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Messages - Ian Galloway


[Cargo Bay One - Deck 6 - USS Challenger]

As Wey'nir arriving with two scientists had set the standard, three members for each nation that wanted to participate in negotiations became the standard for the number of delegates each nation-state could send. And all twenty-four nation-states along with the Land Moot Council wanted to attend. It took all ten of Challenger's shuttles two lifts to get all the delegates aboard. As seventy-seven people, counting the two Landser astronauts, were far too large a number for any briefing room on the ship, the conference had to be in Cargo Bay One. Ops was busy replicating chairs and security was at capacity ensuring there were escorts on the shuttles and for scanning the attendees for weapons and electronics. The few weapons that were discovered were confiscated, but electronics were nullified by a dampening field that rendered them useless.

Each nation-state had sent either their head of state or a senior ambassador to represent that country. Some nations sent two scientists, some sent one scientist and one 'assistant' who was invariably an intelligence officer. Zhuk had the bridge as acting First Officer, thus all the security arrangements for the conference fell to Lieutenant Davenport. By the time the entire group was gathered, Ian had had time to take a quick sonic shower and change into a fresh uniform. Ian stepped to the podium set up in the conference room, took a deep breath and began to speak.

"People of Land-Ta. I am Captain Ian Galloway of the Federation starship Challenger. I welcome you. Our meetin' today was not scheduled. Because of the devastatin' consequences of contactin' a species before they are capable of interstellar flight, our most sacred law involves the non-interference in a people's natural development. There is a very specific benchmark we look for before we make contact and for all of your tremendous accomplishments, you have not attained that threshold. Normally, would nae have even entered your system.

"However, your remarkable Fold Space technology, your 'Great Work' created a detectable effect that drew us ta your system and ta discover what was causin' what we had noticed. Our technology is no longer limited ta radio frequencies and that is what made us aware that your Fold Space was causin' ripples in time as a core principle of its function. Simply put, you cannae fold space without also foldin' time.

"The problem that we have detected is that this foldin' is affectin' the very fabric of space around your world. As best as my science department can describe it, this affect is blocked by your planet's atmosphere, thus you have nae noticed it. The critical issue is, continued use of your technology will eventually weaken the structure of the space/time of your system. What happens then is unknown. You could end up in another time, past or future, or you could enter into a completely separate pocket of space/time. All I know for certain is all of Land-Ta will cease ta be part of this space/time continuum."

At this point the crowd began to murmur its discontent.

"I fully understand the 'Great Work' is the effort of three generations and here is a stranger tellin' you just as you are on the cusp of bein' able ta use it, that you cannae. As I mentioned earlier, our most sacred law, the Prime Directive tells me I cannae order you ta stop usin' your technology. All I can do is warn you. If'n you choose nae ta listen, I will set up warnin' buoys twenty light years around your world and leave you ta whatever happens next.

"I have my science chief and his deputy here, please, have your scientists talk ta mine and have them discuss our findin's. It is my fervent hope that our two people can come ta an understandin' based on facts and that this threat ta Land-Ta can be avoided. Thank you."

Ian nodded to Jettis and Randall as he stepped away from the podium. He hoped that the facts of the science would be enough to sway the passions that were running high at the moment to some sort of understanding.


[Bridge - USS Challenger]

For Zhuk, the bulk of what he had to do was acknowledge reports from the ship's departments regarding ship's status. The vast majority of systems were now fully functional with only a few tertiary systems still not quite at 100%. As Wu monitored ship's systems, Lieutenant Booker at Ops was broadcasting a live feed of the conference down to Land and monitoring how the Landsers were reacting to, what was heartbreaking news regarding their 'Great Work'.

Neva had made it to Engineering and found that the warp core was back online and all critical systems were nominal. Lieutenant jg Rebecca Fisk had really stepped up in her absence and had Challenger humming.

In Sickbay, Dr. Kartos continued to monitor Kyan closely as the Onlie rested from his psychic ordeal.

Whether the conference would smooth things out or if things were already beyond smoothing, remained to be seen and which would happen, would happen fairly soon.


[Shuttlebay --> Bridge --> Briefing Room - USS Challenger]

When the Mjolnir touched down in the shuttlebay, Ian steeled himself for a massive information dump. Doctor Zorr had treated his wound to the point that the only reminder was the hole caused by the bullet and the dried blood that soaked his uniform sleeve. He was first off the shuttle and noted the odd, obviously alien craft parked thirty meters from the Mjolnir.

Before he could ask, Lieutenant Wu began to update him on the ship's status and the events that had occurred since he'd left the ship. He had been ready for an information dump, but this was an information tsunami. In addition to the uproar his own away team had caused in fleeing the Land Moot, it seems the original away team was responsible for the overthrow of one of the Landser nation-states.

"No way to avoid a court martial now." He thought as he rode the turbolift.

News on the ship was better. They were warp capable again along with all primary systems. There were still some secondary systems that were not fully operational yet, but they were able to move, shoot, defend, and communicate, which was all that was really necessary. On reaching the bridge, Lieutenant Booker was the first to report.

"Sir, as President Wey'nir's trip to Challenger was live broadcast in real time, we have been inundated with communications from the governments of the remaining nation-states and the Land Moot Council demanding representation for any negotiations with the Federation. What do I tell them Sir?"

"Tell them... tell them, as soon as transportation can be arranged, any party that wants ta discuss matters is absolutely welcome ta meet aboard the Challenger. Now, I need a minute ta replicate a new tunic. I will be in my ready room. Mister Mrekrerhas, with the First Officer incapacitated, you are senior, you have the bridge."

Ian then quickly entered his ready room and while he really wanted a drink, he ignored that impulse and went to the replicator and ordered a new tunic. Once he changed out of the damaged and bloody one, he exited the ready room and entered the briefing room.

"President Wey'nir, honored guests. Welcome ta Challenger. It seems we're ta be havin' others join us. I suggest we hold off on any technical discussions until everyone is assembled so that we can cover them all at once. I apologize in advance as our conversations until then are goin' ta be awkward as I am not allowed ta answer most of the questions you are likely ta have. However, given the limitations that I have, I would like very much ta get ta know you personally.

"I will go first. My name is Ian Galloway. I am from Inverness, Scotland, on the planet Earth in the Sol system, some 80 odd light years from here..."

Quote from: Jalen Kartos on March 07, 2024, 01:41:57 PM

[Capitol Complex | Nation of Magana | Land-Ta]

Jalen hustled through the corridors and made it to the Cutty Sark where he took his seat and quietly sat in contemplation. Had he done the right thing? He could've had everything he ever wanted back, could've saved his people"¦ but he gave it all up for Kyan, for someone he barely had any ties to. It saddened him that even the thoughts of his Husband and Adopted Son weren't enough to pull him back, but Kyan screaming in pain was what did it. This was not something he had the luxury of processing right now, but he would have to, in time. The Cutty Sark landed safely, and Jalen disembarked and rushed over to Kyan. He had barely taken out the tricorder and began scanning the Only when the tricorder's warning beeps began going off.

"œHe's going into some kind of damned arrest, what the hell did you people do to him?" Jalen snapped at a nearby alien, and frankly he didn't care about political niceties right now. He pushed his fear, pain, grief, and all his other emotions aside and allowed his medical instincts to take over and began trying to stabilize his patient. The ancient child's mind was flooded with an enzyme that seemed similar to that which manifests in minds of various telepathic races, but the levels were far higher than was safe. Jalen injected Kyan with a hypospray designed to counteract those levels, and slowly the levels began to stabilize. Jalen sighed in relief when another alarm sounded, this time indicating that Kyan's heart had stopped. The amount of counteracting agent necessary seemed to have caused too much of a shock to the small body before him.

"œDamn it"¦ don't you die on me Kyan, not after all I gave up to save you." Jalen ordered firmly as he injected another hypo of adrenalin into the boys chest and then brought his fist down hard on the small chest, hearing the ribs crack in protest, three more times he brought his fist down before the small heart restarted and found it's rhythm. Jalen fell back on his feet and cried from the overwhelming stress of what he had just been through.

"œCommander Kyan is stable enough for transport, but we have to get him back to sickbay, immediately. Can we use transporters?"

[Outside Magana Capital Hall - Land]

When the doctor asked about transporters, Lieutenant Davenport replied instantly.

"No Sir, too many temporal disturbances for transporters, we have to use the shuttle. Chen, Jorzon help Doc with the casualty."

The two named security officers slung their rifles and gently lifted the unconscious Kyan, Davenport took charge of leading Wey'nir and the two scientists onto the shuttle and getting them settled. Once everyone was aboard, the Cutty Sark lifted and arrowed upward in a steep climb.

For the Landsers, even though they could only partially see their passage up through the atmosphere and into the black of space, the ride left even the well seasoned Wey'nir speechless. Ensign Heinz Schlemann at the helm of the shuttle made as direct an approach to the shuttlebay as he could, but he did take a few extra seconds to give the Landsers a sweeping view of Challenger as they docked.

At Jalen's insistence, Kyan was first out of the shuttle, still carried by Chen and  Jorzon to the gurney and waiting medical team. Once he was restrained by the stasis field, the injured Onlie was rushed to sickbay. Davenport escorted the Landsers out of the shuttle and met with Lieutenant Randall.

"Welcome aboard the USS Challenger Mister President. I am Lieutenant Evan Randall, the ship's deputy science chief. Most of our senior officers are off ship, but are on the way. Otherwise, they would have met such an august visitor. Now if you will follow me, I will lead you to the briefing room on Deck One."

Wey'nir was still trying to keep up with all the changes that had happened to him in the just the past thirty minutes. All he could do was nod and follow along side Randall. When he finally found he words, he said.

"Your ship is... is... beyond what the images could possibly capture."

"We are very proud of her Mister President. We hope this meeting is the beginning of a lasting friendship."

The small party rode the turbolift to deck one in silence and Randall made certain everyone was comfortably seated in the briefing room. He hoped that someone senior to him would show up soon to relieve him of diplomatic duty.


Quote from: Neva Cordon on March 07, 2024, 12:33:42 PM

[ACEO Lt.JG Neva Cordon|Mjolnir]

Neva sat quietly as she let the doctor give her a hypospray, relieved as the "fog" lifted in her mind. Her mental "shout" was going to need some unpacking back at the ship. She wasn't sure if that was favorable or not.

Shaking it off, she grabbed the staps at the gymnastics the shuttle went through. She was thankful for the lack of food she'd encountered today. After all they'd been through, her patience was as shot to Hell as the mission. Hearing Zhuk ready phasers, Neva smirked wickedly. It was all she could do to keep grabbing the straps and not rub her hands together in excitement. As it was, she scanned the bulkheads for the location of the weapons locker. Finding it, she nodded and turned to watch the screen.

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on March 07, 2024, 10:55:00 AM

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | NCC-81673 Mjolnir | Land | L7-425977 System]

Zhukdra'shar nodded, glad that she had considered his advice. As the Mjolnir veered in the direction of the narrow mountain pass, the Caitian felt a deep sense of uneasiness. At least, it was good to learn that he was simply not made for such aerial maneuvers, much to his chagrin. His positive attitude on the fact did not last long, and he forced himself to close his eyes, trying to keep himself from getting even dizzier. It was not working.

He believed that he could still hang on for a little longer, but landing could not get fast enough. His ear swished towards the back, trying to determine how the people at the back were doing. Zhuk could only hope that the Bolian, Hessou, and Neva had strong stomachs.

Things got much calmer as the Mjolnir took to open skies, much to Zhuk's relief. He proceeded to take a look over at the screen, sighing as he saw the scanners detecting the pursuing Landser air vehicles no longer in hot pursuit behind them. The uncomfortable feeling in his stomach still did not vanish completely, though he at least knew he was in no immediate danger of making a fool of himself, or grossing out his companions,

"A-Ah... good flying... uh..." Zhuk took a moment to properly take a look over at her pips on the uniform, "Lieutenant. Optimal performance overall..."

Zhukdra'shar looked at the scanners as the shuttle prepared to descend. Trying to scan for the crew of the Moot was difficult, for certain, as the readings were unclear. At hearing the voice of Galloway, Zhuk promptly spoke up, pushing on his comm badge, =/\= "Captain, the Mjolnir has arrived at the Land Moot. Currently scanning for thy position." =/\=

He nodded at Lieutenant Ardyn, before he returned to the console. His eyes went wide and his ears lowered in frustration. With a deep frown, he once more turned towards her, "It would seem as if we have new contacts. Considering our duties here, I am not certain we can avoid them this time. Ergh... let it be known that they are forcing me to do something I truly do not wish to carry out..."

He stated, loading phasers. Zhuk was only planning on damaging the ships, hopefully dissuading them from attacking them further. He was unsure that would be the case, so he quickly turned towards the scanners once more, doing his best to locate the crew for transport,

"I think I have located them, Lieutenant! Bring us closer to these coordinates..." He sent them over, and soon on her screen appeared the location of a Storage Facility, "Shalt we try and beam them out? Or should we descend?"

Quote from: Ardyn Jaeger on March 07, 2024, 04:24:09 PM


If a Bolian was able to look green, this one certainly did.  "œ Keep it together.  should be a bag in the back somewhere," she warned.  It wouldn't be a good look if there was an acid scorch on the inner hull.

She nodded as she heard Alex's voice through the Comms. He sounded understandably concerned and she didn't blame him in the slightest. She was glad they were going to get some backup if there were more fighters on the way.  Two were fine for now, but if there were going to be more, they could possibly overwhelm them with numbers, and they still had injured to take care of and get back to safety. She didn't like the thought of leaving the Captain and the others down here, but if they had to get out, they might have to leave the others.

=/\= "œUnderstood." =/\=

It was a curt reply, but there was no time to think as she dodged another primitive missile. She turned to Zhuk. "œThey've gotta be running low on  ammo by now, right?"

Ardyn spiraled through the narrow mountain spires, weaving through the rocky crags, ideally hoping to scare the fighters into backing off from the Flyer by increasingly complex maneuvers, some she hadn't pulled since she was in her racing days, banking and turning  until she got out of the canyon.

Hearing Zhuk's compliment, she smirked. "œI appreciate the compliment. If we get out of this, I owe ya a drink."

For what it was worth, they were still tailing her, albeit seriously slowed as they tried keeping up to the Flyer without crashing themselves.  She could see at least a couple more coming into view behind them. "œMore company!" They were almost out of the canyon now.  Ardyn heard Alex's voice over the comms.  Change of plans again. She wasn't exactly sure what was happening Challenger-side but she'd have to ask Alex once they'd get back.   =/\= "œGot it. Heading to his coordinates now. =/\=

With the path clear, Ardy could go at full speed now.  She could see the Smith now flanking her.  =/\= "œSmith to Mjolnir, We have your back. =/\=

=/\= "œGreat. I'll need you to keep them occupied while I pick up the Captain and everyone else.=/\=

=/\= "œRoger. Prepare for engaging. "œ =/\=

They split, leaving the Smith to engage the remaining fighters while she could bank back towards the city and the captain's position.

=/\= Captain, We're en route to your position with the Flyer. Estimated time:  5 minutes and counting.  I have enemy fighters on my tail so we've got only one chance to get you guys while the Smith keeps "˜em busy. "œ   =/\=

[Land Moot Hall]

They were coming up on the area where Galloway and the rest of the crew were; in the center of several tall spires surrounding a decent-sized plaza. That would have to work.

"œI think we have to land. I think if we beam them, out, whatever is in their time warping might kill the crew before they came back."

Deftly winding her way through the spires of the various buildings down to the plaza, she noticed one of the fighters had broken from formation and had followed them down here in an equally dangerous move. One wrong move, and either one of them could get civilian casualties or damage to the Flyer. "œI'm going to land,  Get ready!"

With a quick jerk, she touched down the Flyer and opened the hatch doors.

=/\= "œCaptain! The shuttle has touched down! Hurry up!" =/\=

[Land Moot Airspace - Land]

The Smith pulled alongside the Mjolnir and her pilot, Ensign Qindis Norann a female Bolian, waved to Ardy before racing ahead and directly toward the dozen Landser fighters. The interceptors opened up with a frighteningly heavy salvo of cannon fire, but the weapons were completely ineffective against the shuttle's shields. This allowed Norann to lance through the formation of interceptors unharmed and forced them to scatter to avoid colliding with the nimble Type-9 Smith. As the fighter's formation split up, it opened a path for Ardy to reach the compound. Before the Landsers could regroup for another pass, the Onizuka showed up and with the two small shuttles diving directly into the path of the interceptors, the fighters had to spend all of their efforts avoiding collisions. With the interceptor pilot's attention completely consumed with defending themselves, none of them could get a shot as the Mjolnir flared for a landing.

[Storage Facility - Land Moot Compound]

Ian watched the acrobatics going on overhead and was completely green with envy that he wasn't 'at the stick' of one of the shuttles. Unfortunately, once the Mjolnir committed to her landing, it was readily apparent to the Landser soldiers who swarmed toward the away team's hiding place.

"Here's where things get dicey Mister Blackfeather. Set for wide angle stun and fire as fast as your bloody phaser will cycle. If'n we're lucky, we'll stay ahead of any projectiles that might ken our names."

Turning to Jettis and Tora, Ian added.

"Once more into the breach! RUN!"

One thing about the next minute of his life that surprised Ian was the noise. Sure he was familiar with gunfire, but the aircraft mounted machine guns on a Tomahawk lacked the volume of dozens of rifles blazing away in his direction. Another completely unsettling thing he discovered was the abject terror of the whine of a bullet as it passed by. This was all so personal, so real, and as this wasn't the holodeck, so deadly.

Fortunately, the Landsers had never seen phasers before and the wide angle setting caught quite a few of them before they adjusted and took better cover. Ian ran and dodged wildly, as did Tora, Jettis and Blackfeather, but even with their covering fire, Ian began to get a sick feeling they weren't going to make it. No sooner than he had that thought when he was hit. The bullet passed clean through his upper left arm and it burned! Ian stumbled, but kept his feet with his teeth clenched against the pain as he thought.

"Fudge. I've been shot."

He was about to pick a place to make a last stand to give covering fire for the others when some bright spark on the shuttle could see the trouble they were in and extended the Mjolnir's shields to protect the away team. Once inside this protective bubble, they were safe. Ian was the last to aboard the shuttle and he had some difficultly closing the airlock with one arm, but he got it done.

"GO! GO! GO! GO!"

Ardy didn't need any extra motivation than that and the Mjolnir leapt into the air. As there were seven on a shuttle built for six, Ian simply flopped onto the deck exhausted and held on as best as he could. He was leaning back against the bulkhead when he felt a hypo press against his neck. He opened his eyes and saw Lieutenant Zorr smiling at him.

"I believe that will help Captain. Now hold still while I treat this wound."

Ian closed his eyes and did just that. He was content. Shot or not, they'd escaped alive. The main thing on his mind however, was Kyan, all he knew was he was badly hurt and that bothered him more than whatever was left of his career after this unmitigated disaster of a first contact.

Quote from: Tora Zalos on March 06, 2024, 08:01:28 AM

[Ensign Tora Zalos | Storage Facility | Land Moot]

"I think to say that we've overstayed our welcome is a gross understatement." was Tora's answer, panted as much as it was spoken. "When someone in Starfleet hears about what's happened here, I think all our heads will be on the chopping block, sir, not that you don't know that already." The Cardassian took a long, slow breath. Her breath rattled, and the mere action made her chest tingle and ache, and not in a good way. She wouldn't have been too surprised if whoever examined her after the mission berated her for overexerting herself - or if she fell ill for the exact same reason.

"Commander Mackenzie. We... we need to make sure he's okay." She managed. "Wh- What'd they do to him, I-" She couldn't finish the thought. Even thinking it made her heart wrench, and that hurt too.

[Storage Facility - Land Moot Compound]

Ian could only snort in amusement at Tora's comment regarding his pending court martial.

"I am aware Ensign."

He sighed and softened his expression.

"Right now our primary task is ta survive. What happens next will sort itself out. As for Mister Mackenzie, we've a fine medical staff on the Challenger. I literally trust them with my life. Add in that Kyan is an ornery little git and I wouldn't count him out in any situation. Help is on the way and we're ta be ready for another quick sprint, so I suggest you save your strength for that task."

Ian then tapped his combadge.

=/\= "Galloway ta Mjolnir, although we've enjoyed our visit ta Land, the locals have soured on us a mite and we'd like ta go now. You have an ETA for our ride home?" =/\=

Quote from: Tora Zalos on March 05, 2024, 11:04:03 AM

[Ensign Tora Zalos | Outside Land Moot Hall]

For the umpteenth time in the past hour this mission Tora was incredibly, incredibly glad for all those intense PT sessions with Chief Petty Officer Stagmont back in the Academy. She had never, ever run so fast and for so long in her life. Weaving through the crowded Magana streets and dodging angry locals was bad enough, but to do it without any respite was almost unbearable. How glad she was when they found what appeared to be a room in an empty storage facility with extremely few personnel (if any, which she hoped there weren't) - which was exactly the point at which her legs gave out, and she melted against the wall. Spots danced in her eyes as she heaved deep, gasping breaths of air. She could swear her heart ceased beating for one frightening moment as the sound of footsteps and murmuring pounded past them before fading away into the distance.

And then her knees really did liquefy, and she collapsed to the floor in a gasping heap. "Permission to speak with utter honesty, sir." She could barely form the words, she was so exhausted. She only hoped the captain would hear.

[Storage Facility - Land Moot Compound]

Ian was wheezing as much as the others once they'd finally found a place to hide. How long a respite they would get, he didn't know, but it couldn't be long considering how things were going. However, until then, every minute of rest they had was worth its weight in latinum. When Tora asked to speak freely Ian nodded.

"Given the amount of chac we're in Ensign, by all means, say what you have ta say."


[Magana Airspace - Land]

The Cutty Sark and the Onizuka dove through the atmosphere of Land at a higher rate of descent than usual to cut transit time as much as possible. Expecting the worse, both shuttles had shields up and weapons charged, but no interceptors challenged them. The Onizuka flew top cover as the Cutty Sark landed in an area in front of the capital building that was absolutely ringed by what had to be hundreds of thousands of people. It initially looked like they are having to go in hot into the middle of a riot, but when they got closer, it was only on the extreme fringes of the city were fires burning.

When the doors of the Cutty Sark opened, Lieutenant Davenport was the first out followed by four security officers. Once she was certain there was no immediate threat, she waved for Doctor Jalen to advance. He did so with a full med kit and took his place next two a pair of Landser that were treating him and immediately went to work.

As he did so, an older Landser in a uniform stepped forward.

"Who is in charge here?"

"I am, Lieutenant Davenport."

"Lieutenant. I am President Wey'nir. I regret that we meet like this. As you can see, Magana is in turmoil. The fact that K'ren has fled has mollified the people, but everything is in flux at the moment. Your Lieutenant Wu when he invited me to come to your ship, he stated he wanted to have members of the Great Work come with me." He paused to gesture two Landsers forward. "These are two of Magana's best and will accompany me to your Challenger."

"Very good Mister President. Just as soon as Doctor Jalen clears Commander MacKenzie for travel, we will go."

At this point, what happened next was in the hands of the medical staff treating Kyan.

[Outside Land Moot Hall]

Ian was beginning to get winded. They had been running for several minutes and while they were staying ahead of the pursuit, there seemed to be an endless amount of pursuers. The basic problem was, there was no possibility of blending into the crowd, so wherever they went, they were spotted and the pursuit continued. It was rapidly becoming clear that their only option was to find someplace to hide, but as the away team was completely unfamiliar with the massive Land Moot complex, finding an empty building during the middle of the morning workday was proving to be as difficult as losing their pursuers.

[Land Moot Airspace - Land]

For the Landsers, the Land Moot was an entire city and as a result, had its own independent defense forces to include its own air force. There hadn't been an actual threat to the Land Moot in over a century, so the interceptors were used mostly for ceremonial purposes. Thus when they were ordered to scramble to intercept an actual threat, it took some time. This allowed the Mjolnir and her escorting Type-9 shuttle the Smith to get very close to their air space. Fortunately for the shuttles, with shields raised, they were invisible to the simple radar the Landser interceptors were equipped with, but the sensors on the two shuttles showed a dozen interceptors rising rapidly and would be a challenge to evade for an extraction. All Ardy could do, was let the rest of the people on the Mjolnir know that things were about to get even bumpier than before.


[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Alex could see the ship move into its new orbit between the surface and that of the fold space probe. As he looked at the viewscreen, Lieutenant Booker at Ops updated him on the Landser news feeds.

"It's hard to keep up with it all Sir, especially in Magana. Full on riot in places, but it looks like the Cutty Sark got through. Rest of the planet news is exploding with coverage from 'first contact with aliens' to 'we are being invaded' to 'we submit to our alien overlords' to 'welcome brother we've been waiting'. It's chaos. Mjolnir and Smith are nearing the Land Moot and I'm tracking a dozen interceptors moving to block them. No word from the Captain since you last spoke to him."

Quote from: Alexander Wu on March 04, 2024, 02:09:55 PM

[USS Challenger - Bridge]

Asking Alex to consider the away team expendable when his future wife was in that said team seemed a bit callous, but Galloway likely had many other things on his mind. Nevertheless, he didn't intend on abandoning anyone, and the Landsers thus far hadn't shown they could do anything to harm Challenger, at least nothing they didn't already plan for.
=/\="Acknowledged, Challenger out." =/\=

[Outside Land Moot Great Hall]

When the away team exited the building, Ian produced his phaser one from under his tunic and after adjusting the setting, used the weapon to fuse the doors closed. It wasn't much, but it would delay immediate pursuit. It was all too obvious that two humans, an El Aurian, and a Cardassian would not be able to remain unnoticed, so the next best thing was to move with the attitude that you had every right to be where you were. Squaring up his shoulders, Ian proceeded across the open quad and headed for the corner of the nearest building. Of course every Landser they met along the way eyed them with great curiosity, but none of them tried to stop the small party of aliens. Once out of sight, Ian tapped his combadge.

=/\= "Galloway ta Challenger, we've exited the Land Moot Hall. We're nae under immediate pursuit, but we'd appreciate a lift as soon as one can be arranged." =/\=

It was then that cries behind them could be heard. Ian gestured to the others and said.



Quote from: Ardyn Jaeger on March 04, 2024, 04:16:58 AM


Good news: They got ahold of the Challenger. For a hot moment, Ardyn was worried that the ship couldn't hear them due to the temporal  and atmospheric interference.  Bad news: They had at least two different  enemies on their tail, guns blazing as they spun and weaved high above the city.  "œI'll definitely try to, but I make no promises.  If we can't , I might need you to man the guns ." She motioned to the Caitian in security yellows nearby her.

He recommended this narrow pass. It seemed like as good an idea as any, especially  given the aerial patterns the fighters were displaying

=/\=  "œThis is Mjolnir to Challenger. We have confirmed two fighters on our tail.  May be more on route. I'm headed towards this mountain pass to try and lose them before hopefully getting over to Galloway and the others to extract. They're making it kind of  - difficult to try landing right now, but if I get an opening, I'll get as many of our team as I can.  "œ =/\=

She banked hard to starboard around a tall building spire, causing one of the medics to shout in surprise in the back as stuff shifted. It couldn't be helped as she sped ahead towards the narrow passage in the distance that Zhuk mentioned.  She felt the ship shake as one of the crude weapons hit the shields. They were primitive, sure, but they were persistent.  She twisted around

"œHow are you guys in the back?" she asked, noticing the Bolian's thoughts about regretting eating his lunch today, really hoping he wasn't going to puke.

[Magana Airspace]

The two fighters pursued the Mjolnir down the pass with the lead fighter's cannon blazing away, but the simple chemically propelled explosive projectiles had absolutely no effect against the shuttle's shields. The narrow pass was only a few miles long and this forced Ardy into the open again. However, in open sky, the Mjolnir had speed the Landser fighters couldn't hope to match. Thus when Ardy went full power, the interceptors quickly began to lose ground and eventually, they reached the edge of Magana airspace and had to break off leaving Ardy a clear path to the Land Moot.


Quote from: Alexander Wu on March 04, 2024, 02:09:55 PM

[USS Challenger - Bridge]

"Launch detected from the surface." Randell warned, despite the timer he'd previously set still counting down. "Whatever happened down there must've given them reason to expedite. Intercept in ten minutes."

"We can still salvage this. We need to show them that we meant no harm, that we're here to help them, not to interfere." Alex could only do so much to set the table, now they needed to welcome their guests and hope Galloway was on his way back to try diplomacy again, this time on their turf. "As soon as they're in tractor range, deploy the dampening field and lock onto their crew capsule, bring them into the main shuttlebay."

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

There were several tense seconds as Lieutenant Booker concentrated on targeting the tractor beam to avoid the temporal fractures that had become part of the Landser orbit. Finally, Alex could see the beam lance out a snare the crew capsule. There was a heart stopping moment when it looked like the Landser craft would break up under the stress of being tractored, but Booker reacted quickly and routed a portion of the ship's structural integrity field to the capsule to reinforce the fragile craft. Crisis averted, the Landser capsule was successfully brought into the shuttlebay.

Whether the first contact with the Landsers could be salvaged or not was as yet unknown, all Alex knew now was he'd given the best orders he could with what he had to work with. All he could do was wait to see if the individual commanders he'd dispatched could accomplish what he'd sent them to do.

Quote from: Ardyn Jaeger on March 02, 2024, 04:23:43 AM


There was only so much Ardy could try to say about the situation before she  probably made even more of a mess.

Getting back into the shuttle, Ardyn nodded to the ones still onboard. =/\= "œAlright.  Shuttle is operational and ready to pick up all personnel to medevacuate"¦ "œ =/\= She looked outside of the shuttle, only to notice several guards coming on her position.

She opened a call to everyone both on the Challenger and the ground team. =/\= Change of plans guys.  I'm launching now.  There are some guys here and they don't look friendly.  We're going to have to retreat to some other safer spot. Preparing evasive maneuvers!" =/\= she barked in warning as they made their way into the atmosphere, energy blasts from both ground soldiers and fighters trying to hit them.

So that's how they were going to play.  She turned back to the people still onboard. She knew there were injured here who needed immediate medical help, and more who needed to get out ASAP,  but that would mean nothing if they were all atmospheric confetti.   "œ Alright.  We've got hostiles incoming.  Hold on tight. This is going to get  bumpy!"

Steering the ship into a sharp pitch, she deftly maneuvered the shuttle in a sharp dogfight position to dodge the oncoming fire, fingers flying across the different consoles.  If there were a safe position they could get to where they could evacuate the others still on the planet, that would be great,  but right now, she had to focus on not ending up making the shuttle Swiss cheese.

[Magana Airspace - Land]

Ardy could see the two interceptors closing rapidly. Fortunately, with the shields up, the Landser aircraft could not track the shuttle on radar, thus their missiles could not lock on. However, Mjolnir was still visible to the eye and the interceptors had cannon that didn't need radar. Whatever Ardy was going to do, she was going to have to do soon as the fighters were very close to cannon range.


Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on March 02, 2024, 07:06:52 AM

Meanwhile, in a small office elsewhere in the capitol."¦.

Unknown to the President, her staff, or Kyan, Mikel had clandestinely pulled out his com device and when things had begun going south, he started live streaming. Millions of Landser eyes were glued to screens across Magana and elsewhere. Two of them belonged to a young Landser man named Geran, who was the assistant director of public outreach for the President. In his cramped office, deep within the bowels of the Capitol building he watched the exchange between the small alien and Magana's head of state. He had no choice. It was on every broadcast station. Geron gasped when she mentioned the Mind Ripping. Aside from being an invasive telepathic technique that usually caused irreparable harm to those subjected to it, it was highly illegal.

And if he was shocked to hear his boss basically order the Mind Ripping of an alien visitor, he nearly passed out when she unknowingly admitted the existence of the An-Shok to the world. She was killing her career for a certainty, and possibly getting herself and a lot of other people a one way ticket to prison. The An-Shok, like Mind Ripping, were illegal. More than a century ago they had been a dominant political group in Magana and in some other countries. But after the Magana-Soma Ta war the group was disbanded and their leaders were jailed. Magana had lost that war after other nation states saw the atrocities committed by the crimson clad butchers and rallied to the defense of the smaller nation state. The treaty that followed was heavy handed and in many ways the people of Magana, none of whom were alive to witness or take part in the conflict.

Now the An-Shok were nothing more than a conspiracy theory for the vast majority of Landsers. Most people didn't think that they still existed. But over the past several years, their influence behind the scenes had grown considerably. The recently chosen Master of the Land Moot was from Magana, and had worked in the government there before winning his current seat. While he'd never been particularly cozy with them, the An-Shok had helped him get chosen. K'Ren was a different story. Her family had deep ties to the organization. Her father was an Avowed Brother in the An-Shok, as her grandfather and his father had been. When the soldiers in red uniforms emerged and hauled the little alien away, Geran was on his feet and out the door before they even had him out of the room.

He had to get to K'Ren and warn her. Failing that, he had to get out of the capitol. Heads were likely to roll after this, and he didn't want his to be one of them.

In the executive study, off the President's main office.

Kyan didn't struggle as he was hauled off. He still harbored a fleeting hope of being able to salvage the situation, even though it looked as though his temper had cost him any chance of that. "œAnd yer like tae get fire too." He said to himself. "œ"¦.if ye make it back at all." Getting fired didn't bother him. He'd been fired before, and the only reason he even got this job was that there wasn't anyone else. The truth was he wasn't good at being civil. He never had been, and probably wouldn't get the hang of it for a long time.

If he lived long enough to work at it anyway.

A few moments after the goons in the red uniforms hauled him in, one of them pulled a chair over and he was deposited onto it. The two holding him let go but still flanked him on either side. Another stood in front of him, lording over him. "œWhat is your purpose on our planet?" he asked, peering down his nose at the captive Onlie.

"œSure an I told ye what it was before." Kyan answered. "œYer Fold Space engine is causing space time shockwaves or sommat, an it's dangerous"¦ to us an yerselves. We came tae warn you so we did."

"œWhat is your position on the alien ship?"

"œI'm First Officer"¦for now The last part went unsaid. "œSecond in command." He added in case the title wasn't clear.

The one in front of him smiled. "œSo you have knowledge of the ship's defenses, and the authority to order them to surrender the vessel."

Kyan's surprise at that question was evident without telepathy. He shook his head. "œNo. Even if I could, I'd nae do that. Yer blue arse is out the window if yer after thinking I'd help ye take our ship."

He saw the interrogator nod toward the one on his right just before a field of stars erupted in front of him. Shaking his head, Kyan tried to raise his arm to his head but it was slammed back down on the arm rest.

"œNow then"¦ "œ

He was interrupted by Kyan's com badge chirping, followed by a voice that was familiar but that Kyan couldn't place.
It wasn't Galloway calling which was odd. But that wasn't important. He needed to relay the situation to them, but the Landsers wouldn't just let him do that. As his ear rang from the smack he'd taken a few moments ago, Kyan worked on a way to get a message out. "œY'know"¦" he began, the play still coming into form.. "œIt'd be better if I answered that so it would, they'll be after sending more folks down tae figure out why I'm not talkin."

After pondering this for a moment, the interrogator retrieved Kyan's badge and held it out. "œSpeak to them. Tell them everything is fine."

One of the guards let go of his arm and he reached out and tapped the badge, which was weird.

=/\= Mackenzie here. Ye can tell Captain Galloway that I'm still following Regulation forty six A so I am. Things are good here. I made contact with the government. They got nice hospitality here, sure and they do"¦ like New Zealand, on Earth it is. If anyone else comes down, dinnae send no one from Seldonis III. They'd nae like it. Oh"¦ and clean up me codes. I may be wantin tae use em later so. Tht's it. Mackenzie out. =/\=

Kyan hoped that they would get the right meaning from that. He tapped the badge again and smiled up at his captor. "œSo what else do ye wanna talk about?" he asked.

Outside the capitol

Where just an hour prior the crowds had been there in fear of the alien presence on their world, they had been wholly replaced by throngs of Landsers with a different viewpoint. Consisting of mostly younger protestors, this crowd bore signs decrying their president's criminal actions and calling for her removal. They were loud and their chants could be heard throughout the government complex.

[Interrogation Room - Magana - Land]

After Kyan had replied to the hail from Challenger, he'd been dragged to a cell below the capital hall. Kyan had to admit, the Landsers were professionals. Their strip search had found every weapon he had concealed on his person. Had they searched any more thoroughly, he'd have had to consider that he was dating them. Once they were certain he was unarmed, he was manacled to a chair with the two An-Shok men standing in front of him. One stepped forward, placed a hand on his head and that's when the room exploded from this presence, not his own, inside his head. Kyan had been in a lot of fights and been injured several times, but even if he combined how much all of those previous injuries had hurt, they did not hurt as much as the fire burning in his skull right now. Through the pain, he could only hear four words thundering without end.

"Tell me the truth!"


Quote from: Alexander Wu on March 02, 2024, 02:05:07 PM

[USS Challenger - Bridge]

=/\= "Challenger to Galloway, we've made contact with Commander Mackenzie, he appears to have been captured and is in immediate danger. Mjolnir's last transmission indicated they are under attack. Do you require extraction?" =/\=

[Land Moot Great Hall]

When he heard Wu, Ian was immediately on alert as he knew he wouldn't have been contacted unless things had gotten out of hand. Hearing that Kyan was in trouble, he sighed.

"Well, it's dropped in the bloody pot now."

He tapped his combadge and spoke softly.

=/\= "We're nae detained for the moment, but it sounds like that could change. We're in the Great Hall of the Land Moot and will try ta get outside. Launch the Scobee and be prepared for a rapid departure. Your priority is the ship and ta get word of the fold space effect ta Starfleet Command. That is an order. If'n it comes ta a choice of the away team or the ship, we are expendable, you are not. Acknowledge." =/\=

Ian gestured to Tora and Blackfeather to follow him as he rose. One of the Landser guards noticed and spoke.

"Supplicants must await the ruling of the Land Moot in chamber."

Thinking furiously, Ian replied.

"Apologies. No disrespect is intended, but among our kind, we must bathe in the sun's rays six times a day and it is time for us ta offer obeisance ta our Deity. There must be some exceptions allowed for religious requirements."

The guard looked flustered and spoke on a radio to his superior. After a tense moment, the guard said.

"I must escort you."

"Acceptable. My thanks."

As Ian headed for the exit, he looked in Jettis' direction. The two An-Shok stood close behind him and that was a complication to the plan Ian was still figuring out, but he knew Blackfeather was as good a security non-com as was in Starfleet and would know how to follow his lead.

As the three plus one reached the closest point to where Jettis was standing, Ian caught Blackfeather's eye and nodded toward the An-Shok. When Blackfeather nodded back, Ian exploded into action. He drove the palm of his hand into their guard's nose with all the strength he had. Fortunately, the nose was a weakness Landser's shared with humans. Blinded by pain, Ian was able to deliver a vicious combination of punches and kicks that left the guard a puddle on the floor of the Great Hall.

As Ian fought, Blackfeather had drawn his phaser and stunned both members of the An-Shok. Jettis' long life had left him anything but a fool and he was ready to move as soon as Ian brought up the 'bathe in the sun' nonsense. When his captors crumpled, even though he was still handcuffed, he was moving before the second brother hit the floor.

There was a brief pause as the sudden burst of violence in the nearly sacred Great Hall was such a shock to the Landsers that it gave the four Starfleet personnel time to get a head start before outrage filled the air. Leading the way for the exit of the Great Hall at a full sprint, Ian had time to think.

"I hear New Zealand is beautiful this time of year."

USS Challenger-A / Re: S6: E1 - The Prime Recommendation
February 28, 2024, 02:04:38 PM
Quote from: Alexander Wu on February 28, 2024, 12:41:17 AM

[USS Challenger - Bridge]

Previously in Alex's occupation, the loss of control over any given situation was always anticipated but never welcomed, from a cargo bay losing grav plating to spilling coffee over one's pants right before giving a group presentation. He always tried to prepare for eventualities, like by keeping a spare change of clothes in his office, but there was only so much that could be done ahead of those unseen emergencies. Maddison being in danger was one of those things that couldn't be helped so long as he and Ardyn were on active duty, and he knew that. It didn't help with the guilt in knowing that she had to share in the same dangers as they did, and there was only so much he could do to protect her.

=/\="Yes, I'm still here, how are my daughter and the other children doing? Do you need any other resources?" =/\=

Waiting for a report from Atkins and the doctor, Alex had to force himself to refocus on the simultaneous issues demanding his attention, going over the most critical points again as he thought about what else could be done from their end to help Galloway and Mckenzie below. Integrating with the Landser satellite to communicate with the surface was a bust, apparently it's limited technology only allowed them to receive telemetry and messages from the away teams intermittently, with two-way communication impossible until their subspace transceiver antennas were repaired. That was being handled by Engineering. Booker was still monitoring the situation below, and the amount of electronic transmissions had compounded astronomically over the past hours, so much so that some of the nations were limiting usage to official government and military only.

"Randall, what's happening with that fold-space device?" Alex asked, turning to the science officer after a glance at Grelek, who was speaking rather oddly to the engineers working outside on the nacelle. "Any indications that it could be preparing for another test?"

Frowning, Randall squinted at his display, carefully reviewing the compiled sensor readings. "No movement or increased energy output so far. The probe has been uploading alot of data to it's base on the Landser moon, terrabytes of whatever it complied during it's programmed trip. Wait...there's a new signal emanating from the moon, I think they're transmitting something to the probe. Increased thermal readings, it's firing thrusters and moving into a lower orbit!"

"Put it on screen, magnify." Alex ordered, leaning forwards to visually study the object closer while going through all the options in his mind. Galloway had been cautious about doing anything which might provoke the Landsers, including interfering with their fold-space device, but if they intended on running another test, it could lead to a whole new unknown set of destructive variables. They had already detected multiple temporal anomalies in the planet's upper atmosphere, if they kept tearing new holes in the fabric of space time, the Landsers might not only wreak havoc with any travelers passing through the sector, but could also destroy the planet and themselves. Challenger was protected for now, but who knew how long it'd be before those on the planet surface began experiencing the effects. With Ardyn and the others below, it wasn't a risk Alex could afford to keep taking.

Frowning as the device reoriented itself when it reached a new lower altitude, Alex thought he saw something on it's previously hidden aspect, now turned towards them, an uncannily familiar feature on spacecraft that he was more accustomed to. "Is that a cockpit?" He asked incredulously. More strange sounds were coming from behind him, irritatingly distractive, but Alex brushed it off while examining the bulbous protuberance on the probe's otherwise smooth hull. "I think it is." Adelle confirmed from her vantage closer up front. "If they're moving the probe-or I guess ship is more accurate, into a lower orbit, could they be trying to put actual people on that thing?"

Cognizant that time was running out for them to noninvasively intervene, but that anything they did could jeopardize whatever, if any, progress Captain Galloway and the away teams had made below, Alex needed actual facts rather than presumptions more than ever. He needed two way communication. "Mr. Randall, prepare to deploy the dampening field. Ms. Booker, go to yellow alert. Grelek, what's the progress on-wait, are you singing?"

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

The crew responded quickly to the change of alert status and all departments reported in that they were ready, this Alex could see on the command chair's display. All departments also reported that many systems were still impaired, but the most critical systems were operation, to include phasers which had been low priority. When he turned to face the science one station, Randall spoke.

"Sir, dampening field is ready. However, I don't think the Landsers are ready. Based on the flood of telecommunications we're monitoring, it seems like there is a big ceremony for the crew that will pilot the first manned space flight; looks like the ceremony is going long."

"Confirmed Sir, our intercepts show that a shuttle will take the crew to the probe and then they will make their first manned flight. I estimate they will launch within twenty minutes. Add in another half hour of flight time for the shuttle and at least another thirty minutes to run final checks before they are ready to activate their fold space drive."


Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on February 28, 2024, 07:06:53 AM

No wonder she didn't get to hang out with the other leaders at the big Land Moot. This woman was positively remedial. Kyan shook his head.

"No." he replied. "We won't. If you're after having a prisoner you can keep me. My crew is leaving. And if ye try and stop them, then I'll order them to defend themselves and yer people gettin hurt will be on you. My people are all bully marksmen. An our weapons are better'n yours."

Kyan though about drawing his own phaser but decided not to. Instead he crossed his arms and continued. "It's obvious the now that you're as daft as ye are blue. Them kids over there." he indicated the Landser children with a wave, " more brains than you do, and you're supposed tae be a leader?" Kyan laughed. "Ye got the ability tae read thoughts right? Tae see if folks is tell ye truth or lies? Read mine. Den you'll see. We came here tae help ye. If we wanted, we coulda destroyed yer space fold drive from orbit. We coulda bombed yer cities. Our ship has the ability to kill everyone on this planet. But we dinnae do any of those things. And we wouldn't do it, even if ye killed everyone we sent down here. Why d'ye think that is? When we came here, we came in isolation suits so as tae not scare yer people. That dinnae work an I already apologized for it. Now I'm done bein nice and not gettin anywhere." Kyan tapped his com badge.

=/\= Mackenzie tae Zhuk. Yer tae take Neva an whoever else came on the shuttle and go tae the Land Moot. Tell them that we tried explaining it and this daft bi... that President K'ren would nae listen and she has two of our crew as prisoners. If they try tae keep you from leaving, leave anyway. I'm staying here. That's an order so it is. =/\=

Kyan looked back up at the President. "Well what's it tae be then? Are ye gonna start acting smart, or are ye gonna keep bein a blowhard politician?"

[Inside Capital Hall - Kormaga - Magana - Land]

The Landsers were caught off guard that badge Kyan wore functioned as a communication device and were unable to stop the order to the others. Several Landser soldiers rushed forward and grabbed Kyan as K'ren snarled.

"So the truth of it is revealed! Your words of help and friendship are all lies. You wanted your thoughts read, well, you will get your wish you impudent child thing. Let's see how your species stands up to Mind Ripping. Call for the An-Shok! Tell them no mercy!"


Quote from: Neva Cordon on February 28, 2024, 08:35:43 AM

[ACEO Lt.JG Neva Cordon|Outside Kayala City Council Building]

When the sunlight hit Neva's eyes as she and Zhuk walked out, she squeezed her eyes shut and groaned. Migraine...

Neva stepped aside from the door and lifted a hand to shield her eyes from the glare. Hearing the call, the engineer was relieved. She waved her other arm in reply and managed to call out to them.

"Yeah Doctor, I do! I think the effects of my earlier escapade are still with me."

Neva crept carefully down the steps, holding out a searching hand. "I'm afraid to open my eyes much." She admitted, smiling with embarrassment.

[Outside Capital Hall - Kormaga - Magana - Land]

When Neva spoke, Doctor Zorr pulled out his tricorder and scanned her.

"Yes, your neural transmitters are all over the place Lieutenant, let's have you sit down in the shuttle so I can check you out properly."

As the group moved toward the Mjolnir, Kyan's order came through and for a second everyone froze. It was against everything taught at the Academy to leave someone behind, but the order was clear. Adding motivation was the sudden appearance of Magani soldiers, with weapons drawn and running their way! This new threat was more than enough to get the away team moving and as they were only steps away from the shuttle, they were easily aboard before the soldiers could reach them.

As Ardy had kept the shuttle on hot standby, it only took her seconds to lift off, which was good, because the soldiers had begun firing on the Mjolnir as it took off. Although it grated to abandon Kyan, they'd been given a course and a quick look at the sensors showed a pair of Magani atmospheric interceptors heading their way for addition incentive to get moving.


Quote from: Tora Zalos on February 27, 2024, 09:40:27 PM

[Ensign Tora Zalos | Land Moot]

Someone had to get the ball rolling here; someone like them. Hard evidence would be more than convincing, Tora hoped - assuming, of course, these people weren't so obstinate in their beliefs. Hopefully the size of this cavernous government chamber also translated to open-mindedness to ideas and opinions. "Our crew and ship were substantially affected by your tests. Several of us were rendered unconscious by the effects of the temporal folding, for example Surely it is reasonable to conclude that the same might happen to others." Case in point, her own experience and that of many others. Imagine that backfiring on the Landsers themselves... or it being weaponized. "We would be pleased to show you some of the data we collected as well as the medical logs of those of us affected."

[Inside Land Moot Hall]

Ian smiled as Tora spoke up, Reports on her performance during her time on Challenger indicted a certain timidity and he'd hoped that being in an environment that spoke to her strengths would help her find her footing as a Starfleet officer. It also helped that her suggestion mirrored that of his own thoughts.

"Ensign Zalos has the right of it Sir. Her role on the Challenger is in the science department with the specific specialty of anthropology. Starfleet's primary role is that of exploration, the meetin' of new people and her trainin' makes her an expert in understandin' other cultures so that we might better understand each other and build a relationship on friendship.

"I understand that, here we are, outsiders that claim a project you have been workin' on for generations and finally have operational is dangerous, but have no proof of what we say. If'n I were you, I'd be skeptical too as the only evidence we speak of is based on technology you do not have and therefore cannae verify.

"I offer whoever you deem ta be the best judge of such things ta come aboard my ship. We will take you there and, on my word of honor, return you unharmed, so that you can see the disruptions ta the space/time continuum that your fold space technology is causin'."

Before Inti could reply, a side door opened and in walked several Landsers, two wearing red uniforms, flanked by four soldiers. Shuffling along in the middle of the soldiers was Jettis, looking decidedly the worst for wear.

"What is this outrage!" Inti growled.

"Sorry for the interruption of the most august Land Moot, I am Charnaga of the An-Shok and our world, our beloved Land Ta has been invaded by aliens!"

Ian ground his teeth and clenched his fists at his side to keep from speaking at the sight of Jettis. He was livid, but he couldn't allow his anger to interfere with the negotiations with the Landsers which clearly were on the razor's edge. He took a deep breath and spoke as calmly as he could.

"Moot Master, may I speak?"

Inti eyed Ian for several moments before nodding.

"Thank you Sir. This man is obviously part of my crew. As I mentioned, our most sacred law is ta nae interfere with another species' development. When we detected the temporal disruption, we were sent ta see what was causin' them. As I also mentioned, the Federation is very protective of the timeline, so that gave us permission ta come close and observe your people.

"It was our intent ta look around without bein' detected ta understand the danger ta the timeline and then make contact with you ta come ta some understandin' on how we could co-exist. Unfortunately, much of that plan fell apart almost from the start. Lieutenant Jyur was part of the covert team and while attemptin' ta complete their mission, got scattered.

"Shortly after that, we discovered just how dangerous your fold space is. The temporal pulses we'd detected from a distance were magnified exponentially up close and it disabled the Challenger. This revealed us ta you and forced me as her captain ta make contact with you sooner than we'd planned. I can assure you Lieutenant Jyur is nae an invader. He is a scientist and I would ask your forbearance ta see fit ta hand him over ta me."

"The Invader speaks honeyed words Moot Master, do not fall for his lies. This being must be tried and made an example to any alien that would defile Land Ta."

"Spoken like a true member of the An-Shok, Brother Charnaga. We of the Land Moot are aware of the aliens and as you can see are in conversation with their leader. While I respect the remit of the An-Shok to protect Land Ta from all threats. Our own 'Great Work' was to prove that aliens existed, now the presence of this being, this Captain Iangalloway proves beyond doubt that life does exist beyond Land. Your remit and how we view ourselves are going to have to change in the face of this new reality.

"The Moot must discuss these things in depth before any rulings can be made. Therefore, Brother Charnaga and Captain Iangalloway, please make yourselves comfortable in the Hall while the members of the Land Moot deliberate."

With that, Inti and the rest of the members of the Land Moot rose and exited the Great Hall. What would happen next was anyone's guess.

USS Challenger-A / Re: S6: E1 - The Prime Recommendation
February 27, 2024, 02:49:47 PM
Quote from: Neva Cordon on February 27, 2024, 01:14:42 PM

[ACEO Lt.JG Neva Cordon|Land-Ta|Kayala City Council Building->Outside]

It was all Neva could do to keep her eyes from rolling at the "underling" comment, though a smirk slipped out. When Kyan gave her leave, she nodded and turned on her heel, not waiting for Zhuk to join her. She wasn't sorry for what she said one bit, nor was she embarrassed. "Betazoid Blunt" had its uses and many times, other beings couldn't swallow that bitter pill.

[Outside Magana Capital Hall]

Ardy landed the Mjolnir in the open area right in front of the steps that led into the capital. Lieutenant Zorr and Petty Officer Heesou exited the shuttle with full medical bags. They looked around for a moment, then locked onto Zhuk and Neva at which point, Zorr asked.

"I understand there is a medical emergency."


Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on February 27, 2024, 08:46:24 AM

This. This right here was why he liked being a tactical officer or security chief. Because this didn't happen. It was simple. No people skills required. Get mission, do mission. Point and shoot. Some people decried the chaos that was always associated with conflict, but to Kyan, the chaos was home. It gave him focus. It left no time for second guessing and indecision. Diplomacy was tediously slow and there was too much talking, too many emotions, and way too much lying. Combat was honest. Intent was unambiguous from the beginning.

"Fighting is better than talking" If he ever got a ship of his own, that was going on the plaque. That or, Swords Rule and Pens Drool." Yeah"¦ that one was good too.

He glanced back at Zhuk and Neva before turning back to the Landser woman. "It's sorry I am for that, the which won't happen again."

The news about a shuttle arriving was fortunate though. "œZhuk," he turned to the Caitian. "œYou and Neva go check out the shuttle. I'll stay and handle this." When he turned back to the President he continued. "œBut, she's nae wrong in what she said. Yer space folding drive works as ye said it does. But theres also side effects from it that ye cannae ken because yer sensors cannae detect it. Ours can. That's why we come here, tae warn ye of it. We dinnae want yer technology. We're after warning you so ye dinnae makea mistake and hurt yerselves and others with it."

"Yes." K'ren replied cooly. "The... space time ruptures or... whatever they're called that our sensors can't detect. It seems as though if our engine were causing such disruptions, they would be evident, even to our"¦.primitive equipment."

Kyan heaved an exhasperated sigh. He was ready to just let them find out the hard way. They could beam back up to the ship"¦ or catch a ride with the shuttle and just drop a quarantine buoy on their way out of the system. But if the Landsers continued on their course, a buoy wouldn't save people from the damage that their engine was going to cause. Unlike the scientific misadventures of his own people, the damage wrought by Landser scientists mucking around with things they didn't fully understand would have damaging effects wherever they went.

An idea hit him just then. "œMadam President, on my own planet, we were nearly wiped out because our scientists couldn't understand the damage that their own "œGreat Work" was causing."

President K'ren arched an eyebrow, which Kyan took as an invitation to continue. "œWhen Mister Zhuk said that I just look like a "œjuvenile", he was wrong. I am. And I have been fer more den four hundred years. On my world, the scientists made a virus what was supposed to make aging slower. And it worked for all of us who are still alive so it did. But it only worked for kids. I've nae aged but a few months since then. The virus killed all the grups, what ye'd be after calling adults. And whenever one of us would start puberty, dey'd get the blue spots and die too. We was by ourselves for three hundred years until the Federation came. They cured the blue spots an now we're part of the Federation. An we're not the only ones. The Bajorans are in the Federation now too since we helped them after the Cardassian occupation. And there's others too." Kyan paused for a moment. "œSo ye see, the Federation is nae after stealin yer technology. We're only here tae help."

[Inside Magana Capital Hall]

President K'ren looked at Kyan without expression. If his words had any impact, he simply couldn't tell until she spoke.

"A tragic tale to be sure Commander. However, your appearance on our would is most suspicious. You arrive just as we prove our Great Work is functional. Your 'help' seems like an attempt to trick us into giving our hard work to you. Thus you can stick to your claim that your Federation doesn't take what it wants.

"The most suspicious part of your claim is that our technology is causing problems with time, but you base this on your 'sensors' detecting something ours cannot. The Great Work is the culmination of our entire planet's effort. Even if I believed you, and I am not saying that I do, I cannot stop the progress of the tests. Only the Land Moot can decide such a major change. I will communicate with the Moot Master your concerns. Until then, I think it best that you remain here in Kormaga as our honored guests."

USS Challenger-A / Re: S6: E1 - The Prime Recommendation
February 26, 2024, 10:53:54 AM
Quote from: Ardyn Jaeger on February 26, 2024, 04:06:02 AM

[Land Moot]

It took a hot moment  to finally figure out just how to understand them, but as she followed Ian and the other woman in science blues,  Ardyn nodded as she overheard the mental chatter of the Landsers "˜whispering" amongst themselves as they went into the  room. What are these strange people? Are they really spies? What are they doing here on our planet?!

"œCap, it looks like they're talking about us  on a different  wavelength, telepathically wise. "œ she mentioned from what little she got from the emotional feedback they were giving off. "œI don't know if they can hear  our thoughts, but  I'd be careful, just in case,"

Moving back to shuttle to keep it warm, she nodded and maneuvered the shuttle to the next spot in particular.

[Outside --> Inside Land Moot Hall]

When Ardy reported the Landsers were telepathic, Ian cringed as he'd always been suspicious of telepaths. However, it wasn't like he could do anything about it, they were here and he had to work with the circumstances he'd been given.

"Thank you Lieutenant, go ahead and get the doctor ta Kyan's team, they've asked for help."

Going inside the hall and seeing the Landser international seat of government, Ian could only imagine how much effort had gone into having a place where multiple nation-states could attempt to act in concert. Earth's UN tried and mostly failed in that role. When Inti asked his question, at least it was one Ian could answer.

"Members of the Land Moot. I am here because your 'Great Work' drew us here. While we applaud your success, our own scientists have long thought foldin' space was impossible, it turns out there is a dangerous side effect of the technology. You see, foldin' space also means foldin' time. This results in powerful temporal pulses that our sensors detected. The Federation has had interaction with time travel and have learned it is a dangerous thing. Thus, anything that involves time draws my government's attention. Your last test sent out a pulse that disrupted the systems on my ship and revealed our presence before we were ready ta talk ta you.

"Havin' studied your history and knowin' your desire ta reach the stars, I know that what I have ta say next will nae be popular, but popular or no, it must needs be said. We already know that your fold space technology has a temporal effect. We don't yet ken how that effect will interact with the fabric of space around Land. It is very possible that you could find yourselves isolated in a pocket of space/time separate from the rest of the Universe. We need time ta study your technology ta ensure it isn't goin' ta harm our space/time continuum. For now, I am askin' you ta suspend tests of your fold space until our scientists can work with yours ta secure all of our safety."

The silence that met Ian was deafening and he hoped that his words were not being seen as a declaration of war.


Quote from: Neva Cordon on February 26, 2024, 10:16:43 AM

[ACEO Lt.JG Neva Cordon|Land-Ta|Kayala City Council Building]

Neva still felt woozy and somewhat disoriented from what she had said on the steps, her mind still wide open as a result. She opened her eyes and gently tapped Zhuk's shoulder in a silent request for release. Feeling his intense relief, she wriggled away to stand. Her legs felt jellyish, but she forced them to ground in strength.

Dark eyes fixed on the woman he spoke to and frowned, fighting the urge to roll her eyes.  Neva found the tension and skepticism so thick in the air as to be something she could almost taste.'Time to get them to cut the crap and be Betazoid,' she thought ruefully, giving Zhuk and Kyan an apologetic look.

Stepping forward and crossing her arms over her chest, Neva gazed pointedly at the woman. "Madam President, your space fold theory doesn't work in practice. The fact is, it's screwing with things beyond your ken and you need our help to fix it." Neva shook her head in annoyance as she stepped back to Zhuk's side, only to add. "Quit fishing for hidden agendas, you're not gonna find any K'ren."

[Magana Capital City]

The president arched her eyebrow at Neva's comments and her expression hardened even further.

"Commander, are subordinates always allowed to interrupt during negotiations in your Federation? I cannot say I care for her tone or her implications of our incompetency. The 'Great Work' is the product of generations of effort and our scientists have all agreed that it is safe. Our most recent test was a complete success and we are about to move to manned exploration with our next test. You now say our technology doesn't work when we have verified data that it does. You claim there are no hidden agendas, but it seems like you either want or fear our technology-"

Before the president could continue, an aide arrived and the two spoke telepathically for a moment before the president returned her attention to Kyan and the others.

"It seems you have reinforcements arriving. A small space craft has arrived with the blessing of the Moot Master. Care to explain this development Commander, or will your disrespectful underling care for another outburst?"

USS Challenger-A / Re: S6: E1 - The Prime Recommendation
February 24, 2024, 11:35:23 AM
Quote from: Jettis Jyur on February 23, 2024, 05:14:07 PM

[Planetside - Landser prison ]

Would argue strongly for his incarceration. Phenomenal, he was going to rot away in a random prison on a random, non-federation planet. He'd always figured it would be the other way around. At least Theresa would still be around whenever he got out in fifty to one hundred years.

He didn't struggle when he was surrounded, or argue about the misunderstanding. His head hurt way too much to bother, especially now knowing they were telepathic. Just one more thing to watch out for as they transported him.

His request for water was sadly ignored, so the entire trip was mainly spent trying to distract himself from that and the fact he had no idea where he was going. He might as well at least attempt to get some information, or build rapport with the - what had they called themselves? Magana? And if they were concerned about espionage, something told him that secret weapons might not be far in their wake.

No interfering in a planet's natural development.  He exhaled slowly, looking around briefly to examine those holding him. "You don't seem incredibly surprised or perturbed about my appearance. Did you speak with my associates, already?"

[Landser Transport Aircraft]

The two men in red mostly ignored Jettis until he asked about speaking to the rest of the away team. This seemed to have hit a nerve as both men darkened when Jettis spoke.

"We of the An-Shok were prepared for Offworlders. As soon as the 'Great Work' began, we began endless exercises for what or who we would find when the Explorers left Land-Ta. You are not unlike what we pre-supposed, bilaterally symmetric, Oxygen breathing, Large brained. Your cosmetic difference was also expected, so we have not needed to speak to the other three of your infiltration team. We bring you to the Land Moot, there your fate will be decided."


[Land Moot]

Before being led inside, Ian caught the attention of Moot Master Inti.

"Sir, please forgive my interruption, but while we are here for many reasons, one of the primary reason I am here specifically is that one of the members of my crew from the first team we sent in requested medical assistance. I have a doctor with me and would like to send him ta capital of Magana ta assist with the medical emergency. I will remain here if you will have me as a show of good faith."

Inti paused for several long seconds and nodded.

"Then as a show of good faith, your medical team is cleared to travel to Magana."

Inti gestured, and a female Landser approached.

"This is my aide Geenita. She will go with your doctor to ensure there are no delays."

"Thank you Moot Master."

Geenita joined Ardy, Doctor Vonn Zorr, and PO2 Heesou on the Mjolnir. Ian gave Ardy a final nod and the shuttle lifted smoothly to head for the quick 300 kilometer hop to Kayala City.

This left Ian, Blackfeather, and Tora with the Landser dignitaries. Inti led the way inside the massive, but surprisingly understated Land Moot Hall. The interior was tastefully decorated with paneling made from multiple different types of wood. After walking for quite a distance, the group entered a staggering large well lit chamber that remained as understated as the rest of the building. It seemed the Landsers did not care for ostentation in their governmental places of power. Inti and the other dignitaries took their place on the high semi-circular bench as Ian and company stood on a platform facing the leaders.

"Captain Iangalloway. Why are you here?"

USS Challenger-A / Re: S6: E1 - The Prime Recommendation
February 22, 2024, 11:41:02 AM
Quote from: Jettis Jyur on February 21, 2024, 07:44:13 PM

[ Landser Jail, Kayala City ]

Jettis had turned to appraise the newcomers when they responded to his call. They returned the stare, equally if not more harshly, and for a moment he wondered if they would ever stop. Eventually though, they spoke. But the next words made him wonder if they'd hit his head harder than he thought. Absently, he reached up toward the side of his head that was most tender, feeling for any outward injury with a wince.

He measured his words carefully. "My intention was never to kill or seriously harm," was his first clarification. If that would make any difference in his treatment, he hoped at least it would put them a bit more at ease. Unlikely. "And I have no knowledge of the 'Gosure Enclave', and most certainly I am not working for them."

It did strike him that they asked first if he were a spy, and not what the hell kind of creature are you? Which he would have assumed would be the more pressing question. Which lead into his next train of thought - they had mentioned the Captain, which he could only assume meant their screw-up had been so catastrophic, there was no choice but to contact them now.

"Ja, Captain Galloway. I'm certain he has, or will offer an explanation," he paused thoughtfully. "However we have no plans to steal any information. We do have an interest in your scientific advancements though, I'm certain we'll get to discuss it later."
Stepping back from the door, he sighed and swallowed hard. "In the meantime, could I request a bottle of water?" Or whatever they had instead of bottles. Hopefully the universal translator would suffice, it hadn't been given much time at all to assimilate all of the different dialects of the planet. And without technically being space-faring yet, there were still many, many dialects.

[Central Jail - Kayala City]

The two Landsers' eyes narrowed and Jettis could feel a pressure within his head, which he quickly figured out was a powerful telepathic probe. Once he was aware of what the locals were doing, he was able to hold off the intrusion, but it was scary just how powerful the attack had been. When the Landser's finally relented, they looked even more suspicious than before they'd started. Clearly frustrated, the taller of the two growled.

"So, you admit you want our scientific achievements? Regardless of which faction you are working for, you will not get them. What is going to happen is you are to be transported to the Land Moot for your final disposition. You can be certain, we will argue strongly for your incarceration for espionage whatever kind of alien you happen to be."

At a gesture, a dozen heavily armed guards arrived and Jettis found himself manacled and bundled into a wheeled vehicle. This was followed by a short trip that led to an atmospheric craft of some sort that quickly took off with him remaining under heavy guard to wherever they had planned.


Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on February 21, 2024, 04:20:39 AM

[Lt. Commander Kyan Mackenzie | Land-Ta, traveling to the Capitol]

Kyan simply shrugged. "œWell, When we beamed down there was a tree "˜tween meself an the ground so it was, an I landed in it. Me suit got ripped tae shreds and Eely'ot found me hangin there so he did, an him an G'erti brought me inside." Then recalling their neighbor, continued"¦ "œThe which was a good thing because their neighbor lady is a nosy sort of grup what would have called the police on me an no mistake. I'd have been hauled off fer sure."

~~ A little while later, entering the capitol"¦

The capitol city was thoroughly alien in it's layout and architecture, but not so much that Kyan couldn't see the similarities the place had with other governmental seats. The first thing that jumped out was that most of the buildings were older than those that he'd seen on the journey to get here. The newer buildings were metal with sharper angles and more glass and/or reflective surfaces. The ones here employed stone  and a blue colored wood that appeared to be from the same tree where Eely'ot had found Kyan dangling by the remnants of his isolation suit. The architecture was also striking. In lieu of the harder angles and clean lines of the newer buildings, those in the capitol were full of intricate domes and spires. Many had rounded windows with different colored glass reminiscent of old church windows on Earth.

The streets were largely empty now, with only a few people out. But as they drew closer to the center of the city where the government buildings stood looming over the wide streets, Kyan found out why the streets were deserted. Most of the people were probably here, crowded around the capitol building itself. There were scores of military-looking vehicles stationed around a huge stone building with several domes and spires which Kyan assumed was their destination.

Trepidation intermingled with excitement. Kyan had been on several first contact missions in his career, but never as the primary. He was usually the one making sure nothing crazy happened.

Which, now that he thought about it... was irresponsible as hell. Some of these captains needed their heads examined... or court-martialed, or checked for changelings or alien parasites. The Onlie nearly laughed aloud at the notion that he of all people was ever chosen as the one meant to prevent the crazy things from happening.

"We're here." Mikel informed them from the front seat. The Landser teen's head was a swivel as he stared in open-mouthed wonder at the assembled masses. "I've never seen this many people in one spot. Not even for President G'aloria's Oathtaking."

What really caught his attention were the signs. Kyan and the other aliens couldn't read them, but most of the ones Mikel saw seemed to be against the aliens. There was a large number in the crowd who seemed to be happy about their arrival, but they were outnumbered, by a lot.

Kyan shook free of his own reverie and saw the crowd for himself. He didn't need to be able to read the signs. The faces were expressing their sentiments well enough on their own. "Ok." he began. "When we get out... just walk up the steps. Dinnae interact with the crowd if ye can help it. We need tae talk to their leaders the now, and not them." Looking back out over the throngs of Landsers he added blithely.."I dinnae see no pitchforks, thanks be tae the Powers fer it."

When the vehicle came to a stop Kyan, Zhuk, and Neva got out and Kyan turned to Mikel. "Thanks fer the ride Mikel... an it was very good tae meet ye.. But yous three probably should go in case it turns ugly."

Mikel shook his head. "No. We should go with you. I know we're kids... but these are our people. We can show them that they don't need to be afraid of you."

Kyan considered that. It did have some merit. Finally he grinned. "Ye know... fer a little kid... it's smart ye are."

"Says the alien kid who landed in our tree."

"Yah well... dat's complicated so it is.. And that's not the worst place I landed on a mission so... " Kyan countered, the Melok Nor incident coming to mind. Finally he shrugged. "Ah right den come on."

Mikel, Eely'ot, and G'erti all got out and joined Kyan, Zhuk, and Neva. When they turned to begin their walk inside, an older looking Landser man blocked their path. Mike bent down to speak to Kyan amid the cacophony of noise around them. "That's General Way'nir. He's the commander of the President's protection service."

As they advanced, Kyan didn't notice Neva drop off. He was too busy scanning the Landser soldiers with their rifles at the ready who were watching them with varying degrees of wonder, and suspicion. When they got closer he smiled up at the Landser man. "Merry Met General Way'nir. I'm Lieutenant Commander Kyan Mackenzie of the....."

And then, as it often did whenever Kyan was aboard, the train went off the rails.

Neva's outburst was a shock. What was even more shocking was that to some degree, it worked. Most of the Landsers pushing against the guardrails dispersed. But that was a short-lived victory.

Those who had gone were soon replaced by others who were more angry than afraid. The soldiers stopped them from getting to Neva, but that couldn't last. There were too many of them. "Zhuk. Grab Neva and bring her inside." Kyan looked up at the General, who was issuing orders to his men. "General, we need tae be gettin inside. I dinnae want any of yer people hurt because of us... an I wanna protect my crewmates too so.."

Way'nir nodded. "I agree... erhm.. Commander you said?"

Kyan nodded. "Aye, but ye can call me Kyan, the which I like better than me rank."

Way'nir quirked an eyebrow. The obvious questions on the tip of his tongue died there as a Landser broke through the barricade. Luckily it wasn't an angry one.

"Aliens!" she called out as she ran toward them tugging at the hem of her shirt, which had a crude drawing on the front. It was a circular face with a shock of red hair scribbled on it.

"Hey!" Kyan laughed, "Look.. it's me!"

The Landser woman barreled toward them screaming. "Take me with you on your spaceship! I want to go with you!" She was pulling her shirt up when she ran into a pair of soldiers who blocked her from getting any further.

Kyan didn't see what happened next as he was turned bodily toward the entrance by Way'nir. "I think we better hurry inside Co.. Kyan. The President will be waiting with her staff."

"Aye General." Kyan replied, trying to glance over his shoulder to see what had become of the woman. "Take me to yer leader!"

[Government Center - Kayala City]

Way'nir had a long stride and this forced Kyan, the three Landser children, and even Zhuk because of carrying Neva to struggle to keep up. At each doorway, Landser guards snapped to attention and opened the doors at the sight of the general until the group entered the main government chamber. There, a trio of Landsers in very elaborate robes waited behind a very tall and imposing desk. Way'nir bowed his head and spoke.

"Madam President, this is the leader of the aliens. He goes by the title of Commander Kyan Mackenzie. He will speak to you on his own behalf."

If the Landser President found speaking to what looked like, for all intents and purposes, a young child to be unusual, she did not show it. She simply looked at Kyan with interest and waited for him to speak.


[Outside the Land Moot Hall]

Ian waited for a response to his opening statement which seemed unusually long in coming. He had no way of knowing that the delegates before him were speaking telepathically among themselves before one of them, dressed in a simple green robe with a brilliant yellow starburst styled medallion around his neck stepped forward.

"Captain Iangalloway." The Landser ran the name together when he replied. "Welcome to Land-Ta. I am Inti. Moot Master. It seems we have much to discuss..."


Quote from: Alexander Wu on February 21, 2024, 11:32:58 PM

[USS Challenger - Bridge]

Galloway didn't leave much of an opportunity for Alex to argue that the Captain leaving to go on a rescue mission was very much so against regulations, and even if he had, Alex couldn't immediately recall the actual policy number to quote. He would've volunteered himself instead, especially with Ardyn being assigned, if he didn't think his injured knee would be a liability if it came down to actual conflict.

"œAye sir, I have the conn." Alex automatically replied after a brief hesitation, surprised by the decision when there were several other officers on the bridge. Still, he quickly limped over to the centre of the bridge, only brushing Ardyn's hand with a passing thought, Stay safe down there, and took the chair, a familiar enough perch, albeit on a strange new bridge surrounded by colleagues, some of whom he hadn't even met. Alex was also very cognizant of the hundreds of lives he was now responsible for, an uncomfortable reality which he hadn't expected being faced with less than 48 hours of being onboard. "œLieutenant Booker, prepare your dampening field and prepare to execute. Randall, if that fold-space device so much as twitches, I need to know about it." He wouldn't relish starting a war, but he also wasn't about to take the risk of losing his Captain, or more importantly, the mother of his child.

=/\="Away team, this is Challenger, we copy you require assistance. What is your current location and status?" =/\=

By now, he'd gotten a PADD working again, and pulled up a file on Challenger's available shuttlecraft. Even though the Captain had specified preparing Scobee, Alex wasn't confident it was the best choice based on it's possible required task. With the Captain's away team, they now had ten crewmembers on the surface, far too many for a single Type 11 shuttle to evacuate by itself in a worst case scenario, especially if they were to also carry down a pilot and reinforcing security team. With all of the onboard shuttlecraft also needing to be manually repaired, preparing two smaller shuttles would take up time they might not have if negotiations went south.

Reviewing the crew roster next, Alex made an executive choice to alter Galloway's orders. =/\="Bridge to Chief ch'Verret, report to the main shuttlebay with your damage control team, prepare the Cutty Sark for launch." =/\=

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Even though Alex was new to the ship, the bridge crew responded to his orders crisply and soon received confirmation from Lieutenant Booker that the dampening field was ready, while Lieutenant Randall reported that the fold space probe was in a holding orbit and was transmitting data to the facility built on the Landser moon.

With the report from Lahr that the Cutty Sark was ready for launch, that left Alex in the unenviable position of having to wait for one of the away teams to update him on whether or not he'd have to take action.

USS Challenger-A / Re: S6: E1 - The Prime Recommendation
February 21, 2024, 11:50:20 AM

[Shuttlebay - USS Challenger --> Land Moot Hall]

The Mjolnir departed with Ian; Ardy; Tora; Blackfeather; Lieutenant JG Doctor Vonn Zorr, a Bolian male; and Petty Officer Second Class Heesou, an Orion Female. Ian glanced surreptitiously as the away team and thought.

"Quite the mixed bag of species. The Landsers will nae ken what ta think of the Federation when they get a load of us."

With her shields up, the Mjolnir easily evaded the Landser's radar systems and headed for the Land Moot Hall. It was short notice, but Ian was certain as many Landser nation-state leaders as could would be there. He hoped that his second message, this time with the universal translator actually functioning would pave the way for a smooth encounter.

Ian had to force himself not to fidget as this was the first time he would be leading a First Contact. Based on consultations he'd made with the ship's computer on the subject, he was all too aware how easily the initial meeting with a new species could go wrong. So much hinged on nearly blind luck which way the encounter would go. This was especially important as the Landsers had an unintentional weapon for which Starfleet only had a provisional defense against with their fold space system.

Ardy brought the Mjolnir in for a landing with flair almost as good as his own as they landed in the courtyard of the hall. Steeling himself, he stood and offered some quick words to the others on the away team.

"Best behavior now. You are representin' the entire Federation and this is about as delicate a situation as you will ever face. Friendship or all out war will turn on a single phrase. All any of us can do is our best. Let's make some new friends."

Blackfeather had opened the airlock as Ian spoke and then stood aside to let the captain go first. Ian stepped out into the bright sunny day and hoped that was a good omen. Outside, there were a dozen Landsers in varying styles of dress, which implied that there was a good representation of the people of Land were present. Ian stopped two meters from the semi-circle of dignitaries and smiled.

"People of Land-Ta. I am Captain Ian Galloway of the United Federation of Planets. I greet you in friendship."

Ian then waited to see what would happened next and hoped pitchforks were not involved.

Quote from: Jettis Jyur on February 20, 2024, 07:25:59 PM

[Planetside - Landser Captivity ]

Jettis slowly stirred with a groan, eyes flickering open to stare blankly at the fuzzy and unsteady image of a wall. Or, was it the floor? No, the ceiling. Definitely the ceiling, that was his final verdict as he laid still on the too-small cot for a few moments. Trying to recollect what had happened, and why it felt like someone had taken a sledgehammer to his temple.

Slowly, the day's events trickled back to them. The first contact mission, heading down planetside to stealthily observe them and see if they were fit for contact. How it had all crashed and burned the moment they entered the atmosphere.

And how he'd been swarmed, getting disarmed from his phaser and having to fight close-quarters as he watched Neva and Zhuk escape. Or at least, he hoped they'd managed to escape. He'd only caught a glimpse of their heads ducking out of sight, before darkness had warmly embraced him.

After sorting that out, his next question was obvious: where was he? Reluctantly sitting up, he immediately regretted it as the ceiling reoriented itself to the floor, and back to the wall again. Glancing down at his hands, his brows furrowed. His hands; they'd stripped him of his isolation suit at some point to reveal his generic starfleet uniform underneath. So much for anonymity.

The room was dark, but thankfully not pitch black, and he could make his way to the bars. His fingers moved hopefully to his commbadge first, before he leveled a wary glance outside the barrier. The risk-reward of trying to escape, versus waiting patiently to be collected by his team were unknown. On the one hand, he had no clue what the Landsers planned to do with him, if they even had a plan. On the other, it was likely they were just scared. Rightfully so. Four aliens dropped out of the sky onto their planet, anyone would lose their cool in that scenario.

Finally, he made a hesitant choice. "Hallo?" He called out to the open air, wondering if this prison was even guarded or if he was in some sort of observation chamber.

[Central Jail - Kayala City]

It was only a matter of moments before Jettis' call brought results. A pair of Landsers arrived, wearing red uniforms. They stopped in front of his cell and gave Jettis a long probing stare.

"You are lucky none of the people you shot died. We are very interested in your weapon, we will be asking about how it works later. However, now, we are more concerned about your infiltration of Magana territory. Are you working with the Gosure Enclave? It would be like them to have your "Captain" speaking of peace while you penetrate our airspace to conduct espionage."

USS Challenger-A / Re: S6: E1 - The Prime Recommendation
February 20, 2024, 01:04:20 PM
Quote from: Tora Zalos on February 20, 2024, 12:25:53 PM

[Ensign Tora Zalos | Shuttlebay | USS CHallenger]

Lovely second mission of her career this was turning out to be. At least twice now she'd been thrown pretty damn near the doors of death. Tora had accepted (albeit somewhat begrudgingly) that this might just become her life, but really? Really? This early on? At least warn her a little first, right?

Nonetheless, as much as she would've loved to lay there all mission and be a lump of scales, Tora knew she'd wasted enough time. After checking briefly with the medical staff that she was clear to leave if she liked she began to leave - and no sooner had she set food out the door that the announcement came through:

Medical emergency. Planet. Tora's mind raced. She had no idea how Hyperion really was, though the chief had told her he was okay - but at least she could be useful on this mission. She couldn't remember if they'd made first contact with the people of this planet, but if they hadn't, she was just the person she needed. The Cardssian loped off down the hallway towards the turbolift. She'd been waiting to be useful in ways other than sorting data and this opportunity was ripe!

The medical team was already arriving when she got there. No surprise there. She joined them and waited for the captain to arrive. She only hoped she didn't look like death warmed up in front of him thre and then.

[Shuttlebay - USS Challenger]

Ian arrived and found, in addition to the two medical staff, Senior Chief Petty Officer Ryan Blackfeather waiting for him. Arching his eyebrow at Blackfeather, the security officer shrugged.

"Lieutenant Davenport ordered me here Sir, no senior officer can enter an unsecured location without an escort."

"Bloody regulations. Very good Senior Chief, let's-"

Ian looked up when an ensign in teal arrived. It took Ian a moment to place the new face before he replied.

"Ensign Tora Zalos. Science, anthropology."

Ian drew out this last word as the pieces fell into place.

"I suppose you think you can contribute ta our mission in a meaningful way? Well, this is a first contact and since our Ship's Counselor is nae a Betazoid, you might be worth your weight. Go ahead, get on the shuttle."

Ian boarded last and sealed the airlock behind him. He moved to the front of the shuttle and plopped down next to Ardy in the co-pilot's seat.

"Okay, Lieutenant, take us out, try ta nae scratch the paint."

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