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Messages - Avigail Soreka

General Archive / Re: Happy Birthday - Ozu Saya
August 19, 2018, 01:02:43 PM

Happy Birthday!

Season 2 Missions / Re: S2 M8: Discussion Thread
August 18, 2018, 10:10:22 AM

Tag Jada and a quick FYI to the bridge!


The nurse was correct while the blood from the incision she made had been in the open air far long enough that it should have congealed. This problem stemmed from just trauma, there was a vector of this puzzle that Avigail had not yet considered. The only thing that had not been investigated at this point was the weapons involved in the firefight themselves.
"Computer cross reference the weapons confiscated from the prisoners, with the database. Focus on weapons known to carry anticoagulants in their beams." The computer responded with a chime. "Three weapons confiscated are configurations known to carry anticoagulants in their plasma stream, a noted feature and tactic of Jem'Hadar disrupters."

"Nurse Sanchez, I want every single person shot today to be checked for this same compound, from top to bottom!" This could very well me more people in her care were in danger, Avigail would make sure no one else fell out. The problem now was how to counteract the anticoagulant, Avigail went into the stores and came out with a few vials, "This is TXA, it fell out of use in the past hundred years, but there was a time it was used before and during surgery. It should help the clotting process along and to hold. Until we can ensure the safety of the patients, I want each of them to be given a dose."

=/\= Sickbay to bridge, be advised for future incursions the prisoners are using rifles that carry anticoagulants in the plasma stream. =/\=

Avigail continued to personally monitor the vitals of the Bolian, seething at the fact such a horrible weapon was used.

News Archive 2018 / Re: New Player - Angel Romero
August 18, 2018, 07:21:32 AM


Season 2 Missions / Re: S2 M8: Discussion Thread
August 16, 2018, 10:39:36 PM

Tag Jada(Bleeding Bolian).

Quote from: Jada on August 16, 2018, 02:44:33 AM

[Sickbay, USS Tempest]

Things had just started to settle down in Sickbay, down to managing the worst cases and patching up the best, while removing Law's body to the morgue, when the biobed holding the male Bolian patient began to beep alarmingly. The medic working with the protoplaster gave a shout. 'Doctor! His blood pressure's falling rapidly and he's tachycardic!' Rapid heart beat and low blood pressure indicated severe blood loss, and the Bolian's cobalt-based blue blood was still flowing freely from his wounds.

Avigail dropped a PADD on the bed one of the more minor cases she had under her care, everything the nurse said they did not have a lot of time to stabilize the patient. The alarm of the biobed was automatic and it could not be switched off, Avigail could feel the unease that it caused the other patients and medical staff. No one here wanted to watch a person die, Avigail least of all.

"You took an autophaser to the face, loss of blood means little to you." Avigail said as she checked his pupils, and his heart rate. The nurse was correct his heart rate was dangerously high even for a bolian, Avigail sighed as she cut his tunic off of his chest. Avigail thought she had accounted for all of the bolians wounds, but the symptoms were unmistakable. "He is going into hypovolemic shock, he needs a transfusion."

Avigail took her medical tricorder and typed the Bolians blood, "Nurse Sanchez please retrieve J positive blood from the stores, enough for a full transfusion!" Avigail said over her shoulder.

Avigail looked along the biobed and on the floor and there was no blood to be seen, in a case like this it meant the worst. The Bolian crewmen was bleeding internally, the likely cause would have been one of the phaser shot pinched a blood vessel closed the resulting pressure on a recent laceration caused a rupture. This was the secondary effect of a phaser on kill, what it didn't disintegrate it melted. "You have to find the rupture." Avigail said as she searched the bolian's chest looking for discoloration or swelling. That that giving no luck she laid him back down and activated the imaging of the biobed. "Come on damn you, I know you are there." Avigail whispered to herself frustrated. As she waited for some sign of the deadly wound she gave the patient 10cc of Lectrazine to take the strain off of his heart.

Nurse Sanchez arrived with the blood transfusion, she made her way to prep the procedure and waited for the word of the Doctor. The biobed scanned the body of the bolian, the rupture was found along the inferior vena cava. "There it is, the rupture is putting pressure on his heart and lungs, we have to do emergency surgery now or he will suffocate himself." Nurse help me put him on his side and get me a laser scalpel. The Nurses safely put the patient in position, Avigail put the instrument to a short beam setting. Delicately cutting she opened a wound on his back, a spray of blue blood covered her face and arms. While it was a danger the pressure in the chest cavity had to alleviate. Nurse Sanchez passed Avigail a Vascular regenerator, which she then used to repair the damage to the vein. The autosuture came next, to close her former entry point.

"Start the transfusion, keep scanning him for any more internal bleeding." Avigail ordered as she got the oxygen set up, it would be be a few days before he would be able to breathe unassisted. Avigal then looked to the readout screen of the biobed to see if the patient's vitals were returning to normal.







Arcade Archive / Re: Dumb ways for redshirts to die.
August 15, 2018, 08:29:12 PM

Drinking Romulan ale in zero G



Arcade Archive / Re: Re: Slap the person above you
August 15, 2018, 08:27:34 PM

*SLAP* For ruining a perfectly good jeep, just for plot development.



USS Lirpa / Re: Prologue to Voyages of USS Lirpa
August 14, 2018, 09:27:39 PM


"Hold still." Avigail said as she did all she could to hold her father's head level.
"Who gave you a medical license anyway, your hands are like granite." Zuriel said trying to peel his daughters hand out of his hair, this attempt was quickly slapped away.
"You literally have not had a physical in forty years, hold still and keep your word." Avigail said forcefully.
"Hold still commander..." Zuriel replied sarcastically.
"You barely have that rank, didn't you blow up a ship?" Avigail retorted quickly.
"Those findings were inconclusive and you know you Avigail!" Zuriel said defensively.

Avigail finished what she had to do, considering her track record her Father was a pretty good health, there was some definite signs of phaser scars and his lungs were a little weathered from constant decompression, but he would live. "We are all done here, cleared for duty. Just stay out of the airlocks."
"Have you called your mother lately?" Zuriel inquired as he stood up.
"I called her after the first mission, she didn't answer." Avigail replied softly. "Avigail she worries, Adonia is right under her nose, but you took a dangerous job, I'm not saying give her a status report, but keeping up with her just helps her cope." Zuriel said in nothing but a fatherly tone.

"I'll called her, and I will call her again." Avigail sounding like she was in court martial
"I have to head to the bridge, try and stay out of trouble. If something happens to you and I'm on the ship...yeah I'd rather fight the Klingon Empire myself than face your mother." Zuriel commented chuckling


Zuriel leaned on the walls of the turbolift as he made his way to the bridge, looking over the personal files he could see that most of the crew had been pulled off of assignment rather abruptly, but all of them were bright star in their field. Zuriel could not help but wonder why Kirok went through all this trouble but whatever it was, Zuriel knew it had to be worth it.
"How are we looking?" Zuriel said with a smile as he made his way onto the bridge and down the steps. Standing between the front panels the command chairs. "Tell me we didn't break her already."

Quote from: Kirok on August 14, 2018, 06:11:29 PM

the don't make an epoisode into a musical (thank god)

They are one Picard cameo away from that and you know it Kirok!

And episode that makes baseball look fun.

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