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Messages - Michael Deus

Season Four Misisons / Re: S4:E2 Safe Passage
April 26, 2020, 06:19:46 PM

[Main Shuttlebay, USS Challenger]

Deus ran a hand absently down the front of his shirt as he entered the hanger, eyes running over the small crew who'd already assembled. His right hand moved to his thigh to confirm, for the third time in as many minutes, that his phaser was still in it's holster.

"Deus signing off Sec/Tac, switching to Priority One," he told the channel currently on his Comm Badge, before he changed to the aforementioned channel, assigned and used for primary away missions. He stood off the to side and scratched at his chin, thinking about the fact that he was going on a mission, and he had no previous experience working with any of the other members; training or otherwise. He crossed his arms and leaned against the wall by the door, deciding to observe for the time being. He was, after all, only a junior officer.

Season Four Misisons / Re: S4:E2 Safe Passage
April 21, 2020, 06:52:54 PM

[Outside Sickbay, USS Challenger]

Michael sighed as he quietly left the growing crowd gathering in sickbay. He knew being in Sec/Tac would alienate him from the majority of the crew; it was the nature of the job. People are more cautious around those who could end up investigating them; be it for murder, or a lost stack of datapads. The issue was lesser due to him being an Officer, and he found the prejudice given to his department lesser still in other Officers, since they're the ones that usually call on Sec/Tac, but it was still there. If he'd learned anything in the academy, it was that cliques formed quickly.

He shrugged his shoulders in a stretch as he meandered down the corridor. It had been that fact that had drawn him to Sec/Tac to begin with and not Engineering, which, work-wise, he could do happily. He was at heart an introvert, although he did enjoy the company of a select few; but considering none were onboard, he'd have to find one or two others to spend some time with on their off-hours. Work came first, though. The security of the ship and crew was paramount for him, and he planned to work his way up the ranks of his department as quickly as possible, to be able to do the most amount of good.

He rolled his shoulders once more as he stepped into the lift, and listened quietly to the constant chatter of the Sec/Tac departmental channel coming from his communicator, through his earpiece.

Season Four Misisons / Re: S4:E2 Safe Passage
April 18, 2020, 07:00:04 PM

[Sickbay, USS Challenger]

The Ensign absently ran a hand down the front of his uniform as the sickbay doors parted to allow him entry. He had been on the ship for about an hour now, having been tasked to prepare for the influx of crew that would be arriving after the Captain's Ceremony. As soon as T'Kel, his shift's Lieutenant, had arrived on the shuttles, he had prompty reported in as her Senior Ensign. That fact happened to be just a coincidence, since both the ship's Sec/Tac Ensigns were new and had graduated at the same time. Michael was only considered Senior due to his last name being first in the alphabet. Because of this, though, Michael was the Sec/Tac Officer for 11 decks, unlike his colleague, who had 10. He wasn't sure if that would be a good or bad thing, at the moment.

Anyway, since he was new, he was making it a point to go and introduce himself to the people on his assigned decks. He glanced around the near-empty room, and scratching the back of his head some-what awkwardly he took a step forward, "Good afternoon, Lieutenant," he said after a quick glance at the woman's rank, "...or Doctor?" He tacked on after a second, knowing some people have a preference.

"I'm Ensign Michael Deus, I'm the Officer-in-Charge of this floor for Sec/Tac on Alpha. I just wanted to introduce myself."

News Archive 2020 / Re: Forward and Onward
April 15, 2020, 07:53:20 AM

Ensign Michael Deus - Sec/Tac


[Operations Center, Deck 5, SBC]

Quote from: T'Prina on March 22, 2020, 10:47:57 PM

[LtCmdr. Ambassador T'Prina and NPC ANaLYN T'Aloren - Ops, Deck 5]

T'Prina lightly laid a hand on the ensign's arm as he took her aside and offered his assistance. He called her Lieutenant Commander, and she nearly nodded. There were memories of this in her mind as well. She needed to think and buy some time to do so. Her hand tightened on his arm as she gave a friendly squeeze.

"Ensign, please be at peace. Many of us are affected by strange, inexplicable memories. Now is neither the time or place to question the Commander's decisions. My husband has made his position clear." Then in a quieter undertone, she spoke words meant for the Ensign alone.

"Find a way to download the sensor data and get it back to me. Something is very wrong here, and I am unsure if even my own memories can be trusted. I need to get back to the party, to Hawke. I think... we should gather others with similar memories."

T'Prina bit her lip, taking charge felt right but strange at the same time. All of this was strange, overlapping conflicting memories swirling in her mind, but there had to be some thread of logic tying it all together. Hopefully the sensor data would provide something she could work with. She looked up at the man, with a pleading look, before releasing his arm and stepping back away.

"I will be returning to the party now. It is rude for a hostess to remain away for so long." She gave a polite nod and left properly this time. Not a word, nor glance was spared for her husband, the commander.

Michael looked down as she placed her hand on his arm, listening to her with a slight frown on his face before she paused and continued on in a quieter tone. After she'd finished, he gave her a nod as she turned away to head back to the party. "Keep an eye on her, Senior Chief." He said quietly without looking to the NCO, who slinked off after the Lieutenant Commander without a word. He turned around and noticed that the Commander, and the little entourage he had gathered, had disappeared, too. Michael frowned again as he turned toward his Master Chief, "Do you trust your counterpart in Ops?"

The man stepped forward and gave a brisk nod, "Yes, Sir. She's solid, and she owes me...or, well, she did, at any rate."

The Ensign rubbed at his forehead as he gave a sigh, "Well, here's to hoping. Get me those readings...quietly."

The Chief gave another nod before wordlessly sliding into the Operations Center, while Deus scratched at the back of his head and walked over toward the elevetor. "Return back to your stations, but remain alert. Notify me of anything more...just more." He told the rest of his crew as he stepped in.

[1 Hour 40 Minutes Later / Security Office, Deck 1]

"Sir...they're up to something."

"Care to be more specific, Chief?" Michael asked as his Master Chief came in and waved a Datastick. Michael took it from him and pocketed the device, before his eyes turned back to the Datapad and all of the new reports.

"I would if I could, Sir. It's hard to get information when nobody trusts anybody. All I could discover is that it involves the Shran. Has anybody said anything to you?"

"No, and if they were going to, they're leaving it a little late. Although I could hardly blame someone if they forgot. Everybody is forgotten a whole lot of everything." The Ensign said as he stood up and reached for his emergency pack. As soon as he'd left Ops, he'd gone back to his room to grab a few things in case anyone tried to do something to resolve the situation. "Keep the base in one piece for me, Chief. I want a bed to come back to, when this is all said and done."

The Chief gave a slight smile, which was a lot considering the circumstances, and gave a nod, "Of course, Sir."

Michael took a moment to swap out of his still-golden shirt and into a black one, before he shouldered the pack, and making sure the datastick was still where he'd left it, he left the room, heading for the Shran.

[Bridge, Deck One, USS Shran]

Having stealthily made his way onto the ship, he proceeded to the Bridge and quietly made his way to a corner of the room. Dropping the backpack down underneath a station, he tucked himself away (the best he could, at any rate, considering he's 6'4" and 220+ lbs.), waiting to see who else would appear.

- - -

He wasn't at all surprised at the culprits, but remained silent as they all appeared (some earlier and later than others). He figured he'd fit in well enough in the year 2019, so made no move to get involved in discussions. His main role was to keep everybody as safe as could be...which wasn't an easy job considering the situation.


[Operations Center, Deck 5, SBC]

Deus closed his eyes and brought a hand up to rub at his temple as another wave of incorrect information rolled over him, before letting out a slight grunt as he shrugged it off. His eyes opened in time to spot the bruise T'Prina was carrying, and they darted from it, to this 'Commander Serek' quickly. He had no information stored in his Palace regarding the Vulcan Commander. Breathing deeply and ignoring Serek for a moment, he moved in front of T'Prina, his back to the Commander.

"You are-" The Ensign said in a low voice, before pausing and shaking his head slightly. He then focused on T'Prina's eyes, "-Lieutenant Commander T'Prina. You're the-" He closed his eyes, encasing himself in his Palace, "-Chief Science Officer of Starbase Columbus." He opened his eyes to stare at her again, and noticed in his peripheral vision as both his Master and Senior Chief stepped off the lift. "You came down here for a reason. I know you did. I heard you. You need to think about that reason!" He told her firmly as he glanced down at the little girl she was carrying.

He looked away, over to the Master and Senior Chief, the Chief Petty Officer and the 5 Crewmen who were all standing close by, on alert. He's been lucky in-so-far as the only thing that's changed in regards to his staff are, occassionally, their race and gender. But for them, it's only been temporary. He received a slight nod from his Master Chief before he returned his attention back to T'Prina.

"With whatever is happening on this base, you are the only person other than my security teams to not only point out anomalies, but to actively question them. They're trained to do it. So are you. So, if you tell me that you need to get in to Ops; I will get you in. I can't promise what happens afterwards, so you need to be sure. But I will give you the time you need to do whatever it is you need to do in there."


[Observation Lounge, Deck 1, SBC]

"I'd like to take a moment to remind everyone that this is a secure line for emergency transmissions only. There's a chain of command for a reason, so follow it." The Ensign advised over his communicator. As Ensign, he was where the buck stops for Security matters for Decks 1-32, unless it was something he couldn't deal with, and in that case he'd pass it up to his Sector Officer, who was a Lieutenant Junior Grade that would be dealing with Decks 1-96. He had a feeling it was going to be a busy time for everybody. Turning the volume down slightly on his earpiece, he turned his attention back to the internal havoc these changes were making in his mind-palace. Closing his eyes, he breathed in deeply as he decided to mentally fortify and barricade his knowledge sanctum, choosing to protect what was already in there, rather than let new and differing data in to corrupt it. It would mean he wouldn't be able to store new information, for the long term, until he decided to lift the fortifications, but he'd be able to take in enough to be getting along with since everything was ever-changing right now, anyway. "Who needs stability?" He thought to himself as he opened his eyes again.

Quote from: T'Prina on March 17, 2020, 11:08:09 PM

[LtCmdr. T'Prina and NPC ANaLYNHawke had dismissed her, which is what T'Prina wanted, but she wasn't exactly pleased. Leave it to humans to deny something that was occurring right before their eyes. She did need more data on the situation before she could clearly explain why these strange changes were happening. Her instinct, or gut feeling was that the tachyon radiation had caused some sort of temporal fluctuation or localized anomaly on the station, but she did not want to commit to such a statement without all of the available information. She simply let her displeasure show with a slight frown as she nodded her head in acknowledgment.

"Thank you, Commander Hawke. I will inform you once I know more."

T'Prina made her way to the door, rubbing her bare arms against the sudden chill. Bare? She'd been wearing her full uniform, accented in Sciences teal. But now she was in a dress? Her hands quickly smoothed over the slick, silky material that formed the well cut cocktail dress, that she didn't recall putting on, much less owning. A fur stole was also draped over her shoulders, but it did nothing for the increasing cold of nerves she felt deep inside.

A tugging at her skirt made her look down. ANaLYN's chubby face looked up at her with concern, tears forming in the big hazel eyes under sharply swooped eyebrows. T'Prina reached down to lightly touch the tip of one of the child's pointed ears.

"ANaLYN, did you change your appearance files?" Her own eyebrows rose in near disbelief, as she already suspected the answer. ANaLYN's skin was warm, far warmer than usual. She was a very convincing hologram, but this was something else. She was something else. In some way, she'd become a flesh and blood Vulcan child.

"Mama, I can't hear the Starbase. I can't access none of the files. What's wrong with me, am I sick again?" The worry was heavy in ANaLYN's little voice, and tears were starting to fall down her round cheeks.

T'Prina scooped the girl up and quickened her pace walking. She wiped at her tears with her free hand, and spoke to the child gently.

"There is nothing wrong with you, Little One. We will go to Ops together and find out what is going on here. We will figure this out, do not worry."

Michael's mouth dropped openly slightly at the sight of the beautiful vulcan in a lovely cocktail dress as she strode past him into the lift, before he promptly closed it as he took in what was being said. He frowned, at himself as he mentally scolded himself to remain professional, and at the situation.
Quote from: James A. Hawke on March 19, 2020, 01:00:22 PM

As Hawke finished, he observed another person coming into the event.

Hawke arrived and walked to approach the Ensign. He walked to him and said "Ahh...Ensign Deus, welcome to the Columbus my name is Comm.... He paused for a second as he corrected himself. It appeared he felt he was used to to say the word commander. "Luitenant Hawke, Chief Engineer of the Starbase, just thought to organize the meet and greet for all the new people. Can you tell me a little about yourself?" .  As Hawke asked the question, he observed another officer come in.

James nodded for a second and said   "Ahh Ensign. Welcome to the Columbus. Sadly, I am not a Commander but a Chief Engineer. Commander Hawke is my sister. But thank you for the promotion, Ensign. .  Hawke mentioned with a smile.  He then looked down for a second and said "You know what's weird...the computer tell me I am a Luitenant, but I feel like a Commander. It's strange,". Hawke commented.

He took a second and picked up a drink from a nearby waitress.  He stopped and said to everyone.  "All right I would like to make a quick toast to everyone in the room. Welcome to the Columbus. I know some of you are surprised to be here.  But I hope you all like your stay here. Now if you join me to our Mandatary Toast. 

Hawke raised his glass and said "To the FERENGI ALLIANCE"

Throughout Hawke's actions, Deus had remained almost silent, with the perfunctory nod and sounds of acknowledgement as he listened to both the Commander and the newer Ensign, (since, while he couldn't store new information, he could still access the old), and the alert he was getting from his Chief Petty Officer supervising Deck 5, concerning a Commander Sterek and an Ambassador. He moved away from Commander Hawke as he began making his toast, so as to not disrupt the man, and called down to his Chief, "I'll be right down," as he entered the lift.

[Operations Center, Deck 5, SBC]

As he stepped out of the lift, Chief Petty Officer Perez met him at the door along with the Chief's 5 crewmen assigned to this Deck. "SitRep, Chief?"

The Chief scratched the back of his head as he moved into the room and pointed out the Vulcan 'ambassador' and the now departing Commander Serek, "I-uh...I don't actually know, Sir. I mean-I-uh...I wasn't here at the start, and then I'm not really sure what's going on. At all. Sir." He tacked on the 'Sir' at the end quickly, as if he'd forgotten who he was speaking to, but then again the Senior Non-Com did look thoroughly bewildered. "With the reports coming in from the other's just plain screwy, that's what it is," He finished with as they drew closer to the woman.

"Hard to argue with that assertion," Michael said quietly, before standing to attention next to the woman. His mouth nearly dropped open again at the sight of her, but he kept it firmly in check as he looked her over. Accessing the palace, he managed to put a name and rank to the face, although, for some reason, his brain struggled for a moment to pick out if it should be Lieutenant Commander or Ambassador. "Is there a problem here, Lieutenant Commander?" He asked, his gaze sweeping the other crew aroud them, his default position being metaphorically behind the woman senior in rank.

Fleet Applications - Join Here! / Re: Face Claims
March 19, 2020, 08:08:04 PM

Michael Deus is played by Tom Welling.


[Observation Lounge, Deck 1, SBC]

The newly promoted Ensign meandered into the Observation Lounge on Deck 1 in full uniform, as he was currently on duty. He had decided to make a quick sweep of the area before heading back to the Brig where the Security offices were located. Having only just been assigned to the Starbase, straight from the Academy, he was dual-purpose, working both Security and Tactical roles as and when needed to give him experience in managing and commanding personnel.

He ran a hand absently through his hair as he gazed around the room, taking note of the small groups forming. He began filing faces, and ranks for those in uniform, with each of the groups, away in his mind-palace for further reflection once he was off duty. With a bit of time, he'd be able to tell which groups were from the newly arrived ship, and which were already established cliques from the Starbase.

He gave a friendly smile and a small nod of his head in acknowledgement as a Security WO3 from the previous Shift walked by, before posting himself by the doors to watch quietly for a few minutes. As several minutes ticked by, his mind-palace began to shutter itself as it fought with a number of minor...and not so minor details. The changing of footwear, ranks...and species of several occupants of the room. He closed his eyes and breathed in, taking a moment to re-structure his palace to process the disturbing inconsistencies.

He tilted his head as he listened to the small ear-piece he had connected to his communicator, as other Sec/Tac officers and enlisted began to flood their channel with other incongruous observations.


Michael Deus
Starbase Columbus

Thanks in advance!


Edited for the record.

Quote from: Angelus Mikaelson on July 28, 2017, 09:10:06 PM

Character Details

Character Name: Michael Deus
Character Age: 30
Character DOB: 26.04.2368
Character Image:
Character Species: Human
Gender: Male
Character Family: Jonathan Deus (Deceased), Martha Deus (nee Clark) (Deceased).
Character Bio: Michael's father, Jonathan, was a career Marine with a head for tactical analysis and strategy. His mother, Martha, was a noted professor in the field of Astrophysics and Quantum Theory. Due to his father's occupation, he was born and raised in San Francisco; off-site but right next to Starfleet Headquarters.

While Michael showed a real knack for piloting, and was even granted a scholarship to one of Earth's esteemed Academies on the subject, he preferred the more physical activities taught to him by his father. Despite this however, he did complete the Federation Flying Course (FFC) which grants him a license to fly personal-class ships within Federation Space,  since  his mother wanted him to have some sort of backup plan.

He claimed the reason he liked physical activity so much was that if he wore his body down, his mind would soon follow and enter a lull which allowed him to function 'normally', which is why he got into the habit early of going for a long run first thing in the morning.

When his parents were killed in an automobile accident when he was 17, Michael shirked away from any further social contact and became a recluse, mostly taking to his family's yacht around Earth's orbit. Due to his mother's profession, his family had been fairly wealthy so he could continue to get by without a job, however he did freelance as a cyber-security consultant to keep feeding his inquisitive mind.

That's where, or at least how, he met a woman by the name of Graeda. He became her go-to-guy for all things security, as to the point where he even advised her on aspects of her company's human security forces. Seeing the wasted potential, Graeda encouraged him out of his shell and advised him that there was far more to discover out in the deep recesses of space than was on Earth.

Your Details

Previous Role-Playing Experience: Five years playing Star Wars Combine, and infrequently a few Harry Potter websites' like World of Potter and HexRPG. On SWC, I was second-in-command of a team of Forum Administrators for the Imperial faction (the largest in the game), who's website hosted over 150 members, for two years.
Department Preference: Security/Tactical
Secondary Department Preference: Flight
Commissioned, Enlisted or Civilian: Commissioned

Sample post:

Michael Deus ran a finger absentmindedly around the rim of his half-full whiskey glass as he stared ahead blankly, a slight frown marring his face. He sat alone in his quarters, the lights set to dim, with only the soft clunks and whirs of the ship around him as company. A loud whistle sounded and echoed down the hallway outside, knocking him out of his state of melancholy just long enough for him to send a scowl toward the large metal door which stood locked at the other side of the room.

He then let out a slight huff of a sigh as he squinted at the room around him, taking in the organised and pristine living area, the grey and bare walls and then the neatly squared-away bed in the corner. The only messy part of the room was the section he now sat - a small table littered with Datapads and the aforementioned glass of Whiskey. He let out a yawn, his hand moving from the glass to run across the front of his face and across his unshaven jaw.

"Lights on full." He commanded of the base's AI, his voice coming out rough from hours of disuse. He leaned forward and arched his back to stretch the aching muscles as the lights brightened, and he squinted again as his pupils constricted to accommodate it. Looking down at the table beside him, he rapped his knuckles against the glass and watched the liquid inside slosh as he moved it away to the far side of the glass surface. He then grasped one of the several Datapads and raised it to view the contents currently on the screen;


It's nearing that time of year again. I've heard that you're currently on shore-leave, and while I understand and approve of your decision, I also think it's wise that you're not alone. However, knowing you as I do; I know you will be.

Please feel free to comm me if you need anything...even if it's just to talk. ESPECIALLY if it's to talk.

- Graeda

Michael let out another sigh as he placed the device back down. He knew he shouldn't be alone on the anniversary of his parents' death, but he also knew that being alone and drinking himself into oblivion tended to be easier than talking to somebody, anybody, about it. But this time was different. Unlike in the years before, where he didn't have any reasons not to drown himself in alcohol, now he did have one. A large one.

Starfleet, and more importantly...his position in it.

Additional information:

How did you find Shadow Fleet? Google.



I believe the only rule I'm breaking is the time-served rule, and I'm hoping that it can be waivered as waiting six months to post this would be detrimental to it.

I have literally just created this forum, as I couldn't find any other ones like it. It may just be my poor search skills, but I think it's an interesting premise and I'd like to give it a go.

However, I do need help. It shouldn't take up much of people's time, as it's obviously so new it'll take awhile to get it up and running properly. I'm gaging interest levels, and asking for anyones help who's willing to offer it.

So, it's a Game of Thrones Roleplay game that's based as the start of the formation of the Seven Kingdoms as we know them. No House has earned their current reputations, so their reputations are what the players make of them.

One of the hooks is that you do not choose your own House. You'll create a character, assign points to these characters (and gain levels) for things such as Charisma, Attack, Defence and the like and then you'll be randomly assigned a House. Depending on if it's a new House, depends on your position within the House.

It's with the stats you assign yourself that we'll see if you're successful in your endeavours. Once you make a move in a post, I'll use a random dice generator (based against your level in the area in question) and roll it against your opponent. As an Admin, I will then post stating if the character has been successful.

The forum and the idea itself is a rough work in progress. Like I said, any and all help would be appreciated.

Here is the link:

FYI (as you'll see if you take a look): I ended up as a Lannister. Not exactly what I wanted, but I'm the current King. So I'll deal.  >:(

General Archive / Re: Pizza Poll!
August 18, 2017, 05:31:24 PM

I don't mind banana sandwiches, but banana on pizza is a no-no.

General Archive / Re: Pizza Poll!
August 17, 2017, 09:43:20 PM

Well, the joke's on Q then, because Pineapple Pizza is actually the meaning of life.

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