ensign as the officer in charge to give the order to energize.

[USS Challenger-Corridor]
Neva nodded, pushing herself away from the wall. Hitting her comm she answered "Uh, ok see you there. Cordon out"
With a quick request of direction from the ship,  she found the nearest turbolift and asked for Deck 4. Thankfully, the turbolift was close.

~~confusion...amusement...cockiness~~ Despite her nervousness, she found that last one quite interesting.  'This should be fun' she thought as the doors opened. She swallowed hard and tried to smile. "Hi, I'm Cadet Neva Cordon." She said simply as she looked at the assembled group.

When heard Lahr give his full rank and called her "Sir," she blushed hard and stammered a reply as she noted each person introduced to her. "Uh...ok...good to meet you all." She then looked back at the one called Chief Petty Officer Lahr with a grateful smile and said "yeah, if you know who to go to that would help so much, thank you!" Neva stepped onto the transporter pad and settled her gear. She then stood to her full, if diminutive at 5'4", height. "Energize when ready please."

Quote from: Ian Galloway on August 02, 2023, 01:12:12 PM

[Turbolift - Melek Nor --> USS Valiant] - [Dr. Jessica Fellows]

Jess grabbed the offered piece of cloth and quickly packed Nehor's wound as best she could. As Zhuk bandaged her, Jess grunted when he tied of the equally make-shift dressing and muttered.


Moments after that, Jess felt the tingle of the transporter and she sagged in relief that they'd been rescued.


[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian watched the viewer as the surviving Breen and Dominion ships scattered and cringed inside as Melek Nor blew apart. Ice clutched his heart until T'Kel reported the away team had been rescued.

"Praise be ta the Maker."

He offered in gratitude and spoke to Ops.

"Coordinate repair and medical teams with Discovery's Ops. Stand down from red alert, but keep us at yellow alert with shields up and you can stop broadcastin' Scotland the Brave."

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian looked up, tired now that the battle was over and the adrenaline had begun to drain simply said.

"If'n you think you can be of assistance, I'm sure they will appreciate it."


[Engineering - USS Challenger] - [LTCMDR Dashlish Tharn]

All things considered, the ship had come through the fight mostly undamaged. I few conduits overloaded, but other than that, damage was minimal considering the nature of the battle they'd been in. When an unfamiliar voice interrupted her assessment of the ship, Tharn, growled, which was her default manner of speaking, unless she was actually angry, then she became far worse.

"You're who? Oh right, Gamma shift. Right. You think you can help, then be careful what you ask for. Find that worthless sack of poodoo Lahr and lead his repair team over to Discovery and try not to embarrass us with your stunning lack of knowledge. Now get!"

Neva nodded and actually bowed her head to the Chief in her haste to do as ordered. "Aye, Sir. On my way."
She wasn't sure who Lahr was, but she was sure she'd find out. That in mind, she turned away and headed for the turbolift. Hitting her Communicator, she called out "Lahr? This is Cadet Neva Cordon. The Chief Engineer said I should-" she cleared her throat before continuing. "She said 'find that sack of poodoo" her voice went up in questioning mode "uh...'Lahr & lead his repair team to the Discovery.' What Transporter, Sir?"
Neva suddenly stopped. 'Oh Hells! I'm LOST!' She whined to herself and threw up her hands in frustration. In any case, she leaned against a wall & waited with crossed arms over her chest.


Quote from: Ian Galloway on August 02, 2023, 01:12:12 PM

[Sickbay - USS Challenger] - [Chief Petty Officer T'ealc]

The Vulcan Charge Nurse was in her element, tracking new cases, discharging those already treated, and monitoring communication is a symphony of multi-tasking. She noted the arrival of the new doctor and made a decision.

"Doctor Banwell, Discovery requires medical assistance. You are to take charge of the three medics that are available and transport over immediately with whatever medical supplies you can carry."


Neva grabbed the kit strap of her Engineer's kit from her knee & slipped it onto her shoulder. As she sprinted to Main Engineering, she hummed the song playing from everywhere around her. She'd only just transferred to the Challenger, so this was new to her. This war scared her to no end, but this was what she signed on for. She'd only just laid down from her shift when all hell broke loose. Thankfully, she hadn't changed out of her uniform.
She stopped short when she realized she was about to bang into the doors of her destination. Straightening her uniform with a blown out sigh, she walked inside.
Neva walked up to the Chief Engineer and gave a soft cough. "Cadet Cordon reporting for duty, Sir. I know it's not my shift, but I'm at your disposal just the same." She gave a shaky smile.


Character(s) affected: Ensign Neva Cordon
Assigned ship(s): USS Challenger
Period of time absent: 3 days
Date of last period of activity: July 23
Date returning: July 27th

Any relevant comments: Covid Diagnosis & recovery is reason for LOA

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