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Messages - Dranik



Dranik was checking one of the unopened doors for any signs of activity behind them. He couldn't hear anything behind the door. He checked the charge on his phaser and was dismayed to see it was almost down to half already. He had stunned a number of the mutineers but it was still odd his phaser was already down to half charge. He made a mental note to check the phasers aboard the Discovery when this mission was over.


Station Sickbay

Dranik had quickly put his uniform back on and after grabbing a phaser rifle from the weapons locker checked to make sure the weapon was fully operational. While he was checking to make sure it was 100% functional he overheard the situation regarding the station and the mutiny that had occurred aboard said station. He set the phaser to maximum stun.


Station Sickbay

Dranik slowly began to rouse as consciousness returned to him. As he slowly opened his eyes, he couldn't help but notice the area was unfamiliar to him. The Hirogen quickly tried to rise to his feet to take in more of his new surroundings and noticed two things. The first being he was hooked up to an IV and the second he was now in a medical gown. There was no sign of his uniform or his phaser.


Shuttle Allegany

Dranik quickly checked the status of his phaser as the shuttle shot out of the Discovery's shuttle bay. A few moments later, he was nearly knocked to his feet as weapons fire hit the shuttle. He managed to regain his footing after a moment and saw that he had dropped his phaser. He was about to grab it when he heard the captain give the order to the crew of the runabout to evacuate to the station.

"Si-?" He was barely to speak before he found himself enveloped in a transporter beam.


USS Discovery
Beta Bridge

Eight Hours into the Journey

Dranik had already made the decision to join the away team and had let his commanding officer know. He had quickly made his way to the beta-bridge as soon as the announcement had came through.

"Attention All Hands.  Prepare for MVA.  Bridge Teams and support personnel head to your assigned location.  This is a timed drill. REPEAT - this is a timed drill.  Timer starts now.  tr'Lhoell out."

He took his position at the tactical console and immediately began checking over the tactical console to make sure everything was operating at optimal levels.


USS Discovery

"So how are things going with Ciavil, Dranik?  I notice she's not on the manifest.  You haven't done something stupid, right?"

Dranik was checking the ship's tactical systems while speaking with Petty Officer Forscher. "I...that is a difficult question to answer." He said quietly. "We were lucky enough to avoid what happened on Frontier Day but Ciavil and I became worried. We argued for a few months and she and I made the decision that it would be safer for the children to be raised off the ship. With her family." His voice became a bit bitter as he added, "Her family that seems to despise me." The Hirogen let out a low sigh.


USS Discovery
Jeffries tubes

Dranik muttered some very angry things under his breath as he and his team moved through the jeffries tubes and and checked numerous access panels for the errant combadge. The battle bridge had been thoroughly searched with no sign of the thing. Can't believe we are being beaten by a combadge! The Hirogen thought with irritation. The rest of his team seemed a bit irritated as well with Dranik overhearing Korvox muttering Klingon curses under his breath.

"Still no sign of a signal, sir." Orosith growled. "I hope that this wasn't someone's idea of a joke, because if it is, they need to work on their sense of humor." Dranik let out a low growl. "Trust me, if this is a joke, someone is going to get an earful. And a level five holodeck training session with me." The three members of the squad shuddered slightly. Dranik's training sessions were the stuff of nightmares. They usually involved having to fight against holographic representations of species he had encountered in his time in the delta quadrant. And that was just level one.

Dranik looked up as his combadge beeped. He turned around and looked at the three after receiving the message. "I'm needed on the bridge. Korvox, I'm putting you in charge of the search. See if you can find the damn thing. And if you hear anyone joking about this situation, feel free to let me know, I've had some new ideas for a few level three training sessions that I would love to add to the holodeck."

With that, Dranik turned and headed for the bridge. After navigating through the tubes, Dranik emerged onto the bridge and rose to his feet as he headed for the tactical station.


USS Discovery

"Sir, are you alright?"

Dranik looked up from the computer display he was looking at and was somewhat surprised to see Orosith looking at him. Well, to be fair he was more surprised to see a look of concern on her face. She normally kept a very blank expression on her face at all times. "I'm fine." He said quietly as he looked back down at the computer display.

"Sir...with all due resp-..."

I said I'm fine." Dranik said curtly. His expression hardened for a brief moment before Dranik sighed and it softened. "I apologize. Just having a bit of a rough day right now. Are Korvox and Tyn Th' etennos on their way down here yet?"

Orosith had been a bit startled by Dranik's curt response but she put it to the back of her mind for the time being while making a mental note to herself that perhaps the hirogen should speak with a therapist at some point. "Yes, sir. They should be down here in a few minutes. Tyn was a bit upset that we interrupted his holodeck time but said he would be down shortly after he changed into his uniform."

It was at that moment  that the door to the armory opened and Korvox came in with a concerned look on his face. "Sir. I think we may have a problem developing. I was walking past the holodeck when Tyn was leaving. Before he gave the command to deactivate the program I caught a quick glimpse at the inside of the holodeck. It was...well..."


"Sir, it was full of dead holographic Nausicaans. Lots of them. Some with bladed weapons stuck in them. Some I really don't want to remember seeing. I think he may need to speak with a therapist at some point. I don't feel it will affect his duties right now but  as soon as this mission is over...I feel this needs to be brought up to someone."

Dranik thought for a moment and nodded in agreement. He was about to speak up when a message came up on his console.

[Heads up. Grab a few bodies and run a deck search. Including access panels and Jeffries. Apparently there is a rogue combadge aboard. One of the repair crewmen lost it and it has to be damaged as the signal is intermittent. He was assigned to a generic crew that moved about the ship but it looks as if the last location it was utilized was on the battle bridge. Let me know if you have any questions. I have a meeting coming up but am around]

The doors to the armory opened once again and Tyn walked in. "Orders, sir?" he asked quietly.

Putting aside the issue of Tyn seeing a consular for the time being, Dranik addressed his squad. "Looks like one of the repair crewman left a combadge somewhere that we need to find. Last location it was used was on the battle bridge so we're going to start there, keep an eye out as the signal is cutting in and out and it looks like it might be damaged. We're probably going to have to go through the jeffries tubes and the access panels if it's not on the battle bridge."

Dranik looked at his squad and motioned them out the door. "Alright, lets go find that combadge."


Dranik's quarters
USS Discovery

Dranik looked at the photos of his wife and children and let out a low sigh. He then looked down at the PADD he was holding and once again thought back to his and Ciavil's last few arguments regarding the practicality of trying to keep the family safe onboard the Discovery. He knew his marriage was on rocky ground at the moment and he knew a few of Ciavil's family were going to feed that particular fire with everything they had.

This situation was unfamiliar territory to the hirogen as were the faint lines of tears running down his face. He missed his wife and children but he knew Ciavil had made a number of good points during their last conversation.The Discovery was a starship designed mostly for combat and it had already gone through quite a bit. It's safer for them on Bolarus. I just have to keep telling myself that. They will be safer with Ciavil's family than with me.

As he put on his uniform, he kept thinking about how much safer they would be with Ciavil's family.

It didn't help much.

USS Discovery / Re: Season 16: Episode 1 Roll call
January 01, 2024, 07:22:44 PM



USS Jupiter

Why are you desecrating this grave?! Haven't you had enough hurting my crew?

Dranik looked up in alarm as he heard the voice over the Comn system.

What in the name of the great hunt was that?! Dranik thought as he looked over at his team. All three of them looked just as confused and alarmed. Even Korvox looked nervous. "Sir. I know we've done quite a few training simulations but I don't seem to recall one that covers this kind of situation." Dranik shot him a glare for a brief moment and had to admit that he was correct. The Klingon was just trying to cover his nervousness. "Fair point."


USS Jupiter

"œMr. Dranik, I need your insight as someone who knows tactics. Don't you think it's weird that Orosith was just stunned? It doesn't make much sense unless there's something that doesn't want us here for some reason.

Dranik thought for a moment before responding. "I have a few theories, Sir. Most aren't worth mentioning as they are far too outlandish to be plausible. My first theory is that perhaps whoever or whatever shot Orosith had it's weapon locked to stun somehow. My second theory is that if we are fighting a holographic crew, it's possible they may have rudimentary safety protocols engaged. Or perhaps the crew of the Jupiter rigged up some sort of emergency defense system and that is what we are dealing with now."

The Hirogen shrugged his shoulders. "As I said, I do have a few other theories, sir. I just don't see how they could be plausible."


USS Jupiter

Dranik snarled at the ghostly crew of the Jupiter as one of their phaser's stun blasts connected to Orosith and dropped her. He turned to look at Lek and saw that the Ferengi was planning. Hopefully he had guessed Lek's next course of action correctly. Korvox bared his teeth at the ghostly crew as Dranik grabbed Orosith and pulled her out of the way before checking her vital signs. "Stunned but still breathing."


USS Jupiter

I have been on many hunts. I doubt I will ever forget this one. Dranik thought as he and his team stared at the ghostly apparitions. Korvox, upon seeing them had nearly pulled his weapon out by instinct alone but Dranik had been able to catch him and instruct him to put the phaser rifle away. Tyn had simply narrowed his eyes at them and stared as though he was trying to figure out what the ghostly crew was going to do next. Orosith's hand had briefly gone to her hand phaser but had managed to restrain herself.

Dranik instructed his squad to keep a very close eye on the engineering team in case the ghostly crew were to turn hostile. I don't know if they are vulnerable to phaser fire. Let's hope we don't have to find out.


USS Discovery
Transporter Room

After hearing that they would need EVA suits, Dranik had sent Korvox to grab four of them. After he had come back with the suits and ceased his grumbling about why he had been sent for them instead of someone else, Dranik and his squad had put on their EVA suits. His three squad members listened to him as he described the mission. Korvox looked excited, Tyn looked somewhat intrigued and Orosith had no discernible expression on her face and instead of saying anything, checked the settings on her hand phaser.

"Just an obvious reminder, this is not a training simulation. this is the real deal." Dranik stated. "Remember training simulation seventeen because that's the closest one to our current situation." His squad members nodded.

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